* make utils.system* default to directing output to the logging module, instead of sys.std*.  this involved refactoring the code out of ssh_host/paramiko_host/abstrash_ssh, which previously did the same thing (they still do, but now the use the common logic in utils)
* change packages.py to suppress command output properly.  it was using the verbose option previously, which was added to ssh_host.run() and paramiko_host.run() specifically for this call site.  in this context, verbose=False meant "dont print the command and dont print the output either).  but this doesn't make the interface of utils.run(), for which verbose=False just means "dont print the command", because utils.run() suppresses output by default (while *host.run() doesn't).  to resolve that, i made verbose on *host.run() match the interface of utils.run(), and i made packages.py suppress the output properly by passing stdout_tee=None.
* move tee.flush() calls in utils.BgJob code to where it makes more sense (and interacts with LoggingFiles better)

Signed-off-by: Steve Howard <showard@google.com>

git-svn-id: http://test.kernel.org/svn/autotest/trunk@3307 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
5 files changed