New CTS tests for HCE APIs.

Bug: 17617916
Change-Id: I28a5e5cb704dc1c7235b08cea0cfa13f212bd8aa
diff --git a/apps/CtsVerifier/res/values/strings.xml b/apps/CtsVerifier/res/values/strings.xml
index a3b920f..b5bd2d6 100644
--- a/apps/CtsVerifier/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/apps/CtsVerifier/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -396,6 +396,14 @@
     <string name="nfc_hce_conflicting_non_payment_emulator">Two conflicting non-payment services (Emulator)</string>
     <string name="nfc_hce_conflicting_non_payment_reader">Two conflicting non-payment services (Reader)</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_foreground_non_payment_emulator">Foreground override non-payment services (Emulator)</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_foreground_non_payment_reader">Foreground override non-payment services (Reader)</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_foreground_non_payment_help">This test enables two non-payment services with conflicting AIDs. It then uses Androids API to allow the foreground app to set a preference for a specific service. This should prevent a popup dialog from showing. If you see a popup dialog during this asking you to select an app, this test has failed.</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_foreground_payment_emulator">Foreground override payment services (Emulator)</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_foreground_payment_reader">Foreground override payment services (Reader)</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_foreground_payment_help">This test enables two payment services, and asks you to set one as the default service. It then uses Androids API to allow the foreground app to set a preference for the non-default service. This will cause the non-default payment service to be invoked.</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_change_favor_foreground">This test requires the "Favor foreground app" setting to be enabled. Tap OK to go to Tap and Pay settings and check the Favor foreground app option</string>
     <string name="nfc_hce_offhost_service_emulator">Off-host service (Emulator)</string>
     <string name="nfc_hce_offhost_service_reader">Off-host service (Reader)</string>
     <string name="nfc_hce_offhost_emulator_help">This tests enables a service that declares some AIDs to reside off-host. This test only needs to be passed if your device has a secure element (either embedded or UICC.). The responses from the secure element are not verified by the test - it is up to the tester to verify the responses are as expected.</string>
@@ -410,12 +418,33 @@
     <string name="nfc_hce_throughput_emulator">HCE throughput test (Emulator)</string>
     <string name="nfc_hce_throughput_reader">HCE throughput test (Reader)</string>
     <string name="nfc_hce_throughput_emulator_help">This tests verifies that your HCE implementation can reach a decent throughput. While Android does not have any requirements on HCE performance, many HCE applications such as transport and payment apps do. If the average APDU roundtrip time is more than 50ms, please take a look at your implementation to see where the delay is coming from.</string>
-    <string name="nfc_hce_change_preinstalled_wallet">The device has an installed payment application that is currently set as default. To complete the test, you will be asked whether you want to make Payment Service #1 or #2 the default app. Select yes.</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_change_preinstalled_wallet">The device has an installed payment application that is currently set as default. To complete the test, you will be asked whether you want to make another app the default app. Select yes.</string>
     <string name="nfc_hce_change_default_help">You will now be asked whether you want to make Payment Service #1 the default app. Select yes.</string>
     <string name="nfc_hce_conflicting_non_payment_help">When tapping the first time, you will be shown a dialog that asks you to choose between TransportService #1 and TransportService #2. Select TransportService #2. Verify a dialog is shown that asks you to tap again to complete. Now tap again, and if communication with TransportService #2 is successfull the pass button will be enabled."</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_payment_dynamic_aids_emulator">Dynamic payment AIDs (Emulator)</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_payment_dynamic_aids_reader">Dynamic payment AIDs (Reader)</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_payment_dynamic_aids_help">This test tries to register dynamic AIDs for a payment service.</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_payment_prefix_aids_emulator">Payment prefix AIDs (Emulator)</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_payment_prefix_aids_reader">Payment prefix AIDs (Reader)</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_payment_prefix_aids_help">This test statically registers prefix AIDs for a payment service.</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_payment_prefix_aids_emulator_2">Payment prefix AIDs 2 (Emulator)</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_payment_prefix_aids_reader_2">Payment prefix AIDs 2 (Reader)</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_other_prefix_aids_emulator">Other prefix AIDs (Emulator)</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_other_prefix_aids_reader">Other prefix AIDs (Reader)</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_other_prefix_aids_help">This test dynamically registers prefix AIDs for a non-payment service.</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_other_conflicting_prefix_aids_emulator">Conflicting non-payment prefix AIDs (Emulator)</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_other_conflicting_prefix_aids_reader">Conflicting non-payment prefix AIDs (Reader)</string>
+    <string name="nfc_hce_other_conflicting_prefix_aids_help">This test registers conflicting prefix AIDs and makes sure AID conflict detection with prefix AIDs works properly. When tapping the first time, you will be shown a dialog that asks you to choose between TransportService #1 and TransportService #2. Select TransportService #2. Verify a dialog is shown that asks you to tap again to complete. Now tap again, and if communication with TransportService #2 is successfull the pass button will be enabled."</string>
     <string name="nfc_payment_service_desc">NFC Payment service</string>
     <string name="ppse">PPSE</string>
     <string name="mastercard">MasterCard</string>
+    <string name="visa">Visa</string>
     <string name="paymentService1">Payment Service #1</string>
     <string name="paymentService2">Payment Service #2</string>
     <string name="transportService1">TransportService #1</string>