diff --git a/ImageMagick.spec b/ImageMagick.spec
index 9241b69..3d9a29e 100644
--- a/ImageMagick.spec
+++ b/ImageMagick.spec
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 %global VERSION  6.6.9
-%global Patchlevel  8
+%global Patchlevel  9
 Name:           ImageMagick
 Version:        %{VERSION}
diff --git a/config/configure.xml b/config/configure.xml
index dc84eb8..50fbe30 100644
--- a/config/configure.xml
+++ b/config/configure.xml
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
   <configure name="NAME" value="ImageMagick"/>
   <configure name="VERSION" value="6.6.9"/>
   <configure name="LIB_VERSION" value="0x669"/>
-  <configure name="LIB_VERSION_NUMBER" value="6,6,9,8"/>
+  <configure name="LIB_VERSION_NUMBER" value="6,6,9,9"/>
   <configure name="SVN_REVISION" value="4407" />
   <configure name="RELEASE_DATE" value="2011-05-04"/>
   <configure name="CONFIGURE" value="./configure "/>
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 852840b..f7eb438 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
 <p>The ImageMagick development process ensures a stable API and ABI. Before each ImageMagick release, we perform a comprehensive security assessment that includes <a href="http://www.valgrind.org">memory and thread</a> error detection to prevent security vulnerabilities.</p>
-<p>The current release is ImageMagick 6.6.9-7.</p>
+<p>The current release is ImageMagick 6.6.9-8.</p>
diff --git a/libtool b/libtool
index fcf481b..5f96c0c 100755
--- a/libtool
+++ b/libtool
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #! /bin/sh
 # libtool - Provide generalized library-building support services.
-# Generated automatically by config.status (ImageMagick) 6.6.9-8
+# Generated automatically by config.status (ImageMagick) 6.6.9-9
 # Libtool was configured on host magick.imagemagick.org:
 # NOTE: Changes made to this file will be lost: look at ltmain.sh.
diff --git a/magick/deprecate.c b/magick/deprecate.c
index a2c5569..25f1189 100644
--- a/magick/deprecate.c
+++ b/magick/deprecate.c
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 %        DDDD   EEEEE  P      R  R   EEEEE   CCCC  A   A    T    EEEEE        %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%                        MagickCore Deprecated Methods                        %
+%                       MagickWand Deprecated Methods                         %
 %                                                                             %
 %                              Software Design                                %
 %                                John Cristy                                  %
@@ -40,264 +40,131 @@
   Include declarations.
-#include "magick/studio.h"
-#include "magick/property.h"
-#include "magick/blob.h"
-#include "magick/blob-private.h"
-#include "magick/cache.h"
-#include "magick/cache-view.h"
-#include "magick/client.h"
-#include "magick/color.h"
-#include "magick/color-private.h"
-#include "magick/colormap.h"
-#include "magick/colormap-private.h"
-#include "magick/colorspace.h"
-#include "magick/composite.h"
-#include "magick/composite-private.h"
-#include "magick/constitute.h"
-#include "magick/deprecate.h"
-#include "magick/draw.h"
-#include "magick/draw-private.h"
-#include "magick/effect.h"
-#include "magick/enhance.h"
-#include "magick/exception.h"
-#include "magick/exception-private.h"
-#include "magick/fx.h"
-#include "magick/geometry.h"
-#include "magick/identify.h"
-#include "magick/image.h"
-#include "magick/image-private.h"
-#include "magick/list.h"
-#include "magick/log.h"
-#include "magick/memory_.h"
-#include "magick/magick.h"
-#include "magick/monitor.h"
+#include "wand/studio.h"
+#include "wand/MagickWand.h"
+#include "wand/magick-wand-private.h"
+#include "wand/wand.h"
 #include "magick/monitor-private.h"
-#include "magick/morphology.h"
-#include "magick/paint.h"
-#include "magick/pixel.h"
-#include "magick/pixel-private.h"
-#include "magick/quantize.h"
-#include "magick/random_.h"
-#include "magick/resource_.h"
-#include "magick/semaphore.h"
-#include "magick/segment.h"
-#include "magick/splay-tree.h"
-#include "magick/statistic.h"
-#include "magick/string_.h"
-#include "magick/threshold.h"
-#include "magick/transform.h"
-#include "magick/utility.h"
+#include "magick/thread-private.h"
+  Define declarations.
+#define PixelViewId  "PixelView"
+#define ThrowWandException(severity,tag,context) \
+{ \
+  (void) ThrowMagickException(wand->exception,GetMagickModule(),severity, \
+    tag,"`%s'",context); \
+  return(MagickFalse); \
+  Typedef declarations.
+struct _PixelView
+  size_t
+    id;
+  char
+    name[MaxTextExtent];
+  ExceptionInfo
+    *exception;
+  MagickWand
+    *wand;
+  CacheView
+    *view;
+  RectangleInfo
+    region;
+  size_t
+    number_threads;
+  PixelWand
+    ***pixel_wands;
+  MagickBooleanType
+    debug;
+  size_t
+    signature;
-  Global declarations.
-static MonitorHandler
-  monitor_handler = (MonitorHandler) NULL;
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   A c q u i r e C a c h e V i e w I n d e x e s                             %
+%   M a g i c k A v e r a g e I m a g e s                                     %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  AcquireCacheViewIndexes() returns the indexes associated with the specified
-%  view.
+%  MagickAverageImages() average a set of images.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
+%  The format of the MagickAverageImages method is:
-%    GetCacheViewVirtualIndexQueue(cache_view);
-%  The format of the AcquireCacheViewIndexes method is:
-%      const IndexPacket *AcquireCacheViewIndexes(const CacheView *cache_view)
+%      MagickWand *MagickAverageImages(MagickWand *wand)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o cache_view: the cache view.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-MagickExport const IndexPacket *AcquireCacheViewIndexes(
-  const CacheView *cache_view)
-  return(GetCacheViewVirtualIndexQueue(cache_view));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   A c q u i r e C a c h e V i e w P i x e l s                               %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  AcquireCacheViewPixels() gets pixels from the in-memory or disk pixel cache
-%  as defined by the geometry parameters.   A pointer to the pixels is returned
-%  if the pixels are transferred, otherwise a NULL is returned.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(cache_view,x,y,columns,rows,exception);
-%  The format of the AcquireCacheViewPixels method is:
-%      const PixelPacket *AcquireCacheViewPixels(const CacheView *cache_view,
-%        const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,
-%        const size_t rows,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o cache_view: the cache view.
-%    o x,y,columns,rows:  These values define the perimeter of a region of
-%      pixels.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport const PixelPacket *AcquireCacheViewPixels(
-  const CacheView *cache_view,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,
-  const size_t columns,const size_t rows,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  return(GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(cache_view,x,y,columns,rows,exception));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   A c q u i r e I m a g e P i x e l s                                       %
-%                                                                             % %                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  AcquireImagePixels() returns an immutable pixel region. If the
-%  region is successfully accessed, a pointer to it is returned, otherwise
-%  NULL is returned. The returned pointer may point to a temporary working
-%  copy of the pixels or it may point to the original pixels in memory.
-%  Performance is maximized if the selected region is part of one row, or one
-%  or more full rows, since there is opportunity to access the pixels in-place
-%  (without a copy) if the image is in RAM, or in a memory-mapped file.  The
-%  returned pointer should *never* be deallocated by the user.
-%  Pixels accessed via the returned pointer represent a simple array of type
-%  PixelPacket.  If the image type is CMYK or the storage class is PseudoClass,
-%  call GetAuthenticIndexQueue() after invoking GetAuthenticPixels() to access
-%  the black color component or to obtain the colormap indexes (of type
-%  IndexPacket) corresponding to the region.
-%  If you plan to modify the pixels, use GetAuthenticPixels() instead.
-%  Note, the AcquireImagePixels() and GetAuthenticPixels() methods are not
-%  thread-safe.  In a threaded environment, use GetCacheViewVirtualPixels() or
-%  GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels() instead.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetVirtualPixels(image,x,y,columns,rows,exception);
-%  The format of the AcquireImagePixels() method is:
-%      const PixelPacket *AcquireImagePixels(const Image *image,const ssize_t x,
-%        const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows,
-%        ExceptionInfo *exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o x,y,columns,rows:  These values define the perimeter of a region of
-%      pixels.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport const PixelPacket *AcquireImagePixels(const Image *image,
-  const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,
-  const size_t rows,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  return(GetVirtualPixels(image,x,y,columns,rows,exception));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   A c q u i r e I n d e x e s                                               %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  AcquireIndexes() returns the black channel or the colormap indexes
-%  associated with the last call to QueueAuthenticPixels() or
-%  GetVirtualPixels().  NULL is returned if the black channel or colormap
-%  indexes are not available.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetVirtualIndexQueue(image);
-%  The format of the AcquireIndexes() method is:
-%      const IndexPacket *AcquireIndexes(const Image *image)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o indexes: AcquireIndexes() returns the indexes associated with the last
-%      call to QueueAuthenticPixels() or GetVirtualPixels().
-%    o image: the image.
-MagickExport const IndexPacket *AcquireIndexes(const Image *image)
-  return(GetVirtualIndexQueue(image));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   A c q u i r e M e m o r y                                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  AcquireMemory() returns a pointer to a block of memory at least size bytes
-%  suitably aligned for any use.
-%  The format of the AcquireMemory method is:
-%      void *AcquireMemory(const size_t size)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o size: the size of the memory in bytes to allocate.
-MagickExport void *AcquireMemory(const size_t size)
-  void
-    *allocation;
-  assert(size != 0);
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.7");
-  allocation=malloc(size);
-  return(allocation);
+static MagickWand *CloneMagickWandFromImages(const MagickWand *wand,
+  Image *images)
+  MagickWand
+    *clone_wand;
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+  clone_wand=(MagickWand *) AcquireMagickMemory(sizeof(*clone_wand));
+  if (clone_wand == (MagickWand *) NULL)
+    ThrowWandFatalException(ResourceLimitFatalError,"MemoryAllocationFailed",
+      images->filename);
+  (void) ResetMagickMemory(clone_wand,0,sizeof(*clone_wand));
+  clone_wand->id=AcquireWandId();
+  (void) FormatMagickString(clone_wand->name,MaxTextExtent,"%s-%.20g",
+    MagickWandId,(double) clone_wand->id);
+  clone_wand->exception=AcquireExceptionInfo();
+  InheritException(clone_wand->exception,wand->exception);
+  clone_wand->image_info=CloneImageInfo(wand->image_info);
+  clone_wand->quantize_info=CloneQuantizeInfo(wand->quantize_info);
+  clone_wand->images=images;
+  clone_wand->debug=IsEventLogging();
+  if (clone_wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",clone_wand->name);
+  clone_wand->signature=WandSignature;
+  return(clone_wand);
+WandExport MagickWand *MagickAverageImages(MagickWand *wand)
+  Image
+    *average_image;
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+  if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+    return((MagickWand *) NULL);
+  average_image=EvaluateImages(wand->images,MeanEvaluateOperator,
+    wand->exception);
+  if (average_image == (Image *) NULL)
+    return((MagickWand *) NULL);
+  return(CloneMagickWandFromImages(wand,average_image));
@@ -305,41 +172,56 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   A c q u i r e O n e C a c h e V i e w P i x e l                           %
+%   C l o n e P i x e l V i e w                                               %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  AcquireOneCacheViewPixel() returns a single pixel at the specified (x,y)
-%  location.  The image background color is returned if an error occurs.  If
-%  you plan to modify the pixel, use GetOneCacheViewAuthenticPixel() instead.
+%  ClonePixelView() makes a copy of the specified pixel view.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
+%  The format of the ClonePixelView method is:
-%    GetOneCacheViewVirtualPixel(cache_view,x,y,pixel,exception);
-%  The format of the AcquireOneCacheViewPixel method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType AcquireOneCacheViewPixel(const CacheView *cache_view,
-%        const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,PixelPacket *pixel,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+%      PixelView *ClonePixelView(const PixelView *pixel_view)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o cache_view: the cache view.
-%    o x,y:  These values define the offset of the pixel.
-%    o pixel: return a pixel at the specified (x,y) location.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
+%    o pixel_view: the pixel view.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType AcquireOneCacheViewPixel(
-  const CacheView *cache_view,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,PixelPacket *pixel,
-  ExceptionInfo *exception)
+WandExport PixelView *ClonePixelView(const PixelView *pixel_view)
-  return(GetOneCacheViewVirtualPixel(cache_view,x,y,pixel,exception));
+  PixelView
+    *clone_view;
+  register ssize_t
+    i;
+  assert(pixel_view != (PixelView *) NULL);
+  assert(pixel_view->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (pixel_view->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",pixel_view->name);
+  clone_view=(PixelView *) AcquireMagickMemory(sizeof(*clone_view));
+  if (clone_view == (PixelView *) NULL)
+    ThrowWandFatalException(ResourceLimitFatalError,"MemoryAllocationFailed",
+      pixel_view->name);
+  (void) ResetMagickMemory(clone_view,0,sizeof(*clone_view));
+  clone_view->id=AcquireWandId();
+  (void) FormatMagickString(clone_view->name,MaxTextExtent,"%s-%.20g",
+    PixelViewId,(double) clone_view->id);
+  clone_view->exception=AcquireExceptionInfo();
+  InheritException(clone_view->exception,pixel_view->exception);
+  clone_view->view=CloneCacheView(pixel_view->view);
+  clone_view->region=pixel_view->region;
+  clone_view->number_threads=pixel_view->number_threads;
+  for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) pixel_view->number_threads; i++)
+    clone_view->pixel_wands[i]=ClonePixelWands((const PixelWand **)
+      pixel_view->pixel_wands[i],pixel_view->region.width);
+  clone_view->debug=pixel_view->debug;
+  if (clone_view->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",clone_view->name);
+  clone_view->signature=WandSignature;
+  return(clone_view);
@@ -347,50 +229,252 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   A c q u i r e O n e C a c h e V i e w V i r t u a l P i x e l             %
+%   D e s t r o y P i x e l V i e w                                           %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  AcquireOneCacheViewVirtualPixel() returns a single pixel at the specified
-%  (x,y) location.  The image background color is returned if an error occurs.
-%  If you plan to modify the pixel, use GetOneCacheViewAuthenticPixel() instead.
+%  DestroyPixelView() deallocates memory associated with a pixel view.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
+%  The format of the DestroyPixelView method is:
-%    GetOneCacheViewVirtualMethodPixel(cache_view,virtual_pixel_method,
-%      x,y,pixel,exception);
-%  The format of the AcquireOneCacheViewPixel method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType AcquireOneCacheViewVirtualPixel(
-%        const CacheView *cache_view,
-%        const VirtualPixelMethod virtual_pixel_method,const ssize_t x,
-%        const ssize_t y,PixelPacket *pixel,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+%      PixelView *DestroyPixelView(PixelView *pixel_view,
+%        const size_t number_wands,const size_t number_threads)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o cache_view: the cache view.
+%    o pixel_view: the pixel view.
-%    o virtual_pixel_method: the virtual pixel method.
+%    o number_wand: the number of pixel wands.
-%    o x,y:  These values define the offset of the pixel.
-%    o pixel: return a pixel at the specified (x,y) location.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
+%    o number_threads: number of threads.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType AcquireOneCacheViewVirtualPixel(
-  const CacheView *cache_view,const VirtualPixelMethod virtual_pixel_method,
-  const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,PixelPacket *pixel,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+static PixelWand ***DestroyPixelsThreadSet(PixelWand ***pixel_wands,
+  const size_t number_wands,const size_t number_threads)
+  register ssize_t
+    i;
+  assert(pixel_wands != (PixelWand ***) NULL);
+  for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) number_threads; i++)
+    if (pixel_wands[i] != (PixelWand **) NULL)
+      pixel_wands[i]=DestroyPixelWands(pixel_wands[i],number_wands);
+  pixel_wands=(PixelWand ***) RelinquishMagickMemory(pixel_wands);
+  return(pixel_wands);
+WandExport PixelView *DestroyPixelView(PixelView *pixel_view)
+  assert(pixel_view != (PixelView *) NULL);
+  assert(pixel_view->signature == WandSignature);
+  pixel_view->pixel_wands=DestroyPixelsThreadSet(pixel_view->pixel_wands,
+    pixel_view->region.width,pixel_view->number_threads);
+  pixel_view->view=DestroyCacheView(pixel_view->view);
+  pixel_view->exception=DestroyExceptionInfo(pixel_view->exception);
+  pixel_view->signature=(~WandSignature);
+  RelinquishWandId(pixel_view->id);
+  pixel_view=(PixelView *) RelinquishMagickMemory(pixel_view);
+  return(pixel_view);
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   D u p l e x T r a n s f e r P i x e l V i e w I t e r a t o r             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  DuplexTransferPixelViewIterator() iterates over three pixel views in
+%  parallel and calls your transfer method for each scanline of the view.  The
+%  source and duplex pixel region is not confined to the image canvas-- that is
+%  you can include negative offsets or widths or heights that exceed the image
+%  dimension.  However, the destination pixel view is confined to the image
+%  canvas-- that is no negative offsets or widths or heights that exceed the
+%  image dimension are permitted.
+%  Use this pragma:
+%    #pragma omp critical
+%  to define a section of code in your callback transfer method that must be
+%  executed by a single thread at a time.
+%  The format of the DuplexTransferPixelViewIterator method is:
+%      MagickBooleanType DuplexTransferPixelViewIterator(PixelView *source,
+%        PixelView *duplex,PixelView *destination,
+%        DuplexTransferPixelViewMethod transfer,void *context)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o source: the source pixel view.
+%    o duplex: the duplex pixel view.
+%    o destination: the destination pixel view.
+%    o transfer: the transfer callback method.
+%    o context: the user defined context.
+WandExport MagickBooleanType DuplexTransferPixelViewIterator(
+  PixelView *source,PixelView *duplex,PixelView *destination,
+  DuplexTransferPixelViewMethod transfer,void *context)
+#define DuplexTransferPixelViewTag  "PixelView/DuplexTransfer"
+  ExceptionInfo
+    *exception;
+  Image
+    *destination_image,
+    *duplex_image,
+    *source_image;
-  status=GetOneCacheViewVirtualMethodPixel(cache_view,virtual_pixel_method,
-    x,y,pixel,exception);
+  MagickOffsetType
+    progress;
+  ssize_t
+    y;
+  assert(source != (PixelView *) NULL);
+  assert(source->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (transfer == (DuplexTransferPixelViewMethod) NULL)
+    return(MagickFalse);
+  source_image=source->wand->images;
+  duplex_image=duplex->wand->images;
+  destination_image=destination->wand->images;
+  if (SetImageStorageClass(destination_image,DirectClass) == MagickFalse)
+    return(MagickFalse);
+  status=MagickTrue;
+  progress=0;
+  exception=destination->exception;
+  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,1) shared(progress,status)
+  for (y=source->region.y; y < (ssize_t) source->region.height; y++)
+  {
+    const int
+      id = GetOpenMPThreadId();
+    MagickBooleanType
+      sync;
+    register const IndexPacket
+      *restrict duplex_indexes,
+      *restrict indexes;
+    register const PixelPacket
+      *restrict duplex_pixels,
+      *restrict pixels;
+    register IndexPacket
+      *restrict destination_indexes;
+    register ssize_t
+      x;
+    register PixelPacket
+      *restrict destination_pixels;
+    if (status == MagickFalse)
+      continue;
+    pixels=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(source->view,source->region.x,y,
+      source->region.width,1,source->exception);
+    if (pixels == (const PixelPacket *) NULL)
+      {
+        status=MagickFalse;
+        continue;
+      }
+    indexes=GetCacheViewVirtualIndexQueue(source->view);
+    for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) source->region.width; x++)
+      PixelSetQuantumColor(source->pixel_wands[id][x],pixels+x);
+    if (source_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
+      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) source->region.width; x++)
+        PixelSetBlackQuantum(source->pixel_wands[id][x],
+          GetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x));
+    if (source_image->storage_class == PseudoClass)
+      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) source->region.width; x++)
+        PixelSetIndex(source->pixel_wands[id][x],
+         GetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x));
+    duplex_pixels=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(duplex->view,duplex->region.x,y,
+      duplex->region.width,1,duplex->exception);
+    if (duplex_pixels == (const PixelPacket *) NULL)
+      {
+        status=MagickFalse;
+        continue;
+      }
+    duplex_indexes=GetCacheViewVirtualIndexQueue(duplex->view);
+    for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) duplex->region.width; x++)
+      PixelSetQuantumColor(duplex->pixel_wands[id][x],duplex_pixels+x);
+    if (duplex_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
+      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) duplex->region.width; x++)
+        PixelSetBlackQuantum(duplex->pixel_wands[id][x],
+          GetIndexPixelComponent(duplex_indexes+x));
+    if (duplex_image->storage_class == PseudoClass)
+      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) duplex->region.width; x++)
+        PixelSetIndex(duplex->pixel_wands[id][x],
+          GetIndexPixelComponent(duplex_indexes+x));
+    destination_pixels=GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels(destination->view,
+      destination->region.x,y,destination->region.width,1,exception);
+    if (destination_pixels == (PixelPacket *) NULL)
+      {
+        status=MagickFalse;
+        continue;
+      }
+    destination_indexes=GetCacheViewAuthenticIndexQueue(destination->view);
+    for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) destination->region.width; x++)
+      PixelSetQuantumColor(destination->pixel_wands[id][x],
+        destination_pixels+x);
+    if (destination_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
+      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) destination->region.width; x++)
+        PixelSetBlackQuantum(destination->pixel_wands[id][x],
+          GetIndexPixelComponent(destination_indexes+x));
+    if (destination_image->storage_class == PseudoClass)
+      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) destination->region.width; x++)
+        PixelSetIndex(destination->pixel_wands[id][x],
+          GetIndexPixelComponent(destination_indexes+x));
+    if (transfer(source,duplex,destination,context) == MagickFalse)
+      status=MagickFalse;
+    for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) destination->region.width; x++)
+      PixelGetQuantumColor(destination->pixel_wands[id][x],
+        destination_pixels+x);
+    if (destination_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
+      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) destination->region.width; x++)
+        SetIndexPixelComponent(destination_indexes+x,PixelGetBlackQuantum(
+          destination->pixel_wands[id][x]));
+    sync=SyncCacheViewAuthenticPixels(destination->view,exception);
+    if (sync == MagickFalse)
+      {
+        InheritException(destination->exception,GetCacheViewException(
+          source->view));
+        status=MagickFalse;
+      }
+    if (source_image->progress_monitor != (MagickProgressMonitor) NULL)
+      {
+        MagickBooleanType
+          proceed;
+  #pragma omp critical (MagickWand_DuplexTransferPixelViewIterator)
+        proceed=SetImageProgress(source_image,DuplexTransferPixelViewTag,
+          progress++,source->region.height);
+        if (proceed == MagickFalse)
+          status=MagickFalse;
+      }
+  }
@@ -399,529 +483,391 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   A c q u i r e O n e M a g i c k P i x e l                                 %
+%   G e t P i x e l V i e w E x c e p t i o n                                 %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  AcquireOneMagickPixel() returns a single pixel at the specified (x,y)
-%  location.  The image background color is returned if an error occurs.  If
-%  you plan to modify the pixel, use GetOnePixel() instead.
+%  GetPixelViewException() returns the severity, reason, and description of any
+%  error that occurs when utilizing a pixel view.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
+%  The format of the GetPixelViewException method is:
-%    MagickPixelPacket pixel;
-%    GetOneVirtualMagickPixel(image,x,y,&pixel,exception);
-%  The format of the AcquireOneMagickPixel() method is:
-%      MagickPixelPacket AcquireOneMagickPixel(const Image image,const ssize_t x,
-%        const ssize_t y,ExceptionInfo exception)
+%      char *GetPixelViewException(const PixelWand *pixel_view,
+%        ExceptionType *severity)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o pixel_view: the pixel pixel_view.
-%    o x,y:  These values define the location of the pixel to return.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
+%    o severity: the severity of the error is returned here.
-MagickExport MagickPixelPacket AcquireOneMagickPixel(const Image *image,
-  const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  MagickPixelPacket
-    pixel;
-  (void) GetOneVirtualMagickPixel(image,x,y,&pixel,exception);
-  return(pixel);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   A c q u i r e O n e P i x e l                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  AcquireOnePixel() returns a single pixel at the specified (x,y) location.
-%  The image background color is returned if an error occurs.  If you plan to
-%  modify the pixel, use GetOnePixel() instead.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    PixelPacket pixel;
-%    GetOneVirtualPixel(image,x,y,&pixel,exception);
-%  The format of the AcquireOnePixel() method is:
-%      PixelPacket AcquireOnePixel(const Image image,const ssize_t x,
-%        const ssize_t y,ExceptionInfo exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o x,y:  These values define the location of the pixel to return.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport PixelPacket AcquireOnePixel(const Image *image,const ssize_t x,
-  const ssize_t y,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  PixelPacket
-    pixel;
-  (void) GetOneVirtualPixel(image,x,y,&pixel,exception);
-  return(pixel);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   A c q u i r e O n e V i r t u a l P i x e l                               %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  AcquireOneVirtualPixel() returns a single pixel at the specified (x,y)
-%  location as defined by specified pixel method.  The image background color
-%  is returned if an error occurs.  If you plan to modify the pixel, use
-%  GetOnePixel() instead.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    PixelPacket pixel;
-%    GetOneVirtualMethodPixel(image,virtual_pixel_method,x,y,&pixel,exception);
-%  The format of the AcquireOneVirtualPixel() method is:
-%      PixelPacket AcquireOneVirtualPixel(const Image image,
-%        const VirtualPixelMethod virtual_pixel_method,const ssize_t x,
-%        const ssize_t y,ExceptionInfo exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o virtual_pixel_method: the virtual pixel method.
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o x,y:  These values define the location of the pixel to return.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport PixelPacket AcquireOneVirtualPixel(const Image *image,
-  const VirtualPixelMethod virtual_pixel_method,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,
-  ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  PixelPacket
-    pixel;
-  (void) GetOneVirtualMethodPixel(image,virtual_pixel_method,x,y,&pixel,
-    exception);
-  return(pixel);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   A c q u i r e P i x e l s                                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  AcquirePixels() returns the pixels associated with the last call to
-%  QueueAuthenticPixels() or GetVirtualPixels().
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetVirtualPixelQueue(image);
-%  The format of the AcquirePixels() method is:
-%      const PixelPacket *AcquirePixels(const Image image)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-MagickExport const PixelPacket *AcquirePixels(const Image *image)
-  return(GetVirtualPixelQueue(image));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   A f f i n i t y I m a g e                                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  AffinityImage() replaces the colors of an image with the closest color from
-%  a reference image.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    RemapImage(quantize_info,image,affinity_image);
-%  The format of the AffinityImage method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType AffinityImage(const QuantizeInfo *quantize_info,
-%        Image *image,const Image *affinity_image)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o quantize_info: Specifies a pointer to an QuantizeInfo structure.
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o affinity_image: the reference image.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType AffinityImage(const QuantizeInfo *quantize_info,
-  Image *image,const Image *affinity_image)
-  return(RemapImage(quantize_info,image,affinity_image));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   A f f i n i t y I m a g e s                                               %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  AffinityImages() replaces the colors of a sequence of images with the
-%  closest color from a reference image.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    RemapImages(quantize_info,images,affinity_image);
-%  The format of the AffinityImage method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType AffinityImages(const QuantizeInfo *quantize_info,
-%        Image *images,Image *affinity_image)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o quantize_info: Specifies a pointer to an QuantizeInfo structure.
-%    o images: the image sequence.
-%    o affinity_image: the reference image.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType AffinityImages(const QuantizeInfo *quantize_info,
-  Image *images,const Image *affinity_image)
-  return(RemapImages(quantize_info,images,affinity_image));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   A l l o c a t e I m a g e                                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  AllocateImage() returns a pointer to an image structure initialized to
-%  default values.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    AcquireImage(image_info);
-%  The format of the AllocateImage method is:
-%      Image *AllocateImage(const ImageInfo *image_info)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image_info: Many of the image default values are set from this
-%      structure.  For example, filename, compression, depth, background color,
-%      and others.
-MagickExport Image *AllocateImage(const ImageInfo *image_info)
-  return(AcquireImage(image_info));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   A l l o c a t e I m a g e C o l o r m a p                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  AllocateImageColormap() allocates an image colormap and initializes
-%  it to a linear gray colorspace.  If the image already has a colormap,
-%  it is replaced.  AllocateImageColormap() returns MagickTrue if successful,
-%  otherwise MagickFalse if there is not enough memory.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    AcquireImageColormap(image,colors);
-%  The format of the AllocateImageColormap method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType AllocateImageColormap(Image *image,
-%        const size_t colors)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o colors: the number of colors in the image colormap.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType AllocateImageColormap(Image *image,
-  const size_t colors)
-  return(AcquireImageColormap(image,colors));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   A l l o c a t e N e x t I m a g e                                         %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  AllocateNextImage() initializes the next image in a sequence to
-%  default values.  The next member of image points to the newly allocated
-%  image.  If there is a memory shortage, next is assigned NULL.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    AcquireNextImage(image_info,image);
-%  The format of the AllocateNextImage method is:
-%      void AllocateNextImage(const ImageInfo *image_info,Image *image)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image_info: Many of the image default values are set from this
-%      structure.  For example, filename, compression, depth, background color,
-%      and others.
-%    o image: the image.
-MagickExport void AllocateNextImage(const ImageInfo *image_info,Image *image)
-  AcquireNextImage(image_info,image);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   A l l o c a t e S t r i n g                                               %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  AllocateString() allocates memory for a string and copies the source string
-%  to that memory location (and returns it).
-%  The format of the AllocateString method is:
-%      char *AllocateString(const char *source)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o source: A character string.
-MagickExport char *AllocateString(const char *source)
+WandExport char *GetPixelViewException(const PixelView *pixel_view,
+  ExceptionType *severity)
-    *destination;
+    *description;
+  assert(pixel_view != (const PixelView *) NULL);
+  assert(pixel_view->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (pixel_view->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",pixel_view->name);
+  assert(severity != (ExceptionType *) NULL);
+  *severity=pixel_view->exception->severity;
+  description=(char *) AcquireQuantumMemory(2UL*MaxTextExtent,
+    sizeof(*description));
+  if (description == (char *) NULL)
+    ThrowWandFatalException(ResourceLimitFatalError,"MemoryAllocationFailed",
+      pixel_view->name);
+  *description='\0';
+  if (pixel_view->exception->reason != (char *) NULL)
+    (void) CopyMagickString(description,GetLocaleExceptionMessage(
+      pixel_view->exception->severity,pixel_view->exception->reason),
+        MaxTextExtent);
+  if (pixel_view->exception->description != (char *) NULL)
+    {
+      (void) ConcatenateMagickString(description," (",MaxTextExtent);
+      (void) ConcatenateMagickString(description,GetLocaleExceptionMessage(
+        pixel_view->exception->severity,pixel_view->exception->description),
+        MaxTextExtent);
+      (void) ConcatenateMagickString(description,")",MaxTextExtent);
+    }
+  return(description);
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   G e t P i x e l V i e w H e i g h t                                       %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  GetPixelViewHeight() returns the pixel view height.
+%  The format of the GetPixelViewHeight method is:
+%      size_t GetPixelViewHeight(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o pixel_view: the pixel view.
+WandExport size_t GetPixelViewHeight(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+  assert(pixel_view != (PixelView *) NULL);
+  assert(pixel_view->signature == WandSignature);
+  return(pixel_view->region.height);
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   G e t P i x e l V i e w I t e r a t o r                                   %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  GetPixelViewIterator() iterates over the pixel view in parallel and calls
+%  your get method for each scanline of the view.  The pixel region is
+%  not confined to the image canvas-- that is you can include negative offsets
+%  or widths or heights that exceed the image dimension.  Any updates to
+%  the pixels in your callback are ignored.
+%  Use this pragma:
+%    #pragma omp critical
+%  to define a section of code in your callback get method that must be
+%  executed by a single thread at a time.
+%  The format of the GetPixelViewIterator method is:
+%      MagickBooleanType GetPixelViewIterator(PixelView *source,
+%        GetPixelViewMethod get,void *context)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o source: the source pixel view.
+%    o get: the get callback method.
+%    o context: the user defined context.
+WandExport MagickBooleanType GetPixelViewIterator(PixelView *source,
+  GetPixelViewMethod get,void *context)
+#define GetPixelViewTag  "PixelView/Get"
+  Image
+    *source_image;
+  MagickBooleanType
+    status;
+  MagickOffsetType
+    progress;
+  ssize_t
+    y;
+  assert(source != (PixelView *) NULL);
+  assert(source->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (get == (GetPixelViewMethod) NULL)
+    return(MagickFalse);
+  source_image=source->wand->images;
+  status=MagickTrue;
+  progress=0;
+  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,1) shared(progress,status)
+  for (y=source->region.y; y < (ssize_t) source->region.height; y++)
+  {
+    const int
+      id = GetOpenMPThreadId();
+    register const IndexPacket
+      *indexes;
+    register const PixelPacket
+      *pixels;
+    register ssize_t
+      x;
+    if (status == MagickFalse)
+      continue;
+    pixels=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(source->view,source->region.x,y,
+      source->region.width,1,source->exception);
+    if (pixels == (const PixelPacket *) NULL)
+      {
+        status=MagickFalse;
+        continue;
+      }
+    indexes=GetCacheViewVirtualIndexQueue(source->view);
+    for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) source->region.width; x++)
+      PixelSetQuantumColor(source->pixel_wands[id][x],pixels+x);
+    if (source_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
+      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) source->region.width; x++)
+        PixelSetBlackQuantum(source->pixel_wands[id][x],
+          GetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x));
+    if (source_image->storage_class == PseudoClass)
+      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) source->region.width; x++)
+        PixelSetIndex(source->pixel_wands[id][x],
+          GetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x));
+    if (get(source,context) == MagickFalse)
+      status=MagickFalse;
+    if (source_image->progress_monitor != (MagickProgressMonitor) NULL)
+      {
+        MagickBooleanType
+          proceed;
+  #pragma omp critical (MagickWand_GetPixelViewIterator)
+        proceed=SetImageProgress(source_image,GetPixelViewTag,progress++,
+          source->region.height);
+        if (proceed == MagickFalse)
+          status=MagickFalse;
+      }
+  }
+  return(status);
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   G e t P i x e l V i e w P i x e l s                                       %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  GetPixelViewPixels() returns the pixel view pixel_wands.
+%  The format of the GetPixelViewPixels method is:
+%      PixelWand *GetPixelViewPixels(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o pixel_view: the pixel view.
+WandExport PixelWand **GetPixelViewPixels(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+  const int
+    id = GetOpenMPThreadId();
+  assert(pixel_view != (PixelView *) NULL);
+  assert(pixel_view->signature == WandSignature);
+  return(pixel_view->pixel_wands[id]);
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   G e t P i x e l V i e w W a n d                                           %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  GetPixelViewWand() returns the magick wand associated with the pixel view.
+%  The format of the GetPixelViewWand method is:
+%      MagickWand *GetPixelViewWand(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o pixel_view: the pixel view.
+WandExport MagickWand *GetPixelViewWand(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+  assert(pixel_view != (PixelView *) NULL);
+  assert(pixel_view->signature == WandSignature);
+  return(pixel_view->wand);
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   G e t P i x e l V i e w W i d t h                                         %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  GetPixelViewWidth() returns the pixel view width.
+%  The format of the GetPixelViewWidth method is:
+%      size_t GetPixelViewWidth(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o pixel_view: the pixel view.
+WandExport size_t GetPixelViewWidth(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+  assert(pixel_view != (PixelView *) NULL);
+  assert(pixel_view->signature == WandSignature);
+  return(pixel_view->region.width);
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   G e t P i x e l V i e w X                                                 %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  GetPixelViewX() returns the pixel view x offset.
+%  The format of the GetPixelViewX method is:
+%      ssize_t GetPixelViewX(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o pixel_view: the pixel view.
+WandExport ssize_t GetPixelViewX(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+  assert(pixel_view != (PixelView *) NULL);
+  assert(pixel_view->signature == WandSignature);
+  return(pixel_view->region.x);
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   G e t P i x e l V i e w Y                                                 %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  GetPixelViewY() returns the pixel view y offset.
+%  The format of the GetPixelViewY method is:
+%      ssize_t GetPixelViewY(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o pixel_view: the pixel view.
+WandExport ssize_t GetPixelViewY(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+  assert(pixel_view != (PixelView *) NULL);
+  assert(pixel_view->signature == WandSignature);
+  return(pixel_view->region.y);
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   I s P i x e l V i e w                                                     %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  IsPixelView() returns MagickTrue if the the parameter is verified as a pixel
+%  view container.
+%  The format of the IsPixelView method is:
+%      MagickBooleanType IsPixelView(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o pixel_view: the pixel view.
+WandExport MagickBooleanType IsPixelView(const PixelView *pixel_view)
-  assert(source != (const char *) NULL);
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.7");
-  length=strlen(source)+MaxTextExtent+1;
-  destination=(char *) AcquireQuantumMemory(length,sizeof(*destination));
-  if (destination == (char *) NULL)
-    ThrowFatalException(ResourceLimitFatalError,"MemoryAllocationFailed");
-  *destination='\0';
-  if (source != (char *) NULL)
-    (void) CopyMagickString(destination,source,length);
-  return(destination);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%     A v e r a g e I m a g e s                                               %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  AverageImages() takes a set of images and averages them together.  Each
-%  image in the set must have the same width and height.  AverageImages()
-%  returns a single image with each corresponding pixel component of each
-%  image averaged.   On failure, a NULL image is returned and exception
-%  describes the reason for the failure.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    EvaluateImages(images,MeanEvaluateOperator,exception);
-%  The format of the AverageImages method is:
-%      Image *AverageImages(Image *images,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image sequence.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport Image *AverageImages(const Image *images,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  return(EvaluateImages(images,MeanEvaluateOperator,exception));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%     C h a n n e l I m a g e                                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  Extract a channel from the image.  A channel is a particular color component
-%  of each pixel in the image.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    SeparateImageChannel(image,channel);
-%  The format of the ChannelImage method is:
-%      unsigned int ChannelImage(Image *image,const ChannelType channel)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o channel: Identify which channel to extract: RedChannel, GreenChannel,
-%      BlueChannel, OpacityChannel, CyanChannel, MagentaChannel, YellowChannel,
-%      or BlackChannel.
-MagickExport unsigned int ChannelImage(Image *image,const ChannelType channel)
-  return(SeparateImageChannel(image,channel));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%     C h a n n e l T h r e s h o l d I m a g e                               %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  ChannelThresholdImage() changes the value of individual pixels based on
-%  the intensity of each pixel channel.  The result is a high-contrast image.
-%  The format of the ChannelThresholdImage method is:
-%      unsigned int ChannelThresholdImage(Image *image,const char *level)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o level: define the threshold values.
-MagickExport unsigned int ChannelThresholdImage(Image *image,const char *level)
-  MagickPixelPacket
-    threshold;
-  GeometryInfo
-    geometry_info;
-  unsigned int
-    flags,
-    status;
-  assert(image != (Image *) NULL);
-  assert(image->signature == MagickSignature);
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename);
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.7");
-  if (level == (char *) NULL)
+  if (pixel_view == (const PixelView *) NULL)
-  flags=ParseGeometry(level,&geometry_info);
-  threshold.red=geometry_info.rho;
-  threshold.green=geometry_info.sigma;
-  if ((flags & SigmaValue) == 0)
-    threshold.green=threshold.red;
-  threshold.blue=geometry_info.xi;
-  if ((flags & XiValue) == 0)
-    threshold.blue=threshold.red;
-  status=BilevelImageChannel(image,RedChannel,threshold.red);
-  status|=BilevelImageChannel(image,GreenChannel,threshold.green);
-  status|=BilevelImageChannel(image,BlueChannel,threshold.blue);
-  return(status);
+  if (pixel_view->signature != WandSignature)
+    return(MagickFalse);
+  length=strlen(PixelViewId);
+  if (LocaleNCompare(pixel_view->name,PixelViewId,length) != 0)
+    return(MagickFalse);
+  return(MagickTrue);
@@ -929,27 +875,25 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   C l i p I m a g e P a t h                                                 %
+%   M a g i c k C l i p P a t h I m a g e                                     %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  ClipPathImage() sets the image clip mask based any clipping path information
-%  if it exists.
+%  MagickClipPathImage() clips along the named paths from the 8BIM profile, if
+%  present. Later operations take effect inside the path.  Id may be a number
+%  if preceded with #, to work on a numbered path, e.g., "#1" to use the first
+%  path.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
+%  The format of the MagickClipPathImage method is:
-%    ClipImagePath(image,pathname,inside);
-%  The format of the ClipImage method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType ClipPathImage(Image *image,const char *pathname,
-%        const MagickBooleanType inside)
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickClipPathImage(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const char *pathname,const MagickBooleanType inside)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
 %    o pathname: name of clipping path resource. If name is preceded by #, use
 %      clipping path numbered by name.
@@ -958,45 +902,37 @@
 %      Otherwise later operations take effect outside clipping path.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType ClipPathImage(Image *image,const char *pathname,
-  const MagickBooleanType inside)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickClipPathImage(MagickWand *wand,
+  const char *pathname,const MagickBooleanType inside)
-  return(ClipImagePath(image,pathname,inside));
+  return(MagickClipImagePath(wand,pathname,inside));
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   C l o n e I m a g e A t t r i b u t e s                                   %
+%   D r a w G e t F i l l A l p h a                                           %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  CloneImageAttributes() clones one or more image attributes.
+%  DrawGetFillAlpha() returns the alpha used when drawing using the fill
+%  color or fill texture.  Fully opaque is 1.0.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
+%  The format of the DrawGetFillAlpha method is:
-%    CloneImageProperties(image,clone_image);
-%  The format of the CloneImageAttributes method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType CloneImageAttributes(Image *image,
-%        const Image *clone_image)
+%      double DrawGetFillAlpha(const DrawingWand *wand)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o clone_image: the clone image.
+%    o wand: the drawing wand.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType CloneImageAttributes(Image *image,
-  const Image *clone_image)
+WandExport double DrawGetFillAlpha(const DrawingWand *wand)
-  return(CloneImageProperties(image,clone_image));
+  return(DrawGetFillOpacity(wand));
@@ -1004,57 +940,25 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   C l o n e M e m o r y                                                     %
+%   D r a w G e t S t r o k e A l p h a                                       %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  CloneMemory() copies size bytes from memory area source to the destination.
-%  Copying between objects that overlap will take place correctly.  It returns
-%  destination.
+%  DrawGetStrokeAlpha() returns the alpha of stroked object outlines.
-%  The format of the CloneMemory method is:
+%  The format of the DrawGetStrokeAlpha method is:
-%      void *CloneMemory(void *destination,const void *source,
-%        const size_t size)
+%      double DrawGetStrokeAlpha(const DrawingWand *wand)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o destination: the destination.
-%    o source: the source.
-%    o size: the size of the memory in bytes to allocate.
+%    o wand: the drawing wand.
-MagickExport void *CloneMemory(void *destination,const void *source,
-  const size_t size)
+WandExport double DrawGetStrokeAlpha(const DrawingWand *wand)
-  register const unsigned char
-    *p;
-  register unsigned char
-    *q;
-  register ssize_t
-    i;
-  assert(destination != (void *) NULL);
-  assert(source != (const void *) NULL);
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.7");
-  p=(const unsigned char *) source;
-  q=(unsigned char *) destination;
-  if ((p <= q) || ((p+size) >= q))
-    return(CopyMagickMemory(destination,source,size));
-  /*
-    Overlap, copy backwards.
-  */
-  p+=size;
-  q+=size;
-  for (i=(ssize_t) (size-1); i >= 0; i--)
-    *--q=(*--p);
-  return(destination);
+  return(DrawGetStrokeOpacity(wand));
@@ -1062,31 +966,26 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   C l o s e C a c h e V i e w                                               %
+%   D r a w P e e k G r a p h i c W a n d                                     %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  CloseCacheView() closes the specified view returned by a previous call to
-%  OpenCacheView().
+%  DrawPeekGraphicWand() returns the current drawing wand.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
+%  The format of the PeekDrawingWand method is:
-%    DestroyCacheView(view_info);
-%  The format of the CloseCacheView method is:
-%      CacheView *CloseCacheView(CacheView *view_info)
+%      DrawInfo *DrawPeekGraphicWand(const DrawingWand *wand)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o view_info: the address of a structure of type CacheView.
+%    o wand: the drawing wand.
-MagickExport CacheView *CloseCacheView(CacheView *view_info)
+WandExport DrawInfo *DrawPeekGraphicWand(const DrawingWand *wand)
-  return(DestroyCacheView(view_info));
+  return(PeekDrawingWand(wand));
@@ -1094,287 +993,192 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   C o l o r F l o o d f i l l I m a g e                                     %
+%   D r a w P o p G r a p h i c C o n t e x t                                 %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  ColorFloodfill() changes the color value of any pixel that matches
+%  DrawPopGraphicContext() destroys the current drawing wand and returns to the
+%  previously pushed drawing wand. Multiple drawing wands may exist. It is an
+%  error to attempt to pop more drawing wands than have been pushed, and it is
+%  proper form to pop all drawing wands which have been pushed.
+%  The format of the DrawPopGraphicContext method is:
+%      MagickBooleanType DrawPopGraphicContext(DrawingWand *wand)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o wand: the drawing wand.
+WandExport void DrawPopGraphicContext(DrawingWand *wand)
+  (void) PopDrawingWand(wand);
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   D r a w P u s h G r a p h i c C o n t e x t                               %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  DrawPushGraphicContext() clones the current drawing wand to create a new
+%  drawing wand.  The original drawing wand(s) may be returned to by
+%  invoking PopDrawingWand().  The drawing wands are stored on a drawing wand
+%  stack.  For every Pop there must have already been an equivalent Push.
+%  The format of the DrawPushGraphicContext method is:
+%      MagickBooleanType DrawPushGraphicContext(DrawingWand *wand)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o wand: the drawing wand.
+WandExport void DrawPushGraphicContext(DrawingWand *wand)
+  (void) PushDrawingWand(wand);
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   D r a w S e t F i l l A l p h a                                           %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  DrawSetFillAlpha() sets the alpha to use when drawing using the fill
+%  color or fill texture.  Fully opaque is 1.0.
+%  The format of the DrawSetFillAlpha method is:
+%      void DrawSetFillAlpha(DrawingWand *wand,const double fill_alpha)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o wand: the drawing wand.
+%    o fill_alpha: fill alpha
+WandExport void DrawSetFillAlpha(DrawingWand *wand,const double fill_alpha)
+  DrawSetFillOpacity(wand,fill_alpha);
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   D r a w S e t S t r o k e A l p h a                                       %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  DrawSetStrokeAlpha() specifies the alpha of stroked object outlines.
+%  The format of the DrawSetStrokeAlpha method is:
+%      void DrawSetStrokeAlpha(DrawingWand *wand,const double stroke_alpha)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o wand: the drawing wand.
+%    o stroke_alpha: stroke alpha.  The value 1.0 is opaque.
+WandExport void DrawSetStrokeAlpha(DrawingWand *wand,const double stroke_alpha)
+  DrawSetStrokeOpacity(wand,stroke_alpha);
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   M a g i c k C o l o r F l o o d f i l l I m a g e                         %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  MagickColorFloodfillImage() changes the color value of any pixel that matches
 %  target and is an immediate neighbor.  If the method FillToBorderMethod is
 %  specified, the color value is changed for any neighbor pixel that does not
 %  match the bordercolor member of image.
-%  By default target must match a particular pixel color exactly.
-%  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.  The
-%  fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to
-%  consider two colors as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the
-%  color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now
-%  interpreted as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.
+%  The format of the MagickColorFloodfillImage method is:
-%  The format of the ColorFloodfillImage method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType ColorFloodfillImage(Image *image,
-%        const DrawInfo *draw_info,const PixelPacket target,
-%        const ssize_t x_offset,const ssize_t y_offset,const PaintMethod method)
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickColorFloodfillImage(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const PixelWand *fill,const double fuzz,const PixelWand *bordercolor,
+%        const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-%    o draw_info: the draw info.
+%    o fill: the floodfill color pixel wand.
-%    o target: the RGB value of the target color.
+%    o fuzz: By default target must match a particular pixel color
+%      exactly.  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.
+%      The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to
+%      consider two colors as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the
+%      color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted
+%      as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.
+%    o bordercolor: the border color pixel wand.
 %    o x,y: the starting location of the operation.
-%    o method: Choose either FloodfillMethod or FillToBorderMethod.
-#define MaxStacksize  (1UL << 15)
-#define PushSegmentStack(up,left,right,delta) \
-{ \
-  if (s >= (segment_stack+MaxStacksize)) \
-    ThrowBinaryException(DrawError,"SegmentStackOverflow",image->filename) \
-  else \
-    { \
-      if ((((up)+(delta)) >= 0) && (((up)+(delta)) < (ssize_t) image->rows)) \
-        { \
-          s->x1=(double) (left); \
-          s->y1=(double) (up); \
-          s->x2=(double) (right); \
-          s->y2=(double) (delta); \
-          s++; \
-        } \
-    } \
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType ColorFloodfillImage(Image *image,
-  const DrawInfo *draw_info,const PixelPacket target,const ssize_t x_offset,
-  const ssize_t y_offset,const PaintMethod method)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickColorFloodfillImage(MagickWand *wand,
+  const PixelWand *fill,const double fuzz,const PixelWand *bordercolor,
+  const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y)
-  Image
-    *floodplane_image;
+  DrawInfo
+    *draw_info;
-    skip;
+    status;
-    fill_color;
+    target;
-  register SegmentInfo
-    *s;
-  SegmentInfo
-    *segment_stack;
-  ssize_t
-    offset,
-    start,
-    x,
-    x1,
-    x2,
-    y;
-  /*
-    Check boundary conditions.
-  */
-  assert(image != (Image *) NULL);
-  assert(image->signature == MagickSignature);
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename);
-  assert(draw_info != (DrawInfo *) NULL);
-  assert(draw_info->signature == MagickSignature);
-  if ((x_offset < 0) || (x_offset >= (ssize_t) image->columns))
-    return(MagickFalse);
-  if ((y_offset < 0) || (y_offset >= (ssize_t) image->rows))
-    return(MagickFalse);
-  if (SetImageStorageClass(image,DirectClass) == MagickFalse)
-    return(MagickFalse);
-  if (image->matte == MagickFalse)
-    (void) SetImageAlphaChannel(image,OpaqueAlphaChannel);
-  floodplane_image=CloneImage(image,image->columns,image->rows,MagickTrue,
-    &image->exception);
-  if (floodplane_image == (Image *) NULL)
-    return(MagickFalse);
-  (void) SetImageAlphaChannel(floodplane_image,OpaqueAlphaChannel);
-  /*
-    Set floodfill color.
-  */
-  segment_stack=(SegmentInfo *) AcquireQuantumMemory(MaxStacksize,
-    sizeof(*segment_stack));
-  if (segment_stack == (SegmentInfo *) NULL)
-    {
-      floodplane_image=DestroyImage(floodplane_image);
-      ThrowBinaryException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed",
-        image->filename);
-    }
-  /*
-    Push initial segment on stack.
-  */
-  x=x_offset;
-  y=y_offset;
-  start=0;
-  s=segment_stack;
-  PushSegmentStack(y,x,x,1);
-  PushSegmentStack(y+1,x,x,-1);
-  while (s > segment_stack)
-  {
-    register const PixelPacket
-      *restrict p;
-    register ssize_t
-      x;
-    register PixelPacket
-      *restrict q;
-    /*
-      Pop segment off stack.
-    */
-    s--;
-    x1=(ssize_t) s->x1;
-    x2=(ssize_t) s->x2;
-    offset=(ssize_t) s->y2;
-    y=(ssize_t) s->y1+offset;
-    /*
-      Recolor neighboring pixels.
-    */
-    p=GetVirtualPixels(image,0,y,(size_t) (x1+1),1,&image->exception);
-    q=GetAuthenticPixels(floodplane_image,0,y,(size_t) (x1+1),1,
-      &image->exception);
-    if ((p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL) || (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL))
-      break;
-    p+=x1;
-    q+=x1;
-    for (x=x1; x >= 0; x--)
-    {
-      if (q->opacity == (Quantum) TransparentOpacity)
-        break;
-      if (method == FloodfillMethod)
-        {
-          if (IsColorSimilar(image,p,&target) == MagickFalse)
-            break;
-        }
-      else
-        if (IsColorSimilar(image,p,&target) != MagickFalse)
-          break;
-      q->opacity=(Quantum) TransparentOpacity;
-      p--;
-      q--;
-    }
-    if (SyncAuthenticPixels(floodplane_image,&image->exception) == MagickFalse)
-      break;
-    skip=x >= x1 ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse;
-    if (skip == MagickFalse)
-      {
-        start=x+1;
-        if (start < x1)
-          PushSegmentStack(y,start,x1-1,-offset);
-        x=x1+1;
-      }
-    do
-    {
-      if (skip == MagickFalse)
-        {
-          if (x < (ssize_t) image->columns)
-            {
-              p=GetVirtualPixels(image,x,y,image->columns-x,1,
-                &image->exception);
-              q=GetAuthenticPixels(floodplane_image,x,y,image->columns-x,1,
-                &image->exception);
-              if ((p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL) ||
-                  (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL))
-                break;
-              for ( ; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
-              {
-                if (q->opacity == (Quantum) TransparentOpacity)
-                  break;
-                if (method == FloodfillMethod)
-                  {
-                    if (IsColorSimilar(image,p,&target) == MagickFalse)
-                      break;
-                  }
-                else
-                  if (IsColorSimilar(image,p,&target) != MagickFalse)
-                    break;
-                q->opacity=(Quantum) TransparentOpacity;
-                p++;
-                q++;
-              }
-              if (SyncAuthenticPixels(floodplane_image,&image->exception) == MagickFalse)
-                break;
-            }
-          PushSegmentStack(y,start,x-1,offset);
-          if (x > (x2+1))
-            PushSegmentStack(y,x2+1,x-1,-offset);
-        }
-      skip=MagickFalse;
-      x++;
-      if (x <= x2)
-        {
-          p=GetVirtualPixels(image,x,y,(size_t) (x2-x+1),1,
-            &image->exception);
-          q=GetAuthenticPixels(floodplane_image,x,y,(size_t) (x2-x+1),1,
-            &image->exception);
-          if ((p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL) || (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL))
-            break;
-          for ( ; x <= x2; x++)
-          {
-            if (q->opacity == (Quantum) TransparentOpacity)
-              break;
-            if (method == FloodfillMethod)
-              {
-                if (IsColorSimilar(image,p,&target) != MagickFalse)
-                  break;
-              }
-            else
-              if (IsColorSimilar(image,p,&target) == MagickFalse)
-                break;
-            p++;
-            q++;
-          }
-        }
-      start=x;
-    } while (x <= x2);
-  }
-  for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++)
-  {
-    register const PixelPacket
-      *restrict p;
-    register ssize_t
-      x;
-    register PixelPacket
-      *restrict q;
-    /*
-      Tile fill color onto floodplane.
-    */
-    p=GetVirtualPixels(floodplane_image,0,y,image->columns,1,
-      &image->exception);
-    q=GetAuthenticPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,&image->exception);
-    if ((p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL) || (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL))
-      break;
-    for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
-    {
-      if (GetOpacityPixelComponent(p) != OpaqueOpacity)
-        {
-          (void) GetFillColor(draw_info,x,y,&fill_color);
-          MagickCompositeOver(&fill_color,(MagickRealType) fill_color.opacity,q,
-            (MagickRealType) q->opacity,q);
-        }
-      p++;
-      q++;
-    }
-    if (SyncAuthenticPixels(image,&image->exception) == MagickFalse)
-      break;
-  }
-  segment_stack=(SegmentInfo *) RelinquishMagickMemory(segment_stack);
-  floodplane_image=DestroyImage(floodplane_image);
-  return(y == (ssize_t) image->rows ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse);
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+  if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+    ThrowWandException(WandError,"ContainsNoImages",wand->name);
+  draw_info=CloneDrawInfo(wand->image_info,(DrawInfo *) NULL);
+  PixelGetQuantumColor(fill,&draw_info->fill);
+  (void) GetOneVirtualPixel(wand->images,x % wand->images->columns,
+    y % wand->images->rows,&target,wand->exception);
+  if (bordercolor != (PixelWand *) NULL)
+    PixelGetQuantumColor(bordercolor,&target);
+  wand->images->fuzz=fuzz;
+  status=ColorFloodfillImage(wand->images,draw_info,target,x,y,
+    bordercolor != (PixelWand *) NULL ? FillToBorderMethod : FloodfillMethod);
+  if (status == MagickFalse)
+    InheritException(wand->exception,&wand->images->exception);
+  draw_info=DestroyDrawInfo(draw_info);
+  return(status);
@@ -1382,33 +1186,27 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   D e l e t e I m a g e A t t r i b u t e                                   %
+%   M a g i c k D e s c r i b e I m a g e                                     %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  DeleteImageAttribute() deletes an attribute from the image.
+%  MagickDescribeImage() identifies an image by printing its attributes to the
+%  file.  Attributes include the image width, height, size, and others.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
+%  The format of the MagickDescribeImage method is:
-%    DeleteImageProperty(image,key);
-%  The format of the DeleteImageAttribute method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType DeleteImageAttribute(Image *image,const char *key)
+%      const char *MagickDescribeImage(MagickWand *wand)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image info.
-%    o key: the image key.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType DeleteImageAttribute(Image *image,
-  const char *key)
+WandExport char *MagickDescribeImage(MagickWand *wand)
-  return(DeleteImageProperty(image,key));
+  return(MagickIdentifyImage(wand));
@@ -1416,42 +1214,39 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   D e l e t e I m a g e L i s t                                             %
+%   M a g i c k F l a t t e n I m a g e s                                     %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  DeleteImageList() deletes an image at the specified position in the list.
+%  MagickFlattenImages() merges a sequence of images.  This useful for
+%  combining Photoshop layers into a single image.
-%  The format of the DeleteImageList method is:
+%  The format of the MagickFlattenImages method is:
-%      unsigned int DeleteImageList(Image *images,const ssize_t offset)
+%      MagickWand *MagickFlattenImages(MagickWand *wand)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o images: the image list.
-%    o offset: the position within the list.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-MagickExport unsigned int DeleteImageList(Image *images,const ssize_t offset)
+WandExport MagickWand *MagickFlattenImages(MagickWand *wand)
-  register ssize_t
-    i;
+  Image
+    *flatten_image;
-  if (images->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.2");
-  while (GetPreviousImageInList(images) != (Image *) NULL)
-    images=GetPreviousImageInList(images);
-  for (i=0; i < offset; i++)
-  {
-    if (GetNextImageInList(images) == (Image *) NULL)
-      return(MagickFalse);
-    images=GetNextImageInList(images);
-  }
-  DeleteImageFromList(&images);
-  return(MagickTrue);
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+  if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+    return((MagickWand *) NULL);
+  flatten_image=FlattenImages(wand->images,wand->exception);
+  if (flatten_image == (Image *) NULL)
+    return((MagickWand *) NULL);
+  return(CloneMagickWandFromImages(wand,flatten_image));
@@ -1459,38 +1254,104 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   D e l e t e M a g i c k R e g i s t r y                                   %
+%   M a g i c k G e t I m a g e A t t r i b u t e                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  DeleteMagickRegistry() deletes an entry in the registry as defined by the id.
-%  It returns MagickTrue if the entry is deleted otherwise MagickFalse if no
-%  entry is found in the registry that matches the id.
+%  MagickGetImageAttribute() returns a value associated with the specified
+%  property.  Use MagickRelinquishMemory() to free the value when you are
+%  finished with it.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
+%  The format of the MagickGetImageAttribute method is:
-%    char key[MaxTextExtent];
-%    FormatMagickString(key,MaxTextExtent,"%ld\n",id);
-%    DeleteImageRegistry(key);
-%  The format of the DeleteMagickRegistry method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType DeleteMagickRegistry(const ssize_t id)
+%      char *MagickGetImageAttribute(MagickWand *wand,const char *property)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o id: the registry id.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
+%    o property: the property.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType DeleteMagickRegistry(const ssize_t id)
+WandExport char *MagickGetImageAttribute(MagickWand *wand,const char *property)
-  char
-    key[MaxTextExtent];
+  return(MagickGetImageProperty(wand,property));
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
++   M a g i c k G e t I m a g e I n d e x                                     %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  MagickGetImageIndex() returns the index of the current image.
+%  The format of the MagickGetImageIndex method is:
+%      ssize_t MagickGetImageIndex(MagickWand *wand)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
+WandExport ssize_t MagickGetImageIndex(MagickWand *wand)
+  return(MagickGetIteratorIndex(wand));
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
++   M a g i c k G e t I m a g e C h a n n e l E x t r e m a                   %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  MagickGetImageChannelExtrema() gets the extrema for one or more image
+%  channels.
+%  The format of the MagickGetImageChannelExtrema method is:
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickGetImageChannelExtrema(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const ChannelType channel,size_t *minima,size_t *maxima)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
+%    o channel: the image channel(s).
+%    o minima:  The minimum pixel value for the specified channel(s).
+%    o maxima:  The maximum pixel value for the specified channel(s).
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickGetImageChannelExtrema(MagickWand *wand,
+  const ChannelType channel,size_t *minima,size_t *maxima)
+  MagickBooleanType
+    status;
-  (void) FormatMagickString(key,MaxTextExtent,"%.20g\n",(double) id);
-  return(DeleteImageRegistry(key));
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+  if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+    ThrowWandException(WandError,"ContainsNoImages",wand->name);
+  status=GetImageChannelExtrema(wand->images,channel,minima,maxima,
+    wand->exception);
+  return(status);
@@ -1498,88 +1359,42 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-+   D e s t r o y C o n s t i t u t e                                         %
++   M a g i c k G e t I m a g e E x t r e m a                                 %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  DestroyConstitute() destroys the constitute component.
+%  MagickGetImageExtrema() gets the extrema for the image.
-%  The format of the DestroyConstitute method is:
+%  The format of the MagickGetImageExtrema method is:
-%      DestroyConstitute(void)
-MagickExport void DestroyConstitute(void)
-  ConstituteComponentTerminus();
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-+   D e s t r o y M a g i c k R e g i s t r y                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  DestroyMagickRegistry() deallocates memory associated the magick registry.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    RegistryComponentTerminus();
-%  The format of the DestroyMagickRegistry method is:
-%       void DestroyMagickRegistry(void)
-MagickExport void DestroyMagickRegistry(void)
-  RegistryComponentTerminus();
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   D e s c r i b e I m a g e                                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  DescribeImage() describes an image by printing its attributes to the file.
-%  Attributes include the image width, height, size, and others.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    IdentifyImage(image,file,verbose);
-%  The format of the DescribeImage method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType DescribeImage(Image *image,FILE *file,
-%        const MagickBooleanType verbose)
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickGetImageExtrema(MagickWand *wand,
+%        size_t *minima,size_t *maxima)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-%    o file: the file, typically stdout.
+%    o minima:  The minimum pixel value for the specified channel(s).
-%    o verbose: A value other than zero prints more detailed information
-%      about the image.
+%    o maxima:  The maximum pixel value for the specified channel(s).
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType DescribeImage(Image *image,FILE *file,
-  const MagickBooleanType verbose)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickGetImageExtrema(MagickWand *wand,
+  size_t *minima,size_t *maxima)
-  return(IdentifyImage(image,file,verbose));
+  MagickBooleanType
+    status;
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+  if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+    ThrowWandException(WandError,"ContainsNoImages",wand->name);
+  status=GetImageExtrema(wand->images,minima,maxima,wand->exception);
+  return(status);
@@ -1587,33 +1402,33 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   D e s t r o y I m a g e A t t r i b u t e s                               %
+%   M a g i c k G e t I m a g e M a t t e                                     %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  DestroyImageAttributes() deallocates memory associated with the image
-%  attribute list.
+%  MagickGetImageMatte() returns MagickTrue if the image has a matte channel
+%  otherwise MagickFalse.
-%  The format of the DestroyImageAttributes method is:
+%  The format of the MagickGetImageMatte method is:
-%      DestroyImageAttributes(Image *image)
+%      size_t MagickGetImageMatte(MagickWand *wand)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-MagickExport void DestroyImageAttributes(Image *image)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickGetImageMatte(MagickWand *wand)
-  assert(image != (Image *) NULL);
-  assert(image->signature == MagickSignature);
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename);
-  if (image->attributes != (void *) NULL)
-    image->attributes=(void *) DestroySplayTree((SplayTreeInfo *)
-      image->attributes);
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+  if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+    ThrowWandException(WandError,"ContainsNoImages",wand->name);
+  return(wand->images->matte);
@@ -1621,132 +1436,58 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   D e s t r o y I m a g e s                                                 %
+%   M a g i c k G e t I m a g e P i x e l s                                   %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  DestroyImages() destroys an image list.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    DestroyImageList(image);
-%  The format of the DestroyImages method is:
-%      void DestroyImages(Image *image)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image sequence.
-MagickExport void DestroyImages(Image *image)
-  if (image == (Image *) NULL)
-    return;
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.4.3");
-  image=DestroyImageList(image);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   D e s t r o y M a g i c k                                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  DestroyMagick() destroys the ImageMagick environment.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    MagickCoreTerminus();
-%  The format of the DestroyMagick function is:
-%      DestroyMagick(void)
-MagickExport void DestroyMagick(void)
-  MagickCoreTerminus();
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   D i s p a t c h I m a g e                                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  DispatchImage() extracts pixel data from an image and returns it to you.
-%  The method returns MagickFalse on success otherwise MagickTrue if an error is
-%  encountered.  The data is returned as char, short int, int, ssize_t, float,
-%  or double in the order specified by map.
+%  MagickGetImagePixels() extracts pixel data from an image and returns it to
+%  you.  The method returns MagickTrue on success otherwise MagickFalse if an
+%  error is encountered.  The data is returned as char, short int, int, ssize_t,
+%  float, or double in the order specified by map.
 %  Suppose you want to extract the first scanline of a 640x480 image as
 %  character data in red-green-blue order:
-%      DispatchImage(image,0,0,640,1,"RGB",CharPixel,pixels,exception);
+%      MagickGetImagePixels(wand,0,0,640,1,"RGB",CharPixel,pixels);
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
+%  The format of the MagickGetImagePixels method is:
-%    ExportImagePixels(image,x_offset,y_offset,columns,rows,map,type,pixels,
-%      exception);
-%  The format of the DispatchImage method is:
-%      unsigned int DispatchImage(const Image *image,const ssize_t x_offset,
-%        const ssize_t y_offset,const size_t columns,
-%        const size_t rows,const char *map,const StorageType type,
-%        void *pixels,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickGetImagePixels(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,
+%        const size_t rows,const char *map,const StorageType storage,
+%        void *pixels)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-%    o x_offset, y_offset, columns, rows:  These values define the perimeter
+%    o x, y, columns, rows:  These values define the perimeter
 %      of a region of pixels you want to extract.
 %    o map:  This string reflects the expected ordering of the pixel array.
 %      It can be any combination or order of R = red, G = green, B = blue,
-%      A = alpha, C = cyan, Y = yellow, M = magenta, K = black, or
-%      I = intensity (for grayscale).
+%      A = alpha (0 is transparent), O = opacity (0 is opaque), C = cyan,
+%      Y = yellow, M = magenta, K = black, I = intensity (for grayscale),
+%      P = pad.
-%    o type: Define the data type of the pixels.  Float and double types are
-%      normalized to [0..1] otherwise [0..QuantumRange].  Choose from these
-%      types: CharPixel, ShortPixel, IntegerPixel, LongPixel, FloatPixel, or
-%      DoublePixel.
+%    o storage: Define the data type of the pixels.  Float and double types are
+%      expected to be normalized [0..1] otherwise [0..QuantumRange].  Choose from
+%      these types: CharPixel, DoublePixel, FloatPixel, IntegerPixel,
+%      LongPixel, QuantumPixel, or ShortPixel.
 %    o pixels: This array of values contain the pixel components as defined by
 %      map and type.  You must preallocate this array where the expected
 %      length varies depending on the values of width, height, map, and type.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport unsigned int DispatchImage(const Image *image,const ssize_t x_offset,
-  const ssize_t y_offset,const size_t columns,const size_t rows,
-  const char *map,const StorageType type,void *pixels,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickGetImagePixels(MagickWand *wand,
+  const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,
+  const size_t rows,const char *map,const StorageType storage,
+  void *pixels)
-  unsigned int
-    status;
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.6");
-  status=ExportImagePixels(image,x_offset,y_offset,columns,rows,map,type,pixels,
-    exception);
-  return(status);
+  return(MagickExportImagePixels(wand,x,y,columns,rows,map,storage,pixels));
@@ -1754,168 +1495,35 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   E x t r a c t S u b i m a g e F r o m I m a g e                           %
+%   M a g i c k G e t I m a g e S i z e                                       %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  ExtractSubimageFromImageImage() extracts a region of the image that most
-%  closely resembles the reference.
+%  MagickGetImageSize() returns the image length in bytes.
-%  The format of the ExtractSubimageFromImageImage method is:
+%  The format of the MagickGetImageSize method is:
-%      Image *ExtractSubimageFromImage(const Image *image,
-%        const Image *reference,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickGetImageSize(MagickWand *wand,
+%        MagickSizeType *length)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-%    o reference: find an area of the image that closely resembles this image.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
+%    o length: the image length in bytes.
-static double GetSimilarityMetric(const Image *image,const Image *reference,
-  const ssize_t x_offset,const ssize_t y_offset,
-  const double similarity_threshold,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+WandExport MagickSizeType MagickGetImageSize(MagickWand *wand)
-  CacheView
-    *image_view,
-    *reference_view;
-  double
-    channels,
-    normalized_similarity,
-    similarity;
-  ssize_t
-    y;
-  /*
-    Compute the similarity in pixels between two images.
-  */
-  normalized_similarity=1.0;
-  similarity=0.0;
-  channels=3;
-  if ((image->matte != MagickFalse) && (reference->matte != MagickFalse))
-    channels++;
-  if ((image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace) &&
-      (reference->colorspace == CMYKColorspace))
-    channels++;
-  image_view=AcquireCacheView(image);
-  reference_view=AcquireCacheView(reference);
-  for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) reference->rows; y++)
-  {
-    register const IndexPacket
-      *indexes,
-      *reference_indexes;
-    register const PixelPacket
-      *p,
-      *q;
-    register ssize_t
-      x;
-    p=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(image_view,x_offset,y_offset+y,
-      reference->columns,1,exception);
-    q=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(reference_view,0,y,reference->columns,1,
-      exception);
-    if ((p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL) || (q == (const PixelPacket *) NULL))
-      continue;
-    indexes=GetCacheViewVirtualIndexQueue(image_view);
-    reference_indexes=GetCacheViewVirtualIndexQueue(reference_view);
-    for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) reference->columns; x++)
-    {
-      MagickRealType
-        pixel;
-      pixel=QuantumScale*(GetRedPixelComponent(p)-(double)
-        GetRedPixelComponent(q));
-      similarity+=pixel*pixel;
-      pixel=QuantumScale*(GetGreenPixelComponent(p)-(double)
-        GetGreenPixelComponent(q));
-      similarity+=pixel*pixel;
-      pixel=QuantumScale*(GetBluePixelComponent(p)-(double)
-        GetBluePixelComponent(q));
-      similarity+=pixel*pixel;
-      if ((image->matte != MagickFalse) && (reference->matte != MagickFalse))
-        {
-          pixel=QuantumScale*(GetOpacityPixelComponent(p)-(double)
-            GetOpacityPixelComponent(q));
-          similarity+=pixel*pixel;
-        }
-      if ((image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace) &&
-          (reference->colorspace == CMYKColorspace))
-        {
-          pixel=QuantumScale*(GetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x)-(double)
-            GetIndexPixelComponent(reference_indexes+x));
-          similarity+=pixel*pixel;
-        }
-      p++;
-      q++;
-    }
-    normalized_similarity=sqrt(similarity)/reference->columns/reference->rows/
-      channels;
-    if (normalized_similarity > similarity_threshold)
-      break;
-  }
-  reference_view=DestroyCacheView(reference_view);
-  image_view=DestroyCacheView(image_view);
-  return(normalized_similarity);
-MagickExport Image *ExtractSubimageFromImage(Image *image,
-  const Image *reference,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  double
-    similarity_threshold;
-  RectangleInfo
-    offset;
-  ssize_t
-    y;
-  /*
-    Extract reference from image.
-  */
-  if ((reference->columns > image->columns) || (reference->rows > image->rows))
-    return((Image *) NULL);
-  similarity_threshold=(double) image->columns*image->rows;
-  SetGeometry(reference,&offset);
-  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,4)
-  for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) (image->rows-reference->rows); y++)
-  {
-    double
-      similarity;
-    register ssize_t
-      x;
-    for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) (image->columns-reference->columns); x++)
-    {
-      similarity=GetSimilarityMetric(image,reference,x,y,similarity_threshold,
-        exception);
-  #pragma omp critical (MagickCore_ExtractSubimageFromImage)
-      if (similarity < similarity_threshold)
-        {
-          similarity_threshold=similarity;
-          offset.x=x;
-          offset.y=y;
-        }
-    }
-  }
-  if (similarity_threshold > (QuantumScale*reference->fuzz/100.0))
-    return((Image *) NULL);
-  return(CropImage(image,&offset,exception));
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+  if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+    ThrowWandException(WandError,"ContainsNoImages",wand->name);
+  return(GetBlobSize(wand->images));
@@ -1923,95 +1531,45 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%     F l a t t e n I m a g e                                                 %
+%   M a g i c k M a p I m a g e                                               %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  FlattenImages() Obsolete Function: Use MergeImageLayers() instead.
+%  MagickMapImage() replaces the colors of an image with the closest color
+%  from a reference image.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
+%  The format of the MagickMapImage method is:
-%    MergeImageLayers(image,FlattenLayer,exception);
-%  The format of the FlattenImage method is:
-%      Image *FlattenImage(Image *image,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickMapImage(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const MagickWand *map_wand,const MagickBooleanType dither)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image sequence.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
+%    o map: the map wand.
+%    o dither: Set this integer value to something other than zero to dither
+%      the mapped image.
-MagickExport Image *FlattenImages(Image *image,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  return(MergeImageLayers(image,FlattenLayer,exception));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  F o r m a t I m a g e A t t r i b u t e                                    %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  FormatImageAttribute() permits formatted key/value pairs to be saved as an
-%  image attribute.
-%  The format of the FormatImageAttribute method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType FormatImageAttribute(Image *image,const char *key,
-%        const char *format,...)
-%  A description of each parameter follows.
-%   o  image:  The image.
-%   o  key:  The attribute key.
-%   o  format:  A string describing the format to use to write the remaining
-%      arguments.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType FormatImageAttributeList(Image *image,
-  const char *key,const char *format,va_list operands)
-  char
-    value[MaxTextExtent];
-  int
-    n;
-  n=vsnprintf(value,MaxTextExtent,format,operands);
-  n=vsprintf(value,format,operands);
-  if (n < 0)
-    value[MaxTextExtent-1]='\0';
-  return(SetImageProperty(image,key,value));
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType FormatImageAttribute(Image *image,
-  const char *key,const char *format,...)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickMapImage(MagickWand *wand,
+  const MagickWand *map_wand,const MagickBooleanType dither)
-  va_list
-    operands;
-  va_start(operands,format);
-  status=FormatImagePropertyList(image,key,format,operands);
-  va_end(operands);
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+  if ((wand->images == (Image *) NULL) || (map_wand->images == (Image *) NULL))
+    ThrowWandException(WandError,"ContainsNoImages",wand->name);
+  status=MapImage(wand->images,map_wand->images,dither);
+  if (status == MagickFalse)
+    InheritException(wand->exception,&wand->images->exception);
@@ -2020,2487 +1578,74 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  F o r m a t S t r i n g                                                    %
+%   M a g i c k M a t t e F l o o d f i l l I m a g e                         %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  FormatString() prints formatted output of a variable argument list.
+%  MagickMatteFloodfillImage() changes the transparency value of any pixel that
+%  matches target and is an immediate neighbor.  If the method
+%  FillToBorderMethod is specified, the transparency value is changed for any
+%  neighbor pixel that does not match the bordercolor member of image.
-%  The format of the FormatString method is:
+%  The format of the MagickMatteFloodfillImage method is:
-%      void FormatString(char *string,const char *format,...)
-%  A description of each parameter follows.
-%   o  string:  Method FormatString returns the formatted string in this
-%      character buffer.
-%   o  format:  A string describing the format to use to write the remaining
-%      arguments.
-MagickExport void FormatStringList(char *string,const char *format,
-  va_list operands)
-  int
-    n;
- (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.7");
-  n=vsnprintf(string,MaxTextExtent,format,operands);
-  n=vsprintf(string,format,operands);
-  if (n < 0)
-    string[MaxTextExtent-1]='\0';
-MagickExport void FormatString(char *string,const char *format,...)
-  va_list
-    operands;
-  va_start(operands,format);
-  (void) FormatMagickStringList(string,MaxTextExtent,format,operands);
-  va_end(operands);
-  return;
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-+   F u z z y C o l o r M a t c h                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  FuzzyColorMatch() returns true if two pixels are identical in color.
-%  The format of the ColorMatch method is:
-%      void FuzzyColorMatch(const PixelPacket *p,const PixelPacket *q,
-%        const double fuzz)
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickMatteFloodfillImage(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const double alpha,const double fuzz,const PixelWand *bordercolor,
+%        const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o p: Pixel p.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-%    o q: Pixel q.
+%    o alpha: the level of transparency: 1.0 is fully opaque and 0.0 is fully
+%      transparent.
-%    o distance:  Define how much tolerance is acceptable to consider
-%      two colors as the same.
+%    o fuzz: By default target must match a particular pixel color
+%      exactly.  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.
+%      The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to
+%      consider two colors as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the
+%      color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted
+%      as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.
-MagickExport unsigned int FuzzyColorMatch(const PixelPacket *p,
-  const PixelPacket *q,const double fuzz)
-  MagickPixelPacket
-    pixel;
-  register MagickRealType
-    distance;
-  if ((fuzz == 0.0) && (GetRedPixelComponent(p) == GetRedPixelComponent(q)) &&
-      (GetGreenPixelComponent(p) == GetGreenPixelComponent(q)) &&
-      (GetBluePixelComponent(p) == GetBluePixelComponent(q)))
-    return(MagickTrue);
-  pixel.red=GetRedPixelComponent(p)-(MagickRealType) GetRedPixelComponent(q);
-  distance=pixel.red*pixel.red;
-  if (distance > (fuzz*fuzz))
-    return(MagickFalse);
-  pixel.green=GetGreenPixelComponent(p)-(MagickRealType)
-    GetGreenPixelComponent(q);
-  distance+=pixel.green*pixel.green;
-  if (distance > (fuzz*fuzz))
-    return(MagickFalse);
-  pixel.blue=GetBluePixelComponent(p)-(MagickRealType) GetBluePixelComponent(q);
-  distance+=pixel.blue*pixel.blue;
-  if (distance > (fuzz*fuzz))
-    return(MagickFalse);
-  return(MagickTrue);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-+   F u z z y C o l o r C o m p a r e                                         %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  FuzzyColorCompare() returns MagickTrue if the distance between two colors is
-%  less than the specified distance in a linear three dimensional color space.
-%  This method is used by ColorFloodFill() and other algorithms which
-%  compare two colors.
-%  The format of the FuzzyColorCompare method is:
-%      void FuzzyColorCompare(const Image *image,const PixelPacket *p,
-%        const PixelPacket *q)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o p: Pixel p.
-%    o q: Pixel q.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType FuzzyColorCompare(const Image *image,
-  const PixelPacket *p,const PixelPacket *q)
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v6.2.5");
-  return(IsColorSimilar(image,p,q));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-+   F u z z y O p a c i t y C o m p a r e                                     %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  FuzzyOpacityCompare() returns true if the distance between two opacity
-%  values is less than the specified distance in a linear color space.  This
-%  method is used by MatteFloodFill() and other algorithms which compare
-%  two opacity values.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    IsOpacitySimilar(image,p,q);
-%  The format of the FuzzyOpacityCompare method is:
-%      void FuzzyOpacityCompare(const Image *image,const PixelPacket *p,
-%        const PixelPacket *q)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o p: Pixel p.
-%    o q: Pixel q.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType FuzzyOpacityCompare(const Image *image,
-  const PixelPacket *p,const PixelPacket *q)
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v6.2.5");
-  return(IsOpacitySimilar(image,p,q));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  G e t C o n f i g u r e B l o b                                            %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetConfigureBlob() returns the specified configure file as a blob.
-%  The format of the GetConfigureBlob method is:
-%      void *GetConfigureBlob(const char *filename,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o filename: the configure file name.
-%    o path: return the full path information of the configure file.
-%    o length: This pointer to a size_t integer sets the initial length of the
-%      blob.  On return, it reflects the actual length of the blob.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport void *GetConfigureBlob(const char *filename,char *path,
-  size_t *length,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  void
-    *blob;
-  assert(filename != (const char *) NULL);
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",filename);
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.7");
-  assert(path != (char *) NULL);
-  assert(length != (size_t *) NULL);
-  assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL);
-  blob=(void *) NULL;
-  (void) CopyMagickString(path,filename,MaxTextExtent);
-  if (blob == (void *) NULL)
-    {
-      /*
-        Search hard coded paths.
-      */
-      (void) FormatMagickString(path,MaxTextExtent,"%s%s",
-        MAGICKCORE_LIBRARY_PATH,filename);
-      if (IsPathAccessible(path) != MagickFalse)
-        blob=FileToBlob(path,~0,length,exception);
-    }
-  if (blob == (void *) NULL)
-    {
-      char
-        *key_value;
-      /*
-        Locate file via registry key.
-      */
-      key_value=NTRegistryKeyLookup("ConfigurePath");
-      if (key_value != (char *) NULL)
-        {
-          (void) FormatMagickString(path,MaxTextExtent,"%s%s%s",key_value,
-            DirectorySeparator,filename);
-          if (IsPathAccessible(path) != MagickFalse)
-            blob=FileToBlob(path,~0,length,exception);
-        }
-    }
-  if (blob == (void *) NULL)
-    {
-      char
-        *home;
-      home=GetEnvironmentValue("MAGICK_HOME");
-      if (home != (char *) NULL)
-        {
-          /*
-            Search MAGICK_HOME.
-          */
-          (void) FormatMagickString(path,MaxTextExtent,"%s%s%s",home,
-            DirectorySeparator,filename);
-          (void) FormatMagickString(path,MaxTextExtent,"%s/lib/%s/%s",home,
-          if (IsPathAccessible(path) != MagickFalse)
-            blob=FileToBlob(path,~0,length,exception);
-          home=DestroyString(home);
-        }
-      home=GetEnvironmentValue("HOME");
-      if (home == (char *) NULL)
-        home=GetEnvironmentValue("USERPROFILE");
-      if (home != (char *) NULL)
-        {
-          /*
-            Search $HOME/.magick.
-          */
-          (void) FormatMagickString(path,MaxTextExtent,"%s%s.magick%s%s",home,
-            DirectorySeparator,DirectorySeparator,filename);
-          if ((IsPathAccessible(path) != MagickFalse) && (blob == (void *) NULL))
-            blob=FileToBlob(path,~0,length,exception);
-          home=DestroyString(home);
-        }
-    }
-  if ((blob == (void *) NULL) && (*GetClientPath() != '\0'))
-    {
-      (void) FormatMagickString(path,MaxTextExtent,"%s%s%s",GetClientPath(),
-        DirectorySeparator,filename);
-      char
-        prefix[MaxTextExtent];
-      /*
-        Search based on executable directory if directory is known.
-      */
-      (void) CopyMagickString(prefix,GetClientPath(),
-        MaxTextExtent);
-      ChopPathComponents(prefix,1);
-      (void) FormatMagickString(path,MaxTextExtent,"%s/lib/%s/%s",prefix,
-      if (IsPathAccessible(path) != MagickFalse)
-        blob=FileToBlob(path,~0,length,exception);
-    }
-  /*
-    Search current directory.
-  */
-  if ((blob == (void *) NULL) && (IsPathAccessible(path) != MagickFalse))
-    blob=FileToBlob(path,~0,length,exception);
-  /*
-    Search Windows registry.
-  */
-  if (blob == (void *) NULL)
-    blob=NTResourceToBlob(filename);
-  if (blob == (void *) NULL)
-    (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(),ConfigureWarning,
-      "UnableToOpenConfigureFile","`%s'",path);
-  return(blob);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t C a c h e V i e w                                                   %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetCacheView() gets pixels from the in-memory or disk pixel cache as
-%  defined by the geometry parameters.   A pointer to the pixels is returned if
-%  the pixels are transferred, otherwise a NULL is returned.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels(cache_view,x,y,columns,rows,
-%      GetCacheViewException(cache_view));
-%  The format of the GetCacheView method is:
-%      PixelPacket *GetCacheView(CacheView *cache_view,const ssize_t x,
-%        const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o cache_view: the address of a structure of type CacheView.
-%    o x,y,columns,rows:  These values define the perimeter of a region of
-%      pixels.
-MagickExport PixelPacket *GetCacheView(CacheView *cache_view,const ssize_t x,
-  const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows)
-  PixelPacket
-    *pixels;
-  pixels=GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels(cache_view,x,y,columns,rows,
-    GetCacheViewException(cache_view));
-  return(pixels);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t C a c h e V i e w I n d e x e s                                     %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetCacheViewIndexes() returns the indexes associated with the specified
-%  view.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetCacheViewAuthenticIndexQueue(cache_view);
-%  The format of the GetCacheViewIndexes method is:
-%      IndexPacket *GetCacheViewIndexes(CacheView *cache_view)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o cache_view: the cache view.
-MagickExport IndexPacket *GetCacheViewIndexes(CacheView *cache_view)
-  return(GetCacheViewAuthenticIndexQueue(cache_view));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t C a c h e V i e w P i x e l s                                       %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetCacheViewPixels() gets pixels from the in-memory or disk pixel cache as
-%  defined by the geometry parameters.   A pointer to the pixels is returned if
-%  the pixels are transferred, otherwise a NULL is returned.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels(cache_view,x,y,columns,rows,
-%      GetCacheViewException(cache_view));
-%  The format of the GetCacheViewPixels method is:
-%      PixelPacket *GetCacheViewPixels(CacheView *cache_view,const ssize_t x,
-%        const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o cache_view: the cache view.
-%    o x,y,columns,rows:  These values define the perimeter of a region of
-%      pixels.
-MagickExport PixelPacket *GetCacheViewPixels(CacheView *cache_view,const ssize_t x,
-  const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows)
-  PixelPacket
-    *pixels;
-  pixels=GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels(cache_view,x,y,columns,rows,
-    GetCacheViewException(cache_view));
-  return(pixels);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t I m a g e A t t r i b u t e                                         %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetImageAttribute() searches the list of image attributes and returns
-%  a pointer to the attribute if it exists otherwise NULL.
-%  The format of the GetImageAttribute method is:
-%      const ImageAttribute *GetImageAttribute(const Image *image,
-%        const char *key)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o key:  These character strings are the name of an image attribute to
-%      return.
-static void *DestroyAttribute(void *attribute)
-  register ImageAttribute
-    *p;
-  p=(ImageAttribute *) attribute;
-  if (p->value != (char *) NULL)
-    p->value=DestroyString(p->value);
-  return(RelinquishMagickMemory(p));
-MagickExport const ImageAttribute *GetImageAttribute(const Image *image,
-  const char *key)
-  const char
-    *value;
-  ImageAttribute
-    *attribute;
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v6.3.1");
-  value=GetImageProperty(image,key);
-  if (value == (const char *) NULL)
-    return((const ImageAttribute *) NULL);
-  if (image->attributes == (void *) NULL)
-    ((Image *) image)->attributes=NewSplayTree(CompareSplayTreeString,
-      RelinquishMagickMemory,DestroyAttribute);
-  else
-    {
-      const ImageAttribute
-        *attribute;
-      attribute=(const ImageAttribute *) GetValueFromSplayTree((SplayTreeInfo *)
-        image->attributes,key);
-      if (attribute != (const ImageAttribute *) NULL)
-        return(attribute);
-    }
-  attribute=(ImageAttribute *) AcquireMagickMemory(sizeof(*attribute));
-  if (attribute == (ImageAttribute *) NULL)
-    ThrowFatalException(ResourceLimitFatalError,"MemoryAllocationFailed");
-  (void) ResetMagickMemory(attribute,0,sizeof(*attribute));
-  attribute->key=ConstantString(key);
-  attribute->value=ConstantString(value);
-  (void) AddValueToSplayTree((SplayTreeInfo *) ((Image *) image)->attributes,
-    attribute->key,attribute);
-  return((const ImageAttribute *) attribute);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t I m a g e C l i p p i n g P a t h A t t r i b u t e                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetImageClippingPathAttribute() searches the list of image attributes and
-%  returns a pointer to a clipping path if it exists otherwise NULL.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetImageAttribute(image,"8BIM:1999,2998");
-%  The format of the GetImageClippingPathAttribute method is:
-%      const ImageAttribute *GetImageClippingPathAttribute(Image *image)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o attribute:  Method GetImageClippingPathAttribute returns the clipping
-%      path if it exists otherwise NULL.
-%    o image: the image.
-MagickExport const ImageAttribute *GetImageClippingPathAttribute(Image *image)
-  return(GetImageAttribute(image,"8BIM:1999,2998"));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t I m a g e F r o m M a g i c k R e g i s t r y                       %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetImageFromMagickRegistry() gets an image from the registry as defined by
-%  its name.  If the image is not found, a NULL image is returned.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetImageRegistry(ImageRegistryType,name,exception);
-%  The format of the GetImageFromMagickRegistry method is:
-%      Image *GetImageFromMagickRegistry(const char *name,ssize_t *id,
-%        ExceptionInfo *exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o name: the name of the image to retrieve from the registry.
-%    o id: the registry id.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport Image *GetImageFromMagickRegistry(const char *name,ssize_t *id,
-  ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  *id=0L;
-  return((Image *) GetImageRegistry(ImageRegistryType,name,exception));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t M a g i c k R e g i s t r y                                         %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetMagickRegistry() gets a blob from the registry as defined by the id.  If
-%  the blob that matches the id is not found, NULL is returned.
-%  The format of the GetMagickRegistry method is:
-%      const void *GetMagickRegistry(const ssize_t id,RegistryType *type,
-%        size_t *length,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o id: the registry id.
-%    o type: the registry type.
-%    o length: the blob length in number of bytes.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport void *GetMagickRegistry(const ssize_t id,RegistryType *type,
-  size_t *length,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  char
-    key[MaxTextExtent];
-  void
-    *blob;
-  *type=UndefinedRegistryType;
-  *length=0;
-  (void) FormatMagickString(key,MaxTextExtent,"%.20g\n",(double) id);
-  blob=(void *) GetImageRegistry(ImageRegistryType,key,exception);
-  if (blob != (void *) NULL)
-    return(blob);
-  blob=(void *) GetImageRegistry(ImageInfoRegistryType,key,exception);
-  if (blob != (void *) NULL)
-    return(blob);
-  return((void *) GetImageRegistry(UndefinedRegistryType,key,exception));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t I m a g e G e o m e t r y                                           %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetImageGeometry() returns a region as defined by the geometry string with
-%  respect to the image and its gravity.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    if (size_to_fit != MagickFalse)
-%      ParseRegionGeometry(image,geometry,region_info,&image->exception); else
-%      ParsePageGeometry(image,geometry,region_info,&image->exception);
-%  The format of the GetImageGeometry method is:
-%      int GetImageGeometry(Image *image,const char *geometry,
-%        const unsigned int size_to_fit,RectangeInfo *region_info)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o flags:  Method GetImageGeometry returns a bitmask that indicates
-%      which of the four values were located in the geometry string.
-%    o geometry:  The geometry (e.g. 100x100+10+10).
-%    o size_to_fit:  A value other than 0 means to scale the region so it
-%      fits within the specified width and height.
-%    o region_info: the region as defined by the geometry string with
-%      respect to the image and its gravity.
-MagickExport int GetImageGeometry(Image *image,const char *geometry,
-  const unsigned int size_to_fit,RectangleInfo *region_info)
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.4");
-  if (size_to_fit != MagickFalse)
-    return((int) ParseRegionGeometry(image,geometry,region_info,&image->exception));
-  return((int) ParsePageGeometry(image,geometry,region_info,&image->exception));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t I m a g e L i s t                                                   %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetImageList() returns an image at the specified position in the list.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    CloneImage(GetImageFromList(images,(ssize_t) offset),0,0,MagickTrue,
-%      exception);
-%  The format of the GetImageList method is:
-%      Image *GetImageList(const Image *images,const ssize_t offset,
-%        ExceptionInfo *exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o images: the image list.
-%    o offset: the position within the list.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport Image *GetImageList(const Image *images,const ssize_t offset,
-  ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  Image
-    *image;
-  if (images->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.2");
-  image=CloneImage(GetImageFromList(images,(ssize_t) offset),0,0,MagickTrue,
-    exception);
-  return(image);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t I m a g e L i s t I n d e x                                         %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetImageListIndex() returns the position in the list of the specified
-%  image.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetImageIndexInList(images);
-%  The format of the GetImageListIndex method is:
-%      ssize_t GetImageListIndex(const Image *images)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o images: the image list.
-MagickExport ssize_t GetImageListIndex(const Image *images)
-  if (images->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.2");
-  return(GetImageIndexInList(images));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t I m a g e L i s t S i z e                                           %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetImageListSize() returns the number of images in the list.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetImageListLength(images);
-%  The format of the GetImageListSize method is:
-%      size_t GetImageListSize(const Image *images)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o images: the image list.
-MagickExport size_t GetImageListSize(const Image *images)
-  if (images->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.2");
-  return(GetImageListLength(images));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t I m a g e P i x e l s                                               %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetImagePixels() obtains a pixel region for read/write access. If the
-%  region is successfully accessed, a pointer to a PixelPacket array
-%  representing the region is returned, otherwise NULL is returned.
-%  The returned pointer may point to a temporary working copy of the pixels
-%  or it may point to the original pixels in memory. Performance is maximized
-%  if the selected region is part of one row, or one or more full rows, since
-%  then there is opportunity to access the pixels in-place (without a copy)
-%  if the image is in RAM, or in a memory-mapped file. The returned pointer
-%  should *never* be deallocated by the user.
-%  Pixels accessed via the returned pointer represent a simple array of type
-%  PixelPacket. If the image type is CMYK or if the storage class is
-%  PseduoClass, call GetAuthenticIndexQueue() after invoking GetImagePixels()
-%  to obtain the black color component or colormap indexes (of type IndexPacket)
-%  corresponding to the region.  Once the PixelPacket (and/or IndexPacket)
-%  array has been updated, the changes must be saved back to the underlying
-%  image using SyncAuthenticPixels() or they may be lost.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetAuthenticPixels(image,x,y,columns,rows,&image->exception);
-%  The format of the GetImagePixels() method is:
-%      PixelPacket *GetImagePixels(Image *image,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,
-%        const size_t columns,const size_t rows)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o x,y,columns,rows:  These values define the perimeter of a region of
-%      pixels.
-MagickExport PixelPacket *GetImagePixels(Image *image,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,
-  const size_t columns,const size_t rows)
-  return(GetAuthenticPixels(image,x,y,columns,rows,&image->exception));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t I n d e x e s                                                       %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetIndexes() returns the black channel or the colormap indexes associated
-%  with the last call to QueueAuthenticPixels() or GetVirtualPixels().  NULL is
-%  returned if the black channel or colormap indexes are not available.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetAuthenticIndexQueue(image);
-%  The format of the GetIndexes() method is:
-%      IndexPacket *GetIndexes(const Image *image)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o indexes: GetIndexes() returns the indexes associated with the last
-%      call to QueueAuthenticPixels() or GetAuthenticPixels().
-%    o image: the image.
-MagickExport IndexPacket *GetIndexes(const Image *image)
-  return(GetAuthenticIndexQueue(image));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-+   G e t M a g i c k G e o m e t r y                                         %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetMagickGeometry() is similar to GetGeometry() except the returned
-%  geometry is modified as determined by the meta characters:  %, !, <, >,
-%  and ~.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    ParseMetaGeometry(geometry,x,y,width,height);
-%  The format of the GetMagickGeometry method is:
-%      unsigned int GetMagickGeometry(const char *geometry,ssize_t *x,ssize_t *y,
-%        size_t *width,size_t *height)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o geometry:  Specifies a character string representing the geometry
-%      specification.
-%    o x,y:  A pointer to an integer.  The x and y offset as determined by
-%      the geometry specification is returned here.
-%    o width,height:  A pointer to an unsigned integer.  The width and height
-%      as determined by the geometry specification is returned here.
-MagickExport unsigned int GetMagickGeometry(const char *geometry,ssize_t *x,
-  ssize_t *y,size_t *width,size_t *height)
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.3");
-  return(ParseMetaGeometry(geometry,x,y,width,height));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t N e x t I m a g e                                                   %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetNextImage() returns the next image in a list.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetNextImageInList(images);
-%  The format of the GetNextImage method is:
-%      Image *GetNextImage(const Image *images)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o images: the image list.
-MagickExport Image *GetNextImage(const Image *images)
-  if (images->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.2");
-  return(GetNextImageInList(images));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t N e x t I m a g e A t t r i b u t e                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetNextImageAttribute() gets the next image attribute.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    const char *property;
-%    property=GetNextImageProperty(image);
-%    if (property != (const char *) NULL) 
-%      GetImageAttribute(image,property);
-%  The format of the GetNextImageAttribute method is:
-%      const ImageAttribute *GetNextImageAttribute(const Image *image)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-MagickExport const ImageAttribute *GetNextImageAttribute(const Image *image)
-  const char
-    *property;
-  property=GetNextImageProperty(image);
-  if (property == (const char *) NULL)
-    return((const ImageAttribute *) NULL);
-  return(GetImageAttribute(image,property));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t N u m b e r S c e n e s                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetNumberScenes() returns the number of images in the list.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetImageListLength(image);
-%  The format of the GetNumberScenes method is:
-%      unsigned int GetNumberScenes(const Image *images)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o images: the image list.
-MagickExport unsigned int GetNumberScenes(const Image *image)
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.2");
-  return((unsigned int) GetImageListLength(image));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t O n e P i x e l                                                     %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetOnePixel() returns a single pixel at the specified (x,y) location.
-%  The image background color is returned if an error occurs.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetOneAuthenticPixel(image,x,y,&pixel,&image->exception);
-%  The format of the GetOnePixel() method is:
-%      PixelPacket GetOnePixel(const Image image,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o x,y:  These values define the location of the pixel to return.
-MagickExport PixelPacket GetOnePixel(Image *image,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y)
-  PixelPacket
-    pixel;
-  (void) GetOneAuthenticPixel(image,x,y,&pixel,&image->exception);
-  return(pixel);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t P i x e l s                                                         %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetPixels() returns the pixels associated with the last call to
-%  QueueAuthenticPixels() or GetAuthenticPixels().
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetAuthenticPixelQueue(image);
-%  The format of the GetPixels() method is:
-%      PixelPacket *GetPixels(const Image image)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o pixels: GetPixels() returns the pixels associated with the last call
-%      to QueueAuthenticPixels() or GetAuthenticPixels().
-%    o image: the image.
-MagickExport PixelPacket *GetPixels(const Image *image)
-  return(GetAuthenticPixelQueue(image));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   G e t P r e v i o u s I m a g e                                           %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  GetPreviousImage() returns the previous image in a list.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetPreviousImageInList(images));
-%  The format of the GetPreviousImage method is:
-%      Image *GetPreviousImage(const Image *images)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o images: the image list.
-MagickExport Image *GetPreviousImage(const Image *images)
-  if (images->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.2");
-  return(GetPreviousImageInList(images));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   H S L T r a n s f o r m                                                   %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  HSLTransform() converts a (hue, saturation, lightness) to a (red, green,
-%  blue) triple.
-%  The format of the HSLTransformImage method is:
-%      void HSLTransform(const double hue,const double saturation,
-%        const double lightness,Quantum *red,Quantum *green,Quantum *blue)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o hue, saturation, lightness: A double value representing a
-%      component of the HSL color space.
-%    o red, green, blue: A pointer to a pixel component of type Quantum.
-static inline MagickRealType HueToRGB(MagickRealType m1,MagickRealType m2,
-  MagickRealType hue)
-  if (hue < 0.0)
-    hue+=1.0;
-  if (hue > 1.0)
-    hue-=1.0;
-  if ((6.0*hue) < 1.0)
-    return(m1+6.0*(m2-m1)*hue);
-  if ((2.0*hue) < 1.0)
-    return(m2);
-  if ((3.0*hue) < 2.0)
-    return(m1+6.0*(m2-m1)*(2.0/3.0-hue));
-  return(m1);
-MagickExport void HSLTransform(const double hue,const double saturation,
-  const double lightness,Quantum *red,Quantum *green,Quantum *blue)
-  MagickRealType
-    b,
-    g,
-    r,
-    m1,
-    m2;
-  /*
-    Convert HSL to RGB colorspace.
-  */
-  assert(red != (Quantum *) NULL);
-  assert(green != (Quantum *) NULL);
-  assert(blue != (Quantum *) NULL);
-  if (lightness <= 0.5)
-    m2=lightness*(saturation+1.0);
-  else
-    m2=lightness+saturation-lightness*saturation;
-  m1=2.0*lightness-m2;
-  r=HueToRGB(m1,m2,hue+1.0/3.0);
-  g=HueToRGB(m1,m2,hue);
-  b=HueToRGB(m1,m2,hue-1.0/3.0);
-  *red=ClampToQuantum((MagickRealType) QuantumRange*r);
-  *green=ClampToQuantum((MagickRealType) QuantumRange*g);
-  *blue=ClampToQuantum((MagickRealType) QuantumRange*b);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   I d e n t i t y A f f i n e                                               %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  IdentityAffine() initializes the affine transform to the identity matrix.
-%  The format of the IdentityAffine method is:
-%      IdentityAffine(AffineMatrix *affine)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o affine: A pointer the affine transform of type AffineMatrix.
-MagickExport void IdentityAffine(AffineMatrix *affine)
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"...");
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.7");
-  assert(affine != (AffineMatrix *) NULL);
-  (void) ResetMagickMemory(affine,0,sizeof(AffineMatrix));
-  affine->sx=1.0;
-  affine->sy=1.0;
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   I n i t i a l i z e M a g i c k                                           %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  InitializeMagick() initializes the ImageMagick environment.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    MagickCoreGenesis(path,MagickFalse);
-%  The format of the InitializeMagick function is:
-%      InitializeMagick(const char *path)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o path: the execution path of the current ImageMagick client.
-MagickExport void InitializeMagick(const char *path)
-  MagickCoreGenesis(path,MagickFalse);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   I n t e r p o l a t e P i x e l C o l o r                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  InterpolatePixelColor() applies bi-linear or tri-linear interpolation
-%  between a pixel and it's neighbors.
-%  The format of the InterpolatePixelColor method is:
-%      MagickPixelPacket InterpolatePixelColor(const Image *image,
-%        CacheView *view_info,InterpolatePixelMethod method,const double x,
-%        const double y,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o image_view: the image cache view.
-%    o type:  the type of pixel color interpolation.
-%    o x,y: A double representing the current (x,y) position of the pixel.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-static inline double MagickMax(const double x,const double y)
-  if (x > y)
-    return(x);
-  return(y);
-static void BicubicInterpolate(const MagickPixelPacket *pixels,const double dx,
-  MagickPixelPacket *pixel)
-  MagickRealType
-    dx2,
-    p,
-    q,
-    r,
-    s;
-  dx2=dx*dx;
-  p=(pixels[3].red-pixels[2].red)-(pixels[0].red-pixels[1].red);
-  q=(pixels[0].red-pixels[1].red)-p;
-  r=pixels[2].red-pixels[0].red;
-  s=pixels[1].red;
-  pixel->red=(dx*dx2*p)+(dx2*q)+(dx*r)+s;
-  p=(pixels[3].green-pixels[2].green)-(pixels[0].green-pixels[1].green);
-  q=(pixels[0].green-pixels[1].green)-p;
-  r=pixels[2].green-pixels[0].green;
-  s=pixels[1].green;
-  pixel->green=(dx*dx2*p)+(dx2*q)+(dx*r)+s;
-  p=(pixels[3].blue-pixels[2].blue)-(pixels[0].blue-pixels[1].blue);
-  q=(pixels[0].blue-pixels[1].blue)-p;
-  r=pixels[2].blue-pixels[0].blue;
-  s=pixels[1].blue;
-  pixel->blue=(dx*dx2*p)+(dx2*q)+(dx*r)+s;
-  p=(pixels[3].opacity-pixels[2].opacity)-(pixels[0].opacity-pixels[1].opacity);
-  q=(pixels[0].opacity-pixels[1].opacity)-p;
-  r=pixels[2].opacity-pixels[0].opacity;
-  s=pixels[1].opacity;
-  pixel->opacity=(dx*dx2*p)+(dx2*q)+(dx*r)+s;
-  if (pixel->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
-    {
-      p=(pixels[3].index-pixels[2].index)-(pixels[0].index-pixels[1].index);
-      q=(pixels[0].index-pixels[1].index)-p;
-      r=pixels[2].index-pixels[0].index;
-      s=pixels[1].index;
-      pixel->index=(dx*dx2*p)+(dx2*q)+(dx*r)+s;
-    }
-static inline MagickRealType CubicWeightingFunction(const MagickRealType x)
-  MagickRealType
-    alpha,
-    gamma;
-  alpha=MagickMax(x+2.0,0.0);
-  gamma=1.0*alpha*alpha*alpha;
-  alpha=MagickMax(x+1.0,0.0);
-  gamma-=4.0*alpha*alpha*alpha;
-  alpha=MagickMax(x+0.0,0.0);
-  gamma+=6.0*alpha*alpha*alpha;
-  alpha=MagickMax(x-1.0,0.0);
-  gamma-=4.0*alpha*alpha*alpha;
-  return(gamma/6.0);
-static inline double MeshInterpolate(const PointInfo *delta,const double p,
-  const double x,const double y)
-  return(delta->x*x+delta->y*y+(1.0-delta->x-delta->y)*p);
-static inline ssize_t NearestNeighbor(MagickRealType x)
-  if (x >= 0.0)
-    return((ssize_t) (x+0.5));
-  return((ssize_t) (x-0.5));
-MagickExport MagickPixelPacket InterpolatePixelColor(const Image *image,
-  CacheView *image_view,const InterpolatePixelMethod method,const double x,
-  const double y,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  MagickPixelPacket
-    pixel;
-  register const IndexPacket
-    *indexes;
-  register const PixelPacket
-    *p;
-  register ssize_t
-    i;
-  assert(image != (Image *) NULL);
-  assert(image->signature == MagickSignature);
-  assert(image_view != (CacheView *) NULL);
-  GetMagickPixelPacket(image,&pixel);
-  switch (method)
-  {
-    case AverageInterpolatePixel:
-    {
-      MagickPixelPacket
-        pixels[16];
-      MagickRealType
-        alpha[16],
-        gamma;
-      p=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(image_view,(ssize_t) floor(x)-1,(ssize_t)
-        floor(y)-1,4,4,exception);
-      if (p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL)
-        break;
-      indexes=GetCacheViewVirtualIndexQueue(image_view);
-      for (i=0; i < 16L; i++)
-      {
-        GetMagickPixelPacket(image,pixels+i);
-        SetMagickPixelPacket(image,p,indexes+i,pixels+i);
-        alpha[i]=1.0;
-        if (image->matte != MagickFalse)
-          {
-            alpha[i]=QuantumScale*((MagickRealType) GetAlphaPixelComponent(p));
-            pixels[i].red*=alpha[i];
-            pixels[i].green*=alpha[i];
-            pixels[i].blue*=alpha[i];
-            if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
-              pixels[i].index*=alpha[i];
-          }
-        gamma=alpha[i];
-        gamma=1.0/(fabs((double) gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
-        pixel.red+=gamma*0.0625*pixels[i].red;
-        pixel.green+=gamma*0.0625*pixels[i].green;
-        pixel.blue+=gamma*0.0625*pixels[i].blue;
-        pixel.opacity+=0.0625*pixels[i].opacity;
-        if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
-          pixel.index+=gamma*0.0625*pixels[i].index;
-        p++;
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case BicubicInterpolatePixel:
-    {
-      MagickPixelPacket
-        pixels[16],
-        u[4];
-      MagickRealType
-        alpha[16];
-      PointInfo
-        delta;
-      p=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(image_view,(ssize_t) floor(x)-1,(ssize_t)
-        floor(y)-1,4,4,exception);
-      if (p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL)
-        break;
-      indexes=GetCacheViewVirtualIndexQueue(image_view);
-      for (i=0; i < 16L; i++)
-      {
-        GetMagickPixelPacket(image,pixels+i);
-        SetMagickPixelPacket(image,p,indexes+i,pixels+i);
-        alpha[i]=1.0;
-        if (image->matte != MagickFalse)
-          {
-            alpha[i]=QuantumScale*((MagickRealType) GetAlphaPixelComponent(p));
-            pixels[i].red*=alpha[i];
-            pixels[i].green*=alpha[i];
-            pixels[i].blue*=alpha[i];
-            if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
-              pixels[i].index*=alpha[i];
-          }
-        p++;
-      }
-      delta.x=x-floor(x);
-      for (i=0; i < 4L; i++)
-        BicubicInterpolate(pixels+4*i,delta.x,u+i);
-      delta.y=y-floor(y);
-      BicubicInterpolate(u,delta.y,&pixel);
-      break;
-    }
-    case BilinearInterpolatePixel:
-    default:
-    {
-      MagickPixelPacket
-        pixels[16];
-      MagickRealType
-        alpha[16],
-        gamma;
-      PointInfo
-        delta;
-      p=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(image_view,(ssize_t) floor(x),(ssize_t)
-        floor(y),2,2,exception);
-      if (p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL)
-        break;
-      indexes=GetCacheViewVirtualIndexQueue(image_view);
-      for (i=0; i < 4L; i++)
-      {
-        GetMagickPixelPacket(image,pixels+i);
-        SetMagickPixelPacket(image,p,indexes+i,pixels+i);
-        alpha[i]=1.0;
-        if (image->matte != MagickFalse)
-          {
-            alpha[i]=QuantumScale*((MagickRealType) GetAlphaPixelComponent(p));
-            pixels[i].red*=alpha[i];
-            pixels[i].green*=alpha[i];
-            pixels[i].blue*=alpha[i];
-            if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
-              pixels[i].index*=alpha[i];
-          }
-        p++;
-      }
-      delta.x=x-floor(x);
-      delta.y=y-floor(y);
-      gamma=(((1.0-delta.y)*((1.0-delta.x)*alpha[0]+delta.x*alpha[1])+delta.y*
-        ((1.0-delta.x)*alpha[2]+delta.x*alpha[3])));
-      gamma=1.0/(fabs((double) gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
-      pixel.red=gamma*((1.0-delta.y)*((1.0-delta.x)*pixels[0].red+delta.x*
-        pixels[1].red)+delta.y*((1.0-delta.x)*pixels[2].red+delta.x*
-        pixels[3].red));
-      pixel.green=gamma*((1.0-delta.y)*((1.0-delta.x)*pixels[0].green+delta.x*
-        pixels[1].green)+delta.y*((1.0-delta.x)*pixels[2].green+
-        delta.x*pixels[3].green));
-      pixel.blue=gamma*((1.0-delta.y)*((1.0-delta.x)*pixels[0].blue+delta.x*
-        pixels[1].blue)+delta.y*((1.0-delta.x)*pixels[2].blue+delta.x*
-        pixels[3].blue));
-      pixel.opacity=((1.0-delta.y)*((1.0-delta.x)*pixels[0].opacity+delta.x*
-        pixels[1].opacity)+delta.y*((1.0-delta.x)*pixels[2].opacity+delta.x*
-        pixels[3].opacity));
-      if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
-        pixel.index=gamma*((1.0-delta.y)*((1.0-delta.x)*pixels[0].index+delta.x*
-          pixels[1].index)+delta.y*((1.0-delta.x)*pixels[2].index+delta.x*
-          pixels[3].index));
-      break;
-    }
-    case FilterInterpolatePixel:
-    {
-      Image
-        *excerpt_image,
-        *filter_image;
-      MagickPixelPacket
-        pixels[1];
-      RectangleInfo
-        geometry;
-      geometry.width=4L;
-      geometry.height=4L;
-      geometry.x=(ssize_t) floor(x)-1L;
-      geometry.y=(ssize_t) floor(y)-1L;
-      excerpt_image=ExcerptImage(image,&geometry,exception);
-      if (excerpt_image == (Image *) NULL)
-        break;
-      filter_image=ResizeImage(excerpt_image,1,1,image->filter,image->blur,
-        exception);
-      excerpt_image=DestroyImage(excerpt_image);
-      if (filter_image == (Image *) NULL)
-        break;
-      p=GetVirtualPixels(filter_image,0,0,1,1,exception);
-      if (p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL)
-        {
-          filter_image=DestroyImage(filter_image);
-          break;
-        }
-      indexes=GetVirtualIndexQueue(filter_image);
-      GetMagickPixelPacket(image,pixels);
-      SetMagickPixelPacket(image,p,indexes,&pixel);
-      filter_image=DestroyImage(filter_image);
-      break;
-    }
-    case IntegerInterpolatePixel:
-    {
-      MagickPixelPacket
-        pixels[1];
-      p=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(image_view,(ssize_t) floor(x),(ssize_t)
-        floor(y),1,1,exception);
-      if (p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL)
-        break;
-      indexes=GetCacheViewVirtualIndexQueue(image_view);
-      GetMagickPixelPacket(image,pixels);
-      SetMagickPixelPacket(image,p,indexes,&pixel);
-      break;
-    }
-    case MeshInterpolatePixel:
-    {
-      MagickPixelPacket
-        pixels[4];
-      MagickRealType
-        alpha[4],
-        gamma;
-      PointInfo
-        delta,
-        luminance;
-      p=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(image_view,(ssize_t) floor(x),(ssize_t)
-        floor(y),2,2,exception);
-      if (p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL)
-        break;
-      indexes=GetCacheViewVirtualIndexQueue(image_view);
-      for (i=0; i < 4L; i++)
-      {
-        GetMagickPixelPacket(image,pixels+i);
-        SetMagickPixelPacket(image,p,indexes+i,pixels+i);
-        alpha[i]=1.0;
-        if (image->matte != MagickFalse)
-          {
-            alpha[i]=QuantumScale*((MagickRealType) GetAlphaPixelComponent(p));
-            pixels[i].red*=alpha[i];
-            pixels[i].green*=alpha[i];
-            pixels[i].blue*=alpha[i];
-            if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
-              pixels[i].index*=alpha[i];
-          }
-        p++;
-      }
-      delta.x=x-floor(x);
-      delta.y=y-floor(y);
-      luminance.x=MagickPixelLuminance(pixels+0)-MagickPixelLuminance(pixels+3);
-      luminance.y=MagickPixelLuminance(pixels+1)-MagickPixelLuminance(pixels+2);
-      if (fabs(luminance.x) < fabs(luminance.y))
-        {
-          /*
-            Diagonal 0-3 NW-SE.
-          */
-          if (delta.x <= delta.y)
-            {
-              /*
-                Bottom-left triangle  (pixel:2, diagonal: 0-3).
-              */
-              delta.y=1.0-delta.y;
-              gamma=MeshInterpolate(&delta,alpha[2],alpha[3],alpha[0]);
-              gamma=1.0/(fabs((double) gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
-              pixel.red=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[2].red,
-                pixels[3].red,pixels[0].red);
-              pixel.green=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[2].green,
-                pixels[3].green,pixels[0].green);
-              pixel.blue=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[2].blue,
-                pixels[3].blue,pixels[0].blue);
-              pixel.opacity=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[2].opacity,
-                pixels[3].opacity,pixels[0].opacity);
-              if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
-                pixel.index=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[2].index,
-                  pixels[3].index,pixels[0].index);
-            }
-          else
-            {
-              /*
-                Top-right triangle (pixel:1, diagonal: 0-3).
-              */
-              delta.x=1.0-delta.x;
-              gamma=MeshInterpolate(&delta,alpha[1],alpha[0],alpha[3]);
-              gamma=1.0/(fabs((double) gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
-              pixel.red=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[1].red,
-                pixels[0].red,pixels[3].red);
-              pixel.green=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[1].green,
-                pixels[0].green,pixels[3].green);
-              pixel.blue=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[1].blue,
-                pixels[0].blue,pixels[3].blue);
-              pixel.opacity=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[1].opacity,
-                pixels[0].opacity,pixels[3].opacity);
-              if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
-                pixel.index=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[1].index,
-                  pixels[0].index,pixels[3].index);
-            }
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          /*
-            Diagonal 1-2 NE-SW.
-          */
-          if (delta.x <= (1.0-delta.y))
-            {
-              /*
-                Top-left triangle (pixel 0, diagonal: 1-2).
-              */
-              gamma=MeshInterpolate(&delta,alpha[0],alpha[1],alpha[2]);
-              gamma=1.0/(fabs((double) gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
-              pixel.red=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[0].red,
-                pixels[1].red,pixels[2].red);
-              pixel.green=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[0].green,
-                pixels[1].green,pixels[2].green);
-              pixel.blue=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[0].blue,
-                pixels[1].blue,pixels[2].blue);
-              pixel.opacity=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[0].opacity,
-                pixels[1].opacity,pixels[2].opacity);
-              if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
-                pixel.index=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[0].index,
-                  pixels[1].index,pixels[2].index);
-            }
-          else
-            {
-              /*
-                Bottom-right triangle (pixel: 3, diagonal: 1-2).
-              */
-              delta.x=1.0-delta.x;
-              delta.y=1.0-delta.y;
-              gamma=MeshInterpolate(&delta,alpha[3],alpha[2],alpha[1]);
-              gamma=1.0/(fabs((double) gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
-              pixel.red=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[3].red,
-                pixels[2].red,pixels[1].red);
-              pixel.green=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[3].green,
-                pixels[2].green,pixels[1].green);
-              pixel.blue=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[3].blue,
-                pixels[2].blue,pixels[1].blue);
-              pixel.opacity=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[3].opacity,
-                pixels[2].opacity,pixels[1].opacity);
-              if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
-                pixel.index=gamma*MeshInterpolate(&delta,pixels[3].index,
-                  pixels[2].index,pixels[1].index);
-            }
-        }
-      break;
-    }
-    case NearestNeighborInterpolatePixel:
-    {
-      MagickPixelPacket
-        pixels[1];
-      p=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(image_view,NearestNeighbor(x),
-        NearestNeighbor(y),1,1,exception);
-      if (p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL)
-        break;
-      indexes=GetCacheViewVirtualIndexQueue(image_view);
-      GetMagickPixelPacket(image,pixels);
-      SetMagickPixelPacket(image,p,indexes,&pixel);
-      break;
-    }
-    case SplineInterpolatePixel:
-    {
-      MagickPixelPacket
-        pixels[16];
-      MagickRealType
-        alpha[16],
-        dx,
-        dy,
-        gamma;
-      PointInfo
-        delta;
-      ssize_t
-        j,
-        n;
-      p=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(image_view,(ssize_t) floor(x)-1,(ssize_t)
-        floor(y)-1,4,4,exception);
-      if (p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL)
-        break;
-      indexes=GetCacheViewVirtualIndexQueue(image_view);
-      n=0;
-      delta.x=x-floor(x);
-      delta.y=y-floor(y);
-      for (i=(-1); i < 3L; i++)
-      {
-        dy=CubicWeightingFunction((MagickRealType) i-delta.y);
-        for (j=(-1); j < 3L; j++)
-        {
-          GetMagickPixelPacket(image,pixels+n);
-          SetMagickPixelPacket(image,p,indexes+n,pixels+n);
-          alpha[n]=1.0;
-          if (image->matte != MagickFalse)
-            {
-              alpha[n]=QuantumScale*((MagickRealType)
-                GetAlphaPixelComponent(p));
-              pixels[n].red*=alpha[n];
-              pixels[n].green*=alpha[n];
-              pixels[n].blue*=alpha[n];
-              if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
-                pixels[n].index*=alpha[n];
-            }
-          dx=CubicWeightingFunction(delta.x-(MagickRealType) j);
-          gamma=alpha[n];
-          gamma=1.0/(fabs((double) gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
-          pixel.red+=gamma*dx*dy*pixels[n].red;
-          pixel.green+=gamma*dx*dy*pixels[n].green;
-          pixel.blue+=gamma*dx*dy*pixels[n].blue;
-          if (image->matte != MagickFalse)
-            pixel.opacity+=dx*dy*pixels[n].opacity;
-          if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
-            pixel.index+=gamma*dx*dy*pixels[n].index;
-          n++;
-          p++;
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  return(pixel);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   I n t e r p r e t I m a g e A t t r i b u t e s                           %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  InterpretImageAttributes() replaces any embedded formatting characters with
-%  the appropriate image attribute and returns the translated text.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    InterpretImageProperties(image_info,image,embed_text);
-%  The format of the InterpretImageAttributes method is:
-%      char *InterpretImageAttributes(const ImageInfo *image_info,Image *image,
-%        const char *embed_text)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image_info: the image info.
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o embed_text: the address of a character string containing the embedded
-%      formatting characters.
-MagickExport char *InterpretImageAttributes(const ImageInfo *image_info,
-  Image *image,const char *embed_text)
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v6.3.1");
-  return(InterpretImageProperties(image_info,image,embed_text));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-+     I s S u b i m a g e                                                     %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  IsSubimage() returns MagickTrue if the geometry is a valid subimage
-%  specification (e.g. [1], [1-9], [1,7,4]).
-%  The format of the IsSubimage method is:
-%      unsigned int IsSubimage(const char *geometry,const unsigned int pedantic)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o geometry: This string is the geometry specification.
-%    o pedantic: A value other than 0 invokes a more restrictive set of
-%      conditions for a valid specification (e.g. [1], [1-4], [4-1]).
-MagickExport unsigned int IsSubimage(const char *geometry,
-  const unsigned int pedantic)
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.7");
-  if (geometry == (const char *) NULL)
-    return(MagickFalse);
-  if ((strchr(geometry,'x') != (char *) NULL) ||
-      (strchr(geometry,'X') != (char *) NULL))
-    return(MagickFalse);
-  if ((pedantic != MagickFalse) && (strchr(geometry,',') != (char *) NULL))
-    return(MagickFalse);
-  return(MagickTrue);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%     L e v e l I m a g e C o l o r s                                         %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  LevelImageColor() will map the given color to "black" and "white"
-%  values, limearly spreading out the colors, and level values on a channel by
-%  channel bases, as per LevelImage().  The given colors allows you to specify
-%  different level ranges for each of the color channels separately.
-%  If the boolean 'invert' is set true the image values will modifyed in the
-%  reverse direction. That is any existing "black" and "white" colors in the
-%  image will become the color values given, with all other values compressed
-%  appropriatally.  This effectivally maps a greyscale gradient into the given
-%  color gradient.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    LevelColorsImageChannel(image,channel,black_color,white_color,invert);
-%  The format of the LevelImageColors method is:
-%  MagickBooleanType LevelImageColors(Image *image,const ChannelType channel,
-%    const MagickPixelPacket *black_color,const MagickPixelPacket *white_color,
-%    const MagickBooleanType invert)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o channel: the channel.
-%    o black_color: The color to map black to/from
-%    o white_point: The color to map white to/from
-%    o invert: if true map the colors (levelize), rather than from (level)
-MagickBooleanType LevelImageColors(Image *image,const ChannelType channel,
-  const MagickPixelPacket *black_color,const MagickPixelPacket *white_color,
-  const MagickBooleanType invert)
-  return(LevelColorsImageChannel(image,channel,black_color,white_color,invert));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   L i b e r a t e M e m o r y                                               %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  LiberateMemory() frees memory that has already been allocated, and NULL's
-%  the pointer to it.
-%  The format of the LiberateMemory method is:
-%      void LiberateMemory(void **memory)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o memory: A pointer to a block of memory to free for reuse.
-MagickExport void LiberateMemory(void **memory)
-  assert(memory != (void **) NULL);
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.7");
-  if (*memory == (void *) NULL)
-    return;
-  free(*memory);
-  *memory=(void *) NULL;
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   L i b e r a t e S e m a p h o r e I n f o                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  LiberateSemaphoreInfo() relinquishes a semaphore.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    UnlockSemaphoreInfo(*semaphore_info);
-%  The format of the LiberateSemaphoreInfo method is:
-%      LiberateSemaphoreInfo(void **semaphore_info)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o semaphore_info: Specifies a pointer to an SemaphoreInfo structure.
-MagickExport void LiberateSemaphoreInfo(SemaphoreInfo **semaphore_info)
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.7");
-  UnlockSemaphoreInfo(*semaphore_info);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   M a g i c k I n c a r n a t e                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  MagickIncarnate() initializes the ImageMagick environment.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    MagickCoreGenesis(path,MagickFalse);
-%  The format of the MagickIncarnate function is:
-%      MagickIncarnate(const char *path)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o path: the execution path of the current ImageMagick client.
-MagickExport void MagickIncarnate(const char *path)
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.1");
-  MagickCoreGenesis(path,MagickFalse);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   M a g i c k M o n i t o r                                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  MagickMonitor() calls the monitor handler method with a text string that
-%  describes the task and a measure of completion.  The method returns
-%  MagickTrue on success otherwise MagickFalse if an error is encountered, e.g.
-%  if there was a user interrupt.
-%  The format of the MagickMonitor method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType MagickMonitor(const char *text,
-%        const MagickOffsetType offset,const MagickSizeType span,
-%        void *client_data)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o offset: the position relative to the span parameter which represents
-%      how much progress has been made toward completing a task.
-%    o span: the span relative to completing a task.
-%    o client_data: the client data.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType MagickMonitor(const char *text,
-  const MagickOffsetType offset,const MagickSizeType span,
-  void *magick_unused(client_data))
-  ExceptionInfo
-    *exception;
-  MagickBooleanType
-    status;
-  assert(text != (const char *) NULL);
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",text);
-  ProcessPendingEvents(text);
-  status=MagickTrue;
-  exception=AcquireExceptionInfo();
-  if (monitor_handler != (MonitorHandler) NULL)
-    status=(*monitor_handler)(text,offset,span,exception);
-  exception=DestroyExceptionInfo(exception);
-  return(status);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   M a p I m a g e                                                           %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  MapImage() replaces the colors of an image with the closest color from a
-%  reference image.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%     QuantizeInfo quantize_info;
-%     GetQuantizeInfo(&quantize_info);
-%     quantize_info.dither=dither;
-%     RemapImage(&quantize_info,image,map_image);
-%  The format of the MapImage method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType MapImage(Image *image,const Image *map_image,
-%        const MagickBooleanType dither)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: Specifies a pointer to an Image structure.
-%    o map_image: the image.  Reduce image to a set of colors represented by
-%      this image.
-%    o dither: Set this integer value to something other than zero to
-%      dither the mapped image.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType MapImage(Image *image,const Image *map_image,
-  const MagickBooleanType dither)
-  QuantizeInfo
-    quantize_info;
-  /*
-    Initialize color cube.
-  */
-  assert(image != (Image *) NULL);
-  assert(image->signature == MagickSignature);
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename);
-  assert(map_image != (Image *) NULL);
-  assert(map_image->signature == MagickSignature);
-  GetQuantizeInfo(&quantize_info);
-  quantize_info.dither=dither;
-  return(RemapImage(&quantize_info,image,map_image));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   M a p I m a g e s                                                         %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  MapImages() replaces the colors of a sequence of images with the closest
-%  color from a reference image.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%     QuantizeInfo quantize_info;
-%     GetQuantizeInfo(&quantize_info);
-%     quantize_info.dither=dither;
-%     RemapImages(&quantize_info,images,map_image);
-%  The format of the MapImage method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType MapImages(Image *images,Image *map_image,
-%        const MagickBooleanType dither)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: Specifies a pointer to a set of Image structures.
-%    o map_image: the image.  Reduce image to a set of colors represented by
-%      this image.
-%    o dither: Set this integer value to something other than zero to
-%      dither the quantized image.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType MapImages(Image *images,const Image *map_image,
-  const MagickBooleanType dither)
-  QuantizeInfo
-    quantize_info;
-  assert(images != (Image *) NULL);
-  assert(images->signature == MagickSignature);
-  if (images->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",images->filename);
-  GetQuantizeInfo(&quantize_info);
-  quantize_info.dither=dither;
-  return(RemapImages(&quantize_info,images,map_image));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   M a t t e F l o o d f i l l I m a g e                                     %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  MatteFloodfill() changes the transparency value of any pixel that matches
-%  target and is an immediate neighbor.  If the method FillToBorderMethod
-%  is specified, the transparency value is changed for any neighbor pixel
-%  that does not match the bordercolor member of image.
-%  By default target must match a particular pixel transparency exactly.
-%  However, in many cases two transparency values may differ by a
-%  small amount.  The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is
-%  acceptable to consider two transparency values as the same.  For example,
-%  set fuzz to 10 and the opacity values of 100 and 102 respectively are
-%  now interpreted as the same value for the purposes of the floodfill.
-%  The format of the MatteFloodfillImage method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType MatteFloodfillImage(Image *image,
-%        const PixelPacket target,const Quantum opacity,const ssize_t x_offset,
-%        const ssize_t y_offset,const PaintMethod method)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o target: the RGB value of the target color.
-%    o opacity: the level of transparency: 0 is fully opaque and QuantumRange is
-%      fully transparent.
+%    o bordercolor: the border color pixel wand.
 %    o x,y: the starting location of the operation.
-%    o method:  Choose either FloodfillMethod or FillToBorderMethod.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType MatteFloodfillImage(Image *image,
-  const PixelPacket target,const Quantum opacity,const ssize_t x_offset,
-  const ssize_t y_offset,const PaintMethod method)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickMatteFloodfillImage(MagickWand *wand,
+  const double alpha,const double fuzz,const PixelWand *bordercolor,
+  const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y)
-  Image
-    *floodplane_image;
+  DrawInfo
+    *draw_info;
-    skip;
+    status;
-  register SegmentInfo
-    *s;
+  PixelPacket
+    target;
-  SegmentInfo
-    *segment_stack;
-  ssize_t
-    offset,
-    start,
-    x,
-    x1,
-    x2,
-    y;
-  /*
-    Check boundary conditions.
-  */
-  assert(image != (Image *) NULL);
-  assert(image->signature == MagickSignature);
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename);
-  if ((x_offset < 0) || (x_offset >= (ssize_t) image->columns))
-    return(MagickFalse);
-  if ((y_offset < 0) || (y_offset >= (ssize_t) image->rows))
-    return(MagickFalse);
-  if (SetImageStorageClass(image,DirectClass) == MagickFalse)
-    return(MagickFalse);
-  if (image->matte == MagickFalse)
-    (void) SetImageAlphaChannel(image,OpaqueAlphaChannel);
-  floodplane_image=CloneImage(image,image->columns,image->rows,MagickTrue,
-    &image->exception);
-  if (floodplane_image == (Image *) NULL)
-    return(MagickFalse);
-  (void) SetImageAlphaChannel(floodplane_image,OpaqueAlphaChannel);
-  /*
-    Set floodfill color.
-  */
-  segment_stack=(SegmentInfo *) AcquireQuantumMemory(MaxStacksize,
-    sizeof(*segment_stack));
-  if (segment_stack == (SegmentInfo *) NULL)
-    {
-      floodplane_image=DestroyImage(floodplane_image);
-      ThrowBinaryException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed",
-        image->filename);
-    }
-  /*
-    Push initial segment on stack.
-  */
-  x=x_offset;
-  y=y_offset;
-  start=0;
-  s=segment_stack;
-  PushSegmentStack(y,x,x,1);
-  PushSegmentStack(y+1,x,x,-1);
-  while (s > segment_stack)
-  {
-    register const PixelPacket
-      *restrict p;
-    register ssize_t
-      x;
-    register PixelPacket
-      *restrict q;
-    /*
-      Pop segment off stack.
-    */
-    s--;
-    x1=(ssize_t) s->x1;
-    x2=(ssize_t) s->x2;
-    offset=(ssize_t) s->y2;
-    y=(ssize_t) s->y1+offset;
-    /*
-      Recolor neighboring pixels.
-    */
-    p=GetVirtualPixels(image,0,y,(size_t) (x1+1),1,&image->exception);
-    q=GetAuthenticPixels(floodplane_image,0,y,(size_t) (x1+1),1,
-      &image->exception);
-    if ((p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL) || (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL))
-      break;
-    p+=x1;
-    q+=x1;
-    for (x=x1; x >= 0; x--)
-    {
-      if (q->opacity == (Quantum) TransparentOpacity)
-        break;
-      if (method == FloodfillMethod)
-        {
-          if (IsColorSimilar(image,p,&target) == MagickFalse)
-            break;
-        }
-      else
-        if (IsColorSimilar(image,p,&target) != MagickFalse)
-          break;
-      q->opacity=(Quantum) TransparentOpacity;
-      q--;
-      p--;
-    }
-    if (SyncAuthenticPixels(floodplane_image,&image->exception) == MagickFalse)
-      break;
-    skip=x >= x1 ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse;
-    if (skip == MagickFalse)
-      {
-        start=x+1;
-        if (start < x1)
-          PushSegmentStack(y,start,x1-1,-offset);
-        x=x1+1;
-      }
-    do
-    {
-      if (skip == MagickFalse)
-        {
-          if (x < (ssize_t) image->columns)
-            {
-              p=GetVirtualPixels(image,x,y,image->columns-x,1,
-                &image->exception);
-              q=GetAuthenticPixels(floodplane_image,x,y,image->columns-x,1,
-                &image->exception);
-              if ((p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL) ||
-                  (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL))
-                break;
-              for ( ; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
-              {
-                if (q->opacity == (Quantum) TransparentOpacity)
-                  break;
-                if (method == FloodfillMethod)
-                  {
-                    if (IsColorSimilar(image,p,&target) == MagickFalse)
-                      break;
-                  }
-                else
-                  if (IsColorSimilar(image,p,&target) != MagickFalse)
-                    break;
-                q->opacity=(Quantum) TransparentOpacity;
-                q++;
-                p++;
-              }
-              if (SyncAuthenticPixels(floodplane_image,&image->exception) == MagickFalse)
-                break;
-            }
-          PushSegmentStack(y,start,x-1,offset);
-          if (x > (x2+1))
-            PushSegmentStack(y,x2+1,x-1,-offset);
-        }
-      skip=MagickFalse;
-      x++;
-      if (x <= x2)
-        {
-          p=GetVirtualPixels(image,x,y,(size_t) (x2-x+1),1,
-            &image->exception);
-          q=GetAuthenticPixels(floodplane_image,x,y,(size_t) (x2-x+1),1,
-            &image->exception);
-          if ((p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL) || (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL))
-            break;
-          for ( ; x <= x2; x++)
-          {
-            if (q->opacity == (Quantum) TransparentOpacity)
-              break;
-            if (method == FloodfillMethod)
-              {
-                if (IsColorSimilar(image,p,&target) != MagickFalse)
-                  break;
-              }
-            else
-              if (IsColorSimilar(image,p,&target) == MagickFalse)
-                break;
-            p++;
-            q++;
-          }
-        }
-      start=x;
-    } while (x <= x2);
-  }
-  for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++)
-  {
-    register const PixelPacket
-      *restrict p;
-    register ssize_t
-      x;
-    register PixelPacket
-      *restrict q;
-    /*
-      Tile fill color onto floodplane.
-    */
-    p=GetVirtualPixels(floodplane_image,0,y,image->columns,1,
-      &image->exception);
-    q=GetAuthenticPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,&image->exception);
-    if ((p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL) || (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL))
-      break;
-    for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
-    {
-      if (GetOpacityPixelComponent(p) != OpaqueOpacity)
-        q->opacity=opacity;
-      p++;
-      q++;
-    }
-    if (SyncAuthenticPixels(image,&image->exception) == MagickFalse)
-      break;
-  }
-  segment_stack=(SegmentInfo *) RelinquishMagickMemory(segment_stack);
-  floodplane_image=DestroyImage(floodplane_image);
-  return(y == (ssize_t) image->rows ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse);
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+  if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+    ThrowWandException(WandError,"ContainsNoImages",wand->name);
+  draw_info=CloneDrawInfo(wand->image_info,(DrawInfo *) NULL);
+  (void) GetOneVirtualPixel(wand->images,x % wand->images->columns,
+    y % wand->images->rows,&target,wand->exception);
+  if (bordercolor != (PixelWand *) NULL)
+    PixelGetQuantumColor(bordercolor,&target);
+  wand->images->fuzz=fuzz;
+  status=MatteFloodfillImage(wand->images,target,ClampToQuantum(
+    (MagickRealType) QuantumRange-QuantumRange*alpha),x,y,bordercolor !=
+    (PixelWand *) NULL ? FillToBorderMethod : FloodfillMethod);
+  if (status == MagickFalse)
+    InheritException(wand->exception,&wand->images->exception);
+  draw_info=DestroyDrawInfo(draw_info);
+  return(status);
@@ -4508,110 +1653,45 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%     M a x i m u m I m a g e s                                               %
+%   M a g i c k M e d i a n F i l t e r I m a g e                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  MaximumImages() returns the maximum intensity of an image sequence.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    EvaluateImages(images,MinEvaluateOperator,exception);
-%  The format of the MaxImages method is:
-%      Image *MaximumImages(Image *images,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o images: the image sequence.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport Image *MaximumImages(const Image *images,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  return(EvaluateImages(images,MinEvaluateOperator,exception));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%     M i n i m u m I m a g e s                                               %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  MinimumImages() returns the minimum intensity of an image sequence.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    EvaluateImages(images,MinEvaluateOperator,exception);
-%  The format of the MinimumImages method is:
-%      Image *MinimumImages(Image *images,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o images: the image sequence.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport Image *MinimumImages(const Image *images,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  return(EvaluateImages(images,MinEvaluateOperator,exception));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%     M e d i a n F i l t e r I m a g e                                       %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  MedianFilterImage() applies a digital filter that improves the quality
+%  MagickMedianFilterImage() applies a digital filter that improves the quality
 %  of a noisy image.  Each pixel is replaced by the median in a set of
 %  neighboring pixels as defined by radius.
-%  The algorithm was contributed by Mike Edmonds and implements an insertion
-%  sort for selecting median color-channel values.  For more on this algorithm
-%  see "Skip Lists: A probabilistic Alternative to Balanced Trees" by William
-%  Pugh in the June 1990 of Communications of the ACM.
+%  The format of the MagickMedianFilterImage method is:
-%  The format of the MedianFilterImage method is:
-%      Image *MedianFilterImage(const Image *image,const double radius,
-%        ExceptionInfo *exception)
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickMedianFilterImage(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const double radius)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
 %    o radius: the radius of the pixel neighborhood.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport Image *MedianFilterImage(const Image *image,const double radius,
-  ExceptionInfo *exception)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickMedianFilterImage(MagickWand *wand,
+  const double radius)
-  median_image=StatisticImage(image,MedianStatistic,(size_t) radius,(size_t)
-    radius,exception);
-  return(median_image);
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+  if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+    ThrowWandException(WandError,"ContainsNoImages",wand->name);
+  median_image=MedianFilterImage(wand->images,radius,wand->exception);
+  if (median_image == (Image *) NULL)
+    return(MagickFalse);
+  ReplaceImageInList(&wand->images,median_image);
+  return(MagickTrue);
@@ -4619,202 +1699,83 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%     M o d e I m a g e                                                       %
+%   M a g i c k M i n i m u m I m a g e s                                     %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  ModeImage() makes each pixel the 'predominate color' of the neighborhood
-%  of the specified radius.
+%  MagickMinimumImages() returns the minimum intensity of an image sequence.
-%  The format of the ModeImage method is:
+%  The format of the MagickMinimumImages method is:
-%      Image *ModeImage(const Image *image,const double radius,
-%        ExceptionInfo *exception)
+%      MagickWand *MagickMinimumImages(MagickWand *wand)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
+WandExport MagickWand *MagickMinimumImages(MagickWand *wand)
+  Image
+    *minimum_image;
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+  if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+    return((MagickWand *) NULL);
+  minimum_image=EvaluateImages(wand->images,MinEvaluateOperator,
+    wand->exception);
+  if (minimum_image == (Image *) NULL)
+    return((MagickWand *) NULL);
+  return(CloneMagickWandFromImages(wand,minimum_image));
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   M a g i c k M o d e I m a g e                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  MagickModeImage() makes each pixel the 'predominate color' of the
+%  neighborhood of the specified radius.
+%  The format of the MagickModeImage method is:
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickModeImage(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const double radius)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
 %    o radius: the radius of the pixel neighborhood.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport Image *ModeImage(const Image *image,const double radius,
-  ExceptionInfo *exception)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickModeImage(MagickWand *wand,
+  const double radius)
-  mode_image=StatisticImage(image,ModeStatistic,(size_t) radius,(size_t) radius,
-    exception);
-  return(mode_image);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%     M o s a i c I m a g e s                                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  MosaicImages() Obsolete Function: Use MergeImageLayers() instead.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    MergeImageLayers(image,MosaicLayer,exception);
-%  The format of the MosaicImage method is:
-%      Image *MosaicImages(const Image *image,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image list to be composited together
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport Image *MosaicImages(Image *image,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  return(MergeImageLayers(image,MosaicLayer,exception));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%     O p a q u e I m a g e                                                   %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  OpaqueImage() changes any pixel that matches color with the color
-%  defined by fill.
-%  By default color must match a particular pixel color exactly.  However,
-%  in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.  Fuzz defines
-%  how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same.
-%  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and
-%  102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color.
-%  The format of the OpaqueImage method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType OpaqueImage(Image *image,
-%        const PixelPacket *target,const PixelPacket fill)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o target: the RGB value of the target color.
-%    o fill: the replacement color.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType OpaqueImage(Image *image,
-  const PixelPacket target,const PixelPacket fill)
-#define OpaqueImageTag  "Opaque/Image"
-  MagickBooleanType
-    proceed;
-  register ssize_t
-    i;
-  ssize_t
-    y;
-  /*
-    Make image color opaque.
-  */
-  assert(image != (Image *) NULL);
-  assert(image->signature == MagickSignature);
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v6.1.0");
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename);
-  switch (image->storage_class)
-  {
-    case DirectClass:
-    default:
-    {
-      /*
-        Make DirectClass image opaque.
-      */
-      for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++)
-      {
-        register ssize_t
-          x;
-        register PixelPacket
-          *restrict q;
-        q=GetAuthenticPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,&image->exception);
-        if (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL)
-          break;
-        for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
-        {
-          if (IsColorSimilar(image,q,&target) != MagickFalse)
-            *q=fill;
-          q++;
-        }
-        if (SyncAuthenticPixels(image,&image->exception) == MagickFalse)
-          break;
-        proceed=SetImageProgress(image,OpaqueImageTag,(MagickOffsetType) y,
-          image->rows);
-        if (proceed == MagickFalse)
-          break;
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case PseudoClass:
-    {
-      /*
-        Make PseudoClass image opaque.
-      */
-      for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) image->colors; i++)
-      {
-        if (IsColorSimilar(image,&image->colormap[i],&target) != MagickFalse)
-          image->colormap[i]=fill;
-      }
-      if (fill.opacity != OpaqueOpacity)
-        {
-          for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++)
-          {
-            register ssize_t
-              x;
-            register PixelPacket
-              *restrict q;
-            q=GetAuthenticPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,&image->exception);
-            if (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL)
-              break;
-            for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
-            {
-              if (IsColorSimilar(image,q,&target) != MagickFalse)
-                q->opacity=fill.opacity;
-              q++;
-            }
-            if (SyncAuthenticPixels(image,&image->exception) == MagickFalse)
-              break;
-          }
-        }
-      (void) SyncImage(image);
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (fill.opacity != OpaqueOpacity)
-    image->matte=MagickTrue;
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+  if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+    ThrowWandException(WandError,"ContainsNoImages",wand->name);
+  mode_image=ModeImage(wand->images,radius,wand->exception);
+  if (mode_image == (Image *) NULL)
+    return(MagickFalse);
+  ReplaceImageInList(&wand->images,mode_image);
@@ -4823,31 +1784,40 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   O p e n C a c h e V i e w                                                 %
+%   M a g i c k M o s a i c I m a g e s                                       %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  OpenCacheView() opens a view into the pixel cache, using the
-%  VirtualPixelMethod that is defined within the given image itself.
+%  MagickMosaicImages() inlays an image sequence to form a single coherent
+%  picture.  It returns a wand with each image in the sequence composited at
+%  the location defined by the page offset of the image.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
+%  The format of the MagickMosaicImages method is:
-%    AcquireCacheView(image);
-%  The format of the OpenCacheView method is:
-%      CacheView *OpenCacheView(const Image *image)
+%      MagickWand *MagickMosaicImages(MagickWand *wand)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-MagickExport CacheView *OpenCacheView(const Image *image)
+WandExport MagickWand *MagickMosaicImages(MagickWand *wand)
-  return(AcquireCacheView(image));
+  Image
+    *mosaic_image;
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+  if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+    return((MagickWand *) NULL);
+  mosaic_image=MosaicImages(wand->images,wand->exception);
+  if (mosaic_image == (Image *) NULL)
+    return((MagickWand *) NULL);
+  return(CloneMagickWandFromImages(wand,mosaic_image));
@@ -4855,59 +1825,95 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   P a i n t F l o o d f i l l I m a g e                                     %
+%   M a g i c k O p a q u e I m a g e                                         %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  PaintFloodfill() changes the color value of any pixel that matches
+%  MagickOpaqueImage() changes any pixel that matches color with the color
+%  defined by fill.
+%  The format of the MagickOpaqueImage method is:
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickOpaqueImage(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const PixelWand *target,const PixelWand *fill,const double fuzz)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
+%    o channel: the channel(s).
+%    o target: Change this target color to the fill color within the image.
+%    o fill: the fill pixel wand.
+%    o fuzz: By default target must match a particular pixel color
+%      exactly.  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.
+%      The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to
+%      consider two colors as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the
+%      color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted
+%      as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickOpaqueImage(MagickWand *wand,
+  const PixelWand *target,const PixelWand *fill,const double fuzz)
+  return(MagickPaintOpaqueImage(wand,target,fill,fuzz));
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   M a g i c k P a i n t F l o o d f i l l I m a g e                         %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  MagickPaintFloodfillImage() changes the color value of any pixel that matches
 %  target and is an immediate neighbor.  If the method FillToBorderMethod is
 %  specified, the color value is changed for any neighbor pixel that does not
 %  match the bordercolor member of image.
-%  By default target must match a particular pixel color exactly.
-%  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.  The
-%  fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to
-%  consider two colors as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the
-%  color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now
-%  interpreted as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.
+%  The format of the MagickPaintFloodfillImage method is:
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    FloodfillPaintImage(image,channel,draw_info,target,x,y,
-%      method == FloodfillMethod ? MagickFalse : MagickTrue);
-%  The format of the PaintFloodfillImage method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType PaintFloodfillImage(Image *image,
-%        const ChannelType channel,const MagickPixelPacket target,const ssize_t x,
-%        const ssize_t y,const DrawInfo *draw_info,const PaintMethod method)
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickPaintFloodfillImage(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const ChannelType channel,const PixelWand *fill,const double fuzz,
+%        const PixelWand *bordercolor,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
 %    o channel: the channel(s).
-%    o target: the RGB value of the target color.
+%    o fill: the floodfill color pixel wand.
+%    o fuzz: By default target must match a particular pixel color
+%      exactly.  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.
+%      The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to
+%      consider two colors as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the
+%      color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted
+%      as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.
+%    o bordercolor: the border color pixel wand.
 %    o x,y: the starting location of the operation.
-%    o draw_info: the draw info.
-%    o method: Choose either FloodfillMethod or FillToBorderMethod.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType PaintFloodfillImage(Image *image,
-  const ChannelType channel,const MagickPixelPacket *target,const ssize_t x,
-  const ssize_t y,const DrawInfo *draw_info,const PaintMethod method)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickPaintFloodfillImage(MagickWand *wand,
+  const ChannelType channel,const PixelWand *fill,const double fuzz,
+  const PixelWand *bordercolor,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y)
-  status=FloodfillPaintImage(image,channel,draw_info,target,x,y,
-    method == FloodfillMethod ? MagickFalse : MagickTrue);
+  status=MagickFloodfillPaintImage(wand,channel,fill,fuzz,bordercolor,x,y,
+    MagickFalse);
@@ -4915,104 +1921,102 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%     P a i n t O p a q u e I m a g e                                         %
+%                                                                             %
+%   M a g i c k P a i n t O p a q u e I m a g e                               %
+%                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  PaintOpaqueImage() changes any pixel that matches color with the color
+%  MagickPaintOpaqueImage() changes any pixel that matches color with the color
 %  defined by fill.
-%  By default color must match a particular pixel color exactly.  However,
-%  in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.  Fuzz defines
-%  how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same.
-%  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and
-%  102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color.
+%  The format of the MagickPaintOpaqueImage method is:
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    OpaquePaintImageChannel(image,DefaultChannels,target,fill,MagickFalse);
-%    OpaquePaintImageChannel(image,channel,target,fill,MagickFalse);
-%  The format of the PaintOpaqueImage method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType PaintOpaqueImage(Image *image,
-%        const PixelPacket *target,const PixelPacket *fill)
-%      MagickBooleanType PaintOpaqueImageChannel(Image *image,
-%        const ChannelType channel,const PixelPacket *target,
-%        const PixelPacket *fill)
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickPaintOpaqueImage(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const PixelWand *target,const PixelWand *fill,const double fuzz)
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickPaintOpaqueImageChannel(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const ChannelType channel,const PixelWand *target,
+%        const PixelWand *fill,const double fuzz)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
 %    o channel: the channel(s).
-%    o target: the RGB value of the target color.
+%    o target: Change this target color to the fill color within the image.
-%    o fill: the replacement color.
+%    o fill: the fill pixel wand.
+%    o fuzz: By default target must match a particular pixel color
+%      exactly.  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.
+%      The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to
+%      consider two colors as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the
+%      color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted
+%      as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType PaintOpaqueImage(Image *image,
-  const MagickPixelPacket *target,const MagickPixelPacket *fill)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickPaintOpaqueImage(MagickWand *wand,
+  const PixelWand *target,const PixelWand *fill,const double fuzz)
+  return(MagickPaintOpaqueImageChannel(wand,DefaultChannels,target,fill,fuzz));
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickPaintOpaqueImageChannel(MagickWand *wand,
+  const ChannelType channel,const PixelWand *target,const PixelWand *fill,
+  const double fuzz)
-  status=OpaquePaintImageChannel(image,DefaultChannels,target,fill,MagickFalse);
+  status=MagickOpaquePaintImageChannel(wand,channel,target,fill,fuzz,
+    MagickFalse);
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType PaintOpaqueImageChannel(Image *image,
-  const ChannelType channel,const MagickPixelPacket *target,
-  const MagickPixelPacket *fill)
-  return(OpaquePaintImageChannel(image,channel,target,fill,MagickFalse));
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%     P a i n t T r a n s p a r e n t I m a g e                               %
+%   M a g i c k P a i n t T r a n s p a r e n t I m a g e                     %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  PaintTransparentImage() changes the opacity value associated with any pixel
-%  that matches color to the value defined by opacity.
+%  MagickPaintTransparentImage() changes any pixel that matches color with the
+%  color defined by fill.
-%  By default color must match a particular pixel color exactly.  However,
-%  in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.  Fuzz defines
-%  how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same.
-%  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and
-%  102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color.
+%  The format of the MagickPaintTransparentImage method is:
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    TransparentPaintImage(image,target,opacity,MagickFalse);
-%  The format of the PaintTransparentImage method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType PaintTransparentImage(Image *image,
-%        const MagickPixelPacket *target,const Quantum opacity)
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickPaintTransparentImage(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const PixelWand *target,const double alpha,const double fuzz)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-%    o target: the RGB value of the target color.
+%    o target: Change this target color to specified opacity value within
+%      the image.
-%    o opacity: the replacement opacity value.
+%    o alpha: the level of transparency: 1.0 is fully opaque and 0.0 is fully
+%      transparent.
+%    o fuzz: By default target must match a particular pixel color
+%      exactly.  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.
+%      The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to
+%      consider two colors as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the
+%      color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted
+%      as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType PaintTransparentImage(Image *image,
-  const MagickPixelPacket *target,const Quantum opacity)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickPaintTransparentImage(MagickWand *wand,
+  const PixelWand *target,const double alpha,const double fuzz)
-  return(TransparentPaintImage(image,target,opacity,MagickFalse));
+  return(MagickTransparentPaintImage(wand,target,alpha,fuzz,MagickFalse));
@@ -5020,825 +2024,53 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-+   P a r s e I m a g e G e o m e t r y                                       %
+%   M a g i c k R e c o l o r I m a g e                                       %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  ParseImageGeometry() is similar to GetGeometry() except the returned
-%  geometry is modified as determined by the meta characters:  %, !, <,
-%  and >.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    ParseMetaGeometry(geometry,x,y,width,height);
-%  The format of the ParseImageGeometry method is:
-%      int ParseImageGeometry(char *geometry,ssize_t *x,ssize_t *y,
-%        size_t *width,size_t *height)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o flags:  Method ParseImageGeometry returns a bitmask that indicates
-%      which of the four values were located in the geometry string.
-%    o image_geometry:  Specifies a character string representing the geometry
-%      specification.
-%    o x,y:  A pointer to an integer.  The x and y offset as determined by
-%      the geometry specification is returned here.
-%    o width,height:  A pointer to an unsigned integer.  The width and height
-%      as determined by the geometry specification is returned here.
-MagickExport int ParseImageGeometry(const char *geometry,ssize_t *x,ssize_t *y,
-  size_t *width,size_t *height)
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.1");
-  return((int) ParseMetaGeometry(geometry,x,y,width,height));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   P a r s e S i z e G e o m e t r y                                         %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  ParseSizeGeometry() returns a region as defined by the geometry string with
-%  respect to the image dimensions and aspect ratio.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    ParseMetaGeometry(geometry,&region_info->x,&region_info->y,
-%      &region_info->width,&region_info->height);
-%  The format of the ParseSizeGeometry method is:
-%      MagickStatusType ParseSizeGeometry(const Image *image,
-%        const char *geometry,RectangeInfo *region_info)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o geometry:  The geometry (e.g. 100x100+10+10).
-%    o region_info: the region as defined by the geometry string.
-MagickExport MagickStatusType ParseSizeGeometry(const Image *image,
-  const char *geometry,RectangleInfo *region_info)
-  MagickStatusType
-    flags;
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v6.4.7");
-  SetGeometry(image,region_info);
-  flags=ParseMetaGeometry(geometry,&region_info->x,&region_info->y,
-    &region_info->width,&region_info->height);
-  return(flags);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   P o p I m a g e L i s t                                                   %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  PopImageList() removes the last image in the list.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    RemoveLastImageFromList(images);
-%  The format of the PopImageList method is:
-%      Image *PopImageList(Image **images)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o images: the image list.
-MagickExport Image *PopImageList(Image **images)
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.2");
-  return(RemoveLastImageFromList(images));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   P o p I m a g e P i x e l s                                               %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  PopImagePixels() transfers one or more pixel components from the image pixel
-%  cache to a user supplied buffer.  The pixels are returned in network byte
-%  order.  MagickTrue is returned if the pixels are successfully transferred,
-%  otherwise MagickFalse.
-%  The format of the PopImagePixels method is:
-%      size_t PopImagePixels(Image *,const QuantumType quantum,
-%        unsigned char *destination)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o quantum: Declare which pixel components to transfer (RGB, RGBA, etc).
-%    o destination:  The components are transferred to this buffer.
-MagickExport size_t PopImagePixels(Image *image,const QuantumType quantum,
-  unsigned char *destination)
-  QuantumInfo
-    *quantum_info;
-  size_t
-    length;
-  quantum_info=AcquireQuantumInfo((const ImageInfo *) NULL,image);
-  if (quantum_info == (QuantumInfo *) NULL)
-    return(0);
-  length=ExportQuantumPixels(image,(const CacheView *) NULL,quantum_info,
-    quantum,destination,&image->exception);
-  quantum_info=DestroyQuantumInfo(quantum_info);
-  return(length);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  P o s t s c r i p t G e o m e t r y                                        %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  PostscriptGeometry() replaces any page mneumonic with the equivalent size in
-%  picas.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetPageGeometry(page);
-%  The format of the PostscriptGeometry method is:
-%      char *PostscriptGeometry(const char *page)
-%  A description of each parameter follows.
-%   o  page:  Specifies a pointer to an array of characters.
-%      The string is either a Postscript page name (e.g. A4) or a postscript
-%      page geometry (e.g. 612x792+36+36).
-MagickExport char *PostscriptGeometry(const char *page)
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.1");
-  return(GetPageGeometry(page));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   P u s h I m a g e L i s t                                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  PushImageList() adds an image to the end of the list.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    AppendImageToList(images,CloneImageList(image,exception));
-%  The format of the PushImageList method is:
-%      unsigned int PushImageList(Image *images,const Image *image,
-%        ExceptionInfo *exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o images: the image list.
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport unsigned int PushImageList(Image **images,const Image *image,
-  ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.2");
-  AppendImageToList(images,CloneImageList(image,exception));
-  return(MagickTrue);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   P u s h I m a g e P i x e l s                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  PushImagePixels() transfers one or more pixel components from a user
-%  supplied buffer into the image pixel cache of an image.  The pixels are
-%  expected in network byte order.  It returns MagickTrue if the pixels are
-%  successfully transferred, otherwise MagickFalse.
-%  The format of the PushImagePixels method is:
-%      size_t PushImagePixels(Image *image,const QuantumType quantum,
-%        const unsigned char *source)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o quantum: Declare which pixel components to transfer (red, green, blue,
-%      opacity, RGB, or RGBA).
-%    o source:  The pixel components are transferred from this buffer.
-MagickExport size_t PushImagePixels(Image *image,const QuantumType quantum,
-  const unsigned char *source)
-  QuantumInfo
-    *quantum_info;
-  size_t
-    length;
-  quantum_info=AcquireQuantumInfo((const ImageInfo *) NULL,image);
-  if (quantum_info == (QuantumInfo *) NULL)
-    return(0);
-  length=ImportQuantumPixels(image,(CacheView *) NULL,quantum_info,quantum,
-    source,&image->exception);
-  quantum_info=DestroyQuantumInfo(quantum_info);
-  return(length);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  Q u a n t i z a t i o n E r r o r                                          %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  QuantizationError() measures the difference between the original and
-%  quantized images.  This difference is the total quantization error.  The
-%  error is computed by summing over all pixels in an image the distance
-%  squared in RGB space between each reference pixel value and its quantized
-%  value.  These values are computed:
-%    o mean_error_per_pixel:  This value is the mean error for any single
-%      pixel in the image.
-%    o normalized_mean_square_error:  This value is the normalized mean
-%      quantization error for any single pixel in the image.  This distance
-%      measure is normalized to a range between 0 and 1.  It is independent
-%      of the range of red, green, and blue values in the image.
-%    o normalized_maximum_square_error:  Thsi value is the normalized
-%      maximum quantization error for any single pixel in the image.  This
-%      distance measure is normalized to a range between 0 and 1.  It is
-%      independent of the range of red, green, and blue values in your image.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    GetImageQuantizeError(image);
-%  The format of the QuantizationError method is:
-%      unsigned int QuantizationError(Image *image)
-%  A description of each parameter follows.
-%    o image: Specifies a pointer to an Image structure;  returned from
-%      ReadImage.
-MagickExport unsigned int QuantizationError(Image *image)
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.3");
-  return(GetImageQuantizeError(image));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%     R a n d o m C h a n n e l T h r e s h o l d I m a g e                   %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  RandomChannelThresholdImage() changes the value of individual pixels based
-%  on the intensity of each pixel compared to a random threshold.  The result
-%  is a low-contrast, two color image.
-%  The format of the RandomChannelThresholdImage method is:
-%      unsigned int RandomChannelThresholdImage(Image *image,
-%         const char *channel, const char *thresholds,
-%         ExceptionInfo *exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o channel: the channel or channels to be thresholded.
-%    o thresholds: a geometry string containing LOWxHIGH thresholds.
-%      If the string contains 2x2, 3x3, or 4x4, then an ordered
-%      dither of order 2, 3, or 4 will be performed instead.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport unsigned int RandomChannelThresholdImage(Image *image,const char
-    *channel,const char *thresholds,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-#define RandomChannelThresholdImageText  "  RandomChannelThreshold image...  "
-  double
-    lower_threshold,
-    upper_threshold;
-  RandomInfo
-    *random_info;
-  ssize_t
-    count,
-    y;
-  static MagickRealType
-    o2[4]={0.2f, 0.6f, 0.8f, 0.4f},
-    o3[9]={0.1f, 0.6f, 0.3f, 0.7f, 0.5f, 0.8f, 0.4f, 0.9f, 0.2f},
-    o4[16]={0.1f, 0.7f, 1.1f, 0.3f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 1.5f, 0.8f, 1.4f, 1.6f, 0.6f,
-      1.2f, 0.4f, 0.9f, 1.3f, 0.2f},
-    threshold=128;
-  size_t
-    order;
-  /*
-    Threshold image.
-  */
-  assert(image != (Image *) NULL);
-  assert(image->signature == MagickSignature);
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename);
-  assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL);
-  assert(exception->signature == MagickSignature);
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.7");
-  if (thresholds == (const char *) NULL)
-    return(MagickTrue);
-  if (LocaleCompare(thresholds,"2x2") == 0)
-    order=2;
-  else
-    if (LocaleCompare(thresholds,"3x3") == 0)
-      order=3;
-    else
-      if (LocaleCompare(thresholds,"4x4") == 0)
-        order=4;
-      else
-        {
-          order=1;
-          lower_threshold=0;
-          upper_threshold=0;
-          count=(ssize_t) sscanf(thresholds,"%lf[/x%%]%lf",&lower_threshold,
-            &upper_threshold);
-          if (strchr(thresholds,'%') != (char *) NULL)
-            {
-              upper_threshold*=(.01*QuantumRange);
-              lower_threshold*=(.01*QuantumRange);
-            }
-          if (count == 1)
-            upper_threshold=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange-lower_threshold;
-        }
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(TransformEvent,GetMagickModule(),
-      "  RandomChannelThresholdImage: channel type=%s",channel);
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(TransformEvent,GetMagickModule(),
-      "    Thresholds: %s (%fx%f)",thresholds,lower_threshold,upper_threshold);
-  if (LocaleCompare(channel,"all") == 0 ||
-      LocaleCompare(channel,"intensity") == 0)
-    if (AcquireImageColormap(image,2) == MagickFalse)
-      ThrowBinaryException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed",
-        image->filename);
-  random_info=AcquireRandomInfo();
-  for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++)
-  {
-    register ssize_t
-      x;
-    register IndexPacket
-      index,
-      *restrict indexes;
-    register PixelPacket
-      *restrict q;
-    q=GetAuthenticPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,exception);
-    if (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL)
-      break;
-    if (LocaleCompare(channel,"all") == 0 ||
-        LocaleCompare(channel,"intensity") == 0)
-      {
-        indexes=GetAuthenticIndexQueue(image);
-        for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
-        {
-          MagickRealType
-            intensity;
-          intensity=(MagickRealType) PixelIntensityToQuantum(q);
-          if (order == 1)
-            {
-              if (intensity < lower_threshold)
-                threshold=lower_threshold;
-              else if (intensity > upper_threshold)
-                threshold=upper_threshold;
-              else
-                threshold=(MagickRealType) (QuantumRange*
-                  GetPseudoRandomValue(random_info));
-            }
-          else if (order == 2)
-            threshold=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*o2[(x%2)+2*(y%2)];
-          else if (order == 3)
-            threshold=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*o3[(x%3)+3*(y%3)];
-          else if (order == 4)
-            threshold=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*o4[(x%4)+4*(y%4)];
-          index=(IndexPacket) (intensity <= threshold ? 0 : 1);
-          SetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x,index);
-          SetRedPixelComponent(q,image->colormap[(ssize_t) index].red);
-          SetGreenPixelComponent(q,image->colormap[(ssize_t) index].green);
-          SetBluePixelComponent(q,image->colormap[(ssize_t) index].blue);
-          q++;
-        }
-      }
-    if (LocaleCompare(channel,"opacity") == 0 ||
-        LocaleCompare(channel,"all") == 0 ||
-        LocaleCompare(channel,"matte") == 0)
-      {
-        if (image->matte != MagickFalse)
-          for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
-            {
-              if (order == 1)
-                {
-                  if ((MagickRealType) q->opacity < lower_threshold)
-                    threshold=lower_threshold;
-                  else if ((MagickRealType) q->opacity > upper_threshold)
-                    threshold=upper_threshold;
-                  else
-                    threshold=(MagickRealType) (QuantumRange*
-                      GetPseudoRandomValue(random_info));
-                }
-              else if (order == 2)
-                threshold=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*o2[(x%2)+2*(y%2)];
-              else if (order == 3)
-                threshold=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*o3[(x%3)+3*(y%3)];
-              else if (order == 4)
-                threshold=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*o4[(x%4)+4*(y%4)]/1.7;
-              SetOpacityPixelComponent(q,(MagickRealType) q->opacity <=
-                threshold ? 0 : QuantumRange);
-              q++;
-            }
-      }
-    else
-      {
-        /* To Do: red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, black */
-        if (LocaleCompare(channel,"intensity") != 0)
-          ThrowBinaryException(OptionError,"UnrecognizedChannelType",
-            image->filename);
-      }
-    if (SyncAuthenticPixels(image,exception) == MagickFalse)
-      break;
-  }
-  random_info=DestroyRandomInfo(random_info);
-  return(MagickTrue);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   R e a c q u i r e M e m o r y                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  ReacquireMemory() changes the size of the memory and returns a pointer to
-%  the (possibly moved) block.  The contents will be unchanged up to the
-%  lesser of the new and old sizes.
-%  The format of the ReacquireMemory method is:
-%      void ReacquireMemory(void **memory,const size_t size)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o memory: A pointer to a memory allocation.  On return the pointer
-%      may change but the contents of the original allocation will not.
-%    o size: the new size of the allocated memory.
-MagickExport void ReacquireMemory(void **memory,const size_t size)
-  void
-    *allocation;
-  assert(memory != (void **) NULL);
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.7");
-  if (*memory == (void *) NULL)
-    {
-      *memory=AcquireMagickMemory(size);
-      return;
-    }
-  allocation=realloc(*memory,size);
-  if (allocation == (void *) NULL)
-    *memory=RelinquishMagickMemory(*memory);
-  *memory=allocation;
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%     R e c o l o r I m a g e                                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  RecolorImage() apply color transformation to an image. The method permits
-%  saturation changes, hue rotation, luminance to alpha, and various other
-%  effects.  Although variable-sized transformation matrices can be used,
+%  MagickRecolorImage() apply color transformation to an image. The method
+%  permits saturation changes, hue rotation, luminance to alpha, and various
+%  other effects.  Although variable-sized transformation matrices can be used,
 %  typically one uses a 5x5 matrix for an RGBA image and a 6x6 for CMYKA
 %  (or RGBA with offsets).  The matrix is similar to those used by Adobe Flash
 %  except offsets are in column 6 rather than 5 (in support of CMYKA images)
 %  and offsets are normalized (divide Flash offset by 255).
-%  The format of the RecolorImage method is:
+%  The format of the MagickRecolorImage method is:
-%      Image *RecolorImage(const Image *image,const size_t order,
-%        const double *color_matrix,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickRecolorImage(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const size_t order,const double *color_matrix)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-%    o order: the number of columns and rows in the recolor matrix.
+%    o order: the number of columns and rows in the color matrix.
-%    o color_matrix: An array of double representing the recolor matrix.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
+%    o color_matrix: An array of doubles representing the color matrix.
-MagickExport Image *RecolorImage(const Image *image,const size_t order,
-  const double *color_matrix,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  KernelInfo
-    *kernel_info;
-  Image
-    *recolor_image;
-  kernel_info=AcquireKernelInfo("1");
-  if (kernel_info == (KernelInfo *) NULL)
-    return((Image *) NULL);
-  kernel_info->width=order;
-  kernel_info->height=order;
-  kernel_info->values=(double *) color_matrix;
-  recolor_image=ColorMatrixImage(image,kernel_info,exception);
-  kernel_info->values=(double *) NULL;
-  kernel_info=DestroyKernelInfo(kernel_info);
-  return(recolor_image);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%     R e d u c e N o i s e I m a g e                                         %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  ReduceNoiseImage() smooths the contours of an image while still preserving
-%  edge information.  The algorithm works by replacing each pixel with its
-%  neighbor closest in value.  A neighbor is defined by radius.  Use a radius
-%  of 0 and ReduceNoise() selects a suitable radius for you.
-%  The format of the ReduceNoiseImage method is:
-%      Image *ReduceNoiseImage(const Image *image,const double radius,
-%        ExceptionInfo *exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o radius: the radius of the pixel neighborhood.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport Image *ReduceNoiseImage(const Image *image,const double radius,
-  ExceptionInfo *exception)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickRecolorImage(MagickWand *wand,
+  const size_t order,const double *color_matrix)
-    *reduce_image;
+    *transform_image;
-  reduce_image=StatisticImage(image,NonpeakStatistic,(size_t) radius,(size_t)
-    radius,exception);
-  return(reduce_image);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   R e s e t I m a g e A t t r i b u t e I t e r a t o r                     %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  ResetImageAttributeIterator() resets the image attributes iterator.  Use it
-%  in conjunction with GetNextImageAttribute() to iterate over all the values
-%  associated with an image.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    ResetImagePropertyIterator(image);
-%  The format of the ResetImageAttributeIterator method is:
-%      ResetImageAttributeIterator(const ImageInfo *image)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-MagickExport void ResetImageAttributeIterator(const Image *image)
-  ResetImagePropertyIterator(image);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   S e t C a c h e V i e w P i x e l s                                       %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  SetCacheViewPixels() gets pixels from the in-memory or disk pixel cache as
-%  defined by the geometry parameters.   A pointer to the pixels is returned
-%  if the pixels are transferred, otherwise a NULL is returned.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    QueueCacheViewAuthenticPixels(cache_view,x,y,columns,rows,
-%      GetCacheViewException(cache_view));
-%  The format of the SetCacheViewPixels method is:
-%      PixelPacket *SetCacheViewPixels(CacheView *cache_view,const ssize_t x,
-%        const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o cache_view: the cache view.
-%    o x,y,columns,rows:  These values define the perimeter of a region of
-%      pixels.
-MagickExport PixelPacket *SetCacheViewPixels(CacheView *cache_view,const ssize_t x,
-  const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows)
-  PixelPacket
-    *pixels;
-  pixels=QueueCacheViewAuthenticPixels(cache_view,x,y,columns,rows,
-    GetCacheViewException(cache_view));
-  return(pixels);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-+   S e t C a c h e T h e s h o l d                                           %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  SetCacheThreshold() sets the amount of free memory allocated for the pixel
-%  cache.  Once this threshold is exceeded, all subsequent pixels cache
-%  operations are to/from disk.
-%  The format of the SetCacheThreshold() method is:
-%      void SetCacheThreshold(const size_t threshold)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o threshold: the number of megabytes of memory available to the pixel
-%      cache.
-MagickExport void SetCacheThreshold(const size_t size)
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.1");
-  (void) SetMagickResourceLimit(MemoryResource,size*1024*1024);
-  (void) SetMagickResourceLimit(MapResource,2*size*1024*1024);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   S e t E x c e p t i o n I n f o                                           %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  SetExceptionInfo() sets the exception severity.
-%  The format of the SetExceptionInfo method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType SetExceptionInfo(ExceptionInfo *exception,
-%        ExceptionType severity)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o exception: the exception info.
-%    o severity: the exception severity.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType SetExceptionInfo(ExceptionInfo *exception,
-  ExceptionType severity)
-  assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL);
-  ClearMagickException(exception);
-  exception->severity=severity;
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+  if (color_matrix == (const double *) NULL)
+    return(MagickFalse);
+  if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+    ThrowWandException(WandError,"ContainsNoImages",wand->name);
+  transform_image=RecolorImage(wand->images,order,color_matrix,
+    wand->exception);
+  if (transform_image == (Image *) NULL)
+    return(MagickFalse);
+  ReplaceImageInList(&wand->images,transform_image);
@@ -5847,98 +2079,46 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   S e t I m a g e                                                           %
+%     M a g i c k R e d u c e N o i s e I m a g e                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  SetImage() sets the red, green, and blue components of each pixel to
-%  the image background color and the opacity component to the specified
-%  level of transparency.  The background color is defined by the
-%  background_color member of the image.
+%  MagickReduceNoiseImage() smooths the contours of an image while still
+%  preserving edge information.  The algorithm works by replacing each pixel
+%  with its neighbor closest in value.  A neighbor is defined by radius.  Use
+%  a radius of 0 and ReduceNoise() selects a suitable radius for you.
-%  The format of the SetImage method is:
+%  The format of the MagickReduceNoiseImage method is:
-%      void SetImage(Image *image,const Quantum opacity)
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickReduceNoiseImage(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const double radius)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-%    o opacity: Set each pixel to this level of transparency.
+%    o radius: the radius of the pixel neighborhood.
-MagickExport void SetImage(Image *image,const Quantum opacity)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickReduceNoiseImage(MagickWand *wand,
+  const double radius)
-  PixelPacket
-    background_color;
+  Image
+    *noise_image;
-  ssize_t
-    y;
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v6.2.0");
-  assert(image != (Image *) NULL);
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"...");
-  assert(image->signature == MagickSignature);
-  background_color=image->background_color;
-  if (opacity != OpaqueOpacity)
-    background_color.opacity=opacity;
-  if (background_color.opacity != OpaqueOpacity)
-    {
-      (void) SetImageStorageClass(image,DirectClass);
-      image->matte=MagickTrue;
-    }
-  if ((image->storage_class == PseudoClass) ||
-      (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace))
-    {
-      /*
-        Set colormapped or CMYK image.
-      */
-      for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++)
-      {
-        register IndexPacket
-          *restrict indexes;
-        register ssize_t
-          x;
-        register PixelPacket
-          *restrict q;
-        q=QueueAuthenticPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,&image->exception);
-        if (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL)
-          break;
-        for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
-          *q++=background_color;
-        indexes=GetAuthenticIndexQueue(image);
-        for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
-          SetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x,0);
-        if (SyncAuthenticPixels(image,&image->exception) == MagickFalse)
-          break;
-      }
-      return;
-    }
-  /*
-    Set DirectClass image.
-  */
-  for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++)
-  {
-    register ssize_t
-      x;
-    register PixelPacket
-      *restrict q;
-    q=QueueAuthenticPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,&image->exception);
-    if (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL)
-      break;
-    for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
-      *q++=background_color;
-    if (SyncAuthenticPixels(image,&image->exception) == MagickFalse)
-      break;
-  }
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+  if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+    ThrowWandException(WandError,"ContainsNoImages",wand->name);
+  noise_image=ReduceNoiseImage(wand->images,radius,wand->exception);
+  if (noise_image == (Image *) NULL)
+    return(MagickFalse);
+  ReplaceImageInList(&wand->images,noise_image);
+  return(MagickTrue);
@@ -5946,39 +2126,72 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   S e t I m a g e A t t r i b u t e                                         %
+%   M a g i c k M a x i m u m I m a g e s                                     %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  SetImageAttribute() searches the list of image attributes and replaces the
-%  attribute value.  If it is not found in the list, the attribute name
-%  and value is added to the list.
+%  MagickMaximumImages() returns the maximum intensity of an image sequence.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
+%  The format of the MagickMaximumImages method is:
-%    SetImageProperty(image,key,value);
-%  The format of the SetImageAttribute method is:
-%       MagickBooleanType SetImageAttribute(Image *image,const char *key,
-%         const char *value)
+%      MagickWand *MagickMaximumImages(MagickWand *wand)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-%    o key: the key.
+WandExport MagickWand *MagickMaximumImages(MagickWand *wand)
+  Image
+    *maximum_image;
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+  if (wand->images == (Image *) NULL)
+    return((MagickWand *) NULL);
+  maximum_image=EvaluateImages(wand->images,MaxEvaluateOperator,
+    wand->exception);
+  if (maximum_image == (Image *) NULL)
+    return((MagickWand *) NULL);
+  return(CloneMagickWandFromImages(wand,maximum_image));
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   M a g i c k S e t I m a g e A t t r i b u t e                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  MagickSetImageAttribute() associates a property with an image.
+%  The format of the MagickSetImageAttribute method is:
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickSetImageAttribute(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const char *property,const char *value)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
+%    o property: the property.
 %    o value: the value.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType SetImageAttribute(Image *image,const char *key,
-  const char *value)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickSetImageAttribute(MagickWand *wand,
+  const char *property,const char *value)
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v6.3.1");
-  return(SetImageProperty(image,key,value));
+  return(SetImageProperty(wand->images,property,value));
@@ -5986,51 +2199,31 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   S e t I m a g e L i s t                                                   %
+%   M a g i c k S e t I m a g e I n d e x                                     %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  SetImageList() inserts an image into the list at the specified position.
+%  MagickSetImageIndex() set the current image to the position of the list
+%  specified with the index parameter.
-%  The format of the SetImageList method is:
+%  The format of the MagickSetImageIndex method is:
-%      unsigned int SetImageList(Image *images,const Image *image,
-%        const ssize_t offset,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickSetImageIndex(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const ssize_t index)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o images: the image list.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o offset: the position within the list.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
+%    o index: the scene number.
-MagickExport unsigned int SetImageList(Image **images,const Image *image,
-  const ssize_t offset,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickSetImageIndex(MagickWand *wand,
+  const ssize_t index)
-  Image
-    *clone;
-  register ssize_t
-    i;
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.2");
-  clone=CloneImageList(image,exception);
-  while (GetPreviousImageInList(*images) != (Image *) NULL)
-    (*images)=GetPreviousImageInList(*images);
-  for (i=0; i < offset; i++)
-  {
-    if (GetNextImageInList(*images) == (Image *) NULL)
-      return(MagickFalse);
-    (*images)=GetNextImageInList(*images);
-  }
-  InsertImageInList(images,clone);
-  return(MagickTrue);
+  return(MagickSetIteratorIndex(wand,index));
@@ -6038,115 +2231,43 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   S e t I m a g e P i x e l s                                               %
++   M a g i c k S e t I m a g e O p t i o n                                   %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  SetImagePixels() queues a mutable pixel region.
-%  If the region is successfully intialized a pointer to a PixelPacket
-%  array representing the region is returned, otherwise NULL is returned.
-%  The returned pointer may point to a temporary working buffer for the
-%  pixels or it may point to the final location of the pixels in memory.
+%  MagickSetImageOption() associates one or options with a particular image
+%  format (.e.g MagickSetImageOption(wand,"jpeg","perserve","yes").
-%  Write-only access means that any existing pixel values corresponding to
-%  the region are ignored.  This useful while the initial image is being
-%  created from scratch, or if the existing pixel values are to be
-%  completely replaced without need to refer to their pre-existing values.
-%  The application is free to read and write the pixel buffer returned by
-%  SetImagePixels() any way it pleases. SetImagePixels() does not initialize
-%  the pixel array values. Initializing pixel array values is the
-%  application's responsibility.
+%  The format of the MagickSetImageOption method is:
-%  Performance is maximized if the selected region is part of one row, or
-%  one or more full rows, since then there is opportunity to access the
-%  pixels in-place (without a copy) if the image is in RAM, or in a
-%  memory-mapped file. The returned pointer should *never* be deallocated
-%  by the user.
-%  Pixels accessed via the returned pointer represent a simple array of type
-%  PixelPacket. If the image type is CMYK or the storage class is PseudoClass,
-%  call GetAuthenticIndexQueue() after invoking GetAuthenticPixels() to obtain
-%  the black color component or the colormap indexes (of type IndexPacket)
-%  corresponding to the region.  Once the PixelPacket (and/or IndexPacket)
-%  array has been updated, the changes must be saved back to the underlying
-%  image using SyncAuthenticPixels() or they may be lost.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    QueueAuthenticPixels(image,x,y,columns,rows,&image->exception);
-%  The format of the SetImagePixels() method is:
-%      PixelPacket *SetImagePixels(Image *image,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,
-%        const size_t columns,const size_t rows)
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickSetImageOption(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const char *format,const char *key,const char *value)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o pixels: SetImagePixels returns a pointer to the pixels if they are
-%      transferred, otherwise a NULL is returned.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o format: the image format.
-%    o x,y,columns,rows:  These values define the perimeter of a region of
-%      pixels.
+%    o key:  The key.
+%    o value:  The value.
-MagickExport PixelPacket *SetImagePixels(Image *image,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,
-  const size_t columns,const size_t rows)
-  return(QueueAuthenticPixels(image,x,y,columns,rows,&image->exception));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   S e t M a g i c k R e g i s t r y                                         %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  SetMagickRegistry() sets a blob into the registry and returns a unique ID.
-%  If an error occurs, -1 is returned.
-%  The format of the SetMagickRegistry method is:
-%      ssize_t SetMagickRegistry(const RegistryType type,const void *blob,
-%        const size_t length,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o type: the registry type.
-%    o blob: the address of a Binary Large OBject.
-%    o length: For a registry type of ImageRegistryType use sizeof(Image)
-%      otherise the blob length in number of bytes.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport ssize_t SetMagickRegistry(const RegistryType type,const void *blob,
-  const size_t magick_unused(length),ExceptionInfo *exception)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickSetImageOption(MagickWand *wand,
+  const char *format,const char *key,const char *value)
-    key[MaxTextExtent];
+    option[MaxTextExtent];
-  MagickBooleanType
-    status;
-  static ssize_t
-    id = 0;
-  (void) FormatMagickString(key,MaxTextExtent,"%.20g\n",(double) id);
-  status=SetImageRegistry(type,key,blob,exception);
-  if (status == MagickFalse)
-    return(-1);
-  return(id++);
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (wand->debug != MagickFalse)
+    (void) LogMagickEvent(WandEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",wand->name);
+  (void) FormatMagickString(option,MaxTextExtent,"%s:%s=%s",format,key,value);
+  return(DefineImageOption(wand->image_info,option));
@@ -6154,38 +2275,42 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   S e t M o n i t o r H a n d l e r                                         %
+%   M a g i c k T r a n s p a r e n t I m a g e                               %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  SetMonitorHandler() sets the monitor handler to the specified method
-%  and returns the previous monitor handler.
+%  MagickTransparentImage() changes any pixel that matches color with the
+%  color defined by fill.
-%  The format of the SetMonitorHandler method is:
+%  The format of the MagickTransparentImage method is:
-%      MonitorHandler SetMonitorHandler(MonitorHandler handler)
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickTransparentImage(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const PixelWand *target,const double alpha,const double fuzz)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o handler: Specifies a pointer to a method to handle monitors.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
+%    o target: Change this target color to specified opacity value within
+%      the image.
+%    o alpha: the level of transparency: 1.0 is fully opaque and 0.0 is fully
+%      transparent.
+%    o fuzz: By default target must match a particular pixel color
+%      exactly.  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.
+%      The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to
+%      consider two colors as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the
+%      color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted
+%      as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.
-MagickExport MonitorHandler GetMonitorHandler(void)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickTransparentImage(MagickWand *wand,
+  const PixelWand *target,const double alpha,const double fuzz)
-  return(monitor_handler);
-MagickExport MonitorHandler SetMonitorHandler(MonitorHandler handler)
-  MonitorHandler
-    previous_handler;
-  previous_handler=monitor_handler;
-  monitor_handler=handler;
-  return(previous_handler);
+  return(MagickPaintTransparentImage(wand,target,alpha,fuzz));
@@ -6193,31 +2318,39 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   S h i f t I m a g e L i s t                                               %
+%   M a g i c k R e g i o n O f I n t e r e s t I m a g e                     %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  ShiftImageList() removes an image from the beginning of the list.
+%  MagickRegionOfInterestImage() extracts a region of the image and returns it
+%  as a new wand.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
+%  The format of the MagickRegionOfInterestImage method is:
-%    RemoveFirstImageFromList(images);
-%  The format of the ShiftImageList method is:
-%      Image *ShiftImageList(Image **images)
+%      MagickWand *MagickRegionOfInterestImage(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const size_t width,const size_t height,const ssize_t x,
+%        const ssize_t y)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o images: the image list.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
+%    o width: the region width.
+%    o height: the region height.
+%    o x: the region x offset.
+%    o y: the region y offset.
-MagickExport Image *ShiftImageList(Image **images)
+WandExport MagickWand *MagickRegionOfInterestImage(MagickWand *wand,
+  const size_t width,const size_t height,const ssize_t x,
+  const ssize_t y)
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.2");
-  return(RemoveFirstImageFromList(images));
+  return(MagickGetImageRegion(wand,width,height,x,y));
@@ -6225,35 +2358,58 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-+  S i z e B l o b                                                            %
+%   M a g i c k S e t I m a g e P i x e l s                                   %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  SizeBlob() returns the current length of the image file or blob.
+%  MagickSetImagePixels() accepts pixel datand stores it in the image at the
+%  location you specify.  The method returns MagickFalse on success otherwise
+%  MagickTrue if an error is encountered.  The pixel data can be either char,
+%  short int, int, ssize_t, float, or double in the order specified by map.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
+%  Suppose your want to upload the first scanline of a 640x480 image from
+%  character data in red-green-blue order:
-%    GetBlobSize(image);
+%      MagickSetImagePixels(wand,0,0,640,1,"RGB",CharPixel,pixels);
-%  The format of the SizeBlob method is:
+%  The format of the MagickSetImagePixels method is:
-%      off_t SizeBlob(Image *image)
+%      MagickBooleanType MagickSetImagePixels(MagickWand *wand,
+%        const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,
+%        const size_t rows,const char *map,const StorageType storage,
+%        const void *pixels)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o size:  Method SizeBlob returns the current length of the image file
-%      or blob.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o x, y, columns, rows:  These values define the perimeter of a region
+%      of pixels you want to define.
+%    o map:  This string reflects the expected ordering of the pixel array.
+%      It can be any combination or order of R = red, G = green, B = blue,
+%      A = alpha (0 is transparent), O = opacity (0 is opaque), C = cyan,
+%      Y = yellow, M = magenta, K = black, I = intensity (for grayscale),
+%      P = pad.
+%    o storage: Define the data type of the pixels.  Float and double types are
+%      expected to be normalized [0..1] otherwise [0..QuantumRange].  Choose from
+%      these types: CharPixel, ShortPixel, IntegerPixel, LongPixel, FloatPixel,
+%      or DoublePixel.
+%    o pixels: This array of values contain the pixel components as defined by
+%      map and type.  You must preallocate this array where the expected
+%      length varies depending on the values of width, height, map, and type.
-MagickExport MagickOffsetType SizeBlob(Image *image)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickSetImagePixels(MagickWand *wand,
+  const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,
+  const size_t rows,const char *map,const StorageType storage,
+  const void *pixels)
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.4.3");
-  return((MagickOffsetType) GetBlobSize(image));
+  return(MagickImportImagePixels(wand,x,y,columns,rows,map,storage,pixels));
@@ -6261,56 +2417,110 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   S p l i c e I m a g e L i s t                                             %
+%   M a g i c k W r i t e I m a g e B l o b                                   %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  SpliceImageList() removes the images designated by offset and length from
-%  the list and replaces them with the specified list.
+%  MagickWriteImageBlob() implements direct to memory image formats.  It
+%  returns the image as a blob and its length.   Use MagickSetFormat() to
+%  set the format of the returned blob (GIF, JPEG,  PNG, etc.).
-%  The format of the SpliceImageList method is:
+%  Use MagickRelinquishMemory() to free the blob when you are done with it.
-%      Image *SpliceImageList(Image *images,const ssize_t offset,
-%        const size_t length,const Image *splices,
-%        ExceptionInfo *exception)
+%  The format of the MagickWriteImageBlob method is:
+%      unsigned char *MagickWriteImageBlob(MagickWand *wand,size_t *length)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o images: the image list.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
-%    o offset: the position within the list.
-%    o length: the length of the image list to remove.
-%    o splice: Replace the removed image list with this list.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
+%    o length: the length of the blob.
-MagickExport Image *SpliceImageList(Image *images,const ssize_t offset,
-  const size_t length,const Image *splices,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+WandExport unsigned char *MagickWriteImageBlob(MagickWand *wand,size_t *length)
-  Image
-    *clone;
+  return(MagickGetImageBlob(wand,length));
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   N e w P i x e l V i e w                                                   %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  NewPixelView() returns a pixel view required for all other methods in the
+%  Pixel View API.
+%  The format of the NewPixelView method is:
+%      PixelView *NewPixelView(MagickWand *wand)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o wand: the wand.
+static PixelWand ***AcquirePixelsThreadSet(const size_t number_wands,
+  const size_t number_threads)
+  PixelWand
+    ***pixel_wands;
   register ssize_t
-  if (images->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.2");
-  clone=CloneImageList(splices,exception);
-  while (GetPreviousImageInList(images) != (Image *) NULL)
-    images=GetPreviousImageInList(images);
-  for (i=0; i < offset; i++)
+  pixel_wands=(PixelWand ***) AcquireQuantumMemory(number_threads,
+    sizeof(*pixel_wands));
+  if (pixel_wands == (PixelWand ***) NULL)
+    return((PixelWand ***) NULL);
+  (void) ResetMagickMemory(pixel_wands,0,number_threads*sizeof(*pixel_wands));
+  for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) number_threads; i++)
-    if (GetNextImageInList(images) == (Image *) NULL)
-      return((Image *) NULL);
-    images=GetNextImageInList(images);
+    pixel_wands[i]=NewPixelWands(number_wands);
+    if (pixel_wands[i] == (PixelWand **) NULL)
+      return(DestroyPixelsThreadSet(pixel_wands,number_wands,number_threads));
-  (void) SpliceImageIntoList(&images,length,clone);
-  return(images);
+  return(pixel_wands);
+WandExport PixelView *NewPixelView(MagickWand *wand)
+  PixelView
+    *pixel_view;
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == MagickSignature);
+  pixel_view=(PixelView *) AcquireMagickMemory(sizeof(*pixel_view));
+  if (pixel_view == (PixelView *) NULL)
+    ThrowWandFatalException(ResourceLimitFatalError,"MemoryAllocationFailed",
+      GetExceptionMessage(errno));
+  (void) ResetMagickMemory(pixel_view,0,sizeof(*pixel_view));
+  pixel_view->id=AcquireWandId();
+  (void) FormatMagickString(pixel_view->name,MaxTextExtent,"%s-%.20g",
+    PixelViewId,(double) pixel_view->id);
+  pixel_view->exception=AcquireExceptionInfo();
+  pixel_view->wand=wand;
+  pixel_view->view=AcquireCacheView(pixel_view->wand->images);
+  pixel_view->region.width=wand->images->columns;
+  pixel_view->region.height=wand->images->rows;
+  pixel_view->number_threads=GetOpenMPMaximumThreads();
+  pixel_view->pixel_wands=AcquirePixelsThreadSet(pixel_view->region.width,
+    pixel_view->number_threads);
+  if (pixel_view->pixel_wands == (PixelWand ***) NULL)
+    ThrowWandFatalException(ResourceLimitFatalError,"MemoryAllocationFailed",
+      GetExceptionMessage(errno));
+  pixel_view->debug=IsEventLogging();
+  pixel_view->signature=WandSignature;
+  return(pixel_view);
@@ -6318,49 +2528,60 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   S t r i p                                                                 %
+%   N e w P i x e l V i e w R e g i o n                                       %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  Strip() strips any whitespace or quotes from the beginning and end of a
-%  string of characters.
+%  NewPixelViewRegion() returns a pixel view required for all other methods
+%  in the Pixel View API.
-%  The format of the Strip method is:
+%  The format of the NewPixelViewRegion method is:
-%      void Strip(char *message)
+%      PixelView *NewPixelViewRegion(MagickWand *wand,const ssize_t x,
+%        const ssize_t y,const size_t width,const size_t height)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o message: Specifies an array of characters.
+%    o wand: the magick wand.
+%    o x,y,columns,rows:  These values define the perimeter of a region of
+%      pixel_wands view.
-MagickExport void Strip(char *message)
+WandExport PixelView *NewPixelViewRegion(MagickWand *wand,const ssize_t x,
+  const ssize_t y,const size_t width,const size_t height)
-  register char
-    *p,
-    *q;
+  PixelView
+    *pixel_view;
-  assert(message != (char *) NULL);
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.7");
-  if (*message == '\0')
-    return;
-  if (strlen(message) == 1)
-    return;
-  p=message;
-  while (isspace((int) ((unsigned char) *p)) != 0)
-    p++;
-  if ((*p == '\'') || (*p == '"'))
-    p++;
-  q=message+strlen(message)-1;
-  while ((isspace((int) ((unsigned char) *q)) != 0) && (q > p))
-    q--;
-  if (q > p)
-    if ((*q == '\'') || (*q == '"'))
-      q--;
-  (void) CopyMagickMemory(message,p,(size_t) (q-p+1));
-  message[q-p+1]='\0';
+  assert(wand != (MagickWand *) NULL);
+  assert(wand->signature == MagickSignature);
+  pixel_view=(PixelView *) AcquireMagickMemory(sizeof(*pixel_view));
+  if (pixel_view == (PixelView *) NULL)
+    ThrowWandFatalException(ResourceLimitFatalError,"MemoryAllocationFailed",
+      GetExceptionMessage(errno));
+  (void) ResetMagickMemory(pixel_view,0,sizeof(*pixel_view));
+  pixel_view->id=AcquireWandId();
+  (void) FormatMagickString(pixel_view->name,MaxTextExtent,"%s-%.20g",
+    PixelViewId,(double) pixel_view->id);
+  pixel_view->exception=AcquireExceptionInfo();
+  pixel_view->view=AcquireCacheView(pixel_view->wand->images);
+  pixel_view->wand=wand;
+  pixel_view->region.width=width;
+  pixel_view->region.height=height;
+  pixel_view->region.x=x;
+  pixel_view->region.y=y;
+  pixel_view->number_threads=GetOpenMPMaximumThreads();
+  pixel_view->pixel_wands=AcquirePixelsThreadSet(pixel_view->region.width,
+    pixel_view->number_threads);
+  if (pixel_view->pixel_wands == (PixelWand ***) NULL)
+    ThrowWandFatalException(ResourceLimitFatalError,"MemoryAllocationFailed",
+      GetExceptionMessage(errno));
+  pixel_view->debug=IsEventLogging();
+  pixel_view->signature=WandSignature;
+  return(pixel_view);
@@ -6368,37 +2589,33 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   S y n c C a c h e V i e w                                                 %
+%   P i x e l G e t N e x t R o w                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  SyncCacheView() saves the cache view pixels to the in-memory or disk
-%  cache.  It returns MagickTrue if the pixel region is synced, otherwise
-%  MagickFalse.
+%  PixelGetNextRow() returns the next row as an array of pixel wands from the
+%  pixel iterator.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
+%  The format of the PixelGetNextRow method is:
-%    SyncCacheViewAuthenticPixels(cache_view,GetCacheViewException(cache_view));
-%  The format of the SyncCacheView method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType SyncCacheView(CacheView *cache_view)
+%      PixelWand **PixelGetNextRow(PixelIterator *iterator,
+%        size_t *number_wands)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o cache_view: the cache view.
+%    o iterator: the pixel iterator.
+%    o number_wands: the number of pixel wands.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType SyncCacheView(CacheView *cache_view)
+WandExport PixelWand **PixelGetNextRow(PixelIterator *iterator)
-  MagickBooleanType
-    status;
+  size_t
+    number_wands;
-  status=SyncCacheViewAuthenticPixels(cache_view,
-    GetCacheViewException(cache_view));
-  return(status);
+  return(PixelGetNextIteratorRow(iterator,&number_wands));
@@ -6406,39 +2623,31 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   S y n c C a c h e V i e w P i x e l s                                     %
+%   P i x e l I t e r a t o r G e t E x c e p t i o n                         %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  SyncCacheViewPixels() saves the cache view pixels to the in-memory
-%  or disk cache.  It returns MagickTrue if the pixel region is flushed,
-%  otherwise MagickFalse.
+%  PixelIteratorGetException() returns the severity, reason, and description of
+%  any error that occurs when using other methods in this API.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
+%  The format of the PixelIteratorGetException method is:
-%    SyncCacheViewAuthenticPixels(cache_view,GetCacheViewException(cache_view));
-%  The format of the SyncCacheViewPixels method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType SyncCacheViewPixels(CacheView *cache_view)
+%      char *PixelIteratorGetException(const Pixeliterator *iterator,
+%        ExceptionType *severity)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o cache_view: the cache view.
+%    o iterator: the pixel iterator.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
+%    o severity: the severity of the error is returned here.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType SyncCacheViewPixels(CacheView *cache_view)
+WandExport char *PixelIteratorGetException(const PixelIterator *iterator,
+  ExceptionType *severity)
-  MagickBooleanType
-    status;
-  status=SyncCacheViewAuthenticPixels(cache_view,
-    GetCacheViewException(cache_view));
-  return(status);
+  return(PixelGetIteratorException(iterator,severity));
@@ -6446,648 +2655,435 @@
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%   S y n c I m a g e P i x e l s                                             %
+%   S e t P i x e l V i e w I t e r a t o r                                   %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
 %                                                                             %
-%  SyncImagePixels() saves the image pixels to the in-memory or disk cache.
-%  The method returns MagickTrue if the pixel region is synced, otherwise
-%  MagickFalse.
+%  SetPixelViewIterator() iterates over the pixel view in parallel and calls
+%  your set method for each scanline of the view.  The pixel region is
+%  confined to the image canvas-- that is no negative offsets or widths or
+%  heights that exceed the image dimension.  The pixels are initiallly
+%  undefined and any settings you make in the callback method are automagically
+%  synced back to your image.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
+%  Use this pragma:
-%    SyncAuthenticPixels(image,&image->exception);
+%    #pragma omp critical
-%  The format of the SyncImagePixels() method is:
+%  to define a section of code in your callback set method that must be
+%  executed by a single thread at a time.
-%      MagickBooleanType SyncImagePixels(Image *image)
+%  The format of the SetPixelViewIterator method is:
+%      MagickBooleanType SetPixelViewIterator(PixelView *destination,
+%        SetPixelViewMethod set,void *context)
 %  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
+%    o destination: the pixel view.
+%    o set: the set callback method.
+%    o context: the user defined context.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType SyncImagePixels(Image *image)
+WandExport MagickBooleanType SetPixelViewIterator(PixelView *destination,
+  SetPixelViewMethod set,void *context)
-  return(SyncAuthenticPixels(image,&image->exception));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  T e m p o r a r y F i l e n a m e                                          %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  TemporaryFilename() replaces the contents of path by a unique path name.
-%  The format of the TemporaryFilename method is:
-%      void TemporaryFilename(char *path)
-%  A description of each parameter follows.
-%   o  path:  Specifies a pointer to an array of characters.  The unique path
-%      name is returned in this array.
-MagickExport void TemporaryFilename(char *path)
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.6");
-  (void) AcquireUniqueFilename(path);
-  (void) RelinquishUniqueFileResource(path);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%     T h r e s h o l d I m a g e                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  ThresholdImage() changes the value of individual pixels based on
-%  the intensity of each pixel compared to threshold.  The result is a
-%  high-contrast, two color image.
-%  The format of the ThresholdImage method is:
-%      unsigned int ThresholdImage(Image *image,const double threshold)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o threshold: Define the threshold value
-MagickExport unsigned int ThresholdImage(Image *image,const double threshold)
-#define ThresholdImageTag  "Threshold/Image"
+#define SetPixelViewTag  "PixelView/Set"
-  IndexPacket
-    index;
+  ExceptionInfo
+    *exception;
-  ssize_t
-    y;
-  /*
-    Threshold image.
-  */
-  assert(image != (Image *) NULL);
-  assert(image->signature == MagickSignature);
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename);
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.7");
-  if (!AcquireImageColormap(image,2))
-    ThrowBinaryException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed",
-      "UnableToThresholdImage");
-  for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++)
-  {
-    register IndexPacket
-      *restrict indexes;
-    register ssize_t
-      x;
-    register PixelPacket
-      *restrict q;
-    q=GetAuthenticPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,&image->exception);
-    if (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL)
-      break;
-    indexes=GetAuthenticIndexQueue(image);
-    for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
-    {
-      index=(IndexPacket) ((MagickRealType) PixelIntensityToQuantum(q) <=
-        threshold ? 0 : 1);
-      SetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x,index);
-      SetRedPixelComponent(q,image->colormap[(ssize_t) index].red);
-      SetGreenPixelComponent(q,image->colormap[(ssize_t) index].green);
-      SetBluePixelComponent(q,image->colormap[(ssize_t) index].blue);
-      q++;
-    }
-    if (!SyncAuthenticPixels(image,&image->exception))
-      break;
-  }
-  return(MagickTrue);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%     T h r e s h o l d I m a g e C h a n n e l                               %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  ThresholdImageChannel() changes the value of individual pixels based on
-%  the intensity of each pixel channel.  The result is a high-contrast image.
-%  The format of the ThresholdImageChannel method is:
-%      unsigned int ThresholdImageChannel(Image *image,const char *threshold)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o threshold: define the threshold values.
-MagickExport unsigned int ThresholdImageChannel(Image *image,
-  const char *threshold)
-#define ThresholdImageTag  "Threshold/Image"
-  MagickPixelPacket
-    pixel;
-  GeometryInfo
-    geometry_info;
-  IndexPacket
-    index;
-  ssize_t
-    y;
-  unsigned int
-    flags;
-  /*
-    Threshold image.
-  */
-  assert(image != (Image *) NULL);
-  assert(image->signature == MagickSignature);
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename);
-  if (threshold == (const char *) NULL)
-    return(MagickTrue);
-  if (SetImageStorageClass(image,DirectClass) == MagickFalse)
-    return(MagickFalse);
-  flags=ParseGeometry(threshold,&geometry_info);
-  pixel.red=geometry_info.rho;
-  if (flags & SigmaValue)
-    pixel.green=geometry_info.sigma;
-  else
-    pixel.green=pixel.red;
-  if (flags & XiValue)
-    pixel.blue=geometry_info.xi;
-  else
-    pixel.blue=pixel.red;
-  if (flags & PsiValue)
-    pixel.opacity=geometry_info.psi;
-  else
-    pixel.opacity=(MagickRealType) OpaqueOpacity;
-  if (flags & PercentValue)
-    {
-      pixel.red*=QuantumRange/100.0f;
-      pixel.green*=QuantumRange/100.0f;
-      pixel.blue*=QuantumRange/100.0f;
-      pixel.opacity*=QuantumRange/100.0f;
-    }
-  if (!(flags & SigmaValue))
-    {
-      if (!AcquireImageColormap(image,2))
-        ThrowBinaryException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed",
-          "UnableToThresholdImage");
-      if (pixel.red == 0)
-        (void) GetImageDynamicThreshold(image,2.0,2.0,&pixel,&image->exception);
-    }
-  for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++)
-  {
-    register IndexPacket
-      *restrict indexes;
-    register ssize_t
-      x;
-    register PixelPacket
-      *restrict q;
-    q=GetAuthenticPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,&image->exception);
-    if (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL)
-      break;
-    indexes=GetAuthenticIndexQueue(image);
-    if (IsMagickGray(&pixel) != MagickFalse)
-      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
-      {
-        index=(IndexPacket) ((MagickRealType)
-          PixelIntensityToQuantum(q) <= pixel.red ? 0 : 1);
-        SetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x,index);
-        SetRedPixelComponent(q,image->colormap[(ssize_t) index].red);
-        SetGreenPixelComponent(q,image->colormap[(ssize_t) index].green);
-        SetBluePixelComponent(q,image->colormap[(ssize_t) index].blue);
-        q++;
-      }
-    else
-      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
-      {
-        SetRedPixelComponent(q,q->red <= pixel.red ? 0 : QuantumRange);
-        SetGreenPixelComponent(q,q->green <= pixel.green ? 0 : QuantumRange);
-        SetBluePixelComponent(q,q->blue <= pixel.blue ? 0 : QuantumRange);
-        SetOpacityPixelComponent(q,q->opacity <= pixel.opacity ? 0 :
-          QuantumRange);
-        q++;
-      }
-    if (!SyncAuthenticPixels(image,&image->exception))
-      break;
-  }
-  return(MagickTrue);
-%                                                                              %
-%                                                                              %
-%                                                                              %
-+     T r a n s f o r m C o l o r s p a c e                                    %
-%                                                                              %
-%                                                                              %
-%                                                                              %
-%  TransformColorspace() converts the image to a specified colorspace.
-%  If the image is already in the requested colorspace, no work is performed.
-%  Note that the current colorspace is stored in the image colorspace member.
-%  The transformation matrices are not necessarily the standard ones: the
-%  weights are rescaled to normalize the range of the transformed values to
-%  be [0..QuantumRange].
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    TransformImageColorspace(image,colorspace);
-%  The format of the TransformColorspace method is:
-%      unsigned int (void) TransformColorspace(Image *image,
-%        const ColorspaceType colorspace)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image to transform
-%    o colorspace: the desired colorspace.
-MagickExport unsigned int TransformColorspace(Image *image,
-  const ColorspaceType colorspace)
-  assert(image != (Image *) NULL);
-  assert(image->signature == MagickSignature);
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.6");
-  return(TransformImageColorspace(image,colorspace));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   T r a n s f o r m H S L                                                   %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  TransformHSL() converts a (red, green, blue) to a (hue, saturation,
-%  lightness) triple.
-%  The format of the TransformHSL method is:
-%      void TransformHSL(const Quantum red,const Quantum green,
-%        const Quantum blue,double *hue,double *saturation,double *lightness)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o red, green, blue: A Quantum value representing the red, green, and
-%      blue component of a pixel..
-%    o hue, saturation, lightness: A pointer to a double value representing a
-%      component of the HSL color space.
-static inline double MagickMin(const double x,const double y)
-  if (x < y)
-    return(x);
-  return(y);
-MagickExport void TransformHSL(const Quantum red,const Quantum green,
-  const Quantum blue,double *hue,double *saturation,double *lightness)
-  MagickRealType
-    b,
-    delta,
-    g,
-    max,
-    min,
-    r;
-  /*
-    Convert RGB to HSL colorspace.
-  */
-  assert(hue != (double *) NULL);
-  assert(saturation != (double *) NULL);
-  assert(lightness != (double *) NULL);
-  r=QuantumScale*red;
-  g=QuantumScale*green;
-  b=QuantumScale*blue;
-  max=MagickMax(r,MagickMax(g,b));
-  min=MagickMin(r,MagickMin(g,b));
-  *hue=0.0;
-  *saturation=0.0;
-  *lightness=(double) ((min+max)/2.0);
-  delta=max-min;
-  if (delta == 0.0)
-    return;
-  *saturation=(double) (delta/((*lightness < 0.5) ? (min+max) :
-    (2.0-max-min)));
-  if (r == max)
-    *hue=(double) (g == min ? 5.0+(max-b)/delta : 1.0-(max-g)/delta);
-  else
-    if (g == max)
-      *hue=(double) (b == min ? 1.0+(max-r)/delta : 3.0-(max-b)/delta);
-    else
-      *hue=(double) (r == min ? 3.0+(max-g)/delta : 5.0-(max-r)/delta);
-  *hue/=6.0;
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   T r a n s l a t e T e x t                                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  TranslateText() replaces any embedded formatting characters with the
-%  appropriate image attribute and returns the translated text.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    InterpretImageProperties(image_info,image,embed_text);
-%  The format of the TranslateText method is:
-%      char *TranslateText(const ImageInfo *image_info,Image *image,
-%        const char *embed_text)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image_info: the image info.
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o embed_text: the address of a character string containing the embedded
-%      formatting characters.
-MagickExport char *TranslateText(const ImageInfo *image_info,Image *image,
-  const char *embed_text)
-  assert(image != (Image *) NULL);
-  assert(image->signature == MagickSignature);
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v6.2.6");
-  return(InterpretImageProperties(image_info,image,embed_text));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%     T r a n s p a r e n t I m a g e                                         %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  TransparentImage() changes the opacity value associated with any pixel
-%  that matches color to the value defined by opacity.
-%  By default color must match a particular pixel color exactly.  However,
-%  in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.  Fuzz defines
-%  how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same.
-%  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and
-%  102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color.
-%  The format of the TransparentImage method is:
-%      MagickBooleanType TransparentImage(Image *image,
-%        const PixelPacket target,const Quantum opacity)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o target: the RGB value of the target color.
-%    o opacity: the replacement opacity value.
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType TransparentImage(Image *image,
-  const PixelPacket target,const Quantum opacity)
-#define TransparentImageTag  "Transparent/Image"
-  MagickBooleanType
-    proceed;
-  ssize_t
-    y;
-  /*
-    Make image color transparent.
-  */
-  assert(image != (Image *) NULL);
-  assert(image->signature == MagickSignature);
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v6.1.0");
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename);
-  if (image->matte == MagickFalse)
-    (void) SetImageAlphaChannel(image,OpaqueAlphaChannel);
-  for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++)
-  {
-    register ssize_t
-      x;
-    register PixelPacket
-      *restrict q;
-    q=GetAuthenticPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,&image->exception);
-    if (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL)
-      break;
-    for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
-    {
-      if (IsColorSimilar(image,q,&target) != MagickFalse)
-        q->opacity=opacity;
-      q++;
-    }
-    if (SyncAuthenticPixels(image,&image->exception) == MagickFalse)
-      break;
-    proceed=SetImageProgress(image,TransparentImageTag,(MagickOffsetType) y,
-      image->rows);
-    if (proceed == MagickFalse)
-      break;
-  }
-  return(MagickTrue);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   U n s h i f t I m a g e L i s t                                           %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  UnshiftImageList() adds the image to the beginning of the list.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    PrependImageToList(images,CloneImageList(image,exception));
-%  The format of the UnshiftImageList method is:
-%      unsigned int UnshiftImageList(Image *images,const Image *image,
-%        ExceptionInfo *exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o images: the image list.
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport unsigned int UnshiftImageList(Image **images,const Image *image,
-  ExceptionInfo *exception)
-  (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.5.2");
-  PrependImageToList(images,CloneImageList(image,exception));
-  return(MagickTrue);
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-+   V a l i d a t e C o l o r m a p I n d e x                                 %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  ValidateColormapIndex() validates the colormap index.  If the index does
-%  not range from 0 to the number of colors in the colormap an exception
-%  issued and 0 is returned.
-%  Deprecated, replace with:
-%    ConstrainColormapIndex(image,index);
-%  The format of the ValidateColormapIndex method is:
-%      IndexPacket ValidateColormapIndex(Image *image,const unsigned int index)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o index: Method ValidateColormapIndex returns colormap index if it is
-%      valid other an exception issued and 0 is returned.
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o index: This integer is the colormap index.
-MagickExport IndexPacket ValidateColormapIndex(Image *image,
-  const size_t index)
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(DeprecateEvent,GetMagickModule(),"last use: v5.4.4");
-  return(ConstrainColormapIndex(image,index));
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%   Z o o m I m a g e                                                         %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%                                                                             %
-%  ZoomImage() creates a new image that is a scaled size of an existing one.
-%  It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a
-%  pointer to the new image.  The Point filter gives fast pixel replication,
-%  Triangle is equivalent to bi-linear interpolation, and Mitchel giver slower,
-%  very high-quality results.  See Graphic Gems III for details on this
-%  algorithm.
-%  The filter member of the Image structure specifies which image filter to
-%  use. Blur specifies the blur factor where > 1 is blurry, < 1 is sharp.
-%  The format of the ZoomImage method is:
-%      Image *ZoomImage(const Image *image,const size_t columns,
-%        const size_t rows,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-%  A description of each parameter follows:
-%    o image: the image.
-%    o columns: An integer that specifies the number of columns in the zoom
-%      image.
-%    o rows: An integer that specifies the number of rows in the scaled
-%      image.
-%    o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-MagickExport Image *ZoomImage(const Image *image,const size_t columns,
-  const size_t rows,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-    *zoom_image;
+    *destination_image;
-  assert(image != (const Image *) NULL);
-  assert(image->signature == MagickSignature);
-  if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
-    (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename);
-  assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL);
-  assert(exception->signature == MagickSignature);
-  zoom_image=ResizeImage(image,columns,rows,image->filter,image->blur,
-    exception);
-  return(zoom_image);
+  MagickBooleanType
+    status;
+  MagickOffsetType
+    progress;
+  ssize_t
+    y;
+  assert(destination != (PixelView *) NULL);
+  assert(destination->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (set == (SetPixelViewMethod) NULL)
+    return(MagickFalse);
+  destination_image=destination->wand->images;
+  if (SetImageStorageClass(destination_image,DirectClass) == MagickFalse)
+    return(MagickFalse);
+  status=MagickTrue;
+  progress=0;
+  exception=destination->exception;
+  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,1) shared(progress,status)
+  for (y=destination->region.y; y < (ssize_t) destination->region.height; y++)
+  {
+    const int
+      id = GetOpenMPThreadId();
+    MagickBooleanType
+      sync;
+    register IndexPacket
+      *restrict indexes;
+    register ssize_t
+      x;
+    register PixelPacket
+      *restrict pixels;
+    if (status == MagickFalse)
+      continue;
+    pixels=GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels(destination->view,destination->region.x,
+      y,destination->region.width,1,exception);
+    if (pixels == (PixelPacket *) NULL)
+      {
+        InheritException(destination->exception,GetCacheViewException(
+          destination->view));
+        status=MagickFalse;
+        continue;
+      }
+    indexes=GetCacheViewAuthenticIndexQueue(destination->view);
+    if (set(destination,context) == MagickFalse)
+      status=MagickFalse;
+    for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) destination->region.width; x++)
+      PixelGetQuantumColor(destination->pixel_wands[id][x],pixels+x);
+    if (destination_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
+      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) destination->region.width; x++)
+        SetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x,PixelGetBlackQuantum(
+          destination->pixel_wands[id][x]));
+    sync=SyncCacheViewAuthenticPixels(destination->view,exception);
+    if (sync == MagickFalse)
+      {
+        InheritException(destination->exception,GetCacheViewException(
+          destination->view));
+        status=MagickFalse;
+      }
+    if (destination_image->progress_monitor != (MagickProgressMonitor) NULL)
+      {
+        MagickBooleanType
+          proceed;
+  #pragma omp critical (MagickWand_SetPixelViewIterator)
+        proceed=SetImageProgress(destination_image,SetPixelViewTag,progress++,
+          destination->region.height);
+        if (proceed == MagickFalse)
+          status=MagickFalse;
+      }
+  }
+  return(status);
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   T r a n s f e r P i x e l V i e w I t e r a t o r                         %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  TransferPixelViewIterator() iterates over two pixel views in parallel and
+%  calls your transfer method for each scanline of the view.  The source pixel
+%  region is not confined to the image canvas-- that is you can include
+%  negative offsets or widths or heights that exceed the image dimension.
+%  However, the destination pixel view is confined to the image canvas-- that
+%  is no negative offsets or widths or heights that exceed the image dimension
+%  are permitted.
+%  Use this pragma:
+%    #pragma omp critical
+%  to define a section of code in your callback transfer method that must be
+%  executed by a single thread at a time.
+%  The format of the TransferPixelViewIterator method is:
+%      MagickBooleanType TransferPixelViewIterator(PixelView *source,
+%        PixelView *destination,TransferPixelViewMethod transfer,void *context)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o source: the source pixel view.
+%    o destination: the destination pixel view.
+%    o transfer: the transfer callback method.
+%    o context: the user defined context.
+WandExport MagickBooleanType TransferPixelViewIterator(PixelView *source,
+  PixelView *destination,TransferPixelViewMethod transfer,void *context)
+#define TransferPixelViewTag  "PixelView/Transfer"
+  ExceptionInfo
+    *exception;
+  Image
+    *destination_image,
+    *source_image;
+  MagickBooleanType
+    status;
+  MagickOffsetType
+    progress;
+  ssize_t
+    y;
+  assert(source != (PixelView *) NULL);
+  assert(source->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (transfer == (TransferPixelViewMethod) NULL)
+    return(MagickFalse);
+  source_image=source->wand->images;
+  destination_image=destination->wand->images;
+  if (SetImageStorageClass(destination_image,DirectClass) == MagickFalse)
+    return(MagickFalse);
+  status=MagickTrue;
+  progress=0;
+  exception=destination->exception;
+  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,1) shared(progress,status)
+  for (y=source->region.y; y < (ssize_t) source->region.height; y++)
+  {
+    const int
+      id = GetOpenMPThreadId();
+    MagickBooleanType
+      sync;
+    register const IndexPacket
+      *restrict indexes;
+    register const PixelPacket
+      *restrict pixels;
+    register IndexPacket
+      *restrict destination_indexes;
+    register ssize_t
+      x;
+    register PixelPacket
+      *restrict destination_pixels;
+    if (status == MagickFalse)
+      continue;
+    pixels=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(source->view,source->region.x,y,
+      source->region.width,1,source->exception);
+    if (pixels == (const PixelPacket *) NULL)
+      {
+        status=MagickFalse;
+        continue;
+      }
+    indexes=GetCacheViewVirtualIndexQueue(source->view);
+    for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) source->region.width; x++)
+      PixelSetQuantumColor(source->pixel_wands[id][x],pixels+x);
+    if (source_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
+      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) source->region.width; x++)
+        PixelSetBlackQuantum(source->pixel_wands[id][x],
+          GetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x));
+    if (source_image->storage_class == PseudoClass)
+      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) source->region.width; x++)
+        PixelSetIndex(source->pixel_wands[id][x],
+          GetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x));
+    destination_pixels=GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels(destination->view,
+      destination->region.x,y,destination->region.width,1,exception);
+    if (destination_pixels == (PixelPacket *) NULL)
+      {
+        status=MagickFalse;
+        continue;
+      }
+    destination_indexes=GetCacheViewAuthenticIndexQueue(destination->view);
+    for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) destination->region.width; x++)
+      PixelSetQuantumColor(destination->pixel_wands[id][x],pixels+x);
+    if (destination_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
+      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) destination->region.width; x++)
+        PixelSetBlackQuantum(destination->pixel_wands[id][x],
+          GetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x));
+    if (destination_image->storage_class == PseudoClass)
+      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) destination->region.width; x++)
+        PixelSetIndex(destination->pixel_wands[id][x],
+          GetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x));
+    if (transfer(source,destination,context) == MagickFalse)
+      status=MagickFalse;
+    for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) destination->region.width; x++)
+      PixelGetQuantumColor(destination->pixel_wands[id][x],
+        destination_pixels+x);
+    if (destination_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
+      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) destination->region.width; x++)
+        SetIndexPixelComponent(destination_indexes+x,PixelGetBlackQuantum(
+          destination->pixel_wands[id][x]));
+    sync=SyncCacheViewAuthenticPixels(destination->view,exception);
+    if (sync == MagickFalse)
+      {
+        InheritException(destination->exception,GetCacheViewException(
+          source->view));
+        status=MagickFalse;
+      }
+    if (source_image->progress_monitor != (MagickProgressMonitor) NULL)
+      {
+        MagickBooleanType
+          proceed;
+  #pragma omp critical (MagickWand_TransferPixelViewIterator)
+        proceed=SetImageProgress(source_image,TransferPixelViewTag,progress++,
+          source->region.height);
+        if (proceed == MagickFalse)
+          status=MagickFalse;
+      }
+  }
+  return(status);
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%   U p d a t e P i x e l V i e w I t e r a t o r                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%                                                                             %
+%  UpdatePixelViewIterator() iterates over the pixel view in parallel and calls
+%  your update method for each scanline of the view.  The pixel region is
+%  confined to the image canvas-- that is no negative offsets or widths or
+%  heights that exceed the image dimension are permitted.  Updates to pixels
+%  in your callback are automagically synced back to the image.
+%  Use this pragma:
+%    #pragma omp critical
+%  to define a section of code in your callback update method that must be
+%  executed by a single thread at a time.
+%  The format of the UpdatePixelViewIterator method is:
+%      MagickBooleanType UpdatePixelViewIterator(PixelView *source,
+%        UpdatePixelViewMethod update,void *context)
+%  A description of each parameter follows:
+%    o source: the source pixel view.
+%    o update: the update callback method.
+%    o context: the user defined context.
+WandExport MagickBooleanType UpdatePixelViewIterator(PixelView *source,
+  UpdatePixelViewMethod update,void *context)
+#define UpdatePixelViewTag  "PixelView/Update"
+  ExceptionInfo
+    *exception;
+  Image
+    *source_image;
+  MagickBooleanType
+    status;
+  MagickOffsetType
+    progress;
+  ssize_t
+    y;
+  assert(source != (PixelView *) NULL);
+  assert(source->signature == WandSignature);
+  if (update == (UpdatePixelViewMethod) NULL)
+    return(MagickFalse);
+  source_image=source->wand->images;
+  if (SetImageStorageClass(source_image,DirectClass) == MagickFalse)
+    return(MagickFalse);
+  status=MagickTrue;
+  progress=0;
+  exception=source->exception;
+  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,1) shared(progress,status)
+  for (y=source->region.y; y < (ssize_t) source->region.height; y++)
+  {
+    const int
+      id = GetOpenMPThreadId();
+    register IndexPacket
+      *restrict indexes;
+    register ssize_t
+      x;
+    register PixelPacket
+      *restrict pixels;
+    if (status == MagickFalse)
+      continue;
+    pixels=GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels(source->view,source->region.x,y,
+      source->region.width,1,exception);
+    if (pixels == (PixelPacket *) NULL)
+      {
+        InheritException(source->exception,GetCacheViewException(
+          source->view));
+        status=MagickFalse;
+        continue;
+      }
+    indexes=GetCacheViewAuthenticIndexQueue(source->view);
+    for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) source->region.width; x++)
+      PixelSetQuantumColor(source->pixel_wands[id][x],pixels+x);
+    if (source_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
+      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) source->region.width; x++)
+        PixelSetBlackQuantum(source->pixel_wands[id][x],
+          GetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x));
+    if (update(source,context) == MagickFalse)
+      status=MagickFalse;
+    for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) source->region.width; x++)
+      PixelGetQuantumColor(source->pixel_wands[id][x],pixels+x);
+    if (source_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
+      for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) source->region.width; x++)
+        SetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x,PixelGetBlackQuantum(
+          source->pixel_wands[id][x]));
+    if (SyncCacheViewAuthenticPixels(source->view,exception) == MagickFalse)
+      {
+        InheritException(source->exception,GetCacheViewException(source->view));
+        status=MagickFalse;
+      }
+    if (source_image->progress_monitor != (MagickProgressMonitor) NULL)
+      {
+        MagickBooleanType
+          proceed;
+  #pragma omp critical (MagickWand_UpdatePixelViewIterator)
+        proceed=SetImageProgress(source_image,UpdatePixelViewTag,progress++,
+          source->region.height);
+        if (proceed == MagickFalse)
+          status=MagickFalse;
+      }
+  }
+  return(status);
diff --git a/magick/pixel.h b/magick/pixel.h
index 3e6da4f..ebc40dc 100644
--- a/magick/pixel.h
+++ b/magick/pixel.h
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 #define ClampIndexPixelComponent(indexes) ClampToQuantum(*(indexes))
 #define ClampOpacityPixelComponent(pixel) ClampToQuantum((pixel)->opacity)
 #define GetAlphaPixelComponent(pixel) (QuantumRange-(pixel)->opacity)
-#define GetBlackPixelComponent(index) (*(index))
+#define GetBlackPixelComponent(indexes) (*(indexes))
 #define GetBluePixelComponent(pixel) ((pixel)->blue)
 #define GetCbPixelComponent(pixel) ((pixel)->green)
 #define GetCrPixelComponent(pixel) ((pixel)->blue)
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 #define GetYellowPixelComponent(pixel) ((pixel)->blue)
 #define SetAlphaPixelComponent(pixel,value) \
   ((pixel)->opacity=(Quantum) (QuantumRange-(value)))
-#define SetBlackPixelComponent(index,value) (*(index)=(Quantum) (value))
+#define SetBlackPixelComponent(indexes,value) (*(indexes)=(Quantum) (value))
 #define SetBluePixelComponent(pixel,value) ((pixel)->blue=(Quantum) (value))
 #define SetCbPixelComponent(pixel,value) ((pixel)->green=(Quantum) (value))
 #define SetCrPixelComponent(pixel,value) ((pixel)->blue=(Quantum) (value))
diff --git a/magick/version.h b/magick/version.h
index 6e3fde1..b9dd792 100644
--- a/magick/version.h
+++ b/magick/version.h
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 #define MagickLibVersion  0x669
 #define MagickLibVersionText  "6.6.9"
 #define MagickLibVersionNumber  4,0,1
-#define MagickLibAddendum  "-8"
+#define MagickLibAddendum  "-9"
 #define MagickLibInterface  4
 #define MagickLibMinInterface  4
 #define MagickReleaseDate  "2011-05-04"
diff --git a/version.sh b/version.sh
index 6e6f7cc..90216a4 100644
--- a/version.sh
+++ b/version.sh
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 # PACKAGE_NAME (e.g. "1.0.0").
diff --git a/www/ImageMagickObject.html b/www/ImageMagickObject.html
index 722940d..c473b6e 100644
--- a/www/ImageMagickObject.html
+++ b/www/ImageMagickObject.html
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
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diff --git a/www/advanced-unix-installation.html b/www/advanced-unix-installation.html
index 6b136e4..9b56a18 100644
--- a/www/advanced-unix-installation.html
+++ b/www/advanced-unix-installation.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
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@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
 <p>The configure script looks at your environment and decides what it can cobble together to get ImageMagick compiled and installed on your system.  This includes finding a compiler, where your compiler header files are located (e.g. stdlib.h), and if any delegate libraries are available for ImageMagick to use (e.g. JPEG, PNG, TIFF, etc.).  If you are willing to accept configure's default options, and build from within the source directory, you can simply type:</p>
-<p class='crt'><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>cd ImageMagick-6.6.9-7</span><span class='crtout'></span><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>./configure</span></p>
+<p class='crt'><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>cd ImageMagick-6.6.9-8</span><span class='crtout'></span><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>./configure</span></p>
 <p>Watch the configure script output to verify that it finds everything that
  you think it should.  Pay particular attention to the last lines of the script output.  For example, here is a recent report from our system:</p>
@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@
 	<div class="doc-section">
 	  <p><a href="../www/download.html">Download</a> the ImageMagick source distribution and verify the distribution against its <a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/download/digest.rdf">message digest</a>.</p>
 	  <p>Unpack and change into the top-level ImageMagick directory:</p>
-		<p class='crt'><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>tar xvfz ImageMagick-6.6.9-7.tar.gz</span><span class='crtout'></span><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>cd ImageMagick-6.6.9-7</span></p>	  <p>Configure ImageMagick:</p>
+		<p class='crt'><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>tar xvfz ImageMagick-6.6.9-8.tar.gz</span><span class='crtout'></span><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>cd ImageMagick-6.6.9-8</span></p>	  <p>Configure ImageMagick:</p>
 	<p class='crt'><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>./configure --prefix=/opt --with-quantum-depth=16 \ <br/>
 		--disable-dependency-tracking --with-x=yes \ <br/>
 		--x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib/ \ <br/>
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@
 <p>Although you can download and install delegate libraries yourself, many are already available in the <a href="http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/">GnuWin32</a> distribution.  Download and install whichever delegate libraries you require such as JPEG, PNG, TIFF, etc.  Make sure you specify the development headers when you install a package.  Next type,</p>
-<p class='crt'><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>tar jxvf ImageMagick-6.6.9-?.tar.bz2</span><span class='crtout'></span><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>cd ImageMagick-6.6.9-7</span><span class='crtout'></span><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>export CPPFLAGS="-Ic:/Progra~1/GnuWin32/include"</span><span class='crtout'></span><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>export LDFLAGS="-Lc:/Progra~1/GnuWin32/lib"</span><span class='crtout'></span><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>./configure --without-perl</span><span class='crtout'></span><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>make</span><span class='crtout'></span><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>sudo make install</span></p></div>
+<p class='crt'><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>tar jxvf ImageMagick-6.6.9-?.tar.bz2</span><span class='crtout'></span><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>cd ImageMagick-6.6.9-8</span><span class='crtout'></span><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>export CPPFLAGS="-Ic:/Progra~1/GnuWin32/include"</span><span class='crtout'></span><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>export LDFLAGS="-Lc:/Progra~1/GnuWin32/lib"</span><span class='crtout'></span><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>./configure --without-perl</span><span class='crtout'></span><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>make</span><span class='crtout'></span><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>sudo make install</span></p></div>
 <h2><a id="problems"></a>Dealing with Unexpected Problems</h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
diff --git a/www/advanced-windows-installation.html b/www/advanced-windows-installation.html
index 7ad53da..67d8eb3 100644
--- a/www/advanced-windows-installation.html
+++ b/www/advanced-windows-installation.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
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-   <a title="Sponsor: Fernsehdienst Berlin" href="http://www.atlas-multimedia.de">Fernsehdienst Berlin</a><!-- 2011080100025 atlas.multimedia-->
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@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@
 	<li>Double-click on
-	<kbd>VisualMagick/bin/ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q16-windows-dll.exe</kbd>
+	<kbd>VisualMagick/bin/ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q16-windows-dll.exe</kbd>
 	to launch the ImageMagick binary distribution.</li>
 	<li>Complete the installer screens to install ImageMagick on your system.</li>
diff --git a/www/animate.html b/www/animate.html
index 12f5984..3876ed2 100644
--- a/www/animate.html
+++ b/www/animate.html
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
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diff --git a/www/api.html b/www/api.html
index 36d2521..4c33b75 100644
--- a/www/api.html
+++ b/www/api.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
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diff --git a/www/api/animate.html b/www/api/animate.html
index 8e88ecc..f515d65 100644
--- a/www/api/animate.html
+++ b/www/api/animate.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
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diff --git a/www/api/annotate.html b/www/api/annotate.html
index d48d0d9..2b1de0b 100644
--- a/www/api/annotate.html
+++ b/www/api/annotate.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
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--- a/www/api/blob.html
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@@ -197,555 +197,293 @@
 <div class="main">


 <h1>Module deprecate Methods</h1>
-<p class="navigation-index">[<a href="#AcquireCacheViewIndexes">AcquireCacheViewIndexes</a> &bull; <a href="#AcquireCacheViewPixels">AcquireCacheViewPixels</a> &bull; <a href="#AcquireImagePixels">AcquireImagePixels</a> &bull; <a href="#AcquireIndexes">AcquireIndexes</a> &bull; <a href="#AcquireMemory">AcquireMemory</a> &bull; <a href="#AcquireOneCacheViewPixel">AcquireOneCacheViewPixel</a> &bull; <a href="#AcquireOneCacheViewVirtualPixel">AcquireOneCacheViewVirtualPixel</a> &bull; <a href="#AcquireOneMagickPixel">AcquireOneMagickPixel</a> &bull; <a href="#AcquireOnePixel">AcquireOnePixel</a> &bull; <a href="#AcquireOneVirtualPixel">AcquireOneVirtualPixel</a> &bull; <a href="#AcquirePixels">AcquirePixels</a> &bull; <a href="#AffinityImage">AffinityImage</a> &bull; <a href="#AffinityImages">AffinityImages</a> &bull; <a href="#AllocateImage">AllocateImage</a> &bull; <a href="#AllocateImageColormap">AllocateImageColormap</a> &bull; <a href="#AllocateNextImage">AllocateNextImage</a> &bull; <a href="#AllocateString">AllocateString</a> &bull; <a href="#AverageImages">AverageImages</a> &bull; <a href="#ChannelThresholdImage">ChannelThresholdImage</a> &bull; <a href="#ClipPathImage">ClipPathImage</a> &bull; <a href="#CloneImageAttributes">CloneImageAttributes</a> &bull; <a href="#CloneMemory">CloneMemory</a> &bull; <a href="#CloseCacheView">CloseCacheView</a> &bull; <a href="#ColorFloodfill">ColorFloodfill</a> &bull; <a href="#DeleteImageAttribute">DeleteImageAttribute</a> &bull; <a href="#DeleteImageList">DeleteImageList</a> &bull; <a href="#DeleteMagickRegistry">DeleteMagickRegistry</a> &bull; <a href="#DescribeImage">DescribeImage</a> &bull; <a href="#DestroyImageAttributes">DestroyImageAttributes</a> &bull; <a href="#DestroyImages">DestroyImages</a> &bull; <a href="#DestroyMagick">DestroyMagick</a> &bull; <a href="#DispatchImage">DispatchImage</a> &bull; <a href="#ExtractSubimageFromImageImage">ExtractSubimageFromImageImage</a> &bull; <a href="#FlattenImages">FlattenImages</a> &bull; <a href="#FormatImageAttribute">FormatImageAttribute</a> &bull; <a href="#FormatString">FormatString</a> &bull; <a href="#GetConfigureBlob">GetConfigureBlob</a> &bull; <a href="#GetCacheView">GetCacheView</a> &bull; <a href="#GetCacheViewIndexes">GetCacheViewIndexes</a> &bull; <a href="#GetCacheViewPixels">GetCacheViewPixels</a> &bull; <a href="#GetImageAttribute">GetImageAttribute</a> &bull; <a href="#GetImageClippingPathAttribute">GetImageClippingPathAttribute</a> &bull; <a href="#GetImageFromMagickRegistry">GetImageFromMagickRegistry</a> &bull; <a href="#GetMagickRegistry">GetMagickRegistry</a> &bull; <a href="#GetImageGeometry">GetImageGeometry</a> &bull; <a href="#GetImageList">GetImageList</a> &bull; <a href="#GetImageListIndex">GetImageListIndex</a> &bull; <a href="#GetImageListSize">GetImageListSize</a> &bull; <a href="#GetImagePixels">GetImagePixels</a> &bull; <a href="#GetIndexes">GetIndexes</a> &bull; <a href="#GetNextImage">GetNextImage</a> &bull; <a href="#GetNextImageAttribute">GetNextImageAttribute</a> &bull; <a href="#GetNumberScenes">GetNumberScenes</a> &bull; <a href="#GetOnePixel">GetOnePixel</a> &bull; <a href="#GetPixels">GetPixels</a> &bull; <a href="#GetPreviousImage">GetPreviousImage</a> &bull; <a href="#HSLTransform">HSLTransform</a> &bull; <a href="#IdentityAffine">IdentityAffine</a> &bull; <a href="#InitializeMagick">InitializeMagick</a> &bull; <a href="#InterpolatePixelColor">InterpolatePixelColor</a> &bull; <a href="#InterpretImageAttributes">InterpretImageAttributes</a> &bull; <a href="#LevelImageColor">LevelImageColor</a> &bull; <a href="#LiberateMemory">LiberateMemory</a> &bull; <a href="#LiberateSemaphoreInfo">LiberateSemaphoreInfo</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickIncarnate">MagickIncarnate</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickMonitor">MagickMonitor</a> &bull; <a href="#MapImage">MapImage</a> &bull; <a href="#MapImages">MapImages</a> &bull; <a href="#MatteFloodfill">MatteFloodfill</a> &bull; <a href="#MaximumImages">MaximumImages</a> &bull; <a href="#MinimumImages">MinimumImages</a> &bull; <a href="#MedianFilterImage">MedianFilterImage</a> &bull; <a href="#ModeImage">ModeImage</a> &bull; <a href="#MosaicImages">MosaicImages</a> &bull; <a href="#OpaqueImage">OpaqueImage</a> &bull; <a href="#OpenCacheView">OpenCacheView</a> &bull; <a href="#PaintFloodfill">PaintFloodfill</a> &bull; <a href="#PaintOpaqueImage">PaintOpaqueImage</a> &bull; <a href="#PaintTransparentImage">PaintTransparentImage</a> &bull; <a href="#ParseSizeGeometry">ParseSizeGeometry</a> &bull; <a href="#PopImageList">PopImageList</a> &bull; <a href="#PopImagePixels">PopImagePixels</a> &bull; <a href="#PostscriptGeometry">PostscriptGeometry</a> &bull; <a href="#PushImageList">PushImageList</a> &bull; <a href="#PushImagePixels">PushImagePixels</a> &bull; <a href="#QuantizationError">QuantizationError</a> &bull; <a href="#RandomChannelThresholdImage">RandomChannelThresholdImage</a> &bull; <a href="#ReacquireMemory">ReacquireMemory</a> &bull; <a href="#RecolorImage">RecolorImage</a> &bull; <a href="#ReduceNoiseImage">ReduceNoiseImage</a> &bull; <a href="#ResetImageAttributeIterator">ResetImageAttributeIterator</a> &bull; <a href="#SetCacheViewPixels">SetCacheViewPixels</a> &bull; <a href="#SetExceptionInfo">SetExceptionInfo</a> &bull; <a href="#SetImage">SetImage</a> &bull; <a href="#SetImageAttribute">SetImageAttribute</a> &bull; <a href="#SetImageList">SetImageList</a> &bull; <a href="#SetImagePixels">SetImagePixels</a> &bull; <a href="#SetMagickRegistry">SetMagickRegistry</a> &bull; <a href="#SetMonitorHandler">SetMonitorHandler</a> &bull; <a href="#ShiftImageList">ShiftImageList</a> &bull; <a href="#SpliceImageList">SpliceImageList</a> &bull; <a href="#Strip">Strip</a> &bull; <a href="#SyncCacheView">SyncCacheView</a> &bull; <a href="#SyncCacheViewPixels">SyncCacheViewPixels</a> &bull; <a href="#SyncImagePixels">SyncImagePixels</a> &bull; <a href="#TemporaryFilename">TemporaryFilename</a> &bull; <a href="#ThresholdImage">ThresholdImage</a> &bull; <a href="#ThresholdImageChannel">ThresholdImageChannel</a> &bull; <a href="#TransformHSL">TransformHSL</a> &bull; <a href="#TranslateText">TranslateText</a> &bull; <a href="#TransparentImage">TransparentImage</a> &bull; <a href="#UnshiftImageList">UnshiftImageList</a> &bull; <a href="#ZoomImage">ZoomImage</a>]</p>
+<p class="navigation-index">[<a href="#MagickAverageImages">MagickAverageImages</a> &bull; <a href="#ClonePixelView">ClonePixelView</a> &bull; <a href="#DestroyPixelView">DestroyPixelView</a> &bull; <a href="#DuplexTransferPixelViewIterator">DuplexTransferPixelViewIterator</a> &bull; <a href="#GetPixelViewException">GetPixelViewException</a> &bull; <a href="#GetPixelViewHeight">GetPixelViewHeight</a> &bull; <a href="#GetPixelViewIterator">GetPixelViewIterator</a> &bull; <a href="#GetPixelViewPixels">GetPixelViewPixels</a> &bull; <a href="#GetPixelViewWand">GetPixelViewWand</a> &bull; <a href="#GetPixelViewWidth">GetPixelViewWidth</a> &bull; <a href="#GetPixelViewX">GetPixelViewX</a> &bull; <a href="#GetPixelViewY">GetPixelViewY</a> &bull; <a href="#IsPixelView">IsPixelView</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickClipPathImage">MagickClipPathImage</a> &bull; <a href="#DrawGetFillAlpha">DrawGetFillAlpha</a> &bull; <a href="#DrawGetStrokeAlpha">DrawGetStrokeAlpha</a> &bull; <a href="#DrawPeekGraphicWand">DrawPeekGraphicWand</a> &bull; <a href="#DrawPopGraphicContext">DrawPopGraphicContext</a> &bull; <a href="#DrawPushGraphicContext">DrawPushGraphicContext</a> &bull; <a href="#DrawSetFillAlpha">DrawSetFillAlpha</a> &bull; <a href="#DrawSetStrokeAlpha">DrawSetStrokeAlpha</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickColorFloodfillImage">MagickColorFloodfillImage</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickDescribeImage">MagickDescribeImage</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickFlattenImages">MagickFlattenImages</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetImageAttribute">MagickGetImageAttribute</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetImageMatte">MagickGetImageMatte</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetImagePixels">MagickGetImagePixels</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetImageSize">MagickGetImageSize</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickMapImage">MagickMapImage</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickMatteFloodfillImage">MagickMatteFloodfillImage</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickMedianFilterImage">MagickMedianFilterImage</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickMinimumImages">MagickMinimumImages</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickModeImage">MagickModeImage</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickMosaicImages">MagickMosaicImages</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickOpaqueImage">MagickOpaqueImage</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickPaintFloodfillImage">MagickPaintFloodfillImage</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickPaintOpaqueImage">MagickPaintOpaqueImage</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickPaintTransparentImage">MagickPaintTransparentImage</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickRecolorImage">MagickRecolorImage</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickReduceNoiseImage">MagickReduceNoiseImage</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickMaximumImages">MagickMaximumImages</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetImageAttribute">MagickSetImageAttribute</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetImageIndex">MagickSetImageIndex</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickTransparentImage">MagickTransparentImage</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickRegionOfInterestImage">MagickRegionOfInterestImage</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetImagePixels">MagickSetImagePixels</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickWriteImageBlob">MagickWriteImageBlob</a> &bull; <a href="#NewPixelView">NewPixelView</a> &bull; <a href="#NewPixelViewRegion">NewPixelViewRegion</a> &bull; <a href="#PixelGetNextRow">PixelGetNextRow</a> &bull; <a href="#PixelIteratorGetException">PixelIteratorGetException</a> &bull; <a href="#SetPixelViewIterator">SetPixelViewIterator</a> &bull; <a href="#TransferPixelViewIterator">TransferPixelViewIterator</a> &bull; <a href="#UpdatePixelViewIterator">UpdatePixelViewIterator</a>]</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="AcquireCacheViewIndexes">AcquireCacheViewIndexes</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickAverageImages">MagickAverageImages</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>AcquireCacheViewIndexes() returns the indexes associated with the specified view.</p>
+<p>MagickAverageImages() average a set of images.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickAverageImages method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  MagickWand *MagickAverageImages(MagickWand *wand)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="ClonePixelView">ClonePixelView</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>ClonePixelView() makes a copy of the specified pixel view.</p>
+<p>The format of the ClonePixelView method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  PixelView *ClonePixelView(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the pixel view.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="DestroyPixelView">DestroyPixelView</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>DestroyPixelView() deallocates memory associated with a pixel view.</p>
+<p>The format of the DestroyPixelView method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  PixelView *DestroyPixelView(PixelView *pixel_view,
+    const size_t number_wands,const size_t number_threads)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the pixel view.</p>
+<p>the number of pixel wands.</p>
+<p>number of threads.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="DuplexTransferPixelViewIterator">DuplexTransferPixelViewIterator</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>DuplexTransferPixelViewIterator() iterates over three pixel views in parallel and calls your transfer method for each scanline of the view.  The source and duplex pixel region is not confined to the image canvas-- that is you can include negative offsets or widths or heights that exceed the image dimension.  However, the destination pixel view is confined to the image canvas-- that is no negative offsets or widths or heights that exceed the image dimension are permitted.</p>
+<p>Use this pragma:</p>
 <pre class="text">
-      GetCacheViewVirtualIndexQueue(cache_view);
+      #pragma omp critical
-<p>The format of the AcquireCacheViewIndexes method is:</p>
+<p>to define a section of code in your callback transfer method that must be executed by a single thread at a time.</p>
+<p>The format of the DuplexTransferPixelViewIterator method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  const IndexPacket *AcquireCacheViewIndexes(const CacheView *cache_view)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the cache view.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="AcquireCacheViewPixels">AcquireCacheViewPixels</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>AcquireCacheViewPixels() gets pixels from the in-memory or disk pixel cache as defined by the geometry parameters.   A pointer to the pixels is returned if the pixels are transferred, otherwise a NULL is returned.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(cache_view,x,y,columns,rows,exception);
-<p>The format of the AcquireCacheViewPixels method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  const PixelPacket *AcquireCacheViewPixels(const CacheView *cache_view,
-    const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,
-    const size_t rows,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the cache view.</p>
-<p>These values define the perimeter of a region of pixels.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="AcquireImagePixels">AcquireImagePixels</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>AcquireImagePixels() returns an immutable pixel region. If the region is successfully accessed, a pointer to it is returned, otherwise NULL is returned. The returned pointer may point to a temporary working copy of the pixels or it may point to the original pixels in memory. Performance is maximized if the selected region is part of one row, or one or more full rows, since there is opportunity to access the pixels in-place (without a copy) if the image is in RAM, or in a memory-mapped file.  The returned pointer should *never* be deallocated by the user.</p>
-<p>Pixels accessed via the returned pointer represent a simple array of type PixelPacket.  If the image type is CMYK or the storage class is PseudoClass, call GetAuthenticIndexQueue() after invoking GetAuthenticPixels() to access the black color component or to obtain the colormap indexes (of type IndexPacket) corresponding to the region.</p>
-<p>If you plan to modify the pixels, use GetAuthenticPixels() instead.</p>
-<p>Note, the AcquireImagePixels() and GetAuthenticPixels() methods are not thread-safe.  In a threaded environment, use GetCacheViewVirtualPixels() or GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels() instead.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetVirtualPixels(image,x,y,columns,rows,exception);
-<p>The format of the AcquireImagePixels() method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  const PixelPacket *AcquireImagePixels(const Image *image,const ssize_t x,
-    const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows,
-    ExceptionInfo *exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>These values define the perimeter of a region of pixels.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="AcquireIndexes">AcquireIndexes</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>AcquireIndexes() returns the black channel or the colormap indexes associated with the last call to QueueAuthenticPixels() or GetVirtualPixels().  NULL is returned if the black channel or colormap indexes are not available.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetVirtualIndexQueue(image);
-<p>The format of the AcquireIndexes() method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  const IndexPacket *AcquireIndexes(const Image *image)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>AcquireIndexes() returns the indexes associated with the last call to QueueAuthenticPixels() or GetVirtualPixels().</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="AcquireMemory">AcquireMemory</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>AcquireMemory() returns a pointer to a block of memory at least size bytes suitably aligned for any use.</p>
-<p>The format of the AcquireMemory method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  void *AcquireMemory(const size_t size)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the size of the memory in bytes to allocate.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="AcquireOneCacheViewPixel">AcquireOneCacheViewPixel</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>AcquireOneCacheViewPixel() returns a single pixel at the specified (x,y) location.  The image background color is returned if an error occurs.  If you plan to modify the pixel, use GetOneCacheViewAuthenticPixel() instead.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetOneCacheViewVirtualPixel(cache_view,x,y,pixel,exception);
-<p>The format of the AcquireOneCacheViewPixel method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType AcquireOneCacheViewPixel(const CacheView *cache_view,
-    const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,PixelPacket *pixel,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the cache view.</p>
-<p>These values define the offset of the pixel.</p>
-<p>return a pixel at the specified (x,y) location.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="AcquireOneCacheViewVirtualPixel">AcquireOneCacheViewVirtualPixel</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>AcquireOneCacheViewVirtualPixel() returns a single pixel at the specified (x,y) location.  The image background color is returned if an error occurs. If you plan to modify the pixel, use GetOneCacheViewAuthenticPixel() instead.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetOneCacheViewVirtualMethodPixel(cache_view,virtual_pixel_method,
-  x,y,pixel,exception);
-<p>The format of the AcquireOneCacheViewPixel method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType AcquireOneCacheViewVirtualPixel(
-    const CacheView *cache_view,
-    const VirtualPixelMethod virtual_pixel_method,const ssize_t x,
-    const ssize_t y,PixelPacket *pixel,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the cache view.</p>
-<p>the virtual pixel method.</p>
-<p>These values define the offset of the pixel.</p>
-<p>return a pixel at the specified (x,y) location.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="AcquireOneMagickPixel">AcquireOneMagickPixel</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>AcquireOneMagickPixel() returns a single pixel at the specified (x,y) location.  The image background color is returned if an error occurs.  If you plan to modify the pixel, use GetOnePixel() instead.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      MagickPixelPacket pixel;
-      GetOneVirtualMagickPixel(image,x,y,&pixel,exception);
-<p>The format of the AcquireOneMagickPixel() method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  MagickPixelPacket AcquireOneMagickPixel(const Image image,const ssize_t x,
-    const ssize_t y,ExceptionInfo exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>These values define the location of the pixel to return.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="AcquireOnePixel">AcquireOnePixel</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>AcquireOnePixel() returns a single pixel at the specified (x,y) location. The image background color is returned if an error occurs.  If you plan to modify the pixel, use GetOnePixel() instead.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      PixelPacket pixel;
-      GetOneVirtualPixel(image,x,y,&pixel,exception);
-<p>The format of the AcquireOnePixel() method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  PixelPacket AcquireOnePixel(const Image image,const ssize_t x,
-    const ssize_t y,ExceptionInfo exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>These values define the location of the pixel to return.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="AcquireOneVirtualPixel">AcquireOneVirtualPixel</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>AcquireOneVirtualPixel() returns a single pixel at the specified (x,y) location as defined by specified pixel method.  The image background color is returned if an error occurs.  If you plan to modify the pixel, use GetOnePixel() instead.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      PixelPacket pixel;
-      GetOneVirtualMethodPixel(image,virtual_pixel_method,x,y,&pixel,exception);
-<p>The format of the AcquireOneVirtualPixel() method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  PixelPacket AcquireOneVirtualPixel(const Image image,
-    const VirtualPixelMethod virtual_pixel_method,const ssize_t x,
-    const ssize_t y,ExceptionInfo exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the virtual pixel method.</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>These values define the location of the pixel to return.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="AcquirePixels">AcquirePixels</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>AcquirePixels() returns the pixels associated with the last call to QueueAuthenticPixels() or GetVirtualPixels().</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetVirtualPixelQueue(image);
-<p>The format of the AcquirePixels() method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  const PixelPacket *AcquirePixels(const Image image)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="AffinityImage">AffinityImage</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>AffinityImage() replaces the colors of an image with the closest color from a reference image.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      RemapImage(quantize_info,image,affinity_image);
-<p>The format of the AffinityImage method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType AffinityImage(const QuantizeInfo *quantize_info,
-    Image *image,const Image *affinity_image)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>Specifies a pointer to an QuantizeInfo structure.</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>the reference image.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="AffinityImages">AffinityImages</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>AffinityImages() replaces the colors of a sequence of images with the closest color from a reference image.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      RemapImages(quantize_info,images,affinity_image);
-<p>The format of the AffinityImage method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType AffinityImages(const QuantizeInfo *quantize_info,
-    Image *images,Image *affinity_image)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>Specifies a pointer to an QuantizeInfo structure.</p>
-<p>the image sequence.</p>
-<p>the reference image.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="AllocateImage">AllocateImage</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>AllocateImage() returns a pointer to an image structure initialized to default values.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      AcquireImage(image_info);
-<p>The format of the AllocateImage method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  Image *AllocateImage(const ImageInfo *image_info)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>Many of the image default values are set from this structure.  For example, filename, compression, depth, background color, and others.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="AllocateImageColormap">AllocateImageColormap</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>AllocateImageColormap() allocates an image colormap and initializes it to a linear gray colorspace.  If the image already has a colormap, it is replaced.  AllocateImageColormap() returns MagickTrue if successful, otherwise MagickFalse if there is not enough memory.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      AcquireImageColormap(image,colors);
-<p>The format of the AllocateImageColormap method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType AllocateImageColormap(Image *image,
-    const size_t colors)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>the number of colors in the image colormap.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="AllocateNextImage">AllocateNextImage</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>AllocateNextImage() initializes the next image in a sequence to default values.  The next member of image points to the newly allocated image.  If there is a memory shortage, next is assigned NULL.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      AcquireNextImage(image_info,image);
-<p>The format of the AllocateNextImage method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  void AllocateNextImage(const ImageInfo *image_info,Image *image)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>Many of the image default values are set from this structure.  For example, filename, compression, depth, background color, and others.</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="AllocateString">AllocateString</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>AllocateString() allocates memory for a string and copies the source string to that memory location (and returns it).</p>
-<p>The format of the AllocateString method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  char *AllocateString(const char *source)
+  MagickBooleanType DuplexTransferPixelViewIterator(PixelView *source,
+    PixelView *duplex,PixelView *destination,
+    DuplexTransferPixelViewMethod transfer,void *context)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>A character string.</p>
+<p>the source pixel view.</p>
+<p>the duplex pixel view.</p>
+<p>the destination pixel view.</p>
+<p>the transfer callback method.</p>
+<p>the user defined context.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="AverageImages">AverageImages</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetPixelViewException">GetPixelViewException</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>AverageImages() takes a set of images and averages them together.  Each image in the set must have the same width and height.  AverageImages() returns a single image with each corresponding pixel component of each image averaged.   On failure, a NULL image is returned and exception describes the reason for the failure.</p>
+<p>GetPixelViewException() returns the severity, reason, and description of any error that occurs when utilizing a pixel view.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
+<p>The format of the GetPixelViewException method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  char *GetPixelViewException(const PixelWand *pixel_view,
+    ExceptionType *severity)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the pixel pixel_view.</p>
+<p>the severity of the error is returned here.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetPixelViewHeight">GetPixelViewHeight</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>GetPixelViewHeight() returns the pixel view height.</p>
+<p>The format of the GetPixelViewHeight method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  size_t GetPixelViewHeight(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the pixel view.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetPixelViewIterator">GetPixelViewIterator</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>GetPixelViewIterator() iterates over the pixel view in parallel and calls your get method for each scanline of the view.  The pixel region is not confined to the image canvas-- that is you can include negative offsets or widths or heights that exceed the image dimension.  Any updates to the pixels in your callback are ignored.</p>
+<p>Use this pragma:</p>
 <pre class="text">
-      EvaluateImages(images,MeanEvaluateOperator,exception);
+      #pragma omp critical
-<p>The format of the AverageImages method is:</p>
+<p>to define a section of code in your callback get method that must be executed by a single thread at a time.</p>
+<p>The format of the GetPixelViewIterator method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  Image *AverageImages(Image *images,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+  MagickBooleanType GetPixelViewIterator(PixelView *source,
+    GetPixelViewMethod get,void *context)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image sequence.</p>
+<p>the source pixel view.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
+<p>the get callback method.</p>
+<p>the user defined context.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="ChannelThresholdImage">ChannelThresholdImage</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetPixelViewPixels">GetPixelViewPixels</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>ChannelThresholdImage() changes the value of individual pixels based on the intensity of each pixel channel.  The result is a high-contrast image.</p>
+<p>GetPixelViewPixels() returns the pixel view pixel_wands.</p>
-<p>The format of the ChannelThresholdImage method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the GetPixelViewPixels method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  unsigned int ChannelThresholdImage(Image *image,const char *level)
+  PixelWand *GetPixelViewPixels(const PixelView *pixel_view)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>define the threshold values.</p>
+<p>the pixel view.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="ClipPathImage">ClipPathImage</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetPixelViewWand">GetPixelViewWand</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>ClipPathImage() sets the image clip mask based any clipping path information if it exists.</p>
+<p>GetPixelViewWand() returns the magick wand associated with the pixel view.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      ClipImagePath(image,pathname,inside);
-<p>The format of the ClipImage method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the GetPixelViewWand method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType ClipPathImage(Image *image,const char *pathname,
-    const MagickBooleanType inside)
+  MagickWand *GetPixelViewWand(const PixelView *pixel_view)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
+<p>the pixel view.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetPixelViewWidth">GetPixelViewWidth</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>GetPixelViewWidth() returns the pixel view width.</p>
+<p>The format of the GetPixelViewWidth method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  size_t GetPixelViewWidth(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the pixel view.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetPixelViewX">GetPixelViewX</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>GetPixelViewX() returns the pixel view x offset.</p>
+<p>The format of the GetPixelViewX method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  ssize_t GetPixelViewX(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the pixel view.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetPixelViewY">GetPixelViewY</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>GetPixelViewY() returns the pixel view y offset.</p>
+<p>The format of the GetPixelViewY method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  ssize_t GetPixelViewY(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the pixel view.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="IsPixelView">IsPixelView</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>IsPixelView() returns MagickTrue if the the parameter is verified as a pixel view container.</p>
+<p>The format of the IsPixelView method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  MagickBooleanType IsPixelView(const PixelView *pixel_view)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the pixel view.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickClipPathImage">MagickClipPathImage</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>MagickClipPathImage() clips along the named paths from the 8BIM profile, if present. Later operations take effect inside the path.  Id may be a number if preceded with #, to work on a numbered path, e.g., "#1" to use the first path.</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickClipPathImage method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  MagickBooleanType MagickClipPathImage(MagickWand *wand,
+    const char *pathname,const MagickBooleanType inside)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
 <p>name of clipping path resource. If name is preceded by #, use clipping path numbered by name.</p>
@@ -754,2426 +492,948 @@
 <p>if non-zero, later operations take effect inside clipping path. Otherwise later operations take effect outside clipping path.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="CloneImageAttributes">CloneImageAttributes</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="DrawGetFillAlpha">DrawGetFillAlpha</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>CloneImageAttributes() clones one or more image attributes.</p>
+<p>DrawGetFillAlpha() returns the alpha used when drawing using the fill color or fill texture.  Fully opaque is 1.0.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      CloneImageProperties(image,clone_image);
-<p>The format of the CloneImageAttributes method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the DrawGetFillAlpha method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType CloneImageAttributes(Image *image,
-    const Image *clone_image)
+  double DrawGetFillAlpha(const DrawingWand *wand)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>the clone image.</p>
+<p>the drawing wand.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="CloneMemory">CloneMemory</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="DrawGetStrokeAlpha">DrawGetStrokeAlpha</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>CloneMemory() copies size bytes from memory area source to the destination. Copying between objects that overlap will take place correctly.  It returns destination.</p>
+<p>DrawGetStrokeAlpha() returns the alpha of stroked object outlines.</p>
-<p>The format of the CloneMemory method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the DrawGetStrokeAlpha method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  void *CloneMemory(void *destination,const void *source,
-    const size_t size)
+  double DrawGetStrokeAlpha(const DrawingWand *wand)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the destination.</p>
+<p>the drawing wand. </p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="DrawPeekGraphicWand">DrawPeekGraphicWand</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
-<p>the source.</p>
+<p>DrawPeekGraphicWand() returns the current drawing wand.</p>
-<p>the size of the memory in bytes to allocate.</p>
+<p>The format of the PeekDrawingWand method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  DrawInfo *DrawPeekGraphicWand(const DrawingWand *wand)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the drawing wand.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="CloseCacheView">CloseCacheView</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="DrawPopGraphicContext">DrawPopGraphicContext</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>CloseCacheView() closes the specified view returned by a previous call to OpenCacheView().</p>
+<p>DrawPopGraphicContext() destroys the current drawing wand and returns to the previously pushed drawing wand. Multiple drawing wands may exist. It is an error to attempt to pop more drawing wands than have been pushed, and it is proper form to pop all drawing wands which have been pushed.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      DestroyCacheView(view_info);
-<p>The format of the CloseCacheView method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the DrawPopGraphicContext method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  CacheView *CloseCacheView(CacheView *view_info)
+  MagickBooleanType DrawPopGraphicContext(DrawingWand *wand)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the address of a structure of type CacheView.</p>
+<p>the drawing wand.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="ColorFloodfill">ColorFloodfill</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="DrawPushGraphicContext">DrawPushGraphicContext</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>ColorFloodfill() changes the color value of any pixel that matches target and is an immediate neighbor.  If the method FillToBorderMethod is specified, the color value is changed for any neighbor pixel that does not match the bordercolor member of image.</p>
+<p>DrawPushGraphicContext() clones the current drawing wand to create a new drawing wand.  The original drawing wand(s) may be returned to by invoking PopDrawingWand().  The drawing wands are stored on a drawing wand stack.  For every Pop there must have already been an equivalent Push.</p>
-<p>By default target must match a particular pixel color exactly. However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.  The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.</p>
-<p>The format of the ColorFloodfillImage method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the DrawPushGraphicContext method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType ColorFloodfillImage(Image *image,
-    const DrawInfo *draw_info,const PixelPacket target,
-    const ssize_t x_offset,const ssize_t y_offset,const PaintMethod method)
+  MagickBooleanType DrawPushGraphicContext(DrawingWand *wand)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
+<p>the drawing wand.</p>
-<p>the draw info.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="DrawSetFillAlpha">DrawSetFillAlpha</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
-<p>the RGB value of the target color.</p>
+<p>DrawSetFillAlpha() sets the alpha to use when drawing using the fill color or fill texture.  Fully opaque is 1.0.</p>
+<p>The format of the DrawSetFillAlpha method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  void DrawSetFillAlpha(DrawingWand *wand,const double fill_alpha)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the drawing wand.</p>
+<p>fill alpha</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="DrawSetStrokeAlpha">DrawSetStrokeAlpha</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>DrawSetStrokeAlpha() specifies the alpha of stroked object outlines.</p>
+<p>The format of the DrawSetStrokeAlpha method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  void DrawSetStrokeAlpha(DrawingWand *wand,const double stroke_alpha)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the drawing wand.</p>
+<p>stroke alpha.  The value 1.0 is opaque.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickColorFloodfillImage">MagickColorFloodfillImage</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>MagickColorFloodfillImage() changes the color value of any pixel that matches target and is an immediate neighbor.  If the method FillToBorderMethod is specified, the color value is changed for any neighbor pixel that does not match the bordercolor member of image.</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickColorFloodfillImage method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  MagickBooleanType MagickColorFloodfillImage(MagickWand *wand,
+    const PixelWand *fill,const double fuzz,const PixelWand *bordercolor,
+    const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
+<p>the floodfill color pixel wand.</p>
+<p>By default target must match a particular pixel color exactly.  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount. The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.</p>
+<p>the border color pixel wand.</p>
 <p>the starting location of the operation.</p>
-<p>Choose either FloodfillMethod or FillToBorderMethod.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="DeleteImageAttribute">DeleteImageAttribute</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickDescribeImage">MagickDescribeImage</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>DeleteImageAttribute() deletes an attribute from the image.</p>
+<p>MagickDescribeImage() identifies an image by printing its attributes to the file.  Attributes include the image width, height, size, and others.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      DeleteImageProperty(image,key);
-<p>The format of the DeleteImageAttribute method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickDescribeImage method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType DeleteImageAttribute(Image *image,const char *key)
+  const char *MagickDescribeImage(MagickWand *wand)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image info.</p>
-<p>the image key.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="DeleteImageList">DeleteImageList</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickFlattenImages">MagickFlattenImages</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>DeleteImageList() deletes an image at the specified position in the list.</p>
+<p>MagickFlattenImages() merges a sequence of images.  This useful for combining Photoshop layers into a single image.</p>
-<p>The format of the DeleteImageList method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickFlattenImages method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  unsigned int DeleteImageList(Image *images,const ssize_t offset)
+  MagickWand *MagickFlattenImages(MagickWand *wand)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image list.</p>
-<p>the position within the list.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="DeleteMagickRegistry">DeleteMagickRegistry</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickGetImageAttribute">MagickGetImageAttribute</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>DeleteMagickRegistry() deletes an entry in the registry as defined by the id. It returns MagickTrue if the entry is deleted otherwise MagickFalse if no entry is found in the registry that matches the id.</p>
+<p>MagickGetImageAttribute() returns a value associated with the specified property.  Use MagickRelinquishMemory() to free the value when you are finished with it.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      char key[MaxTextExtent];
-      FormatMagickString(key,MaxTextExtent,"ld\n",id);
-      DeleteImageRegistry(key);
-<p>The format of the DeleteMagickRegistry method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickGetImageAttribute method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType DeleteMagickRegistry(const ssize_t id)
+  char *MagickGetImageAttribute(MagickWand *wand,const char *property)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the registry id.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
+<p>the property.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="DescribeImage">DescribeImage</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickGetImageMatte">MagickGetImageMatte</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>DescribeImage() describes an image by printing its attributes to the file. Attributes include the image width, height, size, and others.</p>
+<p>MagickGetImageMatte() returns MagickTrue if the image has a matte channel otherwise MagickFalse.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      IdentifyImage(image,file,verbose);
-<p>The format of the DescribeImage method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickGetImageMatte method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType DescribeImage(Image *image,FILE *file,
-    const MagickBooleanType verbose)
+  size_t MagickGetImageMatte(MagickWand *wand)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>the file, typically stdout.</p>
-<p>A value other than zero prints more detailed information about the image.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="DestroyImageAttributes">DestroyImageAttributes</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickGetImagePixels">MagickGetImagePixels</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>DestroyImageAttributes() deallocates memory associated with the image attribute list.</p>
-<p>The format of the DestroyImageAttributes method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  DestroyImageAttributes(Image *image)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="DestroyImages">DestroyImages</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>DestroyImages() destroys an image list.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      DestroyImageList(image);
-<p>The format of the DestroyImages method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  void DestroyImages(Image *image)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image sequence.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="DestroyMagick">DestroyMagick</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>DestroyMagick() destroys the ImageMagick environment.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      MagickCoreTerminus();
-<p>The format of the DestroyMagick function is:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-  DestroyMagick(void)
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="DispatchImage">DispatchImage</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>DispatchImage() extracts pixel data from an image and returns it to you. The method returns MagickFalse on success otherwise MagickTrue if an error is encountered.  The data is returned as char, short int, int, ssize_t, float, or double in the order specified by map.</p>
+<p>MagickGetImagePixels() extracts pixel data from an image and returns it to you.  The method returns MagickTrue on success otherwise MagickFalse if an error is encountered.  The data is returned as char, short int, int, ssize_t, float, or double in the order specified by map.</p>
 <p>Suppose you want to extract the first scanline of a 640x480 image as character data in red-green-blue order:</p>
 <pre class="text">
-  DispatchImage(image,0,0,640,1,"RGB",CharPixel,pixels,exception);
+  MagickGetImagePixels(wand,0,0,640,1,"RGB",CharPixel,pixels);
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      ExportImagePixels(image,x_offset,y_offset,columns,rows,map,type,pixels,
-  exception);
-<p>The format of the DispatchImage method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickGetImagePixels method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  unsigned int DispatchImage(const Image *image,const ssize_t x_offset,
-    const ssize_t y_offset,const size_t columns,
-    const size_t rows,const char *map,const StorageType type,
-    void *pixels,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+  MagickBooleanType MagickGetImagePixels(MagickWand *wand,
+    const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,
+    const size_t rows,const char *map,const StorageType storage,
+    void *pixels)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
-<h5>x_offset, y_offset, columns, rows</h5>
+<h5>x, y, columns, rows</h5>
 <p>These values define the perimeter of a region of pixels you want to extract.</p>
-<p>This string reflects the expected ordering of the pixel array. It can be any combination or order of R = red, G = green, B = blue, A = alpha, C = cyan, Y = yellow, M = magenta, K = black, or I = intensity (for grayscale).</p>
+<p>This string reflects the expected ordering of the pixel array. It can be any combination or order of R = red, G = green, B = blue, A = alpha (0 is transparent), O = opacity (0 is opaque), C = cyan, Y = yellow, M = magenta, K = black, I = intensity (for grayscale), P = pad.</p>
-<p>Define the data type of the pixels.  Float and double types are normalized to [0..1] otherwise [0..QuantumRange].  Choose from these types: CharPixel, ShortPixel, IntegerPixel, LongPixel, FloatPixel, or DoublePixel.</p>
+<p>Define the data type of the pixels.  Float and double types are expected to be normalized [0..1] otherwise [0..QuantumRange].  Choose from these types: CharPixel, DoublePixel, FloatPixel, IntegerPixel, LongPixel, QuantumPixel, or ShortPixel.</p>
 <p>This array of values contain the pixel components as defined by map and type.  You must preallocate this array where the expected length varies depending on the values of width, height, map, and type.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="ExtractSubimageFromImageImage">ExtractSubimageFromImageImage</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickGetImageSize">MagickGetImageSize</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>ExtractSubimageFromImageImage() extracts a region of the image that most closely resembles the reference.</p>
+<p>MagickGetImageSize() returns the image length in bytes.</p>
-<p>The format of the ExtractSubimageFromImageImage method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickGetImageSize method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  Image *ExtractSubimageFromImage(const Image *image,
-    const Image *reference,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+  MagickBooleanType MagickGetImageSize(MagickWand *wand,
+    MagickSizeType *length)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>find an area of the image that closely resembles this image.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="FlattenImages">FlattenImages</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>FlattenImages() Obsolete Function: Use MergeImageLayers() instead.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      MergeImageLayers(image,FlattenLayer,exception);
-<p>The format of the FlattenImage method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  Image *FlattenImage(Image *image,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image sequence.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="FormatImageAttribute">FormatImageAttribute</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>FormatImageAttribute() permits formatted key/value pairs to be saved as an image attribute.</p>
-<p>The format of the FormatImageAttribute method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType FormatImageAttribute(Image *image,const char *key,
-    const char *format,...)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows.</p>
-<h5> image</h5>
-<p>The image.</p>
-<h5> key</h5>
-<p>The attribute key.</p>
-<h5> format</h5>
-<p>A string describing the format to use to write the remaining arguments.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="FormatString">FormatString</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>FormatString() prints formatted output of a variable argument list.</p>
-<p>The format of the FormatString method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  void FormatString(char *string,const char *format,...)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows.</p>
-<h5> string</h5>
-<p>Method FormatString returns the formatted string in this character buffer.</p>
-<h5> format</h5>
-<p>A string describing the format to use to write the remaining arguments.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetConfigureBlob">GetConfigureBlob</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetConfigureBlob() returns the specified configure file as a blob.</p>
-<p>The format of the GetConfigureBlob method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  void *GetConfigureBlob(const char *filename,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the configure file name.</p>
-<p>return the full path information of the configure file.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
-<p>This pointer to a size_t integer sets the initial length of the blob.  On return, it reflects the actual length of the blob.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
+<p>the image length in bytes.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetCacheView">GetCacheView</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickMapImage">MagickMapImage</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetCacheView() gets pixels from the in-memory or disk pixel cache as defined by the geometry parameters.   A pointer to the pixels is returned if the pixels are transferred, otherwise a NULL is returned.</p>
+<p>MagickMapImage() replaces the colors of an image with the closest color from a reference image.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels(cache_view,x,y,columns,rows,
-  GetCacheViewException(cache_view));
-<p>The format of the GetCacheView method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickMapImage method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  PixelPacket *GetCacheView(CacheView *cache_view,const ssize_t x,
-    const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows)
+  MagickBooleanType MagickMapImage(MagickWand *wand,
+    const MagickWand *map_wand,const MagickBooleanType dither)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the address of a structure of type CacheView.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
-<p>These values define the perimeter of a region of pixels.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetCacheViewIndexes">GetCacheViewIndexes</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetCacheViewIndexes() returns the indexes associated with the specified view.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetCacheViewAuthenticIndexQueue(cache_view);
-<p>The format of the GetCacheViewIndexes method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  IndexPacket *GetCacheViewIndexes(CacheView *cache_view)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the cache view.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetCacheViewPixels">GetCacheViewPixels</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetCacheViewPixels() gets pixels from the in-memory or disk pixel cache as defined by the geometry parameters.   A pointer to the pixels is returned if the pixels are transferred, otherwise a NULL is returned.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels(cache_view,x,y,columns,rows,
-  GetCacheViewException(cache_view));
-<p>The format of the GetCacheViewPixels method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  PixelPacket *GetCacheViewPixels(CacheView *cache_view,const ssize_t x,
-    const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the cache view.</p>
-<p>These values define the perimeter of a region of pixels.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetImageAttribute">GetImageAttribute</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetImageAttribute() searches the list of image attributes and returns a pointer to the attribute if it exists otherwise NULL.</p>
-<p>The format of the GetImageAttribute method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  const ImageAttribute *GetImageAttribute(const Image *image,
-    const char *key)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>These character strings are the name of an image attribute to return.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetImageClippingPathAttribute">GetImageClippingPathAttribute</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetImageClippingPathAttribute() searches the list of image attributes and returns a pointer to a clipping path if it exists otherwise NULL.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetImageAttribute(image,"8BIM:1999,2998");
-<p>The format of the GetImageClippingPathAttribute method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  const ImageAttribute *GetImageClippingPathAttribute(Image *image)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>Method GetImageClippingPathAttribute returns the clipping path if it exists otherwise NULL.</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetImageFromMagickRegistry">GetImageFromMagickRegistry</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetImageFromMagickRegistry() gets an image from the registry as defined by its name.  If the image is not found, a NULL image is returned.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetImageRegistry(ImageRegistryType,name,exception);
-<p>The format of the GetImageFromMagickRegistry method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  Image *GetImageFromMagickRegistry(const char *name,ssize_t *id,
-    ExceptionInfo *exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the name of the image to retrieve from the registry.</p>
-<p>the registry id.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetMagickRegistry">GetMagickRegistry</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetMagickRegistry() gets a blob from the registry as defined by the id.  If the blob that matches the id is not found, NULL is returned.</p>
-<p>The format of the GetMagickRegistry method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  const void *GetMagickRegistry(const ssize_t id,RegistryType *type,
-    size_t *length,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the registry id.</p>
-<p>the registry type.</p>
-<p>the blob length in number of bytes.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetImageGeometry">GetImageGeometry</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetImageGeometry() returns a region as defined by the geometry string with respect to the image and its gravity.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      if (size_to_fit != MagickFalse)
-  ParseRegionGeometry(image,geometry,region_info,&image->exception); else
-  ParsePageGeometry(image,geometry,region_info,&image->exception);
-<p>The format of the GetImageGeometry method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  int GetImageGeometry(Image *image,const char *geometry,
-    const unsigned int size_to_fit,RectangeInfo *region_info)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>Method GetImageGeometry returns a bitmask that indicates which of the four values were located in the geometry string.</p>
-<p>The geometry (e.g. 100x100+10+10).</p>
-<p>A value other than 0 means to scale the region so it fits within the specified width and height.</p>
-<p>the region as defined by the geometry string with respect to the image and its gravity.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetImageList">GetImageList</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetImageList() returns an image at the specified position in the list.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      CloneImage(GetImageFromList(images,(ssize_t) offset),0,0,MagickTrue,
-  exception);
-<p>The format of the GetImageList method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  Image *GetImageList(const Image *images,const ssize_t offset,
-    ExceptionInfo *exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image list.</p>
-<p>the position within the list.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetImageListIndex">GetImageListIndex</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetImageListIndex() returns the position in the list of the specified image.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetImageIndexInList(images);
-<p>The format of the GetImageListIndex method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  ssize_t GetImageListIndex(const Image *images)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image list.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetImageListSize">GetImageListSize</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetImageListSize() returns the number of images in the list.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetImageListLength(images);
-<p>The format of the GetImageListSize method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  size_t GetImageListSize(const Image *images)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image list.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetImagePixels">GetImagePixels</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetImagePixels() obtains a pixel region for read/write access. If the region is successfully accessed, a pointer to a PixelPacket array representing the region is returned, otherwise NULL is returned.</p>
-<p>The returned pointer may point to a temporary working copy of the pixels or it may point to the original pixels in memory. Performance is maximized if the selected region is part of one row, or one or more full rows, since then there is opportunity to access the pixels in-place (without a copy) if the image is in RAM, or in a memory-mapped file. The returned pointer should *never* be deallocated by the user.</p>
-<p>Pixels accessed via the returned pointer represent a simple array of type PixelPacket. If the image type is CMYK or if the storage class is PseduoClass, call GetAuthenticIndexQueue() after invoking GetImagePixels() to obtain the black color component or colormap indexes (of type IndexPacket) corresponding to the region.  Once the PixelPacket (and/or IndexPacket) array has been updated, the changes must be saved back to the underlying image using SyncAuthenticPixels() or they may be lost.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetAuthenticPixels(image,x,y,columns,rows,&image->exception);
-<p>The format of the GetImagePixels() method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  PixelPacket *GetImagePixels(Image *image,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,
-    const size_t columns,const size_t rows)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>These values define the perimeter of a region of pixels.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetIndexes">GetIndexes</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetIndexes() returns the black channel or the colormap indexes associated with the last call to QueueAuthenticPixels() or GetVirtualPixels().  NULL is returned if the black channel or colormap indexes are not available.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetAuthenticIndexQueue(image);
-<p>The format of the GetIndexes() method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  IndexPacket *GetIndexes(const Image *image)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>GetIndexes() returns the indexes associated with the last call to QueueAuthenticPixels() or GetAuthenticPixels().</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetNextImage">GetNextImage</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetNextImage() returns the next image in a list.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetNextImageInList(images);
-<p>The format of the GetNextImage method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  Image *GetNextImage(const Image *images)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image list.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetNextImageAttribute">GetNextImageAttribute</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetNextImageAttribute() gets the next image attribute.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      const char *property;
-      property=GetNextImageProperty(image);
-      if (property != (const char *) NULL) 
-  GetImageAttribute(image,property);
-<p>The format of the GetNextImageAttribute method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  const ImageAttribute *GetNextImageAttribute(const Image *image)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetNumberScenes">GetNumberScenes</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetNumberScenes() returns the number of images in the list.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetImageListLength(image);
-<p>The format of the GetNumberScenes method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  unsigned int GetNumberScenes(const Image *images)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image list.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetOnePixel">GetOnePixel</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetOnePixel() returns a single pixel at the specified (x,y) location. The image background color is returned if an error occurs.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetOneAuthenticPixel(image,x,y,&pixel,&image->exception);
-<p>The format of the GetOnePixel() method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  PixelPacket GetOnePixel(const Image image,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>These values define the location of the pixel to return.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetPixels">GetPixels</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetPixels() returns the pixels associated with the last call to QueueAuthenticPixels() or GetAuthenticPixels().</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetAuthenticPixelQueue(image);
-<p>The format of the GetPixels() method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  PixelPacket *GetPixels(const Image image)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>GetPixels() returns the pixels associated with the last call to QueueAuthenticPixels() or GetAuthenticPixels().</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="GetPreviousImage">GetPreviousImage</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>GetPreviousImage() returns the previous image in a list.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetPreviousImageInList(images));
-<p>The format of the GetPreviousImage method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  Image *GetPreviousImage(const Image *images)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image list.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="HSLTransform">HSLTransform</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>HSLTransform() converts a (hue, saturation, lightness) to a (red, green, blue) triple.</p>
-<p>The format of the HSLTransformImage method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  void HSLTransform(const double hue,const double saturation,
-    const double lightness,Quantum *red,Quantum *green,Quantum *blue)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<h5>hue, saturation, lightness</h5>
-<p>A double value representing a component of the HSL color space.</p>
-<h5>red, green, blue</h5>
-<p>A pointer to a pixel component of type Quantum.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="IdentityAffine">IdentityAffine</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>IdentityAffine() initializes the affine transform to the identity matrix.</p>
-<p>The format of the IdentityAffine method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  IdentityAffine(AffineMatrix *affine)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>A pointer the affine transform of type AffineMatrix.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="InitializeMagick">InitializeMagick</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>InitializeMagick() initializes the ImageMagick environment.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      MagickCoreGenesis(path,MagickFalse);
-<p>The format of the InitializeMagick function is:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-  InitializeMagick(const char *path)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the execution path of the current ImageMagick client.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="InterpolatePixelColor">InterpolatePixelColor</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>InterpolatePixelColor() applies bi-linear or tri-linear interpolation between a pixel and it's neighbors.</p>
-<p>The format of the InterpolatePixelColor method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  MagickPixelPacket InterpolatePixelColor(const Image *image,
-    CacheView *view_info,InterpolatePixelMethod method,const double x,
-    const double y,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>the image cache view.</p>
-<p>the type of pixel color interpolation.</p>
-<p>A double representing the current (x,y) position of the pixel.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="InterpretImageAttributes">InterpretImageAttributes</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>InterpretImageAttributes() replaces any embedded formatting characters with the appropriate image attribute and returns the translated text.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      InterpretImageProperties(image_info,image,embed_text);
-<p>The format of the InterpretImageAttributes method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  char *InterpretImageAttributes(const ImageInfo *image_info,Image *image,
-    const char *embed_text)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image info.</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>the address of a character string containing the embedded formatting characters.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="LevelImageColor">LevelImageColor</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>LevelImageColor() will map the given color to "black" and "white" values, limearly spreading out the colors, and level values on a channel by channel bases, as per LevelImage().  The given colors allows you to specify different level ranges for each of the color channels separately.</p>
-<p>If the boolean 'invert' is set true the image values will modifyed in the reverse direction. That is any existing "black" and "white" colors in the image will become the color values given, with all other values compressed appropriatally.  This effectivally maps a greyscale gradient into the given color gradient.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      LevelColorsImageChannel(image,channel,black_color,white_color,invert);
-<p>The format of the LevelImageColors method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-    MagickBooleanType LevelImageColors(Image *image,const ChannelType channel,
-      const MagickPixelPacket *black_color,const MagickPixelPacket *white_color,
-      const MagickBooleanType invert)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>the channel.</p>
-<p>The color to map black to/from</p>
-<p>The color to map white to/from</p>
-<p>if true map the colors (levelize), rather than from (level)</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="LiberateMemory">LiberateMemory</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>LiberateMemory() frees memory that has already been allocated, and NULL's the pointer to it.</p>
-<p>The format of the LiberateMemory method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  void LiberateMemory(void **memory)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>A pointer to a block of memory to free for reuse.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="LiberateSemaphoreInfo">LiberateSemaphoreInfo</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>LiberateSemaphoreInfo() relinquishes a semaphore.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      UnlockSemaphoreInfo(*semaphore_info);
-<p>The format of the LiberateSemaphoreInfo method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  LiberateSemaphoreInfo(void **semaphore_info)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>Specifies a pointer to an SemaphoreInfo structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickIncarnate">MagickIncarnate</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>MagickIncarnate() initializes the ImageMagick environment.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      MagickCoreGenesis(path,MagickFalse);
-<p>The format of the MagickIncarnate function is:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-  MagickIncarnate(const char *path)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the execution path of the current ImageMagick client.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickMonitor">MagickMonitor</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>MagickMonitor() calls the monitor handler method with a text string that describes the task and a measure of completion.  The method returns MagickTrue on success otherwise MagickFalse if an error is encountered, e.g. if there was a user interrupt.</p>
-<p>The format of the MagickMonitor method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType MagickMonitor(const char *text,
-    const MagickOffsetType offset,const MagickSizeType span,
-    void *client_data)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the position relative to the span parameter which represents how much progress has been made toward completing a task.</p>
-<p>the span relative to completing a task.</p>
-<p>the client data.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MapImage">MapImage</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>MapImage() replaces the colors of an image with the closest color from a reference image.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-       QuantizeInfo quantize_info;
-       GetQuantizeInfo(&quantize_info);
-       quantize_info.dither=dither;
-       RemapImage(&quantize_info,image,map_image);
-<p>The format of the MapImage method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType MapImage(Image *image,const Image *map_image,
-    const MagickBooleanType dither)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>Specifies a pointer to an Image structure.</p>
-<p>the image.  Reduce image to a set of colors represented by this image.</p>
+<p>the map wand.</p>
 <p>Set this integer value to something other than zero to dither the mapped image.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MapImages">MapImages</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickMatteFloodfillImage">MagickMatteFloodfillImage</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>MapImages() replaces the colors of a sequence of images with the closest color from a reference image.</p>
+<p>MagickMatteFloodfillImage() changes the transparency value of any pixel that matches target and is an immediate neighbor.  If the method FillToBorderMethod is specified, the transparency value is changed for any neighbor pixel that does not match the bordercolor member of image.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-       QuantizeInfo quantize_info;
-       GetQuantizeInfo(&quantize_info);
-       quantize_info.dither=dither;
-       RemapImages(&quantize_info,images,map_image);
-<p>The format of the MapImage method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickMatteFloodfillImage method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType MapImages(Image *images,Image *map_image,
-    const MagickBooleanType dither)
+  MagickBooleanType MagickMatteFloodfillImage(MagickWand *wand,
+    const double alpha,const double fuzz,const PixelWand *bordercolor,
+    const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>Specifies a pointer to a set of Image structures.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
-<p>the image.  Reduce image to a set of colors represented by this image.</p>
+<p>the level of transparency: 1.0 is fully opaque and 0.0 is fully transparent.</p>
-<p>Set this integer value to something other than zero to dither the quantized image.</p>
+<p>By default target must match a particular pixel color exactly.  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount. The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MatteFloodfill">MatteFloodfill</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>MatteFloodfill() changes the transparency value of any pixel that matches target and is an immediate neighbor.  If the method FillToBorderMethod is specified, the transparency value is changed for any neighbor pixel that does not match the bordercolor member of image.</p>
-<p>By default target must match a particular pixel transparency exactly. However, in many cases two transparency values may differ by a small amount.  The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two transparency values as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the opacity values of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same value for the purposes of the floodfill.</p>
-<p>The format of the MatteFloodfillImage method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType MatteFloodfillImage(Image *image,
-    const PixelPacket target,const Quantum opacity,const ssize_t x_offset,
-    const ssize_t y_offset,const PaintMethod method)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>the RGB value of the target color.</p>
-<p>the level of transparency: 0 is fully opaque and QuantumRange is fully transparent.</p>
+<p>the border color pixel wand.</p>
 <p>the starting location of the operation.</p>
-<p>Choose either FloodfillMethod or FillToBorderMethod.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MaximumImages">MaximumImages</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickMedianFilterImage">MagickMedianFilterImage</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>MaximumImages() returns the maximum intensity of an image sequence.</p>
+<p>MagickMedianFilterImage() applies a digital filter that improves the quality of a noisy image.  Each pixel is replaced by the median in a set of neighboring pixels as defined by radius.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      EvaluateImages(images,MinEvaluateOperator,exception);
-<p>The format of the MaxImages method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickMedianFilterImage method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  Image *MaximumImages(Image *images,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+  MagickBooleanType MagickMedianFilterImage(MagickWand *wand,
+    const double radius)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image sequence.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MinimumImages">MinimumImages</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>MinimumImages() returns the minimum intensity of an image sequence.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      EvaluateImages(images,MinEvaluateOperator,exception);
-<p>The format of the MinimumImages method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  Image *MinimumImages(Image *images,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image sequence.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MedianFilterImage">MedianFilterImage</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>MedianFilterImage() applies a digital filter that improves the quality of a noisy image.  Each pixel is replaced by the median in a set of neighboring pixels as defined by radius.</p>
-<p>The algorithm was contributed by Mike Edmonds and implements an insertion sort for selecting median color-channel values.  For more on this algorithm see "Skip Lists: A probabilistic Alternative to Balanced Trees" by William Pugh in the June 1990 of Communications of the ACM.</p>
-<p>The format of the MedianFilterImage method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  Image *MedianFilterImage(const Image *image,const double radius,
-    ExceptionInfo *exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
 <p>the radius of the pixel neighborhood.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="ModeImage">ModeImage</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickMinimumImages">MagickMinimumImages</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>ModeImage() makes each pixel the 'predominate color' of the neighborhood of the specified radius.</p>
+<p>MagickMinimumImages() returns the minimum intensity of an image sequence.</p>
-<p>The format of the ModeImage method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickMinimumImages method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  Image *ModeImage(const Image *image,const double radius,
-    ExceptionInfo *exception)
+  MagickWand *MagickMinimumImages(MagickWand *wand)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickModeImage">MagickModeImage</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>MagickModeImage() makes each pixel the 'predominate color' of the neighborhood of the specified radius.</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickModeImage method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  MagickBooleanType MagickModeImage(MagickWand *wand,
+    const double radius)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
 <p>the radius of the pixel neighborhood.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MosaicImages">MosaicImages</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickMosaicImages">MagickMosaicImages</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>MosaicImages() Obsolete Function: Use MergeImageLayers() instead.</p>
+<p>MagickMosaicImages() inlays an image sequence to form a single coherent picture.  It returns a wand with each image in the sequence composited at the location defined by the page offset of the image.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      MergeImageLayers(image,MosaicLayer,exception);
-<p>The format of the MosaicImage method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickMosaicImages method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  Image *MosaicImages(const Image *image,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+  MagickWand *MagickMosaicImages(MagickWand *wand)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image list to be composited together</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="OpaqueImage">OpaqueImage</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickOpaqueImage">MagickOpaqueImage</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>OpaqueImage() changes any pixel that matches color with the color defined by fill.</p>
+<p>MagickOpaqueImage() changes any pixel that matches color with the color defined by fill.</p>
-<p>By default color must match a particular pixel color exactly.  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.  Fuzz defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same. For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color.</p>
-<p>The format of the OpaqueImage method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickOpaqueImage method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType OpaqueImage(Image *image,
-    const PixelPacket *target,const PixelPacket fill)
+  MagickBooleanType MagickOpaqueImage(MagickWand *wand,
+    const PixelWand *target,const PixelWand *fill,const double fuzz)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>the RGB value of the target color.</p>
-<p>the replacement color.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="OpenCacheView">OpenCacheView</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>OpenCacheView() opens a view into the pixel cache, using the VirtualPixelMethod that is defined within the given image itself.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      AcquireCacheView(image);
-<p>The format of the OpenCacheView method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  CacheView *OpenCacheView(const Image *image)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="PaintFloodfill">PaintFloodfill</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>PaintFloodfill() changes the color value of any pixel that matches target and is an immediate neighbor.  If the method FillToBorderMethod is specified, the color value is changed for any neighbor pixel that does not match the bordercolor member of image.</p>
-<p>By default target must match a particular pixel color exactly. However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.  The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      FloodfillPaintImage(image,channel,draw_info,target,x,y,
-  method == FloodfillMethod ? MagickFalse : MagickTrue);
-<p>The format of the PaintFloodfillImage method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType PaintFloodfillImage(Image *image,
-    const ChannelType channel,const MagickPixelPacket target,const ssize_t x,
-    const ssize_t y,const DrawInfo *draw_info,const PaintMethod method)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
 <p>the channel(s).</p>
-<p>the RGB value of the target color.</p>
+<p>Change this target color to the fill color within the image.</p>
-<p>the starting location of the operation.</p>
+<p>the fill pixel wand.</p>
-<p>the draw info.</p>
-<p>Choose either FloodfillMethod or FillToBorderMethod.</p>
+<p>By default target must match a particular pixel color exactly.  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount. The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="PaintOpaqueImage">PaintOpaqueImage</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickPaintFloodfillImage">MagickPaintFloodfillImage</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>PaintOpaqueImage() changes any pixel that matches color with the color defined by fill.</p>
+<p>MagickPaintFloodfillImage() changes the color value of any pixel that matches target and is an immediate neighbor.  If the method FillToBorderMethod is specified, the color value is changed for any neighbor pixel that does not match the bordercolor member of image.</p>
-<p>By default color must match a particular pixel color exactly.  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.  Fuzz defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same. For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      OpaquePaintImageChannel(image,DefaultChannels,target,fill,MagickFalse);
-      OpaquePaintImageChannel(image,channel,target,fill,MagickFalse);
-<p>The format of the PaintOpaqueImage method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickPaintFloodfillImage method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType PaintOpaqueImage(Image *image,
-    const PixelPacket *target,const PixelPacket *fill)
-  MagickBooleanType PaintOpaqueImageChannel(Image *image,
-    const ChannelType channel,const PixelPacket *target,
-    const PixelPacket *fill)
+  MagickBooleanType MagickPaintFloodfillImage(MagickWand *wand,
+    const ChannelType channel,const PixelWand *fill,const double fuzz,
+    const PixelWand *bordercolor,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
+<p>the channel(s).</p>
+<p>the floodfill color pixel wand.</p>
+<p>By default target must match a particular pixel color exactly.  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount. The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.</p>
+<p>the border color pixel wand.</p>
+<p>the starting location of the operation.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickPaintOpaqueImage">MagickPaintOpaqueImage</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>MagickPaintOpaqueImage() changes any pixel that matches color with the color defined by fill.</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickPaintOpaqueImage method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  MagickBooleanType MagickPaintOpaqueImage(MagickWand *wand,
+    const PixelWand *target,const PixelWand *fill,const double fuzz)
+  MagickBooleanType MagickPaintOpaqueImageChannel(MagickWand *wand,
+    const ChannelType channel,const PixelWand *target,
+    const PixelWand *fill,const double fuzz)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
 <p>the channel(s).</p>
-<p>the RGB value of the target color.</p>
+<p>Change this target color to the fill color within the image.</p>
-<p>the replacement color.</p>
+<p>the fill pixel wand.</p>
+<p>By default target must match a particular pixel color exactly.  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount. The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="PaintTransparentImage">PaintTransparentImage</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickPaintTransparentImage">MagickPaintTransparentImage</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>PaintTransparentImage() changes the opacity value associated with any pixel that matches color to the value defined by opacity.</p>
+<p>MagickPaintTransparentImage() changes any pixel that matches color with the color defined by fill.</p>
-<p>By default color must match a particular pixel color exactly.  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.  Fuzz defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same. For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      TransparentPaintImage(image,target,opacity,MagickFalse);
-<p>The format of the PaintTransparentImage method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickPaintTransparentImage method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType PaintTransparentImage(Image *image,
-    const MagickPixelPacket *target,const Quantum opacity)
+  MagickBooleanType MagickPaintTransparentImage(MagickWand *wand,
+    const PixelWand *target,const double alpha,const double fuzz)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
-<p>the RGB value of the target color.</p>
+<p>Change this target color to specified opacity value within the image.</p>
-<p>the replacement opacity value.</p>
+<p>the level of transparency: 1.0 is fully opaque and 0.0 is fully transparent.</p>
+<p>By default target must match a particular pixel color exactly.  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount. The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="ParseSizeGeometry">ParseSizeGeometry</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickRecolorImage">MagickRecolorImage</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>ParseSizeGeometry() returns a region as defined by the geometry string with respect to the image dimensions and aspect ratio.</p>
+<p>MagickRecolorImage() apply color transformation to an image. The method permits saturation changes, hue rotation, luminance to alpha, and various other effects.  Although variable-sized transformation matrices can be used, typically one uses a 5x5 matrix for an RGBA image and a 6x6 for CMYKA (or RGBA with offsets).  The matrix is similar to those used by Adobe Flash except offsets are in column 6 rather than 5 (in support of CMYKA images) and offsets are normalized (divide Flash offset by 255).</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      ParseMetaGeometry(geometry,&region_info->x,&region_info->y,
-  &region_info->width,&region_info->height);
-<p>The format of the ParseSizeGeometry method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickRecolorImage method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  MagickStatusType ParseSizeGeometry(const Image *image,
-    const char *geometry,RectangeInfo *region_info)
+  MagickBooleanType MagickRecolorImage(MagickWand *wand,
+    const size_t order,const double *color_matrix)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>The geometry (e.g. 100x100+10+10).</p>
-<p>the region as defined by the geometry string.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="PopImageList">PopImageList</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>PopImageList() removes the last image in the list.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      RemoveLastImageFromList(images);
-<p>The format of the PopImageList method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  Image *PopImageList(Image **images)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image list.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="PopImagePixels">PopImagePixels</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>PopImagePixels() transfers one or more pixel components from the image pixel cache to a user supplied buffer.  The pixels are returned in network byte order.  MagickTrue is returned if the pixels are successfully transferred, otherwise MagickFalse.</p>
-<p>The format of the PopImagePixels method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  size_t PopImagePixels(Image *,const QuantumType quantum,
-    unsigned char *destination)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>Declare which pixel components to transfer (RGB, RGBA, etc).</p>
-<p>The components are transferred to this buffer.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="PostscriptGeometry">PostscriptGeometry</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>PostscriptGeometry() replaces any page mneumonic with the equivalent size in picas.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetPageGeometry(page);
-<p>The format of the PostscriptGeometry method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  char *PostscriptGeometry(const char *page)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows.</p>
-<h5> page</h5>
-<p>Specifies a pointer to an array of characters. The string is either a Postscript page name (e.g. A4) or a postscript page geometry (e.g. 612x792+36+36).</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="PushImageList">PushImageList</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>PushImageList() adds an image to the end of the list.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      AppendImageToList(images,CloneImageList(image,exception));
-<p>The format of the PushImageList method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  unsigned int PushImageList(Image *images,const Image *image,
-    ExceptionInfo *exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image list.</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="PushImagePixels">PushImagePixels</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>PushImagePixels() transfers one or more pixel components from a user supplied buffer into the image pixel cache of an image.  The pixels are expected in network byte order.  It returns MagickTrue if the pixels are successfully transferred, otherwise MagickFalse.</p>
-<p>The format of the PushImagePixels method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  size_t PushImagePixels(Image *image,const QuantumType quantum,
-    const unsigned char *source)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>Declare which pixel components to transfer (red, green, blue, opacity, RGB, or RGBA).</p>
-<p>The pixel components are transferred from this buffer.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="QuantizationError">QuantizationError</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>QuantizationError() measures the difference between the original and quantized images.  This difference is the total quantization error.  The error is computed by summing over all pixels in an image the distance squared in RGB space between each reference pixel value and its quantized value.  These values are computed:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      o mean_error_per_pixel:  This value is the mean error for any single
-  pixel in the image.
-<p>This value is the normalized mean quantization error for any single pixel in the image.  This distance measure is normalized to a range between 0 and 1.  It is independent of the range of red, green, and blue values in the image.</p>
-<p>Thsi value is the normalized maximum quantization error for any single pixel in the image.  This distance measure is normalized to a range between 0 and 1.  It is independent of the range of red, green, and blue values in your image.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      GetImageQuantizeError(image);
-<p>The format of the QuantizationError method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  unsigned int QuantizationError(Image *image)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows.</p>
-<p>Specifies a pointer to an Image structure;  returned from ReadImage.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="RandomChannelThresholdImage">RandomChannelThresholdImage</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>RandomChannelThresholdImage() changes the value of individual pixels based on the intensity of each pixel compared to a random threshold.  The result is a low-contrast, two color image.</p>
-<p>The format of the RandomChannelThresholdImage method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  unsigned int RandomChannelThresholdImage(Image *image,
-     const char *channel, const char *thresholds,
-     ExceptionInfo *exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>the channel or channels to be thresholded.</p>
-<p>a geometry string containing LOWxHIGH thresholds. If the string contains 2x2, 3x3, or 4x4, then an ordered dither of order 2, 3, or 4 will be performed instead.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="ReacquireMemory">ReacquireMemory</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>ReacquireMemory() changes the size of the memory and returns a pointer to the (possibly moved) block.  The contents will be unchanged up to the lesser of the new and old sizes.</p>
-<p>The format of the ReacquireMemory method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  void ReacquireMemory(void **memory,const size_t size)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>A pointer to a memory allocation.  On return the pointer may change but the contents of the original allocation will not.</p>
-<p>the new size of the allocated memory.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="RecolorImage">RecolorImage</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>RecolorImage() apply color transformation to an image. The method permits saturation changes, hue rotation, luminance to alpha, and various other effects.  Although variable-sized transformation matrices can be used, typically one uses a 5x5 matrix for an RGBA image and a 6x6 for CMYKA (or RGBA with offsets).  The matrix is similar to those used by Adobe Flash except offsets are in column 6 rather than 5 (in support of CMYKA images) and offsets are normalized (divide Flash offset by 255).</p>
-<p>The format of the RecolorImage method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  Image *RecolorImage(const Image *image,const size_t order,
-    const double *color_matrix,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
-<p>the number of columns and rows in the recolor matrix.</p>
+<p>the number of columns and rows in the color matrix.</p>
-<p>An array of double representing the recolor matrix.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
+<p>An array of doubles representing the color matrix.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="ReduceNoiseImage">ReduceNoiseImage</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickReduceNoiseImage">MagickReduceNoiseImage</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>ReduceNoiseImage() smooths the contours of an image while still preserving edge information.  The algorithm works by replacing each pixel with its neighbor closest in value.  A neighbor is defined by radius.  Use a radius of 0 and ReduceNoise() selects a suitable radius for you.</p>
+<p>MagickReduceNoiseImage() smooths the contours of an image while still preserving edge information.  The algorithm works by replacing each pixel with its neighbor closest in value.  A neighbor is defined by radius.  Use a radius of 0 and ReduceNoise() selects a suitable radius for you.</p>
-<p>The format of the ReduceNoiseImage method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickReduceNoiseImage method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  Image *ReduceNoiseImage(const Image *image,const double radius,
-    ExceptionInfo *exception)
+  MagickBooleanType MagickReduceNoiseImage(MagickWand *wand,
+    const double radius)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
 <p>the radius of the pixel neighborhood.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="ResetImageAttributeIterator">ResetImageAttributeIterator</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickMaximumImages">MagickMaximumImages</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>ResetImageAttributeIterator() resets the image attributes iterator.  Use it in conjunction with GetNextImageAttribute() to iterate over all the values associated with an image.</p>
+<p>MagickMaximumImages() returns the maximum intensity of an image sequence.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      ResetImagePropertyIterator(image);
-<p>The format of the ResetImageAttributeIterator method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickMaximumImages method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  ResetImageAttributeIterator(const ImageInfo *image)
+  MagickWand *MagickMaximumImages(MagickWand *wand)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="SetCacheViewPixels">SetCacheViewPixels</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickSetImageAttribute">MagickSetImageAttribute</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>SetCacheViewPixels() gets pixels from the in-memory or disk pixel cache as defined by the geometry parameters.   A pointer to the pixels is returned if the pixels are transferred, otherwise a NULL is returned.</p>
+<p>MagickSetImageAttribute() associates a property with an image.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      QueueCacheViewAuthenticPixels(cache_view,x,y,columns,rows,
-  GetCacheViewException(cache_view));
-<p>The format of the SetCacheViewPixels method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickSetImageAttribute method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  PixelPacket *SetCacheViewPixels(CacheView *cache_view,const ssize_t x,
-    const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,const size_t rows)
+  MagickBooleanType MagickSetImageAttribute(MagickWand *wand,
+    const char *property,const char *value)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the cache view.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
-<p>These values define the perimeter of a region of pixels.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="SetExceptionInfo">SetExceptionInfo</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>SetExceptionInfo() sets the exception severity.</p>
-<p>The format of the SetExceptionInfo method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType SetExceptionInfo(ExceptionInfo *exception,
-    ExceptionType severity)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the exception info.</p>
-<p>the exception severity.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="SetImage">SetImage</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>SetImage() sets the red, green, and blue components of each pixel to the image background color and the opacity component to the specified level of transparency.  The background color is defined by the background_color member of the image.</p>
-<p>The format of the SetImage method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  void SetImage(Image *image,const Quantum opacity)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>Set each pixel to this level of transparency.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="SetImageAttribute">SetImageAttribute</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>SetImageAttribute() searches the list of image attributes and replaces the attribute value.  If it is not found in the list, the attribute name and value is added to the list.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      SetImageProperty(image,key,value);
-<p>The format of the SetImageAttribute method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-   MagickBooleanType SetImageAttribute(Image *image,const char *key,
-     const char *value)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>the key.</p>
+<p>the property.</p>
 <p>the value.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="SetImageList">SetImageList</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickSetImageIndex">MagickSetImageIndex</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>SetImageList() inserts an image into the list at the specified position.</p>
+<p>MagickSetImageIndex() set the current image to the position of the list specified with the index parameter.</p>
-<p>The format of the SetImageList method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickSetImageIndex method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  unsigned int SetImageList(Image *images,const Image *image,
-    const ssize_t offset,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+  MagickBooleanType MagickSetImageIndex(MagickWand *wand,
+    const ssize_t index)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image list.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>the position within the list.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
+<p>the scene number.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="SetImagePixels">SetImagePixels</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickTransparentImage">MagickTransparentImage</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>SetImagePixels() queues a mutable pixel region. If the region is successfully intialized a pointer to a PixelPacket array representing the region is returned, otherwise NULL is returned. The returned pointer may point to a temporary working buffer for the pixels or it may point to the final location of the pixels in memory.</p>
+<p>MagickTransparentImage() changes any pixel that matches color with the color defined by fill.</p>
-<p>Write-only access means that any existing pixel values corresponding to the region are ignored.  This useful while the initial image is being created from scratch, or if the existing pixel values are to be completely replaced without need to refer to their pre-existing values. The application is free to read and write the pixel buffer returned by SetImagePixels() any way it pleases. SetImagePixels() does not initialize the pixel array values. Initializing pixel array values is the application's responsibility.</p>
-<p>Performance is maximized if the selected region is part of one row, or one or more full rows, since then there is opportunity to access the pixels in-place (without a copy) if the image is in RAM, or in a memory-mapped file. The returned pointer should *never* be deallocated by the user.</p>
-<p>Pixels accessed via the returned pointer represent a simple array of type PixelPacket. If the image type is CMYK or the storage class is PseudoClass, call GetAuthenticIndexQueue() after invoking GetAuthenticPixels() to obtain the black color component or the colormap indexes (of type IndexPacket) corresponding to the region.  Once the PixelPacket (and/or IndexPacket) array has been updated, the changes must be saved back to the underlying image using SyncAuthenticPixels() or they may be lost.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      QueueAuthenticPixels(image,x,y,columns,rows,&image->exception);
-<p>The format of the SetImagePixels() method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickTransparentImage method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  PixelPacket *SetImagePixels(Image *image,const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,
-    const size_t columns,const size_t rows)
+  MagickBooleanType MagickTransparentImage(MagickWand *wand,
+    const PixelWand *target,const double alpha,const double fuzz)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>SetImagePixels returns a pointer to the pixels if they are transferred, otherwise a NULL is returned.</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>These values define the perimeter of a region of pixels.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="SetMagickRegistry">SetMagickRegistry</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>SetMagickRegistry() sets a blob into the registry and returns a unique ID. If an error occurs, -1 is returned.</p>
-<p>The format of the SetMagickRegistry method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  ssize_t SetMagickRegistry(const RegistryType type,const void *blob,
-    const size_t length,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the registry type.</p>
-<p>the address of a Binary Large OBject.</p>
-<p>For a registry type of ImageRegistryType use sizeof(Image) otherise the blob length in number of bytes.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="SetMonitorHandler">SetMonitorHandler</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>SetMonitorHandler() sets the monitor handler to the specified method and returns the previous monitor handler.</p>
-<p>The format of the SetMonitorHandler method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  MonitorHandler SetMonitorHandler(MonitorHandler handler)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>Specifies a pointer to a method to handle monitors.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="ShiftImageList">ShiftImageList</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>ShiftImageList() removes an image from the beginning of the list.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      RemoveFirstImageFromList(images);
-<p>The format of the ShiftImageList method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  Image *ShiftImageList(Image **images)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image list.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="SpliceImageList">SpliceImageList</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>SpliceImageList() removes the images designated by offset and length from the list and replaces them with the specified list.</p>
-<p>The format of the SpliceImageList method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  Image *SpliceImageList(Image *images,const ssize_t offset,
-    const size_t length,const Image *splices,
-    ExceptionInfo *exception)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image list.</p>
-<p>the position within the list.</p>
-<p>the length of the image list to remove.</p>
-<p>Replace the removed image list with this list.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="Strip">Strip</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>Strip() strips any whitespace or quotes from the beginning and end of a string of characters.</p>
-<p>The format of the Strip method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  void Strip(char *message)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>Specifies an array of characters.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="SyncCacheView">SyncCacheView</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>SyncCacheView() saves the cache view pixels to the in-memory or disk cache.  It returns MagickTrue if the pixel region is synced, otherwise MagickFalse.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      SyncCacheViewAuthenticPixels(cache_view,GetCacheViewException(cache_view));
-<p>The format of the SyncCacheView method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType SyncCacheView(CacheView *cache_view)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the cache view.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="SyncCacheViewPixels">SyncCacheViewPixels</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>SyncCacheViewPixels() saves the cache view pixels to the in-memory or disk cache.  It returns MagickTrue if the pixel region is flushed, otherwise MagickFalse.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      SyncCacheViewAuthenticPixels(cache_view,GetCacheViewException(cache_view));
-<p>The format of the SyncCacheViewPixels method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType SyncCacheViewPixels(CacheView *cache_view)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the cache view.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="SyncImagePixels">SyncImagePixels</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>SyncImagePixels() saves the image pixels to the in-memory or disk cache. The method returns MagickTrue if the pixel region is synced, otherwise MagickFalse.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      SyncAuthenticPixels(image,&image->exception);
-<p>The format of the SyncImagePixels() method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType SyncImagePixels(Image *image)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="TemporaryFilename">TemporaryFilename</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>TemporaryFilename() replaces the contents of path by a unique path name.</p>
-<p>The format of the TemporaryFilename method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  void TemporaryFilename(char *path)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows.</p>
-<h5> path</h5>
-<p>Specifies a pointer to an array of characters.  The unique path name is returned in this array.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="ThresholdImage">ThresholdImage</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>ThresholdImage() changes the value of individual pixels based on the intensity of each pixel compared to threshold.  The result is a high-contrast, two color image.</p>
-<p>The format of the ThresholdImage method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  unsigned int ThresholdImage(Image *image,const double threshold)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>Define the threshold value</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="ThresholdImageChannel">ThresholdImageChannel</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>ThresholdImageChannel() changes the value of individual pixels based on the intensity of each pixel channel.  The result is a high-contrast image.</p>
-<p>The format of the ThresholdImageChannel method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  unsigned int ThresholdImageChannel(Image *image,const char *threshold)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>define the threshold values.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="TransformHSL">TransformHSL</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>TransformHSL() converts a (red, green, blue) to a (hue, saturation, lightness) triple.</p>
-<p>The format of the TransformHSL method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  void TransformHSL(const Quantum red,const Quantum green,
-    const Quantum blue,double *hue,double *saturation,double *lightness)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<h5>red, green, blue</h5>
-<p>A Quantum value representing the red, green, and blue component of a pixel..</p>
-<h5>hue, saturation, lightness</h5>
-<p>A pointer to a double value representing a component of the HSL color space.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="TranslateText">TranslateText</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>TranslateText() replaces any embedded formatting characters with the appropriate image attribute and returns the translated text.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
-<pre class="text">
-      InterpretImageProperties(image_info,image,embed_text);
-<p>The format of the TranslateText method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  char *TranslateText(const ImageInfo *image_info,Image *image,
-    const char *embed_text)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image info.</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
-<p>the address of a character string containing the embedded formatting characters.</p>
- </div>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="TransparentImage">TransparentImage</a></h2>
-<div class="doc-section">
-<p>TransparentImage() changes the opacity value associated with any pixel that matches color to the value defined by opacity.</p>
-<p>By default color must match a particular pixel color exactly.  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount.  Fuzz defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same. For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color.</p>
-<p>The format of the TransparentImage method is:</p>
-<pre class="code">
-  MagickBooleanType TransparentImage(Image *image,
-    const PixelPacket target,const Quantum opacity)
-<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
-<p>the RGB value of the target color.</p>
+<p>Change this target color to specified opacity value within the image.</p>
-<p>the replacement opacity value.</p>
+<p>the level of transparency: 1.0 is fully opaque and 0.0 is fully transparent.</p>
+<p>By default target must match a particular pixel color exactly.  However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount. The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same.  For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="UnshiftImageList">UnshiftImageList</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickRegionOfInterestImage">MagickRegionOfInterestImage</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>UnshiftImageList() adds the image to the beginning of the list.</p>
+<p>MagickRegionOfInterestImage() extracts a region of the image and returns it as a new wand.</p>
-<p>Deprecated, replace with:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickRegionOfInterestImage method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  MagickWand *MagickRegionOfInterestImage(MagickWand *wand,
+    const size_t width,const size_t height,const ssize_t x,
+    const ssize_t y)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
+<p>the region width.</p>
+<p>the region height.</p>
+<p>the region x offset.</p>
+<p>the region y offset.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickSetImagePixels">MagickSetImagePixels</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>MagickSetImagePixels() accepts pixel datand stores it in the image at the location you specify.  The method returns MagickFalse on success otherwise MagickTrue if an error is encountered.  The pixel data can be either char, short int, int, ssize_t, float, or double in the order specified by map.</p>
+<p>Suppose your want to upload the first scanline of a 640x480 image from character data in red-green-blue order:</p>
 <pre class="text">
-      PrependImageToList(images,CloneImageList(image,exception));
+  MagickSetImagePixels(wand,0,0,640,1,"RGB",CharPixel,pixels);
-<p>The format of the UnshiftImageList method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickSetImagePixels method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  unsigned int UnshiftImageList(Image *images,const Image *image,
-    ExceptionInfo *exception)
+  MagickBooleanType MagickSetImagePixels(MagickWand *wand,
+    const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,const size_t columns,
+    const size_t rows,const char *map,const StorageType storage,
+    const void *pixels)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image list.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
+<h5>x, y, columns, rows</h5>
+<p>These values define the perimeter of a region of pixels you want to define.</p>
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
+<p>This string reflects the expected ordering of the pixel array. It can be any combination or order of R = red, G = green, B = blue, A = alpha (0 is transparent), O = opacity (0 is opaque), C = cyan, Y = yellow, M = magenta, K = black, I = intensity (for grayscale), P = pad.</p>
+<p>Define the data type of the pixels.  Float and double types are expected to be normalized [0..1] otherwise [0..QuantumRange].  Choose from these types: CharPixel, ShortPixel, IntegerPixel, LongPixel, FloatPixel, or DoublePixel.</p>
+<p>This array of values contain the pixel components as defined by map and type.  You must preallocate this array where the expected length varies depending on the values of width, height, map, and type.</p>
-<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="ZoomImage">ZoomImage</a></h2>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="MagickWriteImageBlob">MagickWriteImageBlob</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>ZoomImage() creates a new image that is a scaled size of an existing one. It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a pointer to the new image.  The Point filter gives fast pixel replication, Triangle is equivalent to bi-linear interpolation, and Mitchel giver slower, very high-quality results.  See Graphic Gems III for details on this algorithm.</p>
+<p>MagickWriteImageBlob() implements direct to memory image formats.  It returns the image as a blob and its length.   Use MagickSetFormat() to set the format of the returned blob (GIF, JPEG,  PNG, etc.).</p>
-<p>The filter member of the Image structure specifies which image filter to use. Blur specifies the blur factor where > 1 is blurry, < 1 is sharp.</p>
+<p>Use MagickRelinquishMemory() to free the blob when you are done with it.</p>
-<p>The format of the ZoomImage method is:</p>
+<p>The format of the MagickWriteImageBlob method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  Image *ZoomImage(const Image *image,const size_t columns,
-    const size_t rows,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+  unsigned char *MagickWriteImageBlob(MagickWand *wand,size_t *length)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the image.</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
-<p>An integer that specifies the number of columns in the zoom image.</p>
+<p>the length of the blob.</p>
-<p>An integer that specifies the number of rows in the scaled image.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="NewPixelView">NewPixelView</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
-<p>return any errors or warnings in this structure.</p>
+<p>NewPixelView() returns a pixel view required for all other methods in the Pixel View API.</p>
+<p>The format of the NewPixelView method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  PixelView *NewPixelView(MagickWand *wand)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the wand.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="NewPixelViewRegion">NewPixelViewRegion</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>NewPixelViewRegion() returns a pixel view required for all other methods in the Pixel View API.</p>
+<p>The format of the NewPixelViewRegion method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  PixelView *NewPixelViewRegion(MagickWand *wand,const ssize_t x,
+    const ssize_t y,const size_t width,const size_t height)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the magick wand.</p>
+<p>These values define the perimeter of a region of pixel_wands view.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="PixelGetNextRow">PixelGetNextRow</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>PixelGetNextRow() returns the next row as an array of pixel wands from the pixel iterator.</p>
+<p>The format of the PixelGetNextRow method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  PixelWand **PixelGetNextRow(PixelIterator *iterator,
+    size_t *number_wands)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the pixel iterator.</p>
+<p>the number of pixel wands.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="PixelIteratorGetException">PixelIteratorGetException</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>PixelIteratorGetException() returns the severity, reason, and description of any error that occurs when using other methods in this API.</p>
+<p>The format of the PixelIteratorGetException method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  char *PixelIteratorGetException(const Pixeliterator *iterator,
+    ExceptionType *severity)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the pixel iterator.</p>
+<p>the severity of the error is returned here.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="SetPixelViewIterator">SetPixelViewIterator</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>SetPixelViewIterator() iterates over the pixel view in parallel and calls your set method for each scanline of the view.  The pixel region is confined to the image canvas-- that is no negative offsets or widths or heights that exceed the image dimension.  The pixels are initiallly undefined and any settings you make in the callback method are automagically synced back to your image.</p>
+<p>Use this pragma:</p>
+<pre class="text">
+      #pragma omp critical
+<p>to define a section of code in your callback set method that must be executed by a single thread at a time.</p>
+<p>The format of the SetPixelViewIterator method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  MagickBooleanType SetPixelViewIterator(PixelView *destination,
+    SetPixelViewMethod set,void *context)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the pixel view.</p>
+<p>the set callback method.</p>
+<p>the user defined context.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="TransferPixelViewIterator">TransferPixelViewIterator</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>TransferPixelViewIterator() iterates over two pixel views in parallel and calls your transfer method for each scanline of the view.  The source pixel region is not confined to the image canvas-- that is you can include negative offsets or widths or heights that exceed the image dimension. However, the destination pixel view is confined to the image canvas-- that is no negative offsets or widths or heights that exceed the image dimension are permitted.</p>
+<p>Use this pragma:</p>
+<pre class="text">
+      #pragma omp critical
+<p>to define a section of code in your callback transfer method that must be executed by a single thread at a time.</p>
+<p>The format of the TransferPixelViewIterator method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  MagickBooleanType TransferPixelViewIterator(PixelView *source,
+    PixelView *destination,TransferPixelViewMethod transfer,void *context)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the source pixel view.</p>
+<p>the destination pixel view.</p>
+<p>the transfer callback method.</p>
+<p>the user defined context.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickCore/deprecate_8c.html" id="UpdatePixelViewIterator">UpdatePixelViewIterator</a></h2>
+<div class="doc-section">
+<p>UpdatePixelViewIterator() iterates over the pixel view in parallel and calls your update method for each scanline of the view.  The pixel region is confined to the image canvas-- that is no negative offsets or widths or heights that exceed the image dimension are permitted.  Updates to pixels in your callback are automagically synced back to the image.</p>
+<p>Use this pragma:</p>
+<pre class="text">
+      #pragma omp critical
+<p>to define a section of code in your callback update method that must be executed by a single thread at a time.</p>
+<p>The format of the UpdatePixelViewIterator method is:</p>
+<pre class="code">
+  MagickBooleanType UpdatePixelViewIterator(PixelView *source,
+    UpdatePixelViewMethod update,void *context)
+<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
+<p>the source pixel view.</p>
+<p>the update callback method.</p>
+<p>the user defined context.</p>

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@@ -202,18 +202,18 @@
 <h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickWand/drawing-wand_8c.html" id="ClearDrawingWand">ClearDrawingWand</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>ClearDrawingWand() clear resources associated with the drawing wand.</p>
+<p>ClearDrawingWand() clears resources associated with the drawing wand.</p>
 <p>The format of the ClearDrawingWand method is:</p>
 <pre class="code">
-  DrawingWand *ClearDrawingWand(DrawingWand *wand)
+  void ClearDrawingWand(DrawingWand *wand)
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the drawing wand. to destroy</p>
+<p>the drawing wand to clear.</p>
 <h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickWand/drawing-wand_8c.html" id="CloneDrawingWand">CloneDrawingWand</a></h2>
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>
-<p>the drawing wand. to destroy</p>
+<p>the drawing wand to destroy.</p>
 <h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickWand/drawing-wand_8c.html" id="DrawAffine">DrawAffine</a></h2>
diff --git a/www/api/enhance.html b/www/api/enhance.html
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--- a/www/api/enhance.html
+++ b/www/api/enhance.html
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--- a/www/api/exception.html
+++ b/www/api/exception.html
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--- a/www/api/fourier.html
+++ b/www/api/fourier.html
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index 2fc6814..3859940 100644
--- a/www/api/fx.html
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--- a/www/api/magick-deprecate.html
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index 73e1df6..0a3afdb 100644
--- a/www/api/magick-image.html
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index 89af9c7..dd2d312 100644
--- a/www/api/magick-property.html
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index 0b86ad2..2cba4e4 100644
--- a/www/api/magick-wand.html
+++ b/www/api/magick-wand.html
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--- a/www/api/magick.html
+++ b/www/api/magick.html
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index f076020..967dd44 100644
--- a/www/api/module.html
+++ b/www/api/module.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
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diff --git a/www/api/mogrify.html b/www/api/mogrify.html
index 0b6d7bb..23339ec 100644
--- a/www/api/mogrify.html
+++ b/www/api/mogrify.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
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@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
 <h2><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/api/MagickWand/mogrify_8c.html" id="**_SparseColorOption">** SparseColorOption</a></h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>** SparseColorOption() parse the complex -sparse-color argument into an ** an array of floating point values than call SparseColorImage(). ** Argument is a complex mix of floating-point pixel coodinates, and color ** specifications (or direct floating point numbers).  The number of floats ** needed to represent a color varies depending on teh current channel ** setting. </p>
+<p>** SparseColorOption() parses the complex -sparse-color argument into an ** an array of floating point values then calls SparseColorImage(). ** Argument is a complex mix of floating-point pixel coodinates, and color ** specifications (or direct floating point numbers).  The number of floats ** needed to represent a color varies depending on the current channel ** setting. </p>


diff --git a/www/api/montage.html b/www/api/montage.html
index fc9a456..7f42dff 100644
--- a/www/api/montage.html
+++ b/www/api/montage.html
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index bc50770..f7f90b3 100644
--- a/www/api/pixel-wand.html
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index ad6230b..84dad49 100644
--- a/www/api/wand-view.html
+++ b/www/api/wand-view.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
   <a title="Sponsor: Web Hosting Ratings" href="http://webhostingrating.com">Web Hosting Ratings</a><!-- 201110010720 -->
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diff --git a/www/architecture.html b/www/architecture.html
index 65b107c..c593c58 100644
--- a/www/architecture.html
+++ b/www/architecture.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
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@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
 <p>When the pixel cache is initialized, pixels are scaled from whatever bit depth they originated from to that required by the pixel cache.  For example, a 1-channel 1-bit monochrome PBM image is scaled to a 4 channel 8-bit RGBA image, if you are using the Q8 version of ImageMagick, and 16-bit RGBA for the Q16 version.  You can determine which version you have with the <a href="../www/command-line-options.html#version">&#x2011;version</a> option: </p>
-<p class='crt'><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>identify -version</span><span class='crtout'>Version: ImageMagick 6.6.9-7 2011-04-06 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org</span></p>
+<p class='crt'><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>identify -version</span><span class='crtout'>Version: ImageMagick 6.6.9-8 2011-04-06 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org</span></p>
 <p>As you can see, the convenience of the pixel cache sometimes comes with a trade-off in storage (e.g. storing a 1-bit monochrome image as 16-bit RGBA is wasteful) and speed (i.e. storing the entire image in memory is generally slower than accessing one scanline of pixels at a time).  In most cases, the benefits of the pixel cache typically outweigh any disadvantages.</p>
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
     for (x=0; x &lt; (ssize_t) source-&gt;columns; x++)
-      (void) printf("%d\n",indexes[x]);
+      (void) printf("%d\n",GetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x));
   if (y &lt; (ssize_t) source-&gt;rows)
     /* an exception was thrown */
@@ -639,12 +639,12 @@
     for (x=0; x &lt; (ssize_t) image-&gt;columns; x++)
-      q-&gt;red= ...
-      q-&gt;green= ...
-      q-&gt;blue= ...
-      q-&gt;opacity= ...
+      SetRedPixelComponent(q,...);
+      SetGreenPixelComponent(q,...);
+      SetBluePixelComponent(q,...);
+      SetOpacityPixelComponent(q,...);
       if (indexes != (IndexPacket *) NULL)
-        indexes[x]= ...
+        SetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x,...);
     if (SyncCacheViewAuthenticPixels(image_view,exception) == MagickFalse)
@@ -691,11 +691,11 @@
     for (int x=0; x &lt; int(image->columns()); x++)
-      q->blue=p[0];
-      q->green=p[1];
-      q->red=p[2];
+      SetBluePixelComponent(q,p[0]);
+      SetGreenPixelComponent(q,p[1]);
+      SetRedPixelComponent(q,p[2]);
       if (bmp_info->biBitCount == 32) {
-        q->opacity=p[3];
+        SetOpacityPixelComponent(q,p[3]);
diff --git a/www/binary-releases.html b/www/binary-releases.html
index cdf63c8..fd840aa 100644
--- a/www/binary-releases.html
+++ b/www/binary-releases.html
@@ -219,16 +219,16 @@
-      <td valign="top">ImageMagick-6.6.9-7.i386.rpm</td>
-    <td valign="top"><a href= "http://www.imagemagick.org/download/linux/CentOS/i386/ImageMagick-6.6.9-7.i386.rpm">download</a></td>
-    <td valign="top"><a href="ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/linux/CentOS/i386/ImageMagick-6.6.9-7.i386.rpm">download</a></td>
+      <td valign="top">ImageMagick-6.6.9-8.i386.rpm</td>
+    <td valign="top"><a href= "http://www.imagemagick.org/download/linux/CentOS/i386/ImageMagick-6.6.9-8.i386.rpm">download</a></td>
+    <td valign="top"><a href="ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/linux/CentOS/i386/ImageMagick-6.6.9-8.i386.rpm">download</a></td>
     <td valign="top">CentOS 5.4 i386 RPM</td>
-      <td valign="top">ImageMagick-6.6.9-7.x86_64.rpm</td>
-      <td valign="top"><a href= "http://www.imagemagick.org/download/linux/CentOS/x86_64/ImageMagick-6.6.9-7.x86_64.rpm">download</a></td>
-    <td valign="top"><a href="ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/linux/CentOS/x86_64/ImageMagick-6.6.9-7.x86_64.rpm">download</a></td>
+      <td valign="top">ImageMagick-6.6.9-8.x86_64.rpm</td>
+      <td valign="top"><a href= "http://www.imagemagick.org/download/linux/CentOS/x86_64/ImageMagick-6.6.9-8.x86_64.rpm">download</a></td>
+    <td valign="top"><a href="ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/linux/CentOS/x86_64/ImageMagick-6.6.9-8.x86_64.rpm">download</a></td>
     <td valign="top">CentOS 5.4 x86_64 RPM</td>
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
 <p>ImageMagick RPM's are self-installing.  Simply type the following command and you're ready to start using ImageMagick:</p>
-<p class='crt'><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>rpm -Uvh ImageMagick-6.6.9-7.i386.rpm</span></p>
+<p class='crt'><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>rpm -Uvh ImageMagick-6.6.9-8.i386.rpm</span></p>
 <p>For other systems, create (or choose) a directory to install the package into and change to that directory, for example:</p>
 <p class='crt'><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>cd $HOME</span></p>
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
 <pre class="text">
 	./imagemagick_compile.sh <em>VERSION</em>
-<p>where <em>VERSION</em> is the version of ImageMagick you want to compile (i.e.: 6.6.9-7, svn, ...)</p>
+<p>where <em>VERSION</em> is the version of ImageMagick you want to compile (i.e.: 6.6.9-8, svn, ...)</p>
 <p>This script compiles ImageMagick as a static library to be included in iPhone projects and adds support for</p>
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@
 <p>The amount of memory can be an important factor, especially if you intend to work on large images.  A minimum of 512 MB of RAM is recommended, but the more RAM the better.  Although ImageMagick runs well on a single core computer, it automagically runs in parallel on multi-core systems reducing run times considerably.</p>
 <p>The Windows version of ImageMagick is self-installing.  Simply click on the appropriate version below and it will launch itself and ask you a few installation questions.  Versions with <em>Q8</em> in the name are 8 bits-per-pixel component (e.g. 8-bit red, 8-bit green, etc.), whereas,  <em>Q16</em> in the filename are 16 bits-per-pixel component. A Q16 version permits you to read or write 16-bit images without losing precision but requires twice as much resources as the Q8 version.  Versions with <em>dll</em> in the filename include ImageMagick libraries as <a href="http://www.answers.com/topic/dll">dynamic link libraries</a>. If you are not sure which version is appropriate, choose
-<a href='http://www.imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q16-windows-dll.exe'>ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q16-windows-dll.exe</a>.</p>
+<a href='http://www.imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q16-windows-dll.exe'>ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q16-windows-dll.exe</a>.</p>
 <table class="doc">
   <col width="50%"/> <col width="10%"/> <col width="10%"/> <col width="30%"/>
@@ -416,44 +416,44 @@
-        <td valign="top">ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q16-windows-dll.exe</td>
-        <td valign="top"><a href= "http://www.imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q16-windows-dll.exe">download</a></td>
-      <td valign="top"><a href="ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q16-windows-dll.exe">download</a></td>
+        <td valign="top">ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q16-windows-dll.exe</td>
+        <td valign="top"><a href= "http://www.imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q16-windows-dll.exe">download</a></td>
+      <td valign="top"><a href="ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q16-windows-dll.exe">download</a></td>
     <td valign="top">Win32 dynamic at 16 bits-per-pixel</td>
-        <td valign="top">ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q16-windows-static.exe</td>
-        <td valign="top"><a href= "http://www.imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q16-windows-static.exe">download</a></td>
-      <td valign="top"><a href="ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q16-windows-static.exe">download</a></td>
+        <td valign="top">ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q16-windows-static.exe</td>
+        <td valign="top"><a href= "http://www.imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q16-windows-static.exe">download</a></td>
+      <td valign="top"><a href="ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q16-windows-static.exe">download</a></td>
     <td valign="top">Win32 static at 16 bits-per-pixel</td>
-        <td valign="top">ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q8-windows-dll.exe</td>
-        <td valign="top"><a href= "http://www.imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q8-windows-dll.exe">download</a></td>
-      <td valign="top"><a href="ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q8-windows-dll.exe">download</a></td>
+        <td valign="top">ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q8-windows-dll.exe</td>
+        <td valign="top"><a href= "http://www.imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q8-windows-dll.exe">download</a></td>
+      <td valign="top"><a href="ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q8-windows-dll.exe">download</a></td>
     <td valign="top">Win32 dynamic at 8 bits-per-pixel</td>
-        <td valign="top">ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q8-windows-static.exe</td>
-        <td valign="top"><a href= "http://www.imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q8-windows-static.exe">download</a></td>
-      <td valign="top"><a href="ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q8-windows-static.exe">download</a></td>
+        <td valign="top">ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q8-windows-static.exe</td>
+        <td valign="top"><a href= "http://www.imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q8-windows-static.exe">download</a></td>
+      <td valign="top"><a href="ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q8-windows-static.exe">download</a></td>
     <td valign="top">Win32 static at 8 bits-per-pixel</td>
-        <td valign="top">ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q16-windows-x64-dll.exe</td>
-        <td valign="top"><a href= "http://www.imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q16-windows-x64-dll.exe">download</a></td>
-      <td valign="top"><a href="ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q16-windows-x64-dll.exe">download</a></td>
+        <td valign="top">ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q16-windows-x64-dll.exe</td>
+        <td valign="top"><a href= "http://www.imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q16-windows-x64-dll.exe">download</a></td>
+      <td valign="top"><a href="ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q16-windows-x64-dll.exe">download</a></td>
    <td valign="top">Win64 dynamic at 16 bits-per-pixel</td>
-        <td valign="top">ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q16-windows-x64-static.exe</td>
-        <td valign="top"><a href= "http://www.imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q16-windows-x64-static.exe">download</a></td>
-      <td valign="top"><a href="ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-7-Q16-windows-x64-static.exe">download</a></td>
+        <td valign="top">ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q16-windows-x64-static.exe</td>
+        <td valign="top"><a href= "http://www.imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q16-windows-x64-static.exe">download</a></td>
+      <td valign="top"><a href="ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.9-8-Q16-windows-x64-static.exe">download</a></td>
    <td valign="top">Win64 static at 16 bits-per-pixel</td>
diff --git a/www/changelog.html b/www/changelog.html
index 62a2fe0..195bec5 100644
--- a/www/changelog.html
+++ b/www/changelog.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
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+   <a title="Sponsor: Autoteile Online Shop" href="http://www.autoteile-carparts.de">Autoteile Online Shop</a><!-- 2011070100030 autoteile-Carparts-->
@@ -197,7 +197,11 @@
 <div class="main">


 <h1>ImageMagick Changelog</h1>
-<dl><dt>2011-04-30  6.6.9-7 Cristy  &lt;quetzlzacatenango@image...&gt;</dt>
+<dl><dt>2011-05-02  6.6.9-8 Glenn Randers-Pehrson &lt;glennrp@image...&gt;</dt>
+  <dd> Fixed some cut-and-paste errors in new png.c code that caused PNG8    reductions to fail.</dd>
+<dt>2011-05-02  6.6.9-8 Anthony Thyssen &lt;A.Thyssen@griffith...&gt;</dt>
+  <dd> Add various Option Flags, and fix option skip counts for plus forms    of simple operators where plus form is the same as minus form.    For example the incorrect counts produces a weird error, and posible    future segmentation fault in a command like  convert rose: +border show:</dd>
+<dt>2011-04-30  6.6.9-7 Cristy  &lt;quetzlzacatenango@image...&gt;</dt>
   <dd> New version 6.6.9-7.</dd>
 <dt>2011-04-30  6.6.9-7 Anthony Thyssen &lt;A.Thyssen@griffith...&gt;</dt>
   <dd> Fix FX default for interpolation to Bilinear.</dd>
diff --git a/www/cipher.html b/www/cipher.html
index a52de70..4fe3572 100644
--- a/www/cipher.html
+++ b/www/cipher.html
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
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 <div  class="sponsor">
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+   <a title="Sponsor: alaTest.com" href="http://alatest.com">alaTest.com</a><!-- 20110801000300 -->
diff --git a/www/color.html b/www/color.html
index c3a71e2..6c8c009 100644
--- a/www/color.html
+++ b/www/color.html
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
   <a title="Sponsor: Web Hosting Ratings" href="http://webhostingrating.com">Web Hosting Ratings</a><!-- 201110010720 -->
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-   <a title="Sponsor: Custom T-Shirts" href="http://www.ooshirts.com">Custom T-Shirts</a><!-- 2011050100030 ooshirts.com-->
+   <a title="Sponsor: Fernsehdienst Berlin" href="http://www.atlas-multimedia.de">Fernsehdienst Berlin</a><!-- 2011080100025 atlas.multimedia-->
diff --git a/www/command-line-options.html b/www/command-line-options.html
index a8703c2..50df8ab 100644
--- a/www/command-line-options.html
+++ b/www/command-line-options.html
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
   <a title="Sponsor: Web Hosting Ratings" href="http://webhostingrating.com">Web Hosting Ratings</a><!-- 201110010720 -->
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-   <a title="Sponsor: Fototapete" href=" http://www.allesdruck.de/Fototapete-Tapetendruck,category,8830.html">Fototapete</a><!-- 20110701000080 a-o.de -->
+   <a title="Sponsor: Fernsehdienst Berlin" href="http://www.atlas-multimedia.de">Fernsehdienst Berlin</a><!-- 2011080100025 atlas.multimedia-->
@@ -1041,15 +1041,15 @@
 <p>The <a href="#chop">-chop</a> option removes entire rows and columns,
 and moves the remaining corner blocks leftward and upward to close the gaps.</p>
-<p>While it can remove internal rows and columns of pixels, it is more typically
-used with as <a href="#gravity">-gravity</a> setting and a '<kbd>+0+0</kbd>' offset
-so as to remove a single edge from an image.  Compare this to <a href="#shave"
->-shave</a> whcih removes equal numbers of pixels from oppisite sides of the image.
+<p>While it can remove internal rows and columns of pixels, it is more
+typically used with as <a href="#gravity">-gravity</a> setting and zero
+offsets so as to remove a single edge from an image.  Compare this to <a
+href="#shave" >-shave</a> which removes equal numbers of pixels from oppisite
+sides of the image.  </p>
-<p>Using <a href="#chop">-chop</a> will effectivally undo the results of a
-<a href="#splice">-splice</a> that was given the same <em class="arg">geometry</em>
-and <a href="#gravity">-gravity</a> settings. </p>
+<p>Using <a href="#chop">-chop</a> will effectivally undo the results of a <a
+href="#splice">-splice</a> that was given the same <em
+class="arg">geometry</em> and <a href="#gravity">-gravity</a> settings. </p>
 <div style="margin: auto;">
@@ -4227,9 +4227,16 @@
 <em class="arg">filename</em></h4>
-<table style='background-color:#FFFFE0; margin-left:40px; margin-right:40px; width:88%'><tr><td style='width:75%'>Composite the image pixels as defined by the mask.</td><td style='text-align:right;'></td></tr></table>
+<table style='background-color:#FFFFE0; margin-left:40px; margin-right:40px; width:88%'><tr><td style='width:75%'>Prevent updates to image pixels specified by the mask.</td><td style='text-align:right;'></td></tr></table>
-<p>Use <a href="#mask">+mask</a> to remove the image mask.</p>
+<p>This the same as using a mask used for composite masking operations, with
+grayscale values causing blended updates of the image the mask is attached to.
+<p>Use <a href="#mask">+mask</a> to remove the mask from images.</p>
+<p>Also see <a href="#clip-mask">-clip-mask</a> which work in the same way,
+but with strict boolean masking. </p>
 <div style="margin: auto;">
   <h4><a id="mattecolor"></a>-mattecolor <em class="arg">color</em></h4>
@@ -4248,12 +4255,22 @@
 <table style='background-color:#FFFFE0; margin-left:40px; margin-right:40px; width:88%'><tr><td style='width:75%'>return the maximum intensity of an image sequence.</td><td style='text-align:right;'></td></tr></table>
+<p>Select the 'maximum' value from all the surrounding pixels. </p>
+<p>This is legacy option from the <a href="#statistic" >method</A> of the same
+name. </p>
 <div style="margin: auto;">
   <h4><a id="median"></a>-median <em class="arg">geometry</em></h4>
 <table style='background-color:#FFFFE0; margin-left:40px; margin-right:40px; width:88%'><tr><td style='width:75%'>apply a median filter to the image.</td><td style='text-align:right;'></td></tr></table>
+<p>Select the 'middle' value from all the surrounding pixels. </p>
+<p>This is legacy option from the <a href="#statistic" >method</A> of the same
+name. </p>
 <div style="margin: auto;">
   <h4><a id="metric"></a>-metric <em class="arg">type</em></h4>
@@ -4295,6 +4312,12 @@
 <table style='background-color:#FFFFE0; margin-left:40px; margin-right:40px; width:88%'><tr><td style='width:75%'>return the minimum intensity of an image sequence.</td><td style='text-align:right;'></td></tr></table>
+<p>Select the 'minimal' value from all the surrounding pixels. </p>
+<p>This is legacy option from the <a href="#statistic" >method</A> of the same
+name. </p>
 <div style="margin: auto;">
   <h4><a id="mode"></a>-mode <em class="arg">geometry</em></h4>
@@ -5381,6 +5404,19 @@
   <tr valign="top">
+    <td valign="top">barycentric</td>
+    <td valign="top">three point triangle of color given 3 points.
+        Giving only 2 points will form a linear gradient between those points.
+        The gradient generated extends beyond the triangle created by those
+        3 points. </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr valign="top">
+    <td valign="top">bilinear</td>
+    <td valign="top">Like barycentric but for 4 points. Less than 4 points
+        fall back to barycentric. </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr valign="top">
     <td valign="top">voronoi</td>
     <td valign="top">Simply map each pixel to the to nearest color point
         given. The result are polygonal 'cells' of solid color. </td>
@@ -5391,19 +5427,14 @@
     <td valign="top">Colors points biased on the ratio of inverse distance
         squared. Generating spots of color in a sea of the average of
         colors. </td>
-    </tr>
-  <tr valign="top">
-    <td valign="top">barycentric</td>
-    <td valign="top">three point triangle of color given 3 points.
-        Giving only 2 points will form a linear gradient between those points.
-        Gradient is however not restricted to just the triangle or line. </td>
   <tr valign="top">
-    <td valign="top">bilinear</td>
-    <td valign="top">Like barycentric but for 4 points. Less than 4 points
-        fall back to barycentric. </td>
+    <td valign="top">inverse</td>
+    <td valign="top">Colors points biased on the ratio of inverse distance.
+        This generates sharper points of color rather than rounded spots of
+        '<kbd>shepards</kbd>'  Generating spots of color in a sea of the
+        average of colors. </td>
@@ -5416,10 +5447,13 @@
 <p>Only the color channels defined by the <a href="#channel" >-channel</a> are
-modified, whcih means the matte/alpha transparency channel is not effected by
-default. If enabled, the image also needs a the matte/alpha channel to be
-enabled for this operator to effect an images transparency. This is typical
-transparency handling for images. </p>
+modified, which means that by default matte/alpha transparency channel is not
+effected. Typically transparency channel is turned off either before or after
+the operation. </P>
+Of course if some color points are transparent to generate a transparent
+gradient, then the image also requires transparency enabled to store the
+values. </p>
 <p>All the above methods when given a single point of color will replace all
 the colors in the image with the color given, regardless of the point. This is
@@ -5433,7 +5467,21 @@
 <table style='background-color:#FFFFE0; margin-left:40px; margin-right:40px; width:88%'><tr><td style='width:75%'>Splice the current background color into the image.</td><td style='text-align:right;'></td></tr></table>
-<p>See <a href="../www/command-line-processing.html#geometry">Image Geometry</a> for complete details about the <em class="arg">geometry</em> argument. See <a href="#background">-background</a> to reset the background color.</p>
+<p>This will add rows and columns of the current <a
+href="#background">-background</a> color into the given image according to the
+given  <a href="#gravity">-gravity</a> effectd geometry setting.  >See <a href="../www/command-line-processing.html#geometry">Image Geometry</a> for complete details about the <em class="arg">geometry</em> argument. Essentually <a href="#splice">-splice</a> will divide the
+image into four quadrants, separating them by the inserted rows and columns.
+If a dimension of geometry is zero no rows or columns will be added for that
+dimension.  Similarly using a zero offset with the appropriate <a
+href="#gravity">-gravity</a> setting will add rows and columns to the edges of
+the image, padding the image only along that one edge. Edge padding is what <a
+href="#splice">-splice</a> is most commonly used for. </p>
+<p>If the exact same  <em class="arg">geometry</em> and <a
+href="#gravity">-gravity</a> is later used with <a href="#chop">-chop</a> the
+added added all splices removed. </p>
 <div style="margin: auto;">
   <h4><a id="spread"></a>-spread <em class="arg">amount</em></h4>
diff --git a/www/command-line-processing.html b/www/command-line-processing.html
index a65024f..32e45a4 100644
--- a/www/command-line-processing.html
+++ b/www/command-line-processing.html
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index f24e257..20205fe 100644
--- a/www/command-line-tools.html
+++ b/www/command-line-tools.html
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index 436cb01..995acf1 100644
--- a/www/compare.html
+++ b/www/compare.html
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--- a/www/compose.html
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@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
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index a5b3a33..a5b3be7 100644
--- a/www/composite.html
+++ b/www/composite.html
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--- a/www/conjure.html
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--- a/www/convert.html
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index 125005d..7e5264e 100644
--- a/www/download.html
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@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
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@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
 <h1>Download ImageMagick</h1>
 <div class="doc-section">
 <p>ImageMagick source and binary distributions are available from a variety of FTP and Web mirrors around the world listed below.  ImageMagick stable and development source releases are also available from <a href="../www/subversion.html">Subversion</a>.  Before you download, you may want to review recent <a href="../www/changelog.html">changes</a> to the ImageMagick distribution.</p>
-<p>The latest release of ImageMagick is version 6.6.9-7.</p>
+<p>The latest release of ImageMagick is version 6.6.9-8.</p>
   <dt class="doc">Australia</dt>
     <dd><a href="ftp://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/imagemagick/">ftp://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/imagemagick/</a></dd>
diff --git a/www/escape.html b/www/escape.html
index 60142a0..bf03c42 100644
--- a/www/escape.html
+++ b/www/escape.html
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
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index 23bf53a..0e437e6 100644
--- a/www/examples.html
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index 9d1e1e6..59efd10 100644
--- a/www/exception.html
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index deb65d6..626de2d 100644
--- a/www/export.html
+++ b/www/export.html
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index 97f2915..8dd7734 100644
--- a/www/formats.html
+++ b/www/formats.html
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
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index 8f27c10..693c1c3 100644
--- a/www/fx.html
+++ b/www/fx.html
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
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index 9edd8bc..6be1b47 100644
--- a/www/high-dynamic-range.html
+++ b/www/high-dynamic-range.html
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index a5ceb27..eef3e69 100644
--- a/www/identify.html
+++ b/www/identify.html
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@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
     Tainted: False  <br/>
     Filesize: 3.97266kb  <br/>
     Number pixels: 3.14453kb  <br/>
-    Version: ImageMagick 6.6.9-7 2011-04-06 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org</span></p>
+    Version: ImageMagick 6.6.9-8 2011-04-06 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org</span></p>
 <p>To get the print size in inches of an image at 72 DPI, use:</p>
 <p class='crt'><span class="crtprompt"> $magick&gt; </span><span class='crtin'>identify -format "%[fx:w/72] by %[fx:h/72] inches" document.png</span><span class='crtout'>8.5 x 11 inches</span></p>
diff --git a/www/import.html b/www/import.html
index b9fba52..2f75e28 100644
--- a/www/import.html
+++ b/www/import.html
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
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index efa45d0..3785ea1 100644
--- a/www/index.html
+++ b/www/index.html
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
 <p>The ImageMagick development process ensures a stable API and ABI. Before each ImageMagick release, we perform a comprehensive security assessment that includes <a href="http://www.valgrind.org">memory and thread</a> error detection to prevent security vulnerabilities.</p>
-<p>The current release is ImageMagick 6.6.9-7.</p>
+<p>The current release is ImageMagick 6.6.9-8.</p>
diff --git a/www/jp2.html b/www/jp2.html
index 906550b..f1246cd 100644
--- a/www/jp2.html
+++ b/www/jp2.html
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index 89e0f29..acd970f 100644
--- a/www/links.html
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index f2cda0e..f3304f9 100644
--- a/www/magick++.html
+++ b/www/magick++.html
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
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index f89e013..231ca10 100644
--- a/www/magick-core.html
+++ b/www/magick-core.html
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
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@@ -356,15 +356,21 @@
   for (x=0; x &lt; (ssize_t) (extent.width-extent.x); x++)
-    pixels[x].red=RoundToQuantum(SigmoidalContrast(pixels[x].red));
-    pixels[x].green=RoundToQuantum(SigmoidalContrast(pixels[x].green));
-    pixels[x].blue=RoundToQuantum(SigmoidalContrast(pixels[x].blue));
-    pixels[x].opacity=RoundToQuantum(SigmoidalContrast(pixels[x].opacity));
+    SetRedPixelComponent(pixels,RoundToQuantum(SigmoidalContrast(
+      GetRedPixelComponent(pixels)));
+    SetGreenPixelComponent(pixels,RoundToQuantum(SigmoidalContrast(
+      GetGreenPixelComponent(pixels)));
+    SetBluePixelComponent(pixels,RoundToQuantum(SigmoidalContrast(
+      GetBluePixelComponent(pixels)));
+    SetOpacityPixelComponent(pixels,RoundToQuantum(SigmoidalContrast(
+      GetOpacityPixelComponent(pixels)));
+    pixels++;
   if (indexes != (IndexPacket *) NULL)
     for (x=0; x &lt; (ssize_t) (extent.width-extent.x); x++)
-      indexes[x]=(IndexPacket) RoundToQuantum(SigmoidalContrast(indexes[x]));
+      SetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x,RoundToQuantum(SigmoidalContrast(
+        GetIndexPixelComponent(indexes+x))));
diff --git a/www/magick-vector-graphics.html b/www/magick-vector-graphics.html
index e7bc4bf..4b615c4 100644
--- a/www/magick-vector-graphics.html
+++ b/www/magick-vector-graphics.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
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diff --git a/www/magick-wand.html b/www/magick-wand.html
index 5a61f3e..fe408a7 100644
--- a/www/magick-wand.html
+++ b/www/magick-wand.html
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
     severity; \
   description=MagickGetException(wand,&amp;severity); \
-  (void) fprintf(stderr,"%s %s %u %s\n",GetMagickModule(),description); \
+  (void) fprintf(stderr,"%s %s %lu %s\n",GetMagickModule(),description); \
   description=(char *) MagickRelinquishMemory(description); \
   exit(-1); \
diff --git a/www/miff.html b/www/miff.html
index 673b12d..b838077 100644
--- a/www/miff.html
+++ b/www/miff.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
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index 53ce915..89da683 100644
--- a/www/mogrify.html
+++ b/www/mogrify.html
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
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index ec8aca8..71ba609 100644
--- a/www/montage.html
+++ b/www/montage.html
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
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diff --git a/www/motion-picture.html b/www/motion-picture.html
index f25d107..4afa1a2 100644
--- a/www/motion-picture.html
+++ b/www/motion-picture.html
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
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diff --git a/www/perl-magick.html b/www/perl-magick.html
index 2358705..49c6c59 100644
--- a/www/perl-magick.html
+++ b/www/perl-magick.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
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diff --git a/www/quantize.html b/www/quantize.html
index b6fec45..b8810ee 100644
--- a/www/quantize.html
+++ b/www/quantize.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
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diff --git a/www/resources.html b/www/resources.html
index fea16cd..f18f37f 100644
--- a/www/resources.html
+++ b/www/resources.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
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diff --git a/www/sitemap.html b/www/sitemap.html
index 63f29ae..34a70c9 100644
--- a/www/sitemap.html
+++ b/www/sitemap.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
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diff --git a/www/source/analyze.c b/www/source/analyze.c
index c86918f..9e08a44 100644
--- a/www/source/analyze.c
+++ b/www/source/analyze.c
@@ -165,7 +165,8 @@
       for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
-        ConvertRGBToHSB(p->red,p->green,p->blue,&hue,&saturation,&brightness);
+        ConvertRGBToHSB(GetRedPixelComponent(p),GetGreenPixelComponent(p),
+          GetBluePixelComponent(p),&hue,&saturation,&brightness);
diff --git a/www/source/mgk.c b/www/source/mgk.c
index 11754c0..adda1ee 100644
--- a/www/source/mgk.c
+++ b/www/source/mgk.c
@@ -219,9 +219,9 @@
       for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
-        q->red=ScaleCharToQuantum(*p++);
-        q->green=ScaleCharToQuantum(*p++);
-        q->blue=ScaleCharToQuantum(*p++);
+        SetRedPixelComponent(q,ScaleCharToQuantum(*p++));
+        SetGreenPixelComponent(q,ScaleCharToQuantum(*p++));
+        SetBluePixelComponent(q,ScaleCharToQuantum(*p++));
       if (SyncAuthenticPixels(image,exception) == MagickFalse)
diff --git a/www/sponsors.html b/www/sponsors.html
index ca947a3..30eec6d 100644
--- a/www/sponsors.html
+++ b/www/sponsors.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
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@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
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diff --git a/www/stream.html b/www/stream.html
index 2d7d54c..7b46e41 100644
--- a/www/stream.html
+++ b/www/stream.html
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
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diff --git a/www/subversion.html b/www/subversion.html
index a7fd82a..6cec4db 100644
--- a/www/subversion.html
+++ b/www/subversion.html
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
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