Add LanczosSharp filter, adjust Lanczos2D* filters

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 56784f4..31beb1c 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
+2010-10-25  6.6.5-1 Anthony Thyssen <A.Thyssen@griffith...>
+  * Added LanczosSharp  (3-lobe Lanczos with sharpening)
+  * Lanczos2D and Lanczos2DSharp are now always a 2-lobe Jinc-Jinc filter
+    regardless of orthoginal (resize) or cylindrical (distort-EWA) usage.
+    This is a rare case where a Jinc filter is also useful for resize.
+  * Filter sharpening factors are also always applied regardless of usage.
 2010-10-24  6.6.5-1 Nicolas Robidoux <nicolas.robidoux@gmail...>
   * CubicBC filter formulas simplified by constant folding. In
     particular, P1 coefficient (always zero) removed from coeff.
 2010-10-22  6.6.5-1 Nicolas Robidoux <nicolas.robidoux@gmail...>
   * Revert the Robidoux filter to a Keys cubic with C=(108 sqrt 2-29)/398
-    (as is already in the documentation).
+    (as already specified in the documentation).
 2010-10-14  6.6.5-1 Cristy  <quetzlzacatenango@image...>
   * Ignore PS bounding box offsets if -page is set.
diff --git a/magick/option.c b/magick/option.c
index 1e01e59..435b5f8 100644
--- a/magick/option.c
+++ b/magick/option.c
@@ -955,7 +955,8 @@
     { "Lagrange", (ssize_t) LagrangeFilter, MagickFalse },
     { "Lanczos", (ssize_t) LanczosFilter, MagickFalse },
     { "Lanczos2D", (ssize_t) Lanczos2DFilter, MagickFalse },
-    { "Lanczos2DSharp", (ssize_t) Lanczos2DSharpFilter, MagickTrue },
+    { "Lanczos2DSharp", (ssize_t) Lanczos2DSharpFilter, MagickFalse },
+    { "LanczosSharp", (ssize_t) LanczosSharpFilter, MagickFalse },
     { "Mitchell", (ssize_t) MitchellFilter, MagickFalse },
     { "Parzen", (ssize_t) ParzenFilter, MagickFalse },
     { "Point", (ssize_t) PointFilter, MagickFalse },
@@ -966,7 +967,7 @@
     { "Triangle", (ssize_t) TriangleFilter, MagickFalse },
     { "Tent", (ssize_t) TriangleFilter, MagickFalse }, /* alias for Triangle*/
     { "Welsh", (ssize_t) WelshFilter, MagickFalse },
-    /* For backward compatibility - set after "Jinc" */
+    /* For backward compatibility - must be after "Jinc" */
     { "Bessel", (ssize_t) JincFilter, MagickTrue },
     { (char *) NULL, (ssize_t) UndefinedFilter, MagickFalse }
diff --git a/magick/resample.h b/magick/resample.h
index bef5ab4..01f51c7 100644
--- a/magick/resample.h
+++ b/magick/resample.h
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
+  LanczosSharpFilter,
diff --git a/magick/resize.c b/magick/resize.c
index 5a128a0..51e413d 100644
--- a/magick/resize.c
+++ b/magick/resize.c
@@ -206,14 +206,14 @@
     Coefficents are determined from B,C values:
-       P0 = (  6 - 2*B       )/6
+       P0 = (  6 - 2*B       )/6 = coeff[0]
        P1 =         0
-       P2 = (-18 +12*B + 6*C )/6
-       P3 = ( 12 - 9*B - 6*C )/6
-       Q0 = (      8*B +24*C )/6
-       Q1 = (    -12*B -48*C )/6
-       Q2 = (      6*B +30*C )/6
-       Q3 = (    - 1*B - 6*C )/6
+       P2 = (-18 +12*B + 6*C )/6 = coeff[1]
+       P3 = ( 12 - 9*B - 6*C )/6 = coeff[2]
+       Q0 = (      8*B +24*C )/6 = coeff[3]
+       Q1 = (    -12*B -48*C )/6 = coeff[4]
+       Q2 = (      6*B +30*C )/6 = coeff[5]
+       Q3 = (    - 1*B - 6*C )/6 = coeff[6]
     which are used to define the filter:
@@ -222,9 +222,6 @@
     which ensures function is continuous in value and derivative
-    P1 is always zero; for this reason, it is skipped:
-    coeff[0]=P0, coeff[1]=P2.
   if (x < 1.0)
@@ -245,13 +242,14 @@
         exp( -(x^2)/((2.0*sigma^2) ) / sqrt(2*PI*sigma^2)))
     The constants are pre-calculated...
         exp( -coeff[0]*(x^2)) ) * coeff[1]
-    However the multiplier coefficent is not needed and not used.
+    However the multiplier coefficent (1) is not needed and not used.
     This separates the gaussian 'sigma' value from the 'blur/support' settings
-    allows for its use in special 'small sigma' gaussians, without the filter
-    'missing' pixels when blur and thus support becomes too small.
+    allowing for its use in special 'small sigma' gaussians, without the filter
+    'missing' pixels when blurring because the support is too small.
-  return(exp((double)(-resize_filter->coeff[0]*x*x))); }
+  return(exp((double)(-resize_filter->coeff[0]*x*x)));
 static MagickRealType Hanning(const MagickRealType x,
   const ResizeFilter *magick_unused(resize_filter))
@@ -459,7 +457,8 @@
     1st order (linear) B-Spline, bilinear interpolation, Tent 1D
-    filter, or a Bartlett 2D Cone filter.
+    filter, or a Bartlett 2D Cone filter.  Also used as a
+    Bartlett Windowing function for Sinc().
   if (x < 1.0)
@@ -504,7 +503,7 @@
 %      Kaiser       Lanczos
 %  Special purpose Filters
-%      SincFast  Lanczos2D  Robidoux
+%      SincFast  LanczosSharp  Lanczos2D Lanczos2DSharp  Robidoux
 %  The users "-filter" selection is used to lookup the default 'expert'
 %  settings for that filter from a internal table.  However any provided
@@ -530,6 +529,12 @@
 %  the cylindrical case) but defaulting to 3-lobe support, rather that
 %  the default 4 lobe support of the other windowed sinc/jinc filters.
+%  LanczosSharp is a slightly sharpened (blur=0.9830391168464) form of
+%  the Lanczos filter.  It was designed specifically for cylindrical
+%  (radial) EWA (Elliptical Weighted Average) distortion (using a
+%  Jinc windowed Jinc), but can also be used as a slightly sharper
+%  orthogonal Lanczos (Sinc-Sinc) filter.
 %  Two forms of the 'Sinc' function are available: Sinc and SincFast.
 %  Sinc is computed using the traditional sin(pi*x)/(pi*x); it is
 %  selected if the user specifically specifies the use of a Sinc
@@ -537,12 +542,15 @@
 %  and rational (high Q) approximations, and will be used by default in
 %  most cases.
-%  The Lanczos2D and Robidoux filters are tuned for cylindrical
-%  (radial) EWA (Elliptical Weighted Average) distortion.  Lanczos2D
-%  is a 2 lobe Lanczos-like filter using Jinc (for EWA) or Sinc.
-%  Robidoux used to be a sharpened version of Lanczos2D (with
-%  blur=0.958033808). Now, Robidoux is the unique Keys cubic spline
-%  filter satisfying the following condition:
+%  The Lanczos2D and Lanczos2DSharp filters specific for EWA distorts.
+%  They are both 2 lobe Lanczos-like filter but always using a
+%  Jinc-Jinc filter function regardless of if used as a orthoginal
+%  filter or not.  The 'sharp' version has been sharpened using a
+%  blur=0.958033808.
+%  Robidoux is a unique Keys cubic spline, developed from the previous
+%  Lanczos2DSharp filter.  It is designed to satisfy the following
+%  condition:
 %    Robidoux exactly preserves images with only vertical or
 %    horizontal features when performing 'no-op" with EWA distortion.
@@ -555,12 +563,13 @@
-%  (Not recommended without expert knowledge of resampling and
-%  filtering.)
+%  These settings are not recommended for production use without expert
+%  knowledge of resampling, filtering, and the effects they have on the
+%  resulting resampled (resize ro distorted) image.
-%  You can override any and all filter settings.  Use "filter:verbose"
-%  to make sure that the overall effect of your selections is as
-%  expected.
+%  You can override any and all filter settings, and it is recommended
+%  you make good use of "filter:verbose" to make sure that the overall
+%  effect of your selection (before and after) is as expected.
 %    "filter:verbose" Output the exact results of the filter
 %         selections made, as well as plotting data for graphing the
@@ -618,7 +627,7 @@
 %         'Keys' type of filter such that B+2C=1, where Keys 'alpha'
 %         value = C
-%  Examples: 
+%  Examples:
 %  Set a true un-windowed Sinc filter with 10 lobes (very slow):
 %     -define filter:filter=Sinc
@@ -628,6 +637,7 @@
 %     -filter Lanczos
 %     -define filter:lobes=8
 %  The format of the AcquireResizeFilter method is:
 %      ResizeFilter *AcquireResizeFilter(const Image *image,
@@ -694,32 +704,33 @@
   } const mapping[SentinelFilter] =
-    { UndefinedFilter, BoxFilter },      /* Undefined (default to Box)       */
-    { PointFilter,     BoxFilter },      /* SPECIAL: Nearest neighbour       */
-    { BoxFilter,       BoxFilter },      /* Box averaging filter             */
-    { TriangleFilter,  BoxFilter },      /* Linear interpolation filter      */
-    { HermiteFilter,   BoxFilter },      /* Hermite interpolation filter     */
-    { SincFastFilter,  HanningFilter },  /* Hanning -- cosine-sinc           */
-    { SincFastFilter,  HammingFilter },  /* Hamming --      ''    variation  */
-    { SincFastFilter,  BlackmanFilter }, /* Blackman -- 2*cosine-sinc        */
-    { GaussianFilter,  BoxFilter },      /* Gaussian blur filter             */
-    { QuadraticFilter, BoxFilter },      /* Quadratic Gaussian approximation */
-    { CubicFilter,     BoxFilter },      /* Cubic B-Spline                   */
-    { CatromFilter,    BoxFilter },      /* Cubic interpolator               */
-    { MitchellFilter,  BoxFilter },      /* 'Ideal' cubic filter             */
-    { LanczosFilter,   SincFastFilter }, /* SPECIAL: 3-lobed sinc-sinc       */
-    { JincFilter,      BoxFilter },      /* Raw 3-lobed Jinc function        */
-    { SincFilter,      BoxFilter },      /* Raw 4-lobed Sinc function        */
-    { SincFastFilter,  KaiserFilter },   /* Kaiser -- square root-sinc       */
-    { SincFastFilter,  WelshFilter },    /* Welsh -- parabolic-sinc          */
-    { SincFastFilter,  CubicFilter },    /* Parzen -- cubic-sinc             */
-    { LagrangeFilter,  BoxFilter },      /* Lagrange self-windowing filter   */
-    { SincFastFilter,  BohmanFilter },   /* Bohman -- 2*cosine-sinc          */
-    { SincFastFilter,  TriangleFilter }, /* Bartlett -- triangle-sinc        */
-    { SincFastFilter,  BoxFilter },      /* Raw fast sinc ("Pade"-type)      */
-    { Lanczos2DFilter, JincFilter },     /* SPECIAL: 2-lobed jinc-jinc       */
-    { Lanczos2DSharpFilter, JincFilter },/* SPECIAL: ditto sharpened         */
-    { RobidouxFilter,  BoxFilter },      /* SPECIAL: Keys cubic tuned for EWA */
+    { UndefinedFilter,    BoxFilter },      /* Undefined (default to Box)   */
+    { PointFilter,        BoxFilter },      /* SPECIAL: Nearest neighbour   */
+    { BoxFilter,          BoxFilter },      /* Box averaging filter         */
+    { TriangleFilter,     BoxFilter },      /* Linear interpolation filter  */
+    { HermiteFilter,      BoxFilter },      /* Hermite interpolation filter */
+    { SincFastFilter,     HanningFilter },  /* Hanning -- cosine-sinc       */
+    { SincFastFilter,     HammingFilter },  /* Hamming --      '' variation */
+    { SincFastFilter,     BlackmanFilter }, /* Blackman -- 2*cosine-sinc    */
+    { GaussianFilter,     BoxFilter },      /* Gaussian blur filter         */
+    { QuadraticFilter,    BoxFilter },      /* Quadratic Gaussian approx    */
+    { CubicFilter,        BoxFilter },      /* Cubic B-Spline               */
+    { CatromFilter,       BoxFilter },      /* Cubic-Keys interpolator      */
+    { MitchellFilter,     BoxFilter },      /* 'Ideal' Cubic-Keys filter    */
+    { LanczosFilter,      SincFastFilter }, /* SPECIAL: 3-lobed sinc-sinc   */
+    { JincFilter,         BoxFilter },      /* Raw 3-lobed Jinc function    */
+    { SincFilter,         BoxFilter },      /* Raw 4-lobed Sinc function    */
+    { SincFastFilter,     KaiserFilter },   /* Kaiser -- square root-sinc   */
+    { SincFastFilter,     WelshFilter },    /* Welsh -- parabolic-sinc      */
+    { SincFastFilter,     CubicFilter },    /* Parzen -- cubic-sinc         */
+    { LagrangeFilter,     BoxFilter },      /* Lagrange self-windowing      */
+    { SincFastFilter,     BohmanFilter },   /* Bohman -- 2*cosine-sinc      */
+    { SincFastFilter,     TriangleFilter }, /* Bartlett -- triangle-sinc    */
+    { SincFastFilter,     BoxFilter },      /* Raw fast sinc ("Pade"-type)  */
+    { LanczosSharpFilter, SincFastFilter }, /* SPECIAL: Sharpened Lanczos   */
+    { Lanczos2DFilter,    JincFilter },     /* SPECIAL: 2-lobed jinc-jinc   */
+    { Lanczos2DSharpFilter, JincFilter },   /* SPECIAL: ditto sharpened     */
+    { RobidouxFilter,     BoxFilter },      /* SPECIAL: Keys tuned for EWA  */
     Table mapping the filter/window from the above table to an actual
@@ -760,15 +771,16 @@
     { SincFast,  3.0, 1.0,     0.0, 0.0 }, /* Lanczos, 3-lobed Sinc-Sinc  */
     { Jinc,      3.0, 1.2196698912665045, 0.0, 0.0 }, /* Raw 3-lobed Jinc */
     { Sinc,      4.0, 1.0,     0.0, 0.0 }, /* Raw 4-lobed Sinc            */
+    { SincFast,  4.0, 1.0,     0.0, 0.0 }, /* Raw fast sinc ("Pade"-type) */
     { Kaiser,    1.0, 1.0,     0.0, 0.0 }, /* Kaiser (square root window) */
     { Welsh,     1.0, 1.0,     0.0, 0.0 }, /* Welsh (parabolic window)    */
     { CubicBC,   2.0, 2.0,     1.0, 0.0 }, /* Parzen (B-Spline window)    */
     { Lagrange,  2.0, 1.0,     0.0, 0.0 }, /* Lagrange sinc approximation */
     { Bohman,    1.0, 1.0,     0.0, 0.0 }, /* Bohman, 2*Cosine window     */
     { Triangle,  1.0, 1.0,     0.0, 0.0 }, /* Bartlett (triangle window)  */
-    { SincFast,  4.0, 1.0,     0.0, 0.0 }, /* Raw fast sinc ("Pade"-type) */
+    { SincFast,  3.0, 1.0,     0.0, 0.0 }, /* Sharpened 3-lobe Lanczos    */
     { Jinc,      2.0, 1.2196698912665045, 0.0, 0.0 },
-                                                 /* Lanczos2D (Jinc-Jinc) */
+                                /* 2-lobe Cylindrical Lanczos (Jinc-Jinc) */
     { Jinc,      2.0, 1.1684849904329952, 0.0, 0.0 },
                              /* Lanczos2D sharpened with blur=0.958033808 */
     { CubicBC,   2.0, 1.1685777620836932,
@@ -841,14 +853,19 @@
         if ( filter != SincFastFilter )
+      case LanczosSharpFilter:
+        /* A slightly sharper Lanczos */
+        resize_filter->blur *= 0.9830391168464;
+        /* fall-thru to promote it to Jinc-Jinc */
       case LanczosFilter:
         /* Promote Lanczos from a Sinc-Sinc to a Jinc-Jinc. */
       case Lanczos2DSharpFilter:
-        /* Sharpened by Nicolas Robidoux so as to optimize for minimal
-         * blurring of orthogonal lines
+        /* Sharpen Lanczos2d so as to optimize for minimal blurring of
+         * orthogonal lines in EWA cylindrical usage.  Value determined by
+         * Nicolas Robidoux.  This filter is always a Jinc-Jinc.
         resize_filter->blur *= 0.958033808;
@@ -861,10 +878,11 @@
     switch (filter_type)
-      case Lanczos2DFilter:
+      case LanczosSharpFilter:
+        resize_filter->blur *= 0.9830391168464; /* Orthogonal sharpen too */
+        break;
       case Lanczos2DSharpFilter:
-        /* Demote to a 2-lobe Sinc-Sinc for orthogonal use. */
-        window_type=SincFastFilter;
+        resize_filter->blur *= 0.958033808;  /* Orthogonal sharpen too */
@@ -934,20 +952,9 @@
-  else
-    switch (filter_type)
-    {
-      case Lanczos2DFilter:
-      case Lanczos2DSharpFilter:
-        /* Demote to a 2-lobe Lanczos (Sinc-Sinc) for orthogonal use. */
-        resize_filter->filter=SincFast;
-        break;
-      default:
-        break;
-    }
-  ** More Expert Option Modifications
+  ** Other Expert Option Modifications
   /* User Sigma Override - no support change */
@@ -979,7 +986,7 @@
       resize_filter->support=(MagickRealType) lobes;
-  /* convert Jinc lobes to a real support value */
+  /* convert a Jinc function lobes value to a real support value */
   if (resize_filter->filter == Jinc)
       if (resize_filter->support > 16)
@@ -1041,14 +1048,14 @@
       /* Convert B,C values into Cubic Coefficents. See CubicBC(). */
-	const double twoB = B+B;
-	resize_filter->coeff[0]=1.0-(1.0/3.0)*B;
-	resize_filter->coeff[1]=-3.0+twoB+C;
-	resize_filter->coeff[2]=2.0-1.5*B-C;
-	resize_filter->coeff[3]=(4.0/3.0)*B+4.0*C;
-	resize_filter->coeff[4]=-8.0*C-twoB;
-	resize_filter->coeff[5]=B+5.0*C;
-	resize_filter->coeff[6]=(-1.0/6.0)*B-C;
+        const double twoB = B+B;
+        resize_filter->coeff[0]=1.0-(1.0/3.0)*B;
+        resize_filter->coeff[1]=-3.0+twoB+C;
+        resize_filter->coeff[2]=2.0-1.5*B-C;
+        resize_filter->coeff[3]=(4.0/3.0)*B+4.0*C;
+        resize_filter->coeff[4]=-8.0*C-twoB;
+        resize_filter->coeff[5]=B+5.0*C;
+        resize_filter->coeff[6]=(-1.0/6.0)*B-C;
@@ -1063,15 +1070,14 @@
     if (artifact != (const char *) NULL)
-      support,
+          support,
           Set the weighting function properly when the weighting
           function may not exactly match the filter of the same name.
-          EG: a Point filter really uses a Box weighting function
+          EG: a Point filter is really uses a Box weighting function
           with a different support than is typically used.
         if (resize_filter->filter == Box)       filter_type=BoxFilter;
         if (resize_filter->filter == Sinc)      filter_type=SincFilter;
@@ -1083,24 +1089,24 @@
         support=GetResizeFilterSupport(resize_filter); /* practical_support */
         (void) fprintf(stdout,"# Resize Filter (for graphing)\n#\n");
-        (void) fprintf(stdout,"# filter = %s\n",MagickOptionToMnemonic(
-           MagickFilterOptions,filter_type));
-        (void) fprintf(stdout,"# window = %s\n",MagickOptionToMnemonic(
-           MagickFilterOptions, window_type));
-        (void) fprintf(stdout,"# support = %.*g\n",GetMagickPrecision(),
-           (double) resize_filter->support);
-        (void) fprintf(stdout,"# win-support = %.*g\n",GetMagickPrecision(),
-           (double) resize_filter->window_support);
-        (void) fprintf(stdout,"# scale_blur = %.*g\n",GetMagickPrecision(),
-           (double) resize_filter->blur);
+        (void) fprintf(stdout,"# filter = %s\n",
+             MagickOptionToMnemonic(MagickFilterOptions,filter_type));
+        (void) fprintf(stdout,"# window = %s\n",
+             MagickOptionToMnemonic(MagickFilterOptions, window_type));
+        (void) fprintf(stdout,"# support = %.*g\n",
+             GetMagickPrecision(),(double) resize_filter->support);
+        (void) fprintf(stdout,"# win-support = %.*g\n",
+             GetMagickPrecision(),(double) resize_filter->window_support);
+        (void) fprintf(stdout,"# scale_blur = %.*g\n",
+             GetMagickPrecision(), (double)resize_filter->blur);
         if ( filter_type == GaussianFilter )
-          (void) fprintf(stdout,"# gaussian_sigma = %.*g\n",GetMagickPrecision(),
-             (double) sigma);
-        (void) fprintf(stdout,"# practical_support = %.*g\n",GetMagickPrecision(),
-           (double) support);
+          (void) fprintf(stdout,"# gaussian_sigma = %.*g\n",
+               GetMagickPrecision(), (double)sigma);
+        (void) fprintf(stdout,"# practical_support = %.*g\n",
+             GetMagickPrecision(), (double)support);
         if ( filter_type == CubicFilter || window_type == CubicFilter )
-          (void) fprintf(stdout,"# B,C = %.*g,%.*g\n",GetMagickPrecision(),
-             (double) B,GetMagickPrecision(),(double) C);
+          (void) fprintf(stdout,"# B,C = %.*g,%.*g\n",
+               GetMagickPrecision(),(double)B, GetMagickPrecision(),(double)C);
         (void) fprintf(stdout,"\n");
           Output values of resulting filter graph -- for graphing