plat/arm/sgi: introduce number of chips macro

Introduce macro 'CSS_SGI_CHIP_COUNT' to allow Arm CSS platforms with
multi-chip support to define number of chiplets on the platform. By
default, this flag is set to 1 and does not affect the existing single
chip platforms.

For multi-chip platforms, override the default value of
CSS_SGI_CHIP_COUNT with the number of chiplets supported on the
platform. As an example, the command below sets the number of chiplets
to two on the RD-N1-Edge multi-chip platform:

export CROSS_COMPILE=<path-to-cross-compiler>
make PLAT=rdn1edge CSS_SGI_CHIP_COUNT=2 ARCH=aarch64 all

Change-Id: If364dc36bd34b30cc356f74b3e97633933e6c8ee
Signed-off-by: Vijayenthiran Subramaniam <>
diff --git a/docs/plat/arm/arm-build-options.rst b/docs/plat/arm/arm-build-options.rst
index a6f3796..9622de6 100644
--- a/docs/plat/arm/arm-build-options.rst
+++ b/docs/plat/arm/arm-build-options.rst
@@ -114,6 +114,11 @@
    management operations and for SCP RAM Firmware transfer. If this option
    is set to 1, then SCMI/SDS drivers will be used. Default is 0.
+ - ``CSS_SGI_CHIP_COUNT``: Configures the number of chips on a SGI/RD platform
+   which supports multi-chip operation. If ``CSS_SGI_CHIP_COUNT`` is set to any
+   valid value greater than 1, the platform code performs required configuration
+   to support multi-chip operation.
 *Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.*