Merge "Update heap dump notes.  DO NOT MERGE." into gingerbread
diff --git a/docs/heap-profiling.html b/docs/heap-profiling.html
index ca0c2bc..9b9a58f 100644
--- a/docs/heap-profiling.html
+++ b/docs/heap-profiling.html
@@ -165,25 +165,16 @@
-<h3>Android 2.2 ("Froyo"), Android 2.x ("Gingerbread")</h3>
+<h3>Android 2.2 ("Froyo")</h3>
 DDMS heap dump requests are now streamed directly out of the VM, removing
 the external storage requirement.
-<h3>Android 2.x ("Honeycomb")</h3>
+<h3>Android 2.3 ("Gingerbread")</h3>
 The <code>kill -10</code> (<code>SIGUSR1</code>) method of generating heap
-dumps has been removed, in favor of a much more useful shell command:
-<blockquote><pre>am dumpheap &lt;pid&gt; &lt;output-file-name&gt;</pre></blockquote>
-Unlike the <code>SIGUSR1</code> approach, this does not require a rooted
-phone.  It's only necessary for the application to be debuggable (by setting
-<code>android:debuggable="true"</code> in the <code>&lt;application&gt;</code>
-element of the app manifest).  The output file is opened by "am", which
-means you can write the data to a file on <code>/sdcard</code> without
-needing the <code>WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE</code> permission.
+dumps has been removed from the VM.
 <h2>Examining the data</h2>