CameraITS: Parameterizes sensor fusion tests
Allows specification of the output directory for test files, the number
of times to run the test, and the size of the captured images.
Test: and
Bug: 62838524
Change-Id: I612308ad38ffaaf7a763500626b149ac0f185046
diff --git a/apps/CameraITS/tests/sensor_fusion/ b/apps/CameraITS/tests/sensor_fusion/
index a8b9863..f3a7ba4 100644
--- a/apps/CameraITS/tests/sensor_fusion/
+++ b/apps/CameraITS/tests/sensor_fusion/
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@
# Capture 210 VGA frames (which is 7s at 30fps)
N = 210
-W,H = 640,480
-FEATURE_MARGIN = H * 0.20 / 2 # Only take feature points from the center 20%
- # so that the rotation measured have much less
- # of rolling shutter effect
+W, H = 640, 480
+FEATURE_MARGIN = 0.20 # Only take feature points from the center 20%
+ # so that the rotation measured have much less of rolling
+ # shutter effect
MIN_FEATURE_PTS = 30 # Minimum number of feature points required to
# perform rotation analysis
@@ -82,22 +82,31 @@
The instructions for running this test are in the SensorFusion.pdf file in
the same directory as this test.
- The command-line argument "replay" may be optionally provided. Without this
- argument, the test will collect a new set of camera+gyro data from the
- device and then analyze it (and it will also dump this data to files in the
- current directory). If the "replay" argument is provided, then the script
- will instead load the dumped data from a previous run and analyze that
- instead. This can be helpful for developers who are digging for additional
- information on their measurements.
+ Command line arguments:
+ replay: Without this argument, the test will collect a new set of
+ camera+gyro data from the device and then analyze it (and it
+ will also dump this data to files in the current directory). If
+ the "replay" argument is provided, then the script will instead
+ load the dumped data from a previous run and analyze that
+ instead. This can be helpful for developers who are digging for
+ additional information on their measurements.
+ img_size: Comma-separated dimensions of captured images (defaults to
+ 640x480). Ex: 'img_size=<width>,<height>'
+ w, h = W, H
+ for s in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if s[:9] == "img_size=" and len(s) > 9:
+ # Split by comma and convert each dimension to int.
+ [w, h] = map(int, s[9:].split(','))
# Collect or load the camera+gyro data. All gyro events as well as camera
# timestamps are in the "events" dictionary, and "frames" is a list of
# RGB images as numpy arrays.
if "replay" not in sys.argv:
- events, frames = collect_data()
+ events, frames = collect_data(w, h)
- events, frames = load_data()
+ events, frames, _, h = load_data()
# Sanity check camera timestamps are enclosed by sensor timestamps
# This will catch bugs where camera and gyro timestamps go completely out
@@ -124,7 +133,7 @@
# Compute the camera rotation displacements (rad) between each pair of
# adjacent frames.
- cam_rots = get_cam_rotations(frames, events["facing"])
+ cam_rots = get_cam_rotations(frames, events["facing"], h)
if max(abs(cam_rots)) < THRESH_MIN_ROT:
print "Device wasn't moved enough"
@@ -270,7 +279,7 @@
gyro_rots = numpy.array(gyro_rots)
return gyro_rots
-def get_cam_rotations(frames, facing):
+def get_cam_rotations(frames, facing, h):
"""Get the rotations of the camera between each pair of frames.
Takes N frames and returns N-1 angular displacements corresponding to the
@@ -278,6 +287,8 @@
frames: List of N images (as RGB numpy arrays).
+ facing: Direction camera is facing
+ h: Pixel height of each frame
Array of N-1 camera rotation measurements (rad).
@@ -287,8 +298,9 @@
frame = (frame * 255.0).astype(numpy.uint8)
gframes.append(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY))
rots = []
- ymin = H/2 - FEATURE_MARGIN
- ymax = H/2 + FEATURE_MARGIN
+ ymin = h*(1-FEATURE_MARGIN)/2
+ ymax = h*(1+FEATURE_MARGIN)/2
for i in range(1,len(gframes)):
gframe0 = gframes[i-1]
gframe1 = gframes[i]
@@ -346,6 +358,8 @@
events: Dictionary containing all gyro events and cam timestamps.
frames: List of RGB images as numpy arrays.
+ w: Pixel width of frames
+ h: Pixel height of frames
with open("%s_events.txt"%(NAME), "r") as f:
events = json.loads(
@@ -355,14 +369,18 @@
img ="%s_frame%03d.png"%(NAME,i))
w,h = img.size[0:2]
frames.append(numpy.array(img).reshape(h,w,3) / 255.0)
- return events, frames
+ return events, frames, w, h
-def collect_data():
+def collect_data(w, h):
"""Capture a new set of data from the device.
Captures both motion data and camera frames, while the user is moving
the device in a proscribed manner.
+ Args:
+ w: Pixel width of frames
+ h: Pixel height of frames
events: Dictionary containing all gyro events and cam timestamps.
frames: List of RGB images as numpy arrays.
@@ -387,13 +405,13 @@
print "Unknown lens facing", facing
- fmt = {"format":"yuv", "width":W, "height":H}
+ fmt = {"format":"yuv", "width":w, "height":h}
s,e,_,_,_ = cam.do_3a(get_results=True, do_af=False)
req = its.objects.manual_capture_request(s, e)
fps = 30
req["android.control.aeTargetFpsRange"] = [fps, fps]
print "Capturing %dx%d with sens. %d, exp. time %.1fms" % (
- W, H, s, e*NSEC_TO_MSEC)
+ w, h, s, e*NSEC_TO_MSEC)
caps = cam.do_capture([req]*N, fmt)
# Get the gyro events.
diff --git a/apps/CameraITS/tools/ b/apps/CameraITS/tools/
index 6eb8ceb..1722690 100644
--- a/apps/CameraITS/tools/
+++ b/apps/CameraITS/tools/
@@ -20,9 +20,7 @@
import time
import its.device
-# from its.device import ItsSession
SCENE_NAME = 'sensor_fusion'
TEST_NAME = 'test_sensor_fusion'
@@ -36,27 +34,40 @@
Script should be run from the top-level CameraITS directory.
- Command line Arguments:
- camera: the camera(s) to be tested. Use comma to separate multiple
- camera Ids. Ex: 'camera=0,1' or 'camera=1'
- device: the device id for adb
- rotator: string for rotator id in for vid:pid:ch
+ Command line arguments:
+ camera: camera(s) to be tested. Use comma to separate multiple
+ camera Ids. Ex: 'camera=0,1' or 'camera=1'
+ device: device id for adb
+ num_runs: number of times to repeat the test
+ rotator: string for rotator id in for vid:pid:ch
+ tmp_dir: location of temp directory for output files
+ img_size: Comma-separated dimensions of captured images (defaults to
+ 640x480). Ex: 'img_size=<width>,<height>'
camera_id = '0'
+ num_runs = 1
rotator_ids = 'default'
+ tmp_dir = None
+ img_size = '640,480'
for s in sys.argv[1:]:
if s[:7] == 'camera=' and len(s) > 7:
camera_id = s[7:]
+ elif s[:9] == 'num_runs=' and len(s) > 9:
+ num_runs = int(s[9:])
elif s[:8] == 'rotator=' and len(s) > 8:
rotator_ids = s[8:]
+ elif s[:8] == 'tmp_dir=' and len(s) > 8:
+ tmp_dir = s[8:]
+ elif s[:9] == 'img_size=' and len(s) > 9:
+ img_size = s[9:]
if camera_id not in ['0', '1']:
print 'Need to specify camera 0 or 1'
# Make output directories to hold the generated files.
- tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmp_dir)
print 'Saving output files to:', tmpdir, '\n'
device_id = its.device.get_device_id()
@@ -68,18 +79,21 @@
rotator_id_arg = 'rotator=' + rotator_ids
print 'Preparing to run sensor_fusion on camera', camera_id
+ img_size_arg = 'size=' + img_size
+ print 'Image dimensions are ' + img_size
os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, camera_id))
- # Run test multiple times, capturing stdout and stderr.
+ # Run test "num_runs" times, capturing stdout and stderr.
numpass = 0
numfail = 0
numskip = 0
- for i in range(NUM_RUNS):
+ for i in range(num_runs):
os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, camera_id, SCENE_NAME+'_'+str(i)))
cmd = ('python tools/ rotator=%s' % rotator_ids)
cmd = ['python', os.path.join(TEST_DIR, TEST_NAME+'.py'),
- device_id_arg, camera_id_arg, rotator_id_arg]
+ device_id_arg, camera_id_arg, rotator_id_arg, img_size_arg]
outdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, camera_id, SCENE_NAME+'_'+str(i))
outpath = os.path.join(outdir, TEST_NAME+'_stdout.txt')
errpath = os.path.join(outdir, TEST_NAME+'_stderr.txt')
@@ -102,7 +116,7 @@
print msg
test_result = '%d / %d tests passed (%.1f%%)' % (
- numpass+numskip, NUM_RUNS, 100.0*float(numpass+numskip)/NUM_RUNS)
+ numpass+numskip, num_runs, 100*float(numpass+numskip)/num_runs)
print test_result
if __name__ == '__main__':