Add accessor functions for Neon_Overflow, such that its value can be
read/changed when compiling with GCC/ARM too.
diff --git a/ref_v_binary_sat_op.c b/ref_v_binary_sat_op.c
index cafbcb7..921573e 100644
--- a/ref_v_binary_sat_op.c
+++ b/ref_v_binary_sat_op.c
@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@
   /* vector_res = OP(vector1,vector2), then store the result.  */
 #define TEST_BINARY_SAT_OP1(INSN, Q, T1, T2, W, N)	\
-  Neon_Overflow = 0;					\
+  Set_Neon_Overflow(0);					\
   VECT_VAR(vector_res, T1, W, N) =			\
     INSN##Q##_##T2##W(VECT_VAR(vector1, T1, W, N),	\
 		      VECT_VAR(vector2, T1, W, N));	\