Convert all python code to use four-space indents instead of eight-space tabs.

Signed-off-by: John Admanski <>

git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index 235b485..175869b 100644
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -5,488 +5,488 @@
 class MySQLTooManyRows(Exception):
-	pass
+    pass
 class db_sql:
-	def __init__(self, debug=False, autocommit=True, host=None,
-		     database=None, user=None, password=None):
-		self.debug = debug
-		self.autocommit = autocommit
-		self._load_config(host, database, user, password)
+    def __init__(self, debug=False, autocommit=True, host=None,
+                 database=None, user=None, password=None):
+        self.debug = debug
+        self.autocommit = autocommit
+        self._load_config(host, database, user, password)
-		self.con = None
-		self._init_db()
+        self.con = None
+        self._init_db()
-		# if not present, insert statuses
-		self.status_idx = {}
-		self.status_word = {}
-		status_rows ='status_idx, word', 'status', None)
-		for s in status_rows:
-			self.status_idx[s[1]] = s[0]
-			self.status_word[s[0]] = s[1]
+        # if not present, insert statuses
+        self.status_idx = {}
+        self.status_word = {}
+        status_rows ='status_idx, word', 'status', None)
+        for s in status_rows:
+            self.status_idx[s[1]] = s[0]
+            self.status_word[s[0]] = s[1]
-		machine_map = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
-					   'machines')
-		if os.path.exists(machine_map):
-			self.machine_map = machine_map
-		else:
-			self.machine_map = None
-		self.machine_group = {}
+        machine_map = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+                                   'machines')
+        if os.path.exists(machine_map):
+            self.machine_map = machine_map
+        else:
+            self.machine_map = None
+        self.machine_group = {}
-	def _load_config(self, host, database, user, password):
-		# grab the global config
-		get_value = global_config.global_config.get_config_value
+    def _load_config(self, host, database, user, password):
+        # grab the global config
+        get_value = global_config.global_config.get_config_value
-		# grab the host, database
-		if host:
- = host
-		else:
- = get_value("TKO", "host")
-		if database:
-			self.database = database
-		else:
-			self.database = get_value("TKO", "database")
+        # grab the host, database
+        if host:
+   = host
+        else:
+   = get_value("TKO", "host")
+        if database:
+            self.database = database
+        else:
+            self.database = get_value("TKO", "database")
-		# grab the user and password
-		if user:
-			self.user = user
-		else:
-			self.user = get_value("TKO", "user")
-		if password:
-			self.password = password
-		else:
-			self.password = get_value("TKO", "password")
+        # grab the user and password
+        if user:
+            self.user = user
+        else:
+            self.user = get_value("TKO", "user")
+        if password:
+            self.password = password
+        else:
+            self.password = get_value("TKO", "password")
-		# grab the timeout configuration
-		self.query_timeout = get_value("TKO", "query_timeout",
-					       type=int, default=3600)
-		self.min_delay = get_value("TKO", "min_retry_delay", type=int,
-					   default=20)
-		self.max_delay = get_value("TKO", "max_retry_delay", type=int,
-					   default=60)
+        # grab the timeout configuration
+        self.query_timeout = get_value("TKO", "query_timeout",
+                                       type=int, default=3600)
+        self.min_delay = get_value("TKO", "min_retry_delay", type=int,
+                                   default=20)
+        self.max_delay = get_value("TKO", "max_retry_delay", type=int,
+                                   default=60)
-	def _init_db(self):
-		# make sure we clean up any existing connection
-		if self.con:
-			self.con.close()
-			self.con = None
+    def _init_db(self):
+        # make sure we clean up any existing connection
+        if self.con:
+            self.con.close()
+            self.con = None
-		# create the db connection and cursor
-		self.con = self.connect(, self.database,
-					self.user, self.password)
-		self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+        # create the db connection and cursor
+        self.con = self.connect(, self.database,
+                                self.user, self.password)
+        self.cur = self.con.cursor()
-	def _random_delay(self):
-		delay = random.randint(self.min_delay, self.max_delay)
-		time.sleep(delay)
+    def _random_delay(self):
+        delay = random.randint(self.min_delay, self.max_delay)
+        time.sleep(delay)
-	def run_with_retry(self, function, *args, **dargs):
-		"""Call function(*args, **dargs) until either it passes
-		without an operational error, or a timeout is reached.
-		This will re-connect to the database, so it is NOT safe
-		to use this inside of a database transaction.
+    def run_with_retry(self, function, *args, **dargs):
+        """Call function(*args, **dargs) until either it passes
+        without an operational error, or a timeout is reached.
+        This will re-connect to the database, so it is NOT safe
+        to use this inside of a database transaction.
-		It can be safely used with transactions, but the
-		transaction start & end must be completely contained
-		within the call to 'function'."""
-		OperationalError = _get_error_class("OperationalError")
+        It can be safely used with transactions, but the
+        transaction start & end must be completely contained
+        within the call to 'function'."""
+        OperationalError = _get_error_class("OperationalError")
-		success = False
-		start_time = time.time()
-		while not success:
-			try:
-				result = function(*args, **dargs)
-			except OperationalError, e:
-				self._log_operational_error(e)
-				stop_time = time.time()
-				elapsed_time = stop_time - start_time
-				if elapsed_time > self.query_timeout:
-					raise
-				else:
-					try:
-						self._random_delay()
-						self._init_db()
-					except OperationalError, e:
-						self._log_operational_error(e)
-			else:
-				success = True
-		return result
+        success = False
+        start_time = time.time()
+        while not success:
+            try:
+                result = function(*args, **dargs)
+            except OperationalError, e:
+                self._log_operational_error(e)
+                stop_time = time.time()
+                elapsed_time = stop_time - start_time
+                if elapsed_time > self.query_timeout:
+                    raise
+                else:
+                    try:
+                        self._random_delay()
+                        self._init_db()
+                    except OperationalError, e:
+                        self._log_operational_error(e)
+            else:
+                success = True
+        return result
-	def _log_operational_error(self, e):
-		msg = ("An operational error occured during a database "
-		       "operation: %s" % str(e))
-		print >> sys.stderr, msg
-		sys.stderr.flush() # we want these msgs to show up immediately
+    def _log_operational_error(self, e):
+        msg = ("An operational error occured during a database "
+               "operation: %s" % str(e))
+        print >> sys.stderr, msg
+        sys.stderr.flush() # we want these msgs to show up immediately
-	def dprint(self, value):
-		if self.debug:
-			sys.stdout.write('SQL: ' + str(value) + '\n')
+    def dprint(self, value):
+        if self.debug:
+            sys.stdout.write('SQL: ' + str(value) + '\n')
-	def commit(self):
-		self.con.commit()
+    def commit(self):
+        self.con.commit()
-	def get_last_autonumber_value(self):
-		self.cur.execute('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()', [])
-		return self.cur.fetchall()[0][0]
+    def get_last_autonumber_value(self):
+        self.cur.execute('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()', [])
+        return self.cur.fetchall()[0][0]
-	def select(self, fields, table, where, wherein={},
-		   distinct = False, group_by = None, max_rows = None):
-		"""\
-			This selects all the fields requested from a
-			specific table with a particular where clause.
-			The where clause can either be a dictionary of
-			field=value pairs, a string, or a tuple of (string, 
-			a list of values).  The last option is what you
-			should use when accepting user input as it'll
-			protect you against sql injection attacks (if
-			all user data is placed in the array rather than
-			the raw SQL).
+    def select(self, fields, table, where, wherein={},
+               distinct = False, group_by = None, max_rows = None):
+        """\
+                This selects all the fields requested from a
+                specific table with a particular where clause.
+                The where clause can either be a dictionary of
+                field=value pairs, a string, or a tuple of (string,
+                a list of values).  The last option is what you
+                should use when accepting user input as it'll
+                protect you against sql injection attacks (if
+                all user data is placed in the array rather than
+                the raw SQL).
-			For example:
-			  where = ("a = %s AND b = %s", ['val', 'val'])
-			is better than
-			  where = "a = 'val' AND b = 'val'"
-		"""
-		cmd = ['select']
-		if distinct:
-			cmd.append('distinct')
-		cmd += [fields, 'from', table]
+                For example:
+                  where = ("a = %s AND b = %s", ['val', 'val'])
+                is better than
+                  where = "a = 'val' AND b = 'val'"
+        """
+        cmd = ['select']
+        if distinct:
+            cmd.append('distinct')
+        cmd += [fields, 'from', table]
-		values = []
-		if where and isinstance(where, types.DictionaryType):
-			# key/value pairs (which should be equal)
-			keys = [field + '=%s' for field in where.keys()]
-			values = [where[field] for field in where.keys()]
+        values = []
+        if where and isinstance(where, types.DictionaryType):
+            # key/value pairs (which should be equal)
+            keys = [field + '=%s' for field in where.keys()]
+            values = [where[field] for field in where.keys()]
-			cmd.append(' where ' + ' and '.join(keys))
-		elif where and isinstance(where, types.StringTypes):
-			# the exact string
-			cmd.append(' where ' + where)
-		elif where and isinstance(where, types.TupleType):
-			# preformatted where clause + values
-			(sql, vals) = where
-			values = vals
-			cmd.append(' where (%s) ' % sql)
+            cmd.append(' where ' + ' and '.join(keys))
+        elif where and isinstance(where, types.StringTypes):
+            # the exact string
+            cmd.append(' where ' + where)
+        elif where and isinstance(where, types.TupleType):
+            # preformatted where clause + values
+            (sql, vals) = where
+            values = vals
+            cmd.append(' where (%s) ' % sql)
-		# TODO: this assumes there's a where clause...bad
-		if wherein and isinstance(wherein, types.DictionaryType):
-			keys_in = ["%s in (%s) " % (field, ','.join(where))
-				   for field, where in wherein.iteritems()]
-			cmd.append(' and '+' and '.join(keys_in))
+        # TODO: this assumes there's a where clause...bad
+        if wherein and isinstance(wherein, types.DictionaryType):
+            keys_in = ["%s in (%s) " % (field, ','.join(where))
+                       for field, where in wherein.iteritems()]
+            cmd.append(' and '+' and '.join(keys_in))
-		if group_by:
-			cmd.append(' GROUP BY ' + group_by)
+        if group_by:
+            cmd.append(' GROUP BY ' + group_by)
-		self.dprint('%s %s' % (' '.join(cmd), values))
+        self.dprint('%s %s' % (' '.join(cmd), values))
-		# create a re-runable function for executing the query
-		def exec_sql():
-			sql = ' '.join(cmd)
-			numRec = self.cur.execute(sql, values)
-			if max_rows != None and numRec > max_rows:
-				msg = 'Exceeded allowed number of records'
-				raise MySQLTooManyRows(msg)
-			return self.cur.fetchall()
+        # create a re-runable function for executing the query
+        def exec_sql():
+            sql = ' '.join(cmd)
+            numRec = self.cur.execute(sql, values)
+            if max_rows != None and numRec > max_rows:
+                msg = 'Exceeded allowed number of records'
+                raise MySQLTooManyRows(msg)
+            return self.cur.fetchall()
-		# run the query, re-trying after operational errors
-		if self.autocommit:
-			return self.run_with_retry(exec_sql)
-		else:
-			return exec_sql()
+        # run the query, re-trying after operational errors
+        if self.autocommit:
+            return self.run_with_retry(exec_sql)
+        else:
+            return exec_sql()
-	def select_sql(self, fields, table, sql, values):
-		"""\
-			select fields from table "sql"
-		"""
-		cmd = 'select %s from %s %s' % (fields, table, sql)
-		self.dprint(cmd)
-		# create a -re-runable function for executing the query
-		def exec_sql():
-			self.cur.execute(cmd, values)
-			return self.cur.fetchall()
-		# run the query, re-trying after operational errors
-		if self.autocommit:
-			return self.run_with_retry(exec_sql)
-		else:
-			return exec_sql()
-	def _exec_sql_with_commit(self, sql, values, commit):
-		if self.autocommit:
-			# re-run the query until it succeeds
-			def exec_sql():
-				self.cur.execute(sql, values)
-				self.con.commit()
-			self.run_with_retry(exec_sql)
-		else:
-			# take one shot at running the query
-			self.cur.execute(sql, values)
-			if commit:
-				self.con.commit()
-	def insert(self, table, data, commit = None):
-		"""\
-			'insert into table (keys) values (%s ... %s)', values
-			data:
-				dictionary of fields and data
-		"""
-		fields = data.keys()
-		refs = ['%s' for field in fields]
-		values = [data[field] for field in fields]
-		cmd = 'insert into %s (%s) values (%s)' % \
-				(table, ','.join(fields), ','.join(refs))
-		self.dprint('%s %s' % (cmd, values))
-		self._exec_sql_with_commit(cmd, values, commit)
-	def delete(self, table, where, commit = None):
-		cmd = ['delete from', table]
-		if commit == None:
-			commit = self.autocommit
-		if where and isinstance(where, types.DictionaryType):
-			keys = [field + '=%s' for field in where.keys()]
-			values = [where[field] for field in where.keys()]
-			cmd += ['where', ' and '.join(keys)]
-		sql = ' '.join(cmd)
-		self.dprint('%s %s' % (sql, values))
-		self._exec_sql_with_commit(sql, values, commit)
-	def update(self, table, data, where, commit = None):
-		"""\
-			'update table set data values (%s ... %s) where ...'
-			data:
-				dictionary of fields and data
-		"""
-		if commit == None:
-			commit = self.autocommit
-		cmd = 'update %s ' % table
-		fields = data.keys()
-		data_refs = [field + '=%s' for field in fields]
-		data_values = [data[field] for field in fields]
-		cmd += ' set ' + ' and '.join(data_refs)
-		where_keys = [field + '=%s' for field in where.keys()]
-		where_values = [where[field] for field in where.keys()]
-		cmd += ' where ' + ' and '.join(where_keys)
-		values = data_values + where_values
-		print '%s %s' % (cmd, values)
-		self._exec_sql_with_commit(cmd, values, commit)
+    def select_sql(self, fields, table, sql, values):
+        """\
+                select fields from table "sql"
+        """
+        cmd = 'select %s from %s %s' % (fields, table, sql)
+        self.dprint(cmd)
-	def delete_job(self, tag, commit = None):
-		job_idx = self.find_job(tag)
-		for test_idx in self.find_tests(job_idx):
-			where = {'test_idx' : test_idx}
-			self.delete('iteration_result', where)
-			self.delete('test_attributes', where)
-		where = {'job_idx' : job_idx}
-		self.delete('tests', where)
-		self.delete('jobs', where)
+        # create a -re-runable function for executing the query
+        def exec_sql():
+            self.cur.execute(cmd, values)
+            return self.cur.fetchall()
+        # run the query, re-trying after operational errors
+        if self.autocommit:
+            return self.run_with_retry(exec_sql)
+        else:
+            return exec_sql()
-	def insert_job(self, tag, job, commit = None):
-		job.machine_idx = self.lookup_machine(job.machine)
-		if not job.machine_idx:
-			job.machine_idx = self.insert_machine(job,
-		                                              commit=commit)
-		self.insert('jobs', {'tag':tag,
-                                     'label': job.label,
-                                     'username': job.user,
-		                     'machine_idx': job.machine_idx,
-				     'queued_time': job.queued_time,
-				     'started_time': job.started_time,
-				     'finished_time': job.finished_time},
-                                     commit=commit)
-		job.index = self.get_last_autonumber_value()
-		for test in job.tests:
-			self.insert_test(job, test, commit=commit)
+    def _exec_sql_with_commit(self, sql, values, commit):
+        if self.autocommit:
+            # re-run the query until it succeeds
+            def exec_sql():
+                self.cur.execute(sql, values)
+                self.con.commit()
+            self.run_with_retry(exec_sql)
+        else:
+            # take one shot at running the query
+            self.cur.execute(sql, values)
+            if commit:
+                self.con.commit()
-	def insert_test(self, job, test, commit = None):
-		kver = self.insert_kernel(test.kernel, commit=commit)
-		data = {'job_idx':job.index, 'test':test.testname,
-			'subdir':test.subdir, 'kernel_idx':kver,
-			'status':self.status_idx[test.status],
-			'reason':test.reason, 'machine_idx':job.machine_idx,
-			'started_time': test.started_time,
-			'finished_time':test.finished_time}
-		self.insert('tests', data, commit=commit)
-		test_idx = self.get_last_autonumber_value()
-		data = { 'test_idx':test_idx }
-		for i in test.iterations:
-			data['iteration'] = i.index
-			for key, value in i.attr_keyval.iteritems():
-				data['attribute'] = key
-				data['value'] = value
-				self.insert('iteration_attributes', data,
-					    commit=commit)
-			for key, value in i.perf_keyval.iteritems():
-				data['attribute'] = key
-				data['value'] = value
-				self.insert('iteration_result', data,
-					    commit=commit)
+    def insert(self, table, data, commit = None):
+        """\
+                'insert into table (keys) values (%s ... %s)', values
-		for key, value in test.attributes.iteritems():
-			data = {'test_idx': test_idx, 'attribute': key,
-				'value': value}
-			self.insert('test_attributes', data, commit=commit)
+                data:
+                        dictionary of fields and data
+        """
+        fields = data.keys()
+        refs = ['%s' for field in fields]
+        values = [data[field] for field in fields]
+        cmd = 'insert into %s (%s) values (%s)' % \
+                        (table, ','.join(fields), ','.join(refs))
+        self.dprint('%s %s' % (cmd, values))
+        self._exec_sql_with_commit(cmd, values, commit)
-	def read_machine_map(self):
-		self.machine_group = {}
-		for line in open(self.machine_map, 'r').readlines():
-			(machine, group) = line.split()
-			self.machine_group[machine] = group
+    def delete(self, table, where, commit = None):
+        cmd = ['delete from', table]
+        if commit == None:
+            commit = self.autocommit
+        if where and isinstance(where, types.DictionaryType):
+            keys = [field + '=%s' for field in where.keys()]
+            values = [where[field] for field in where.keys()]
+            cmd += ['where', ' and '.join(keys)]
+        sql = ' '.join(cmd)
+        self.dprint('%s %s' % (sql, values))
-	def insert_machine(self, job, group = None, commit = None):
-		hostname = job.machine
-		if self.machine_map and not self.machine_group:
-			self.read_machine_map()
+        self._exec_sql_with_commit(sql, values, commit)
-		if not group:
-			group = self.machine_group.get(hostname, hostname)
-			if group == hostname and job.machine_owner:
-				group = job.machine_owner + '/' + hostname
-		self.insert('machines',
-                            { 'hostname' : hostname ,
-		              'machine_group' : group ,
-			      'owner' : job.machine_owner },
-		            commit=commit)
-		return self.get_last_autonumber_value()
+    def update(self, table, data, where, commit = None):
+        """\
+                'update table set data values (%s ... %s) where ...'
+                data:
+                        dictionary of fields and data
+        """
+        if commit == None:
+            commit = self.autocommit
+        cmd = 'update %s ' % table
+        fields = data.keys()
+        data_refs = [field + '=%s' for field in fields]
+        data_values = [data[field] for field in fields]
+        cmd += ' set ' + ' and '.join(data_refs)
-	def lookup_machine(self, hostname):
-		where = { 'hostname' : hostname }
-		rows ='machine_idx', 'machines', where)
-		if rows:
-			return rows[0][0]
-		else:
-			return None
+        where_keys = [field + '=%s' for field in where.keys()]
+        where_values = [where[field] for field in where.keys()]
+        cmd += ' where ' + ' and '.join(where_keys)
+        values = data_values + where_values
+        print '%s %s' % (cmd, values)
-	def lookup_kernel(self, kernel):
-		rows ='kernel_idx', 'kernels', 
-					{'kernel_hash':kernel.kernel_hash})
-		if rows:
-			return rows[0][0]
-		else:
-			return None
+        self._exec_sql_with_commit(cmd, values, commit)
-	def insert_kernel(self, kernel, commit = None):
-		kver = self.lookup_kernel(kernel)
-		if kver:
-			return kver
-		# If this kernel has any significant patches, append their hash
-		# as diferentiator.
-		printable = kernel.base
-		patch_count = 0
-		for patch in kernel.patches:
-			match = re.match(r'.*(-mm[0-9]+|-git[0-9]+)\.(bz2|gz)$',
-								patch.reference)
-			if not match:
-				patch_count += 1
+    def delete_job(self, tag, commit = None):
+        job_idx = self.find_job(tag)
+        for test_idx in self.find_tests(job_idx):
+            where = {'test_idx' : test_idx}
+            self.delete('iteration_result', where)
+            self.delete('test_attributes', where)
+        where = {'job_idx' : job_idx}
+        self.delete('tests', where)
+        self.delete('jobs', where)
-		self.insert('kernels',
-                            {'base':kernel.base,
-		             'kernel_hash':kernel.kernel_hash,
-		             'printable':printable},
-		            commit=commit)
-		kver = self.get_last_autonumber_value()
-		if patch_count > 0:
-			printable += ' p%d' % (kver)
-			self.update('kernels',
-				{'printable':printable},
-				{'kernel_idx':kver})
+    def insert_job(self, tag, job, commit = None):
+        job.machine_idx = self.lookup_machine(job.machine)
+        if not job.machine_idx:
+            job.machine_idx = self.insert_machine(job,
+                                                  commit=commit)
+        self.insert('jobs', {'tag':tag,
+                             'label': job.label,
+                             'username': job.user,
+                             'machine_idx': job.machine_idx,
+                             'queued_time': job.queued_time,
+                             'started_time': job.started_time,
+                             'finished_time': job.finished_time},
+                             commit=commit)
+        job.index = self.get_last_autonumber_value()
+        for test in job.tests:
+            self.insert_test(job, test, commit=commit)
-		for patch in kernel.patches:
-			self.insert_patch(kver, patch, commit=commit)
-		return kver
+    def insert_test(self, job, test, commit = None):
+        kver = self.insert_kernel(test.kernel, commit=commit)
+        data = {'job_idx':job.index, 'test':test.testname,
+                'subdir':test.subdir, 'kernel_idx':kver,
+                'status':self.status_idx[test.status],
+                'reason':test.reason, 'machine_idx':job.machine_idx,
+                'started_time': test.started_time,
+                'finished_time':test.finished_time}
+        self.insert('tests', data, commit=commit)
+        test_idx = self.get_last_autonumber_value()
+        data = { 'test_idx':test_idx }
-	def insert_patch(self, kver, patch, commit = None):
-		print patch.reference
-		name = os.path.basename(patch.reference)[:80]
-		self.insert('patches',
-                            {'kernel_idx': kver, 
-		             'name':name,
-		             'url':patch.reference, 
-		             'hash':patch.hash},
+        for i in test.iterations:
+            data['iteration'] = i.index
+            for key, value in i.attr_keyval.iteritems():
+                data['attribute'] = key
+                data['value'] = value
+                self.insert('iteration_attributes', data,
+                            commit=commit)
+            for key, value in i.perf_keyval.iteritems():
+                data['attribute'] = key
+                data['value'] = value
+                self.insert('iteration_result', data,
-	def find_test(self, job_idx, subdir):
-		where = { 'job_idx':job_idx , 'subdir':subdir }
-		rows ='test_idx', 'tests', where)
-		if rows:
-			return rows[0][0]
-		else:
-			return None
+        for key, value in test.attributes.iteritems():
+            data = {'test_idx': test_idx, 'attribute': key,
+                    'value': value}
+            self.insert('test_attributes', data, commit=commit)
-	def find_tests(self, job_idx):
-		where = { 'job_idx':job_idx }
-		rows ='test_idx', 'tests', where)
-		if rows:
-			return [row[0] for row in rows]
-		else:
-			return []
+    def read_machine_map(self):
+        self.machine_group = {}
+        for line in open(self.machine_map, 'r').readlines():
+            (machine, group) = line.split()
+            self.machine_group[machine] = group
-	def find_job(self, tag):
-		rows ='job_idx', 'jobs', {'tag': tag})
-		if rows:
-			return rows[0][0]
-		else:
-			return None
+    def insert_machine(self, job, group = None, commit = None):
+        hostname = job.machine
+        if self.machine_map and not self.machine_group:
+            self.read_machine_map()
+        if not group:
+            group = self.machine_group.get(hostname, hostname)
+            if group == hostname and job.machine_owner:
+                group = job.machine_owner + '/' + hostname
+        self.insert('machines',
+                    { 'hostname' : hostname ,
+                      'machine_group' : group ,
+                      'owner' : job.machine_owner },
+                    commit=commit)
+        return self.get_last_autonumber_value()
+    def lookup_machine(self, hostname):
+        where = { 'hostname' : hostname }
+        rows ='machine_idx', 'machines', where)
+        if rows:
+            return rows[0][0]
+        else:
+            return None
+    def lookup_kernel(self, kernel):
+        rows ='kernel_idx', 'kernels',
+                                {'kernel_hash':kernel.kernel_hash})
+        if rows:
+            return rows[0][0]
+        else:
+            return None
+    def insert_kernel(self, kernel, commit = None):
+        kver = self.lookup_kernel(kernel)
+        if kver:
+            return kver
+        # If this kernel has any significant patches, append their hash
+        # as diferentiator.
+        printable = kernel.base
+        patch_count = 0
+        for patch in kernel.patches:
+            match = re.match(r'.*(-mm[0-9]+|-git[0-9]+)\.(bz2|gz)$',
+                                                    patch.reference)
+            if not match:
+                patch_count += 1
+        self.insert('kernels',
+                    {'base':kernel.base,
+                     'kernel_hash':kernel.kernel_hash,
+                     'printable':printable},
+                    commit=commit)
+        kver = self.get_last_autonumber_value()
+        if patch_count > 0:
+            printable += ' p%d' % (kver)
+            self.update('kernels',
+                    {'printable':printable},
+                    {'kernel_idx':kver})
+        for patch in kernel.patches:
+            self.insert_patch(kver, patch, commit=commit)
+        return kver
+    def insert_patch(self, kver, patch, commit = None):
+        print patch.reference
+        name = os.path.basename(patch.reference)[:80]
+        self.insert('patches',
+                    {'kernel_idx': kver,
+                     'name':name,
+                     'url':patch.reference,
+                     'hash':patch.hash},
+                    commit=commit)
+    def find_test(self, job_idx, subdir):
+        where = { 'job_idx':job_idx , 'subdir':subdir }
+        rows ='test_idx', 'tests', where)
+        if rows:
+            return rows[0][0]
+        else:
+            return None
+    def find_tests(self, job_idx):
+        where = { 'job_idx':job_idx }
+        rows ='test_idx', 'tests', where)
+        if rows:
+            return [row[0] for row in rows]
+        else:
+            return []
+    def find_job(self, tag):
+        rows ='job_idx', 'jobs', {'tag': tag})
+        if rows:
+            return rows[0][0]
+        else:
+            return None
 def _get_db_type():
-	"""Get the database type name to use from the global config."""
-	get_value = global_config.global_config.get_config_value
-	return "db_" + get_value("TKO", "db_type", default="mysql")
+    """Get the database type name to use from the global config."""
+    get_value = global_config.global_config.get_config_value
+    return "db_" + get_value("TKO", "db_type", default="mysql")
 def _get_error_class(class_name):
-	"""Retrieves the appropriate error class by name from the database
-	module."""
-	db_module = __import__("autotest_lib.tko." + _get_db_type(),
-			       globals(), locals(), ["driver"])
-	return getattr(db_module.driver, class_name)
+    """Retrieves the appropriate error class by name from the database
+    module."""
+    db_module = __import__("autotest_lib.tko." + _get_db_type(),
+                           globals(), locals(), ["driver"])
+    return getattr(db_module.driver, class_name)
 def db(*args, **dargs):
-	"""Creates an instance of the database class with the arguments
-	provided in args and dargs, using the database type specified by
-	the global configuration (defaulting to mysql)."""
-	db_type = _get_db_type()
-	db_module = __import__("autotest_lib.tko." + db_type, globals(),
-			       locals(), [db_type])
-	db = getattr(db_module, db_type)(*args, **dargs)
-	return db
+    """Creates an instance of the database class with the arguments
+    provided in args and dargs, using the database type specified by
+    the global configuration (defaulting to mysql)."""
+    db_type = _get_db_type()
+    db_module = __import__("autotest_lib.tko." + db_type, globals(),
+                           locals(), [db_type])
+    db = getattr(db_module, db_type)(*args, **dargs)
+    return db
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index da59ecd..13c2037 100644
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 import db
 class db_mysql(db.db_sql):
-	def connect(self, host, database, user, password):
-		return driver.connect(host=host, user=user,
-				      passwd=password, db=database)
+    def connect(self, host, database, user, password):
+        return driver.connect(host=host, user=user,
+                              passwd=password, db=database)
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index 166ee02..31834fa 100644
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 import db
 class db_postgres(db.db_sql):
-	def connect(self, host, database, user, password):
-		return driver.connect("dbname=%s user=%s password=%s" % \
-				      (database, user, password))
+    def connect(self, host, database, user, password):
+        return driver.connect("dbname=%s user=%s password=%s" % \
+                              (database, user, password))
diff --git a/tko/delete_job_results b/tko/delete_job_results
index 4977988..f747510 100644
--- a/tko/delete_job_results
+++ b/tko/delete_job_results
@@ -7,15 +7,14 @@
 usage = "usage: delete_job_results <job tag>"
 if len(sys.argv) < 2:
-	print usage
-	sys.exit(2)
+    print usage
+    sys.exit(2)
 tag = sys.argv[1]
 resultsdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(thisdir, '../results', tag))
 db = db.db()
 if not db.find_job(tag):
-	raise "Job tag %s does not exist in database" % tag
+    raise "Job tag %s does not exist in database" % tag
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index ccf1923..f233fb8 100755
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -2,23 +2,23 @@
 import frontend, reason_qualifier
 color_map = {
-	'header'        : '#e5e5c0', # greyish yellow
-	'blank'         : '#ffffff', # white
-	'plain_text'    : '#e5e5c0', # greyish yellow
-	'borders'       : '#bbbbbb', # grey
-	'white'		: '#ffffff', # white
-	'green'		: '#66ff66', # green
-	'yellow'	: '#fffc00', # yellow
-	'red'		: '#ff6666', # red
+        'header'        : '#e5e5c0', # greyish yellow
+        'blank'         : '#ffffff', # white
+        'plain_text'    : '#e5e5c0', # greyish yellow
+        'borders'       : '#bbbbbb', # grey
+        'white'         : '#ffffff', # white
+        'green'         : '#66ff66', # green
+        'yellow'        : '#fffc00', # yellow
+        'red'           : '#ff6666', # red
-	#### additional keys for shaded color of a box 
-	#### depending on stats of GOOD/FAIL
-	'100pct'  : '#32CD32', # green, 94% to 100% of success
-	'95pct'   : '#c0ff80', # step twrds yellow, 88% to 94% of success
-	'90pct'   : '#ffff00', # yellow, 82% to 88%
-	'85pct'   : '#ffc040', # 76% to 82%
-	'75pct'   : '#ff4040', # red, 1% to 76%
-	'0pct'    : '#d080d0', # violet, <1% of success	
+        #### additional keys for shaded color of a box
+        #### depending on stats of GOOD/FAIL
+        '100pct'  : '#32CD32', # green, 94% to 100% of success
+        '95pct'   : '#c0ff80', # step twrds yellow, 88% to 94% of success
+        '90pct'   : '#ffff00', # yellow, 82% to 88%
+        '85pct'   : '#ffc040', # 76% to 82%
+        '75pct'   : '#ff4040', # red, 1% to 76%
+        '0pct'    : '#d080d0', # violet, <1% of success
@@ -26,316 +26,315 @@
 def set_brief_mode():
-	global _brief_mode
-	_brief_mode = True
+    global _brief_mode
+    _brief_mode = True
 def is_brief_mode():
-	return _brief_mode
+    return _brief_mode
 def color_keys_row():
-	""" Returns one row table with samples of 'NNpct' colors
-		defined in the color_map
-		and numbers of corresponding %%
-	"""
-	### This function does not require maintenance in case of
-	### color_map augmenting - as long as 
-	### color keys for box shading have names that end with 'pct'
-	keys = filter(lambda key: key.endswith('pct'), color_map.keys())
-	def num_pct(key):
-		return int(key.replace('pct',''))
-	keys.sort(key=num_pct)
-	html = ''
-	for key in keys:
-		html+= "\t\t\t<td bgcolor =%s>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>\n"\
-				% color_map[key]
-		hint = key.replace('pct',' %')
-		if hint[0]<>'0': ## anything but 0 %
-			hint = 'to ' + hint
-		html+= "\t\t\t<td> %s </td>\n" % hint
+    """ Returns one row table with samples of 'NNpct' colors
+            defined in the color_map
+            and numbers of corresponding %%
+    """
+    ### This function does not require maintenance in case of
+    ### color_map augmenting - as long as
+    ### color keys for box shading have names that end with 'pct'
+    keys = filter(lambda key: key.endswith('pct'), color_map.keys())
+    def num_pct(key):
+        return int(key.replace('pct',''))
+    keys.sort(key=num_pct)
+    html = ''
+    for key in keys:
+        html+= "\t\t\t<td bgcolor =%s>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>\n"\
+                        % color_map[key]
+        hint = key.replace('pct',' %')
+        if hint[0]<>'0': ## anything but 0 %
+            hint = 'to ' + hint
+        html+= "\t\t\t<td> %s </td>\n" % hint
-	html = """
+    html = """
 <table width = "500" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">\n
-	<tbody>\n
-		<tr>\n
+    <tbody>\n
+            <tr>\n
-		</tr>\n
-	</tbody>
+            </tr>\n
+    </tbody>
 """ % html
-	return html
+    return html
 def calculate_html(link, data, tooltip=None, row_label=None, column_label=None):
-	if not is_brief_mode():
-		hover_text = '%s:%s' % (row_label, column_label)
-		if data:  ## cell is not empty
-			hover_text += '<br>%s' % tooltip
-		else:
-			## avoid "None" printed in empty cells
-			data = '&nbsp;'
-		html = ('<center><a class="info" href="%s">'
-			'%s<span>%s</span></a></center>' %
-			(link, data, hover_text))
-		return html
-	# no hover if embedded into AFE but links shall redirect to new window
-	if data: ## cell is non empty
-		html =  '<a href="%s" target=NEW>%s</a>' % (link, data)
-		return html
-	else: ## cell is empty
-		return '&nbsp;'
+    if not is_brief_mode():
+        hover_text = '%s:%s' % (row_label, column_label)
+        if data:  ## cell is not empty
+            hover_text += '<br>%s' % tooltip
+        else:
+            ## avoid "None" printed in empty cells
+            data = '&nbsp;'
+        html = ('<center><a class="info" href="%s">'
+                '%s<span>%s</span></a></center>' %
+                (link, data, hover_text))
+        return html
+    # no hover if embedded into AFE but links shall redirect to new window
+    if data: ## cell is non empty
+        html =  '<a href="%s" target=NEW>%s</a>' % (link, data)
+        return html
+    else: ## cell is empty
+        return '&nbsp;'
 class box:
-	def __init__(self, data, color_key = None, header = False, link = None,
-		     tooltip = None, row_label = None, column_label = None):
-		## in brief mode we display grid table only and nothing more
-		## - mouse hovering feature is stubbed in brief mode
-		## - any link opens new window or tab
+    def __init__(self, data, color_key = None, header = False, link = None,
+                 tooltip = None, row_label = None, column_label = None):
-		redirect = ""
-		if is_brief_mode():
-			## we are acting under AFE
-			## any link shall open new window
-			redirect = " target=NEW"
-		if data:
-			data = "<tt>%s</tt>" % data
-		if link and not tooltip:
-			## FlipAxis corner, column and row headers
- = ('<a href="%s"%s>%s</a>' %
-				     (link, redirect, data))
-		else:
- = calculate_html(link, data, tooltip,
-						   row_label, column_label)
+        ## in brief mode we display grid table only and nothing more
+        ## - mouse hovering feature is stubbed in brief mode
+        ## - any link opens new window or tab
-		if color_map.has_key(color_key):
-			self.color = color_map[color_key]
-		elif header:
-			self.color = color_map['header']
-		elif data:
-			self.color = color_map['plain_text']
-		else:
-			self.color = color_map['blank']
-		self.header = header
+        redirect = ""
+        if is_brief_mode():
+            ## we are acting under AFE
+            ## any link shall open new window
+            redirect = " target=NEW"
+        if data:
+            data = "<tt>%s</tt>" % data
+        if link and not tooltip:
+            ## FlipAxis corner, column and row headers
+   = ('<a href="%s"%s>%s</a>' %
+                         (link, redirect, data))
+        else:
+   = calculate_html(link, data, tooltip,
+                                       row_label, column_label)
+        if color_map.has_key(color_key):
+            self.color = color_map[color_key]
+        elif header:
+            self.color = color_map['header']
+        elif data:
+            self.color = color_map['plain_text']
+        else:
+            self.color = color_map['blank']
+        self.header = header
-	def html(self):
-		if
-			data =
-		else:
-			data = '&nbsp'
+    def html(self):
+        if
+            data =
+        else:
+            data = '&nbsp'
-		if self.header:
-			box_html = 'th'
-		else:
-			box_html = 'td'
+        if self.header:
+            box_html = 'th'
+        else:
+            box_html = 'td'
-		return "<%s bgcolor=%s>%s</%s>" % \
-					(box_html, self.color, data, box_html)
+        return "<%s bgcolor=%s>%s</%s>" % \
+                                (box_html, self.color, data, box_html)
 def grade_from_status(status):
-	# % of goodness
-	# GOOD (6)  -> 1
-	# TEST_NA (8) is not counted
-	# ##  If the test doesn't PASS, it FAILS
-	# else -> 0
+    # % of goodness
+    # GOOD (6)  -> 1
+    # TEST_NA (8) is not counted
+    # ##  If the test doesn't PASS, it FAILS
+    # else -> 0
-	if status == 6:
-		return 1.0
-	else:
-		return 0.0
+    if status == 6:
+        return 1.0
+    else:
+        return 0.0
 def average_grade_from_status_count(status_count):
-	average_grade = 0
-	total_count = 0
-	for key in status_count.keys():
-		if key != 8: # TEST_NA status
-			average_grade += (grade_from_status(key)
-						* status_count[key])
-			total_count += status_count[key]
-	if total_count != 0:
-		average_grade = average_grade / total_count
-	else:
-		average_grade = 0.0
-	return average_grade
+    average_grade = 0
+    total_count = 0
+    for key in status_count.keys():
+        if key != 8: # TEST_NA status
+            average_grade += (grade_from_status(key)
+                                    * status_count[key])
+            total_count += status_count[key]
+    if total_count != 0:
+        average_grade = average_grade / total_count
+    else:
+        average_grade = 0.0
+    return average_grade
 def shade_from_status_count(status_count):
-	if not status_count:
-		return None
-	## average_grade defines a shade of the box
-	## 0 -> violet
-	## 0.76 -> red
-	## 0.88-> yellow
-	## 1.0 -> green	
-	average_grade = average_grade_from_status_count(status_count)
-	## find appropiate keyword from color_map
-	if average_grade<0.01:
-		shade = '0pct'
-	elif average_grade<0.75:
-		shade = '75pct'
-	elif average_grade<0.85:
-		shade = '85pct'
-	elif average_grade<0.90:
-		shade = '90pct'
-	elif average_grade<0.95:
-		shade = '95pct'
-	else:
-		shade = '100pct'
-	return shade
+    if not status_count:
+        return None
+    ## average_grade defines a shade of the box
+    ## 0 -> violet
+    ## 0.76 -> red
+    ## 0.88-> yellow
+    ## 1.0 -> green
+    average_grade = average_grade_from_status_count(status_count)
+    ## find appropiate keyword from color_map
+    if average_grade<0.01:
+        shade = '0pct'
+    elif average_grade<0.75:
+        shade = '75pct'
+    elif average_grade<0.85:
+        shade = '85pct'
+    elif average_grade<0.90:
+        shade = '90pct'
+    elif average_grade<0.95:
+        shade = '95pct'
+    else:
+        shade = '100pct'
+    return shade
 def status_html(db, box_data, shade):
-	"""
-	status_count: dict mapping from status (integer key) to count
-	eg. { 'GOOD' : 4, 'FAIL' : 1 }
-	"""
-	status_count = box_data.status_count
-	if 6 in status_count.keys():
-		html = "%d&nbsp;/&nbsp;%d " \
-			%(status_count[6],sum(status_count.values()))
-	else:
-		html = "%d&nbsp;/&nbsp;%d " % \
-			(0, sum(status_count.values()))
+    """
+    status_count: dict mapping from status (integer key) to count
+    eg. { 'GOOD' : 4, 'FAIL' : 1 }
+    """
+    status_count = box_data.status_count
+    if 6 in status_count.keys():
+        html = "%d&nbsp;/&nbsp;%d " \
+                %(status_count[6],sum(status_count.values()))
+    else:
+        html = "%d&nbsp;/&nbsp;%d " % \
+                (0, sum(status_count.values()))
-	if box_data.reasons_list:
-		reasons_list = box_data.reasons_list
-		aggregated_reasons_list = \
-			reason_qualifier.aggregate_reason_fields(reasons_list)
-		for reason in aggregated_reasons_list:
-			## a bit of more postprocessing
-			## to look nicer in a cell
-			## in future: to do subtable within the cell
-			reason = reason.replace('<br>','\n')
-			reason = reason.replace('<','[').replace('>',']')
-			reason = reason.replace('|','\n').replace('&',' AND ')
-			reason = reason.replace('\n','<br>')
-			html += '<br>' + reason
+    if box_data.reasons_list:
+        reasons_list = box_data.reasons_list
+        aggregated_reasons_list = \
+                reason_qualifier.aggregate_reason_fields(reasons_list)
+        for reason in aggregated_reasons_list:
+            ## a bit of more postprocessing
+            ## to look nicer in a cell
+            ## in future: to do subtable within the cell
+            reason = reason.replace('<br>','\n')
+            reason = reason.replace('<','[').replace('>',']')
+            reason = reason.replace('|','\n').replace('&',' AND ')
+            reason = reason.replace('\n','<br>')
+            html += '<br>' + reason
-	tooltip = ""
-	for status in sorted(status_count.keys(), reverse = True):
-		status_word = db.status_word[status]
-		tooltip += "%d %s " % (status_count[status], status_word)
-	return (html,tooltip)
+    tooltip = ""
+    for status in sorted(status_count.keys(), reverse = True):
+        status_word = db.status_word[status]
+        tooltip += "%d %s " % (status_count[status], status_word)
+    return (html,tooltip)
 def status_count_box(db, tests, link = None):
-	"""
-	Display a ratio of total number of GOOD tests
-	to total number of all tests in the group of tests.
-	More info (e.g. 10 GOOD, 2 WARN, 3 FAIL) is in tooltips
-	"""
-	if not tests:
-		return box(None, None)
+    """
+    Display a ratio of total number of GOOD tests
+    to total number of all tests in the group of tests.
+    More info (e.g. 10 GOOD, 2 WARN, 3 FAIL) is in tooltips
+    """
+    if not tests:
+        return box(None, None)
-	status_count = {}
-	for test in tests:
-		count = status_count.get(test.status_num, 0)
-		status_count[test.status_num] = count + 1
-	return status_precounted_box(db, status_count, link)
+    status_count = {}
+    for test in tests:
+        count = status_count.get(test.status_num, 0)
+        status_count[test.status_num] = count + 1
+    return status_precounted_box(db, status_count, link)
 def status_precounted_box(db, box_data, link = None,
-				 x_label = None, y_label = None):
-	"""
-	Display a ratio of total number of GOOD tests
-	to total number of all tests in the group of tests.
-	More info (e.g. 10 GOOD, 2 WARN, 3 FAIL) is in tooltips
-	"""
-	status_count = box_data.status_count
-	if not status_count:
-		return box(None, None)
-	shade = shade_from_status_count(status_count)	
-	html,tooltip = status_html(db, box_data, shade)
-	precounted_box = box(html, shade, False, link, tooltip,
-				x_label, y_label)
-	return precounted_box
+                                 x_label = None, y_label = None):
+    """
+    Display a ratio of total number of GOOD tests
+    to total number of all tests in the group of tests.
+    More info (e.g. 10 GOOD, 2 WARN, 3 FAIL) is in tooltips
+    """
+    status_count = box_data.status_count
+    if not status_count:
+        return box(None, None)
+    shade = shade_from_status_count(status_count)
+    html,tooltip = status_html(db, box_data, shade)
+    precounted_box = box(html, shade, False, link, tooltip,
+                            x_label, y_label)
+    return precounted_box
 def print_table(matrix):
-	"""
-	matrix: list of lists of boxes, giving a matrix of data
-	Each of the inner lists is a row, not a column.
+    """
+    matrix: list of lists of boxes, giving a matrix of data
+    Each of the inner lists is a row, not a column.
-	Display the given matrix of data as a table.
-	"""
+    Display the given matrix of data as a table.
+    """
-	print ('<table bgcolor="%s" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" '
-	       'style="margin-right: 200px;">') % (
-	       color_map['borders'])
-	for row in matrix:
-		print '<tr>'
-		for element in row:
-			print element.html()
-		print '</tr>'
-	print '</table>'
+    print ('<table bgcolor="%s" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" '
+           'style="margin-right: 200px;">') % (
+           color_map['borders'])
+    for row in matrix:
+        print '<tr>'
+        for element in row:
+            print element.html()
+        print '</tr>'
+    print '</table>'
 def sort_tests(tests):
-	kernel_order = ['patch', 'config', 'build', 'mkinitrd', 'install']
+    kernel_order = ['patch', 'config', 'build', 'mkinitrd', 'install']
-	results = []
-	for kernel_op in kernel_order:
-		test = 'kernel.' + kernel_op
-		if tests.count(test):
-			results.append(test)
-			tests.remove(test)
-	if tests.count('boot'):
-		results.append('boot')
-		tests.remove('boot')
-	return results + sorted(tests)
+    results = []
+    for kernel_op in kernel_order:
+        test = 'kernel.' + kernel_op
+        if tests.count(test):
+            results.append(test)
+            tests.remove(test)
+    if tests.count('boot'):
+        results.append('boot')
+        tests.remove('boot')
+    return results + sorted(tests)
 def print_main_header():
-	hover_css="""\
+    hover_css="""\{
-    position:relative; /*this is the key*/
-    z-index:1
-    color:#000;
-    text-decoration:none}
+position:relative; /*this is the key*/
+text-decoration:none}{z-index:25;} span{display: none} span{ /*the span will display just on :hover state*/
-    display:block;
-    position:absolute;
-    top:1em; left:1em;
-    min-width: 100px;
-    overflow: visible;
-    border:1px solid #036;
-    background-color:#fff; color:#000;
-    text-align: left
+top:1em; left:1em;
+min-width: 100px;
+overflow: visible;
+border:1px solid #036;
+background-color:#fff; color:#000;
+text-align: left
-	print '<head><style type="text/css">'
-	print 'a { text-decoration: none }'
-	print hover_css
-	print '</style></head>'
-	print '<h2>'
-	print '<a href="compose_query.cgi">Functional</a>'
-	print '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp'
-	print '<a href="machine_benchmark.cgi">Performance</a>'
-	print '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp'
-	print '<a href="">[about Autotest]</a>'
-	print '</h2><p>'
+    print '<head><style type="text/css">'
+    print 'a { text-decoration: none }'
+    print hover_css
+    print '</style></head>'
+    print '<h2>'
+    print '<a href="compose_query.cgi">Functional</a>'
+    print '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp'
+    print '<a href="machine_benchmark.cgi">Performance</a>'
+    print '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp'
+    print '<a href="">[about Autotest]</a>'
+    print '</h2><p>'
 def group_name(group):
-	name = re.sub('_', '<br>',
-	if'/', name):
-		(owner, machine) = name.split('/', 1)
-		name = owner + '<br>' + machine
-	return name
+    name = re.sub('_', '<br>',
+    if'/', name):
+        (owner, machine) = name.split('/', 1)
+        name = owner + '<br>' + machine
+    return name
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index 00e7fed..45de298 100755
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -10,299 +10,299 @@
 root_url_file = os.path.join(tko, '.root_url')
 if os.path.exists(root_url_file):
-	html_root = open(root_url_file, 'r').readline().rstrip()
+    html_root = open(root_url_file, 'r').readline().rstrip()
-	html_root = '/results/'
+    html_root = '/results/'
 class status_cell:
-	# One cell in the matrix of status data.
-	def __init__(self):
-		# Count is a dictionary: status -> count of tests with status
-		self.status_count = {}
-		self.reasons_list = []
-		self.job_tag = None
-		self.job_tag_count = 0
+    # One cell in the matrix of status data.
+    def __init__(self):
+        # Count is a dictionary: status -> count of tests with status
+        self.status_count = {}
+        self.reasons_list = []
+        self.job_tag = None
+        self.job_tag_count = 0
-	def add(self, status, count, job_tags, reasons = None):
-		assert count > 0
+    def add(self, status, count, job_tags, reasons = None):
+        assert count > 0
-		self.job_tag = job_tags
-		self.job_tag_count += count
-		if self.job_tag_count > 1:
-			self.job_tag = None
-		self.status_count[status] = count
-		### status == 6 means 'GOOD'
-		if status != 6:
-			## None implies sorting problems and extra CRs in a cell
-			if reasons:
-				self.reasons_list.append(reasons)
+        self.job_tag = job_tags
+        self.job_tag_count += count
+        if self.job_tag_count > 1:
+            self.job_tag = None
+        self.status_count[status] = count
+        ### status == 6 means 'GOOD'
+        if status != 6:
+            ## None implies sorting problems and extra CRs in a cell
+            if reasons:
+                self.reasons_list.append(reasons)
 class status_data:
-	def __init__(self, sql_rows, x_field, y_field, query_reasons = False):
-		data = {}
-		y_values = set()
+    def __init__(self, sql_rows, x_field, y_field, query_reasons = False):
+        data = {}
+        y_values = set()
-		# Walk through the query, filing all results by x, y info
-		for row in sql_rows:
-			if query_reasons:
-				(x,y, status, count, job_tags, reasons) = row
-			else:
-				(x,y, status, count, job_tags) = row
-				reasons = None
-			if not data.has_key(x):
-				data[x] = {}
-			if not data[x].has_key(y):
-				y_values.add(y)
-				data[x][y] = status_cell()
-			data[x][y].add(status, count, job_tags, reasons)
+        # Walk through the query, filing all results by x, y info
+        for row in sql_rows:
+            if query_reasons:
+                (x,y, status, count, job_tags, reasons) = row
+            else:
+                (x,y, status, count, job_tags) = row
+                reasons = None
+            if not data.has_key(x):
+                data[x] = {}
+            if not data[x].has_key(y):
+                y_values.add(y)
+                data[x][y] = status_cell()
+            data[x][y].add(status, count, job_tags, reasons)
-		# 2-d hash of data - [x-value][y-value]
- = data
-		# List of possible columns (x-values)
-		self.x_values = smart_sort(data.keys(), x_field)
-		# List of rows columns (y-values)
-		self.y_values = smart_sort(list(y_values), y_field)
-		nCells = len(self.y_values)*len(self.x_values)
-		if nCells > MAX_CELLS:
-			msg = 'Exceeded allowed number of cells in a table'
-			raise db.MySQLTooManyRows(msg)
+        # 2-d hash of data - [x-value][y-value]
+ = data
+        # List of possible columns (x-values)
+        self.x_values = smart_sort(data.keys(), x_field)
+        # List of rows columns (y-values)
+        self.y_values = smart_sort(list(y_values), y_field)
+        nCells = len(self.y_values)*len(self.x_values)
+        if nCells > MAX_CELLS:
+            msg = 'Exceeded allowed number of cells in a table'
+            raise db.MySQLTooManyRows(msg)
 def get_matrix_data(db_obj, x_axis, y_axis, where = None,
-		    query_reasons = False):
-	# Searches on the test_view table - x_axis and y_axis must both be
-	# column names in that table.
-	x_field = test_view_field_dict[x_axis]
-	y_field = test_view_field_dict[y_axis]
-	query_fields_list = [x_field, y_field, 'status','COUNT(status)']
-	query_fields_list.append("LEFT(GROUP_CONCAT(job_tag),100)")
-	if query_reasons:
-		query_fields_list.append(
-			)
-	fields = ','.join(query_fields_list)
+                    query_reasons = False):
+    # Searches on the test_view table - x_axis and y_axis must both be
+    # column names in that table.
+    x_field = test_view_field_dict[x_axis]
+    y_field = test_view_field_dict[y_axis]
+    query_fields_list = [x_field, y_field, 'status','COUNT(status)']
+    query_fields_list.append("LEFT(GROUP_CONCAT(job_tag),100)")
+    if query_reasons:
+        query_fields_list.append(
+                "LEFT(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT reason SEPARATOR '|'),500)"
+                )
+    fields = ','.join(query_fields_list)
-	group_by = '%s, %s, status' % (x_field, y_field)
-	rows =, 'test_view',
-			where=where, group_by=group_by, max_rows = MAX_RECORDS)
-	return status_data(rows, x_field, y_field, query_reasons)
+    group_by = '%s, %s, status' % (x_field, y_field)
+    rows =, 'test_view',
+                    where=where, group_by=group_by, max_rows = MAX_RECORDS)
+    return status_data(rows, x_field, y_field, query_reasons)
 # Dictionary used simply for fast lookups from short reference names for users
 # to fieldnames in test_view
 test_view_field_dict = {
-	'kernel'        : 'kernel_printable',
-	'hostname'      : 'machine_hostname',
-	'test'          : 'test',
-	'label'         : 'job_label',
-	'machine_group' : 'machine_group',
-	'reason'        : 'reason',
-	'tag'           : 'job_tag',
-	'user'          : 'job_username',
-	'status'        : 'status_word',
-	'time'          : 'test_finished_time',
-	'time_daily'    : 'DATE(test_finished_time)'
+        'kernel'        : 'kernel_printable',
+        'hostname'      : 'machine_hostname',
+        'test'          : 'test',
+        'label'         : 'job_label',
+        'machine_group' : 'machine_group',
+        'reason'        : 'reason',
+        'tag'           : 'job_tag',
+        'user'          : 'job_username',
+        'status'        : 'status_word',
+        'time'          : 'test_finished_time',
+        'time_daily'    : 'DATE(test_finished_time)'
 def smart_sort(list, field):
-	if field == 'kernel_printable':
-		def kernel_encode(kernel):
-		        return kernel_versions.version_encode(kernel) 
-		list.sort(key = kernel_encode, reverse = True)
-		return list
-	## old records may contain time=None 
-	## make None comparable with timestamp datetime or date
-	elif field == 'test_finished_time':
-		def convert_None_to_datetime(date_time):
-			if not date_time:
-				return datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
-			else:
-				return date_time
-		list = map(convert_None_to_datetime, list)
-	elif field == 'DATE(test_finished_time)':
-		def convert_None_to_date(date):
-			if not date:
-				return, 1, 1)
-			else:
-				return date
-		list = map(convert_None_to_date, list)
-	list.sort()
-	return list
+    if field == 'kernel_printable':
+        def kernel_encode(kernel):
+            return kernel_versions.version_encode(kernel)
+        list.sort(key = kernel_encode, reverse = True)
+        return list
+    ## old records may contain time=None
+    ## make None comparable with timestamp datetime or date
+    elif field == 'test_finished_time':
+        def convert_None_to_datetime(date_time):
+            if not date_time:
+                return datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+            else:
+                return date_time
+        list = map(convert_None_to_datetime, list)
+    elif field == 'DATE(test_finished_time)':
+        def convert_None_to_date(date):
+            if not date:
+                return, 1, 1)
+            else:
+                return date
+        list = map(convert_None_to_date, list)
+    list.sort()
+    return list
 class group:
-	@classmethod
-	def select(klass, db):
-		"""Return all possible machine groups"""
-		rows ='distinct machine_group', 'machines',
-						'machine_group is not null')
-		groupnames = sorted([row[0] for row in rows])
-		return [klass(db, groupname) for groupname in groupnames]
+    @classmethod
+    def select(klass, db):
+        """Return all possible machine groups"""
+        rows ='distinct machine_group', 'machines',
+                                        'machine_group is not null')
+        groupnames = sorted([row[0] for row in rows])
+        return [klass(db, groupname) for groupname in groupnames]
-	def __init__(self, db, name):
- = name
-		self.db = db
+    def __init__(self, db, name):
+ = name
+        self.db = db
-	def machines(self):
-		return, { 'machine_group' : })
+    def machines(self):
+        return, { 'machine_group' : })
-	def tests(self, where = {}):
-		values = []
-		sql = 't inner join machines m on m.machine_idx=t.machine_idx'
-		sql += ' where m.machine_group=%s'
-		for key in where.keys():
-			sql += ' and %s=%%s' % key
-			values.append(where[key])
-		return test.select_sql(self.db, sql, values)
+    def tests(self, where = {}):
+        values = []
+        sql = 't inner join machines m on m.machine_idx=t.machine_idx'
+        sql += ' where m.machine_group=%s'
+        for key in where.keys():
+            sql += ' and %s=%%s' % key
+            values.append(where[key])
+        return test.select_sql(self.db, sql, values)
 class machine:
-	@classmethod
-	def select(klass, db, where = {}):
-		fields = ['machine_idx', 'hostname', 'machine_group', 'owner']
-		machines = []
-		for row in','.join(fields), 'machines', where):
-			machines.append(klass(db, *row))
-		return machines
+    @classmethod
+    def select(klass, db, where = {}):
+        fields = ['machine_idx', 'hostname', 'machine_group', 'owner']
+        machines = []
+        for row in','.join(fields), 'machines', where):
+            machines.append(klass(db, *row))
+        return machines
-	def __init__(self, db, idx, hostname, group, owner):
-		self.db = db
-		self.idx = idx
-		self.hostname = hostname
- = group
-		self.owner = owner
+    def __init__(self, db, idx, hostname, group, owner):
+        self.db = db
+        self.idx = idx
+        self.hostname = hostname
+ = group
+        self.owner = owner
 class kernel:
-	@classmethod
-	def select(klass, db, where = {}):
-		fields = ['kernel_idx', 'kernel_hash', 'base', 'printable']
-		rows =','.join(fields), 'kernels', where)
-		return [klass(db, *row) for row in rows]
+    @classmethod
+    def select(klass, db, where = {}):
+        fields = ['kernel_idx', 'kernel_hash', 'base', 'printable']
+        rows =','.join(fields), 'kernels', where)
+        return [klass(db, *row) for row in rows]
-	def __init__(self, db, idx, hash, base, printable):
-		self.db = db
-		self.idx = idx
-		self.hash = hash
-		self.base = base
-		self.printable = printable
-		self.patches = []    # THIS SHOULD PULL IN PATCHES!
+    def __init__(self, db, idx, hash, base, printable):
+        self.db = db
+        self.idx = idx
+        self.hash = hash
+        self.base = base
+        self.printable = printable
+        self.patches = []    # THIS SHOULD PULL IN PATCHES!
 class test:
-	@classmethod
-	def select(klass, db, where = {}, wherein = {}, distinct = False):
-		fields = ['test_idx', 'job_idx', 'test', 'subdir', 
-			  'kernel_idx', 'status', 'reason', 'machine_idx']
-		tests = []
-		for row in','.join(fields), 'tests', where,
-				     wherein,distinct):
-			tests.append(klass(db, *row))
-		return tests
+    @classmethod
+    def select(klass, db, where = {}, wherein = {}, distinct = False):
+        fields = ['test_idx', 'job_idx', 'test', 'subdir',
+                  'kernel_idx', 'status', 'reason', 'machine_idx']
+        tests = []
+        for row in','.join(fields), 'tests', where,
+                             wherein,distinct):
+            tests.append(klass(db, *row))
+        return tests
-	@classmethod
-	def select_sql(klass, db, sql, values):
-		fields = ['test_idx', 'job_idx', 'test', 'subdir', 
-			  'kernel_idx', 'status', 'reason', 'machine_idx']
-		fields = ['t.'+field for field in fields]
-		rows = db.select_sql(','.join(fields), 'tests', sql, values)
-		return [klass(db, *row) for row in rows]
-	def __init__(self, db, test_idx, job_idx, testname, subdir, kernel_idx,
-		     status_num, reason, machine_idx):
-		self.idx = test_idx
-		self.job = job(db, job_idx)
-		self.testname = testname
-		self.subdir = subdir
-		self.kernel_idx = kernel_idx
-		self.__kernel = None
-		self.__iterations = None
-		self.machine_idx = machine_idx
-		self.__machine = None
-		self.status_num = status_num
-		self.status_word = db.status_word[status_num]
-		self.reason = reason
-		self.db = db
-		if self.subdir:
-			self.url = html_root + self.job.tag + '/' + self.subdir
-		else:
-			self.url = None
+    @classmethod
+    def select_sql(klass, db, sql, values):
+        fields = ['test_idx', 'job_idx', 'test', 'subdir',
+                  'kernel_idx', 'status', 'reason', 'machine_idx']
+        fields = ['t.'+field for field in fields]
+        rows = db.select_sql(','.join(fields), 'tests', sql, values)
+        return [klass(db, *row) for row in rows]
-	def iterations(self):
-		"""
-		Caching function for iterations
-		"""
-		if not self.__iterations:
-			self.__iterations = {}
-			# A dictionary - dict{key} = [value1, value2, ....]
-			where = {'test_idx' : self.idx}
-			for i in, where):
-				if self.__iterations.has_key(i.key):
-					self.__iterations[i.key].append(i.value)
-				else:
-					self.__iterations[i.key] = [i.value]
-		return self.__iterations
-	def kernel(self):
-		"""
-		Caching function for kernels
-		"""
-		if not self.__kernel:
-			where = {'kernel_idx' : self.kernel_idx}
-			self.__kernel =, where)[0]
-		return self.__kernel
+    def __init__(self, db, test_idx, job_idx, testname, subdir, kernel_idx,
+                 status_num, reason, machine_idx):
+        self.idx = test_idx
+        self.job = job(db, job_idx)
+        self.testname = testname
+        self.subdir = subdir
+        self.kernel_idx = kernel_idx
+        self.__kernel = None
+        self.__iterations = None
+        self.machine_idx = machine_idx
+        self.__machine = None
+        self.status_num = status_num
+        self.status_word = db.status_word[status_num]
+        self.reason = reason
+        self.db = db
+        if self.subdir:
+            self.url = html_root + self.job.tag + '/' + self.subdir
+        else:
+            self.url = None
-	def machine(self):
-		"""
-		Caching function for kernels
-		"""
-		if not self.__machine:
-			where = {'machine_idx' : self.machine_idx}
-			self.__machine =, where)[0]
-		return self.__machine
+    def iterations(self):
+        """
+        Caching function for iterations
+        """
+        if not self.__iterations:
+            self.__iterations = {}
+            # A dictionary - dict{key} = [value1, value2, ....]
+            where = {'test_idx' : self.idx}
+            for i in, where):
+                if self.__iterations.has_key(i.key):
+                    self.__iterations[i.key].append(i.value)
+                else:
+                    self.__iterations[i.key] = [i.value]
+        return self.__iterations
+    def kernel(self):
+        """
+        Caching function for kernels
+        """
+        if not self.__kernel:
+            where = {'kernel_idx' : self.kernel_idx}
+            self.__kernel =, where)[0]
+        return self.__kernel
+    def machine(self):
+        """
+        Caching function for kernels
+        """
+        if not self.__machine:
+            where = {'machine_idx' : self.machine_idx}
+            self.__machine =, where)[0]
+        return self.__machine
 class job:
-	def __init__(self, db, job_idx):
-		where = {'job_idx' : job_idx}
-		rows ='tag, machine_idx', 'jobs', where)
-		if not rows:
-			return None
-		(self.tag, self.machine_idx) = rows[0]
-		self.job_idx = job_idx
+    def __init__(self, db, job_idx):
+        where = {'job_idx' : job_idx}
+        rows ='tag, machine_idx', 'jobs', where)
+        if not rows:
+            return None
+        (self.tag, self.machine_idx) = rows[0]
+        self.job_idx = job_idx
 class iteration:
-	@classmethod
-	def select(klass, db, where):
-		fields = ['iteration', 'attribute', 'value']
-		iterations = []
-		rows =','.join(fields), 'iteration_result', where)
-		for row in rows:
-			iterations.append(klass(*row))
-		return iterations
+    @classmethod
+    def select(klass, db, where):
+        fields = ['iteration', 'attribute', 'value']
+        iterations = []
+        rows =','.join(fields), 'iteration_result', where)
+        for row in rows:
+            iterations.append(klass(*row))
+        return iterations
-	def __init__(self, iteration, key, value):
-		self.iteration = iteration
-		self.key = key
-		self.value = value
+    def __init__(self, iteration, key, value):
+        self.iteration = iteration
+        self.key = key
+        self.value = value
 # class patch:
-# 	def __init__(self):
-# 		self.spec = None
+#       def __init__(self):
+#               self.spec = None
diff --git a/tko/machine_load b/tko/machine_load
index 98b0fa9..b8c0472 100755
--- a/tko/machine_load
+++ b/tko/machine_load
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 db = db.db()
 for line in open('machines', 'r').readlines():
-	(machine, group) = line.rstrip().split()
-	print 'X %s Y %s' % (machine, group)
-	set = { 'machine_group' : group }
-	where = { 'hostname' : machine }
-	db.update('machines', set, where)
+    (machine, group) = line.rstrip().split()
+    print 'X %s Y %s' % (machine, group)
+    set = { 'machine_group' : group }
+    where = { 'hostname' : machine }
+    db.update('machines', set, where)
diff --git a/tko/migrations/ b/tko/migrations/
index 2c19abc..065e5c5 100755
--- a/tko/migrations/
+++ b/tko/migrations/
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
 import os
 required_tables = ('machines', 'jobs', 'patches', 'tests', 'test_attributes',
-		   'iteration_result')
+                   'iteration_result')
 def migrate_up(manager):
-	manager.execute("SHOW TABLES")
-	tables = [row[0] for row in manager.cursor.fetchall()]
-	db_initialized = True
-	for table in required_tables:
-		if table not in tables:
-			db_initialized = False
-			break
-	if not db_initialized:
-		response = raw_input(
-		    'Your tko database does not appear to be initialized.  Do '
-		    'you want to recreate it (this will result in loss of any '
-		    'existing data) (yes/No)? ')
-		if response != 'yes':
-			raise Exception('User has chosen to abort migration')
+    manager.execute("SHOW TABLES")
+    tables = [row[0] for row in manager.cursor.fetchall()]
+    db_initialized = True
+    for table in required_tables:
+        if table not in tables:
+            db_initialized = False
+            break
+    if not db_initialized:
+        response = raw_input(
+            'Your tko database does not appear to be initialized.  Do '
+            'you want to recreate it (this will result in loss of any '
+            'existing data) (yes/No)? ')
+        if response != 'yes':
+            raise Exception('User has chosen to abort migration')
-		manager.execute_script(CREATE_DB_SQL)
+        manager.execute_script(CREATE_DB_SQL)
-	manager.create_migrate_table()
+    manager.create_migrate_table()
 def migrate_down(manager):
-	manager.execute_script(DROP_DB_SQL)
+    manager.execute_script(DROP_DB_SQL)
 DROP_DB_SQL = """\
@@ -48,44 +48,44 @@
 -- status key
 CREATE TABLE status (
-status_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY ,		-- numerical status
-word VARCHAR(10)			-- status word
+status_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY ,               -- numerical status
+word VARCHAR(10)                        -- status word
 ) TYPE=InnoDB;
 -- kernel versions
 CREATE TABLE kernels (
 kernel_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
-kernel_hash VARCHAR(35),		-- Hash of base + all patches
-base VARCHAR(30),			-- Base version without patches
-printable VARCHAR(100)			-- Full version with patches
+kernel_hash VARCHAR(35),                -- Hash of base + all patches
+base VARCHAR(30),                       -- Base version without patches
+printable VARCHAR(100)                  -- Full version with patches
 ) TYPE=InnoDB;
 -- machines/hosts table
 CREATE TABLE machines (
 machine_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
-hostname VARCHAR(100) unique KEY,	-- hostname
-machine_group VARCHAR(80),		-- group name
-owner VARCHAR(80)			-- owner name
+hostname VARCHAR(100) unique KEY,       -- hostname
+machine_group VARCHAR(80),              -- group name
+owner VARCHAR(80)                       -- owner name
 ) TYPE=InnoDB;
 -- main jobs table
-job_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,	-- index number
-tag VARCHAR(100) unique KEY,		-- job key
+job_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,   -- index number
+tag VARCHAR(100) unique KEY,            -- job key
 label VARCHAR(100),                     -- job label assigned by user
 KEY (label),
-username VARCHAR(80),			-- user name
+username VARCHAR(80),                   -- user name
 KEY (username),
-machine_idx INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL,	-- reference to machine table
+machine_idx INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL,  -- reference to machine table
 KEY (machine_idx),
 FOREIGN KEY (machine_idx) REFERENCES machines(machine_idx) ON DELETE CASCADE
 ) TYPE=InnoDB;
 -- One entry per patch used, anywhere
 CREATE TABLE patches (
-kernel_idx INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL,	-- index number
-name VARCHAR(80),			-- short name
-url VARCHAR(300),			-- full URL
+kernel_idx INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL,   -- index number
+name VARCHAR(80),                       -- short name
+url VARCHAR(300),                       -- full URL
 hash VARCHAR(35),
 KEY (kernel_idx),
 FOREIGN KEY (kernel_idx) REFERENCES kernels(kernel_idx) ON DELETE CASCADE
@@ -93,18 +93,18 @@
 -- test functional results
-test_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,	-- index number
-job_idx INTEGER,			-- ref to job table
-test VARCHAR(30),			-- name of test
-subdir VARCHAR(60),			-- subdirectory name
-kernel_idx INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL,	-- kernel test was AGAINST
+test_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,  -- index number
+job_idx INTEGER,                        -- ref to job table
+test VARCHAR(30),                       -- name of test
+subdir VARCHAR(60),                     -- subdirectory name
+kernel_idx INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL,   -- kernel test was AGAINST
 KEY (kernel_idx),
 FOREIGN KEY (kernel_idx) REFERENCES kernels(kernel_idx) ON DELETE CASCADE,
-status int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,	-- test status
+status int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,       -- test status
 KEY (status),
 FOREIGN KEY (status) REFERENCES status(status_idx) ON DELETE CASCADE,
-reason VARCHAR(100),			-- reason for test status
-machine_idx INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL,	-- reference to machine table
+reason VARCHAR(100),                    -- reason for test status
+machine_idx INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL,  -- reference to machine table
 KEY (machine_idx),
 FOREIGN KEY (machine_idx) REFERENCES machines(machine_idx) ON DELETE CASCADE,
 invalid BOOL NOT NULL
@@ -112,49 +112,49 @@
 -- test attributes (key value pairs at a test level)
 CREATE TABLE test_attributes (
-test_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,	-- ref to test table
+test_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,     -- ref to test table
-attribute VARCHAR(30),			-- attribute name (e.g. 'version')
-value VARCHAR(100),			-- attribute value
+attribute VARCHAR(30),                  -- attribute name (e.g. 'version')
+value VARCHAR(100),                     -- attribute value
 KEY `test_idx` (`test_idx`)
 ) TYPE=InnoDB;
 -- test performance results
 CREATE TABLE iteration_result(
-test_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,	-- ref to test table
+test_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,     -- ref to test table
-iteration INTEGER,			-- integer
-attribute VARCHAR(30),			-- attribute name (e.g. 'throughput')
-value FLOAT,				-- attribute value (eg 700.1)
+iteration INTEGER,                      -- integer
+attribute VARCHAR(30),                  -- attribute name (e.g. 'throughput')
+value FLOAT,                            -- attribute value (eg 700.1)
 KEY `test_idx` (`test_idx`)
 ) TYPE=InnoDB;
 -- BRRD syncronization
 CREATE TABLE brrd_sync (
-test_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,	-- ref to test table
+test_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,     -- ref to test table
 ) TYPE=InnoDB;
 -- test_view (to make life easier for people trying to mine data)
 CREATE VIEW test_view AS
-SELECT	tests.test_idx,
-	tests.job_idx,
-	tests.test,
-	tests.subdir,
-	tests.kernel_idx,
-	tests.status,
-	tests.reason,
-	tests.machine_idx,
-	jobs.tag AS job_tag,
-	jobs.label AS job_label,
-	jobs.username AS job_username,
-	machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
-	machines.machine_group,
-	machines.owner AS machine_owner,
-	kernels.kernel_hash,
-	kernels.base AS kernel_base, 
-	kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
-	status.word AS status_word
+SELECT  tests.test_idx,
+        tests.job_idx,
+        tests.test,
+        tests.subdir,
+        tests.kernel_idx,
+        tests.status,
+        tests.reason,
+        tests.machine_idx,
+        jobs.tag AS job_tag,
+        jobs.label AS job_label,
+        jobs.username AS job_username,
+        machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
+        machines.machine_group,
+        machines.owner AS machine_owner,
+        kernels.kernel_hash,
+        kernels.base AS kernel_base,
+        kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
+        status.word AS status_word
 FROM tests
 INNER JOIN jobs ON jobs.job_idx = tests.job_idx
 INNER JOIN machines ON machines.machine_idx = jobs.machine_idx
@@ -163,27 +163,27 @@
 -- perf_view (to make life easier for people trying to mine performance data)
 CREATE VIEW perf_view AS
-SELECT	tests.test_idx,
-	tests.job_idx,
-	tests.test,
-	tests.subdir,
-	tests.kernel_idx,
-	tests.status,
-	tests.reason,
-	tests.machine_idx,
-	jobs.tag AS job_tag,
-	jobs.label AS job_label,
-	jobs.username AS job_username,
-	machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
-	machines.machine_group,
-	machines.owner AS machine_owner,
-	kernels.kernel_hash,
-	kernels.base AS kernel_base, 
-	kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
-	status.word AS status_word,
-	iteration_result.iteration,
-	iteration_result.attribute AS iteration_key,
-	iteration_result.value AS iteration_value
+SELECT  tests.test_idx,
+        tests.job_idx,
+        tests.test,
+        tests.subdir,
+        tests.kernel_idx,
+        tests.status,
+        tests.reason,
+        tests.machine_idx,
+        jobs.tag AS job_tag,
+        jobs.label AS job_label,
+        jobs.username AS job_username,
+        machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
+        machines.machine_group,
+        machines.owner AS machine_owner,
+        kernels.kernel_hash,
+        kernels.base AS kernel_base,
+        kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
+        status.word AS status_word,
+        iteration_result.iteration,
+        iteration_result.attribute AS iteration_key,
+        iteration_result.value AS iteration_value
 FROM tests
 INNER JOIN jobs ON jobs.job_idx = tests.job_idx
 INNER JOIN machines ON machines.machine_idx = jobs.machine_idx
diff --git a/tko/migrations/ b/tko/migrations/
index 8bbb83a..7cd5004 100644
--- a/tko/migrations/
+++ b/tko/migrations/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 def migrate_up(manager):
-	manager.execute_script(ADD_COLUMNS_SQL)
-	manager.execute_script(ALTER_VIEWS_UP_SQL)
+    manager.execute_script(ADD_COLUMNS_SQL)
+    manager.execute_script(ALTER_VIEWS_UP_SQL)
 def migrate_down(manager):
-	manager.execute_script(DROP_COLUMNS_SQL)
-	manager.execute_script(ALTER_VIEWS_DOWN_SQL)
+    manager.execute_script(DROP_COLUMNS_SQL)
+    manager.execute_script(ALTER_VIEWS_DOWN_SQL)
@@ -22,27 +22,27 @@
 ALTER VIEW test_view AS
-SELECT	tests.test_idx,
-	tests.job_idx,
-	tests.test,
-	tests.subdir,
-	tests.kernel_idx,
-	tests.status,
-	tests.reason,
-	tests.machine_idx,
-	jobs.tag AS job_tag,
-	jobs.label AS job_label,
-	jobs.username AS job_username,
-	jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
-	jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
-	jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
-	machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
-	machines.machine_group,
-	machines.owner AS machine_owner,
-	kernels.kernel_hash,
-	kernels.base AS kernel_base, 
-	kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
-	status.word AS status_word
+SELECT  tests.test_idx,
+        tests.job_idx,
+        tests.test,
+        tests.subdir,
+        tests.kernel_idx,
+        tests.status,
+        tests.reason,
+        tests.machine_idx,
+        jobs.tag AS job_tag,
+        jobs.label AS job_label,
+        jobs.username AS job_username,
+        jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
+        jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
+        jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
+        machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
+        machines.machine_group,
+        machines.owner AS machine_owner,
+        kernels.kernel_hash,
+        kernels.base AS kernel_base,
+        kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
+        status.word AS status_word
 FROM tests
 INNER JOIN jobs ON jobs.job_idx = tests.job_idx
 INNER JOIN machines ON machines.machine_idx = jobs.machine_idx
@@ -51,30 +51,30 @@
 -- perf_view (to make life easier for people trying to mine performance data)
 ALTER VIEW perf_view AS
-SELECT	tests.test_idx,
-	tests.job_idx,
-	tests.test,
-	tests.subdir,
-	tests.kernel_idx,
-	tests.status,
-	tests.reason,
-	tests.machine_idx,
-	jobs.tag AS job_tag,
-	jobs.label AS job_label,
-	jobs.username AS job_username,
-	jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
-	jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
-	jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
-	machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
-	machines.machine_group,
-	machines.owner AS machine_owner,
-	kernels.kernel_hash,
-	kernels.base AS kernel_base, 
-	kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
-	status.word AS status_word,
-	iteration_result.iteration,
-	iteration_result.attribute AS iteration_key,
-	iteration_result.value AS iteration_value
+SELECT  tests.test_idx,
+        tests.job_idx,
+        tests.test,
+        tests.subdir,
+        tests.kernel_idx,
+        tests.status,
+        tests.reason,
+        tests.machine_idx,
+        jobs.tag AS job_tag,
+        jobs.label AS job_label,
+        jobs.username AS job_username,
+        jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
+        jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
+        jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
+        machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
+        machines.machine_group,
+        machines.owner AS machine_owner,
+        kernels.kernel_hash,
+        kernels.base AS kernel_base,
+        kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
+        status.word AS status_word,
+        iteration_result.iteration,
+        iteration_result.attribute AS iteration_key,
+        iteration_result.value AS iteration_value
 FROM tests
 INNER JOIN jobs ON jobs.job_idx = tests.job_idx
 INNER JOIN machines ON machines.machine_idx = jobs.machine_idx
@@ -86,24 +86,24 @@
 ALTER VIEW test_view AS
-SELECT	tests.test_idx,
-	tests.job_idx,
-	tests.test,
-	tests.subdir,
-	tests.kernel_idx,
-	tests.status,
-	tests.reason,
-	tests.machine_idx,
-	jobs.tag AS job_tag,
-	jobs.label AS job_label,
-	jobs.username AS job_username,
-	machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
-	machines.machine_group,
-	machines.owner AS machine_owner,
-	kernels.kernel_hash,
-	kernels.base AS kernel_base, 
-	kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
-	status.word AS status_word
+SELECT  tests.test_idx,
+        tests.job_idx,
+        tests.test,
+        tests.subdir,
+        tests.kernel_idx,
+        tests.status,
+        tests.reason,
+        tests.machine_idx,
+        jobs.tag AS job_tag,
+        jobs.label AS job_label,
+        jobs.username AS job_username,
+        machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
+        machines.machine_group,
+        machines.owner AS machine_owner,
+        kernels.kernel_hash,
+        kernels.base AS kernel_base,
+        kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
+        status.word AS status_word
 FROM tests
 INNER JOIN jobs ON jobs.job_idx = tests.job_idx
 INNER JOIN machines ON machines.machine_idx = jobs.machine_idx
@@ -112,27 +112,27 @@
 -- perf_view (to make life easier for people trying to mine performance data)
 ALTER VIEW perf_view AS
-SELECT	tests.test_idx,
-	tests.job_idx,
-	tests.test,
-	tests.subdir,
-	tests.kernel_idx,
-	tests.status,
-	tests.reason,
-	tests.machine_idx,
-	jobs.tag AS job_tag,
-	jobs.label AS job_label,
-	jobs.username AS job_username,
-	machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
-	machines.machine_group,
-	machines.owner AS machine_owner,
-	kernels.kernel_hash,
-	kernels.base AS kernel_base, 
-	kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
-	status.word AS status_word,
-	iteration_result.iteration,
-	iteration_result.attribute AS iteration_key,
-	iteration_result.value AS iteration_value
+SELECT  tests.test_idx,
+        tests.job_idx,
+        tests.test,
+        tests.subdir,
+        tests.kernel_idx,
+        tests.status,
+        tests.reason,
+        tests.machine_idx,
+        jobs.tag AS job_tag,
+        jobs.label AS job_label,
+        jobs.username AS job_username,
+        machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
+        machines.machine_group,
+        machines.owner AS machine_owner,
+        kernels.kernel_hash,
+        kernels.base AS kernel_base,
+        kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
+        status.word AS status_word,
+        iteration_result.iteration,
+        iteration_result.attribute AS iteration_key,
+        iteration_result.value AS iteration_value
 FROM tests
 INNER JOIN jobs ON jobs.job_idx = tests.job_idx
 INNER JOIN machines ON machines.machine_idx = jobs.machine_idx
diff --git a/tko/migrations/ b/tko/migrations/
index e9148cb..fee4cab 100644
--- a/tko/migrations/
+++ b/tko/migrations/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 def migrate_up(manager):
-	manager.execute_script(ADD_COLUMN_SQL)
-	manager.execute_script(ALTER_VIEWS_UP_SQL)
+    manager.execute_script(ADD_COLUMN_SQL)
+    manager.execute_script(ALTER_VIEWS_UP_SQL)
 def migrate_down(manager):
-	manager.execute_script(DROP_COLUMN_SQL)
-	manager.execute_script(ALTER_VIEWS_DOWN_SQL)
+    manager.execute_script(DROP_COLUMN_SQL)
+    manager.execute_script(ALTER_VIEWS_DOWN_SQL)
@@ -18,28 +18,28 @@
 ALTER VIEW test_view AS
-SELECT	tests.test_idx,
-	tests.job_idx,
-	tests.test,
-	tests.subdir,
-	tests.kernel_idx,
-	tests.status,
-	tests.reason,
-	tests.machine_idx,
-	tests.finished_time AS test_finished_time,
-	jobs.tag AS job_tag,
-	jobs.label AS job_label,
-	jobs.username AS job_username,
-	jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
-	jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
-	jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
-	machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
-	machines.machine_group,
-	machines.owner AS machine_owner,
-	kernels.kernel_hash,
-	kernels.base AS kernel_base, 
-	kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
-	status.word AS status_word
+SELECT  tests.test_idx,
+        tests.job_idx,
+        tests.test,
+        tests.subdir,
+        tests.kernel_idx,
+        tests.status,
+        tests.reason,
+        tests.machine_idx,
+        tests.finished_time AS test_finished_time,
+        jobs.tag AS job_tag,
+        jobs.label AS job_label,
+        jobs.username AS job_username,
+        jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
+        jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
+        jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
+        machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
+        machines.machine_group,
+        machines.owner AS machine_owner,
+        kernels.kernel_hash,
+        kernels.base AS kernel_base,
+        kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
+        status.word AS status_word
 FROM tests
 INNER JOIN jobs ON jobs.job_idx = tests.job_idx
 INNER JOIN machines ON machines.machine_idx = jobs.machine_idx
@@ -48,31 +48,31 @@
 -- perf_view (to make life easier for people trying to mine performance data)
 ALTER VIEW perf_view AS
-SELECT	tests.test_idx,
-	tests.job_idx,
-	tests.test,
-	tests.subdir,
-	tests.kernel_idx,
-	tests.status,
-	tests.reason,
-	tests.machine_idx,
-	tests.finished_time AS test_finished_time,
-	jobs.tag AS job_tag,
-	jobs.label AS job_label,
-	jobs.username AS job_username,
-	jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
-	jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
-	jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
-	machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
-	machines.machine_group,
-	machines.owner AS machine_owner,
-	kernels.kernel_hash,
-	kernels.base AS kernel_base, 
-	kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
-	status.word AS status_word,
-	iteration_result.iteration,
-	iteration_result.attribute AS iteration_key,
-	iteration_result.value AS iteration_value
+SELECT  tests.test_idx,
+        tests.job_idx,
+        tests.test,
+        tests.subdir,
+        tests.kernel_idx,
+        tests.status,
+        tests.reason,
+        tests.machine_idx,
+        tests.finished_time AS test_finished_time,
+        jobs.tag AS job_tag,
+        jobs.label AS job_label,
+        jobs.username AS job_username,
+        jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
+        jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
+        jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
+        machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
+        machines.machine_group,
+        machines.owner AS machine_owner,
+        kernels.kernel_hash,
+        kernels.base AS kernel_base,
+        kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
+        status.word AS status_word,
+        iteration_result.iteration,
+        iteration_result.attribute AS iteration_key,
+        iteration_result.value AS iteration_value
 FROM tests
 INNER JOIN jobs ON jobs.job_idx = tests.job_idx
 INNER JOIN machines ON machines.machine_idx = jobs.machine_idx
@@ -84,27 +84,27 @@
 ALTER VIEW test_view AS
-SELECT	tests.test_idx,
-	tests.job_idx,
-	tests.test,
-	tests.subdir,
-	tests.kernel_idx,
-	tests.status,
-	tests.reason,
-	tests.machine_idx,
-	jobs.tag AS job_tag,
-	jobs.label AS job_label,
-	jobs.username AS job_username,
-	jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
-	jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
-	jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
-	machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
-	machines.machine_group,
-	machines.owner AS machine_owner,
-	kernels.kernel_hash,
-	kernels.base AS kernel_base, 
-	kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
-	status.word AS status_word
+SELECT  tests.test_idx,
+        tests.job_idx,
+        tests.test,
+        tests.subdir,
+        tests.kernel_idx,
+        tests.status,
+        tests.reason,
+        tests.machine_idx,
+        jobs.tag AS job_tag,
+        jobs.label AS job_label,
+        jobs.username AS job_username,
+        jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
+        jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
+        jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
+        machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
+        machines.machine_group,
+        machines.owner AS machine_owner,
+        kernels.kernel_hash,
+        kernels.base AS kernel_base,
+        kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
+        status.word AS status_word
 FROM tests
 INNER JOIN jobs ON jobs.job_idx = tests.job_idx
 INNER JOIN machines ON machines.machine_idx = jobs.machine_idx
@@ -113,30 +113,30 @@
 -- perf_view (to make life easier for people trying to mine performance data)
 ALTER VIEW perf_view AS
-SELECT	tests.test_idx,
-	tests.job_idx,
-	tests.test,
-	tests.subdir,
-	tests.kernel_idx,
-	tests.status,
-	tests.reason,
-	tests.machine_idx,
-	jobs.tag AS job_tag,
-	jobs.label AS job_label,
-	jobs.username AS job_username,
-	jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
-	jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
-	jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
-	machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
-	machines.machine_group,
-	machines.owner AS machine_owner,
-	kernels.kernel_hash,
-	kernels.base AS kernel_base, 
-	kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
-	status.word AS status_word,
-	iteration_result.iteration,
-	iteration_result.attribute AS iteration_key,
-	iteration_result.value AS iteration_value
+SELECT  tests.test_idx,
+        tests.job_idx,
+        tests.test,
+        tests.subdir,
+        tests.kernel_idx,
+        tests.status,
+        tests.reason,
+        tests.machine_idx,
+        jobs.tag AS job_tag,
+        jobs.label AS job_label,
+        jobs.username AS job_username,
+        jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
+        jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
+        jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
+        machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
+        machines.machine_group,
+        machines.owner AS machine_owner,
+        kernels.kernel_hash,
+        kernels.base AS kernel_base,
+        kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
+        status.word AS status_word,
+        iteration_result.iteration,
+        iteration_result.attribute AS iteration_key,
+        iteration_result.value AS iteration_value
 FROM tests
 INNER JOIN jobs ON jobs.job_idx = tests.job_idx
 INNER JOIN machines ON machines.machine_idx = jobs.machine_idx
diff --git a/tko/migrations/ b/tko/migrations/
index f3d9f3d..cf91064 100644
--- a/tko/migrations/
+++ b/tko/migrations/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 def migrate_up(manager):
-	manager.execute_script(ADD_COLUMN_SQL)
-	manager.execute_script(ALTER_VIEWS_UP_SQL)
+    manager.execute_script(ADD_COLUMN_SQL)
+    manager.execute_script(ALTER_VIEWS_UP_SQL)
 def migrate_down(manager):
-	manager.execute_script(DROP_COLUMN_SQL)
-	manager.execute_script(ALTER_VIEWS_DOWN_SQL)
+    manager.execute_script(DROP_COLUMN_SQL)
+    manager.execute_script(ALTER_VIEWS_DOWN_SQL)
@@ -18,29 +18,29 @@
 ALTER VIEW test_view AS
-SELECT	tests.test_idx,
-	tests.job_idx,
-	tests.test,
-	tests.subdir,
-	tests.kernel_idx,
-	tests.status,
-	tests.reason,
-	tests.machine_idx,
+SELECT  tests.test_idx,
+        tests.job_idx,
+        tests.test,
+        tests.subdir,
+        tests.kernel_idx,
+        tests.status,
+        tests.reason,
+        tests.machine_idx,
         tests.started_time AS test_started_time,
-	tests.finished_time AS test_finished_time,
-	jobs.tag AS job_tag,
-	jobs.label AS job_label,
-	jobs.username AS job_username,
-	jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
-	jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
-	jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
-	machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
-	machines.machine_group,
-	machines.owner AS machine_owner,
-	kernels.kernel_hash,
-	kernels.base AS kernel_base, 
-	kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
-	status.word AS status_word
+        tests.finished_time AS test_finished_time,
+        jobs.tag AS job_tag,
+        jobs.label AS job_label,
+        jobs.username AS job_username,
+        jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
+        jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
+        jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
+        machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
+        machines.machine_group,
+        machines.owner AS machine_owner,
+        kernels.kernel_hash,
+        kernels.base AS kernel_base,
+        kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
+        status.word AS status_word
 FROM tests
 INNER JOIN jobs ON jobs.job_idx = tests.job_idx
 INNER JOIN machines ON machines.machine_idx = jobs.machine_idx
@@ -49,32 +49,32 @@
 -- perf_view (to make life easier for people trying to mine performance data)
 ALTER VIEW perf_view AS
-SELECT	tests.test_idx,
-	tests.job_idx,
-	tests.test,
-	tests.subdir,
-	tests.kernel_idx,
-	tests.status,
-	tests.reason,
-	tests.machine_idx,
+SELECT  tests.test_idx,
+        tests.job_idx,
+        tests.test,
+        tests.subdir,
+        tests.kernel_idx,
+        tests.status,
+        tests.reason,
+        tests.machine_idx,
         tests.started_time AS test_started_time,
-	tests.finished_time AS test_finished_time,
-	jobs.tag AS job_tag,
-	jobs.label AS job_label,
-	jobs.username AS job_username,
-	jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
-	jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
-	jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
-	machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
-	machines.machine_group,
-	machines.owner AS machine_owner,
-	kernels.kernel_hash,
-	kernels.base AS kernel_base, 
-	kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
-	status.word AS status_word,
-	iteration_result.iteration,
-	iteration_result.attribute AS iteration_key,
-	iteration_result.value AS iteration_value
+        tests.finished_time AS test_finished_time,
+        jobs.tag AS job_tag,
+        jobs.label AS job_label,
+        jobs.username AS job_username,
+        jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
+        jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
+        jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
+        machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
+        machines.machine_group,
+        machines.owner AS machine_owner,
+        kernels.kernel_hash,
+        kernels.base AS kernel_base,
+        kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
+        status.word AS status_word,
+        iteration_result.iteration,
+        iteration_result.attribute AS iteration_key,
+        iteration_result.value AS iteration_value
 FROM tests
 INNER JOIN jobs ON jobs.job_idx = tests.job_idx
 INNER JOIN machines ON machines.machine_idx = jobs.machine_idx
@@ -85,28 +85,28 @@
 ALTER VIEW test_view AS
-SELECT	tests.test_idx,
-	tests.job_idx,
-	tests.test,
-	tests.subdir,
-	tests.kernel_idx,
-	tests.status,
-	tests.reason,
-	tests.machine_idx,
-	tests.finished_time AS test_finished_time,
-	jobs.tag AS job_tag,
-	jobs.label AS job_label,
-	jobs.username AS job_username,
-	jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
-	jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
-	jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
-	machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
-	machines.machine_group,
-	machines.owner AS machine_owner,
-	kernels.kernel_hash,
-	kernels.base AS kernel_base, 
-	kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
-	status.word AS status_word
+SELECT  tests.test_idx,
+        tests.job_idx,
+        tests.test,
+        tests.subdir,
+        tests.kernel_idx,
+        tests.status,
+        tests.reason,
+        tests.machine_idx,
+        tests.finished_time AS test_finished_time,
+        jobs.tag AS job_tag,
+        jobs.label AS job_label,
+        jobs.username AS job_username,
+        jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
+        jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
+        jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
+        machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
+        machines.machine_group,
+        machines.owner AS machine_owner,
+        kernels.kernel_hash,
+        kernels.base AS kernel_base,
+        kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
+        status.word AS status_word
 FROM tests
 INNER JOIN jobs ON jobs.job_idx = tests.job_idx
 INNER JOIN machines ON machines.machine_idx = jobs.machine_idx
@@ -115,31 +115,31 @@
 -- perf_view (to make life easier for people trying to mine performance data)
 ALTER VIEW perf_view AS
-SELECT	tests.test_idx,
-	tests.job_idx,
-	tests.test,
-	tests.subdir,
-	tests.kernel_idx,
-	tests.status,
-	tests.reason,
-	tests.machine_idx,
-	tests.finished_time AS test_finished_time,
-	jobs.tag AS job_tag,
-	jobs.label AS job_label,
-	jobs.username AS job_username,
-	jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
-	jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
-	jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
-	machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
-	machines.machine_group,
-	machines.owner AS machine_owner,
-	kernels.kernel_hash,
-	kernels.base AS kernel_base, 
-	kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
-	status.word AS status_word,
-	iteration_result.iteration,
-	iteration_result.attribute AS iteration_key,
-	iteration_result.value AS iteration_value
+SELECT  tests.test_idx,
+        tests.job_idx,
+        tests.test,
+        tests.subdir,
+        tests.kernel_idx,
+        tests.status,
+        tests.reason,
+        tests.machine_idx,
+        tests.finished_time AS test_finished_time,
+        jobs.tag AS job_tag,
+        jobs.label AS job_label,
+        jobs.username AS job_username,
+        jobs.queued_time AS job_queued_time,
+        jobs.started_time AS job_started_time,
+        jobs.finished_time AS job_finished_time,
+        machines.hostname AS machine_hostname,
+        machines.machine_group,
+        machines.owner AS machine_owner,
+        kernels.kernel_hash,
+        kernels.base AS kernel_base,
+        kernels.printable AS kernel_printable,
+        status.word AS status_word,
+        iteration_result.iteration,
+        iteration_result.attribute AS iteration_key,
+        iteration_result.value AS iteration_value
 FROM tests
 INNER JOIN jobs ON jobs.job_idx = tests.job_idx
 INNER JOIN machines ON machines.machine_idx = jobs.machine_idx
diff --git a/tko/migrations/ b/tko/migrations/
index e22abe5..4e4e480 100644
--- a/tko/migrations/
+++ b/tko/migrations/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 def migrate_up(monger):
-	monger.execute("INSERT INTO status (word) values ('TEST_NA')")
+    monger.execute("INSERT INTO status (word) values ('TEST_NA')")
 def migrate_down(monger):
-	monger.execute("DELETE FROM status where word = 'TEST_NA'")
+    monger.execute("DELETE FROM status where word = 'TEST_NA'")
diff --git a/tko/migrations/ b/tko/migrations/
index 41c5e29..891836f 100644
--- a/tko/migrations/
+++ b/tko/migrations/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 def migrate_up(manager):
-	manager.execute_script(ADD_TABLE_QUERY_HISTORY)
+    manager.execute_script(ADD_TABLE_QUERY_HISTORY)
 def migrate_down(manager):
-	manager.execute_script(DROP_TABLE_QUERY_HISTORY)
+    manager.execute_script(DROP_TABLE_QUERY_HISTORY)
@@ -15,4 +15,3 @@
 DROP TABLE query_history;
diff --git a/tko/migrations/ b/tko/migrations/
index 7df6bc8..aae2a44 100644
--- a/tko/migrations/
+++ b/tko/migrations/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 def migrate_up(mgr):
-	mgr.execute("alter table tests modify column reason varchar(1024);")
+    mgr.execute("alter table tests modify column reason varchar(1024);")
 def migrate_down(mgr):
-	mgr.execute("alter table tests modify column reason varchar(100);")
+    mgr.execute("alter table tests modify column reason varchar(100);")
diff --git a/tko/migrations/ b/tko/migrations/
index 4ef176e..87cd56b 100644
--- a/tko/migrations/
+++ b/tko/migrations/
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
 def migrate_up(manager):
-	manager.execute_script(CREATE_TABLE_SQL)
+    manager.execute_script(CREATE_TABLE_SQL)
 def migrate_down(manager):
-	manager.execute_script(DROP_TABLE_SQL)
+    manager.execute_script(DROP_TABLE_SQL)
 -- test iteration attributes (key value pairs at an iteration level)
 CREATE TABLE iteration_attributes (
-test_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,	-- ref to test table
+test_idx int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,     -- ref to test table
-iteration INTEGER,			-- integer
-attribute VARCHAR(30),			-- attribute name (e.g. 'run_id')
-value VARCHAR(100),			-- attribute value
+iteration INTEGER,                      -- integer
+attribute VARCHAR(30),                  -- attribute name (e.g. 'run_id')
+value VARCHAR(100),                     -- attribute value
 KEY `test_idx` (`test_idx`)
 ) TYPE=InnoDB;
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index b1651f3..a5e230b 100644
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -5,136 +5,136 @@
 class job(object):
-	def __init__(self, dir, user, label, machine, queued_time,
-		     started_time, finished_time, machine_owner):
-		self.dir = dir
-		self.tests = []
-		self.user = user
-		self.label = label
-		self.machine = machine
-		self.queued_time = queued_time
-		self.started_time = started_time
-		self.finished_time = finished_time
-		self.machine_owner = machine_owner
+    def __init__(self, dir, user, label, machine, queued_time,
+                 started_time, finished_time, machine_owner):
+        self.dir = dir
+        self.tests = []
+        self.user = user
+        self.label = label
+        self.machine = machine
+        self.queued_time = queued_time
+        self.started_time = started_time
+        self.finished_time = finished_time
+        self.machine_owner = machine_owner
 class kernel(object):
-	def __init__(self, base, patches, kernel_hash):
-		self.base = base
-		self.patches = patches
-		self.kernel_hash = kernel_hash
+    def __init__(self, base, patches, kernel_hash):
+        self.base = base
+        self.patches = patches
+        self.kernel_hash = kernel_hash
-	@staticmethod
-	def compute_hash(base, hashes):
-		key_string = ','.join([base] + hashes)
-		return
+    @staticmethod
+    def compute_hash(base, hashes):
+        key_string = ','.join([base] + hashes)
+        return
 class test(object):
-	def __init__(self, subdir, testname, status, reason, test_kernel,
-		     machine, started_time, finished_time, iterations,
-		     attributes):
-		self.subdir = subdir
-		self.testname = testname
-		self.status = status
-		self.reason = reason
-		self.kernel = test_kernel
-		self.machine = machine
-		self.started_time = started_time
-		self.finished_time = finished_time
-		self.iterations = iterations
-		self.attributes = attributes
+    def __init__(self, subdir, testname, status, reason, test_kernel,
+                 machine, started_time, finished_time, iterations,
+                 attributes):
+        self.subdir = subdir
+        self.testname = testname
+        self.status = status
+        self.reason = reason
+        self.kernel = test_kernel
+        self.machine = machine
+        self.started_time = started_time
+        self.finished_time = finished_time
+        self.iterations = iterations
+        self.attributes = attributes
-	@staticmethod
-	def load_iterations(keyval_path):
-		"""Abstract method to load a list of iterations from a keyval
-		file."""
-		raise NotImplementedError
+    @staticmethod
+    def load_iterations(keyval_path):
+        """Abstract method to load a list of iterations from a keyval
+        file."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
-	@classmethod
-	def parse_test(cls, job, subdir, testname, status, reason, test_kernel,
-		       started_time, finished_time):
-		"""Given a job and the basic metadata about the test that
-		can be extracted from the status logs, parse the test
-		keyval files and use it to construct a complete test
-		instance."""
-		tko_utils.dprint("parsing test %s %s" % (subdir, testname))
+    @classmethod
+    def parse_test(cls, job, subdir, testname, status, reason, test_kernel,
+                   started_time, finished_time):
+        """Given a job and the basic metadata about the test that
+        can be extracted from the status logs, parse the test
+        keyval files and use it to construct a complete test
+        instance."""
+        tko_utils.dprint("parsing test %s %s" % (subdir, testname))
-		if subdir:
-			# grab iterations from the results keyval
-			iteration_keyval = os.path.join(job.dir, subdir,
-							"results", "keyval")
-			iterations = cls.load_iterations(iteration_keyval)
+        if subdir:
+            # grab iterations from the results keyval
+            iteration_keyval = os.path.join(job.dir, subdir,
+                                            "results", "keyval")
+            iterations = cls.load_iterations(iteration_keyval)
-			# grab test attributes from the subdir keyval
-			test_keyval = os.path.join(job.dir, subdir, "keyval")
-			attributes = test.load_attributes(test_keyval)
-		else:
-			iterations = []
-			attributes = {}
+            # grab test attributes from the subdir keyval
+            test_keyval = os.path.join(job.dir, subdir, "keyval")
+            attributes = test.load_attributes(test_keyval)
+        else:
+            iterations = []
+            attributes = {}
-		return cls(subdir, testname, status, reason, test_kernel,
-			   job.machine, started_time, finished_time,
-			   iterations, attributes)
+        return cls(subdir, testname, status, reason, test_kernel,
+                   job.machine, started_time, finished_time,
+                   iterations, attributes)
-	@staticmethod
-	def load_attributes(keyval_path):
-		"""Load the test attributes into a dictionary from a test
-		keyval path. Does not assume that the path actually exists."""
-		if not os.path.exists(keyval_path):
-			return {}
-		return utils.read_keyval(keyval_path)
+    @staticmethod
+    def load_attributes(keyval_path):
+        """Load the test attributes into a dictionary from a test
+        keyval path. Does not assume that the path actually exists."""
+        if not os.path.exists(keyval_path):
+            return {}
+        return utils.read_keyval(keyval_path)
 class patch(object):
-	def __init__(self, spec, reference, hash):
-		self.spec = spec
-		self.reference = reference
-		self.hash = hash
+    def __init__(self, spec, reference, hash):
+        self.spec = spec
+        self.reference = reference
+        self.hash = hash
 class iteration(object):
-	def __init__(self, index, attr_keyval, perf_keyval):
-		self.index = index
-		self.attr_keyval = attr_keyval
-		self.perf_keyval = perf_keyval
+    def __init__(self, index, attr_keyval, perf_keyval):
+        self.index = index
+        self.attr_keyval = attr_keyval
+        self.perf_keyval = perf_keyval
-	@staticmethod
-	def parse_line_into_dicts(line, attr_dict, perf_dict):
-		"""Abstract method to parse a keyval line and insert it into
-		the appropriate dictionary.
-			attr_dict: generic iteration attributes
-			perf_dict: iteration performance results
-		"""
-		raise NotImplementedError
+    @staticmethod
+    def parse_line_into_dicts(line, attr_dict, perf_dict):
+        """Abstract method to parse a keyval line and insert it into
+        the appropriate dictionary.
+                attr_dict: generic iteration attributes
+                perf_dict: iteration performance results
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
-	@classmethod
-	def load_from_keyval(cls, keyval_path):
-		"""Load a list of iterations from an iteration keyval file.
-		Keyval data from separate iterations is separated by blank
-		lines. Makes use of the parse_line_into_dicts method to
-		actually parse the individual lines."""
-		if not os.path.exists(keyval_path):
-			return []
+    @classmethod
+    def load_from_keyval(cls, keyval_path):
+        """Load a list of iterations from an iteration keyval file.
+        Keyval data from separate iterations is separated by blank
+        lines. Makes use of the parse_line_into_dicts method to
+        actually parse the individual lines."""
+        if not os.path.exists(keyval_path):
+            return []
-		iterations = []
-		index = 1
-		attr, perf = {}, {}
-		for line in file(keyval_path):
-			line = line.strip()
-			if line:
-				cls.parse_line_into_dicts(line, attr, perf)
-			else:
-				iterations.append(cls(index, attr, perf))
-				index += 1
-				attr, perf = {}, {}
-		if attr or perf:
-			iterations.append(cls(index, attr, perf))
-		return iterations
+        iterations = []
+        index = 1
+        attr, perf = {}, {}
+        for line in file(keyval_path):
+            line = line.strip()
+            if line:
+                cls.parse_line_into_dicts(line, attr, perf)
+            else:
+                iterations.append(cls(index, attr, perf))
+                index += 1
+                attr, perf = {}, {}
+        if attr or perf:
+            iterations.append(cls(index, attr, perf))
+        return iterations
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index 6d88d83..bdccdda 100755
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -8,194 +8,194 @@
 def parse_args():
-	# build up our options parser and parse sys.argv
-	parser = optparse.OptionParser()
-	parser.add_option("-m", help="Send mail for FAILED tests",
-			  dest="mailit", action="store_true")
-	parser.add_option("-r", help="Reparse the results of a job",
-			  dest="reparse", action="store_true")
-	parser.add_option("-o", help="Parse a single results directory",
-			  dest="singledir", action="store_true")
-	parser.add_option("-l", help=("Levels of subdirectories to include "
-				      "in the job name"),
-			  type="int", dest="level", default=1)
-	parser.add_option("-n", help="No blocking on an existing parse",
-			  dest="noblock", action="store_true")
-	parser.add_option("-s", help="Database server hostname",
-			  dest="db_host", action="store")
-	parser.add_option("-u", help="Database username", dest="db_user",
-			  action="store")
-	parser.add_option("-p", help="Database password", dest="db_pass",
-			  action="store")
-	parser.add_option("-d", help="Database name", dest="db_name",
-			  action="store")
-	options, args = parser.parse_args()
+    # build up our options parser and parse sys.argv
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+    parser.add_option("-m", help="Send mail for FAILED tests",
+                      dest="mailit", action="store_true")
+    parser.add_option("-r", help="Reparse the results of a job",
+                      dest="reparse", action="store_true")
+    parser.add_option("-o", help="Parse a single results directory",
+                      dest="singledir", action="store_true")
+    parser.add_option("-l", help=("Levels of subdirectories to include "
+                                  "in the job name"),
+                      type="int", dest="level", default=1)
+    parser.add_option("-n", help="No blocking on an existing parse",
+                      dest="noblock", action="store_true")
+    parser.add_option("-s", help="Database server hostname",
+                      dest="db_host", action="store")
+    parser.add_option("-u", help="Database username", dest="db_user",
+                      action="store")
+    parser.add_option("-p", help="Database password", dest="db_pass",
+                      action="store")
+    parser.add_option("-d", help="Database name", dest="db_name",
+                      action="store")
+    options, args = parser.parse_args()
-	# we need a results directory
-	if len(args) == 0:
-		tko_utils.dprint("ERROR: at least one results directory must "
-				 "be provided")
-		parser.print_help()
-		sys.exit(1)
+    # we need a results directory
+    if len(args) == 0:
+        tko_utils.dprint("ERROR: at least one results directory must "
+                         "be provided")
+        parser.print_help()
+        sys.exit(1)
-	# pass the options back
-	return options, args
+    # pass the options back
+    return options, args
 def format_failure_message(jobname, kernel, testname, status, reason):
-	format_string = "%-12s %-20s %-12s %-10s %s"
-	return format_string % (jobname, kernel, testname, status, reason)
+    format_string = "%-12s %-20s %-12s %-10s %s"
+    return format_string % (jobname, kernel, testname, status, reason)
 def mailfailure(jobname, job, message):
-	message_lines = [""]
-	message_lines.append("The following tests FAILED for this job")
-	message_lines.append("http://%s/results/%s" %
-			     (socket.gethostname(), jobname))
-	message_lines.append("")
-	message_lines.append(format_failure_message("Job name", "Kernel",
-						    "Test name", "FAIL/WARN",
-						    "Failure reason"))
-	message_lines.append(format_failure_message("=" * 8, "=" * 6, "=" * 8,
-						    "=" * 8, "=" * 14))
-	message_header = "\n".join(message_lines)
+    message_lines = [""]
+    message_lines.append("The following tests FAILED for this job")
+    message_lines.append("http://%s/results/%s" %
+                         (socket.gethostname(), jobname))
+    message_lines.append("")
+    message_lines.append(format_failure_message("Job name", "Kernel",
+                                                "Test name", "FAIL/WARN",
+                                                "Failure reason"))
+    message_lines.append(format_failure_message("=" * 8, "=" * 6, "=" * 8,
+                                                "=" * 8, "=" * 14))
+    message_header = "\n".join(message_lines)
-	subject = "AUTOTEST: FAILED tests from job %s" % jobname
-	mail.send("", job.user, "", subject, message_header + message)
+    subject = "AUTOTEST: FAILED tests from job %s" % jobname
+    mail.send("", job.user, "", subject, message_header + message)
 def parse_one(db, jobname, path, reparse, mail_on_failure):
-	"""
-	Parse a single job. Optionally send email on failure.
-	"""
-	tko_utils.dprint("\nScanning %s (%s)" % (jobname, path))
-	if reparse and db.find_job(jobname):
-		tko_utils.dprint("! Deleting old copy of job results to "
-				 "reparse it")
-		db.delete_job(jobname)
-	if db.find_job(jobname):
-		tko_utils.dprint("! Job is already parsed, done")
-		return
+    """
+    Parse a single job. Optionally send email on failure.
+    """
+    tko_utils.dprint("\nScanning %s (%s)" % (jobname, path))
+    if reparse and db.find_job(jobname):
+        tko_utils.dprint("! Deleting old copy of job results to "
+                         "reparse it")
+        db.delete_job(jobname)
+    if db.find_job(jobname):
+        tko_utils.dprint("! Job is already parsed, done")
+        return
-	# look up the status version
-	try:
-		job_keyval = utils.read_keyval(path)
-	except IOError, e:
-		if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-			status_version = 0
-		else:
-			raise
-	else:
-		status_version = job_keyval.get("status_version", 0)
+    # look up the status version
+    try:
+        job_keyval = utils.read_keyval(path)
+    except IOError, e:
+        if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+            status_version = 0
+        else:
+            raise
+    else:
+        status_version = job_keyval.get("status_version", 0)
-	# parse out the job
-	parser = status_lib.parser(status_version)
-	job = parser.make_job(path)
-	status_log = os.path.join(path, "status.log")
-	if not os.path.exists(status_log):
-		status_log = os.path.join(path, "status")
-	if not os.path.exists(status_log):
-		tko_utils.dprint("! Unable to parse job, no status file")
-		return
+    # parse out the job
+    parser = status_lib.parser(status_version)
+    job = parser.make_job(path)
+    status_log = os.path.join(path, "status.log")
+    if not os.path.exists(status_log):
+        status_log = os.path.join(path, "status")
+    if not os.path.exists(status_log):
+        tko_utils.dprint("! Unable to parse job, no status file")
+        return
-	# parse the status logs
-	tko_utils.dprint("+ Parsing dir=%s, jobname=%s" % (path, jobname))
-	status_lines = open(status_log).readlines()
-	parser.start(job)
-	tests = parser.end(status_lines)
-	job.tests = tests
+    # parse the status logs
+    tko_utils.dprint("+ Parsing dir=%s, jobname=%s" % (path, jobname))
+    status_lines = open(status_log).readlines()
+    parser.start(job)
+    tests = parser.end(status_lines)
+    job.tests = tests
-	# check for failures
-	message_lines = [""]
-	for test in job.tests:
-		if not test.subdir:
-			continue
-		tko_utils.dprint("* testname, status, reason: %s %s %s"
-				 % (test.subdir, test.status, test.reason))
-		if test.status in ("FAIL", "WARN"):
-			message_lines.append(format_failure_message(
-			    jobname, test.kernel.base, test.subdir,
-			    test.status, test.reason))
-	message = "\n".join(message_lines)
+    # check for failures
+    message_lines = [""]
+    for test in job.tests:
+        if not test.subdir:
+            continue
+        tko_utils.dprint("* testname, status, reason: %s %s %s"
+                         % (test.subdir, test.status, test.reason))
+        if test.status in ("FAIL", "WARN"):
+            message_lines.append(format_failure_message(
+                jobname, test.kernel.base, test.subdir,
+                test.status, test.reason))
+    message = "\n".join(message_lines)
-	# send out a email report of failure
-	if len(message) > 2 and mail_on_failure:
-		tko_utils.dprint("Sending email report of failure on %s to %s"
-				 % (jobname, job.user))
-		mailfailure(jobname, job, message)
+    # send out a email report of failure
+    if len(message) > 2 and mail_on_failure:
+        tko_utils.dprint("Sending email report of failure on %s to %s"
+                         % (jobname, job.user))
+        mailfailure(jobname, job, message)
-	# write the job into the database
-	db.insert_job(jobname, job)
-	db.commit()
+    # write the job into the database
+    db.insert_job(jobname, job)
+    db.commit()
 def parse_path(db, path, level, reparse, mail_on_failure):
-	machine_list = os.path.join(path, ".machines")
-	if os.path.exists(machine_list):
-		# multi-machine job
-		for m in file(machine_list):
-			machine = m.rstrip()
-			if not machine:
-				continue
-			jobpath = os.path.join(path, machine)
-			jobname = "%s/%s" % (os.path.basename(path), machine)
-			try:
-				db.run_with_retry(parse_one, db, jobname,
-						  path, reparse,
-						  mail_on_failure)
-			except Exception:
-				traceback.print_exc()
-				continue
-	else:
-		# single machine job
-		job_elements = path.split("/")[-level:]
-		jobname = "/".join(job_elements)
-		try:
-			db.run_with_retry(parse_one, db, jobname, path,
-					  reparse, mail_on_failure)
-		except Exception:
-			traceback.print_exc()
+    machine_list = os.path.join(path, ".machines")
+    if os.path.exists(machine_list):
+        # multi-machine job
+        for m in file(machine_list):
+            machine = m.rstrip()
+            if not machine:
+                continue
+            jobpath = os.path.join(path, machine)
+            jobname = "%s/%s" % (os.path.basename(path), machine)
+            try:
+                db.run_with_retry(parse_one, db, jobname,
+                                  path, reparse,
+                                  mail_on_failure)
+            except Exception:
+                traceback.print_exc()
+                continue
+    else:
+        # single machine job
+        job_elements = path.split("/")[-level:]
+        jobname = "/".join(job_elements)
+        try:
+            db.run_with_retry(parse_one, db, jobname, path,
+                              reparse, mail_on_failure)
+        except Exception:
+            traceback.print_exc()
 def main():
-	options, args = parse_args()
-	results_dir = os.path.abspath(args[0])
-	assert os.path.exists(results_dir)
+    options, args = parse_args()
+    results_dir = os.path.abspath(args[0])
+    assert os.path.exists(results_dir)
-	# build up the list of job dirs to parse
-	if options.singledir:
-		jobs_list = [results_dir]
-	else:
-		jobs_list = [os.path.join(results_dir, subdir)
-			     for subdir in os.listdir(results_dir)]
+    # build up the list of job dirs to parse
+    if options.singledir:
+        jobs_list = [results_dir]
+    else:
+        jobs_list = [os.path.join(results_dir, subdir)
+                     for subdir in os.listdir(results_dir)]
-	# build up the database
-	db = tko_db.db(autocommit=False, host=options.db_host,
-		       user=options.db_user, password=options.db_pass,
-		       database=options.db_name)
+    # build up the database
+    db = tko_db.db(autocommit=False, host=options.db_host,
+                   user=options.db_user, password=options.db_pass,
+                   database=options.db_name)
-	# parse all the jobs
-	for path in jobs_list:
-		lockfile = open(os.path.join(path, ".parse.lock"), "w")
-		flags = fcntl.LOCK_EX
-		if options.noblock:
-			flags != fcntl.LOCK_NB
-		try:
-			fcntl.flock(lockfile, flags)
-		except IOError, e:
-			# was this because the lock is unavailable?
-			if e.errno == errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
-				lockfile.close()
-				continue
-			else:
-				raise # something unexpected happened
-		try:
-			parse_path(db, path, options.level, options.reparse,
-				   options.mailit)
-		finally:
-			fcntl.flock(lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
-			lockfile.close()
+    # parse all the jobs
+    for path in jobs_list:
+        lockfile = open(os.path.join(path, ".parse.lock"), "w")
+        flags = fcntl.LOCK_EX
+        if options.noblock:
+            flags != fcntl.LOCK_NB
+        try:
+            fcntl.flock(lockfile, flags)
+        except IOError, e:
+            # was this because the lock is unavailable?
+            if e.errno == errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
+                lockfile.close()
+                continue
+            else:
+                raise # something unexpected happened
+        try:
+            parse_path(db, path, options.level, options.reparse,
+                       options.mailit)
+        finally:
+            fcntl.flock(lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
+            lockfile.close()
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	main()
+    main()
diff --git a/tko/parsers/ b/tko/parsers/
index c0517a8..37429b6 100644
--- a/tko/parsers/
+++ b/tko/parsers/
@@ -4,67 +4,67 @@
 class parser(object):
-	"""
-	Abstract parser base class. Provides a generic implementation of the
-	standard parser interfaction functions. The derived classes must
-	implement a state_iterator method for this class to be useful.
-	"""
-	def start(self, job):
-		""" Initialize the parser for processing the results of
-		'job'."""
-		# initialize all the basic parser parameters
-		self.job = job
-		self.finished = False
-		self.line_buffer = status_lib.line_buffer()
-		# create and prime the parser state machine
-		self.state = self.state_iterator(self.line_buffer)
+    """
+    Abstract parser base class. Provides a generic implementation of the
+    standard parser interfaction functions. The derived classes must
+    implement a state_iterator method for this class to be useful.
+    """
+    def start(self, job):
+        """ Initialize the parser for processing the results of
+        'job'."""
+        # initialize all the basic parser parameters
+        self.job = job
+        self.finished = False
+        self.line_buffer = status_lib.line_buffer()
+        # create and prime the parser state machine
+        self.state = self.state_iterator(self.line_buffer)
-	def process_lines(self, lines):
-		""" Feed 'lines' into the parser state machine, and return
-		a list of all the new test results produced."""
-		self.line_buffer.put_multiple(lines)
-		try:
-			return
-		except StopIteration:
-			msg = ("WARNING: parser was called to process status "
-			       "lines after it was end()ed\n"
-			       "Current traceback:\n" +
-			       traceback.format_exc() +
-			       "\nCurrent stack:\n" +
-			       "".join(traceback.format_stack()))
-			tko_utils.dprint(msg)
-			return []
+    def process_lines(self, lines):
+        """ Feed 'lines' into the parser state machine, and return
+        a list of all the new test results produced."""
+        self.line_buffer.put_multiple(lines)
+        try:
+            return
+        except StopIteration:
+            msg = ("WARNING: parser was called to process status "
+                   "lines after it was end()ed\n"
+                   "Current traceback:\n" +
+                   traceback.format_exc() +
+                   "\nCurrent stack:\n" +
+                   "".join(traceback.format_stack()))
+            tko_utils.dprint(msg)
+            return []
-	def end(self, lines=[]):
-		""" Feed 'lines' into the parser state machine, signal to the
-		state machine that no more lines are forthcoming, and then
-		return a list of all the new test results produced."""
-		self.line_buffer.put_multiple(lines)
-		# run the state machine to clear out the buffer
-		self.finished = True
-		try:
-			return
-		except StopIteration:
-			msg = ("WARNING: parser was end()ed multiple times\n"
-			       "Current traceback:\n" +
-			       traceback.format_exc() +
-			       "\nCurrent stack:\n" +
-			       "".join(traceback.format_stack()))
-			tko_utils.dprint(msg)
-			return []
+    def end(self, lines=[]):
+        """ Feed 'lines' into the parser state machine, signal to the
+        state machine that no more lines are forthcoming, and then
+        return a list of all the new test results produced."""
+        self.line_buffer.put_multiple(lines)
+        # run the state machine to clear out the buffer
+        self.finished = True
+        try:
+            return
+        except StopIteration:
+            msg = ("WARNING: parser was end()ed multiple times\n"
+                   "Current traceback:\n" +
+                   traceback.format_exc() +
+                   "\nCurrent stack:\n" +
+                   "".join(traceback.format_stack()))
+            tko_utils.dprint(msg)
+            return []
-	@staticmethod
-	def make_job(dir):
-		""" Create a new instance of the job model used by the
-		parser, given a results directory."""
-		raise NotImplemented
+    @staticmethod
+    def make_job(dir):
+        """ Create a new instance of the job model used by the
+        parser, given a results directory."""
+        raise NotImplemented
-	def state_iterator(self, buffer):
-		""" A generator method that implements the actual parser
-		state machine. """
-		raise NotImplemented
+    def state_iterator(self, buffer):
+        """ A generator method that implements the actual parser
+        state machine. """
+        raise NotImplemented
diff --git a/tko/parsers/ b/tko/parsers/
index 13d3859..91d0ad7 100644
--- a/tko/parsers/
+++ b/tko/parsers/
@@ -6,392 +6,392 @@
 class job(models.job):
-	def __init__(self, dir):
-		job_dict = job.load_from_dir(dir)
-		super(job, self).__init__(dir, **job_dict)
+    def __init__(self, dir):
+        job_dict = job.load_from_dir(dir)
+        super(job, self).__init__(dir, **job_dict)
-	@staticmethod
-	def load_from_dir(dir):
-		try:
-			keyval = common_utils.read_keyval(dir)
-			tko_utils.dprint(str(keyval))
-		except Exception:
-			keyval = {}
+    @staticmethod
+    def load_from_dir(dir):
+        try:
+            keyval = common_utils.read_keyval(dir)
+            tko_utils.dprint(str(keyval))
+        except Exception:
+            keyval = {}
-		user = keyval.get("user", None)
-		label = keyval.get("label", None)
-		machine = keyval.get("hostname", None)
-		if machine:
-			assert "," not in machine
-		queued_time = tko_utils.get_timestamp(keyval, "job_queued")
-		started_time = tko_utils.get_timestamp(keyval, "job_started")
-		finished_time = tko_utils.get_timestamp(keyval, "job_finished")
-		machine_owner = keyval.get("owner", None)
+        user = keyval.get("user", None)
+        label = keyval.get("label", None)
+        machine = keyval.get("hostname", None)
+        if machine:
+            assert "," not in machine
+        queued_time = tko_utils.get_timestamp(keyval, "job_queued")
+        started_time = tko_utils.get_timestamp(keyval, "job_started")
+        finished_time = tko_utils.get_timestamp(keyval, "job_finished")
+        machine_owner = keyval.get("owner", None)
-		if not machine:
-			machine = job.find_hostname(dir)
-		tko_utils.dprint("MACHINE NAME: %s" % machine)
+        if not machine:
+            machine = job.find_hostname(dir)
+        tko_utils.dprint("MACHINE NAME: %s" % machine)
-		return {"user": user, "label": label, "machine": machine,
-			"queued_time": queued_time,
-			"started_time": started_time,
-			"finished_time": finished_time,
-			"machine_owner": machine_owner}
+        return {"user": user, "label": label, "machine": machine,
+                "queued_time": queued_time,
+                "started_time": started_time,
+                "finished_time": finished_time,
+                "machine_owner": machine_owner}
-	@staticmethod
-	def find_hostname(path):
-		hostname = os.path.join(path, "sysinfo", "hostname")
-		try:
-			machine = open(hostname).readline().rstrip()
-			return machine
-		except Exception:
-			tko_utils.dprint("Could not read a hostname from "
-					 "sysinfo/hostname")
+    @staticmethod
+    def find_hostname(path):
+        hostname = os.path.join(path, "sysinfo", "hostname")
+        try:
+            machine = open(hostname).readline().rstrip()
+            return machine
+        except Exception:
+            tko_utils.dprint("Could not read a hostname from "
+                             "sysinfo/hostname")
-		uname = os.path.join(path, "sysinfo", "uname_-a")
-		try:
-			machine = open(uname).readline().split()[1]
-			return
-		except Exception:
-			tko_utils.dprint("Could not read a hostname from "
-					 "sysinfo/uname_-a")
+        uname = os.path.join(path, "sysinfo", "uname_-a")
+        try:
+            machine = open(uname).readline().split()[1]
+            return
+        except Exception:
+            tko_utils.dprint("Could not read a hostname from "
+                             "sysinfo/uname_-a")
-		raise Exception("Unable to find a machine name")
+        raise Exception("Unable to find a machine name")
 class kernel(models.kernel):
-	def __init__(self, job, verify_ident=None):
-		kernel_dict = kernel.load_from_dir(job.dir, verify_ident)
-		super(kernel, self).__init__(**kernel_dict)
+    def __init__(self, job, verify_ident=None):
+        kernel_dict = kernel.load_from_dir(job.dir, verify_ident)
+        super(kernel, self).__init__(**kernel_dict)
-	@staticmethod
-	def load_from_dir(dir, verify_ident=None):
-		# try and load the booted kernel version
-		build_log = os.path.join(dir, "build", "debug", "build_log")
-		attributes = kernel.load_from_build_log(build_log)
-		if not attributes:
-			if verify_ident:
-				base = verify_ident
-			else:
-				base = kernel.load_from_sysinfo(dir)
-			patches = []
-			hashes = []
-		else:
-			base, patches, hashes = attributes
-		tko_utils.dprint("kernel.__init__() found kernel version %s"
-				 % base)
+    @staticmethod
+    def load_from_dir(dir, verify_ident=None):
+        # try and load the booted kernel version
+        build_log = os.path.join(dir, "build", "debug", "build_log")
+        attributes = kernel.load_from_build_log(build_log)
+        if not attributes:
+            if verify_ident:
+                base = verify_ident
+            else:
+                base = kernel.load_from_sysinfo(dir)
+            patches = []
+            hashes = []
+        else:
+            base, patches, hashes = attributes
+        tko_utils.dprint("kernel.__init__() found kernel version %s"
+                         % base)
-		# compute the kernel hash
-		if base == "UNKNOWN":
-			kernel_hash = "UNKNOWN"
-		else:
-			kernel_hash = kernel.compute_hash(base, hashes)
+        # compute the kernel hash
+        if base == "UNKNOWN":
+            kernel_hash = "UNKNOWN"
+        else:
+            kernel_hash = kernel.compute_hash(base, hashes)
-		return {"base": base, "patches": patches,
-			"kernel_hash": kernel_hash}
+        return {"base": base, "patches": patches,
+                "kernel_hash": kernel_hash}
-	@staticmethod
-	def load_from_sysinfo(path):
-		for subdir in ("reboot1", ""):
-			uname_path = os.path.join(path, "sysinfo", subdir,
-						  "uname_-a")
-			if not os.path.exists(uname_path):
-				continue
-			uname = open(uname_path).readline().split()
-			return re.sub("-autotest$", "", uname[2])
-		return "UNKNOWN"
+    @staticmethod
+    def load_from_sysinfo(path):
+        for subdir in ("reboot1", ""):
+            uname_path = os.path.join(path, "sysinfo", subdir,
+                                      "uname_-a")
+            if not os.path.exists(uname_path):
+                continue
+            uname = open(uname_path).readline().split()
+            return re.sub("-autotest$", "", uname[2])
+        return "UNKNOWN"
-	@staticmethod
-	def load_from_build_log(path):
-		if not os.path.exists(path):
-			return None
+    @staticmethod
+    def load_from_build_log(path):
+        if not os.path.exists(path):
+            return None
-		base, patches, hashes = "UNKNOWN", [], []
-		for line in file(path):
-			head, rest = line.split(": ", 1)
-			rest = rest.split()
-			if head == "BASE":
-				base = rest[0]
-			elif head == "PATCH":
-				patches.append(patch(*rest))
-				hashes.append(rest[2])
-		return base, patches, hashes
+        base, patches, hashes = "UNKNOWN", [], []
+        for line in file(path):
+            head, rest = line.split(": ", 1)
+            rest = rest.split()
+            if head == "BASE":
+                base = rest[0]
+            elif head == "PATCH":
+                patches.append(patch(*rest))
+                hashes.append(rest[2])
+        return base, patches, hashes
 class test(models.test):
-	def __init__(self, subdir, testname, status, reason, test_kernel,
-		     machine, started_time, finished_time, iterations,
-		     attributes):
-		# for backwards compatibility with the original parser
-		# implementation, if there is no test version we need a NULL
-		# value to be used; also, if there is a version it should
-		# be terminated by a newline
-		if "version" in attributes:
-			attributes["version"] = str(attributes["version"])
-		else:
-			attributes["version"] = None
+    def __init__(self, subdir, testname, status, reason, test_kernel,
+                 machine, started_time, finished_time, iterations,
+                 attributes):
+        # for backwards compatibility with the original parser
+        # implementation, if there is no test version we need a NULL
+        # value to be used; also, if there is a version it should
+        # be terminated by a newline
+        if "version" in attributes:
+            attributes["version"] = str(attributes["version"])
+        else:
+            attributes["version"] = None
-		super(test, self).__init__(subdir, testname, status, reason,
-					   test_kernel, machine, started_time,
-					   finished_time, iterations,
-					   attributes)
+        super(test, self).__init__(subdir, testname, status, reason,
+                                   test_kernel, machine, started_time,
+                                   finished_time, iterations,
+                                   attributes)
-	@staticmethod
-	def load_iterations(keyval_path):
-		return iteration.load_from_keyval(keyval_path)
+    @staticmethod
+    def load_iterations(keyval_path):
+        return iteration.load_from_keyval(keyval_path)
 class patch(models.patch):
-	def __init__(self, spec, reference, hash):
-		tko_utils.dprint("PATCH::%s %s %s" % (spec, reference, hash))
-		super(patch, self).__init__(spec, reference, hash)
-		self.spec = spec
-		self.reference = reference
-		self.hash = hash
+    def __init__(self, spec, reference, hash):
+        tko_utils.dprint("PATCH::%s %s %s" % (spec, reference, hash))
+        super(patch, self).__init__(spec, reference, hash)
+        self.spec = spec
+        self.reference = reference
+        self.hash = hash
 class iteration(models.iteration):
-	@staticmethod
-	def parse_line_into_dicts(line, attr_dict, perf_dict):
-		key, value = line.split("=", 1)
-		perf_dict[key] = value
+    @staticmethod
+    def parse_line_into_dicts(line, attr_dict, perf_dict):
+        key, value = line.split("=", 1)
+        perf_dict[key] = value
 class status_line(object):
-	def __init__(self, indent, status, subdir, testname, reason,
-		     optional_fields):
-		# pull out the type & status of the line
-		if status == "START":
-			self.type = "START"
-			self.status = None
-		elif status.startswith("END "):
-			self.type = "END"
-			self.status = status[4:]
-		else:
-			self.type = "STATUS"
-			self.status = status
-		assert (self.status is None or
-			self.status in status_lib.status_stack.statuses)
+    def __init__(self, indent, status, subdir, testname, reason,
+                 optional_fields):
+        # pull out the type & status of the line
+        if status == "START":
+            self.type = "START"
+            self.status = None
+        elif status.startswith("END "):
+            self.type = "END"
+            self.status = status[4:]
+        else:
+            self.type = "STATUS"
+            self.status = status
+        assert (self.status is None or
+                self.status in status_lib.status_stack.statuses)
-		# save all the other parameters
-		self.indent = indent
-		self.subdir = self.parse_name(subdir)
-		self.testname = self.parse_name(testname)
-		self.reason = reason
-		self.optional_fields = optional_fields
+        # save all the other parameters
+        self.indent = indent
+        self.subdir = self.parse_name(subdir)
+        self.testname = self.parse_name(testname)
+        self.reason = reason
+        self.optional_fields = optional_fields
-	@staticmethod
-	def parse_name(name):
-		if name == "----":
-			return None
-		return name
+    @staticmethod
+    def parse_name(name):
+        if name == "----":
+            return None
+        return name
-	@staticmethod
-	def is_status_line(line):
-		return"^\t*\S", line) is not None
+    @staticmethod
+    def is_status_line(line):
+        return"^\t*\S", line) is not None
-	@classmethod
-	def parse_line(cls, line):
-		if not status_line.is_status_line(line):
-			return None
-		indent, line ="^(\t*)(.*)$", line).groups()
-		indent = len(indent)
+    @classmethod
+    def parse_line(cls, line):
+        if not status_line.is_status_line(line):
+            return None
+        indent, line ="^(\t*)(.*)$", line).groups()
+        indent = len(indent)
-		# split the line into the fixed and optional fields
-		parts = line.split("\t")
-		status, subdir, testname = parts[0:3]
-		reason = parts[-1]
-		optional_parts = parts[3:-1]
+        # split the line into the fixed and optional fields
+        parts = line.split("\t")
+        status, subdir, testname = parts[0:3]
+        reason = parts[-1]
+        optional_parts = parts[3:-1]
-		# all the optional parts should be of the form "key=value"
-		assert sum('=' not in part for part in optional_parts) == 0
-		optional_fields = dict(part.split("=", 1)
-				       for part in optional_parts)
+        # all the optional parts should be of the form "key=value"
+        assert sum('=' not in part for part in optional_parts) == 0
+        optional_fields = dict(part.split("=", 1)
+                               for part in optional_parts)
-		# build up a new status_line and return it
-		return cls(indent, status, subdir, testname, reason,
-			   optional_fields)
+        # build up a new status_line and return it
+        return cls(indent, status, subdir, testname, reason,
+                   optional_fields)
 class parser(base.parser):
-	@staticmethod
-	def make_job(dir):
-		return job(dir)
+    @staticmethod
+    def make_job(dir):
+        return job(dir)
-	def state_iterator(self, buffer):
-		new_tests = []
-		boot_count = 0
-		group_subdir = None
-		sought_level = 0
-		stack = status_lib.status_stack()
-		current_kernel = kernel(self.job)
-		boot_in_progress = False
-		alert_pending = None
-		started_time = None
+    def state_iterator(self, buffer):
+        new_tests = []
+        boot_count = 0
+        group_subdir = None
+        sought_level = 0
+        stack = status_lib.status_stack()
+        current_kernel = kernel(self.job)
+        boot_in_progress = False
+        alert_pending = None
+        started_time = None
-		while not self.finished or buffer.size():
-			# stop processing once the buffer is empty
-			if buffer.size() == 0:
-				yield new_tests
-				new_tests = []
-				continue
+        while not self.finished or buffer.size():
+            # stop processing once the buffer is empty
+            if buffer.size() == 0:
+                yield new_tests
+                new_tests = []
+                continue
-			# parse the next line
-			line = buffer.get()
-			tko_utils.dprint('\nSTATUS: ' + line.strip())
-			line = status_line.parse_line(line)
-			if line is None:
-				tko_utils.dprint('non-status line, ignoring')
-				continue # ignore non-status lines
+            # parse the next line
+            line = buffer.get()
+            tko_utils.dprint('\nSTATUS: ' + line.strip())
+            line = status_line.parse_line(line)
+            if line is None:
+                tko_utils.dprint('non-status line, ignoring')
+                continue # ignore non-status lines
-			# have we hit the job start line?
-			if (line.type == "START" and not line.subdir and
-			    not line.testname):
-				sought_level = 1
-				tko_utils.dprint("found job level start "
-						 "marker, looking for level "
-						 "1 groups now")
-				continue
+            # have we hit the job start line?
+            if (line.type == "START" and not line.subdir and
+                not line.testname):
+                sought_level = 1
+                tko_utils.dprint("found job level start "
+                                 "marker, looking for level "
+                                 "1 groups now")
+                continue
-			# have we hit the job end line?
-			if (line.type == "END" and not line.subdir and
-			    not line.testname):
-				tko_utils.dprint("found job level end "
-						 "marker, looking for level "
-						 "0 lines now")
-				sought_level = 0
+            # have we hit the job end line?
+            if (line.type == "END" and not line.subdir and
+                not line.testname):
+                tko_utils.dprint("found job level end "
+                                 "marker, looking for level "
+                                 "0 lines now")
+                sought_level = 0
-			# START line, just push another layer on to the stack
-			# and grab the start time if this is at the job level
-			# we're currently seeking
-			if line.type == "START":
-				group_subdir = None
-				stack.start()
-				if line.indent == sought_level:
-					started_time = \
-						     tko_utils.get_timestamp(
-					    line.optional_fields, "timestamp")
-				tko_utils.dprint("start line, ignoring")
-				continue
-			# otherwise, update the status on the stack
-			else:
-				tko_utils.dprint("GROPE_STATUS: %s" %
-						 [stack.current_status(),
-						  line.status, line.subdir,
-						  line.testname, line.reason])
-				stack.update(line.status)
+            # START line, just push another layer on to the stack
+            # and grab the start time if this is at the job level
+            # we're currently seeking
+            if line.type == "START":
+                group_subdir = None
+                stack.start()
+                if line.indent == sought_level:
+                    started_time = \
+                                 tko_utils.get_timestamp(
+                        line.optional_fields, "timestamp")
+                tko_utils.dprint("start line, ignoring")
+                continue
+            # otherwise, update the status on the stack
+            else:
+                tko_utils.dprint("GROPE_STATUS: %s" %
+                                 [stack.current_status(),
+                                  line.status, line.subdir,
+                                  line.testname, line.reason])
+                stack.update(line.status)
-			if line.status == "ALERT":
-				tko_utils.dprint("job level alert, recording")
-				alert_pending = line.reason
-				continue
+            if line.status == "ALERT":
+                tko_utils.dprint("job level alert, recording")
+                alert_pending = line.reason
+                continue
-			# ignore Autotest.install => GOOD lines
-			if (line.testname == "Autotest.install" and
-			    line.status == "GOOD"):
-				tko_utils.dprint("Successful Autotest "
-						 "install, ignoring")
-				continue
+            # ignore Autotest.install => GOOD lines
+            if (line.testname == "Autotest.install" and
+                line.status == "GOOD"):
+                tko_utils.dprint("Successful Autotest "
+                                 "install, ignoring")
+                continue
-			# ignore END lines for a reboot group
-			if (line.testname == "reboot" and line.type == "END"):
-				tko_utils.dprint("reboot group, ignoring")
-				continue
+            # ignore END lines for a reboot group
+            if (line.testname == "reboot" and line.type == "END"):
+                tko_utils.dprint("reboot group, ignoring")
+                continue
-			# convert job-level ABORTs into a 'JOB' test, and
-			# ignore other job-level events
-			if line.testname is None:
-				if (line.status == "ABORT" and
-				    line.type != "END"):
-					line.testname = "JOB"
-				else:
-					tko_utils.dprint("job level event, "
-							"ignoring")
-					continue
+            # convert job-level ABORTs into a 'JOB' test, and
+            # ignore other job-level events
+            if line.testname is None:
+                if (line.status == "ABORT" and
+                    line.type != "END"):
+                    line.testname = "JOB"
+                else:
+                    tko_utils.dprint("job level event, "
+                                    "ignoring")
+                    continue
-			# use the group subdir for END lines
-			if line.type == "END":
-				line.subdir = group_subdir
+            # use the group subdir for END lines
+            if line.type == "END":
+                line.subdir = group_subdir
-			# are we inside a block group?
-			if (line.indent != sought_level and
-			    line.status != "ABORT" and
-			    not line.testname.startswith('reboot.')):
-				if line.subdir:
-					tko_utils.dprint("set group_subdir: "
-							 + line.subdir)
-					group_subdir = line.subdir
-				tko_utils.dprint("ignoring incorrect indent "
-						 "level %d != %d," %
-						 (line.indent, sought_level))
-				continue
+            # are we inside a block group?
+            if (line.indent != sought_level and
+                line.status != "ABORT" and
+                not line.testname.startswith('reboot.')):
+                if line.subdir:
+                    tko_utils.dprint("set group_subdir: "
+                                     + line.subdir)
+                    group_subdir = line.subdir
+                tko_utils.dprint("ignoring incorrect indent "
+                                 "level %d != %d," %
+                                 (line.indent, sought_level))
+                continue
-			# use the subdir as the testname, except for
-			# boot.* and kernel.* tests
-			if (line.testname is None or
-			    not"^(boot(\.\d+)?$|kernel\.)",
-					  line.testname)):
-				if line.subdir and '.' in line.subdir:
-					line.testname = line.subdir
+            # use the subdir as the testname, except for
+            # boot.* and kernel.* tests
+            if (line.testname is None or
+                not"^(boot(\.\d+)?$|kernel\.)",
+                              line.testname)):
+                if line.subdir and '.' in line.subdir:
+                    line.testname = line.subdir
-			# has a reboot started?
-			if line.testname == "reboot.start":
-				started_time = tko_utils.get_timestamp(
-				    line.optional_fields, "timestamp")
-				tko_utils.dprint("reboot start event, "
-						 "ignoring")
-				boot_in_progress = True
-				continue
+            # has a reboot started?
+            if line.testname == "reboot.start":
+                started_time = tko_utils.get_timestamp(
+                    line.optional_fields, "timestamp")
+                tko_utils.dprint("reboot start event, "
+                                 "ignoring")
+                boot_in_progress = True
+                continue
-			# has a reboot finished?
-			if line.testname == "reboot.verify":
-				line.testname = "boot.%d" % boot_count
-				tko_utils.dprint("reboot verified")
-				boot_in_progress = False
-				verify_ident = line.reason.strip()
-				current_kernel = kernel(self.job, verify_ident)
-				boot_count += 1
+            # has a reboot finished?
+            if line.testname == "reboot.verify":
+                line.testname = "boot.%d" % boot_count
+                tko_utils.dprint("reboot verified")
+                boot_in_progress = False
+                verify_ident = line.reason.strip()
+                current_kernel = kernel(self.job, verify_ident)
+                boot_count += 1
-			if alert_pending:
-				line.status = "ALERT"
-				line.reason = alert_pending
-				alert_pending = None
+            if alert_pending:
+                line.status = "ALERT"
+                line.reason = alert_pending
+                alert_pending = None
-			# create the actual test object
-			finished_time = tko_utils.get_timestamp(
-			    line.optional_fields, "timestamp")
-			final_status = stack.end()
-			tko_utils.dprint("Adding: "
-					 "%s\nSubdir:%s\nTestname:%s\n%s" %
-					 (final_status, line.subdir,
-					  line.testname, line.reason))
-			new_test = test.parse_test(self.job, line.subdir,
-						   line.testname,
-						   final_status, line.reason,
-						   current_kernel,
-						   started_time,
-						   finished_time)
-			started_time = None
-			new_tests.append(new_test)
+            # create the actual test object
+            finished_time = tko_utils.get_timestamp(
+                line.optional_fields, "timestamp")
+            final_status = stack.end()
+            tko_utils.dprint("Adding: "
+                             "%s\nSubdir:%s\nTestname:%s\n%s" %
+                             (final_status, line.subdir,
+                              line.testname, line.reason))
+            new_test = test.parse_test(self.job, line.subdir,
+                                       line.testname,
+                                       final_status, line.reason,
+                                       current_kernel,
+                                       started_time,
+                                       finished_time)
+            started_time = None
+            new_tests.append(new_test)
-		# the job is finished, but we never came back from reboot
-		if boot_in_progress:
-			testname = "boot.%d" % boot_count
-			reason = "machine did not return from reboot"
-			tko_utils.dprint(("Adding: ABORT\nSubdir:----\n"
-					  "Testname:%s\n%s")
-					 % (testname, reason))
-			new_test = test.parse_test(self.job, None, testname,
-						   "ABORT", reason,
-						   current_kernel, None, None)
-			new_tests.append(new_test)
-		yield new_tests
+        # the job is finished, but we never came back from reboot
+        if boot_in_progress:
+            testname = "boot.%d" % boot_count
+            reason = "machine did not return from reboot"
+            tko_utils.dprint(("Adding: ABORT\nSubdir:----\n"
+                              "Testname:%s\n%s")
+                             % (testname, reason))
+            new_test = test.parse_test(self.job, None, testname,
+                                       "ABORT", reason,
+                                       current_kernel, None, None)
+            new_tests.append(new_test)
+        yield new_tests
diff --git a/tko/parsers/ b/tko/parsers/
index 947199b..3b879ae 100644
--- a/tko/parsers/
+++ b/tko/parsers/
@@ -7,118 +7,118 @@
 class test_status_line(unittest.TestCase):
-	statuses = ["GOOD", "WARN", "FAIL", "ABORT"]
+    statuses = ["GOOD", "WARN", "FAIL", "ABORT"]
-	def test_handles_start(self):
-		line = version_0.status_line(0, "START", "----", "test",
-					     "", {})
-		self.assertEquals(line.type, "START")
-		self.assertEquals(line.status, None)
+    def test_handles_start(self):
+        line = version_0.status_line(0, "START", "----", "test",
+                                     "", {})
+        self.assertEquals(line.type, "START")
+        self.assertEquals(line.status, None)
-	def test_handles_status(self):
-		for stat in self.statuses:
-			line = version_0.status_line(0, stat, "----", "test",
-						     "", {})
-			self.assertEquals(line.type, "STATUS")
-			self.assertEquals(line.status, stat)
+    def test_handles_status(self):
+        for stat in self.statuses:
+            line = version_0.status_line(0, stat, "----", "test",
+                                         "", {})
+            self.assertEquals(line.type, "STATUS")
+            self.assertEquals(line.status, stat)
-	def test_handles_endstatus(self):
-		for stat in self.statuses:
-			line = version_0.status_line(0, "END " + stat, "----",
-						     "test", "", {})
-			self.assertEquals(line.type, "END")
-			self.assertEquals(line.status, stat)
+    def test_handles_endstatus(self):
+        for stat in self.statuses:
+            line = version_0.status_line(0, "END " + stat, "----",
+                                         "test", "", {})
+            self.assertEquals(line.type, "END")
+            self.assertEquals(line.status, stat)
-	def test_fails_on_bad_status(self):
-		for stat in self.statuses:
-			self.assertRaises(AssertionError,
-					  version_0.status_line, 0,
-					  "BAD " + stat, "----", "test",
-					  "", {})
+    def test_fails_on_bad_status(self):
+        for stat in self.statuses:
+            self.assertRaises(AssertionError,
+                              version_0.status_line, 0,
+                              "BAD " + stat, "----", "test",
+                              "", {})
-	def test_saves_all_fields(self):
-		line = version_0.status_line(5, "GOOD", "subdir_name",
-					     "test_name", "my reason here",
-					     {"key1": "value",
-					      "key2": "another value",
-					      "key3": "value3"})
-		self.assertEquals(line.indent, 5)
-		self.assertEquals(line.status, "GOOD")
-		self.assertEquals(line.subdir, "subdir_name")
-		self.assertEquals(line.testname, "test_name")
-		self.assertEquals(line.reason, "my reason here")
-		self.assertEquals(line.optional_fields,
-				  {"key1": "value", "key2": "another value",
-				   "key3": "value3"})
+    def test_saves_all_fields(self):
+        line = version_0.status_line(5, "GOOD", "subdir_name",
+                                     "test_name", "my reason here",
+                                     {"key1": "value",
+                                      "key2": "another value",
+                                      "key3": "value3"})
+        self.assertEquals(line.indent, 5)
+        self.assertEquals(line.status, "GOOD")
+        self.assertEquals(line.subdir, "subdir_name")
+        self.assertEquals(line.testname, "test_name")
+        self.assertEquals(line.reason, "my reason here")
+        self.assertEquals(line.optional_fields,
+                          {"key1": "value", "key2": "another value",
+                           "key3": "value3"})
-	def test_parses_blank_subdir(self):
-		line = version_0.status_line(0, "GOOD", "----", "test",
-					     "", {})
-		self.assertEquals(line.subdir, None)
+    def test_parses_blank_subdir(self):
+        line = version_0.status_line(0, "GOOD", "----", "test",
+                                     "", {})
+        self.assertEquals(line.subdir, None)
-	def test_parses_blank_testname(self):
-		line = version_0.status_line(0, "GOOD", "subdir", "----",
-					     "", {})
-		self.assertEquals(line.testname, None)
+    def test_parses_blank_testname(self):
+        line = version_0.status_line(0, "GOOD", "subdir", "----",
+                                     "", {})
+        self.assertEquals(line.testname, None)
-	def test_parse_line_smoketest(self):
-		input_data = ("\t\t\tGOOD\t----\t----\t"
-			      "field1=val1\tfield2=val2\tTest Passed")
-		line = version_0.status_line.parse_line(input_data)
-		self.assertEquals(line.indent, 3)
-		self.assertEquals(line.type, "STATUS")
-		self.assertEquals(line.status, "GOOD")
-		self.assertEquals(line.subdir, None)
-		self.assertEquals(line.testname, None)
-		self.assertEquals(line.reason, "Test Passed")
-		self.assertEquals(line.optional_fields,
-				  {"field1": "val1", "field2": "val2"})
+    def test_parse_line_smoketest(self):
+        input_data = ("\t\t\tGOOD\t----\t----\t"
+                      "field1=val1\tfield2=val2\tTest Passed")
+        line = version_0.status_line.parse_line(input_data)
+        self.assertEquals(line.indent, 3)
+        self.assertEquals(line.type, "STATUS")
+        self.assertEquals(line.status, "GOOD")
+        self.assertEquals(line.subdir, None)
+        self.assertEquals(line.testname, None)
+        self.assertEquals(line.reason, "Test Passed")
+        self.assertEquals(line.optional_fields,
+                          {"field1": "val1", "field2": "val2"})
-	def test_parse_line_handles_newline(self):
-		input_data = ("\t\tGOOD\t----\t----\t"
-			      "field1=val1\tfield2=val2\tNo newline here!")
-		for suffix in ("", "\n"):
-			line = version_0.status_line.parse_line(input_data +
-								suffix)
-			self.assertEquals(line.indent, 2)
-			self.assertEquals(line.type, "STATUS")
-			self.assertEquals(line.status, "GOOD")
-			self.assertEquals(line.subdir, None)
-			self.assertEquals(line.testname, None)
-			self.assertEquals(line.reason, "No newline here!")
-			self.assertEquals(line.optional_fields,
-					  {"field1": "val1",
-					   "field2": "val2"})
+    def test_parse_line_handles_newline(self):
+        input_data = ("\t\tGOOD\t----\t----\t"
+                      "field1=val1\tfield2=val2\tNo newline here!")
+        for suffix in ("", "\n"):
+            line = version_0.status_line.parse_line(input_data +
+                                                    suffix)
+            self.assertEquals(line.indent, 2)
+            self.assertEquals(line.type, "STATUS")
+            self.assertEquals(line.status, "GOOD")
+            self.assertEquals(line.subdir, None)
+            self.assertEquals(line.testname, None)
+            self.assertEquals(line.reason, "No newline here!")
+            self.assertEquals(line.optional_fields,
+                              {"field1": "val1",
+                               "field2": "val2"})
-	def test_parse_line_fails_on_untabbed_lines(self):
-		input_data = "   GOOD\trandom\tfields\tof text"
-		line = version_0.status_line.parse_line(input_data)
-		self.assertEquals(line, None)
-		line = version_0.status_line.parse_line(input_data.lstrip())
-		self.assertEquals(line.indent, 0)
-		self.assertEquals(line.type, "STATUS")
-		self.assertEquals(line.status, "GOOD")
-		self.assertEquals(line.subdir, "random")
-		self.assertEquals(line.testname, "fields")
-		self.assertEquals(line.reason, "of text")
-		self.assertEquals(line.optional_fields, {})
+    def test_parse_line_fails_on_untabbed_lines(self):
+        input_data = "   GOOD\trandom\tfields\tof text"
+        line = version_0.status_line.parse_line(input_data)
+        self.assertEquals(line, None)
+        line = version_0.status_line.parse_line(input_data.lstrip())
+        self.assertEquals(line.indent, 0)
+        self.assertEquals(line.type, "STATUS")
+        self.assertEquals(line.status, "GOOD")
+        self.assertEquals(line.subdir, "random")
+        self.assertEquals(line.testname, "fields")
+        self.assertEquals(line.reason, "of text")
+        self.assertEquals(line.optional_fields, {})
-	def test_parse_line_fails_on_bad_optional_fields(self):
-		input_data = "GOOD\tfield1\tfield2\tfield3\tfield4"
-		self.assertRaises(AssertionError,
-				  version_0.status_line.parse_line,
-				  input_data)
+    def test_parse_line_fails_on_bad_optional_fields(self):
+        input_data = "GOOD\tfield1\tfield2\tfield3\tfield4"
+        self.assertRaises(AssertionError,
+                          version_0.status_line.parse_line,
+                          input_data)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	unittest.main()
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/tko/parsers/ b/tko/parsers/
index b13e272..77c60c2 100644
--- a/tko/parsers/
+++ b/tko/parsers/
@@ -5,85 +5,85 @@
 class kernel(models.kernel):
-	def __init__(self, base, patches):
-		if base:
-			patches = [patch(*p.split()) for p in patches]
-			hashes = [p.hash for p in patches]
-			kernel_hash = self.compute_hash(base, hashes)
-		else:
-			base = "UNKNOWN"
-			patches = []
-			kernel_hash = "UNKNOWN"
-		super(kernel, self).__init__(base, patches, kernel_hash)
+    def __init__(self, base, patches):
+        if base:
+            patches = [patch(*p.split()) for p in patches]
+            hashes = [p.hash for p in patches]
+            kernel_hash = self.compute_hash(base, hashes)
+        else:
+            base = "UNKNOWN"
+            patches = []
+            kernel_hash = "UNKNOWN"
+        super(kernel, self).__init__(base, patches, kernel_hash)
 class test(models.test):
-	@staticmethod
-	def load_iterations(keyval_path):
-		return iteration.load_from_keyval(keyval_path)
+    @staticmethod
+    def load_iterations(keyval_path):
+        return iteration.load_from_keyval(keyval_path)
 class iteration(models.iteration):
-	@staticmethod
-	def parse_line_into_dicts(line, attr_dict, perf_dict):
-		typed_match ="^([^=]*)\{(\w*)\}=(.*)$", line)
-		if typed_match:
-			key, val_type, value = typed_match.groups()
-			if val_type == "attr":
-				attr_dict[key] = value
-			elif val_type == "perf":
-				perf_dict[key] = value
-			else:
-				msg = ("WARNING: line '%s' found in test "
-				       "iteration keyval could not be parsed")
-				msg %= line
-				tko_utils.dprint(msg)
-				return # skip the line
-		else:
-			# old-fashioned untyped match, assume perf
-			untyped_match ="^([^=]*)=(.*)$", line)
-			if not untyped_match:
-				msg = ("WARNING: line '%s' found in test "
-				       "iteration keyval could not be parsed")
-				msg %= line
-				tko_utils.dprint(msg)
-				return # skip this line
-			key, value = untyped_match.groups()
-			perf_dict[key] = value
+    @staticmethod
+    def parse_line_into_dicts(line, attr_dict, perf_dict):
+        typed_match ="^([^=]*)\{(\w*)\}=(.*)$", line)
+        if typed_match:
+            key, val_type, value = typed_match.groups()
+            if val_type == "attr":
+                attr_dict[key] = value
+            elif val_type == "perf":
+                perf_dict[key] = value
+            else:
+                msg = ("WARNING: line '%s' found in test "
+                       "iteration keyval could not be parsed")
+                msg %= line
+                tko_utils.dprint(msg)
+                return # skip the line
+        else:
+            # old-fashioned untyped match, assume perf
+            untyped_match ="^([^=]*)=(.*)$", line)
+            if not untyped_match:
+                msg = ("WARNING: line '%s' found in test "
+                       "iteration keyval could not be parsed")
+                msg %= line
+                tko_utils.dprint(msg)
+                return # skip this line
+            key, value = untyped_match.groups()
+            perf_dict[key] = value
 class status_line(version_0.status_line):
-	def is_successful_reboot(self, current_status):
-		# make sure this is a reboot line
-		if self.testname != "reboot":
-			return False
+    def is_successful_reboot(self, current_status):
+        # make sure this is a reboot line
+        if self.testname != "reboot":
+            return False
-		# make sure this was not a failure
-		get_index = status_lib.status_stack.statuses.index
-		if get_index(current_status) <= get_index("FAIL"):
-			return False
+        # make sure this was not a failure
+        get_index = status_lib.status_stack.statuses.index
+        if get_index(current_status) <= get_index("FAIL"):
+            return False
-		# it must have been a successful reboot
-		return True
+        # it must have been a successful reboot
+        return True
-	def get_kernel(self):
-		# get the base kernel version
-		fields = self.optional_fields
-		base = fields.get("kernel", "")
-		# get a list of patches
-		patches = []
-		patch_index = 0
-		while ("patch%d" % patch_index) in fields:
-			patches.append(fields["patch%d" % patch_index])
-			patch_index += 1
-		# create a new kernel instance
-		return kernel(base, patches)
+    def get_kernel(self):
+        # get the base kernel version
+        fields = self.optional_fields
+        base = fields.get("kernel", "")
+        # get a list of patches
+        patches = []
+        patch_index = 0
+        while ("patch%d" % patch_index) in fields:
+            patches.append(fields["patch%d" % patch_index])
+            patch_index += 1
+        # create a new kernel instance
+        return kernel(base, patches)
-	def get_timestamp(self):
-		return tko_utils.get_timestamp(self.optional_fields,
-					       "timestamp")
+    def get_timestamp(self):
+        return tko_utils.get_timestamp(self.optional_fields,
+                                       "timestamp")
 # the default implementations from version 0 will do for now
@@ -92,127 +92,127 @@
 class parser(base.parser):
-	@staticmethod
-	def make_job(dir):
-		return job(dir)
+    @staticmethod
+    def make_job(dir):
+        return job(dir)
-	@staticmethod
-	def make_dummy_abort(indent):
-		indent = "\t" * indent
-		return indent + "END ABORT\t----\t----\tUnexpected ABORT"
+    @staticmethod
+    def make_dummy_abort(indent):
+        indent = "\t" * indent
+        return indent + "END ABORT\t----\t----\tUnexpected ABORT"
-	def state_iterator(self, buffer):
-		new_tests = []
-		boot_count = 0
-		min_stack_size = 0
-		stack = status_lib.status_stack()
-		current_kernel = kernel("", [])  # UNKNOWN
-		started_time_stack = [None]
-		subdir_stack = [None]
+    def state_iterator(self, buffer):
+        new_tests = []
+        boot_count = 0
+        min_stack_size = 0
+        stack = status_lib.status_stack()
+        current_kernel = kernel("", [])  # UNKNOWN
+        started_time_stack = [None]
+        subdir_stack = [None]
-		while True:
-			# are we finished with parsing?
-			if buffer.size() == 0 and self.finished:
-				if stack.size() == 0:
-					break
-				# we have status lines left on the stack,
-				# we need to implicitly abort them first
-				for i in reversed(xrange(stack.size())):
-					buffer.put(self.make_dummy_abort(i))
+        while True:
+            # are we finished with parsing?
+            if buffer.size() == 0 and self.finished:
+                if stack.size() == 0:
+                    break
+                # we have status lines left on the stack,
+                # we need to implicitly abort them first
+                for i in reversed(xrange(stack.size())):
+                    buffer.put(self.make_dummy_abort(i))
-			# stop processing once the buffer is empty
-			if buffer.size() == 0:
-				yield new_tests
-				new_tests = []
-				continue
+            # stop processing once the buffer is empty
+            if buffer.size() == 0:
+                yield new_tests
+                new_tests = []
+                continue
-			# reinitialize the per-iteration state
-			started_time = None
-			finished_time = None
+            # reinitialize the per-iteration state
+            started_time = None
+            finished_time = None
-			# get the next line
-			raw_line = buffer.get()
-			tko_utils.dprint('\nSTATUS: ' + raw_line.strip())
-			line = status_line.parse_line(raw_line)
-			if line is None:
-				tko_utils.dprint('non-status line, ignoring')
-				continue
+            # get the next line
+            raw_line = buffer.get()
+            tko_utils.dprint('\nSTATUS: ' + raw_line.strip())
+            line = status_line.parse_line(raw_line)
+            if line is None:
+                tko_utils.dprint('non-status line, ignoring')
+                continue
-			# initial line processing
-			if line.type == "START":
-				stack.start()
-				if (line.testname, line.subdir) == (None,) * 2:
-					min_stack_size = stack.size()
-				started_time_stack.append(line.get_timestamp())
-				subdir_stack.append(line.subdir)
-				continue
-			elif line.type == "STATUS":
-				stack.update(line.status)
-				indent = line.indent
-				started_time = None
-				finished_time = line.get_timestamp()
-				if line.subdir:
-					subdir_stack[-1] = line.subdir
-			elif line.type == "END":
-				if (line.testname, line.subdir) == (None,) * 2:
-					min_stack_size = stack.size() - 1
-					subdir_stack.pop()
-				else:
-					line.subdir = subdir_stack.pop()
-				stack.update(line.status)
-				indent = line.indent + 1
-				started_time = started_time_stack.pop()
-				finished_time = line.get_timestamp()
-			else:
-				assert False
+            # initial line processing
+            if line.type == "START":
+                stack.start()
+                if (line.testname, line.subdir) == (None,) * 2:
+                    min_stack_size = stack.size()
+                started_time_stack.append(line.get_timestamp())
+                subdir_stack.append(line.subdir)
+                continue
+            elif line.type == "STATUS":
+                stack.update(line.status)
+                indent = line.indent
+                started_time = None
+                finished_time = line.get_timestamp()
+                if line.subdir:
+                    subdir_stack[-1] = line.subdir
+            elif line.type == "END":
+                if (line.testname, line.subdir) == (None,) * 2:
+                    min_stack_size = stack.size() - 1
+                    subdir_stack.pop()
+                else:
+                    line.subdir = subdir_stack.pop()
+                stack.update(line.status)
+                indent = line.indent + 1
+                started_time = started_time_stack.pop()
+                finished_time = line.get_timestamp()
+            else:
+                assert False
-			# have we unexpectedly exited a group?
-			if indent < stack.size():
-				# yes, implicitly ABORT
-				buffer.put_back(raw_line)
-				abort = self.make_dummy_abort(stack.size() - 1)
-				buffer.put_back(abort)
-				continue
-			else:
-				# no, just update the group status
-				current_status = line.status
-				stack.update(current_status)
+            # have we unexpectedly exited a group?
+            if indent < stack.size():
+                # yes, implicitly ABORT
+                buffer.put_back(raw_line)
+                abort = self.make_dummy_abort(stack.size() - 1)
+                buffer.put_back(abort)
+                continue
+            else:
+                # no, just update the group status
+                current_status = line.status
+                stack.update(current_status)
-			# do we need to pop the stack?
-			if line.type == "END":
-				current_status = stack.end()
-				stack.update(current_status)
-				if line.is_successful_reboot(current_status):
-					current_kernel = line.get_kernel()
-				# rename the reboot testname
-				if line.testname == "reboot":
-					line.testname = "boot.%d" % boot_count
-					boot_count += 1
+            # do we need to pop the stack?
+            if line.type == "END":
+                current_status = stack.end()
+                stack.update(current_status)
+                if line.is_successful_reboot(current_status):
+                    current_kernel = line.get_kernel()
+                # rename the reboot testname
+                if line.testname == "reboot":
+                    line.testname = "boot.%d" % boot_count
+                    boot_count += 1
-			# have we just finished a test?
-			if stack.size() <= min_stack_size:
-				# if there was no testname, just use the subdir
-				if line.testname is None:
-					line.testname = line.subdir
-				# if there was no testname or subdir, use 'JOB'
-				if line.testname is None:
-					line.testname = "JOB"
+            # have we just finished a test?
+            if stack.size() <= min_stack_size:
+                # if there was no testname, just use the subdir
+                if line.testname is None:
+                    line.testname = line.subdir
+                # if there was no testname or subdir, use 'JOB'
+                if line.testname is None:
+                    line.testname = "JOB"
-				new_test = test.parse_test(self.job,
-							   line.subdir,
-							   line.testname,
-							   current_status,
-							   line.reason,
-							   current_kernel,
-							   started_time,
-							   finished_time)
-				msg = "ADD: %s\nSubdir: %s\nTestname: %s\n%s"
-				msg %= (new_test.status, new_test.subdir,
-					new_test.testname, new_test.reason)
-				tko_utils.dprint(msg)
-				new_tests.append(new_test)
+                new_test = test.parse_test(self.job,
+                                           line.subdir,
+                                           line.testname,
+                                           current_status,
+                                           line.reason,
+                                           current_kernel,
+                                           started_time,
+                                           finished_time)
+                msg = "ADD: %s\nSubdir: %s\nTestname: %s\n%s"
+                msg %= (new_test.status, new_test.subdir,
+                        new_test.testname, new_test.reason)
+                tko_utils.dprint(msg)
+                new_tests.append(new_test)
-		# the job is finished, nothing to do here but exit
-		yield new_tests
+        # the job is finished, nothing to do here but exit
+        yield new_tests
diff --git a/tko/parsers/ b/tko/parsers/
index eb3ad37..33077c6 100644
--- a/tko/parsers/
+++ b/tko/parsers/
@@ -7,187 +7,187 @@
 class test_status_line(unittest.TestCase):
-	statuses = ["GOOD", "WARN", "FAIL", "ABORT"]
+    statuses = ["GOOD", "WARN", "FAIL", "ABORT"]
-	def test_handles_start(self):
-		line = version_1.status_line(0, "START", "----", "test",
-					     "", {})
-		self.assertEquals(line.type, "START")
-		self.assertEquals(line.status, None)
+    def test_handles_start(self):
+        line = version_1.status_line(0, "START", "----", "test",
+                                     "", {})
+        self.assertEquals(line.type, "START")
+        self.assertEquals(line.status, None)
-	def test_handles_status(self):
-		for stat in self.statuses:
-			line = version_1.status_line(0, stat, "----", "test",
-						     "", {})
-			self.assertEquals(line.type, "STATUS")
-			self.assertEquals(line.status, stat)
+    def test_handles_status(self):
+        for stat in self.statuses:
+            line = version_1.status_line(0, stat, "----", "test",
+                                         "", {})
+            self.assertEquals(line.type, "STATUS")
+            self.assertEquals(line.status, stat)
-	def test_handles_endstatus(self):
-		for stat in self.statuses:
-			line = version_1.status_line(0, "END " + stat, "----",
-						     "test", "", {})
-			self.assertEquals(line.type, "END")
-			self.assertEquals(line.status, stat)
+    def test_handles_endstatus(self):
+        for stat in self.statuses:
+            line = version_1.status_line(0, "END " + stat, "----",
+                                         "test", "", {})
+            self.assertEquals(line.type, "END")
+            self.assertEquals(line.status, stat)
-	def test_fails_on_bad_status(self):
-		for stat in self.statuses:
-			self.assertRaises(AssertionError,
-					  version_1.status_line, 0,
-					  "BAD " + stat, "----", "test",
-					  "", {})
+    def test_fails_on_bad_status(self):
+        for stat in self.statuses:
+            self.assertRaises(AssertionError,
+                              version_1.status_line, 0,
+                              "BAD " + stat, "----", "test",
+                              "", {})
-	def test_saves_all_fields(self):
-		line = version_1.status_line(5, "GOOD", "subdir_name",
-					     "test_name", "my reason here",
-					     {"key1": "value",
-					      "key2": "another value",
-					      "key3": "value3"})
-		self.assertEquals(line.indent, 5)
-		self.assertEquals(line.status, "GOOD")
-		self.assertEquals(line.subdir, "subdir_name")
-		self.assertEquals(line.testname, "test_name")
-		self.assertEquals(line.reason, "my reason here")
-		self.assertEquals(line.optional_fields,
-				  {"key1": "value", "key2": "another value",
-				   "key3": "value3"})
+    def test_saves_all_fields(self):
+        line = version_1.status_line(5, "GOOD", "subdir_name",
+                                     "test_name", "my reason here",
+                                     {"key1": "value",
+                                      "key2": "another value",
+                                      "key3": "value3"})
+        self.assertEquals(line.indent, 5)
+        self.assertEquals(line.status, "GOOD")
+        self.assertEquals(line.subdir, "subdir_name")
+        self.assertEquals(line.testname, "test_name")
+        self.assertEquals(line.reason, "my reason here")
+        self.assertEquals(line.optional_fields,
+                          {"key1": "value", "key2": "another value",
+                           "key3": "value3"})
-	def test_parses_blank_subdir(self):
-		line = version_1.status_line(0, "GOOD", "----", "test",
-					     "", {})
-		self.assertEquals(line.subdir, None)
+    def test_parses_blank_subdir(self):
+        line = version_1.status_line(0, "GOOD", "----", "test",
+                                     "", {})
+        self.assertEquals(line.subdir, None)
-	def test_parses_blank_testname(self):
-		line = version_1.status_line(0, "GOOD", "subdir", "----",
-					     "", {})
-		self.assertEquals(line.testname, None)
+    def test_parses_blank_testname(self):
+        line = version_1.status_line(0, "GOOD", "subdir", "----",
+                                     "", {})
+        self.assertEquals(line.testname, None)
-	def test_parse_line_smoketest(self):
-		input_data = ("\t\t\tGOOD\t----\t----\t"
-			      "field1=val1\tfield2=val2\tTest Passed")
-		line = version_1.status_line.parse_line(input_data)
-		self.assertEquals(line.indent, 3)
-		self.assertEquals(line.type, "STATUS")
-		self.assertEquals(line.status, "GOOD")
-		self.assertEquals(line.subdir, None)
-		self.assertEquals(line.testname, None)
-		self.assertEquals(line.reason, "Test Passed")
-		self.assertEquals(line.optional_fields,
-				  {"field1": "val1", "field2": "val2"})
+    def test_parse_line_smoketest(self):
+        input_data = ("\t\t\tGOOD\t----\t----\t"
+                      "field1=val1\tfield2=val2\tTest Passed")
+        line = version_1.status_line.parse_line(input_data)
+        self.assertEquals(line.indent, 3)
+        self.assertEquals(line.type, "STATUS")
+        self.assertEquals(line.status, "GOOD")
+        self.assertEquals(line.subdir, None)
+        self.assertEquals(line.testname, None)
+        self.assertEquals(line.reason, "Test Passed")
+        self.assertEquals(line.optional_fields,
+                          {"field1": "val1", "field2": "val2"})
-	def test_parse_line_handles_newline(self):
-		input_data = ("\t\tGOOD\t----\t----\t"
-			      "field1=val1\tfield2=val2\tNo newline here!")
-		for suffix in ("", "\n"):
-			line = version_1.status_line.parse_line(input_data +
-								suffix)
-			self.assertEquals(line.indent, 2)
-			self.assertEquals(line.type, "STATUS")
-			self.assertEquals(line.status, "GOOD")
-			self.assertEquals(line.subdir, None)
-			self.assertEquals(line.testname, None)
-			self.assertEquals(line.reason, "No newline here!")
-			self.assertEquals(line.optional_fields,
-					  {"field1": "val1",
-					   "field2": "val2"})
+    def test_parse_line_handles_newline(self):
+        input_data = ("\t\tGOOD\t----\t----\t"
+                      "field1=val1\tfield2=val2\tNo newline here!")
+        for suffix in ("", "\n"):
+            line = version_1.status_line.parse_line(input_data +
+                                                    suffix)
+            self.assertEquals(line.indent, 2)
+            self.assertEquals(line.type, "STATUS")
+            self.assertEquals(line.status, "GOOD")
+            self.assertEquals(line.subdir, None)
+            self.assertEquals(line.testname, None)
+            self.assertEquals(line.reason, "No newline here!")
+            self.assertEquals(line.optional_fields,
+                              {"field1": "val1",
+                               "field2": "val2"})
-	def test_parse_line_fails_on_untabbed_lines(self):
-		input_data = "   GOOD\trandom\tfields\tof text"
-		line = version_1.status_line.parse_line(input_data)
-		self.assertEquals(line, None)
-		line = version_1.status_line.parse_line(input_data.lstrip())
-		self.assertEquals(line.indent, 0)
-		self.assertEquals(line.type, "STATUS")
-		self.assertEquals(line.status, "GOOD")
-		self.assertEquals(line.subdir, "random")
-		self.assertEquals(line.testname, "fields")
-		self.assertEquals(line.reason, "of text")
-		self.assertEquals(line.optional_fields, {})
+    def test_parse_line_fails_on_untabbed_lines(self):
+        input_data = "   GOOD\trandom\tfields\tof text"
+        line = version_1.status_line.parse_line(input_data)
+        self.assertEquals(line, None)
+        line = version_1.status_line.parse_line(input_data.lstrip())
+        self.assertEquals(line.indent, 0)
+        self.assertEquals(line.type, "STATUS")
+        self.assertEquals(line.status, "GOOD")
+        self.assertEquals(line.subdir, "random")
+        self.assertEquals(line.testname, "fields")
+        self.assertEquals(line.reason, "of text")
+        self.assertEquals(line.optional_fields, {})
-	def test_parse_line_fails_on_bad_optional_fields(self):
-		input_data = "GOOD\tfield1\tfield2\tfield3\tfield4"
-		self.assertRaises(AssertionError,
-				  version_1.status_line.parse_line,
-				  input_data)
+    def test_parse_line_fails_on_bad_optional_fields(self):
+        input_data = "GOOD\tfield1\tfield2\tfield3\tfield4"
+        self.assertRaises(AssertionError,
+                          version_1.status_line.parse_line,
+                          input_data)
-	def test_good_reboot_passes_success_test(self):
-		line = version_1.status_line(0, "NOSTATUS", None, "reboot",
-					     "reboot success", {})
-		self.assertEquals(line.is_successful_reboot("GOOD"), True)
-		self.assertEquals(line.is_successful_reboot("WARN"), True)
+    def test_good_reboot_passes_success_test(self):
+        line = version_1.status_line(0, "NOSTATUS", None, "reboot",
+                                     "reboot success", {})
+        self.assertEquals(line.is_successful_reboot("GOOD"), True)
+        self.assertEquals(line.is_successful_reboot("WARN"), True)
-	def test_bad_reboot_passes_success_test(self):
-		line = version_1.status_line(0, "NOSTATUS", None, "reboot",
-					     "reboot success", {})
-		self.assertEquals(line.is_successful_reboot("FAIL"), False)
-		self.assertEquals(line.is_successful_reboot("ABORT"), False)
+    def test_bad_reboot_passes_success_test(self):
+        line = version_1.status_line(0, "NOSTATUS", None, "reboot",
+                                     "reboot success", {})
+        self.assertEquals(line.is_successful_reboot("FAIL"), False)
+        self.assertEquals(line.is_successful_reboot("ABORT"), False)
-	def test_get_kernel_returns_kernel_plus_patches(self):
-		line = version_1.status_line(0, "GOOD", "subdir", "testname",
-					     "reason text",
-					     {"kernel": "2.6.24-rc40",
-					      "patch0": "first_patch 0 0",
-					      "patch1": "another_patch 0 0"})
-		kern = line.get_kernel()
-		kernel_hash ="2.6.24-rc40,0,0").hexdigest()
-		self.assertEquals(kern.base, "2.6.24-rc40")
-		self.assertEquals(kern.patches[0].spec, "first_patch")
-		self.assertEquals(kern.patches[1].spec, "another_patch")
-		self.assertEquals(len(kern.patches), 2)
-		self.assertEquals(kern.kernel_hash, kernel_hash)
+    def test_get_kernel_returns_kernel_plus_patches(self):
+        line = version_1.status_line(0, "GOOD", "subdir", "testname",
+                                     "reason text",
+                                     {"kernel": "2.6.24-rc40",
+                                      "patch0": "first_patch 0 0",
+                                      "patch1": "another_patch 0 0"})
+        kern = line.get_kernel()
+        kernel_hash ="2.6.24-rc40,0,0").hexdigest()
+        self.assertEquals(kern.base, "2.6.24-rc40")
+        self.assertEquals(kern.patches[0].spec, "first_patch")
+        self.assertEquals(kern.patches[1].spec, "another_patch")
+        self.assertEquals(len(kern.patches), 2)
+        self.assertEquals(kern.kernel_hash, kernel_hash)
-	def test_get_kernel_ignores_out_of_sequence_patches(self):
-		line = version_1.status_line(0, "GOOD", "subdir", "testname",
-					     "reason text",
-					     {"kernel": "2.6.24-rc40",
-					      "patch0": "first_patch 0 0",
-					      "patch2": "another_patch 0 0"})
-		kern = line.get_kernel()
-		kernel_hash ="2.6.24-rc40,0").hexdigest()
-		self.assertEquals(kern.base, "2.6.24-rc40")
-		self.assertEquals(kern.patches[0].spec, "first_patch")
-		self.assertEquals(len(kern.patches), 1)
-		self.assertEquals(kern.kernel_hash, kernel_hash)
+    def test_get_kernel_ignores_out_of_sequence_patches(self):
+        line = version_1.status_line(0, "GOOD", "subdir", "testname",
+                                     "reason text",
+                                     {"kernel": "2.6.24-rc40",
+                                      "patch0": "first_patch 0 0",
+                                      "patch2": "another_patch 0 0"})
+        kern = line.get_kernel()
+        kernel_hash ="2.6.24-rc40,0").hexdigest()
+        self.assertEquals(kern.base, "2.6.24-rc40")
+        self.assertEquals(kern.patches[0].spec, "first_patch")
+        self.assertEquals(len(kern.patches), 1)
+        self.assertEquals(kern.kernel_hash, kernel_hash)
-	def test_get_kernel_returns_unknown_with_no_kernel(self):
-		line = version_1.status_line(0, "GOOD", "subdir", "testname",
-					     "reason text",
-					     {"patch0": "first_patch 0 0",
-					      "patch2": "another_patch 0 0"})
-		kern = line.get_kernel()
-		self.assertEquals(kern.base, "UNKNOWN")
-		self.assertEquals(kern.patches, [])
-		self.assertEquals(kern.kernel_hash, "UNKNOWN")
+    def test_get_kernel_returns_unknown_with_no_kernel(self):
+        line = version_1.status_line(0, "GOOD", "subdir", "testname",
+                                     "reason text",
+                                     {"patch0": "first_patch 0 0",
+                                      "patch2": "another_patch 0 0"})
+        kern = line.get_kernel()
+        self.assertEquals(kern.base, "UNKNOWN")
+        self.assertEquals(kern.patches, [])
+        self.assertEquals(kern.kernel_hash, "UNKNOWN")
-	def test_get_timestamp_returns_timestamp_field(self):
-		timestamp = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 4, 30)
-		timestamp -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.timezone)
-		line = version_1.status_line(0, "GOOD", "subdir", "testname",
-					     "reason text",
-					     {"timestamp": "16200"})
-		self.assertEquals(timestamp, line.get_timestamp())
+    def test_get_timestamp_returns_timestamp_field(self):
+        timestamp = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 4, 30)
+        timestamp -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.timezone)
+        line = version_1.status_line(0, "GOOD", "subdir", "testname",
+                                     "reason text",
+                                     {"timestamp": "16200"})
+        self.assertEquals(timestamp, line.get_timestamp())
-	def test_get_timestamp_returns_none_on_missing_field(self):
-		line = version_1.status_line(0, "GOOD", "subdir", "testname",
-					     "reason text", {})
-		self.assertEquals(None, line.get_timestamp())
+    def test_get_timestamp_returns_none_on_missing_field(self):
+        line = version_1.status_line(0, "GOOD", "subdir", "testname",
+                                     "reason text", {})
+        self.assertEquals(None, line.get_timestamp())
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	unittest.main()
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index 8b12cbe..c7af2a3 100755
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -11,97 +11,96 @@
 Popen = subprocess.Popen
 def avg_dev(values):
-	if len(values) == 0:
-		return (0,0)
-	average = float(sum(values)) / len(values)
-	sum_sq_dev = sum( [(x - average) ** 2 for x in values] )
-        std_dev = sqrt(sum_sq_dev / float(len(values)));
-        return (average, std_dev);
+    if len(values) == 0:
+        return (0,0)
+    average = float(sum(values)) / len(values)
+    sum_sq_dev = sum( [(x - average) ** 2 for x in values] )
+    std_dev = sqrt(sum_sq_dev / float(len(values)));
+    return (average, std_dev);
 class gnuplot:
-	def __init__(self, title, xlabel, ylabel, xsort = sorted, size = "1180,900", keytitle = None):
-		self.title = title
-		self.xlabel = xlabel
-		self.ylabel = ylabel
-		self.data_titles = []
-		self.datasets = []
-		self.xsort = xsort
-		self.xvalues = set([])
-		self.size = size
-		self.keytitle = keytitle
+    def __init__(self, title, xlabel, ylabel, xsort = sorted, size = "1180,900", keytitle = None):
+        self.title = title
+        self.xlabel = xlabel
+        self.ylabel = ylabel
+        self.data_titles = []
+        self.datasets = []
+        self.xsort = xsort
+        self.xvalues = set([])
+        self.size = size
+        self.keytitle = keytitle
-	def xtics(self):
-		count = 1
-		tics = []
-		for label in self.xsort(self.xlabels):
-			tics.append('"%s" %d' % (label, count))
-			count += 1
-		return tics
+    def xtics(self):
+        count = 1
+        tics = []
+        for label in self.xsort(self.xlabels):
+            tics.append('"%s" %d' % (label, count))
+            count += 1
+        return tics
-	def add_dataset(self, title, labeled_values):
-		"""
-		Add a data line
+    def add_dataset(self, title, labeled_values):
+        """
+        Add a data line
-		title: title of the dataset
-		labeled_values: dictionary of lists
-				{ label : [value1, value2, ... ] , ... }
-		"""
-		if not labeled_values:
-			raise "plotgraph:add_dataset - dataset was empty! %s" %\
-									title
-		self.data_titles.append(title)
-		data_points = {}
-		for label in labeled_values:
-			point = "%s %s" % avg_dev(labeled_values[label])
-			data_points[label] = point
-			self.xvalues.add(label)
-		self.datasets.append(data_points)
+        title: title of the dataset
+        labeled_values: dictionary of lists
+                        { label : [value1, value2, ... ] , ... }
+        """
+        if not labeled_values:
+            raise "plotgraph:add_dataset - dataset was empty! %s" %\
+                                                            title
+        self.data_titles.append(title)
+        data_points = {}
+        for label in labeled_values:
+            point = "%s %s" % avg_dev(labeled_values[label])
+            data_points[label] = point
+            self.xvalues.add(label)
+        self.datasets.append(data_points)
-	def plot(self, cgi_header = False, output = None, test = None):
-		if cgi_header:
-			print "Content-type: image/png\n"
-			sys.stdout.flush()
-		if test:
-			g = open(test, 'w')
-		else:
-			p = Popen("/usr/bin/gnuplot", stdin = subprocess.PIPE)
-			g = p.stdin
-		g.write('set terminal png size %s\n' % self.size)
-		if self.keytitle:
-			g.write('set key title "%s"\n' % self.keytitle)
-			g.write('set key outside\n')  # outside right
-		else:
-			g.write('set key below\n')
-		g.write('set title "%s"\n' % self.title)
-		g.write('set xlabel "%s"\n' % self.xlabel)
-		g.write('set ylabel "%s"\n' % self.ylabel)
-		if output:
-			g.write('set output "%s"\n' % output)
-		g.write('set style data yerrorlines\n')
-		g.write('set grid\n')
+    def plot(self, cgi_header = False, output = None, test = None):
+        if cgi_header:
+            print "Content-type: image/png\n"
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+        if test:
+            g = open(test, 'w')
+        else:
+            p = Popen("/usr/bin/gnuplot", stdin = subprocess.PIPE)
+            g = p.stdin
+        g.write('set terminal png size %s\n' % self.size)
+        if self.keytitle:
+            g.write('set key title "%s"\n' % self.keytitle)
+            g.write('set key outside\n')  # outside right
+        else:
+            g.write('set key below\n')
+        g.write('set title "%s"\n' % self.title)
+        g.write('set xlabel "%s"\n' % self.xlabel)
+        g.write('set ylabel "%s"\n' % self.ylabel)
+        if output:
+            g.write('set output "%s"\n' % output)
+        g.write('set style data yerrorlines\n')
+        g.write('set grid\n')
-		self.xlabels = self.xsort(list(self.xvalues))
-		g.write('set xrange [0.5:%f]\n' % (len(self.xvalues)+0.5))
-		g.write('set xtics rotate (%s)\n' % ','.join(self.xtics()))
+        self.xlabels = self.xsort(list(self.xvalues))
-		plot_lines = ['"-" title "%s"' % t for t in self.data_titles]
-		g.write('plot ' + ', '.join(plot_lines) + '\n')
+        g.write('set xrange [0.5:%f]\n' % (len(self.xvalues)+0.5))
+        g.write('set xtics rotate (%s)\n' % ','.join(self.xtics()))
-		for dataset in self.datasets:
-			count = 1
-			for label in self.xlabels:
-				if label in dataset:
-					data = dataset[label]
-					g.write("%d %s\n" % (count, str(data)))
-				count += 1
-			sys.stdout.flush()
-			g.write('e\n')
+        plot_lines = ['"-" title "%s"' % t for t in self.data_titles]
+        g.write('plot ' + ', '.join(plot_lines) + '\n')
-		g.close()
-		if not test:
-			sts = os.waitpid(, 0)
+        for dataset in self.datasets:
+            count = 1
+            for label in self.xlabels:
+                if label in dataset:
+                    data = dataset[label]
+                    g.write("%d %s\n" % (count, str(data)))
+                count += 1
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+            g.write('e\n')
+        g.close()
+        if not test:
+            sts = os.waitpid(, 0)
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index 09b7635..35e7280 100644
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -15,76 +15,75 @@
 db = db.db()
 def dprint(str):
-	pass
-	#print "! %s<br>" % str
+    pass
+    #print "! %s<br>" % str
 def parse_scrub_and_gen_condition(condition, valid_field_dict):
-	me = parse_scrub_and_gen_condition   # shorten the name
-	compare_ops = {'=':'=', '<>':'<>', '==':'=', '!=':'<>', '>':'>',
-	               '<':'<', '>=':'>=', '<=':'<=', '~':'LIKE', '#':'REGEXP'}
+    me = parse_scrub_and_gen_condition   # shorten the name
+    compare_ops = {'=':'=', '<>':'<>', '==':'=', '!=':'<>', '>':'>',
+                   '<':'<', '>=':'>=', '<=':'<=', '~':'LIKE', '#':'REGEXP'}
-	# strip white space
-	condition = condition.strip()
+    # strip white space
+    condition = condition.strip()
-	# ()'s
-	#match = re.match(r'^[(](.+)[)]$', condition)
-	#if match:
-	#	dprint("Matched () on %s" % condition)
-	#	depth = 0
-	#	for c in
-	#		if c == '(':	depth += 1
-	#		if c == ')':	depth -= 1
-	#		if depth < 0:	break
-	#	dprint("Depth is %d" % depth)
-	#	if depth == 0:
-	#		dprint("Match...stripping ()'s")
-	#		return me(, valid_field_dict)
+    # ()'s
+    #match = re.match(r'^[(](.+)[)]$', condition)
+    #if match:
+    #       dprint("Matched () on %s" % condition)
+    #       depth = 0
+    #       for c in
+    #               if c == '(':    depth += 1
+    #               if c == ')':    depth -= 1
+    #               if depth < 0:   break
+    #       dprint("Depth is %d" % depth)
+    #       if depth == 0:
+    #               dprint("Match...stripping ()'s")
+    #               return me(, valid_field_dict)
-	# OR
-	match = re.match(r'^(.+)[|](.+)$', condition)
-	if match:
-		dprint("Matched | on %s" % condition)
-		(a_sql, a_values) = me(, valid_field_dict)
-		(b_sql, b_values) = me(, valid_field_dict)
-		return (" (%s) OR (%s) " % (a_sql, b_sql),
-		        a_values + b_values)
+    # OR
+    match = re.match(r'^(.+)[|](.+)$', condition)
+    if match:
+        dprint("Matched | on %s" % condition)
+        (a_sql, a_values) = me(, valid_field_dict)
+        (b_sql, b_values) = me(, valid_field_dict)
+        return (" (%s) OR (%s) " % (a_sql, b_sql),
+                a_values + b_values)
-	# AND
-	match = re.match(r'^(.+)[&](.+)$', condition)
-	if match:
-		dprint("Matched & on %s" % condition)
-		(a_sql, a_values) = me(, valid_field_dict)
-		(b_sql, b_values) = me(, valid_field_dict)
-		return (" (%s) AND (%s) " % (a_sql, b_sql),
-		        a_values + b_values)
+    # AND
+    match = re.match(r'^(.+)[&](.+)$', condition)
+    if match:
+        dprint("Matched & on %s" % condition)
+        (a_sql, a_values) = me(, valid_field_dict)
+        (b_sql, b_values) = me(, valid_field_dict)
+        return (" (%s) AND (%s) " % (a_sql, b_sql),
+                a_values + b_values)
-	# NOT
-	#match = re.match(r'^[!](.+)$', condition)
-	#if match:
-	#	dprint("Matched ! on %s" % condition)
-	#	(sql, values) = me(, valid_field_dict)
-	#	return (" NOT (%s) " % (sql,), values)
+    # NOT
+    #match = re.match(r'^[!](.+)$', condition)
+    #if match:
+    #       dprint("Matched ! on %s" % condition)
+    #       (sql, values) = me(, valid_field_dict)
+    #       return (" NOT (%s) " % (sql,), values)
-	# '<field> <op> <value>' where value can be quoted
-	# double quotes are escaped....i.e.  '''' is the same as "'"
-	regex = r'^(%s)[ \t]*(%s)[ \t]*' + \
-	        r'(\'((\'\'|[^\'])*)\'|"((""|[^"])*)"|([^\'"].*))$'
-	regex = regex % ('|'.join(valid_field_dict.keys()),
-	                 '|'.join(compare_ops.keys()))
-	match = re.match(regex, condition)
-	if match:
-		field = valid_field_dict[]
-		op = compare_ops[]
-		if
-			val ="''", "'")
-		elif
-			val ='""', '"')
-		elif
-			val =
-		else:
-			raise "Internal error"
-		return ("%s %s %%s" % (field, op), [val])
+    # '<field> <op> <value>' where value can be quoted
+    # double quotes are escaped....i.e.  '''' is the same as "'"
+    regex = r'^(%s)[ \t]*(%s)[ \t]*' + \
+            r'(\'((\'\'|[^\'])*)\'|"((""|[^"])*)"|([^\'"].*))$'
+    regex = regex % ('|'.join(valid_field_dict.keys()),
+                     '|'.join(compare_ops.keys()))
+    match = re.match(regex, condition)
+    if match:
+        field = valid_field_dict[]
+        op = compare_ops[]
+        if
+            val ="''", "'")
+        elif
+            val ='""', '"')
+        elif
+            val =
+        else:
+            raise "Internal error"
+        return ("%s %s %%s" % (field, op), [val])
-	raise "Could not parse '%s' (%s)" % (condition, regex)
+    raise "Could not parse '%s' (%s)" % (condition, regex)
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index 29e50d7..6347a4f 100755
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -2,63 +2,60 @@
 class reason_counter:
-        def __init__(self, wording):
-                self.wording = wording
-                self.num = 1
-        def update(self, new_wording):
-                self.num += 1
-                self.wording = new_wording
+    def __init__(self, wording):
+        self.wording = wording
+        self.num = 1
-        def html(self):
-                if self.num == 1:
-                        return self.wording
-                else:
-                        return "%s (%d+)" % (self.wording, self.num)
+    def update(self, new_wording):
+        self.num += 1
+        self.wording = new_wording
+    def html(self):
+        if self.num == 1:
+            return self.wording
+        else:
+            return "%s (%d+)" % (self.wording, self.num)
 def numbers_are_irrelevant(txt):
-	## ? when do we replace numbers with NN ?
-	## By default is always, but 
-	## if/when some categories of reasons choose to keep their numbers,
-	## then the function shall return False for such categories
-	return True
+    ## ? when do we replace numbers with NN ?
+    ## By default is always, but
+    ## if/when some categories of reasons choose to keep their numbers,
+    ## then the function shall return False for such categories
+    return True
 def aggregate_reason_fields(reasons_list):
-	# each reason in the list may be a combination
-	# of | - separated reasons.
-	# expand into list
-	reasons_txt = '|'.join(reasons_list)
-	reasons = reasons_txt.split('|')
-	reason_htable = {}
-	for reason in reasons:
-		reason_reduced = reason.strip()
-		## reduce whitespaces
-		reason_reduced = re.sub(r"\s+"," ", reason_reduced)
+    # each reason in the list may be a combination
+    # of | - separated reasons.
+    # expand into list
+    reasons_txt = '|'.join(reasons_list)
+    reasons = reasons_txt.split('|')
+    reason_htable = {}
+    for reason in reasons:
+        reason_reduced = reason.strip()
+        ## reduce whitespaces
+        reason_reduced = re.sub(r"\s+"," ", reason_reduced)
-		if reason_reduced == '':
-			continue # ignore empty reasons
+        if reason_reduced == '':
+            continue # ignore empty reasons
-		if numbers_are_irrelevant(reason_reduced):
-			# reduce numbers included into reason descriptor
-			# by replacing them with generic NN
-			reason_reduced = re.sub(r"\d+","NN", reason_reduced)
+        if numbers_are_irrelevant(reason_reduced):
+            # reduce numbers included into reason descriptor
+            # by replacing them with generic NN
+            reason_reduced = re.sub(r"\d+","NN", reason_reduced)
-		if not reason_reduced in reason_htable:
-			reason_htable[reason_reduced] = reason_counter(reason)
-		else:
-			## reason_counter keeps original ( non reduced )
-			## reason if it occured once
-			## if reason occured more then once, reason_counter
-			## will keep it in reduced/generalized form
-			reason_htable[reason_reduced].update(reason_reduced)
+        if not reason_reduced in reason_htable:
+            reason_htable[reason_reduced] = reason_counter(reason)
+        else:
+            ## reason_counter keeps original ( non reduced )
+            ## reason if it occured once
+            ## if reason occured more then once, reason_counter
+            ## will keep it in reduced/generalized form
+            reason_htable[reason_reduced].update(reason_reduced)
-	generic_reasons = reason_htable.keys()
-	generic_reasons.sort(key = (lambda k: reason_htable[k].num),
-			     reverse = True)
-	return map(lambda generic_reason: reason_htable[generic_reason].html(),
-				generic_reasons)
+    generic_reasons = reason_htable.keys()
+    generic_reasons.sort(key = (lambda k: reason_htable[k].num),
+                         reverse = True)
+    return map(lambda generic_reason: reason_htable[generic_reason].html(),
+                            generic_reasons)
diff --git a/tko/retrieve_jobs b/tko/retrieve_jobs
index 196a9d0..58985c6 100755
--- a/tko/retrieve_jobs
+++ b/tko/retrieve_jobs
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 import sys, db
-	arg = sys.argv[1]
+    arg = sys.argv[1]
-	arg = ''
+    arg = ''
 db = db.db()
 for record in'* from jobs ' + arg):
-	print record
+    print record
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index 4ddfa5a..ab5c644 100644
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -4,67 +4,67 @@
 class status_stack(object):
-	statuses = logging.job_statuses
+    statuses = logging.job_statuses
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.status_stack = [self.statuses[-1]]
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.status_stack = [self.statuses[-1]]
-	def current_status(self):
-		return self.status_stack[-1]
+    def current_status(self):
+        return self.status_stack[-1]
-	def update(self, new_status):
-		if new_status not in self.statuses:
-			return
-		old = self.statuses.index(self.current_status())
-		new = self.statuses.index(new_status)
-		if new < old:
-			self.status_stack[-1] = new_status
+    def update(self, new_status):
+        if new_status not in self.statuses:
+            return
+        old = self.statuses.index(self.current_status())
+        new = self.statuses.index(new_status)
+        if new < old:
+            self.status_stack[-1] = new_status
-	def start(self):
-		self.status_stack.append(self.statuses[-1])
+    def start(self):
+        self.status_stack.append(self.statuses[-1])
-	def end(self):
-		result = self.status_stack.pop()
-		if len(self.status_stack) == 0:
-			self.status_stack.append(self.statuses[-1])
-		return result
+    def end(self):
+        result = self.status_stack.pop()
+        if len(self.status_stack) == 0:
+            self.status_stack.append(self.statuses[-1])
+        return result
-	def size(self):
-		return len(self.status_stack) - 1
+    def size(self):
+        return len(self.status_stack) - 1
 class line_buffer(object):
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.buffer = collections.deque()
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.buffer = collections.deque()
-	def get(self):
-		return self.buffer.pop()
+    def get(self):
+        return self.buffer.pop()
-	def put(self, line):
-		self.buffer.appendleft(line)
+    def put(self, line):
+        self.buffer.appendleft(line)
-	def put_multiple(self, lines):
-		self.buffer.extendleft(lines)
+    def put_multiple(self, lines):
+        self.buffer.extendleft(lines)
-	def put_back(self, line):
-		self.buffer.append(line)
+    def put_back(self, line):
+        self.buffer.append(line)
-	def size(self):
-		return len(self.buffer)
+    def size(self):
+        return len(self.buffer)
 def parser(version):
-	library = "autotest_lib.tko.parsers.version_%d" % version
-	module = __import__(library, globals(), locals(), ["parser"])
-	return module.parser()
+    library = "autotest_lib.tko.parsers.version_%d" % version
+    module = __import__(library, globals(), locals(), ["parser"])
+    return module.parser()
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index e8c15f2..2378f97 100644
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -7,168 +7,168 @@
 class line_buffer_test(unittest.TestCase):
-	def test_get_empty(self):
-		buf = status_lib.line_buffer()
-		self.assertRaises(IndexError, buf.get)
+    def test_get_empty(self):
+        buf = status_lib.line_buffer()
+        self.assertRaises(IndexError, buf.get)
-	def test_get_single(self):
-		buf = status_lib.line_buffer()
-		buf.put("single line")
-		self.assertEquals(buf.get(), "single line")
-		self.assertRaises(IndexError, buf.get)
+    def test_get_single(self):
+        buf = status_lib.line_buffer()
+        buf.put("single line")
+        self.assertEquals(buf.get(), "single line")
+        self.assertRaises(IndexError, buf.get)
-	def test_is_fifo(self):
-		buf = status_lib.line_buffer()
-		lines = ["line #%d" for x in xrange(10)]
-		for line in lines:
-			buf.put(line)
-		results = []
-		while buf.size():
-			results.append(buf.get())
-		self.assertEquals(lines, results)
+    def test_is_fifo(self):
+        buf = status_lib.line_buffer()
+        lines = ["line #%d" for x in xrange(10)]
+        for line in lines:
+            buf.put(line)
+        results = []
+        while buf.size():
+            results.append(buf.get())
+        self.assertEquals(lines, results)
-	def test_put_multiple_same_as_multiple_puts(self):
-		buf_put, buf_multi = [status_lib.line_buffer()
-				      for x in xrange(2)]
-		lines = ["line #%d" % x for x in xrange(10)]
-		for line in lines:
-			buf_put.put(line)
-		buf_multi.put_multiple(lines)
-		counter = 0
-		while buf_put.size():
-			self.assertEquals(buf_put.size(), buf_multi.size())
-			line = "line #%d" % counter
-			self.assertEquals(buf_put.get(), line)
-			self.assertEquals(buf_multi.get(), line)
-			counter += 1
+    def test_put_multiple_same_as_multiple_puts(self):
+        buf_put, buf_multi = [status_lib.line_buffer()
+                              for x in xrange(2)]
+        lines = ["line #%d" % x for x in xrange(10)]
+        for line in lines:
+            buf_put.put(line)
+        buf_multi.put_multiple(lines)
+        counter = 0
+        while buf_put.size():
+            self.assertEquals(buf_put.size(), buf_multi.size())
+            line = "line #%d" % counter
+            self.assertEquals(buf_put.get(), line)
+            self.assertEquals(buf_multi.get(), line)
+            counter += 1
-	def test_put_back_is_lifo(self):
-		buf = status_lib.line_buffer()
-		lines = ["1", "2", "3"]
-		for line in lines:
-			buf.put(line)
-		results = []
-		results.append(buf.get())
-		buf.put_back("1")
-		buf.put_back("0")
-		while buf.size():
-			results.append(buf.get())
-		self.assertEquals(results, ["1", "0", "1", "2", "3"])
+    def test_put_back_is_lifo(self):
+        buf = status_lib.line_buffer()
+        lines = ["1", "2", "3"]
+        for line in lines:
+            buf.put(line)
+        results = []
+        results.append(buf.get())
+        buf.put_back("1")
+        buf.put_back("0")
+        while buf.size():
+            results.append(buf.get())
+        self.assertEquals(results, ["1", "0", "1", "2", "3"])
-	def test_size_increased_by_put(self):
-		buf = status_lib.line_buffer()
-		self.assertEquals(buf.size(), 0)
-		buf.put("1")
-		buf.put("2")
-		self.assertEquals(buf.size(), 2)
-		buf.put("3")
-		self.assertEquals(buf.size(), 3)
+    def test_size_increased_by_put(self):
+        buf = status_lib.line_buffer()
+        self.assertEquals(buf.size(), 0)
+        buf.put("1")
+        buf.put("2")
+        self.assertEquals(buf.size(), 2)
+        buf.put("3")
+        self.assertEquals(buf.size(), 3)
-	def test_size_increased_by_put(self):
-		buf = status_lib.line_buffer()
-		self.assertEquals(buf.size(), 0)
-		buf.put("1")
-		buf.put("2")
-		self.assertEquals(buf.size(), 2)
-		buf.put("3")
-		self.assertEquals(buf.size(), 3)
+    def test_size_increased_by_put(self):
+        buf = status_lib.line_buffer()
+        self.assertEquals(buf.size(), 0)
+        buf.put("1")
+        buf.put("2")
+        self.assertEquals(buf.size(), 2)
+        buf.put("3")
+        self.assertEquals(buf.size(), 3)
-	def test_size_decreased_by_get(self):
-		buf = status_lib.line_buffer()
-		buf.put("1")
-		buf.put("2")
-		buf.put("3")
-		self.assertEquals(buf.size(), 3)
-		buf.get()
-		self.assertEquals(buf.size(), 2)
-		buf.get()
-		buf.get()
-		self.assertEquals(buf.size(), 0)
+    def test_size_decreased_by_get(self):
+        buf = status_lib.line_buffer()
+        buf.put("1")
+        buf.put("2")
+        buf.put("3")
+        self.assertEquals(buf.size(), 3)
+        buf.get()
+        self.assertEquals(buf.size(), 2)
+        buf.get()
+        buf.get()
+        self.assertEquals(buf.size(), 0)
 class status_stack_test(unittest.TestCase):
-	statuses = logging.job_statuses
+    statuses = logging.job_statuses
-	def test_default_to_nostatus(self):
-		stack = status_lib.status_stack()
-		self.assertEquals(stack.current_status(), "NOSTATUS")
+    def test_default_to_nostatus(self):
+        stack = status_lib.status_stack()
+        self.assertEquals(stack.current_status(), "NOSTATUS")
-	def test_default_on_start_to_nostatus(self):
-		stack = status_lib.status_stack()
-		stack.update("FAIL")
-		stack.start()
-		self.assertEquals(stack.current_status(), "NOSTATUS")
+    def test_default_on_start_to_nostatus(self):
+        stack = status_lib.status_stack()
+        stack.update("FAIL")
+        stack.start()
+        self.assertEquals(stack.current_status(), "NOSTATUS")
-	def test_size_always_at_least_zero(self):
-		stack = status_lib.status_stack()
-		self.assertEquals(stack.size(), 0)
-		stack.start()
-		stack.end()
-		self.assertEquals(stack.size(), 0)
-		stack.end()
-		self.assertEquals(stack.size(), 0)
+    def test_size_always_at_least_zero(self):
+        stack = status_lib.status_stack()
+        self.assertEquals(stack.size(), 0)
+        stack.start()
+        stack.end()
+        self.assertEquals(stack.size(), 0)
+        stack.end()
+        self.assertEquals(stack.size(), 0)
-	def test_anything_overrides_nostatus(self):
-		for status in self.statuses:
-			stack = status_lib.status_stack()
-			stack.update(status)
-			self.assertEquals(stack.current_status(), status)
+    def test_anything_overrides_nostatus(self):
+        for status in self.statuses:
+            stack = status_lib.status_stack()
+            stack.update(status)
+            self.assertEquals(stack.current_status(), status)
-	def test_worse_overrides_better(self):
-		for i in xrange(len(self.statuses)):
-			worse_status = self.statuses[i]
-			for j in xrange(i + 1, len(self.statuses)):
-				stack = status_lib.status_stack()
-				better_status = self.statuses[j]
-				stack.update(better_status)
-				stack.update(worse_status)
-				self.assertEquals(stack.current_status(),
-						  worse_status)
+    def test_worse_overrides_better(self):
+        for i in xrange(len(self.statuses)):
+            worse_status = self.statuses[i]
+            for j in xrange(i + 1, len(self.statuses)):
+                stack = status_lib.status_stack()
+                better_status = self.statuses[j]
+                stack.update(better_status)
+                stack.update(worse_status)
+                self.assertEquals(stack.current_status(),
+                                  worse_status)
-	def test_better_never_overrides_better(self):
-		for i in xrange(len(self.statuses)):
-			better_status = self.statuses[i]
-			for j in xrange(i):
-				stack = status_lib.status_stack()
-				worse_status = self.statuses[j]
-				stack.update(worse_status)
-				stack.update(better_status)
-				self.assertEquals(stack.current_status(),
-						  worse_status)
+    def test_better_never_overrides_better(self):
+        for i in xrange(len(self.statuses)):
+            better_status = self.statuses[i]
+            for j in xrange(i):
+                stack = status_lib.status_stack()
+                worse_status = self.statuses[j]
+                stack.update(worse_status)
+                stack.update(better_status)
+                self.assertEquals(stack.current_status(),
+                                  worse_status)
-	def test_stack_is_lifo(self):
-		stack = status_lib.status_stack()
-		stack.update("GOOD")
-		stack.start()
-		stack.update("FAIL")
-		stack.start()
-		stack.update("WARN")
-		self.assertEquals(stack.end(), "WARN")
-		self.assertEquals(stack.end(), "FAIL")
-		self.assertEquals(stack.end(), "GOOD")
-		self.assertEquals(stack.end(), "NOSTATUS")
+    def test_stack_is_lifo(self):
+        stack = status_lib.status_stack()
+        stack.update("GOOD")
+        stack.start()
+        stack.update("FAIL")
+        stack.start()
+        stack.update("WARN")
+        self.assertEquals(stack.end(), "WARN")
+        self.assertEquals(stack.end(), "FAIL")
+        self.assertEquals(stack.end(), "GOOD")
+        self.assertEquals(stack.end(), "NOSTATUS")
 class parser_test(unittest.TestCase):
-	available_versions = [0, 1]
-	def test_can_import_available_versions(self):
-		for version in self.available_versions:
-			p = status_lib.parser(0)
-			self.assertNotEqual(p, None)
+    available_versions = [0, 1]
+    def test_can_import_available_versions(self):
+        for version in self.available_versions:
+            p = status_lib.parser(0)
+            self.assertNotEqual(p, None)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	unittest.main()
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index 6aed57d..292d12a 100644
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -4,32 +4,29 @@
 def unique_id(cookie_key):
-	"""
-	Find out if remote caller has cookie set on the key.
-	If not, set cookie on client side: evaluate this key by a random string.
-	( unique user identifier )
-	In both scenarios return value of the cookie, be it old or newly set one
-	"""
-	uid = ''
-	## try to retrieve uid from Cookie
-	if 'HTTP_COOKIE' in os.environ:
-		## parse os.environ['HTTP_COOKIE']
-		cookies = os.environ['HTTP_COOKIE'].split(';')
-		key = '%s=' % cookie_key
-		uid_cookies = [c for c in cookies if c.strip().startswith(key)]
+    """
+    Find out if remote caller has cookie set on the key.
+    If not, set cookie on client side: evaluate this key by a random string.
+    ( unique user identifier )
+    In both scenarios return value of the cookie, be it old or newly set one
+    """
+    uid = ''
+    ## try to retrieve uid from Cookie
+    if 'HTTP_COOKIE' in os.environ:
+        ## parse os.environ['HTTP_COOKIE']
+        cookies = os.environ['HTTP_COOKIE'].split(';')
+        key = '%s=' % cookie_key
+        uid_cookies = [c for c in cookies if c.strip().startswith(key)]
-		if uid_cookies:
-			assert(len(uid_cookies) == 1)
-			uid_cookie = uid_cookies[0]
-			uid = uid_cookie.replace(key, '')
+        if uid_cookies:
+            assert(len(uid_cookies) == 1)
+            uid_cookie = uid_cookies[0]
+            uid = uid_cookie.replace(key, '')
-	if not uid:
-		uid = str(random.random())[2:16] # random string of 14 digits
-		set_cookie_statement = 'Set-Cookie:%s=%s;' % (cookie_key, uid)
-		set_cookie_statement += 'expires=Thu, 26-Dec-2013 22:03:25 GMT;'
-		print set_cookie_statement
+    if not uid:
+        uid = str(random.random())[2:16] # random string of 14 digits
+        set_cookie_statement = 'Set-Cookie:%s=%s;' % (cookie_key, uid)
+        set_cookie_statement += 'expires=Thu, 26-Dec-2013 22:03:25 GMT;'
+        print set_cookie_statement
-	return uid
+    return uid
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index 42815b9..82d9216 100644
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
 _debug_logger = sys.stderr
 def dprint(msg):
-	print >> _debug_logger, msg
+    print >> _debug_logger, msg
 def redirect_parser_debugging(ostream):
-	global _debug_logger
-	_debug_logger = ostream
+    global _debug_logger
+    _debug_logger = ostream
 def get_timestamp(mapping, field):
-	val = mapping.get(field, None)
-	if val is not None:
-		val = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(val))
-	return val
+    val = mapping.get(field, None)
+    if val is not None:
+        val = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(val))
+    return val
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index 9368f95..8e9d8e6 100644
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -7,38 +7,38 @@
 class get_timestamp_test(unittest.TestCase):
-	def testZeroTime(self):
-		date = utils.get_timestamp({"key": "0"}, "key")
-		timezone = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.timezone)
-		utc_date = date + timezone
-		# should be equal to epoch, i.e. Jan 1, 1970
-		self.assertEquals(utc_date.year, 1970)
-		self.assertEquals(utc_date.month, 1)
-		self.assertEquals(, 1)
-		self.assertEquals(utc_date.hour, 0)
-		self.assertEquals(utc_date.minute, 0)
-		self.assertEquals(utc_date.second, 0)
-		self.assertEquals(utc_date.microsecond, 0)
+    def testZeroTime(self):
+        date = utils.get_timestamp({"key": "0"}, "key")
+        timezone = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.timezone)
+        utc_date = date + timezone
+        # should be equal to epoch, i.e. Jan 1, 1970
+        self.assertEquals(utc_date.year, 1970)
+        self.assertEquals(utc_date.month, 1)
+        self.assertEquals(, 1)
+        self.assertEquals(utc_date.hour, 0)
+        self.assertEquals(utc_date.minute, 0)
+        self.assertEquals(utc_date.second, 0)
+        self.assertEquals(utc_date.microsecond, 0)
-	def test_returns_none_on_missing_value(self):
-		date = utils.get_timestamp({}, "missing_key")
-		self.assertEquals(date, None)
+    def test_returns_none_on_missing_value(self):
+        date = utils.get_timestamp({}, "missing_key")
+        self.assertEquals(date, None)
-	def test_fails_on_non_integer_values(self):
-		self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.get_timestamp,
-				  {"key": "zero"}, "key")
+    def test_fails_on_non_integer_values(self):
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.get_timestamp,
+                          {"key": "zero"}, "key")
-	def test_date_can_be_string_or_integer(self):
-		int_times = [1, 12, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456]
-		str_times = [str(t) for t in int_times]
-		for int_t, str_t in itertools.izip(int_times, str_times):
-			date_int = utils.get_timestamp({"key": int_t}, "key")
-			date_str = utils.get_timestamp({"key": str_t}, "key")
-			self.assertEquals(date_int, date_str)
+    def test_date_can_be_string_or_integer(self):
+        int_times = [1, 12, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456]
+        str_times = [str(t) for t in int_times]
+        for int_t, str_t in itertools.izip(int_times, str_times):
+            date_int = utils.get_timestamp({"key": int_t}, "key")
+            date_str = utils.get_timestamp({"key": str_t}, "key")
+            self.assertEquals(date_int, date_str)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	unittest.main()
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index 4173411..371de1c 100755
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -39,4 +39,3 @@