DecoderColorAspects Test: update test vectors

1. mpeg4 test vectors used by decoder color aspects test exceed cdd
limitations. Replaced these test vectors to ensure the test is not
bypassed for mime video/mp4v-es.
2. 8-bit clips were used to test HDR color aspects. Updated them to
10-bit clips.
3. Since mpeg2, mpeg4 and vp8 dont support 10bit clips. Removed them
from test.

Added av1 10bit clip for testing in CodecDecoderSurfaceTest too.

Bug: 169127225
Test: atest android.mediav2.cts.DecoderColorAspectsTest
Test: atest android.mediav2.cts.CodecDecoderSurfaceTest
Change-Id: I4ca1854f031d2cabf2205ea41628cd344f786e7d
6 files changed