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index 8ab359e..ce4f4a1 100644
--- a/www/command-line-options.html
+++ b/www/command-line-options.html
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
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@@ -3258,734 +3258,6 @@
 calculations, to the full range by multiplying by <var>QuantumRange</var>.)</p>
 <table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
-       <tr><td>#  </td><td>arguments meaning</td></tr>
-       <tr><td>1:</td><td><var>Angle_of_Rotation</var></td></tr>
-       <tr><td>2:</td><td><var>Scale   Angle</var></td></tr>
-       <tr><td>3:</td><td><var>X,Y     Angle</var></td></tr>
-       <tr><td>4:</td><td><var>X,Y   Scale   Angle</var></td></tr>
-       <tr><td>5:</td>
-           <td><var>X,Y   ScaleX,ScaleY   Angle</var></td></tr>
-       <tr><td>6:</td>
-           <td><var>X,Y   Scale   Angle   NewX,NewY</var></td></tr>
-       <tr><td>7:</td>
-           <td><var>X,Y   ScaleX,ScaleY   Angle
-                     NewX,NewY</var></td></tr>
-       </table>
-       This is actually an alternative way of specifying a 2 dimensional linear
-       '<code>Affine</code>' or '<code>AffineProjection</code>' distortion.   
-  <tr>
-    <td><code>Affine</code></td>
-    <td>
-       Distort the image linearly by moving a list of at least 3 or more sets
-       of control points (as defined below).  Ideally 3 sets or 12 floating
-       point values are given allowing the image to be linearly scaled,
-       rotated, sheared, and translated, according to those three points. See
-       also the related '<code>AffineProjection</code>' and '<code>SRT</code>'
-       distortions. <br>
-       More than 3 sets given control point pairs (12 numbers) is least
-       squares fitted to best match a linear affine distortion. If only 2
-       control point pairs (8 numbers) are given a two point image translation
-       rotation and scaling is performed, without any possible  shearing,
-       flipping or changes in aspect ratio to the resulting image. If only one
-       control point pair is provides the image is only translated, (which may
-       be a floating point non-integer translation). <br>
-       This distortion does not include any form of perspective distortion.
-       </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><code>AffineProjection</code></td>
-    <td>
-       Linearly distort an image using the given Affine Matrix of 6
-       pre-calculated coefficients forming a set of Affine Equations to map
-       the source image to the destination image.
-       <div style="text-align: center"><var>
-       s<sub>x</sub>, r<sub>x</sub>,
-       r<sub>y</sub>, s<sub>y</sub>,
-       t<sub>x</sub>, t<sub>y</sub>
-       </var></div>
-       See <a href="command-line-options.html#affine">-affine</a> setting for more detail, and
-       meanings of these coefficients. <br>
-       The distortions '<code>Affine</code>' and '<code>SRT</code>' provide
-       alternative methods of defining this distortion, with ImageMagick doing
-       the calculations needed to generate the required coefficients. You can
-       see the internally generated coefficients, by using a <a href="command-line-options.html#verbose">-verbose</a> setting with those other variants.  </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><code>BilinearForward</code><br>
-    <code>BilinearReverse</code></td>
-    <td>
-       Bilinear Distortion, given a minimum of 4 sets of coordinate pairs, or
-       16 values (see below). Not that lines may not appear straight after
-       distortion, though the distance between coordinates will remain
-       consistent. <br>
-       The '<code>BilinearForward</code>' is used to map rectangles to any
-       quadrilateral, while the '<code>BilinearReverse</code>' form maps any
-       quadrilateral to a rectangle, while preserving the straight line edges
-       in each case.  <br>
-       Note that '<code>BilinearForward</code>' can generate invalid pixels
-       which will be colored using the <a href="command-line-options.html#mattecolor">-mattecolor</a>
-       color setting.  Also if the quadrilateral becomes 'flipped' the image
-       may disappear. <br>
-       There are future plans to produce a true Bilinear distortion that will
-       attempt to map any quadrilateral to any other quadrilateral, while
-       preserving edges (and edge distance ratios).
-       </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><code>Perspective</code></td>
-    <td>
-       Perspective distort the images, using a list of 4 or more sets of
-       control points (as defined below).  More that 4 sets (16 numbers) of
-       control points provide least squares fitting for more accurate
-       distortions (for the purposes of image registration and panorama
-       effects).  Less than 4 sets will fall back to a '<code>Affine</code>'
-       linear distortion.  <br>
-       Perspective Distorted images ensures that straight lines remain
-       straight, but the scale of the distorted image will vary. The horizon
-       is anti-aliased, and the 'sky' color may be set using the
-       <a href="command-line-options.html#mattecolor">-mattecolor</a> setting. </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><code>PerspectiveProjection</code>  </td>
-    <td>
-       Do a '<code>Perspective</code>' distortion biased on a set of 8
-       pre-calculated coefficients. You can get these coefficients by looking
-       at the <a href="command-line-options.html#verbose">-verbose</a> output of a
-       '<code>Perspective</code>' distortion, or by calculating them yourself.
-       If the last two perspective scaling coefficients are zero, the
-       remaining 6 represents a transposed 'Affine Matrix'. </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><code>Arc</code></td>
-    <td>
-       Arc the image (variation of polar mapping) over the angle given around
-       a circle. <br>
-       <table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
-       <tr><td>Argument</td>
-           <td>Meaning</td></tr>
-       <tr><td><var>arc_angle</var></td>
-           <td>The angle over which to arc the image side-to-side</td></tr>
-       <tr><td><var>rotate_angle</var></td>
-           <td>Angle to rotate resulting image from vertical center</td></tr>
-       <tr><td><var>top_radius</var></td>
-           <td>Set top edge of source image at this radius</td></tr>
-       <tr><td><var>bottom_radius</var> </td>
-           <td>Set bottom edge to this radius (radial scaling)</td></tr>
-       </table>
-       The resulting image is always resized to best fit the resulting image,
-       (as if using <a href="command-line-options.html#distort">+distort</a>) while attempting to
-       preserve scale and aspect ratio of the original image as much as
-       possible with the arguments given by the user. All four arguments will
-       be needed to change the overall aspect ratio of an 'Arc'ed image. <br>
-       This a variation of a polar distortion designed to try to preserve the
-       aspect ratio of the image rather than direct Cartesian to Polar
-       conversion. </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><code>Polar</code></td>
-    <td>
-       Like '<code>Arc</code>' but do a complete Cartesian to Polar mapping of
-       the image. that is the height of the input image is mapped to the
-       radius limits, while the width is wrapped around between the
-       angle limits. <br>
-       Arguments: <var>Rmax,Rmin CenterX,CenterY, start,end_angle</var> <br>
-       All arguments are optional. With <var>Rmin</var> defaulting to zero, the
-       center to the center of the image, and the angles going from -180 (top)
-       to +180 (top).  If <var>Rmax</var> is given the special value of
-       '<code>0</code>', the the distance from the center to the nearest edge
-       is used for the radius of the output image, which will ensure the whole
-       image is visible (though scaled smaller).  However a special value of
-       '<code>-1</code>' will use the distance from the center to the furthest
-       corner,  This may 'clip' the corners from the input rectangular image,
-       but will generate the exact reverse of a '<code>DePolar</code>' with
-       the same arguments. <br>
-       If the plus form of distort (<a href="command-line-options.html#distort">+distort</a>) is used
-       output image center will default to <code>0,0</code> of the virtual
-       canvas, and the image size adjusted to ensure the whole input image is
-       made visible in the output image on the virtual canvas. </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><code>DePolar</code></td>
-    <td>
-       Uses the same arguments and meanings as a '<code>Polar</code>' distortion
-       but generates the reverse Polar to Cartesian distortion. <br>
-       The special <var>Rmax</var> setting of '<code>0</code>' may however clip
-       the corners of the input image.  However using the special
-       <var>Rmax</var> setting of '<code>-1</code>' (maximum center to corner
-       distance) will ensure the whole distorted image is preserved in the
-       generated result, so that the same argument to '<code>Polar</code>' will
-       reverse the distortion re-producing the original.
-       Note that as this distortion requires the area resampling of a circular
-       arc, which can not be handled by the builtin EWA resampling function.
-       As such the normal EWA filters are turned off. It is recommended some
-       form of 'super-sampling' image processing technique be used to produce
-       a high quality result. </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><code>Barrel</code></td>
-    <td>
-       Given the four coefficients (A,B,C,D) as defined by <a href="http://wiki.panotools.org/Lens_correction_model">Helmut
-       Dersch</a>, perform a barrel or pin-cushion distortion appropriate to
-       correct radial lens distortions.  That is in photographs, make straight
-       lines straight again. <br>
-       Arguments: <var>A   B   C</var>   [ <var>D</var>   [
-       <var>X</var> , <var>Y</var> ] ] <br>
-       or <var>A<sub>x</sub> B<sub>x</sub> C<sub>x</sub> D<sub>x</sub>  
-       A<sub>y</sub> B<sub>y</sub> C<sub>y</sub> D<sub>y</sub></var>  
-       [ <var>X</var> , <var>Y</var> ] <br>
-       So that it forms the function <br>
-          Rsrc = r * ( <var>A</var>*r<sup>3</sup> + <var>B</var>*r<sup>2</sup> +
-                               <var>C</var>*r + <var>D</var> )<br>
-       Where <var>X</var>,<var>Y</var> is the optional center of the distortion
-       (defaulting to the center of the image). <br>
-       The second form is typically used to distort images, rather than
-       correct lens distortions. <br>
-       </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><code>BarrelInverse</code></td>
-    <td>
-       This is very similar to '<code>Barrel</code>' with the same set of
-       arguments, and argument handling.  However it uses the inverse
-       of the radial polynomial,
-       so that it forms the function <br>
-          Rsrc = r / ( <var>A</var>*r<sup>3</sup> + <var>B</var>*r<sup>2</sup> +
-                               <var>C</var>*r + <var>D</var> )<br>
-       Note that this is not the reverse of the '<code>Barrel</code>'
-       distortion, just a different barrel-like radial distortion method.
-       </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><code>Shepards</code></td>
-    <td>
-       Distort the given list control points (any number) using an Inverse
-       Squared Distance Interpolation Method (<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shepard%27s_method">Shepards
-       Method</a>). The control points in effect do 'localized' displacement
-       of the image around the given control point (preserving the look and
-       the rotation of the area near the control points.  For best results
-       extra control points should be added to 'lock' the positions of the
-       corners, edges and other unchanging parts of the image, to prevent
-       their movement. <br>
-       The distortion has been likened to 'taffy pulling' using nails, or
-       pins' stuck in a block of 'jelly' which is then moved to the new
-       position, distorting the surface of the jelly. <br>
-       Internally it is equivalent to generating a displacement map (see <a href="command-line-options.html#displace">-displace</a>) for source image color look-up using
-       the <a href="command-line-options.html#sparse-color">-sparse-color</a> method of the same name.
-       </td>
-  </tr>
-<p>To print a complete list of distortion methods, use <a href="command-line-options.html#list">-list
-<p>Many of the above distortion methods such as '<code>Affine</code>',
-'<code>Perspective</code>', and '<code>Shepards</code>' use a list control points
-defining how these points in the given image should be distorted in the
-destination image. Each set of four floating point values represent a source
-image coordinate, followed immediately by the destination image coordinate.
-This produces a list of values such as...</p>
-<div style="text-align: center"><var>
-      U<sub>1</sub>,V<sub>1</sub> X<sub>1</sub>,Y<sub>1</sub>  
-      U<sub>2</sub>,V<sub>2</sub> X<sub>2</sub>,Y<sub>2</sub>  
-      U<sub>3</sub>,V<sub>3</sub> X<sub>3</sub>,Y<sub>3</sub>  
-      ...  
-      U<sub>n</sub>,V<sub>n</sub> X<sub>n</sub>,Y<sub>n</sub>  
-<p>where <var>U,V</var> on the source image is mapped to <var>X,Y</var> on the
-destination image. </p>
-<p>For example, to warp an image using '<code>perspective</code>' distortion,
-needs a list of at least 4 sets of coordinates, or 16 numbers.  Here is the
-perspective distortion of the built-in "rose:" image. Note how spaces were
-used to group the 4 sets of coordinate pairs, to make it easier to read and
-convert rose:  -virtual-pixel black \
-  -distort Perspective '0,0,0,0  0,45,0,45  69,0,60,10  69,45,60,35' \
-   rose_3d_rotated.gif"
-<p>If more that the required number of coordinate pairs are given for
-a distortion, the distortion method is 'least squares' fitted to produce the
-best result for all the coordinate pairs given. If less than the ideal number
-of points are given, the distort will generally fall back to a simpler form of
-distortion that can handles the smaller number of coordinates (usually a linear
-'<code>Affine</code>' distortion). </p>
-<p>By using more coordinates you can make use of image registration tool to
-find matching coordinate pairs in overlapping images, so as to improve the
-'fit' of the distortion. Of course a bad coordinate pair can also make the
-'fit' worse. Caution is always advised. </p>
-<p>Colors are acquired from the source image according to a cylindrical
-resampling <a href="command-line-options.html#filter">-filter</a>, using a special technique known as
-EWA resampling. This produces very high quality results, especially when
-images become smaller (minified) in the output, which is very common when
-using '<code>perspective</code>' distortion. For example here we view
-a infinitely tiled 'plane' all the way to the horizon. </p>
-convert -size 90x90 pattern:checkerboard -normalize -virtual-pixel tile \
-  -distort perspective  '0,0,5,45  89,0,45,46  0,89,0,89  89,89,89,89' \
-   checks_tiled.jpg
-<p>Note that a infinitely tiled perspective images involving the horizon can
-be very slow, because of the number of pixels that are compressed to generate
-each individual pixel close to the 'horizon'.  You can turn off EWA
-resampling, by specifing the special <a href="command-line-options.html#filter">-filter</a> setting of
-'<code>point</code>' (recommended if you plan to use super-sampling instead).
-<p>If an image generates <i>invalid pixels</i>, such as the 'sky' in the last
-example, <a href="command-line-options.html#distort">-distort</a> will use the current <a href="command-line-options.html#mattecolor">-mattecolor</a> setting for these pixels. If you do not
-what these pixels to be visible, set the color to match the rest of the
-ground. </p>
-<p>The output image size will by default be the same as the input image.  This
-means that if the part of the distorted image falls outside the viewed area of
-the 'distorted space', those parts is clipped and lost.  However if you use
-the plus form of the operator (<a href="command-line-options.html#distort">+distort</a>) the operator
-will attempt (if possible) to show the whole of the distorted image, while
-retaining a correct 'virtual canvas' offset, for image layering. This offset
-may need to be removed using <a href="command-line-options.html#repage">+repage</a>, to remove if it
-is unwanted. </p>
-<p>Setting <a href="command-line-options.html#verbose">-verbose</a> setting, will cause <a href="command-line-options.html#distort">-distort</a> to attempt to output the internal coefficients,
-and the <a href="command-line-options.html#fx">-fx</a> equivalent to the distortion, for expert study,
-and debugging purposes. This many not be available for all distorts. </p>
-<p>You can alternatively specify a special "<code><a href="command-line-options.html#define">-define</a> distort:viewport={geometry_string}</code>" setting which will
-specify the size and the offset of the generated 'viewport' image of the
-distorted image space.</p>
-<p>Setting a "<code><a href="command-line-options.html#define">-define</a>
-distort:scale={scale_factor}</code>" will scale the output image (viewport or
-otherwise) by that factor without changing the viewed contents of the
-distorted image. This can be used either for 'super-sampling' the image for
-a higher quality result, or for panning and zooming around the image (with
-appropriate viewport changes, or post-distort cropping and resizing). </p>
-<p>Setting "<code><a href="command-line-options.html#define">-define</a> resample:verbose=1</code>"
-will output the cylindrical filter lookup table created by the EWA (Elliptical
-Weighted Average) resampling algorithm. Note this table uses a squared radius
-lookup value. This is typically only used for debugging EWA resampling. </p>
-<div style="margin: auto;">
-  <h3 class="magick-header"><a id="distribute-cache"></a>-distribute-cache <var>port</var></h3>
-<p class="magick-description">launch a distributed pixel cache server. </p>
-<div style="margin: auto;">
-  <h3 class="magick-header"><a id="dither"></a>-dither <var>method</var></h3>
-<p class="magick-description">Apply a Riemersma or Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion dither to
-images when general color reduction is applied via an option, or automagically
-when saving to specific formats. This enabled by default.</p>
-<p>Dithering places two or more colors in neighboring pixels so that to the
-eye a closer approximation of the images original color is reproduced. This
-reduces the number of colors needed to reproduce the image but at the cost of
-a lower level pattern of colors. Error diffusion dithers can use any set of
-colors (generated or user defined) to an image.  </p>
-<p>Dithering is turned on by default, to turn it off use the plus form of the
-setting, <a href="command-line-options.html#dither">+dither</a>. This will also also render PostScript
-without text or graphic aliasing. Disabling dithering often (but not always)
-leads to faster process, a smaller number of colors, but more cartoon like
-image coloring.  Generally resulting in 'color banding' effects in areas with
-color gradients. </p>
-<p>The color reduction operators <a href="command-line-options.html#colors">-colors</a>, <a href="command-line-options.html#monochrome">-monochrome</a>, <a href="command-line-options.html#remap%20">-remap</a>, and <a href="command-line-options.html#posterize">-posterize</a>, apply dithering to images using the reduced
-color set they created. These operators are also used as part of automatic
-color reduction when saving images to formats with limited color support, such
-as <code>GIF:</code>, <code>XBM:</code>, and others, so dithering may also be used
-in these cases. </p>
-<p>Alternatively you can use <a href="command-line-options.html#random-threshold">-random-threshold</a>
-to generate purely random dither. Or use <a href="command-line-options.html#ordered-dither">-ordered-dither</a> to apply threshold mapped dither
-patterns, using uniform color maps, rather than specific color maps. </p>
-<div style="margin: auto;">
-  <h3 class="magick-header"><a id="draw"></a>-draw <var>string</var></h3>
-<p class="magick-description">Annotate an image with one or more graphic primitives.</p>
-<p>Use this option to annotate or decorate an image with one or more graphic
-primitives. The primitives include shapes, text, transformations, and pixel
-<p>The shape primitives:</p>
-point           x,y
-line            x0,y0 x1,y1
-rectangle       x0,y0 x1,y1
-roundRectangle  x0,y0 x1,y1 wc,hc
-arc             x0,y0 x1,y1 a0,a1
-ellipse         x0,y0 rx,ry a0,a1
-circle          x0,y0 x1,y1
-polyline        x0,y0  ...  xn,yn
-polygon         x0,y0  ...  xn,yn
-bezier          x0,y0  ...  xn,yn
-path specification
-image           operator x0,y0 w,h filename
-<p>The text primitive:</p>
-text            x0,y0 string
-<p>The text gravity primitive:</p>
-gravity         NorthWest, North, NorthEast, West, Center,
-                East, SouthWest, South, or SouthEast
-<p>The text gravity primitive only affects the placement of text and does not
-interact with the other primitives.  It is equivalent to using the <a href="command-line-options.html#gravity">-gravity</a> command-line option, except that it is limited in
-scope to the <a href="command-line-options.html#draw">-draw</a> option in which it appears.</p>
-<p>The transformation primitives:</p>
-rotate     degrees
-translate  dx,dy
-scale      sx,sy
-skewX      degrees
-skewY      degrees
-<p>The pixel operation primitives:</p>
-color  x0,y0 method
-matte  x0,y0 method
-<p>The shape primitives are drawn in the color specified by the preceding <a href="command-line-options.html#fill">-fill</a> setting.  For unfilled shapes, use <a href="command-line-options.html#fill">-fill none</a>.  You can optionally control the stroke (the
-"outline" of a shape) with the <a href="command-line-options.html#stroke">-stroke</a> and <a href="command-line-options.html#strokewidth">-strokewidth</a> settings.</p>
-<p>A <code>point</code> primitive is specified by a single <var>point</var> in the
-pixel plane, that is, by an ordered pair of integer coordinates,
-<var>x</var>,<var>y</var>. (As it involves only a single pixel, a <code>point</code>
-primitive is not affected by <a href="command-line-options.html#stroke">-stroke</a> or <a href="command-line-options.html#strokewidth">-strokewidth</a>.)</p>
-<p>A <code>line</code> primitive requires a start point and end point.</p>
-<p>A <code>rectangle</code> primitive is specified by the pair of points at the
-upper left and lower right corners.</p>
-<p>A <code>roundRectangle</code> primitive takes the same corner points as
-a <code>rectangle</code> followed by the width and height of the rounded corners
-to be removed.</p>
-<p>The <code>circle</code> primitive makes a disk (filled) or circle (unfilled).
-Give the center and any point on the perimeter (boundary).</p>
-<p>The <code>arc</code> primitive is used to inscribe an elliptical segment in
-to a given rectangle. An <code>arc</code> requires the two corners used for
-<code>rectangle</code> (see above) followed by the start and end angles of the
-arc of the segment segment (e.g. 130,30 200,100 45,90). The start and end
-points produced are then joined with a line segment and the resulting segment
-of an ellipse is filled.</p>
-<p>Use <code>ellipse</code> to draw a partial (or whole) ellipse. Give the
-center point, the horizontal and vertical "radii" (the <var>semi-axes</var> of
-the ellipse) and start and end angles in degrees (e.g. 100,100 100,150
-<p>The <code>polyline</code> and <code>polygon</code> primitives require three or
-more points to define their perimeters. A <code>polyline</code> is simply
-a <code>polygon</code> in which the final point is not stroked to the start
-point. When unfilled, this is a <var>polygonal line</var>. If the <a href="command-line-options.html#stroke">-stroke</a> setting is <code>none</code> (the default), then
-a <code>polyline</code> is identical to a <code>polygon</code>.  </p>
-<p>A <var>coordinate</var> is a pair of integers separated by a space or
-optional comma. </p>
-<p>As an example, to define a circle centered at 100,100 that extends to
-150,150 use:</p>
--draw 'circle 100,100 150,150'
-<p>The <code>Bezier</code> primitive creates a spline curve and requires three
-or points to define its shape. The first and last points are the
-<var>knots</var> and these points are attained by the curve, while any
-intermediate coordinates are <var>control points</var>. If two control points
-are specified, the line between each end knot and its sequentially respective
-control point determines the tangent direction of the curve at that end. If
-one control point is specified, the lines from the end knots to the one
-control point determines the tangent directions of the curve at each end. If
-more than two control points are specified, then the additional control points
-act in combination to determine the intermediate shape of the curve. In order
-to draw complex curves, it is highly recommended either to use the
-<code>path</code> primitive or to draw multiple four-point bezier segments with
-the start and end knots of each successive segment repeated. For example:</p>
--draw 'bezier 20,50 45,100 45,0 70,50'
--draw 'bezier 70,50 95,100 95,0 120,50'
-<p>A <code>path</code> represents an outline of an object, defined in terms of
-moveto (set a new current point), lineto (draw a straight line), curveto (draw
-a Bezier curve), arc (elliptical or circular arc) and closepath (close the
-current shape by drawing a line to the last moveto) elements. Compound paths
-(i.e., a path with subpaths, each consisting of a single moveto followed by
-one or more line or curve operations) are possible to allow effects such as
-<var>donut holes</var> in objects. (See <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html">Paths</a>.)</p>
-<p>Use <code>image</code> to composite an image with another image. Follow the
-image keyword with the composite operator, image location, image size, and
--draw 'image SrcOver 100,100 225,225 image.jpg'
-<p>You can use 0,0 for the image size, which means to use the actual
-dimensions found in the image header. Otherwise, it is scaled to the given
-dimensions. See <a href="compose.html">Alpha Compositing</a> for
-a detailed discussion of alpha composition methods that are available. </p>
-<p>The "special augmented compose operators" such as "dissolve" that require
-arguments cannot be used at present with the <code>-draw image</code> option.
- </p>
-<p>Use <code>text</code> to annotate an image with text. Follow the text
-coordinates with a string. If the string has embedded spaces, enclose it in
-single or double quotes.</p>
-<p>For example, the following annotates the image with <code>Works like
-magick!</code> for an image titled <code>bird.miff</code>. </p>
--draw "text 100,100 'Works like magick!' "
-<p>See the <a href="command-line-options.html#annotate">-annotate</a> option for another convenient way
-to annotate an image with text.</p>
-<p>The <code>rotate</code> primitive rotates subsequent shape primitives and
-text primitives about the origin of the main image. If the <a href="command-line-options.html#region">-region</a> option precedes the <a href="command-line-options.html#draw">-draw</a>
-option, the origin for transformations is the upper left corner of the
-<p>The <code>translate</code> primitive translates subsequent shape and text
-<p>The <code>scale</code> primitive scales them.</p>
-<p>The <code>skewX</code> and <code>skewY</code> primitives skew them with respect
-to the origin of the main image or the region.</p>
-<p>The transformations modify the current affine matrix, which is initialized
-from the initial affine matrix defined by the <a href="command-line-options.html#affine">-affine</a>
-option. Transformations are cumulative within the <a href="command-line-options.html#draw">-draw</a>
-option. The initial affine matrix is not affected; that matrix is only changed
-by the appearance of another <a href="command-line-options.html#affine">-affine</a> option. If another
-<a href="command-line-options.html#draw">-draw</a> option appears, the current affine matrix is
-reinitialized from the initial affine matrix.</p>
-<p>Use the <code>color</code> primitive to change the color of a pixel to the
-fill color (see <a href="command-line-options.html#fill">-fill</a>). Follow the pixel coordinate with
-a method:</p>
-<p>Consider the target pixel as that specified by your coordinate. The
-<code>point</code> method recolors the target pixel. The <code>replace</code>
-method recolors any pixel that matches the color of the target pixel.
-<code>Floodfill</code> recolors any pixel that matches the color of the target
-pixel and is a neighbor, whereas <code>filltoborder</code> recolors any neighbor
-pixel that is not the border color. Finally, <code>reset</code> recolors all
-<p>Use <code>matte</code> to the change the pixel matte value to transparent.
-Follow the pixel coordinate with a method (see the <code>color</code> primitive
-for a description of methods). The <code>point</code> method changes the matte
-value of the target pixel. The <code>replace</code> method changes the matte
-value of any pixel that matches the color of the target pixel.
-<code>Floodfill</code> changes the matte value of any pixel that matches the
-color of the target pixel and is a neighbor, whereas <code>filltoborder</code>
-changes the matte value of any neighbor pixel that is not the border color (<a href="command-line-options.html#bordercolor">-bordercolor</a>). Finally <code>reset</code> changes the
-matte value of all pixels.</p>
-<p>You can set the primitive color, font, and font bounding box color with <a href="command-line-options.html#fill">-fill</a>, <a href="command-line-options.html#font">-font</a>, and <a href="command-line-options.html#box">-box</a>
-respectively.  Options are processed in command line order so be sure to use
-these options <var>before</var> the <a href="command-line-options.html#draw">-draw</a> option.</p>
-<p>Strings that begin with a number must be quoted (e.g. use '1.png' rather
-than 1.png).</p>
-<p>Drawing primitives conform to the <a href="magick-vector-graphics.html">Magick
-Vector Graphics</a> format.</p>
-<div style="margin: auto;">
-  <h3 class="magick-header"><a id="duplicate"></a>-duplicate <var>count,indexes</var></h3>
-<p class="magick-description">duplicate an image one or more times.</p>
-<p>Specify the count and the image to duplicate by its index in the sequence.
-The first image is index 0.  Negative indexes are relative to the end of the
-sequence, for example, -1 represents the last image of the sequence.  Specify
-a range of images with a dash (e.g. 0-4).  Separate indexes with a comma (e.g.
-0,2).  Use <code>+duplicate</code> to duplicate the last image in the current
-image sequence.</p>
-<div style="margin: auto;">
-  <h3 class="magick-header"><a id="edge"></a>-edge <var>radius</var></h3>
-<p class="magick-description">detect edges within an image.</p>
-<div style="margin: auto;">
-  <h3 class="magick-header"><a id="emboss"></a>-emboss <var>radius</var></h3>
-<p class="magick-description">emboss an image.</p>
-<div style="margin: auto;">
-  <h3 class="magick-header"><a id="encipher"></a>-encipher <var>filename</var></h3>
-<p class="magick-description">Encipher pixels for later deciphering by <a href="command-line-options.html#decipher">-decipher</a>.</p>
-<p>Get the passphrase from the file specified by <var>filename</var>.</p>
-<p>For more information, see the webpage, <a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/www/cipher.html">ImageMagick: Encipher or
-Decipher an Image</a>.</p>
-<div style="margin: auto;">
-  <h3 class="magick-header"><a id="encoding"></a>-encoding <var>type</var></h3>
-<p class="magick-description">specify the text encoding.</p>
-<p>Choose from <code>AdobeCustom</code>, <code>AdobeExpert</code>,
-<code>AdobeStandard</code>, <code>AppleRoman</code>, <code>BIG5</code>,
-<code>GB2312</code>, <code>Latin 2</code>, <code>None</code>, <code>SJIScode</code>,
-<code>Symbol</code>, <code>Unicode</code>, <code>Wansung</code>.</p>
-<div style="margin: auto;">
-  <h3 class="magick-header"><a id="endian"></a>-endian <var>type</var></h3>
-<p class="magick-description">Specify endianness (<code>MSB</code> or <code>LSB</code>) of the image.</p>
-<p>To print a complete list of endian types, use the <a href="command-line-options.html#list">-list endian</a> option.</p>
-<p>Use <a href="command-line-options.html#endian">+endian</a> to revert to unspecified endianness.</p>
-<div style="margin: auto;">
-  <h3 class="magick-header"><a id="enhance"></a>-enhance</h3>
-<p class="magick-description">Apply a digital filter to enhance a noisy image.</p>
-<div style="margin: auto;">
-  <h3 class="magick-header"><a id="equalize"></a>-equalize</h3>
-<p class="magick-description">perform histogram equalization on the image channel-by-channel.</p>
-<p>To perform histogram equalization on all channels in concert, transform the
-image into some other color space, such as HSL, OHTA, YIQ or YUV, then
-equalize the appropriate intensity-like channel, then convert back to RGB.</p>
-<p>For example using HSL, we have: ... <code>-colorspace HSL -channel lightness
--equalize -colorspace RGB</code> ...</p>
-<p>For YIQ, YUV and OHTA use the red channel. For example, OHTA is a principal
-components transformation that puts most of the information in the first
-channel. Here we have ... <code>-colorspace OHTA -channel red -equalize
--colorspace RGB</code> ...</p>
-<div style="margin: auto;">
-  <h3 class="magick-header"><a id="evaluate"></a>-evaluate <var>operator value</var></h3>
-<p class="magick-description">Alter channel pixels by evaluating an arithmetic, relational, or logical expression.</p>
-<p>(See the <a href="command-line-options.html#function">-function</a> operator for some
-multi-parameter functions. See the <a href="command-line-options.html#fx">-fx</a> operator if more
-elaborate calculations are needed.)</p>
-<p>The behaviors of each <var>operator</var> are summarized in the
-following list. For brevity, the numerical value of a "pixel" referred to
-below is the value of the corresponding channel of that pixel, while
-a "normalized pixel" is that number divided by the maximum
-(installation-dependent) value <var>QuantumRange</var>. (If
-normalized pixels are used, they are restored, following the other
-calculations, to the full range by multiplying by <var>QuantumRange</var>.)</p>
-<table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
   <col width="25%">
   <col width="75%">
@@ -4021,7 +3293,7 @@
     <tr><td>Subtract </td>        <td>Subtract <var>value</var> from pixels.</td></tr>
     <tr><td>Xor </td>             <td>Binary XOR of pixels with <var>value.</var></td></tr>
-    <tr><td> </td></tr>
+    <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
    <tr><td>Gaussian-noise</td><td> </td></tr>
    <tr><td>Impulse-noise</td><td> </td></tr>
@@ -4030,7 +3302,7 @@
    <tr><td>PoissonNoise</td><td> </td></tr>
    <tr><td>Uniform-noise</td><td> </td></tr>
-   <tr><td> </td></tr>
+    <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
    <tr><td>Threshold </td>       <td>Threshold pixels larger than <var>value</var>.</td></tr>
    <tr><td>ThresholdBlack </td>  <td>Threshold pixels to zero values equal to or below <var>value</var>.</td></tr>
@@ -4067,9 +3339,9 @@
 thus outside the interval [0, <var>QuantumRange</var>]. The
 formula is expressed below. </p>
-        <div style="text-align:center;">
-        exp(<var>value</var> × <b><var>u</var></b>)
-        </div>
+<p class="text-center">
+exp(<var>value</var> × <b><var>u</var></b>)
 <p> If the input image is squared, for example, using <a href="command-line-options.html#-function">-function polynomial "2 0 0"</a>, then a decaying Gaussian function will be
 the result.</p>
@@ -4079,9 +3351,9 @@
 factor</var> that adjusts the curvature in the graph of the log function. The
 formula applied to a normalized value <b><var>u</var></b> is below. </p>
-        <div style="text-align:center;">
-        log(<var>value</var> × <b><var>u</var></b> + 1) / log(<var>value</var> + 1)
-        </div>
+<p class="text-center">
+log(<var>value</var> × <b><var>u</var></b> + 1) / log(<var>value</var> + 1)
 <p><code>Pow</code> has been added as of ImageMagick 6.4.1-9, and works on
 normalized pixel values. Note that <code>Pow</code> is related to the <a href="command-line-options.html#gamma">-gamma</a> operator. For example, <b>-gamma 2</b> is equivalent
@@ -4098,9 +3370,9 @@
 be generated over the input color range.  For example, if the <var>value</var> is 1, the effective period is simply the <var>QuantumRange</var>; but if the <var>value</var> is 2,
 then the effective period is the <var>half</var> the <var>QuantumRange</var>.</p>
-        <div style="text-align:center;">
-        0.5 + 0.5 × cos(2 π <b><var>u</var></b> × <var>value</var>).
-        </div>
+<p class="text-center">
+0.5 + 0.5 × cos(2 π <b><var>u</var></b> × <var>value</var>).
 <p>See also the <a href="command-line-options.html#function">-function</a> operator, which is a
 multi-value version of evaluate. </p>
@@ -8379,7 +7651,7 @@
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