There are many ways to debug ANGLE using generic or platform-dependent tools. Here is a list of tips on how to use them.
Apitrace captures traces of OpenGL commands for later analysis, allowing us to see how ANGLE translates OpenGL ES commands. In order to capture the trace, it inserts a driver shim using LD_PRELOAD
that records the command and then forwards it to the OpenGL driver.
The problem with ANGLE is that it exposes the same symbols as the OpenGL driver so apitrace captures the entry point calls intended for ANGLE and reroutes them to the OpenGL driver. In order to avoid this problem, use the following:
export TRACE_LIBGL=/usr/lib/
. You can find your libGL with ldconfig -p | grep libGL
.angle_link_glx = true
.If you follow these steps, apitrace will work correctly aside from a few minor bugs like not being able to figure out what the default framebuffer size is if there is no glViewport command.
For example, to trace a run of hello_triangle
, assuming the apitrace executables are in $PATH
gn args out/Debug # add "angle_link_glx = true" # edit samples/ and append "_static" to "angle_util", "libEGL", "libGLESv2" ninja -C out/Debug export TRACE_LIBGL="/usr/lib/" # may require a different path apitrace trace -o mytrace ./out/Debug/hello_triangle qapitrace mytrace
GAPID can be used to capture trace of Vulkan commands on Linux. For it to work, libvulkan has to be a shared library, instead of being statically linked into ANGLE, which is the default behavior. This is done with the gn arg:
angle_shared_libvulkan = true
When capturing traces of gtest based tests built inside Chromium checkout, make sure to run the tests with --single-process-tests
GAPID can be used to capture a trace of the Vulkan or OpenGL ES command stream on Android. For it to work, ANGLE's libraries must have different names from the system OpenGL libraries. This is done with the gn arg:
angle_libs_suffix = "_ANGLE_DEV"
All NativeTest based tests share the same activity name, org.chromium.native_test.NativeUnitTestNativeActivity
. Thus, prior to capturing your test trace, the specific test APK must be installed on the device. When you build the test, a test launcher is generated, for example, ./out/Release/bin/run_angle_end2end_tests
. The best way to install the APK is to run this test launcher once.
In GAPID's "Capture Trace" dialog, "Package / Action:" should be:
The mandatory extra intent argument for starting the activity is org.chromium.native_test.NativeTest.StdoutFile
. Without it the test APK crashes. Test filters can be specified via either the org.chromium.native_test.NativeTest.CommandLineFlags
or the org.chromium.native_test.NativeTest.Shard
argument. Example "Intent Arguments:" values in GAPID's "Capture Trace" dialog:
-e org.chromium.native_test.NativeTest.StdoutFile /sdcard/chromium_tests_root/out.txt -e org.chromium.native_test.NativeTest.CommandLineFlags "--gtest_filter=*ES2_VULKAN"
-e org.chromium.native_test.NativeTest.StdoutFile /sdcard/chromium_tests_root/out.txt --esal org.chromium.native_test.NativeTest.Shard RendererTest.SimpleOperation/ES2_VULKAN,SimpleOperationTest.DrawWithTexture/ES2_VULKAN
An application running through ANGLE can confuse RenderDoc, as RenderDoc hooks to EGL and ends up tracing the calls the application makes, instead of the calls ANGLE makes to its backend. As ANGLE is a special case, there's little support for it by RenderDoc, though there are workarounds.
On Windows, RenderDoc supports setting the environment variable RENDERDOC_HOOK_EGL
to 0 to avoid this issue.
On Linux, there is no supported workaround by RenderDoc. See this issue. To capture Vulkan traces, the workaround is to build RenderDoc without GL(ES) support.
Building RenderDoc is straightforward. However, here are a few instructions to keep in mind.
# Install dependencies based on RenderDoc document. Here are some packages that are unlikely to be already installed: $ sudo apt install libxcb-keysyms1-dev python3-dev qt5-qmake libqt5svg5-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev # Inside the RenderDoc directory: $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Bbuild -H. -DENABLE_GLES=OFF -DENABLE_GL=OFF # QT_SELECT=5 is necessary if your distribution doesn't default to Qt5 $ QT_SELECT=5 make -j -C build # Run RenderDoc from the build directory: $ ./build/bin/qrenderdoc
Additionally, libvulkan has to be a shared library, instead of being statically linked into ANGLE, which is the default behavior. This is done with the gn arg:
angle_shared_libvulkan = true
If your distribution does not provide a recent Vulkan SDK package, you would need to manually install that. This script tries to perform this installation as safely as possible. It would overwrite the system package's files, so follow at your own risk. Place this script just above the extracted SDK directory.
#! /bin/bash if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 <version>" exit 1 fi ver=$1 if [ ! -d "$ver" ]; then echo "$ver is not a directory" fi # Verify everything first echo "Verifying files..." echo "$ver"/x86_64/bin/vulkaninfo test -f "$ver"/x86_64/bin/vulkaninfo || exit 1 echo "$ver"/x86_64/etc/explicit_layer.d/ test -d "$ver"/x86_64/etc/explicit_layer.d || exit 1 echo "$ver"/x86_64/lib/ test -d "$ver"/x86_64/lib || exit 1 echo "Verified. Performing copy..." echo sudo cp "$ver"/x86_64/bin/vulkaninfo /usr/bin/vulkaninfo sudo cp "$ver"/x86_64/bin/vulkaninfo /usr/bin/vulkaninfo echo sudo cp "$ver"/x86_64/etc/explicit_layer.d/* /etc/explicit_layer.d/ sudo cp "$ver"/x86_64/etc/explicit_layer.d/* /etc/explicit_layer.d/ echo sudo rm /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/* sudo rm /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/* echo sudo cp -P "$ver"/x86_64/lib/lib* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ sudo cp -P "$ver"/x86_64/lib/lib* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ echo "Done."
If you are on Linux, make sure not to use the build done in the previous section. The GL renderer disabled in the previous section is actually needed in this section.
Define the following environment variables, for example in .bashrc
(values are examples):
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/buildtools/java/jdk export ANDROID_SDK=$HOME/chromium/src/third_party/android_sdk/public export ANDROID_NDK=$HOME/chromium/src/third_party/android_ndk export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=$HOME/chromium/src/third_party/android_ndk
In the renderdoc directory, create Android builds of RenderDoc:
mkdir build-android-arm32 cd build-android-arm32/ cmake -DBUILD_ANDROID=On -DANDROID_ABI=armeabi-v7a .. make -j cd ../ mkdir build-android-arm64 cd build-android-arm64/ cmake -DBUILD_ANDROID=On -DANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a .. make -j cd ../
Note that you need both arm32 and arm64 builds even if working with an arm64 device. See RenderDoc's documentation for more information.
When you run RenderDoc, choose the "Replay Context" from the bottom-left part of the UI (defaults to Local). When selecting the device, you should see the RenderDoc application running.
In ANGLE itself, make sure you add a suffix for its names to be different from the system's. Add this to gn args:
angle_libs_suffix = "_ANGLE_DEV"
Next, you need to install an ANGLE test apk. When you build the test, a test launcher is generated, for example, ./out/Release/bin/run_angle_end2end_tests
. The best way to install the APK is to run this test launcher once.
In RenderDoc, use org.chromium.native_test
as the Executable Path, and provide the following arguments:
-e org.chromium.native_test.NativeTest.StdoutFile /sdcard/chromium_tests_root/out.txt -e org.chromium.native_test.NativeTest.CommandLineFlags "--gtest_filter=*ES2_VULKAN"
Note that in the above, only a single command line argument is supported with RenderDoc. If testing dEQP on a non-default platform, the easiest way would be to modify GetDefaultAPIName()
in src/tests/deqp_support/angle_deqp_gtest.cpp
(and avoid --use-angle=X