Merge "Migrates Email System"
diff --git a/build/scripts/common/presubmit/ b/build/scripts/common/presubmit/
index 399cbed..b9c69fb 100644
--- a/build/scripts/common/presubmit/
+++ b/build/scripts/common/presubmit/
@@ -12,12 +12,3 @@
- # Variables needed to communicate with Gerrit REST API.
- HOST = ""
- # TODO: Assign platform-dependent value once Windows and Mac presubmit bots are up
- COOKIE_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.gitcookies')
- PROJECTS = [] # Intentionally empty since slave only calls verify() (i.e. does not query).
- BRANCH = "studio-master-dev"
- PATH = ".*"
diff --git a/emu_test/test_console/ b/emu_test/test_console/
deleted file mode 100644
index 98de6da..0000000
--- a/emu_test/test_console/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import time
-installAPK_script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
-servlet_launcher_dir = os.path.join(installAPK_script_dir, 'Server')
-mainAPK_path = os.path.join(servlet_launcher_dir, 'app', 'build', 'outputs', 'apk', 'app-debug.apk')
-androidTestAPK_path = os.path.join(servlet_launcher_dir, 'app', 'build', 'outputs', 'apk', 'app-debug-androidTest-unaligned.apk')
-gradle = ""
-if == 'nt':
- gradle = "gradlew.bat"
- gradle = "./gradlew"
-num_trials = 1
-while True:
- if num_trials is NUM_MAX_TRIALS:
- sys.exit(-1)
- try:
- print "Run APK install command, trial num: " + str(num_trials)
- res_gradlew_buildMain = subprocess.check_call([gradle, "assemble"])
- res_gradlew_buildAndroidTest = subprocess.check_call([gradle, "assembleAndroidTest"])
- res_installMain = subprocess.check_call(["adb", "install", "-r", mainAPK_path])
- res_installAndroidTest = subprocess.check_call(["adb", "install", "-r", androidTestAPK_path])
- break
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
- print("Subprocess call error: {0}".format(err))
- time.sleep(TRIAL_WAIT_TIME)
- num_trials = num_trials + 1
diff --git a/emu_test/test_console/ b/emu_test/test_console/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e73ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emu_test/test_console/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+"""This script is to install apk."""
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+from utils import util
+install_apk_script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+servlet_launcher_dir = os.path.join(install_apk_script_dir, 'Server')
+main_apk_path = os.path.join(servlet_launcher_dir,
+ 'app', 'build', 'outputs', 'apk', 'app-debug.apk')
+android_test_apk_path = os.path.join(servlet_launcher_dir,
+ 'app', 'build', 'outputs', 'apk',
+ 'app-debug-androidTest-unaligned.apk')
+gradle = ''
+if == util.WINDOWS_OS_NAME:
+ gradle = 'gradlew.bat'
+ gradle = './gradlew'
+num_trials = 1
+while True:
+ if num_trials is util.ADB_NUM_MAX_TRIALS:
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ try:
+ print 'Run APK install command, trial num: %s' % str(num_trials)
+ res_gradlew_build_main = subprocess.check_call([gradle, 'assemble'])
+ res_gradlew_build_android_test = (subprocess
+ .check_call([gradle,
+ 'assembleAndroidTest']))
+ res_install_main = subprocess.check_call(['adb', 'install', '-r',
+ main_apk_path])
+ res_install_android_test = subprocess.check_call(['adb', 'install', '-r',
+ android_test_apk_path])
+ break
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
+ print 'Subprocess call error: {0}'.format(err)
+ time.sleep(util.ADB_TRIAL_WAIT_TIME_S)
+ num_trials += 1
diff --git a/emu_test/test_console/ b/emu_test/test_console/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ffdb15..0000000
--- a/emu_test/test_console/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import subprocess
-mainAPK_package = ""
-launcherClass_name = mainAPK_package + ".Server"
-instrumentation_runner = ""
-num_trials = 1
-while True:
- if num_trials is NUM_MAX_TRIALS:
- sys.exit(-1)
- try:
- print "Run adb shell instrumentation test command, trial num: " + str(num_trials)
- res_runADBShell =["adb", "shell", "am", "instrument", "-w", "-e", "class", launcherClass_name, mainAPK_package + ".test/" + instrumentation_runner])
- break
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
- print("Subprocess call error: {0}".format(err))
- time.sleep(TRIAL_WAIT_TIME)
- num_trials = num_trials + 1
diff --git a/emu_test/test_console/ b/emu_test/test_console/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00d3240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emu_test/test_console/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+"""This script is to run adb shell instrumentation test."""
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+from utils import util
+main_apk_package = ''
+launcher_class_name = '%s.Server' % main_apk_package
+instrumentation_runner = ''
+num_trials = 1
+while True:
+ if num_trials is util.ADB_NUM_MAX_TRIALS:
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ try:
+ print ('Run adb shell instrumentation test command, trial num: %s'
+ % str(num_trials))
+ res_run_adb_shell =['adb', 'shell', 'am', 'instrument',
+ '-w', '-e' 'class',
+ launcher_class_name,
+ ('%s.test/%s'
+ % (main_apk_package,
+ instrumentation_runner))])
+ break
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
+ print 'Subprocess call error: {0}'.format(err)
+ time.sleep(util.ADB_TRIAL_WAIT_TIME_S)
+ num_trials += 1
diff --git a/emu_test/test_console/ b/emu_test/test_console/
index 55a98e2..8ef4aa8 100644
--- a/emu_test/test_console/
+++ b/emu_test/test_console/
@@ -1,176 +1,213 @@
-This class is the entry point for console tests from
+"""This class is the entry point for console tests from
When the class is instantiated, it sets up logger and runs emulator for tests.
Then, using unittest loader, it loads all the console test cases
-that are written in the python files with filename starting with "testcase_" in the same directory.
+that are written in the python files with filename starting with "testcase_"
+in the same directory.
-import unittest
import os
-import time
-import psutil
import shutil
-import sys
-import re
-from emu_test.utils.emu_error import *
-from emu_test.utils.emu_argparser import emu_args
-import emu_test.utils.emu_testcase
-from emu_test.utils.emu_testcase import EmuBaseTestCase, AVDConfig, create_test_case_from_file
-from emu_test.utils import emu_unittest
import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+import unittest
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import emu_test
+from emu_test.utils import emu_argparser
+from emu_test.utils import emu_testcase
+from emu_test.utils import emu_unittest
+import psutil
CUR_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
-CONSOLE_RESULT_XML_FILE = "consoleTestResult.xml"
-CONSOLE_CSS_FILE = os.path.join(CUR_DIR, "static", "console.css")
-CONSOLE_XSL_FILE = os.path.join(CUR_DIR, "static", "console.xsl")
-class ConsoleTestCase(EmuBaseTestCase):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(ConsoleTestCase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.avd_config = None
- @classmethod
- def setUpClass(cls):
- super(ConsoleTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
- def tearDown(self):
- self.m_logger.debug('First try - quit emulator by adb emu kill')
- kill_proc = psutil.Popen(["adb", "emu", "kill"])
- # check emulator process is terminated
- result = self.term_check(timeout=5)
- if not result:
- self.m_logger.debug('Second try - quit emulator by psutil')
- self.kill_proc_by_name(["emulator", "qemu-system"])
- result = self.term_check(timeout=10)
- self.m_logger.debug("term_check after psutil.kill - %s", result)
-"Remove AVD inside of tear down")
- # avd should be found $HOME/.android/avd/
- avd_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.android', 'avd')
- try:
- if result and self.start_proc:
- self.start_proc.wait()
- time.sleep(1)
- self.kill_proc_by_name(["crash-service", "adb"])
- os.remove(os.path.join(avd_dir, '%s.ini' %
- shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(avd_dir, '%s.avd' %, ignore_errors=True)
- except Exception, e:
- self.m_logger.error("Error in cleanup - %r", e)
- pass
- def getTestName(self, id):
- return id.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
- def createResultXml(self, emuResult):
- dst_path = os.path.join(emu_args.session_dir, CONSOLE_RESULT_XML_FILE)
- xsl_path = os.path.join(emu_args.session_dir, "console.xsl")
-['cp', CONSOLE_XSL_FILE, xsl_path])
- css_path = os.path.join(emu_args.session_dir, "console.css")
-['cp', CONSOLE_CSS_FILE, css_path])
- result = ET.Element("result")
- test_method_name = ET.SubElement(result, "testMethodName", name=self._testMethodName)
- avd_config_name = ET.SubElement(result, "avdConfigName",
- resultSummary = ET.SubElement(result, "resultSummary")
- ET.SubElement(resultSummary, "total", num=str(emuResult.testsRun))
- ET.SubElement(resultSummary, "passes", num=str(len(emuResult.passes)))
- ET.SubElement(resultSummary, "failures", num=str(len(emuResult.failures)))
- ET.SubElement(resultSummary, "errors", num=str(len(emuResult.errors)))
- ET.SubElement(resultSummary, "expectedFailures", num=str(len(emuResult.expectedFailures)))
- ET.SubElement(resultSummary, "unexpectedSuccesses", num=str(len(emuResult.unexpectedSuccesses)))
- passes = ET.SubElement(result, "Passes")
- for x in emuResult.passes:
- ET.SubElement(passes, "test", name=self.getTestName(, test_result="pass")
- failures = ET.SubElement(result, "Failures")
- for x in emuResult.failures:
- ET.SubElement(failures, "test", name=self.getTestName(x[0].id()), test_result="fail")
- errors = ET.SubElement(result, "Errors")
- for x in emuResult.errors:
- ET.SubElement(errors, "test", name=self.getTestName(x[0].id()), test_result="error")
- expectedFailures = ET.SubElement(result, "ExpectedFailures")
- for x in emuResult.expectedFailures:
- ET.SubElement(expectedFailures, "test", name=self.getTestName(x[0].id()), test_result="expected failure")
- unexpectedSuccesses = ET.SubElement(result, "UnexpectedSuccesses")
- for x in emuResult.unexpectedSuccesses:
- ET.SubElement(unexpectedSuccesses, "test", name=self.getTestName(, test_result="unexpected failure")
- tree = ET.ElementTree(result)
- tree.write(dst_path)
- with file(dst_path, 'r') as original: data =
- with file(dst_path, 'w') as modified: modified.write('<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="console.xsl"?>\n' + data)
- def printConsoleResult(self, emuResult):
-"Run %d tests (%d fail, %d pass, %d xfail, %d xpass)",
- emuResult.testsRun, len(emuResult.failures)+len(emuResult.errors), len(emuResult.passes),
- len(emuResult.expectedFailures), len(emuResult.unexpectedSuccesses))
- if len(emuResult.passes) > 0:
- for x in emuResult.passes:
-"PASS: %s", self.getTestName(
- if len(emuResult.failures) + len(emuResult.errors) > 0:
- for x in emuResult.failures:
-"Failure: %s", self.getTestName(x[0].id()))
- for x in emuResult.errors:
-"Error: %s", self.getTestName(x[0].id()))
- if len(emuResult.expectedFailures) > 0:
- for x in emuResult.expectedFailures:
-"Expected Failure: %s", self.getTestName(x[0].id()))
- if len(emuResult.unexpectedSuccesses) > 0:
- for x in emuResult.unexpectedSuccesses:
-"Unexpected Success: %s", self.getTestName(
- self.createResultXml(emuResult)
- def console_test_check(self, avd):
- """
- 1) Run emulator with self.launch_emu_and_wait(avd)
- 2) Print to logger that the test begins
- 3) Load all the console tests using unittest.TestLoader()
- 4) Verify whether every individual testcase was successful
- """
- self.launch_emu_and_wait(avd)
-'Console tests (%s) start.' % self._testMethodName)
- test_root_dir=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
- emuSuite = unittest.TestLoader().discover(start_dir=test_root_dir, pattern="testcase_*")
- emuRunner = emu_unittest.EmuTextTestRunner(stream=sys.stdout)
- emuResult =
- self.printConsoleResult(emuResult)
- self.assertTrue(emuResult.wasSuccessful(), self._testMethodName + " was failed.")
- def run_console_test(self, avd_config):
- """
- Run console test with the given avd_config.
- This function first make sure whether avd is properly up or not.
- """
- self.avd_config = avd_config
- self.assertEqual(self.create_avd(avd_config), 0)
- self.console_test_check(avd_config)
+CONSOLE_RESULT_XML_FILE = 'consoleTestResult.xml'
+CONSOLE_CSS_FILE = os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'static', 'console.css')
+CONSOLE_XSL_FILE = os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'static', 'console.xsl')
-if emu_args.config_file is None:
- sys.exit(-1)
+class ConsoleTestCase(emu_testcase.EmuBaseTestCase):
+ """This class helps for run all console tests."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(ConsoleTestCase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.avd_config = None
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ super(ConsoleTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.m_logger.debug('First try - quit emulator by adb emu kill')
+ psutil.Popen(['adb', 'emu', 'kill'])
+ # check emulator process is terminated
+ result = self.term_check(timeout=5)
+ if not result:
+ self.m_logger.debug('Second try - quit emulator by psutil')
+ self.kill_proc_by_name(['emulator', 'qemu-system'])
+ result = self.term_check(timeout=10)
+ self.m_logger.debug('term_check after psutil.kill - %s', result)
+'Remove AVD inside of tear down')
+ # avd should be found $HOME/.android/avd/
+ avd_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.android', 'avd')
+ try:
+ if result and self.start_proc:
+ self.start_proc.wait()
+ time.sleep(1)
+ self.kill_proc_by_name(['crash-service' 'adb'])
+ os.remove(os.path.join(avd_dir, '%s.ini' %
+ shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(avd_dir,
+ '%s.avd' %,
+ ignore_errors=True)
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.m_logger.error('Error in cleanup - %r' % e)
+ def get_test_name(self, failed_test_id):
+ return failed_test_id.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
+ def create_result_xml(self, emu_result):
+ dst_path = os.path.join(emu_argparser.emu_args.session_dir,
+ xsl_path = os.path.join(emu_argparser.emu_args.session_dir,
+ 'console.xsl')
+['cp', CONSOLE_XSL_FILE, xsl_path])
+ css_path = os.path.join(emu_argparser.emu_args.session_dir, 'console.css')
+['cp', CONSOLE_CSS_FILE, css_path])
+ result = ET.Element('result')
+ ET.SubElement(result, 'testMethodName', name=self._testMethodName)
+ ET.SubElement(result, 'avdConfigName',
+ result_summary = ET.SubElement(result, 'resultSummary')
+ ET.SubElement(result_summary, 'total', num=str(emu_result.testsRun))
+ ET.SubElement(result_summary, 'passes', num=str(len(emu_result.passes)))
+ ET.SubElement(result_summary, 'failures',
+ num=str(len(emu_result.failures)))
+ ET.SubElement(result_summary, 'errors', num=str(len(emu_result.errors)))
+ ET.SubElement(result_summary, 'expectedFailures',
+ num=str(len(emu_result.expectedFailures)))
+ ET.SubElement(result_summary, 'unexpectedSuccesses',
+ num=str(len(emu_result.unexpectedSuccesses)))
+ passes = ET.SubElement(result, 'Passes')
+ for x in emu_result.passes:
+ ET.SubElement(passes, 'test', name=self.get_test_name(,
+ test_result='pass')
+ failures = ET.SubElement(result, 'Failures')
+ for x in emu_result.failures:
+ ET.SubElement(failures, 'test', name=self.get_test_name(x[0].id()),
+ test_result='fail')
+ errors = ET.SubElement(result, 'Errors')
+ for x in emu_result.errors:
+ ET.SubElement(errors, 'test', name=self.get_test_name(x[0].id()),
+ test_result='error')
+ expected_failures = ET.SubElement(result, 'ExpectedFailures')
+ for x in emu_result.expectedFailures:
+ ET.SubElement(expected_failures, 'test',
+ name=self.get_test_name(x[0].id()),
+ test_result='expected failure')
+ unexpected_successes = ET.SubElement(result, 'UnexpectedSuccesses')
+ for x in emu_result.unexpectedSuccesses:
+ ET.SubElement(unexpected_successes, 'test',
+ name=self.get_test_name(,
+ test_result='unexpected failure')
+ tree = ET.ElementTree(result)
+ tree.write(dst_path)
+ with file(dst_path, 'r') as original:
+ data =
+ with file(dst_path, 'w') as modified:
+ modified.write(('<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"'
+ 'href="console.xsl"?>\n%s' % data))
+ def print_console_result(self, emu_result):
+ 'Run %d tests (%d fail, %d pass, %d xfail, %d xpass)' %
+ (emu_result.testsRun,
+ len(emu_result.failures) + len(emu_result.errors),
+ len(emu_result.passes),
+ len(emu_result.expectedFailures),
+ len(emu_result.unexpectedSuccesses)))
+ border_line = '------------------------------------------------------'
+ if emu_result.passes:
+ for x in emu_result.passes:
+'PASS: %s' % self.get_test_name(
+ if len(emu_result.failures) + len(emu_result.errors) > 0:
+ for x in emu_result.failures:
+'Failure: %s' % self.get_test_name(x[0].id()))
+ for x in emu_result.errors:
+'Error: %s' % self.get_test_name(x[0].id()))
+ if emu_result.expectedFailures:
+ for x in emu_result.expectedFailures:
+'Expected Failure: %s' %
+ self.get_test_name(x[0].id()))
+ if emu_result.unexpectedSuccesses:
+ for x in emu_result.unexpectedSuccesses:
+'Unexpected Success: %s' %
+ self.get_test_name(
+ self.create_result_xml(emu_result)
+ def console_test_check(self, avd):
+ """Checks console test.
+ 1) Run emulator with self.launch_emu_and_wait(avd)
+ 2) Print to logger that the test begins
+ 3) Load all the console tests using unittest.TestLoader()
+ 4) Verify whether every individual testcase was successful
+ Args:
+ avd: The running avd.
+ """
+ self.launch_emu_and_wait(avd)
+'Console tests (%s) start.' % self._testMethodName)
+ test_root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+ emu_suite = unittest.TestLoader().discover(start_dir=test_root_dir,
+ pattern='testcase_*')
+ emu_runner = emu_unittest.EmuTextTestRunner(stream=sys.stdout)
+ emu_result =
+ self.print_console_result(emu_result)
+ self.assertTrue(emu_result.wasSuccessful(),
+ '%s was failed.' % self._testMethodName)
+ def run_console_test(self, avd_config):
+ """Run console test.
+ Run console test with the given avd_config.
+ This function first make sure whether avd is properly up or not.
+ Args:
+ avd_config: The avd configuration.
+ """
+ self.avd_config = avd_config
+ self.assertEqual(self.create_avd(avd_config), 0)
+ self.console_test_check(avd_config)
+if emu_argparser.emu_args.config_file is None:
+ sys.exit(-1)
- emu_test.utils.emu_testcase.create_test_case_from_file("console", ConsoleTestCase, ConsoleTestCase.run_console_test)
+ emu_test.utils.emu_testcase.create_test_case_from_file(
+ 'console', ConsoleTestCase, ConsoleTestCase.run_console_test)
if __name__ == '__main__':
- os.environ["SHELL"] = "/bin/bash"
- emu_argparser.emu_args = emu_argparser.get_parser().parse_args()
- print emu_argparser.emu_args
- sys.argv[1:] = emu_args.unittest_args
- unittest.main()
+ os.environ['SHELL'] = '/bin/bash'
+ emu_argparser.emu_args = emu_argparser.get_parser().parse_args()
+ print emu_argparser.emu_args
+ sys.argv[1:] = emu_argparser.emu_args.unittest_args
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/emu_test/test_console/ b/emu_test/test_console/
index 29bf4fa..e32bd4e 100644
--- a/emu_test/test_console/
+++ b/emu_test/test_console/
@@ -1,242 +1,209 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Test for auth-related commands."""
import inspect
import os
-import sys
import telnetlib
import unittest
+import testcase_base
from utils import util
-from os.path import expanduser
-from testcase_base import BaseConsoleTest
AUTH_OUTPUT = 'Android Console: type \\\'help\\\' for a list of commands\r\nOK'
-AUTH_ERROR_OUTPUT = 'KO: authentication token does not match ' \
- '~/.emulator_console_auth_token'
+AUTH_ERROR_OUTPUT = ('KO: authentication token does not match '
+ '~/.emulator_console_auth_token')
AUTH_TOKEN_MISSING_OUTPUT = 'KO: missing authentication token'
-class AuthTest(BaseConsoleTest):
- """This class aims to test auth-related emulator console commands."""
+class AuthTest(testcase_base.BaseConsoleTest):
+ """This class aims to test auth-related emulator console commands."""
- def setUp(self):
- """There is nothing to do in setUp()."""
- pass
+ def setUp(self):
+ """There is nothing to do in setUp()."""
+ pass
- def tearDown(self):
- """There is nothing to do in tearDown()."""
- pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ """There is nothing to do in tearDown()."""
+ pass
- def _exit_emulator_console(self):
- self.telnet.write('exit\n')
- self.wait_on_windows()
- self.telnet.close()
+ def _auth_user_for_emulator_console(self, cmd_auth, expected_output):
+ is_command_successful, output = util.execute_console_command(
+ self.telnet, cmd_auth, expected_output)
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(is_command_successful,
+ 'Failed to properly authentication.',
+ False, '', expected_output, output)
- def _telnet_emulator(self):
- """Only telnet to emulator, initially not need to run auth command."""
- self.telnet = telnetlib.Telnet(util.SERVER_NAME,
- if not util.checkReadUntil(
- self.telnet.read_until(util.OK,
- util.TIMEOUT_S)):
- sys.exit(-1)
+ def _verify_auth_command_by_enter_help_command(self, expected_output):
+ is_command_successful, output = util.execute_console_command(
+ self.telnet, util.CMD_HELP, expected_output)
- def _auth_user_for_emulator_console(self, cmd_auth, expected_output):
- is_command_successful, output = util.execute_console_command(
- self.telnet,
- cmd_auth,
- expected_output)
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(
- is_command_successful,
- 'Failed to properly authentication.',
- False,
- '',
- expected_output,
- output)
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(
+ is_command_successful, 'Failed to properly list all command options.',
+ False, '', 'Pattern: \n%s' % expected_output, output)
- def _verify_auth_command_by_enter_help_command(self, expected_output):
- is_command_successful, output = util.execute_console_command(
- self.telnet,
- util.CMD_HELP,
- expected_output)
+ def _telnet_emulator_with_failure(self):
+ self.telnet = telnetlib.Telnet(util.SERVER_NAME, util.CONSOLE_PORT)
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(
- is_command_successful,
- 'Failed to properly list all command options.',
- False,
- '',
- 'Pattern: \n%s' % expected_output,
- output)
+ try:
+ self.telnet.read_until(
+ 'Connection closed by foreign host.', util.TIMEOUT_S).strip()
+ except EOFError:
+ print ('Cannot connect to emulator because auth toke file is not.'
+ 'accessible.')
- def _telnet_emulator_with_failure(self):
- self.telnet = telnetlib.Telnet(util.SERVER_NAME,
+ def test_auth_token_file_exists(self):
+ """Test command for: auth <auth_token>.
- try:
- self.telnet.read_until(
- 'Connection closed by foreign host.',
- util.TIMEOUT_S)\
- .strip()
- except EOFError:
- print('Cannot connect to emulator because auth toke file is not.'\
- 'accessible.')
+ Test Rail ID: C14595293
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. verify 1
+ 4. Exist emulator console
+ Verify:
+ 1. .emulator_console_auth_token file is created in home folder
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self.telnet = util.telnet_emulator()
+ assert os.path.isfile(util.TOKEN_PATH)
+ util.exit_emulator_console(self.telnet)
- def test_auth_token_file_exists(self):
- """
- Test command for: auth <auth_token>
- Test Rail ID: C14595293
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. verify 1
- 4. Exist emulator console
- Verify:
- 1. .emulator_console_auth_token file is created in home folder
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % inspect.stack()[0][3])
- self._telnet_emulator()
- assert os.path.isfile(util.TOKEN_PATH)
- self._exit_emulator_console()
+ def test_auth_without_authorization_by_run_help_command(self):
+ """Test command for: auth <auth_token>.
- def test_auth_without_authorization_by_run_help_command(self):
- """
- Test command for: auth <auth_token>
- Test Rail ID: C14595293
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Run: help, verify 1
- 4. Exist emulator console
- Verify:
- 1. Short help information is displayed.
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % inspect.stack()[0][3])
- self._telnet_emulator()
- self._verify_auth_command_by_enter_help_command(
- self._exit_emulator_console()
+ Test Rail ID: C14595293
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Run: help, verify 1
+ 4. Exist emulator console
+ Verify:
+ 1. Short help information is displayed.
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self.telnet = util.telnet_emulator()
+ self._verify_auth_command_by_enter_help_command(
+ util.exit_emulator_console(self.telnet)
- def test_auth_user_with_random_auth_token(self):
- """
- Test command for: auth <auth_token>
- Test Rail ID: C14595293
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Run: help, verify 1
- 4. Run: auth <random_auth_token>, verify 1
- 5. Exist emulator console
- Verify:
- 1. User is not authorized, and warning message is displayed.
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % inspect.stack()[0][3])
- self._telnet_emulator()
- self._auth_user_for_emulator_console(
- self._exit_emulator_console()
+ def test_auth_user_with_random_auth_token(self):
+ """Test command for: auth <auth_token>.
- def test_auth_user_with_empty_auth_token(self):
- """
- Test command for: auth <auth_token>
- Test Rail ID: C14595293
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Run: help, verify 1
- 4. Run: auth <empty_string>, verify 1
- 5. Exist emulator console
- Verify:
- 1. User is not authorized, and "missing authentication token"
- is displayed.
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % inspect.stack()[0][3])
- self._telnet_emulator()
- self._auth_user_for_emulator_console(util.CMD_EMPTY_AUTH_TOKEN,
- self._exit_emulator_console()
+ Test Rail ID: C14595293
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Run: help, verify 1
+ 4. Run: auth <random_auth_token>, verify 1
+ 5. Exist emulator console
+ Verify:
+ 1. User is not authorized, and warning message is displayed.
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self.telnet = util.telnet_emulator()
+ self._auth_user_for_emulator_console(util.CMD_RANDOM_AUTH_TOKEN,
+ util.exit_emulator_console(self.telnet)
- def test_auth_user_with_valid_auth_token(self):
- """
- Test command for: auth <auth_token>
- Test Rail ID: C14595293
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Run: help, verify 1
- 4. Run: auth <valid auth token>, verify 1
- 5. Run: help, verify 2
- 5. Exist emulator console
- Verify:
- 1. User is not authorized
- 2. The full help commands information is displayed
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % inspect.stack()[0][3])
- self._telnet_emulator()
- auth_token = util.get_auth_token()
- valid_auth_cmd = '%s %s\n' % (util.AUTH, auth_token)
- self._auth_user_for_emulator_console(valid_auth_cmd, AUTH_OUTPUT)
- self._verify_auth_command_by_enter_help_command(
- self._exit_emulator_console()
+ def test_auth_user_with_empty_auth_token(self):
+ """Test command for: auth <auth_token>.
- def test_auth_empty_auth_token_file(self):
- """
- Test command for: auth <auth_token>
- Test Rail ID: C14595293
- Test steps:
- 0. Save valid auth token, and empty the contents of auth token file
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Run: help, verify 1
- 4. Reset auth token file
- 5. Exist emulator console
- Verify:
- 1. Emulator authentication is skipped and emulator console is usable
- (Here, we run help command to check.)
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ Test Rail ID: C14595293
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Run: help, verify 1
+ 4. Run: auth <empty_string>, verify 1
+ 5. Exist emulator console
+ Verify:
+ 1. User is not authorized, and "missing authentication token"
+ is displayed.
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self.telnet = util.telnet_emulator()
+ self._auth_user_for_emulator_console(util.CMD_EMPTY_AUTH_TOKEN,
+ util.exit_emulator_console(self.telnet)
- # save auth token value and empty contents of auth token file
- valid_auth_token = util.get_auth_token()
- f = open(util.TOKEN_PATH, 'w')
- f.close()
+ def test_auth_user_with_valid_auth_token(self):
+ """Test command for: auth <auth_token>.
- # telnet and verify
- self._telnet_emulator()
- self._verify_auth_command_by_enter_help_command(
+ Test Rail ID: C14595293
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Run: help, verify 1
+ 4. Run: auth <valid auth token>, verify 1
+ 5. Run: help, verify 2
+ 6. Exist emulator console
+ Verify:
+ 1. User is not authorized
+ 2. The full help commands information is displayed
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self.telnet = util.telnet_emulator()
+ auth_token = util.get_auth_token()
+ valid_auth_cmd = '%s %s\n' % (util.AUTH, auth_token)
+ self._auth_user_for_emulator_console(valid_auth_cmd, AUTH_OUTPUT)
+ self._verify_auth_command_by_enter_help_command(
+ util.exit_emulator_console(self.telnet)
- # reset auth token file
- f = open(util.TOKEN_PATH, 'w')
- f.write(valid_auth_token)
- f.close()
+ def test_auth_empty_auth_token_file(self):
+ """Test command for: auth <auth_token>.
- self._exit_emulator_console()
+ Test Rail ID: C14595293
+ Test steps:
+ 0. Save valid auth token, and empty the contents of auth token file
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Run: help, verify 1
+ 4. Reset auth token file
+ 5. Exist emulator console
+ Verify:
+ 1. Emulator authentication is skipped and emulator console is usable
+ (Here, we run help command to check.)
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
- def test_auth_by_change_auth_token_file_permissions(self):
- """
- Test command for: auth <auth_token>
- Test Rail ID: C14595293
- Test steps:
- 0. Deny read and write permissions on the auth token file,
- chmod 000 .emulator_console_auth_token
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>, and verify 1
- 4. Reset auth token file permissions
- chmod 666 .emulator_console_auth_token
- 5. Exist emulator console
- Verify:
- 1. Connection to host would be disconnected when auth_token file
- is inaccessible
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % inspect.stack()[0][3])
- os.chmod(util.TOKEN_PATH, 0000)
- self._telnet_emulator_with_failure()
- os.chmod(util.TOKEN_PATH, 0600)
+ # save auth token value and empty contents of auth token file
+ valid_auth_token = util.get_auth_token()
+ f = open(util.TOKEN_PATH, 'w')
+ f.close()
+ # telnet and verify
+ self.telnet = util.telnet_emulator()
+ self._verify_auth_command_by_enter_help_command(
+ # reset auth token file
+ f = open(util.TOKEN_PATH, 'w')
+ f.write(valid_auth_token)
+ f.close()
+ util.exit_emulator_console(self.telnet)
+ def test_auth_by_change_auth_token_file_permissions(self):
+ """Test command for: auth <auth_token>.
+ Test Rail ID: C14595293
+ Test steps:
+ 0. Deny read and write permissions on the auth token file,
+ chmod 000 .emulator_console_auth_token
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>, and verify 1
+ 4. Reset auth token file permissions
+ chmod 666 .emulator_console_auth_token
+ 5. Exist emulator console
+ Verify:
+ 1. Connection to host would be disconnected when auth_token file
+ is inaccessible
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ os.chmod(util.TOKEN_PATH, 0000)
+ self._telnet_emulator_with_failure()
+ os.chmod(util.TOKEN_PATH, 0600)
if __name__ == '__main__':
- print('======= auth Test =======')
- unittest.main()
+ print '======= auth Test ======='
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/emu_test/test_console/ b/emu_test/test_console/
index 016b7de..020fb78 100644
--- a/emu_test/test_console/
+++ b/emu_test/test_console/
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Test for avd-related emulator console commands."""
import inspect
-import time
import unittest
-from testcase_base import BaseConsoleTest
+import testcase_base
from utils import util
CMD_HELP_AVD = 'help avd\n'
@@ -13,92 +11,71 @@
CMD_AVD_START = 'avd start\n'
CMD_AVD_STATUS = 'avd status\n'
- '.*\n.*\n.*\n.*stop.*\n.*start.*\n.*status.*\n.*name.*\n.*snapshot.*\n.*\nOK'
+REGEX_HELP_AVD_DISPLAY = ('.*\n.*\n.*\n.*stop.*\n.*start.*\n.*status.*\n'
+ '.*name.*\n.*snapshot.*\n.*\nOK')
AVD_STOPPED = 'virtual device is stopped.*\nOK'
AVD_RUNNING = 'virtual device is running.*\nOK'
-class AvdTest(BaseConsoleTest):
- """This class aims to test avd-related emulator console commands."""
+class AvdTest(testcase_base.BaseConsoleTest):
+ """This class aims to test avd-related emulator console commands."""
- def test_help_avd(self):
- """
- Test command for: help avd
- Test Rail ID: C14595362
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: help avd
- Verify:
- Available avd sub commands are listed:
- stop, start, status, name, snapshot
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- self._execute_console_command_and_verify(CMD_HELP_AVD,
+ def test_help_avd(self):
+ """Test command for: help avd.
- def test_avd_stop_and_start(self):
- """
- Test command for: avd stop, avd start, avd status
- Test Rail ID: C14595362
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: avd stop
- 6. Run: avd status and verify 1
- 7. Run: avd start
- 8. Run avd status and verify 2
- Verify:
- 1. Check console output is 'virtual device is stopped'
- 2. Check console output is 'virtual device is running'
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- self._execute_console_command_and_verify(CMD_AVD_STOP, util.OK)
- self._execute_console_command_and_verify(CMD_AVD_STATUS, AVD_STOPPED)
- self._execute_console_command_and_verify(CMD_AVD_START, util.OK)
- self._execute_console_command_and_verify(CMD_AVD_STATUS, AVD_RUNNING)
+ Test Rail ID: C14595362
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: help avd
+ Verify:
+ Available avd sub commands are listed:
+ stop, start, status, name, snapshot
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._execute_console_command_and_verify(CMD_HELP_AVD,
- def _execute_console_command_and_verify(self,
- command,
- expected_output):
- """Executes emulator console command and verify the command output.
+ def test_avd_stop_and_start(self):
+ """Test command for: avd stop, avd start, avd status.
- Args:
- command: Console command to be executed.
- expected_output: The expected command output.
- """
- is_command_successful = False
+ Test Rail ID: C14595362
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: avd stop
+ 6. Run: avd status and verify 1
+ 7. Run: avd start
+ 8. Run avd status and verify 2
+ Verify:
+ 1. Check console output is 'virtual device is stopped'
+ 2. Check console output is 'virtual device is running'
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._execute_console_command_and_verify(CMD_AVD_STOP, util.OK)
+ self._execute_console_command_and_verify(CMD_AVD_STATUS, AVD_STOPPED)
+ self._execute_console_command_and_verify(CMD_AVD_START, util.OK)
+ self._execute_console_command_and_verify(CMD_AVD_STATUS, AVD_RUNNING)
- for i in range(util.NUM_MAX_TRIALS):
- print('execute command: %s, trial #%d' % (inspect.stack()[0][3], i))
+ def _execute_console_command_and_verify(self, command, expected_output):
+ """Executes emulator console command and verify the command output.
- self.telnet.write(command)
- time.sleep(util.CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
+ Args:
+ command: Console command to be executed.
+ expected_output: The expected command output.
+ """
+ is_command_successful, output = util.execute_console_command(
+ self.telnet, command, expected_output)
- output = util.parseOutput(self.telnet)
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(
+ is_command_successful, 'Failed to properly execute: %s' % command,
+ False, '', expected_output, output)
- is_command_successful = util.patternMatchOutput(
- output,
- expected_output)
- if is_command_successful:
- break
- time.sleep(util.TRIAL_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(
- is_command_successful,
- 'Failed to properly execute: %s' % command,
- False,
- '',
- expected_output,
- output)
if __name__ == '__main__':
- print('======= avd Test =======')
- unittest.main()
+ print '======= avd Test ======='
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/emu_test/test_console/ b/emu_test/test_console/
index 744ce00..471ea34 100644
--- a/emu_test/test_console/
+++ b/emu_test/test_console/
@@ -1,62 +1,55 @@
+"""This class is a parent class for all subordniate "testcase_" classes.
This class is a parent class for all subordniate "testcase_" classes such as,,, and
It uses telnetlib to connect to telnet in order to communicate with emulator.
-There is some sync problem or potential bug in emualtor, particularly observable when run on Windows machine:
+There is some sync problem or potential bug in emualtor, particularly observable
+when run on Windows machine:
-The issue was handled by giving timeout parameter to the read_until function of python telnetlib
-and give wait time of 0.5 after each write onto the telnet stream.
+The issue was handled by giving timeout parameter to the read_until function
+of python telnetlib and give wait time of 0.5 after each write onto the telnet
-import unittest
-import telnetlib
-from subprocess import check_output
-import subprocess
-import os
-from os.path import expanduser
-import utils.util as console_utils
-import time
import inspect
+import sys
+import unittest
+from utils import util
class BaseConsoleTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def wait_on_windows(self):
- if == "nt":
- time.sleep(0.5)
+ """This is the base clase for fall console test."""
- def setUp(self):
- home = expanduser("~")
- token_path = os.path.join(home, ".emulator_console_auth_token")
- with open(token_path) as f:
- content = f.readlines()
- auth_token = content[0]
- self.telnet = telnetlib.Telnet("localhost", 5554)
- if not console_utils.checkReadUntil(self.telnet.read_until("OK", TIMEOUT)):
- sys.exit(-1)
- self.telnet.write("auth " + auth_token + "\n")
- self.wait_on_windows()
- if not console_utils.checkReadUntil(self.telnet.read_until("OK", TIMEOUT)):
- sys.exit(-1)
+ def setUp(self):
+ auth_token = util.get_auth_token()
+ self.telnet = util.telnet_emulator()
+ self.telnet.write('%s %s\n' % (util.AUTH, auth_token))
+ util.wait_on_windows()
+ if (not util.check_read_until(
+ self.telnet.read_until(util.OK, util.TIMEOUT_S))):
+ sys.exit(-1)
- def tearDown(self):
- self.telnet.write("exit\n")
- self.wait_on_windows()
- self.telnet.close()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ util.exit_emulator_console(self.telnet)
- def assertCmdSuccessful(self, isCmdSuccessful, assertionMsg, hasStatus, status, expected, actual):
- if hasStatus:
- print "Test result: " + inspect.stack()[0][3] + " status matches " + status + " => " + str(isCmdSuccessful)
- else:
- print "Test result: " + inspect.stack()[0][3] + " => " + str(isCmdSuccessful)
- if not isCmdSuccessful:
- print "Expected output:"
- print expected
- print "Actual Output:"
- print actual
- self.assertTrue(isCmdSuccessful, assertionMsg)
+ def assert_cmd_successful(self, is_cmd_successful, assertion_msg, has_status,
+ status, expected, actual):
+ if has_status:
+ print ('Test result: %s status matches %s => %s' %
+ (inspect.stack()[0][3], status, str(is_cmd_successful)))
+ else:
+ print ('Test result: %s => %s' %
+ (inspect.stack()[0][3], str(is_cmd_successful)))
+ if not is_cmd_successful:
+ print 'Expected output:'
+ print expected
+ print 'Actual Output:'
+ print actual
+ self.assertTrue(is_cmd_successful, assertion_msg)
if __name__ == '__main__':
- print "======= Base Console Test ======="
- unittest.main()
+ print '======= Base Console Test ======='
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/emu_test/test_console/ b/emu_test/test_console/
index 322fdbe..9f408f8 100644
--- a/emu_test/test_console/
+++ b/emu_test/test_console/
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-"""Tests for battery-related commands"""
+"""Tests for battery-related commands."""
import inspect
import time
import unittest
-from testcase_base import BaseConsoleTest
+import testcase_base
from utils import util
CMD_POWER_DISPLAY = 'power display\n'
@@ -20,386 +18,350 @@
PRESENCE_ASSERT_MSG_PREFIX = 'Failed to set power presence to'
HEATH_ASSERT_MSG_PREFIX = 'Failed to set power health to'
REMAINING_75 = '75'
-CAPACITY_ASSERT_MSG_PREFIX = 'Failed to set remaining battery to %s' \
+CAPACITY_ASSERT_MSG_PREFIX = ('Failed to set remaining battery to %s'
-class BatteryTest(BaseConsoleTest):
- def _execute_command_and_verify(self, command, expected_output, assert_msg):
- """Executes console command and verify output.
+class BatteryTest(testcase_base.BaseConsoleTest):
- Args:
- command: Console command to be executed.
- expected_output: Expected console output.
- assert_msg: Assertion message.
- """
- is_command_successful, output = \
- util.execute_console_command(
- self.telnet,
- command,
- expected_output)
+ def _execute_command_and_verify(self, command, expected_output, assert_msg):
+ """Executes console command and verify output.
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(
- is_command_successful,
- assert_msg,
- False,
- '',
- 'Pattern: \n%s' % expected_output,
- output)
+ Args:
+ command: Console command to be executed.
+ expected_output: Expected console output.
+ assert_msg: Assertion message.
+ """
+ is_command_successful, output = util.execute_console_command(
+ self.telnet, command, expected_output)
- def _get_power_display(self):
- """Gets the console output for 'power display' command.
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(is_command_successful, assert_msg, False, '',
+ 'Pattern: \n%s' % expected_output, output)
- Returns:
- output_pwr_display: The console output for 'power display' command.
- """
- self.telnet.write(CMD_POWER_DISPLAY)
- time.sleep(util.CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
- output_pwr_display = util.parseOutput(self.telnet)
- return output_pwr_display
+ def _get_power_display(self):
+ """Gets the console output for 'power display' command.
- def _set_power_test(self, command_prefix, status, assert_msg, keyword):
- """Sets the test scenario for power.
+ Returns:
+ output_pwr_display: The console output for 'power display' command.
+ """
+ self.telnet.write(CMD_POWER_DISPLAY)
+ time.sleep(util.CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
+ output_pwr_display = util.parse_output(self.telnet)
+ return output_pwr_display
- Args:
- command_prefix: The sub command prefix for power.
- status: The status to be set.
- assert_msg: The assertion message.
- keyword: Keyword used for searching in the console output.
- """
- is_command_successful, output = \
- util.execute_console_command(
- self.telnet,
- '%s %s\n' % (command_prefix, status),
- util.OK)
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(
- is_command_successful,
- assert_msg,
- False,
- '',
- 'Pattern: \n%s' % util.OK,
- output)
+ def _set_power_test(self, command_prefix, status, assert_msg, keyword):
+ """Sets the test scenario for power.
- is_cmd_successful = False
- for i in range(0, util.NUM_MAX_TRIALS):
- print('Running test: %s, retrieve status %s, trial # %s'
- % (inspect.stack()[0][3], status, str(i + 1)))
- output_pwr_display = self._get_power_display()
- output_extracted = util.extractFieldFromOutput(
- output_pwr_display,
- keyword)
+ Args:
+ command_prefix: The sub command prefix for power.
+ status: The status to be set.
+ assert_msg: The assertion message.
+ keyword: Keyword used for searching in the console output.
+ """
+ is_command_successful, output = util.execute_console_command(
+ self.telnet, '%s %s\n' % (command_prefix, status), util.OK)
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(is_command_successful, assert_msg, False, '',
+ 'Pattern: \n%s' % util.OK, output)
- if CMD_POWER_AC_PREFIX == command_prefix:
- is_cmd_successful = (output_extracted == ('%sline' % status))
- elif command_prefix in \
- correct_output = util.checkBatteryStatus(status)
- is_cmd_successful = (output_extracted == correct_output)
- elif CMD_POWER_PRESENT_PREFIX == command_prefix:
- is_cmd_successful = output_extracted
- elif CMD_POWER_CAPACITY_PREFIX == command_prefix:
- is_cmd_successful = (output_extracted == status)
- else:
- print('Un-handled command prefix: %s' % command_prefix)
+ is_cmd_successful = False
+ for i in range(util.NUM_MAX_TRIALS):
+ print ('Running: %s, retrieve status %s, trial # %s'
+ % (inspect.stack()[0][3], status, str(i + 1)))
+ output_pwr_display = self._get_power_display()
+ output_extracted = util.extract_field_from_output(
+ output_pwr_display, keyword)
- if is_cmd_successful:
- break
- time.sleep(util.TRIAL_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
- print('Test result: %s %s => %s'
- % (inspect.stack()[0][3], status, str(is_cmd_successful)))
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(
- is_cmd_successful,
- 'Failed to retrieve power status as %s' % status,
- True,
- status,
- '%s' % status,
- output_extracted)
+ if CMD_POWER_AC_PREFIX == command_prefix:
+ is_cmd_successful = (output_extracted == ('%sline' % status))
+ elif (command_prefix in
+ correct_output = util.check_battery_status(status)
+ is_cmd_successful = (output_extracted == correct_output)
+ elif CMD_POWER_PRESENT_PREFIX == command_prefix:
+ is_cmd_successful = output_extracted
+ elif CMD_POWER_CAPACITY_PREFIX == command_prefix:
+ is_cmd_successful = (output_extracted == status)
+ else:
+ print 'Un-handled command prefix: %s' % command_prefix
- def _set_battery_status(self, status):
- assert_msg = '%s %s' % (STATUS_ASSERT_MSG_PREFIX, status)
- self._set_power_test(CMD_POWER_STATUS_PREFIX,
- status,
- assert_msg,
- util.STATUS)
+ if is_cmd_successful:
+ break
+ time.sleep(util.TRIAL_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
+ print ('Test result: %s %s => %s'
+ % (inspect.stack()[0][3], status, str(is_cmd_successful)))
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(is_cmd_successful,
+ 'Failed to retrieve power status as %s' % status,
+ True, status, '%s' % status, output_extracted)
- def _set_presence_state(self, status):
- assert_msg = '%s %s' % (PRESENCE_ASSERT_MSG_PREFIX, status)
- self._set_power_test(CMD_POWER_PRESENT_PREFIX,
- status,
- assert_msg,
- util.PRESENT)
+ def _set_battery_status(self, status):
+ assert_msg = '%s %s' % (STATUS_ASSERT_MSG_PREFIX, status)
+ self._set_power_test(CMD_POWER_STATUS_PREFIX, status,
+ assert_msg, util.STATUS)
- def _set_health_state(self, status):
- assert_msg = '%s %s' % (HEATH_ASSERT_MSG_PREFIX, status)
- self._set_power_test(CMD_POWER_HEALTH_PREFIX,
- status,
- assert_msg,
- util.HEALTH)
+ def _set_presence_state(self, status):
+ assert_msg = '%s %s' % (PRESENCE_ASSERT_MSG_PREFIX, status)
+ self._set_power_test(CMD_POWER_PRESENT_PREFIX, status,
+ assert_msg, util.PRESENT)
- def test_power_display(self):
- """
- Test for command: power ac <on_or_off>
- Test Rail ID: C14595300
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: power display, and verify 1
- Verify:
- 1. Power details are displayed
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- assert_msg = 'Failed to properly display power details.'
- self._execute_command_and_verify(CMD_POWER_DISPLAY,
- assert_msg)
+ def _set_health_state(self, status):
+ assert_msg = '%s %s' % (HEATH_ASSERT_MSG_PREFIX, status)
+ self._set_power_test(CMD_POWER_HEALTH_PREFIX, status,
+ assert_msg, util.HEALTH)
- def test_set_ac_charge_state(self):
- """
- Test for command: power ac <on_or_off>
- Test Rail ID: C14595300
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: power ac on
- 6. Run: power display, and verify 1
- 7. Run: power ac off
- 8. Run: power display, and verify 2
- Verify:
- 1. Emulator displays AC as online
- 2. Emulator displays AC as offline
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- assert_msg = 'Failed to properly display power details.'
- self._set_power_test(CMD_POWER_AC_PREFIX,
- 'on',
- assert_msg,
- util.AC)
- self._set_power_test(CMD_POWER_AC_PREFIX,
- 'off',
- assert_msg,
- util.AC)
+ def test_power_display(self):
+ """Test for command: power ac <on_or_off>.
- def test_set_battery_status_to_unknown(self):
- """
- Test for command: power status unknown
- Test Rail ID: C14595300
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: power status unknown, and verify 1
- Verify:
- 1. Success to set power status to unknown
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- self._set_battery_status('unknown')
+ Test Rail ID: C14595300
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: power display, and verify 1
+ Verify:
+ 1. Power details are displayed
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ assert_msg = 'Failed to properly display power details.'
+ self._execute_command_and_verify(CMD_POWER_DISPLAY, util.REGEX_PWR_DISPLAY,
+ assert_msg)
- def test_set_battery_status_to_charging(self):
- """
- Test for command: power status charging
- Test Rail ID: C14595300
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: power status charging, and verify 1
- Verify:
- 1. Success to set power status to charging
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- self._set_battery_status('charging')
+ def test_set_ac_charge_state(self):
+ """Test for command: power ac <on_or_off>.
- def test_set_battery_status_to_discharging(self):
- """
- Test for command: power status discharging
- Test Rail ID: C14595300
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: power status discharging, and verify 1
- Verify:
- 1. Success to set power status to discharging
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- status = 'discharging'
- self._set_battery_status('charging')
+ Test Rail ID: C14595300
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: power ac on
+ 6. Run: power display, and verify 1
+ 7. Run: power ac off
+ 8. Run: power display, and verify 2
+ Verify:
+ 1. Emulator displays AC as online
+ 2. Emulator displays AC as offline
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ assert_msg = 'Failed to properly display power details.'
+ self._set_power_test(CMD_POWER_AC_PREFIX, 'on', assert_msg, util.AC)
+ self._set_power_test(CMD_POWER_AC_PREFIX, 'off', assert_msg, util.AC)
- def test_set_battery_status_to_not_charging(self):
- """
- Test for command: power status not-charging
- Test Rail ID: C14595300
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: power status not-charging, and verify 1
- Verify:
- 1. Success to set power status to not-charging
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- self._set_battery_status('not-charging')
+ def test_set_battery_status_to_unknown(self):
+ """Test for command: power status unknown.
- def test_set_battery_status_to_full(self):
- """
- Test for command: power status full
- Test Rail ID: C14595300
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: power status full, and verify 1
- Verify:
- 1. Success to set power status to full
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- self._set_battery_status('full')
+ Test Rail ID: C14595300
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: power status unknown, and verify 1
+ Verify:
+ 1. Success to set power status to unknown
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._set_battery_status('unknown')
- def test_set_presence_state(self):
- """
- Test for command: power present <true_or_false>
- Test Rail ID: C14595300
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: power present true, and verify 1
- 6. Run: power present false, and verify 2
- Verify:
- 1. Success to set power presence to True
- 2. Success to set power presence to False
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- self._set_presence_state('true')
- self._set_presence_state('false')
+ def test_set_battery_status_to_charging(self):
+ """Test for command: power status charging.
- def test_set_battery_health_to_unknown(self):
- """
- Test for command: power health unknown
- Test Rail ID: C14595300
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: power health unknown, and verify 1
- Verify:
- 1. Success to set power health to unknown
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- self._set_health_state('unknown')
+ Test Rail ID: C14595300
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: power status charging, and verify 1
+ Verify:
+ 1. Success to set power status to charging
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._set_battery_status('charging')
- def test_set_battery_health_to_good(self):
- """
- Test for command: power health good
- Test Rail ID: C14595300
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: power health good, and verify 1
- Verify:
- 1. Success to set power health to good
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- self._set_health_state('good')
+ def test_set_battery_status_to_discharging(self):
+ """Test for command: power status discharging.
- def test_set_battery_health_to_overheat(self):
- """
- Test for command: power health overheat
- Test Rail ID: C14595300
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: power health overheat, and verify 1
- Verify:
- 1. Success to set power health to overheat
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- self._set_health_state('overheat')
+ Test Rail ID: C14595300
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: power status discharging, and verify 1
+ Verify:
+ 1. Success to set power status to discharging
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._set_battery_status('discharging')
- def test_set_battery_health_to_dead(self):
- """
- Test for command: power health dead
- Test Rail ID: C14595300
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: power health dead, and verify 1
- Verify:
- 1. Success to set power health to dead
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- self._set_health_state('dead')
+ def test_set_battery_status_to_not_charging(self):
+ """Test for command: power status not-charging.
- def test_set_battery_health_to_overvoltage(self):
- """
- Test for command: power health overvoltage
- Test Rail ID: C14595300
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: power health overvoltage, and verify 1
- Verify:
- 1. Success to set power health to overvoltage
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- self._set_health_state('overvoltage')
+ Test Rail ID: C14595300
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: power status not-charging, and verify 1
+ Verify:
+ 1. Success to set power status to not-charging
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._set_battery_status('not-charging')
- def test_set_battery_health_to_failure(self):
- """
- Test for command: power health failure
- Test Rail ID: C14595300
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: power health failure, and verify 1
- Verify:
- 1. Success to set power health to failure
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- self._set_health_state('failure')
+ def test_set_battery_status_to_full(self):
+ """Test for command: power status full.
- def test_set_remaining_battery_capacity(self):
- """
- Test for command: power capacity 75
- Test Rail ID: C14595300
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: power capacity 75, and verify 1
- Verify:
- 1. Success to set power capacity to 75
- """
- print('Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- assert_msg = '%s %s' % (HEATH_ASSERT_MSG_PREFIX, REMAINING_75)
- self._set_power_test(CMD_POWER_CAPACITY_PREFIX,
- assert_msg,
- util.CAPACITY)
+ Test Rail ID: C14595300
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: power status full, and verify 1
+ Verify:
+ 1. Success to set power status to full
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._set_battery_status('full')
+ def test_set_presence_state(self):
+ """Test for command: power present <true_or_false>.
+ Test Rail ID: C14595300
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: power present true, and verify 1
+ 6. Run: power present false, and verify 2
+ Verify:
+ 1. Success to set power presence to True
+ 2. Success to set power presence to False
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._set_presence_state('true')
+ self._set_presence_state('false')
+ def test_set_battery_health_to_unknown(self):
+ """Test for command: power health unknown.
+ Test Rail ID: C14595300
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: power health unknown, and verify 1
+ Verify:
+ 1. Success to set power health to unknown
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._set_health_state('unknown')
+ def test_set_battery_health_to_good(self):
+ """Test for command: power health good.
+ Test Rail ID: C14595300
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: power health good, and verify 1
+ Verify:
+ 1. Success to set power health to good
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._set_health_state('good')
+ def test_set_battery_health_to_overheat(self):
+ """Test for command: power health overheat.
+ Test Rail ID: C14595300
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: power health overheat, and verify 1
+ Verify:
+ 1. Success to set power health to overheat
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._set_health_state('overheat')
+ def test_set_battery_health_to_dead(self):
+ """Test for command: power health dead.
+ Test Rail ID: C14595300
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: power health dead, and verify 1
+ Verify:
+ 1. Success to set power health to dead
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._set_health_state('dead')
+ def test_set_battery_health_to_overvoltage(self):
+ """Test for command: power health overvoltage.
+ Test Rail ID: C14595300
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: power health overvoltage, and verify 1
+ Verify:
+ 1. Success to set power health to overvoltage
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._set_health_state('overvoltage')
+ def test_set_battery_health_to_failure(self):
+ """Test for command: power health failure.
+ Test Rail ID: C14595300
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: power health failure, and verify 1
+ Verify:
+ 1. Success to set power health to failure
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._set_health_state('failure')
+ def test_set_remaining_battery_capacity(self):
+ """Test for command: power capacity 75.
+ Test Rail ID: C14595300
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: power capacity 75, and verify 1
+ Verify:
+ 1. Success to set power capacity to 75
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ assert_msg = '%s %s' % (HEATH_ASSERT_MSG_PREFIX, REMAINING_75)
+ self._set_power_test(CMD_POWER_CAPACITY_PREFIX, REMAINING_75,
+ assert_msg, util.CAPACITY)
if __name__ == '__main__':
- print('======= Battery Test =======')
- unittest.main()
+ print '======= Battery Test ======='
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/emu_test/test_console/ b/emu_test/test_console/
index ee106dd..1c1f48b 100644
--- a/emu_test/test_console/
+++ b/emu_test/test_console/
@@ -1,173 +1,158 @@
-Tests for call-related commands
+"""Tests for call-related commands."""
-import unittest
-import telnetlib
-from subprocess import check_output
-import utils.util as console_utils
-import subprocess
+import inspect
+import json
import os
import time
+import unittest
import requests
-import json
-from os.path import expanduser
-import inspect
-from testcase_base import BaseConsoleTest
+import testcase_base
+from utils import util
TESTCASE_CALL_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
-SERVLET_TELEPHONY = "http://localhost:8080/TelephonyManagerService"
+SERVLET_TELEPHONY = 'http://localhost:8080/TelephonyManagerService'
-CALL_NUMBER = "1234567890"
+CALL_NUMBER = '1234567890'
+CMD_GSM_CANCEL = 'gsm cancel %s\n' % CALL_NUMBER
+CMD_GSM_CALL = 'gsm call %s\n' % CALL_NUMBER
+CMD_GSM_ACCEPT = 'gsm accept %s\n' % CALL_NUMBER
-class PhoneCallTest(BaseConsoleTest):
- @classmethod
- def runScriptRunADBShell(cls):
- proc_installAPK = subprocess.Popen(["python", TESTCASE_CALL_DIR + "/"])
- return proc_installAPK
+class PhoneCallTest(testcase_base.BaseConsoleTest):
+ """This class aims to test call-related emulator console commands."""
- @classmethod
- def setUpClass(cls):
- res_portRedirect =["adb", "-s", "emulator-5554", "-e", "forward", "tcp:8080", "tcp:8081"])
- res_runInstallAPKScript =["python", TESTCASE_CALL_DIR + "/"])
- cls.runScriptRunADBShell()
- time.sleep(SETUP_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ util.run_script_run_adb_shell(TESTCASE_CALL_DIR)
- def processRequestTelephonyService(self, payload):
- r =, data=json.dumps(payload))
- if r.raise_for_status():
- print "Servlet Error: Post request to " + SERVLET_TELEPHONY + " failed"
- return False
- r_json = r.json()
- if r_json["isFail"]:
- print "Servlet Error: Failure occurred in servlet side => " + SERVLET_TELEPHONY
- return False
- return int(r_json["description"])
+ def _process_request_telephony_service(self, payload):
+ r =, data=json.dumps(payload))
+ if r.raise_for_status():
+ print ('Servlet Error: Post request to %s failed' %
+ return False
+ r_json = r.json()
+ if r_json['isFail']:
+ print ('Servlet Error: Failure occurred in servlet side => %s' %
+ return False
+ call_state = int(r_json['description'])
+ print 'call_state = %d' % call_state
+ return call_state
- def cancel_inbound_call(self):
- self.telnet.write("gsm cancel " + CALL_NUMBER + "\n")
- time.sleep(CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
+ def _cancel_inbound_call(self):
+ self.telnet.write(CMD_GSM_CANCEL)
+ time.sleep(util.CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
- def cancel_inbound_call_verification(self):
- isCmdSuccessful = True
- for i in range(0, NUM_MAX_TRIALS):
- print "Running test: " + inspect.stack()[0][3] + ", trial #" + str(i+1)
- self.telnet.write("gsm cancel " + CALL_NUMBER + "\n")
- time.sleep(CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- output_cancel_inbound = console_utils.parseOutput(self.telnet)
- isCmdSuccessful = (output_cancel_inbound == console_utils.OK)
- if isCmdSuccessful:
- break
- time.sleep(TRIAL_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(isCmdSuccessful, "Failed to properly cancel an inbound call", False, "", console_utils.OK, output_cancel_inbound)
- self.assertTrue(self.processRequestTelephonyService({}) == CALL_STATE_IDLE, "Call state idle not matched")
- time.sleep(CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
+ def _cancel_inbound_call_verification(self):
+ is_cmd_successful, output_cancel_inbound = util.execute_console_command(
+ self.telnet, CMD_GSM_CANCEL, util.OK)
- def make_inbound_call(self):
- self.assertTrue(self.processRequestTelephonyService({}) == CALL_STATE_IDLE, "Call state idle not matched")
- isCmdSuccessful = True
- for i in range(0, NUM_MAX_TRIALS):
- print "Running test: " + inspect.stack()[0][3] + ", trial #" + str(i+1)
- self.telnet.write("gsm call " + CALL_NUMBER +"\n")
- time.sleep(CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- output_inbound_call = console_utils.parseOutput(self.telnet)
- isCmdSuccessful = (output_inbound_call == console_utils.OK)
- if isCmdSuccessful:
- break
- time.sleep(TRIAL_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(isCmdSuccessful, "Failed to properly set up an inbound call", False, "", console_utils.OK, output_inbound_call)
- self.assertTrue(self.processRequestTelephonyService({}) == CALL_STATE_RINGING, "Call state ringing not matched")
- time.sleep(CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(is_cmd_successful,
+ 'Failed to properly cancel an inbound call',
+ False, '', util.OK, output_cancel_inbound)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ self._process_request_telephony_service({}) == CALL_STATE_IDLE,
+ 'Call state idle not matched')
+ time.sleep(util.CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
- def accept_inbound_call(self):
- isCmdSuccessful = True
- for i in range(0, NUM_MAX_TRIALS):
- print "Running test: " + inspect.stack()[0][3] + ", trial #" + str(i+1)
- self.telnet.write("gsm accept " + CALL_NUMBER + "\n")
- time.sleep(CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- output_accept_inbound = console_utils.parseOutput(self.telnet)
- isCmdSuccessful = (output_accept_inbound == console_utils.OK)
- if isCmdSuccessful:
- break
- time.sleep(TRIAL_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(isCmdSuccessful, "Failed to properly accept an inbound call", False, "", console_utils.OK, output_accept_inbound)
- self.assertTrue(self.processRequestTelephonyService({}) == CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK, "Call state offhook not matched")
- time.sleep(CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
+ def _make_inbound_call(self):
+ self.assertTrue(
+ self._process_request_telephony_service({}) == CALL_STATE_IDLE,
+ 'Call state idle not matched')
- def test_inboundCall(self):
- """
- Test for command: gsm call <phonenumber>
- Test Rail ID: C14595296
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: gsm call <phonenumber>, verify 1
- 6. Run: gsm cancel <phonenumber>, verify 2
- Verify:
- 1. Emulator displays an incoming call from the <phonenumber>
- 2. Phone call is terminated.
- """
- self.make_inbound_call()
- self.cancel_inbound_call()
+ is_cmd_successful, output_inbound_call = util.execute_console_command(
+ self.telnet, CMD_GSM_CALL, util.OK)
- def test_acceptCall(self):
- """
- Test for command: gsm accept <phonenumber>
- Test Rail ID: C14595296
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: gsm call <phonenumber>, verify 1
- 5. Run: gsm accept <phonenumber>, verify 2
- 6. Run: gsm cancel <phonenumber>
- Verify:
- 1. Emulator displays an incoming call from the <phonenumber>
- 2. Emulator displays that the incoming call is accepted
- """
- self.make_inbound_call()
- self.accept_inbound_call()
- self.cancel_inbound_call()
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(is_cmd_successful,
+ 'Failed to properly set up an inbound call',
+ False, '', util.OK, output_inbound_call)
- def test_terminateCall(self):
- """
- Test for command: gsm cancel <phonenumber>
- Test Rail ID: C14595296
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: gsm call <phonenumber>, verify 1
- 6. Run: gsm accept <phonenumber>, verify 2
- 7. Run: gsm cancel <phonenumber>, verify 3
- Verify:
- 1. Emulator displays an incoming call from the <phonenumber>
- 2. Emulator displays that the incoming call is accepted
- 3. Phone call is terminated. The emulator displays the phone
- hang-up icon in the notification bar.
- """
- self.make_inbound_call()
- self.accept_inbound_call()
- self.cancel_inbound_call_verification()
+ self.assertTrue(
+ self._process_request_telephony_service({}) == CALL_STATE_RINGING,
+ 'Call state ringing not matched')
+ time.sleep(util.CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
+ def _accept_inbound_call(self):
+ is_cmd_successful, output_accept_inbound = util.execute_console_command(
+ self.telnet, CMD_GSM_ACCEPT, util.OK)
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(is_cmd_successful,
+ 'Failed to properly accept an inbound call',
+ False, '', util.OK, output_accept_inbound)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ self._process_request_telephony_service({}) == CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK,
+ 'Call state offhook not matched')
+ time.sleep(util.CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
+ def test_inbound_call(self):
+ """Test for command: gsm call <phonenumber>.
+ Test Rail ID: C14595296
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: gsm call <phonenumber>, verify 1
+ 6. Run: gsm cancel <phonenumber>, verify 2
+ Verify:
+ 1. Emulator displays an incoming call from the <phonenumber>
+ 2. Phone call is terminated.
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._make_inbound_call()
+ self._cancel_inbound_call()
+ def test_accept_call(self):
+ """Test for command: gsm accept <phonenumber>.
+ Test Rail ID: C14595296
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: gsm call <phonenumber>, verify 1
+ 6. Run: gsm accept <phonenumber>, verify 2
+ 7. Run: gsm cancel <phonenumber>
+ Verify:
+ 1. Emulator displays an incoming call from the <phonenumber>
+ 2. Emulator displays that the incoming call is accepted
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._make_inbound_call()
+ self._accept_inbound_call()
+ self._cancel_inbound_call()
+ def test_terminate_call(self):
+ """Test for command: gsm cancel <phonenumber>.
+ Test Rail ID: C14595296
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: gsm call <phonenumber>, verify 1
+ 6. Run: gsm accept <phonenumber>, verify 2
+ 7. Run: gsm cancel <phonenumber>, verify 3
+ Verify:
+ 1. Emulator displays an incoming call from the <phonenumber>
+ 2. Emulator displays that the incoming call is accepted
+ 3. Phone call is terminated. The emulator displays the phone
+ hang-up icon in the notification bar.
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._make_inbound_call()
+ self._accept_inbound_call()
+ self._cancel_inbound_call_verification()
if __name__ == '__main__':
- print "======= Call Test ======="
- unittest.main()
+ print '======= Call Test ======='
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/emu_test/test_console/ b/emu_test/test_console/
index c7f3f0a..1d569c9 100644
--- a/emu_test/test_console/
+++ b/emu_test/test_console/
@@ -1,118 +1,144 @@
-Tests for event-related commands
+"""Tests for event-related commands."""
-import unittest
-import telnetlib
-from subprocess import check_output
-import subprocess
-import utils.util as console_utils
-import time
import inspect
-from testcase_base import BaseConsoleTest
+import time
+import unittest
+import testcase_base
+from utils import util
-class EventTest(BaseConsoleTest):
+EVENT = 'event'
+CMD_EVENT_TYPES = '%s types\n' % EVENT
- def test_listEventAliases(self):
- """
- Test for command: event types
- Test Rail ID: C14595360
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: event types
- 6. verify 1
- Verify:
- 1. Available event types are listed
- """
- isCmdSuccessful = True
- for i in range(0, NUM_MAX_TRIALS):
- print "Running test: " + inspect.stack()[0][3] + ", trial #" + str(i+1)
- self.telnet.write("event types\n")
- time.sleep(CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- output_event_aliases = console_utils.removeAllSpaces(console_utils.parseOutputForEV(self.telnet))
- correct_output = console_utils.removeAllSpaces(console_utils.readStringFromFile(console_utils.EVENTS_EV_TYPES_FILENAME))
- isCmdSuccessful = (output_event_aliases == correct_output)
- if isCmdSuccessful:
- break
- time.sleep(TRIAL_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(isCmdSuccessful, "Listing all aliases of events failed", False, "", correct_output, output_event_aliases)
- def verifyEventsNoAlias(self, command):
- isCmdSuccessful = True
- for i in range(0, NUM_MAX_TRIALS):
- print "Running test: " + inspect.stack()[0][3] + " " + command.strip() + ", trial #" + str(i+1)
- self.telnet.write(command)
- time.sleep(CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- output_event_listAll = console_utils.parseOutput(self.telnet)
- isCmdSuccessful = (output_event_listAll == console_utils.EVENTS_CODE_NO_ALIAS)
- if isCmdSuccessful:
- break
- time.sleep(TRIAL_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(isCmdSuccessful, "test_listAllCodeAliases failed, output mismatch: fail to run " + command + " properly", False, "", console_utils.EVENTS_CODE_NO_ALIAS, output_event_listAll)
+class EventTest(testcase_base.BaseConsoleTest):
+ """This class aims to test event-related emulator console commands."""
- def verifyAllEventsNoAlias(self):
- self.verifyEventsNoAlias("event codes EV_SYN\n")
- self.verifyEventsNoAlias("event codes EV_MSC\n")
- self.verifyEventsNoAlias("event codes EV_SW\n")
- self.verifyEventsNoAlias("event codes EV_LED\n")
- self.verifyEventsNoAlias("event codes EV_SND\n")
- self.verifyEventsNoAlias("event codes EV_REP\n")
- self.verifyEventsNoAlias("event codes EV_FF\n")
- self.verifyEventsNoAlias("event codes EV_PWR\n")
- self.verifyEventsNoAlias("event codes EV_FF_STATUS\n")
- self.verifyEventsNoAlias("event codes EV_MAX\n")
+ def _verify_events_no_alias(self, command):
+ is_cmd_successful, output_event_list_all = util.execute_console_command(
+ self.telnet, command, util.EVENTS_CODE_NO_ALIAS)
- def verifyEventCodes(self, command, filename):
- isCmdSuccessful = True
- for i in range(0, NUM_MAX_TRIALS):
- print "Running test: " + inspect.stack()[0][3] + " " + command.strip() + " verified against " + filename.strip() + ", trial #" + str(i+1)
- self.telnet.write(command)
- time.sleep(CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- output_event_listAll = console_utils.removeAllSpaces(console_utils.parseOutputForEV(self.telnet))
- correct_output = console_utils.removeAllSpaces(console_utils.readStringFromFile(filename))
- isCmdSuccessful = (output_event_listAll == correct_output)
- if isCmdSuccessful:
- break
- time.sleep(TRIAL_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(isCmdSuccessful, "test_listAllCodeAliases failed, output mismatch: fail to run " + command + " properly", False, "", correct_output, output_event_listAll)
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(
+ is_cmd_successful,
+ 'output mismatch: fail to run %s properly' % command,
+ False, '', util.EVENTS_CODE_NO_ALIAS, output_event_list_all)
- def verifyAllEventCodes(self):
- self.verifyEventCodes("event codes EV_KEY\n", console_utils.EVENTS_CODE_EV_KEY_FILENAME)
- self.verifyEventCodes("event codes EV_REL\n", console_utils.EVENTS_CODE_EV_REL_FILENAME)
- self.verifyEventCodes("event codes EV_ABS\n", console_utils.EVENTS_CODE_EV_ABS_FILENAME)
+ def _verify_all_events_no_allias(self):
+ self._verify_events_no_alias(CMD_EVENT_CODES_EV_SYN)
+ self._verify_events_no_alias(CMD_EVENT_CODES_EV_MSC)
+ self._verify_events_no_alias(CMD_EVENT_CODES_EV_SW)
+ self._verify_events_no_alias(CMD_EVENT_CODES_EV_LED)
+ self._verify_events_no_alias(CMD_EVENT_CODES_EV_SND)
+ self._verify_events_no_alias(CMD_EVENT_CODES_EV_REP)
+ self._verify_events_no_alias(CMD_EVENT_CODES_EV_FF)
+ self._verify_events_no_alias(CMD_EVENT_CODES_EV_PWR)
+ self._verify_events_no_alias(CMD_EVENT_CODES_EV_FF_STATUS)
+ self._verify_events_no_alias(CMD_EVENT_CODES_EV_MAX)
- def test_listAllCodeAliases(self):
- """
- Test for command: event codes <type>" (for example: event codes EV_REL)
- Test Rail ID: C14595360
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run several "event codes <type>" commands
- 6. verify 1
- Verify:
- 1. Available event code alias for the selected type are listed
- """
- self.verifyAllEventCodes()
- self.verifyAllEventsNoAlias()
+ def _verify_event_codes(self, command, filename):
+ is_cmd_successful = False
+ for i in range(util.NUM_MAX_TRIALS):
+ print ('Running: %s verified against %s, trial #%s' %
+ (inspect.stack()[0][3], filename.strip(), str(i + 1)))
+ self.telnet.write(command)
+ time.sleep(util.CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
+ output_event_list_all = util.remove_all_spaces(
+ util.parse_output_for_ev(self.telnet))
+ correct_output = util.remove_all_spaces(
+ util.read_string_from_file(filename))
+ is_cmd_successful = (output_event_list_all == correct_output)
+ if is_cmd_successful:
+ break
+ time.sleep(util.TRIAL_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(
+ is_cmd_successful, 'output mismatch: fail to run %s properly' % command,
+ False, '', correct_output, output_event_list_all)
- def test_simulateKeyPresses(self):
- """
- Test for command: event text <message>
- """
- # b/204884
- pass
+ def _verify_all_event_codes(self):
+ self._verify_event_codes(CMD_EVENT_CODES_EV_KEY,
+ self._verify_event_codes(CMD_EVENT_CODES_EV_REL,
+ self._verify_event_codes(CMD_EVENT_CODES_EV_ABS,
+ def test_list_event_aliases(self):
+ """Test for command: event types.
+ Test Rail ID: C14595360
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: event types
+ 6. verify 1
+ Verify:
+ 1. Available event types are listed
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ is_cmd_successful = False
+ for i in range(util.NUM_MAX_TRIALS):
+ print ('Running: %s, trial #%s' %
+ (inspect.stack()[0][3], str(i + 1)))
+ self.telnet.write(CMD_EVENT_TYPES)
+ time.sleep(util.CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
+ output_event_aliases = util.remove_all_spaces(
+ util.parse_output_for_ev(self.telnet))
+ correct_output = util.remove_all_spaces(
+ util.read_string_from_file(util.EVENTS_EV_TYPES_FILENAME))
+ is_cmd_successful = (output_event_aliases == correct_output)
+ if is_cmd_successful:
+ break
+ time.sleep(util.TRIAL_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(
+ is_cmd_successful, 'Listing all aliases of events failed',
+ False, '', correct_output, output_event_aliases)
+ def test_list_all_code_aliases(self):
+ """Test for command: event codes <type>" (for example: event codes EV_REL).
+ Test Rail ID: C14595360
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run several "event codes <type>" commands
+ 6. verify 1
+ Verify:
+ 1. Available event code alias for the selected type are listed
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._verify_all_event_codes()
+ self._verify_all_events_no_allias()
+ def test_simulate_key_presses(self):
+ """Test for command: event text <message>.
+ Test Rail ID: C14595360
+ """
+ # b/204884
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ pass
if __name__ == '__main__':
- print "======= Event Test ======="
- unittest.main()
+ print '======= Event Test ======='
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/emu_test/test_console/ b/emu_test/test_console/
index ddfdf2f..d7c177e 100644
--- a/emu_test/test_console/
+++ b/emu_test/test_console/
@@ -1,85 +1,70 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Test for help-related commands."""
-import os
+import inspect
import sys
import telnetlib
import unittest
+import testcase_base
from utils import util
-from os.path import expanduser
-from testcase_base import BaseConsoleTest
-class HelpTest(BaseConsoleTest):
- """This class aims to test help-related emulator console commands."""
+class HelpTest(testcase_base.BaseConsoleTest):
+ """This class aims to test help-related emulator console commands."""
- def setUp(self):
- """Only telnet to emulator, initially not need to run auth command."""
- self.telnet = telnetlib.Telnet(util.SERVER_NAME,
- if not util.checkReadUntil(
- self.telnet.read_until(util.OK,
- util.TIMEOUT_S)):
- sys.exit(-1)
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Only telnet to emulator, initially not need to run auth command."""
+ self.telnet = telnetlib.Telnet(util.SERVER_NAME, util.CONSOLE_PORT)
+ if not util.check_read_until(
+ self.telnet.read_until(util.OK, util.TIMEOUT_S)):
+ sys.exit(-1)
- def _help_command(self, expected_output):
- """Executes help command and verifies output.
+ def _help_command(self, expected_output):
+ """Executes help command and verifies output.
- Args:
- expected_output: Expected console output for help commands.
- """
- is_command_successful, output = \
- util.execute_console_command(
- self.telnet,
- util.CMD_HELP,
- expected_output)
+ Args:
+ expected_output: Expected console output for help commands.
+ """
+ is_command_successful, output = util.execute_console_command(
+ self.telnet, util.CMD_HELP, expected_output)
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(
- is_command_successful,
- 'Failed to properly list all command options.',
- False,
- '',
- 'Pattern: \n%s' % expected_output,
- output)
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(
+ is_command_successful,
+ 'Failed to properly list all command options.',
+ False, '', 'Pattern: \n%s' % expected_output, output)
- def _auth_user_for_emulator_console(self):
- """Authorization user."""
- home = expanduser('~')
- token_path = os.path.join(home,
- with open(token_path) as f:
- content = f.readlines()
- auth_token = content[0]
- cmd_auth = 'auth %s\n' % (auth_token)
- self.telnet.write(cmd_auth)
- self.wait_on_windows()
- if not util.checkReadUntil(
- self.telnet.read_until(util.OK,
- util.TIMEOUT_S)):
- sys.exit(-1)
+ def _auth_user_for_emulator_console(self):
+ """Authorization user."""
+ auth_token = util.get_auth_token()
+ self.telnet = util.telnet_emulator()
+ self.telnet.write('%s %s\n' % (util.AUTH, auth_token))
+ util.wait_on_windows()
+ if (not util.check_read_until(
+ self.telnet.read_until(util.OK, util.TIMEOUT_S))):
+ sys.exit(-1)
- def test_help_command(self):
- """
- Test command for: help
- Test Rail ID: C14578962
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Run: help, and verify 1
- 4. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 5. Run: auth auth_token
- 6. Run: help, and verify 2
- Verify:
- 1. help, auth, avd and quit/exit commands are available
- 2. crash, kill, redir, power, event, avd ,finger, geo, sms, cdma,
- gsm and rotate commands are available
- """
- self._help_command(util.REGEX_HELP_DISPLAY_NO_AUTH)
- self._auth_user_for_emulator_console()
- self._help_command(util.REGEX_HELP_DISPLAY_AUTH)
+ def test_help_command(self):
+ """Test command for: help.
+ Test Rail ID: C14578962
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Run: help, and verify 1
+ 4. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 5. Run: auth auth_token
+ 6. Run: help, and verify 2
+ Verify:
+ 1. help, auth, avd and quit/exit commands are available
+ 2. crash, kill, redir, power, event, avd ,finger, geo, sms, cdma,
+ gsm and rotate commands are available
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._help_command(util.REGEX_HELP_DISPLAY_NO_AUTH)
+ self._auth_user_for_emulator_console()
+ self._help_command(util.REGEX_HELP_DISPLAY_AUTH)
if __name__ == '__main__':
- print('======= help Test =======')
- unittest.main()
+ print '======= help Test ======='
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/emu_test/test_console/ b/emu_test/test_console/
index 0fe73a1..aec591c 100644
--- a/emu_test/test_console/
+++ b/emu_test/test_console/
@@ -1,132 +1,103 @@
-Tests for port-related commands
+"""Tests for port-related commands."""
-import unittest
-import utils.util as console_utils
-import time
import inspect
-from testcase_base import BaseConsoleTest
+import time
+import unittest
+import testcase_base
+from utils import util
-HOST_PORT = "5556"
+HOST_PORT = '5556'
-CMD_REDIR_LIST = "redir list\n"
-CMD_REDIR_ADD = "redir add tcp:%s:%s\n" % (HOST_PORT, EMULATOR_PORT)
-CMD_REDIR_DEL = "redir del tcp:%s\n" % (HOST_PORT)
+CMD_REDIR_LIST = 'redir list\n'
+CMD_REDIR_ADD = 'redir add tcp:%s:%s\n' % (HOST_PORT, EMULATOR_PORT)
+CMD_REDIR_DEL = 'redir del tcp:%s\n' % HOST_PORT
-class PortTest(BaseConsoleTest):
+class PortTest(testcase_base.BaseConsoleTest):
+ """This class aims to test redir-related emulator console commands."""
- def _list_redir_cmd(self):
- is_cmd_succ = False
+ def _list_redir_cmd(self):
+ is_cmd_succ, output_redir_list = util.execute_console_command(
+ self.telnet, CMD_REDIR_LIST, util.PORT_NO_REDIR)
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(
+ is_cmd_succ, 'Failed to properly list port redirection.',
+ False, '', util.PORT_NO_REDIR, output_redir_list)
+ return output_redir_list
- for i in range(NUM_MAX_TRIALS):
- print("Running %s, trial #%s" %
- (inspect.stack()[0][3], str(i + 1)))
- self.telnet.write(CMD_REDIR_LIST)
- time.sleep(CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- output_redir_list = console_utils.parseOutput(self.telnet)
- is_cmd_succ = (output_redir_list == console_utils.PORT_NO_REDIR)
+ def _add_port_redir_cmd(self):
+ is_cmd_succ = False
- if is_cmd_succ:
- break
+ for i in range(util.NUM_MAX_TRIALS):
+ print ('Running %s, trial #%s' %
+ (inspect.stack()[0][3], str(i + 1)))
- time.sleep(TRIAL_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
+ self.telnet.write(CMD_REDIR_ADD)
+ time.sleep(util.CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
+ output_redir_add = util.parse_output(self.telnet)
+ assert output_redir_add == util.OK
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(
- is_cmd_succ,
- "Failed to properly list port redirection.",
- False,
- "",
- console_utils.PORT_NO_REDIR, output_redir_list)
+ self.telnet.write(CMD_REDIR_LIST)
+ time.sleep(util.CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
+ output_redir_list = util.parse_output(self.telnet)
- return output_redir_list
+ is_cmd_succ = (output_redir_list == util.PORT_REDIR_ADD)
- def _add_port_redir_cmd(self):
- is_cmd_succ = False
+ if is_cmd_succ:
+ break
- for i in range(NUM_MAX_TRIALS):
- print("Running %s, trial #%s" %
- (inspect.stack()[0][3], str(i + 1)))
+ time.sleep(util.TRIAL_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- self.telnet.write(CMD_REDIR_ADD)
- time.sleep(CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- output_redir_add = console_utils.parseOutput(self.telnet)
- assert output_redir_add == console_utils.OK
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(
+ is_cmd_succ, 'Failed to properly add a new port redirection',
+ False, '', util.PORT_REDIR_ADD, output_redir_add)
- self.telnet.write(CMD_REDIR_LIST)
- time.sleep(CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- output_redir_list = console_utils.parseOutput(self.telnet)
+ def _del_port_redir_cmd(self):
+ is_cmd_succ = False
- is_cmd_succ = (output_redir_list == console_utils.PORT_REDIR_ADD)
+ for i in range(util.NUM_MAX_TRIALS):
+ print ('Running : %s, trial #%s' %
+ (inspect.stack()[0][3], str(i + 1)))
- if is_cmd_succ:
- break
+ self.telnet.write(CMD_REDIR_DEL)
+ time.sleep(util.CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
+ output_redir_del = util.parse_output(self.telnet)
+ assert output_redir_del == util.OK
- time.sleep(TRIAL_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
+ is_cmd_succ = (self._list_redir_cmd() == util.PORT_NO_REDIR)
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(
- is_cmd_succ,
- "Failed to properly add a new port redirection",
- False,
- "",
- console_utils.PORT_REDIR_ADD,
- output_redir_add)
+ if is_cmd_succ:
+ break
- def _del_port_redir_cmd(self):
- is_cmd_succ = False
+ time.sleep(util.TRIAL_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
- for i in range(NUM_MAX_TRIALS):
- print("Running : %s, trial #%s" %
- (inspect.stack()[0][3], str(i+1)))
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(
+ is_cmd_succ, 'Failed to properly delete a port redirection',
+ False, '', util.OK, output_redir_del)
- self.telnet.write(CMD_REDIR_DEL)
- time.sleep(CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- output_redir_del = console_utils.parseOutput(self.telnet)
- assert output_redir_del == console_utils.OK
+ def test_list_port_redir(self):
+ """Test for command: redir list.
- is_cmd_succ = (self._list_redir_cmd() == console_utils.PORT_NO_REDIR)
+ TR ID: C14594979
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._list_redir_cmd()
- if is_cmd_succ:
- break
+ def test_add_new_port_and_delete_port_redir(self):
+ """Test for commands: redir.
- time.sleep(TRIAL_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(
- is_cmd_succ,
- "Failed to properly delete a port redirection",
- False,
- "",
- console_utils.OK,
- output_redir_del)
- def test_list_port_redir(self):
- """
- Test for command: redir list
- TR ID: C14594979
- """
- print("Running test: %s" % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- self._list_redir_cmd()
- def test_add_new_port_and_delete_port_redir(self):
- """
- Test for commands: redir add <tcp_or_udp>:<5556>:<port_of_emulator>
- redir def <tcp_or_udp>:<5556>
- TR ID: C14594979
- b/210442:
- command "redir del" doesn't work on API 23/24 on Windows; but Linux.
- """
- print("Running test: %s" % (inspect.stack()[0][3]))
- self._add_port_redir_cmd()
- self._del_port_redir_cmd()
+ redir add <tcp_or_udp>:<5556>:<port_of_emulator>
+ redir def <tcp_or_udp>:<5556>
+ TR ID: C14594979
+ b/210442:
+ command "redir del" doesn't work on API 23/24 on Windows; but Linux.
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._add_port_redir_cmd()
+ self._del_port_redir_cmd()
if __name__ == '__main__':
- print "======= Port Test ======="
- unittest.main()
+ print '======= Port Test ======='
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/emu_test/test_console/ b/emu_test/test_console/
index d84bab6..466f4de 100644
--- a/emu_test/test_console/
+++ b/emu_test/test_console/
@@ -1,62 +1,76 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Test for quit/exit-related commands."""
-Test for quit/exit-related commands.
+import inspect
import unittest
-import utils.util as console_utils
-from testcase_base import BaseConsoleTest
+import testcase_base
+from utils import util
CMD_QUIT = 'quit\n'
CMD_EXIT = 'exit\n'
-class QuitTest(BaseConsoleTest):
+class QuitTest(testcase_base.BaseConsoleTest):
+ """This class aims to test quit/exit-related emulator console commands."""
+ def tearDown(self):
+ """Override superclass's method.
+ In the end of each test case, it already exited from emulator.
- This class aims to test quit/exit-related emulator console commands.
+ pass
+ def _execute_command_and_verify(self, command):
+ is_command_successful = False
+ self.telnet.write(command)
+ util.wait_on_windows()
+ output_exit = util.parse_output(self.telnet)
+ is_command_successful = (output_exit == EMPTY_OUTPUT)
+ self.telnet.close()
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(
+ is_command_successful, 'Failed to properly quit/exit emulator.',
+ False, '', EMPTY_OUTPUT, output_exit)
+ def test_quit_command(self):
+ """Test command for: quit.
+ Test Rail ID: 14595303
+ Steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from
+ /Users/<username>/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: quit (Verify)
+ Verify:
+ We have quited from console.
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._execute_command_and_verify(CMD_QUIT)
- def tearDown(self):
- """
- Override superclass's method:
- In the end of each test case, it already exited from emulator.
- """
+ def test_exit_command(self):
+ """Test command for: exit.
- def _execute_command_and_verify(self, command):
- is_command_successful = False
+ Test Rail ID: 14595303
+ Steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from
+ /Users/<username>/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: exit (Verify)
+ Verify:
+ We have exited from console.
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ self._execute_command_and_verify(CMD_EXIT)
- self.telnet.write(command)
- self.wait_on_windows()
- output_exit = console_utils.parseOutput(self.telnet)
- is_command_successful = (output_exit == EMPTY_OUTPUT)
- self.telnet.close()
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(
- is_command_successful,
- 'Failed to properly quit/exit emulator.',
- False,
- '',
- output_exit)
- def test_quit_command(self):
- """
- Test command for: quit
- Test Rail ID: 14595303
- """
- self._execute_command_and_verify(CMD_QUIT)
- def test_exit_command(self):
- """
- Test command for: exit
- Test Rail ID: 14595303
- """
- self._execute_command_and_verify(CMD_EXIT)
if __name__ == '__main__':
- print('======= Quit/Exit Test =======')
- unittest.main()
+ print '======= Quit/Exit Test ======='
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/emu_test/test_console/ b/emu_test/test_console/
index 490d6d9..23bb0b9 100644
--- a/emu_test/test_console/
+++ b/emu_test/test_console/
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Tests for sms-related commands."""
+import inspect
import json
import os
-import requests
-import subprocess
-import time
import unittest
-from testcase_base import BaseConsoleTest
+import requests
+import testcase_base
from utils import util
TESTCASE_CALL_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
@@ -17,128 +15,108 @@
SENDER_PHONE_NUMBER = '2345678910'
TEXT_MESSAGE = 'Hello there'
-CMD_SMS_PDU = 'sms pdu 07911326040000F0040B911346610089F6000020806291'\
- '7314080CC8F71D14969741F977FD07\n'
+CMD_SMS_PDU = ('sms pdu 07911326040000F0040B911346610089F6000020806291'
+ '7314080CC8F71D14969741F977FD07\n')
PDU_MESSAGE = 'How are you?'
PDU_PHONE_NUMBER = '+31641600986'
-class SmsTest(BaseConsoleTest):
- """This class aims to test sms-related emulator console commands."""
+class SmsTest(testcase_base.BaseConsoleTest):
+ """This class aims to test sms-related emulator console commands."""
- @classmethod
- def run_script_run_adb_shell(cls):
- proc_install_apk = subprocess.Popen(
- ['python', TESTCASE_CALL_DIR + '/'])
- return proc_install_apk
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ util.run_script_run_adb_shell(TESTCASE_CALL_DIR)
- @classmethod
- def setUpClass(cls):
- ['adb', '-s', 'emulator-5554', '-e', 'forward', 'tcp:8080',
- 'tcp:8081'])
-['python', TESTCASE_CALL_DIR + '/'])
- cls.run_script_run_adb_shell()
- time.sleep(util.SETUP_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
+ def _process_request_sms_service(self, payload):
+ """Processes post request to sms service.
- def _process_request_sms_service(self, payload):
- """Processes post request to sms service.
+ Sends post request to sms service, gets the newest sms message,
+ then parses the result to get phone number and text message.
- Sends post request to sms service, gets the newest sms message,
- then parses the result to get phone number and text message.
+ Args:
+ payload: The payload for sending POST request to sms server.
- Args:
- payload: The payload for sending POST request to sms server.
+ Returns:
+ phone_number: The sender's phone number in the sms message.
+ text_message: The text message in the sms.
+ """
+ r =, data=json.dumps(payload))
- Returns:
- phone_number: The sender's phone number in the sms message.
- text_message: The text message in the sms.
- """
- r =, data=json.dumps(payload))
+ if r.raise_for_status():
+ error_msg = 'Servlet Error: Post request to %s failed' % SERVLET_SMS
+ print error_msg
+ return False, error_msg
- if r.raise_for_status():
- print('Servlet Error: Post request to %s failed' % SERVLET_SMS)
- return False
+ r_json = r.json()
- r_json = r.json()
+ if r_json['isFail']:
+ error_msg = ('Servlet Error: Failure occurred in servlet side => %s'
+ print error_msg
+ return False, error_msg
- if r_json['isFail']:
- print('Servlet Error: Failure occurred in servlet side => %s'
- return False
+ return r_json['smsAddress'], r_json['smsTextMessage']
- return r_json['smsAddress'], r_json['smsTextMessage']
+ def test_send_inbound_sms_text_message(self):
+ """Test command for: sms send <phone number> <text message>.
- def test_send_inbound_sms_text_message(self):
- """
- Test command for: sms send <phone number> <text message>
- Test Rail ID: C14595297
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: sms send <phone number> <text message>, and verify
- Verify:
- An sms is received from <phone number> with the text <text message>.
- """
- is_command_successful, output = \
- util.execute_console_command(self.telnet,
- util.OK)
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(is_command_successful,
- 'Failed to properly send sms text message',
- False,
- '',
- util.OK,
- output)
+ Test Rail ID: C14595297
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: sms send <phone number> <text message>, and verify
+ Verify:
+ An sms is received from <phone number> with the text <text message>.
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ is_command_successful, output = util.execute_console_command(
+ self.telnet, CMD_SMS_SEND, util.OK)
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(
+ is_command_successful, 'Failed to properly send sms text message',
+ False, '', util.OK, output)
- got_phone_number, got_sms_message = self._process_request_sms_service({})
- print('got_phone_number = %s, got_sms_message=%s'
- % (got_phone_number, got_sms_message))
- self.assertTrue(
- got_phone_number == SENDER_PHONE_NUMBER,
- 'Sender phone number is wrong.')
- self.assertTrue(
- got_sms_message == TEXT_MESSAGE,
- 'The received text message is wrong.')
+ got_phone_number, got_sms_message = self._process_request_sms_service({})
+ print ('got_phone_number = %s, got_sms_message=%s'
+ % (got_phone_number, got_sms_message))
+ self.assertTrue(got_phone_number == SENDER_PHONE_NUMBER,
+ 'Sender phone number is wrong.')
+ self.assertTrue(got_sms_message == TEXT_MESSAGE,
+ 'The received text message is wrong.')
- def test_send_inbound_sms_pdu(self):
- """
- Test command for: sms send <phone number> <text message>
- Test Rail ID: C14595297
- Test steps:
- 1. Launch an emulator avd
- 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
- 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
- 4. Run: auth auth_token
- 5. Run: sms pdu <pdu message>
- and verify
- Verify:
- An sms is received from <expected phone number> with
- <expected text> ('How are you?').
- """
- is_command_successful, output = \
- util.execute_console_command(self.telnet,
- util.OK)
- self.assertCmdSuccessful(is_command_successful,
- 'Failed to properly send sms pdu',
- False,
- '',
- util.OK,
- output)
+ def test_send_inbound_sms_pdu(self):
+ """Test command for: sms send <phone number> <text message>.
- got_phone_number, got_sms_message = self._process_request_sms_service({})
- print('got_phone_number = %s, got_sms_message=%s'
- % (got_phone_number, got_sms_message))
- self.assertTrue(
- got_phone_number == PDU_PHONE_NUMBER,
- 'Sender phone number is wrong.')
- self.assertTrue(
- got_sms_message == PDU_MESSAGE,
- 'The received text message is wrong.')
+ Test Rail ID: C14595297
+ Test steps:
+ 1. Launch an emulator avd
+ 2. From command prompt, run: telnet localhost <port>
+ 3. Copy the auth_token value from ~/.emulator_console_auth_token
+ 4. Run: auth auth_token
+ 5. Run: sms pdu <pdu message>
+ and verify
+ Verify:
+ An sms is received from <expected phone number> with
+ <expected text> ('How are you?').
+ """
+ print 'Running test: %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3])
+ is_command_successful, output = util.execute_console_command(
+ self.telnet, CMD_SMS_PDU, util.OK)
+ self.assert_cmd_successful(
+ is_command_successful, 'Failed to properly send sms pdu',
+ False, '', util.OK, output)
+ got_phone_number, got_sms_message = self._process_request_sms_service({})
+ print ('got_phone_number = %s, got_sms_message=%s'
+ % (got_phone_number, got_sms_message))
+ self.assertTrue(got_phone_number == PDU_PHONE_NUMBER,
+ 'Sender phone number is wrong.')
+ self.assertTrue(got_sms_message == PDU_MESSAGE,
+ 'The received text message is wrong.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
- print('======= sms Test =======')
- unittest.main()
+ print '======= sms Test ======='
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/emu_test/test_console/utils/ b/emu_test/test_console/utils/
index 8f9323d..ef94269 100644
--- a/emu_test/test_console/utils/
+++ b/emu_test/test_console/utils/
@@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
-This module contains utility helper functions and constants for running each console test.
-Particularly, parseOutput(telnet) function is extensively used throughout
-the entire console test in order to parse the console output until "OK" message.
+"""This module contains utility helper functions and constants for console test.
+Particularly, parseOutput(telnet) function is extensively used
+throughout the entire console test in order to parse the console output until
+"OK" message.
import os
-import re
-import time
from os.path import expanduser
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import telnetlib
+import time
NEWLINE = '\n'
OK = 'OK'
@@ -19,20 +22,24 @@
CAPACITY = 'capacity: '
REGEX_PWR_DISPLAY = 'AC:.*\nstatus:.*\nhealth:.*\npresent:.*\ncapacity:.*\nOK'
-if == 'nt':
- COMPARE_CMD = 'diff'
+ COMPARE_CMD = 'diff'
SERVER_NAME = 'localhost'
-TIMEOUT_S = 1 # in second
HOME = expanduser('~')
CONSOLE_AUTH_TOKEN_FILE_NAME = '.emulator_console_auth_token'
@@ -48,198 +55,246 @@
PORT_NO_REDIR = 'no active redirections\r\nOK'
PORT_REDIR_ADD = 'tcp:5556 => 5554 \r\nOK'
CMD_HELP = 'help\n'
- '.*\n.*\n.*help.*\n.*avd.*\n.*auth.*\n.*quit\|exit.*\n.*\n.*\nOK'
- '.*\n.*\n.*help.*\n.*event.*\n.*geo.*\n.*gsm.*\n.*cdma.*\n.*crash.*\n' \
- '.*kill.*\n.*network.*\n.*power.*\n.*quit\|exit.*\n.*redir.*\n' \
- '.*sms.*\n.*avd.*\n.*qemu.*\n.*sensor.*\n.*finger.*\n.*debug.*\n.*\n.*\nOK'
+REGEX_HELP_DISPLAY_NO_AUTH = (r'.*\n.*\n.*help.*\n.*avd.*\n.*auth.*\n'
+ r'.*quit\|exit.*\n.*\n.*\nOK')
+REGEX_HELP_DISPLAY_AUTH = (r'.*\n.*\n.*help.*\n.*event.*\n.*geo.*\n.*gsm.*\n'
+ r'.*cdma.*\n.*crash.*\n.*kill.*\n.*network.*\n'
+ r'.*power.*\n.*quit\|exit.*\n.*redir.*\n'
+ r'.*sms.*\n.*avd.*\n.*qemu.*\n.*sensor.*\n.'
+ r'*finger.*\n.*debug.*\n.*\n.*\nOK')
AUTH = 'auth'
CMD_RANDOM_AUTH_TOKEN = '%s axxB123cc\n' % AUTH
+CMD_EXIT = 'exit\n'
-def checkReadUntil(consoleOutput):
- """Checks whether the console output ends with 'OK' message.
+def check_read_until(console_output):
+ """Checks whether the console output ends with 'OK' message.
- Args:
- consoleOutput: The console output to be checked.
+ Args:
+ console_output: The console output to be checked.
- Returns:
- A boolean value: It indicates the console output ends with 'OK' message
- or not.
- """
- consoleOutput = consoleOutput.strip()
- index_OK = consoleOutput.rfind(OK)
- return index_OK == len(consoleOutput) - len(OK)
+ Returns:
+ A boolean value: It indicates the console output ends with 'OK' message
+ or not.
+ """
+ console_output = console_output.strip()
+ index_ok = console_output.rfind(OK)
+ return index_ok == len(console_output) - len(OK)
-def parseOutput(telnet):
- """Parses console output until 'OK' appears
+def parse_output(telnet):
+ """Parses console output until 'OK' appears.
- Args:
- telnet: The telnet connection to emulator.
+ Args:
+ telnet: The telnet connection to emulator.
- Returns:
- parsed_output: The parsed output until 'OK' message.
- """
- parsed_output = telnet.read_until(OK).strip()
- return parsed_output
+ Returns:
+ parsed_output: The parsed output until 'OK' message.
+ """
+ parsed_output = telnet.read_until(OK).strip()
+ return parsed_output
-def extractFieldFromOutput(output, keyword):
- """Extract value of specific field from battery command.
+def extract_field_from_output(output, keyword):
+ """Extract value of specific field from battery command.
- Args:
- output: The output for extracting certain field.
- keyword: The keyword for searching.
+ Args:
+ output: The output for extracting certain field.
+ keyword: The keyword for searching.
- Returns:
- A string value: The field from output searching by given keyword.
- """
- keyword_idx = output.find(keyword)
- return output[keyword_idx + len(keyword):output.find(NEWLINE, keyword_idx)].strip()
+ Returns:
+ A string value: The field from output searching by given keyword.
+ """
+ keyword_idx = output.find(keyword)
+ return (output[keyword_idx + len(keyword):output.find(NEWLINE, keyword_idx)]
+ .strip())
-def patternMatchOutput(output, regex):
- """Check whether console output matches with a given regex.
+def pattern_match_output(output, regex):
+ """Check whether console output matches with a given regex.
- Args:
- output: The console output of a command.
- regex: The regular pattern to use for searching.
+ Args:
+ output: The console output of a command.
+ regex: The regular pattern to use for searching.
- Returns:
- A boolean value: It indicates the pattern is found in the output or not.
- """
- if re.match(regex, output):
- return True
- else:
- return False
+ Returns:
+ A boolean value: It indicates the pattern is found in the output or not.
+ """
+ if re.match(regex, output):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
-def checkBatteryStatus(status):
- """Checking each battery status, used in
+def check_battery_status(status):
+ """Checking each battery status, used in
- Args:
- status: A battery status to map.
+ Args:
+ status: A battery status to map.
- Returns:
- A string value: The capitalized/mapped battery status.
- """
- if status == 'not-charging':
- return 'Not charging'
- if status == 'failure':
- return 'Unspecified failure'
- if status == 'overheat':
- return 'Overheat'
- return status.capitalize()
+ Returns:
+ A string value: The capitalized/mapped battery status.
+ """
+ if status == 'not-charging':
+ return 'Not charging'
+ if status == 'failure':
+ return 'Unspecified failure'
+ if status == 'overheat':
+ return 'Overheat'
+ return status.capitalize()
-def parseOutputForEV(telnet):
- """Parses console output until 'OK' appears for 'event' command.
+def parse_output_for_ev(telnet):
+ """Parses console output until 'OK' appears for 'event' command.
- Args:
- telnet: The telnet connection to emulator.
+ Args:
+ telnet: The telnet connection to emulator.
- Returns:
- parsed_output: The parsed console output.
- """
- parsed_output = telnet.read_until("\n"+OK).strip()
- return parsed_output
+ Returns:
+ parsed_output: The parsed console output.
+ """
+ parsed_output = telnet.read_until('\n%s' % OK).strip()
+ return parsed_output
-def getEventsCodeEvKey():
- """Gets event codes from a static file.
+def get_events_code_ev_key():
+ """Gets event codes from a static file.
- Returns:
- A string value: The event codes getting from a static file.
- """
- with open(EVENTS_CODE_EV_KEY_FILENAME) as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- for line in lines:
- EVENTS_CODE_EV_KEY += ('\r\n ' + line.strip())
- return EVENTS_CODE_EV_KEY.strip() + '\r\nOK'
+ Returns:
+ A string value: The event codes getting from a static file.
+ """
+ with open(EVENTS_CODE_EV_KEY_FILENAME) as f:
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ events_code_ev_key = ''
+ for line in lines:
+ events_code_ev_key += ('\r\n %s' % line.strip())
+ return '%s\r\n%s' % (events_code_ev_key.strip(), OK)
-def readStringFromFile(filename):
- """Reads strings written in the file by appending each line.
+def read_string_from_file(filename):
+ """Reads strings written in the file by appending each line.
- Args:
- filename: The file name to read strings from.
+ Args:
+ filename: The file name to read strings from.
- Returns:
- stringRead: A single string value containing each line in the file.
- """
- with open(filename) as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- stringRead = ""
- for line in lines:
- stringRead += line
- return stringRead
+ Returns:
+ stringRead: A single string value containing each line in the file.
+ """
+ with open(filename) as f:
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ string_read = ''
+ for line in lines:
+ string_read += line
+ return string_read
-def removeAllSpaces(string):
- """Removes all the trailing spaces and spaces within the string.
+def remove_all_spaces(string):
+ """Removes all the trailing spaces and spaces within the string.
- Args:
- string: A string to remove training spaces.
+ Args:
+ string: A string to remove training spaces.
- Returns:
- A string value: A parsed string after removing all trailing spaces.
- """
- return re.sub('[\s+]', '', string.strip(' \t\n\r'))
+ Returns:
+ A string value: A parsed string after removing all trailing spaces.
+ """
+ return re.sub(r'[\s+]', '', string.strip(' \t\n\r'))
def execute_console_command(telnet, command, expected_output):
- """Executes emulator console command.
+ """Executes emulator console command.
- Executes emulator console command through telnet connection,
- compare command output and expected command output.
+ Executes emulator console command through telnet connection,
+ compare command output and expected command output.
- Args:
- telnet: The telnet connection to emulator.
- command: The console command to execute.
- expected_output: The expected output for the executed command.
+ Args:
+ telnet: The telnet connection to emulator.
+ command: The console command to execute.
+ expected_output: The expected output for the executed command.
- Returns:
- is_command_successful: It indicates command executed successfully or not.
- output: The command output in the terminal.
- """
- is_command_successful = False
+ Returns:
+ is_command_successful: It indicates command executed successfully or not.
+ output: The command output in the terminal.
+ """
+ is_command_successful = False
- for i in range(NUM_MAX_TRIALS):
- print('execute console command: %s, trial #%d' % (command.strip(), i))
+ for i in range(NUM_MAX_TRIALS):
+ print 'execute console command: %s, trial #%d' % (command.strip(), i)
- telnet.write(command)
- time.sleep(CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
+ telnet.write(command)
+ time.sleep(CMD_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
- if command == 'crash\n':
- output = telnet.read_all()
- elif command == CMD_EMPTY_AUTH_TOKEN:
- output = telnet.read_until('missing authentication token').strip()
- elif command == CMD_RANDOM_AUTH_TOKEN:
- output = telnet.read_until('emulator_console_auth_token').strip()
- else:
- output = parseOutput(telnet)
+ if command == 'crash\n':
+ output = telnet.read_all()
+ elif command == CMD_EMPTY_AUTH_TOKEN:
+ output = telnet.read_until('missing authentication token').strip()
+ elif command == CMD_RANDOM_AUTH_TOKEN:
+ output = telnet.read_until('emulator_console_auth_token').strip()
+ else:
+ output = parse_output(telnet)
- is_command_successful = patternMatchOutput(output, expected_output)
+ is_command_successful = pattern_match_output(output, expected_output)
- if is_command_successful:
- break
+ if is_command_successful:
+ break
- time.sleep(TRIAL_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
+ time.sleep(TRIAL_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
- return is_command_successful, output
+ return is_command_successful, output
def get_auth_token():
- """Gets auth token value from auth token file.
+ """Gets auth token value from auth token file.
- Returns:
- auth_token: The value of auth token.
- """
- with open(TOKEN_PATH) as f:
- content = f.readlines()
- auth_token = content[0]
- return auth_token
+ Returns:
+ auth_token: The value of auth token.
+ """
+ with open(TOKEN_PATH) as f:
+ content = f.readlines()
+ auth_token = content[0]
+ return auth_token
+def telnet_emulator():
+ """Only telnet to emulator, initially not need to run auth command."""
+ telnet = telnetlib.Telnet(SERVER_NAME, CONSOLE_PORT)
+ if not check_read_until(telnet.read_until(OK, TIMEOUT_S)):
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ return telnet
+def wait_on_windows():
+ """Waits for few seconds on Windows machine."""
+ time.sleep(0.5)
+def exit_emulator_console(telnet):
+ """Exits from emulator console."""
+ telnet.write(CMD_EXIT)
+ wait_on_windows()
+ telnet.close()
+def run_script_run_adb_shell(testcase_call_dir):
+ """Run Python script to install apk.
+ Run Python script to install Rest Service app and corresponding test on
+ Emulator; on emulator, do a port forwarding from tcp:8080 to tcp:8081.
+ Args:
+ testcase_call_dir: The directory where the test case is called from.
+ """
+ script_run_adb_shell = ('%s/%s' %
+ (testcase_call_dir, SCRIPT_TO_RUN_ADB_SHELL))
+ script_install_apk = '%s/%s' % (testcase_call_dir, SCRIPT_TO_INSTALL_APK)
+['adb', '-s', 'emulator-%s' % str(CONSOLE_PORT),
+ '-e', 'forward', 'tcp:8080', 'tcp:8081'])
+[PYTHON_INTERPRETER, script_install_apk])
+ subprocess.Popen([PYTHON_INTERPRETER, script_run_adb_shell])
+ time.sleep(SETUP_WAIT_TIMEOUT_S)
diff --git a/system_image_uitests/app/src/androidTest/java/com/android/devtools/systemimage/uitest/smoke/ b/system_image_uitests/app/src/androidTest/java/com/android/devtools/systemimage/uitest/smoke/
index 446ce85..508c4b2 100644
--- a/system_image_uitests/app/src/androidTest/java/com/android/devtools/systemimage/uitest/smoke/
+++ b/system_image_uitests/app/src/androidTest/java/com/android/devtools/systemimage/uitest/smoke/
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@
public final SystemImageTestFramework testFramework = new SystemImageTestFramework();
// Tests under this class may take more than 60 seconds depending on buildbot infrastructure.
- // 90 seconds is a more reliable setup here.
+ // 120 seconds is a more reliable setup here.
- public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(90);
+ public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(120);