Prepartions for Compress 1.5 release

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/RELEASE-NOTES.txt b/RELEASE-NOTES.txt
index 4a62fe6..234e960 100644
@@ -1,22 +1,115 @@
-              Apache Commons Compress 1.4.1 RELEASE NOTES
+              Apache Commons Compress 1.5 RELEASE NOTES
 Apache Commons Compress software defines an API for working with compression and archive formats.
 These include: bzip2, gzip, pack200 and ar, cpio, jar, tar, zip, dump.
-Release 1.4.1
+Release 1.5
 Changes in this version include:
+New features:
+o CompressorStreamFactory has an option to create decompressing
+  streams that decompress the full input for formats that support
+  multiple concatenated streams.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-220.
 Fixed Bugs:
-o Ported libbzip2's fallback sort algorithm to
-  BZip2CompressorOutputStream to speed up compression in certain edge
-  cases.
-  Using specially crafted inputs this can be used as a denial of
-  service attack.  See
+o Typo in CompressorStreamFactory Javadoc
+  Issue: COMPRESS-218.
+  Thanks to Gili.
+o ArchiveStreamFactory's tar stream detection created false positives
+  for AIFF files.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-191.
+  Thanks to Jukka Zitting.
+o XZ for Java didn't provide an OSGi bundle.  Compress' dependency on
+  it has now been marked optional so Compress itself can still be used
+  in an OSGi context.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-199.
+  Thanks to Jukka Zitting.
+o When specifying the encoding explicitly TarArchiveOutputStream would
+  write unreadable names in GNU mode or even cause errors in POSIX
+  mode for file names longer than 66 characters.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-200.
+  Thanks to Christian Schlichtherle.
+o Writing TAR PAX headers failed if the generated entry name ended
+  with a "/".
+  Issue: COMPRESS-203.
+o ZipArchiveInputStream sometimes failed to provide input to the
+  Inflater when it needed it, leading to reads returning 0.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-189.
+  Thanks to Daniel Lowe.
+o TarArchiveInputStream ignored the encoding for GNU long name
+  entries.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-212.
+o TarArchiveInputStream could leave the second EOF record inside the
+  stream it had just finished reading.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-206.
+  Thanks to Peter De Maeyer.
+o DumpArchiveInputStream no longer implicitly closes the original
+  input stream when it reaches the end of the archive.
+o ZipArchiveInputStream now consumes the remainder of the archive when
+  getNextZipEntry returns null.
+o Unit tests could fail if the source tree was checked out to a
+  directory tree containign spaces.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-205.
+  Thanks to Daniel Lowe.
+o Fixed a potential ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when reading STORED
+  entries from ZipArchiveInputStream.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-219.
+o CompressorStreamFactory can now be used without XZ for Java being
+  available.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-221.
+o Improved exception message if a zip archive cannot be read because
+  of an unsupported compression method.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-188.
+  Thanks to Harald Kuhn.
+o ArchiveStreamFactory has a setting for file name encoding that sets
+  up encoding for ZIP and TAR streams.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-192.
+  Thanks to Jukka Zitting.
+o TarArchiveEntry now has a method to verify its checksum.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-191.
+  Thanks to Jukka Zitting.
+o Split/spanned ZIP archives are now properly detected by
+  ArchiveStreamFactory but will cause an
+  UnsupportedZipFeatureException when read.
+o ZipArchiveInputStream now reads archives that start with a "PK00"
+  signature.  Archives with this signatures are created when the
+  archiver was willing to split the archive but in the end only needed
+  a single segment - so didn't split anything.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-208.
+o TarArchiveEntry has a new constructor that allows setting linkFlag
+  and preserveLeadingSlashes at the same time.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-201.
+o ChangeSetPerformer has a new perform overload that uses a ZipFile
+  instance as input.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-159.
+o Garbage collection pressure has been reduced by reusing temporary
+  byte arrays in classes.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-172.
+  Thanks to Thomas Mair.
+o Can now handle zip extra field 0x5455 - Extended Timestamp.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-210.
+  Thanks to Julius Davies.
+o handle zip extra field 0x7875 - Info Zip New Unix Extra Field.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-211.
+  Thanks to Julius Davies.
+o ZipShort, ZipLong, ZipEightByteInteger should implement Serializable
+  Issue: COMPRESS-213.
+  Thanks to Julius Davies.
+o better support for unix symlinks in ZipFile entries.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-214.
+  Thanks to Julius Davies.
+o ZipFile's initialization has been improved for non-Zip64 archives.
+  Issue: COMPRESS-215.
+  Thanks to Robin Power.
+o Updated XZ for Java dependency to 1.2 as this version provides
+  proper OSGi manifest attributes.
 For complete information on Commons Compress, including instructions on how to submit bug reports,
 patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Commons Compress website: