Rework Makefile

This patch is a complete rework of the main Makefile. Functionality
remains the same but the code has been reorganized in sections in
order to improve readability and facilitate adding future extensions.

A new file '' has been created and will contain common
definitions (variables, macros, etc) that may be used from the main
Makefile and other platform specific makefiles.

A new macro 'FIP_ADD_IMG' has been introduced and it will allow the
platform to specify binary images and the necessary checks for a
successful build. Platforms that require a BL30 image no longer need
to specify the NEED_BL30 option. The main Makefile is now completely
unaware of additional images not built as part of Trusted Firmware,
like BL30. It is the platform responsibility to specify images using
the macro 'FIP_ADD_IMG'. Juno uses this macro to include the BL30
image in the build.

BL33 image is specified in the main Makefile to preserve backward
compatibility with the NEED_BL33 option. Otherwise, platform ports
that rely on the definition of NEED_BL33 might break.

All Trusted Board Boot related definitions have been moved to a
separate file ''. The main Makefile will include this
file unless the platform indicates otherwise by setting the variable
'INCLUDE_TBBR_MK := 0' in the corresponding file. This
will keep backward compatibility but ideally each platform should
include the corresponding TBB .mk file in

Change-Id: I35e7bc9930d38132412e950e20aa2a01e2b26801
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 050a76e..31ac5d6 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -31,98 +31,152 @@
 # Trusted Firmware Version
+include make_helpers/
 # Default values for build configurations
 # Build verbosity
-V			:= 0
+V				:= 0
 # Debug build
-DEBUG			:= 0
+DEBUG				:= 0
 # Build platform
+DEFAULT_PLAT			:= fvp
 # SPD choice
-SPD			:= none
+SPD				:= none
 # Base commit to perform code check on
-BASE_COMMIT		:= origin/master
+BASE_COMMIT			:= origin/master
 # NS timer register save and restore
 # By default, Bl1 acts as the reset handler, not BL31
-RESET_TO_BL31		:= 0
+RESET_TO_BL31			:= 0
 # Include FP registers in cpu context
 # Determine the version of ARM GIC architecture to use for interrupt management
 # in EL3. The platform port can change this value if needed.
+ARM_GIC_ARCH			:= 2
 # Determine the version of ARM CCI product used in the platform. The platform
 # port can change this value if needed.
 # Flag used to indicate if ASM_ASSERTION should be enabled for the build.
 # This defaults to being present in DEBUG builds only.
 # Build option to choose whether Trusted firmware uses Coherent memory or not.
 # Flag used to choose the power state format viz Extended State-ID or the Original
 # format.
 # Default FIP file name
-FIP_NAME		:= fip.bin
+FIP_NAME			:= fip.bin
 # By default, use the -pedantic option in the gcc command line
 # Flags to generate the Chain of Trust
-SAVE_KEYS		:= 0
+SAVE_KEYS			:= 0
 # Flags to build TF with Trusted Boot support
 # By default, consider that the platform's reset address is not programmable.
 # The platform Makefile is free to override this value.
 # Build flag to warn about usage of deprecated platform and framework APIs
-# Checkpatch ignores
+# Checkpatch script options
 				--ignore GERRIT_CHANGE_ID \
 				--ignore GIT_COMMIT_ID
-CHECKPATCH_ARGS		=	--no-tree --no-signoff ${CHECK_IGNORE}
-CHECKCODE_ARGS		=	--no-patch --no-tree --no-signoff ${CHECK_IGNORE}
+CHECKPATCH_ARGS		:=	--no-tree --no-signoff ${CHECK_IGNORE}
+CHECKCODE_ARGS		:=	--no-patch --no-tree --no-signoff ${CHECK_IGNORE}
 # Do not check the coding style on C library files
-CHECK_PATHS		=	$(shell ls -I include -I lib) \
+CHECK_PATHS		:=	$(shell ls -I include -I lib) \
 				$(addprefix include/,$(shell ls -I stdlib include)) \
 				$(addprefix lib/,$(shell ls -I stdlib lib))
+# Process build options
+# Verbose flag
 ifeq (${V},0)
-	Q=@
-	CHECKCODE_ARGS	+=	--no-summary --terse
+        Q=@
+        CHECKCODE_ARGS	+=	--no-summary --terse
-	Q=
+        Q=
 export Q
+# Process Debug flag
+$(eval $(call add_define,DEBUG))
 ifneq (${DEBUG}, 0)
-	BUILD_TYPE	:=	debug
-	# Use LOG_LEVEL_INFO by default for debug builds
-	LOG_LEVEL	:=	40
+        BUILD_TYPE	:=	debug
+        CFLAGS		+= 	-g
+        ASFLAGS		+= 	-g -Wa,--gdwarf-2
+        # Use LOG_LEVEL_INFO by default for debug builds
+        LOG_LEVEL	:=	40
-	BUILD_TYPE	:=	release
-	# Use LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE by default for release builds
-	LOG_LEVEL	:=	20
+        BUILD_TYPE	:=	release
+        $(eval $(call add_define,NDEBUG))
+        # Use LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE by default for release builds
+        LOG_LEVEL	:=	20
 # Default build string (git branch and commit)
 ifeq (${BUILD_STRING},)
-	BUILD_STRING	:=	$(shell git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%h")
+        BUILD_STRING	:=	$(shell git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%h")
-BL_COMMON_SOURCES	:=	common/bl_common.c			\
+# The cert_create tool cannot generate certificates individually, so we use the
+# target 'certificates' to create them all
+ifneq (${GENERATE_COT},0)
+        FIP_DEPS += certificates
+# Toolchain
+CC			:=	${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc
+AS			:=	${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc
+OC			:=	${CROSS_COMPILE}objcopy
+OD			:=	${CROSS_COMPILE}objdump
+PP			:=	${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc -E
+ASFLAGS			+= 	-nostdinc -ffreestanding -Wa,--fatal-warnings	\
+				-Werror -Wmissing-include-dirs			\
+				-mgeneral-regs-only -D__ASSEMBLY__		\
+CFLAGS			+= 	-nostdinc -ffreestanding -Wall			\
+				-Werror -Wmissing-include-dirs			\
+				-mgeneral-regs-only -std=c99 -c -Os		\
+CFLAGS			+=	-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
+LDFLAGS			+=	--fatal-warnings -O1
+LDFLAGS			+=	--gc-sections
+# Common sources and include directories
+BL_COMMON_SOURCES	+=	common/bl_common.c			\
 				common/tf_printf.c			\
 				common/aarch64/debug.S			\
 				lib/aarch64/cache_helpers.S		\
@@ -131,99 +185,6 @@
 				lib/stdlib/std.c			\
-BUILD_BASE		:=	./build
-# Generate the platforms list by recursively searching for all directories
-# under /plat containing a PLAT_MAKEFILE. Append each platform with a `|`
-# char and strip out the final '|'.
-PLATFORMS		:=	$(shell find plat/ -name '${PLAT_MAKEFILE}' -print0 |			\
-					sed -r 's%[^\x00]*\/([^/]*)\/${PLAT_MAKEFILE}\x00%\1|%g' |	\
-					sed -r 's/\|$$//')
-SPDS			:=	$(shell ls -I none services/spd)
-# Convenience function for adding build definitions
-# $(eval $(call add_define,FOO)) will have:
-# -DFOO if $(FOO) is empty; -DFOO=$(FOO) otherwise
-define add_define
-DEFINES			+=	-D$(1)$(if $(value $(1)),=$(value $(1)),)
-# Convenience function for verifying option has a boolean value
-# $(eval $(call assert_boolean,FOO)) will assert FOO is 0 or 1
-define assert_boolean
-$(and $(patsubst 0,,$(value $(1))),$(patsubst 1,,$(value $(1))),$(error $(1) must be boolean))
-ifeq (${PLAT},)
-  $(error "Error: Unknown platform. Please use PLAT=<platform name> to specify the platform")
-PLAT_MAKEFILE_FULL	:=	$(shell find plat/ -wholename '*/${PLAT}/${PLAT_MAKEFILE}')
-  $(error "Error: Invalid platform. The following platforms are available: ${PLATFORMS}")
-all: msg_start
-	@echo "Building ${PLAT}"
-# If the platform has not defined ENABLE_PLAT_COMPAT, then enable it by default
-# Include the platform compatibility helpers for PSCI
-ifneq (${ENABLE_PLAT_COMPAT}, 0)
-include plat/compat/
-# Include the CPU specific operations makefile. By default all CPU errata
-# workarounds and CPU specifc optimisations are disabled. This can be
-# overridden by the platform.
-include lib/cpus/
-ifdef BL1_SOURCES
-NEED_BL1 := yes
-include bl1/
-ifdef BL2_SOURCES
-NEED_BL2 := yes
-include bl2/
-# Using the ARM Trusted Firmware BL2 implies that a BL3-3 image also need to be supplied for the FIP.
-# This flag can be overridden by the platform.
-NEED_BL33 ?= yes
-ifdef BL31_SOURCES
-NEED_BL31 := yes
-include bl31/
-# Include SPD Makefile if one has been specified
-ifneq (${SPD},none)
-  # We expect to locate an under the specified SPD directory
-  SPD_MAKE		:=	$(shell m="services/spd/${SPD}/${SPD}.mk"; [ -f "$$m" ] && echo "$$m")
-  ifeq (${SPD_MAKE},)
-    $(error Error: No services/spd/${SPD}/${SPD}.mk located)
-  endif
-  $(info Including ${SPD_MAKE})
-  include ${SPD_MAKE}
-  # If there's BL3-2 companion for the chosen SPD, and the SPD wants to build the
-  # BL3-2 from source, we expect that the SPD's Makefile would set NEED_BL32
-  # variable to "yes". In case the BL3-2 is a binary which needs to be included in
-  # fip, then the NEED_BL32 needs to be set and BL3-2 would need to point to the bin.
-.PHONY:			all msg_start clean realclean distclean cscope locate-checkpatch checkcodebase checkpatch fiptool fip certtool
 INCLUDES		+=	-Iinclude/bl31			\
 				-Iinclude/bl31/services		\
 				-Iinclude/common		\
@@ -241,135 +202,214 @@
 				${PLAT_INCLUDES}		\
-# Process DEBUG flag
-$(eval $(call assert_boolean,DEBUG))
-$(eval $(call add_define,DEBUG))
-ifeq (${DEBUG},0)
-  $(eval $(call add_define,NDEBUG))
-CFLAGS			+= 	-g
-ASFLAGS			+= 	-g -Wa,--gdwarf-2
+# Generic definitions
+BUILD_BASE		:=	./build
+# Generate the platforms list by recursively searching for all directories
+# under /plat containing a PLAT_MAKEFILE. Append each platform with a `|`
+# char and strip out the final '|'.
+PLATFORMS		:=	$(shell find plat/ -name '${PLAT_MAKEFILE}' -print0 |			\
+					sed -r 's%[^\x00]*\/([^/]*)\/${PLAT_MAKEFILE}\x00%\1|%g' |	\
+					sed -r 's/\|$$//')
+SPDS			:=	$(shell ls -I none services/spd)
+# Platforms providing their own TBB makefile may override this value
+# Include SPD Makefile if one has been specified
+ifneq (${SPD},none)
+        # We expect to locate an under the specified SPD directory
+        SPD_MAKE	:=	$(shell m="services/spd/${SPD}/${SPD}.mk"; [ -f "$$m" ] && echo "$$m")
+        ifeq (${SPD_MAKE},)
+                $(error Error: No services/spd/${SPD}/${SPD}.mk located)
+        endif
+        $(info Including ${SPD_MAKE})
+        include ${SPD_MAKE}
+        # If there's BL3-2 companion for the chosen SPD, and the SPD wants to build the
+        # BL3-2 from source, we expect that the SPD's Makefile would set NEED_BL32
+        # variable to "yes". In case the BL3-2 is a binary which needs to be included in
+        # fip, then the NEED_BL32 needs to be set and BL3-2 would need to point to the bin.
-# Process PLAT flag
-$(eval $(call add_define,PLAT_${PLAT}))
-# Process NS_TIMER_SWITCH flag
-$(eval $(call assert_boolean,NS_TIMER_SWITCH))
-$(eval $(call add_define,NS_TIMER_SWITCH))
+# Include the platform specific Makefile after the SPD Makefile (the platform
+# makefile may use all previous definitions in this file)
-# Process RESET_TO_BL31 flag
-$(eval $(call assert_boolean,RESET_TO_BL31))
-$(eval $(call add_define,RESET_TO_BL31))
+ifeq (${PLAT},)
+        $(error "Error: Unknown platform. Please use PLAT=<platform name> to specify the platform")
+PLAT_MAKEFILE_FULL	:=	$(shell find plat/ -wholename '*/${PLAT}/${PLAT_MAKEFILE}')
+        $(error "Error: Invalid platform. The following platforms are available: ${PLATFORMS}")
-# Process CTX_INCLUDE_FPREGS flag
-$(eval $(call assert_boolean,CTX_INCLUDE_FPREGS))
-$(eval $(call add_define,CTX_INCLUDE_FPREGS))
-# Process ARM_GIC_ARCH flag
-$(eval $(call add_define,ARM_GIC_ARCH))
-# Process ARM_CCI_PRODUCT_ID flag
-$(eval $(call add_define,ARM_CCI_PRODUCT_ID))
-# Process ASM_ASSERTION flag
-$(eval $(call assert_boolean,ASM_ASSERTION))
-$(eval $(call add_define,ASM_ASSERTION))
-# Process LOG_LEVEL flag
-$(eval $(call add_define,LOG_LEVEL))
-# Process USE_COHERENT_MEM flag
-$(eval $(call assert_boolean,USE_COHERENT_MEM))
-$(eval $(call add_define,USE_COHERENT_MEM))
-$(eval $(call assert_boolean,PSCI_EXTENDED_STATE_ID))
-$(eval $(call add_define,PSCI_EXTENDED_STATE_ID))
-# Process Generate CoT flags
-$(eval $(call assert_boolean,GENERATE_COT))
-$(eval $(call assert_boolean,CREATE_KEYS))
-$(eval $(call assert_boolean,SAVE_KEYS))
-# Process TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT flag
-$(eval $(call assert_boolean,TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT))
-$(eval $(call add_define,TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT))
-$(eval $(call assert_boolean,PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS))
-$(eval $(call add_define,PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS))
-# Process ENABLE_PLAT_COMPAT flag
-$(eval $(call assert_boolean,ENABLE_PLAT_COMPAT))
-$(eval $(call add_define,ENABLE_PLAT_COMPAT))
-# Process WARN_DEPRECATED flag
-$(eval $(call assert_boolean,WARN_DEPRECATED))
-$(eval $(call add_define,WARN_DEPRECATED))
-ASFLAGS			+= 	-nostdinc -ffreestanding -Wa,--fatal-warnings	\
-				-Werror -Wmissing-include-dirs			\
-				-mgeneral-regs-only -D__ASSEMBLY__		\
-CFLAGS			+= 	-nostdinc -ffreestanding -Wall			\
-				-Werror -Wmissing-include-dirs			\
-				-mgeneral-regs-only -std=c99 -c -Os		\
-CFLAGS			+=	-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
-LDFLAGS			+=	--fatal-warnings -O1
-LDFLAGS			+=	--gc-sections
+# Include the CPU specific operations makefile. By default all CPU errata
+# workarounds and CPU specifc optimisations are disabled. This can be
+# overridden by the platform.
+include lib/cpus/
-CC			:=	${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc
-AS			:=	${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc
-OC			:=	${CROSS_COMPILE}objcopy
-OD			:=	${CROSS_COMPILE}objdump
+# Process platform overrideable behaviour
-# Variables for use with Firmware Image Package
-FIPTOOLPATH		?=	tools/fip_create
-FIPTOOL			?=	${FIPTOOLPATH}/fip_create
-fiptool:		${FIPTOOL}
-fip:			${BUILD_PLAT}/${FIP_NAME}
+# Check if -pedantic option should be used
+        CFLAGS		+= 	-pedantic
+# Using the ARM Trusted Firmware BL2 implies that a BL3-3 image also need to be
+# supplied for the FIP and Certificate generation tools. This flag can be
+# overridden by the platform.
+ifdef BL2_SOURCES
+NEED_BL33		?=	yes
+# Process TBB related flags
+ifneq (${GENERATE_COT},0)
+        # Common cert_create options
+        ifneq (${CREATE_KEYS},0)
+                $(eval CRT_ARGS += -n)
+                ifneq (${SAVE_KEYS},0)
+                        $(eval CRT_ARGS += -k)
+                endif
+        endif
+        # Include TBBR makefile (unless the platform indicates otherwise)
+        ifeq (${INCLUDE_TBBR_MK},1)
+                include make_helpers/tbbr/
+        endif
+# Auxiliary tools (fip_create, cert_create, etc)
 # Variables for use with Certificate Generation Tool
 CRTTOOLPATH		?=	tools/cert_create
 CRTTOOL			?=	${CRTTOOLPATH}/cert_create
-certtool:		${CRTTOOL}
-# CoT generation tool default parameters
-TRUSTED_KEY_CERT	:=	${BUILD_PLAT}/trusted_key.crt
+# Variables for use with Firmware Image Package
+FIPTOOLPATH		?=	tools/fip_create
+FIPTOOL			?=	${FIPTOOLPATH}/fip_create
-# Pass the private keys to the CoT generation tool in the command line
-# If CREATE_KEYS is set, the '-n' option will be added, indicating the tool to create new keys
-ifneq (${GENERATE_COT},0)
-    $(eval CERTS := yes)
-    $(eval FIP_DEPS += certificates)
-    $(eval FIP_ARGS += --trusted-key-cert ${TRUSTED_KEY_CERT})
+# Build options checks
-    ifneq (${CREATE_KEYS},0)
-        $(eval CRT_ARGS += -n)
-        ifneq (${SAVE_KEYS},0)
-            $(eval CRT_ARGS += -k)
-        endif
-    endif
-    $(eval CRT_ARGS += $(if ${ROT_KEY}, --rot-key ${ROT_KEY}))
-    $(eval CRT_ARGS += $(if ${TRUSTED_WORLD_KEY}, --trusted-world-key ${TRUSTED_WORLD_KEY}))
-    $(eval CRT_ARGS += $(if ${NON_TRUSTED_WORLD_KEY}, --non-trusted-world-key ${NON_TRUSTED_WORLD_KEY}))
-    $(eval CRT_ARGS += --trusted-key-cert ${TRUSTED_KEY_CERT})
-    $(eval CRT_ARGS += $(if ${KEY_ALG}, --key-alg ${KEY_ALG}))
+$(eval $(call assert_boolean,DEBUG))
+$(eval $(call assert_boolean,NS_TIMER_SWITCH))
+$(eval $(call assert_boolean,RESET_TO_BL31))
+$(eval $(call assert_boolean,CTX_INCLUDE_FPREGS))
+$(eval $(call assert_boolean,ASM_ASSERTION))
+$(eval $(call assert_boolean,USE_COHERENT_MEM))
+$(eval $(call assert_boolean,DISABLE_PEDANTIC))
+$(eval $(call assert_boolean,GENERATE_COT))
+$(eval $(call assert_boolean,CREATE_KEYS))
+$(eval $(call assert_boolean,SAVE_KEYS))
+$(eval $(call assert_boolean,TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT))
+$(eval $(call assert_boolean,PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS))
+$(eval $(call assert_boolean,PSCI_EXTENDED_STATE_ID))
+$(eval $(call assert_boolean,WARN_DEPRECATED))
+# Add definitions to the cpp preprocessor based on the current build options.
+# This is done after including the platform specific makefile to allow the
+# platform to overwrite the default options
+$(eval $(call add_define,PLAT_${PLAT}))
+$(eval $(call add_define,NS_TIMER_SWITCH))
+$(eval $(call add_define,RESET_TO_BL31))
+$(eval $(call add_define,CTX_INCLUDE_FPREGS))
+$(eval $(call add_define,ARM_GIC_ARCH))
+$(eval $(call add_define,ARM_CCI_PRODUCT_ID))
+$(eval $(call add_define,ASM_ASSERTION))
+$(eval $(call add_define,LOG_LEVEL))
+$(eval $(call add_define,USE_COHERENT_MEM))
+$(eval $(call add_define,TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT))
+$(eval $(call add_define,PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS))
+$(eval $(call add_define,PSCI_EXTENDED_STATE_ID))
+$(eval $(call add_define,WARN_DEPRECATED))
+# Include BL specific makefiles
+ifdef BL1_SOURCES
+NEED_BL1 := yes
+include bl1/
-# Check if -pedantic option should be used
-    CFLAGS		+= 	-pedantic
+ifdef BL2_SOURCES
+NEED_BL2 := yes
+include bl2/
+ifdef BL31_SOURCES
+NEED_BL31 := yes
+include bl31/
+# Build targets
+# Default target
+.PHONY:	all msg_start clean realclean distclean cscope locate-checkpatch checkcodebase checkpatch fiptool fip certtool
+all: msg_start
+	@echo "Building ${PLAT}"
+# Expand build macros for the different images
+ifeq (${NEED_BL1},yes)
+$(eval $(call MAKE_BL,1))
+ifeq (${NEED_BL2},yes)
+$(if ${BL2}, $(eval $(call MAKE_TOOL_ARGS,2,${BL2},in_fip)),\
+	$(eval $(call MAKE_BL,2,in_fip)))
+ifeq (${NEED_BL31},yes)
+$(if ${BL31}, $(eval $(call MAKE_TOOL_ARGS,31,${BL31},in_fip)),\
+	$(eval $(call MAKE_BL,31,in_fip)))
+ifeq (${NEED_BL32},yes)
+$(if ${BL32}, $(eval $(call MAKE_TOOL_ARGS,32,${BL32},in_fip)),\
+	$(eval $(call MAKE_BL,32,in_fip)))
+# Add the BL33 image if required by the platform
+ifeq (${NEED_BL33},yes)
+$(eval $(call FIP_ADD_IMG,BL33,--bl33))
@@ -382,282 +422,60 @@
-			@echo "  CLEAN"
-			${Q}rm -rf ${BUILD_PLAT}
-			${Q}${MAKE} --no-print-directory -C ${FIPTOOLPATH} clean
-			${Q}${MAKE} PLAT=${PLAT} --no-print-directory -C ${CRTTOOLPATH} clean
+	@echo "  CLEAN"
+	${Q}rm -rf ${BUILD_PLAT}
+	${Q}${MAKE} --no-print-directory -C ${FIPTOOLPATH} clean
+	${Q}${MAKE} PLAT=${PLAT} --no-print-directory -C ${CRTTOOLPATH} clean
 realclean distclean:
-			@echo "  REALCLEAN"
-			${Q}rm -rf ${BUILD_BASE}
-			${Q}rm -f ${CURDIR}/cscope.*
-			${Q}${MAKE} --no-print-directory -C ${FIPTOOLPATH} clean
-			${Q}${MAKE} PLAT=${PLAT} --no-print-directory -C ${CRTTOOLPATH} clean
+	@echo "  REALCLEAN"
+	${Q}rm -rf ${BUILD_BASE}
+	${Q}rm -f ${CURDIR}/cscope.*
+	${Q}${MAKE} --no-print-directory -C ${FIPTOOLPATH} clean
+	${Q}${MAKE} PLAT=${PLAT} --no-print-directory -C ${CRTTOOLPATH} clean
 checkcodebase:		locate-checkpatch
-			@echo "  CHECKING STYLE"
-			@if test -d .git ; then	\
-				git ls-files | grep -v stdlib | while read GIT_FILE ; do ${CHECKPATCH} ${CHECKCODE_ARGS} -f $$GIT_FILE ; done ;	\
-			 else			\
-				 find . -type f -not -iwholename "*.git*" -not -iwholename "*build*" -not -iwholename "*stdlib*" -exec ${CHECKPATCH} ${CHECKCODE_ARGS} -f {} \; ;	\
-			 fi
+	@echo "  CHECKING STYLE"
+	@if test -d .git ; then	\
+		git ls-files | grep -v stdlib | while read GIT_FILE ; do ${CHECKPATCH} ${CHECKCODE_ARGS} -f $$GIT_FILE ; done ;	\
+	 else			\
+		 find . -type f -not -iwholename "*.git*" -not -iwholename "*build*" -not -iwholename "*stdlib*" -exec ${CHECKPATCH} ${CHECKCODE_ARGS} -f {} \; ;	\
+	 fi
 checkpatch:		locate-checkpatch
-			@echo "  CHECKING STYLE"
-			${Q}git log -p ${BASE_COMMIT}..HEAD -- ${CHECK_PATHS} | ${CHECKPATCH} ${CHECKPATCH_ARGS} - || true
+	@echo "  CHECKING STYLE"
+	${Q}git log -p ${BASE_COMMIT}..HEAD -- ${CHECK_PATHS} | ${CHECKPATCH} ${CHECKPATCH_ARGS} - || true
+certtool: ${CRTTOOL}
-			${Q}${MAKE} PLAT=${PLAT} --no-print-directory -C ${CRTTOOLPATH}
-			@echo
-			@echo "Built $@ successfully"
-			@echo
+	${Q}${MAKE} PLAT=${PLAT} --no-print-directory -C ${CRTTOOLPATH}
+	@echo
+	@echo "Built $@ successfully"
+	@echo
+ifneq (${GENERATE_COT},0)
+certificates: ${CRT_DEPS} ${CRTTOOL}
+	@echo
+	@echo "Built $@ successfully"
+	@echo "Certificates can be found in ${BUILD_PLAT}"
+	@echo
+	${Q}${FIPTOOL} --dump ${FIP_ARGS} $@
+	@echo
+	@echo "Built $@ successfully"
+	@echo
+fiptool: ${FIPTOOL}
-			${Q}${MAKE} --no-print-directory -C ${FIPTOOLPATH}
-define match_goals
-$(strip $(foreach goal,$(1),$(filter $(goal),$(MAKECMDGOALS))))
-# List of rules that involve building things
-BUILD_TARGETS := all bl1 bl2 bl31 bl32 fip
-# Does the list of goals specified on the command line include a build target?
-ifneq ($(call match_goals,${BUILD_TARGETS}),)
-define MAKE_C
-$(eval OBJ := $(1)/$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(notdir $(2))))
-$(eval PREREQUISITES := $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(OBJ)))
-$(OBJ) : $(2)
-	@echo "  CC      $$<"
-	$$(Q)$$(CC) $$(CFLAGS) -DIMAGE_BL$(3) -c $$< -o $$@
-	@echo "  DEPS    $$@"
-	@mkdir -p $(1)
-	$$(Q)$$(CC) $$(CFLAGS) -M -MT $(OBJ) -MF $$@ $$<
--include $(PREREQUISITES)
-define MAKE_S
-$(eval OBJ := $(1)/$(patsubst %.S,%.o,$(notdir $(2))))
-$(eval PREREQUISITES := $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(OBJ)))
-$(OBJ) : $(2)
-	@echo "  AS      $$<"
-	$$(Q)$$(AS) $$(ASFLAGS) -DIMAGE_BL$(3) -c $$< -o $$@
-	@echo "  DEPS    $$@"
-	@mkdir -p $(1)
-	$$(Q)$$(AS) $$(ASFLAGS) -M -MT $(OBJ) -MF $$@ $$<
--include $(PREREQUISITES)
-define MAKE_LD
-$(eval PREREQUISITES := $(1).d)
-$(1) : $(2)
-	@echo "  PP      $$<"
-	$$(Q)$$(AS) $$(ASFLAGS) -P -E -D__LINKER__ -o $$@ $$<
-	@echo "  DEPS    $$@"
-	@mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
-	$$(Q)$$(AS) $$(ASFLAGS) -M -MT $(1) -MF $$@ $$<
--include $(PREREQUISITES)
-define MAKE_OBJS
-	$(eval C_OBJS := $(filter %.c,$(2)))
-	$(eval REMAIN := $(filter-out %.c,$(2)))
-	$(eval $(foreach obj,$(C_OBJS),$(call MAKE_C,$(1),$(obj),$(3))))
-	$(eval S_OBJS := $(filter %.S,$(REMAIN)))
-	$(eval REMAIN := $(filter-out %.S,$(REMAIN)))
-	$(eval $(foreach obj,$(S_OBJS),$(call MAKE_S,$(1),$(obj),$(3))))
-	$(and $(REMAIN),$(error Unexpected source files present: $(REMAIN)))
-# NOTE: The line continuation '\' is required in the next define otherwise we
-# end up with a line-feed characer at the end of the last c filename.
-# Also bare this issue in mind if extending the list of supported filetypes.
-	$(notdir $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(filter %.c,$(1)))) \
-	$(notdir $(patsubst %.S,%.o,$(filter %.S,$(1))))
-# MAKE_TOOL_ARGS macro defines the command line arguments for the FIP and CRT
-# tools at each BL stage. Arguments:
-#   $(1) = BL stage (2, 30, 31, 32, 33)
-#   $(2) = Binary file
-#   $(3) = In FIP (false if empty)
-#   $(4) = Create certificates (false if empty)
-#   $(5) = Create key certificate (false if empty)
-#   $(6) = Private key (optional)
-$(eval FIP_DEPS += $(if $3,$(2),))
-$(eval FIP_ARGS += $(if $3,--bl$(1) $(2),))
-$(eval FIP_ARGS += $(if $4,--bl$(1)-cert $(BUILD_PLAT)/bl$(1).crt))
-$(eval FIP_ARGS += $(if $4,$(if $5,--bl$(1)-key-cert $(BUILD_PLAT)/bl$(1)_key.crt)))
-$(eval CRT_DEPS += $(if $4,$(2),))
-$(eval CRT_ARGS += $(if $4,--bl$(1) $(2)))
-$(eval CRT_ARGS += $(if $4,$(if $6,--bl$(1)-key $(6))))
-$(eval CRT_ARGS += $(if $4,--bl$(1)-cert $(BUILD_PLAT)/bl$(1).crt))
-$(eval CRT_ARGS += $(if $4,$(if $5,--bl$(1)-key-cert $(BUILD_PLAT)/bl$(1)_key.crt)))
-# MAKE_BL macro defines the targets and options to build each BL image.
-# Arguments:
-#   $(1) = BL stage (2, 30, 31, 32, 33)
-#   $(2) = In FIP (false if empty)
-#   $(3) = Create certificates (false if empty)
-#   $(4) = Create key certificate (false if empty)
-#   $(5) = Private key (optional)
-define MAKE_BL
-	$(eval BUILD_DIR  := ${BUILD_PLAT}/bl$(1))
-	$(eval OBJS       := $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/,$(call SOURCES_TO_OBJS,$(SOURCES))))
-	$(eval LINKERFILE := $(BUILD_DIR)/bl$(1).ld)
-	$(eval MAPFILE    := $(BUILD_DIR)/bl$(1).map)
-	$(eval ELF        := $(BUILD_DIR)/bl$(1).elf)
-	$(eval DUMP       := $(BUILD_DIR)/bl$(1).dump)
-	$(eval BIN        := $(BUILD_PLAT)/bl$(1).bin)
-	$(eval $(call MAKE_OBJS,$(BUILD_DIR),$(SOURCES),$(1)))
-	$(eval $(call MAKE_LD,$(LINKERFILE),$(BL$(1)_LINKERFILE)))
-	$$(Q)mkdir -p "$$@"
-	@echo "  LD      $$@"
-	@echo 'const char build_message[] = "Built : "__TIME__", "__DATE__; \
-	       const char version_string[] = "${VERSION_STRING}";' | \
-		$$(CC) $$(CFLAGS) -xc - -o $(BUILD_DIR)/build_message.o
-	$$(Q)$$(LD) -o $$@ $$(LDFLAGS) -Map=$(MAPFILE) --script $(LINKERFILE) \
-					$(BUILD_DIR)/build_message.o $(OBJS)
-$(DUMP) : $(ELF)
-	@echo "  OD      $$@"
-	$${Q}$${OD} -dx $$< > $$@
-$(BIN) : $(ELF)
-	@echo "  BIN     $$@"
-	$$(Q)$$(OC) -O binary $$< $$@
-	@echo
-	@echo "Built $$@ successfully"
-	@echo
-.PHONY : bl$(1)
-bl$(1) : $(BUILD_DIR) $(BIN) $(DUMP)
-all : bl$(1)
-$(eval $(call MAKE_TOOL_ARGS,$(1),$(BIN),$(2),$(3),$(4),$(5)))
-ifeq (${NEED_BL1},yes)
-$(eval $(call MAKE_BL,1))
-ifeq (${NEED_BL2},yes)
-$(if ${BL2}, $(eval $(call MAKE_TOOL_ARGS,2,${BL2},in_fip,${CERTS})),\
-	$(eval $(call MAKE_BL,2,in_fip,${CERTS})))
-ifeq (${NEED_BL31},yes)
-$(if ${BL31}, $(eval $(call MAKE_TOOL_ARGS,31,${BL31},in_fip,${CERTS},${CERTS},${BL31_KEY})),\
-	$(eval $(call MAKE_BL,31,in_fip,${CERTS},${CERTS},${BL31_KEY})))
-ifeq (${NEED_BL32},yes)
-$(if ${BL32}, $(eval $(call MAKE_TOOL_ARGS,32,${BL32},in_fip,${CERTS},${CERTS},${BL32_KEY})),\
-	$(eval $(call MAKE_BL,32,in_fip,${CERTS},${CERTS},${BL32_KEY})))
-ifeq (${NEED_BL30},yes)
-$(if ${BL30}, $(eval $(call MAKE_TOOL_ARGS,30,${BL30},in_fip,${CERTS},${CERTS},${BL30_KEY})))
-# If BL3-0 is needed by the platform then 'BL30' variable must be defined.
-	$(if ${BL30},,$(error "To build a FIP for platform ${PLAT}, please set BL30 to point to the SCP firmware"))
-# If BL3-0 is not needed by the platform but the user still specified the path
-# to a BL3-0 image then warn him that it will be ignored.
-	$(if ${BL30},$(warning "BL3-0 is not supported on platform ${PLAT}, it will just be ignored"),)
-ifeq (${NEED_BL33},yes)
-$(if ${BL33}, $(eval $(call MAKE_TOOL_ARGS,33,${BL33},in_fip,${CERTS},${CERTS},${BL33_KEY})))
-# If BL3-3 is needed by the platform then 'BL33' variable must be defined.
-	$(if ${BL33},,$(error "To build a FIP, please set BL33 to point to the Normal World binary, eg: BL33=../uefi/FVP_AARCH64_EFI.fd"))
-# If BL3-3 is not needed by the platform but the user still specified the path
-# to a BL3-3 image then warn him that it will be ignored.
-	$(if ${BL33},$(warning "BL3-3 is not supported on platform ${PLAT}, it will just be ignored"),)
-# Add the dependency on the certificates
-ifneq (${GENERATE_COT},0)
-    fip: certificates
-certificates: ${CRT_DEPS} ${CRTTOOL} check_bl30 check_bl33
-			${Q}${CRTTOOL} ${CRT_ARGS}
-			@echo
-			@echo "Built $@ successfully"
-			@echo "Certificates can be found in ${BUILD_PLAT}"
-			@echo
-${BUILD_PLAT}/${FIP_NAME}: ${FIP_DEPS} ${FIPTOOL} check_bl30 check_bl33
-			${Q}${FIPTOOL} --dump \
-				${FIP_ARGS} \
-				$@
-			@echo
-			@echo "Built $@ successfully"
-			@echo
+	${Q}${MAKE} --no-print-directory -C ${FIPTOOLPATH}
 	@echo "  CSCOPE"
@@ -681,6 +499,7 @@
 	@echo "  bl2            Build the BL2 binary"
 	@echo "  bl31           Build the BL3-1 binary"
 	@echo "  bl32           Build the BL3-2 binary"
+	@echo "  certificates   Build the certificates (requires 'GENERATE_COT=1')"
 	@echo "  fip            Build the Firmware Image Package (FIP)"
 	@echo "  checkcodebase  Check the coding style of the entire source tree"
 	@echo "  checkpatch     Check the coding style on changes in the current"