diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index df285c4..ccb4d2b 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2010-11-13  6.6.5-9 Nicolas robidoux <nicolas.robidoux@gmail...>
+  * LanczosSharp blur tweaked to minimize worst case scenario deviation
+    from "perfect preservation of images which only vary horizontally (or
+    vertically)" under no-op.
 2010-10-29  6.6.5-9 Glenn Randers-Pehrson <glennrp@image...>
   * Revised PNG encoder to avoid emitting some spurious warnings.
diff --git a/config/configure.xml b/config/configure.xml
index aa56103e..e836742 100644
--- a/config/configure.xml
+++ b/config/configure.xml
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
   <configure name="NAME" value="ImageMagick"/>
   <configure name="LIB_VERSION" value="0x665"/>
   <configure name="LIB_VERSION_NUMBER" value="6,6,5,9"/>
-  <configure name="RELEASE_DATE" value="2010-11-11"/>
+  <configure name="RELEASE_DATE" value="2010-11-13"/>
   <configure name="CONFIGURE" value="./configure "/>
   <configure name="PREFIX" value="/usr/local"/>
   <configure name="EXEC-PREFIX" value="/usr/local"/>
diff --git a/magick/resize.c b/magick/resize.c
index 9eb279e..84397cd 100644
--- a/magick/resize.c
+++ b/magick/resize.c
@@ -532,38 +532,36 @@
 %  and rational (high Q) approximations, and will be used by default in
 %  most cases.
-%  Lanczos filter is a special 3-lobed Sinc windowed Sinc filter,
-%  (or cylindrical promoted Jinc-Jinc filter).  This filter is
-%  probably the most popular windowed filter.
+%  Lanczos filter is a special 3-lobed Sinc-windowed Sinc filter
+%  (promoted to Jinc-windowed Jinc for cylindrical use).  This is the
+%  most popular windowed filter.
-%  LanczosSharp is a slightly sharpened (blur=0.98303932214489908)
-%  form of the Lanczos filter.  It was designed specifically for
+%  LanczosSharp is a slightly sharpened (blur=0.9812505644269356) form
+%  of the Lanczos filter.  It was designed specifically for
 %  cylindrical EWA (Elliptical Weighted Average) distortion (as a
-%  Jinc-Jinc filter), but can used as a slightly sharper orthogonal
-%  Lanczos (Sinc-Sinc) filter. The chosen blur value comes as close as
-%  possible to satisfying the following condition without changing the
-%  character of the corresponding EWA filter:
+%  Jinc-Jinc filter); it can also be used as a slightly sharper
+%  orthogonal Lanczos (Sinc-Sinc) filter. The chosen blur value comes
+%  as close as possible to satisfying the following condition without
+%  changing the character of the corresponding EWA filter:
 %    'No-Op' Vertical and Horizontal Line Preservation Condition:
 %    Images with only vertical or horizontal features are preserved
 %    when performing 'no-op" with EWA distortion.
-%  The Lanczos2 and Lanczos2Sharp filters are simply 2-lobe versions
-%  of the Lanczos filters.  The 'sharp' version uses a blur factor of
+%  The Lanczos2 and Lanczos2Sharp filters are 2-lobe versions of the
+%  Lanczos filters.  The 'sharp' version uses a blur factor of
 %  0.958027803631219, again chosen because the resulting EWA filter
-%  comes as close as possible to preserving vertical and horizontal
-%  lines without changing its character. (There are other optimal
-%  values; we use the least sharpening one).
+%  comes as close as possible to satisfying the above condition.
 %  Robidoux is another filter tuned for EWA. It is the Keys cubic
 %  filter defined by B=(228 - 108 sqrt(2))/199. Robidoux satisfies the
 %  "'No-Op' Vertical and Horizontal Line Preservation Condition"
-%  exactly.  It also seems to provide only minimal bluring of a low
-%  level 'pixel-hash' pattern in the 'No-Op Distort' case.  It turns
-%  out to be close to both plain Mitchell and Lanczos2Sharp filters.
-%  For example, its first crossing is at (36 sqrt(2) + 123)/(72
-%  sqrt(2) + 47) which is almost the same as the first crossing
-%  of the other two.
+%  exactly.  Also, it minimally blurs high frequency 'pixel-hash'
+%  patterns in the 'No-Op Distort' case.  Robidoux turns out to be
+%  close to both plain the Mitchell and Lanczos2Sharp filters.  For
+%  example, its first crossing is at (36 sqrt(2) + 123)/(72 sqrt(2) +
+%  47), almost the same as the first crossing of Mitchell and
+%  Lanczos2Sharp.
diff --git a/magick/version.h b/magick/version.h
index 013cd7b..d4ca7e6 100644
--- a/magick/version.h
+++ b/magick/version.h
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
 #define MagickLibAddendum  "-9"
 #define MagickLibInterface  4
 #define MagickLibMinInterface  4
-#define MagickReleaseDate  "2010-11-11"
-#define MagickChangeDate   "20101108"
+#define MagickReleaseDate  "2010-11-13"
+#define MagickChangeDate   "20101113"
 #define MagickAuthoritativeURL  "http://www.imagemagick.org"
 #define MagickOpenMPFeature  "OpenMP "