diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index faad7e0..2875097 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
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   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
   <meta http-equiv="Reply-to" content="magick-users@imagemagick.org"/>
   <meta name="Application-name" content="ImageMagick"/>
-  <meta name="Description" content="ImageMagick is a software suite to create, edit, or compose bitmap images in a variety of formats. Use ImageMagick to scale, rotate, shear, distort and transform images."/>
+  <meta name="Description" content="ImageMagick is a software suite to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images in a variety of formats. Use ImageMagick to scale, rotate, shear, distort and transform images."/>
   <meta name="Application-url" content="http://www.imagemagick.org"/>
   <meta name="Generator" content="PHP"/>
   <meta name="Keywords" content="convert, edit, compose, images, ImageMagick, ImageMagic, MagickCore, MagickWand, PerlMagick, Magick++, RMagick, PythonMagick, JMagick, TclMagick, Image, Magick, Magic, Wand, ImageMagickObject, Swiss, Army, Knife, Image, Processing"/>
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   <meta name="Copyright" content="Copyright (c) 1999-2011 ImageMagick Studio LLC"/>
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 <body id="www-imagemagick-org">

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     <a title="Program Interface: PerlMagick" href="www/perl-magick.html">PerlMagick</a>
 <div class="sub">
-    <a title="Program Interface: Magick++" href="Magick++/">Magick++</a>
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 <div  class="menu">
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 <div  class="sponsor">
   <a title="Sponsor: Druckerei" href="http://print24.com/de/">Druckerei</a><!-- 201110010720 -->
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 <div class="main">


-<h1>About ImageMagick</h1>
+<h1>Create, Edit, Compose, or Convert Bitmap Images</h1>
 <p class="navigation-index">[<a href="#intro">Introduction to ImageMagick</a> &bull; <a href="#features">Features and Capabilities</a> &bull; <a href="#books">Books About ImageMagick</a> &bull; <a href="#community">User Community</a>]</p>
 <div class="doc-section">
-<p>ImageMagick<sup><a href="http://tarr.uspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=serial&amp;entry=78333969">&#174;</a></sup> is a software suite to create, edit, or compose bitmap images.  It can read, convert and write images in a variety of <a href="www/formats.html">formats</a> (over 100) including <a href="www/motion-picture.html">DPX</a>, <a href="www/high-dynamic-range.html">EXR</a>, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF.  Use ImageMagick to scale, flip, mirror, rotate, distort, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves.</p>
+<div class="image">
+<a id="intro"></a>
+<a id="logo" href="images/logo-fullsize.png" title="ImageMagick Logo"><img alt="wizard" src="images/logo.png" width="114" height="118" /></a>
+<p>ImageMagick<sup><a href="http://tarr.uspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=serial&amp;entry=78333969">&#174;</a></sup> is a software suite to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images.  It can read and write images in a variety of <a href="www/formats.html">formats</a> (over 100) including <a href="www/motion-picture.html">DPX</a>, <a href="www/high-dynamic-range.html">EXR</a>, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF.  Use ImageMagick to scale, flip, mirror, rotate, distort, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves.</p>
 <p>The functionality of ImageMagick is typically utilized from the command line or you can use the features from programs written in your favorite programming language. Choose from these interfaces: <a href="www/api.html#ada">G2F</a> (Ada), <a href="www/api.html#c">MagickCore</a> (C), <a href="www/api.html#c">MagickWand</a> (C), <a href="www/api.html#ch">ChMagick</a> (Ch), <a href="www/api.html#com+">ImageMagickObject</a> (COM+), <a href="www/api.html#c++">Magick++</a> (C++), <a href="www/api.html#java">JMagick</a> (Java), <a href="www/api.html#lisp">L-Magick</a> (Lisp), <a href="www/api.html#neko">NMagick</a> (Neko/haXe), <a href="www/api.html#dot-net">MagickNet</a> (.NET), <a href="www/api.html#pascal">PascalMagick</a> (Pascal),  <a href="www/api.html#perl">PerlMagick</a> (Perl), <a href="www/api.html#php">MagickWand for PHP</a> (PHP),  <a href="www/api.html#php">IMagick</a> (PHP), <a href="www/api.html#python">PythonMagick</a> (Python), <a href="www/api.html#ruby">RMagick</a> (Ruby), or <a href="www/api.html#tcl">TclMagick</a> (Tcl/TK). With a language interface, use ImageMagick to modify or create images dynamically and <em>automagically</em>.</p>
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 <div style="margin: auto;">
-  <h2><a name="features"></a>Features and Capabilities</h2>
+  <h2><a id="features"></a>Features and Capabilities</h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
 <p>Here are just a few <a href="www/examples.html">examples</a> of what ImageMagick can do:</p>
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 <div style="margin: auto;">
-  <h2><a name="books"></a>Books About ImageMagick</h2>
+  <h2><a id="books"></a>Books About ImageMagick</h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
 <p><a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?link_code=ur2&amp;camp=1789&amp;tag=imagemagick-20&amp;creative=9325&amp;path=tg/detail/-/1590595904/qid=1123551819/sr=8-1/ref=pd_bbs_sbs_1?v=glance%26s=books%26n=507846"><img alt="Definitive Guide to ImageMagick" class="icon" width="100" height="136" src="images/definitive-guide.png"/></a> An open source project backed by years of continual development, ImageMagick supports about 100 image formats and can perform impressive operations such as creating images from scratch; changing colors; stretching, rotating, and overlaying images; and overlaying text on images. Whether you use ImageMagick to manage the family photos or to embark on a job involving millions of images, this book provides you with the knowledge to manage your images with ease.<br /><br />The <em>Definitive Guide to ImageMagick</em> explains all of these capabilities and more in a practical, learn-by-example fashion. You'll get comfortable using ImageMagick for any image-processing task. Through the book's coverage of the ImageMagick interfaces for C, Perl, PHP, and Ruby, you'll learn how to incorporate ImageMagick features into a variety of applications.</p><br />
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 <div style="margin: auto;">
-  <h2><a name="community"></a>User Community</h2>
+  <h2><a id="community"></a>User Community</h2>
 <div class="doc-section">
 <p>To join the ImageMagick user community, try the <a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/">discourse server</a>.  You can review questions or comments (with informed responses) posed by ImageMagick users or ask your own questions.</p>