Splitting out JSR166 tests into a separate CTS module

Removing jsr166 tests from the main Libcore CTS module
and creating a new one (CtsLibcoreJsr166TestCases) to
hold them.

Android don't control the source for these tests and they
have some unusual behavior it would be good to keep isolated
from other tests. Fixing them would introduce local
changes. For example, the base class
jsr166.JSR166TestCase creates a long-running thread that never
dies, and several of the tests leave threads lying around after
execution. Also, because we tend not to touch the code being
tested very often we expect them to pass, but because the
package is "jsr166" they are run before most of the "libcore" and
"org.harmony" tests, delaying feedback during dev cycles.

Bug: 29892592
Change-Id: If80c6f0244ed8f24494cba2384f98658fd8ec821
4 files changed