Update ImageMagick docs
diff --git a/www/color.html b/www/color.html
index 56ac359..eab1e74 100644
--- a/www/color.html
+++ b/www/color.html
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@@ -76,7 +84,7 @@
 #ffff00000000ffff         #rrrrggggbbbbaaaa
 rgb(255, 0, 0)            an integer in the range 0—255 for each component
 rgb(100.0%, 0.0%, 0.0%)   a float in the range 0—100% for each component
+</pre >
 <p>The format of an sRGB value in hexadecimal notation is a '#' immediately followed by either three, six, or twelve hexadecimal characters. The three-digit sRGB notation (#rgb) is converted into six-digit form (#rrggbb) by replicating digits, not by adding zeros. For example,  #fb0 expands to #ffbb00. This ensures that white (#ffffff) can be specified with the short notation (#fff) and removes any dependencies on the color depth of the image. Use the hexadecimal notation whenever performance is an issue.  ImageMagick does not need to load the expansive color table to interpret a hexadecimal color, e.g., <code>#000000</code>, but it does if <code>black</code> is used instead.</p>
@@ -164,11 +172,11 @@
 <p>Note, the <code>a</code> and <code>b</code> components of any Lab color you specify are biased internally by 50% to ensure it fits in the quantum range (typically 0 to 65535).  The bias is retained when writing to the TIFF and MIFF image formats.  However, the TXT format supports negative pixel values so the bias is removed when writing to this format:</p>
 <pre class="text">
--&gt; convert xc:cyan -colorspace LAB txt:
+-> convert xc:cyan -colorspace LAB txt:
 # ImageMagick pixel enumeration: 1,1,65535,cielab
 0,0: (91.1131%,-18.8571%,-5.5436%)  #E93F00000000  cielab(91.1131%,-18.8571%,-5.5436%)
--&gt; convert -size 100x100 xc:"cielab(91.1131%,-18.8571%,-5.5436%)" -colorspace sRGB cyan.png
+-> convert -size 100x100 xc:"cielab(91.1131%,-18.8571%,-5.5436%)" -colorspace sRGB cyan.png
 <p>Or specify colors generically with the <code>icc-color</code> keyword, for example:</p>