FP16 versions of SpMM micro-kernels

PiperOrigin-RevId: 293518537
diff --git a/test/spmm-microkernel-tester.h b/test/spmm-microkernel-tester.h
index 20d6224..bcffad6 100644
--- a/test/spmm-microkernel-tester.h
+++ b/test/spmm-microkernel-tester.h
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@
 #include <xnnpack/params.h>
+static inline bool is_fp16_zero(uint16_t x) {
+  const uint32_t ext_x = x;
+  const uint32_t two_x = ext_x + ext_x;
+  return (uint16_t) two_x == 0;
 class SpMMMicrokernelTester {
   enum class Variant {
@@ -280,6 +286,173 @@
+  void Test(xnn_f16_spmm_ukernel_function spmm) const {
+    ASSERT_GE(m(), 1);
+    ASSERT_GE(n(), 1);
+    ASSERT_GE(k(), 1);
+    std::random_device random_device;
+    auto rng = std::mt19937(random_device());
+    auto f32rng = std::bind(std::uniform_real_distribution<float>(), rng);
+    auto f16rng = std::bind(fp16_ieee_from_fp32_value, f32rng);
+    auto prng = std::bind(std::uniform_real_distribution<float>(), rng);
+    std::vector<uint16_t, AlignedAllocator<uint16_t, 64>> a(k() * m());
+    // Think of b as (n/nr + n % nr) x k, expansion happens later.
+    const size_t ncols = n() / nr() + n() % nr();
+    std::vector<uint16_t> b(ncols * k());
+    std::vector<uint16_t> bias(n());
+    // Number of non-zero weights per N (output channel).
+    std::vector<uint32_t> nmap(n());
+    // Mapping from index of non-zero weight to increment of K (input channel) following this index.
+    std::vector<int32_t> dmap(n() * k());
+    std::vector<uint16_t> w(n() * k() + n());
+    std::vector<uint16_t> c(n() * m());
+    std::vector<float> c_ref(n() * m());
+    for (size_t iteration = 0; iteration < iterations(); iteration++) {
+      std::generate(a.begin(), a.end(), std::ref(f16rng));
+      std::generate(b.begin(), b.end(), std::ref(f16rng));
+      std::generate(bias.begin(), bias.end(), std::ref(f16rng));
+      std::fill(c.begin(), c.end(), 0xC000);
+      std::fill(c_ref.begin(), c_ref.end(), 0.0f);
+      std::fill(nmap.begin(), nmap.end(), 0);
+      std::fill(dmap.begin(), dmap.end(), 0);
+      std::fill(w.begin(), w.end(), 0);
+      for (uint16_t& b_value : b) {
+        if (prng() <= sparsity()) {
+          b_value = 0;
+        }
+      }
+      uint32_t nnz = 0;
+      uint32_t wcnt = 0;
+      size_t last_kk = 0;
+      bool first_nzz = true;
+      size_t first_kk = 0;
+      for (size_t nn = 0; nn < n() / nr(); nn++) {
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < nr(); ++i)
+          w[wcnt++] = bias[nr() * nn + i];
+        for (size_t kk = 0; kk < k(); kk++) {
+          if (!is_fp16_zero(b[nn * k() + kk])) {
+            // Every non-zero actually corresponds to nr adjacent non-zeros.
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < nr(); ++i)
+              w[wcnt++] = fp16_ieee_from_fp32_value(fp16_ieee_to_fp32_value(b[nn * k() + kk]) + static_cast<float>(i));
+            // Skip the very first non-zero weight as we record only the difference.
+            if (first_nzz) {
+              first_kk = kk;
+            } else {
+              const int32_t increment = int32_t(kk - last_kk) * int32_t(m() * sizeof(uint16_t));
+              dmap[nnz++] = increment;
+            }
+            last_kk = kk;
+            first_nzz = false;
+            nmap[nn] += 1;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      // now we've constructed the matrix for the blocked part and switch to the
+      // leftovers, which we do as nr=1 always.
+      for (size_t nn = n() / nr(); nn < ncols; nn++) {
+        w[wcnt++] = bias[(n() / nr()) * nr() + (nn - n() / nr())];
+        for (size_t kk = 0; kk < k(); kk++) {
+          if (!is_fp16_zero(b[nn * k() + kk])) {
+            // Every non-zero actually corresponds to nr adjacent non-zeros.
+            w[wcnt++] = b[nn * k() + kk];
+            // Skip the very first non-zero weight as we record only the difference.
+            if (first_nzz) {
+              first_kk = kk;
+            } else {
+              const int32_t increment = int32_t(kk - last_kk) * int32_t(m() * sizeof(uint16_t));
+              dmap[nnz++] = increment;
+            }
+            last_kk = kk;
+            first_nzz = false;
+            nmap[nn] += 1;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      // In the end, we must return input pointer to the initial value.
+      const int64_t increment = int32_t(first_kk - last_kk) * int32_t(m() * sizeof(uint16_t));
+      dmap[nnz++] = increment;
+      // Generate expanded b which will be used in reference calculation.
+      // Everywhere there is a non-zero in the original we copy it and add an
+      // adjacent non-zero with incremented weight value.
+      std::vector<uint16_t> b_full(n() * k());
+      if (nr() == 1) {
+         b_full = b;
+      }
+      else {
+        for (size_t nn = 0; nn < n() / nr(); nn++) {
+          for (size_t kk = 0; kk < k(); kk++) {
+            if (b[nn * k() + kk] != 0.0f) {
+              for (size_t i = 0; i < nr(); ++i)
+                b_full[nr() * nn * k() + i * k() + kk] = fp16_ieee_from_fp32_value(
+                  fp16_ieee_to_fp32_value(b[nn * k() + kk]) + static_cast<float>(i));
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        for (size_t nn = n() / nr(); nn < ncols; nn++) {
+          for (size_t kk = 0; kk < k(); kk++) {
+            if (b[nn * k() + kk] != 0.0f) {
+              b_full[nr() * (n() / nr()) * k() + (nn - n() / nr()) * k() + kk] = b[nn * k() + kk];
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      for (size_t oc = 0; oc < n(); oc++) {
+        for (size_t pxb = 0; pxb < m(); pxb++) {
+          c_ref[oc * m() + pxb] = fp16_ieee_to_fp32_value(bias[oc]);
+          for (size_t ic = 0; ic < k(); ic++) {
+            c_ref[oc * m() + pxb] += fp16_ieee_to_fp32_value(a[ic * m() + pxb]) * fp16_ieee_to_fp32_value(b_full[oc * k() + ic]);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      // Micro-kernel can access one element beyond w and dmap for software pipelining.
+      w.resize(wcnt + 1);
+      dmap.resize(nnz + 1);
+      // Compute clamping parameters.
+      const float accumulated_min = *std::min_element(c_ref.cbegin(), c_ref.cend());
+      const float accumulated_max = *std::max_element(c_ref.cbegin(), c_ref.cend());
+      const float c_min = accumulated_min + (accumulated_max - accumulated_min) / 255.0f * float(qmin());
+      const float c_max = accumulated_max - (accumulated_max - accumulated_min) / 255.0f * float(255 - qmax());
+      // Clamp reference results.
+      for (float& c_value : c_ref) {
+        c_value = std::min(std::max(c_value, c_min), c_max);
+      }
+      // Prepare output parameters.
+      xnn_f16_output_params output_params;
+      output_params.scale = UINT16_C(0x3C00) /* 1.0 */;
+      output_params.max = fp16_ieee_from_fp32_value(c_max);
+      output_params.min = fp16_ieee_from_fp32_value(c_min);
+      spmm(m(), n(),
+        a.data() + first_kk * m(), w.data(), dmap.data(), nmap.data(), c.data(),
+        &output_params);
+      // Validate micro-kernel outputs.
+      for (size_t pxb = 0; pxb < n(); pxb++) {
+        for (size_t oc = 0; oc < m(); oc++) {
+          ASSERT_NEAR(
+            fp16_ieee_to_fp32_value(c[pxb * m() + oc]),
+            c_ref[pxb * m() + oc],
+            std::abs(c_ref[pxb * m() + oc]) * 1.0e-2f)
+            << "at " << pxb << ", " << oc
+            << ": Mr x Nr x Kr = " << mr() << " x " << nr()
+            << ", M x N x K = " << m() << " x " << n() << " x " << k();
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
   size_t mr_{1};
   size_t nr_{1};