autotest: Add tools for writing DHCP tests

Add dhcp_test_server, dhcp_packet, and dhcp_handling_rule.

dhcp_test_server starts up a thread to watch a given port for DHCP
packets, and can be programmed with instances of DhcpHandlingRule to
expect certain packets and report errors.  dhcp_packet defines utility
logic to create and parse DHCP packets.  There are much more elaborate
comments and example usages at the top of all three files.

Because this is a fairly elaborate piece of logic, I wrote some simple
sanity tests for both DhcpPacket and DhcpTestServer that may be run with

$ python dhcp_packet && echo Test passed.
$ python dhcp_test_server && echo Test passed.

The tests in make sure that packet and serialization
works for discovery packets.  Tests in walk through
a simple test case where the server expects a DISCOVERY packet, and the
client expects a valid response.

For debugging and sanity checking, I've taken packet logs of a
conversation between dhclient and dhcpd negotiating a ip lease.  These
logs are in dhcp_test_data/*.  I use these logs in the test for
DhcpPacket, but they could conceviably be useful in future testing.

TEST=as described above

Change-Id: I04c6806e8b02446b0758e507c14ba85f6d10e30f
Tested-by: Christopher Wiley <>
Reviewed-by: Paul Stewart <>
Commit-Ready: Christopher Wiley <>
diff --git a/client/cros/ b/client/cros/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce7f4ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/cros/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+DHCP handling rules are ways to record expectations for a DhcpTestServer.
+When a handling rule reaches the front of the DhcpTestServer handling rule
+queue, the server begins to ask the rule what it should do with each incoming
+DHCP packet (in the form of a DhcpPacket).  The handle method is expected to
+return a tuple (response, action) where response indicates whether the packet
+should be ignored or responded to and whether the test failed, succeeded, or is
+continuing.  The action part of the tuple refers to whether or not the rule
+should be be removed from the test server's handling rule queue.
+import logging
+from autotest_lib.client.cros import dhcp_packet
+class DhcpHandlingRule(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(DhcpHandlingRule, self).__init__()
+        self._is_final_handler = False
+        self._logger = logging.getLogger("dhcp.handling_rule")
+    @property
+    def logger(self):
+        return self._logger
+    @property
+    def is_final_handler(self):
+        return self._is_final_handler
+    @is_final_handler.setter
+    def is_final_handler(self, value):
+        self._is_final_handler = value
+    # Override this with your subclass, or all your tests will fail.  The
+    # assumption is that the packet passed to this method is a valid DHCP
+    # packet, but not necessarily any particular kind of DHCP packet.
+    def handle(self, packet):
+    # Override this if you will ever return RESPONSE_RESPOND_* in handle()
+    # above.
+    def respond(self, packet):
+        return None
+class DhcpHandlingRule_RespondToDiscovery(DhcpHandlingRule):
+    def __init__(self,
+                 intended_ip,
+                 subnet_mask,
+                 server_ip,
+                 lease_time_seconds):
+        super(DhcpHandlingRule_RespondToDiscovery, self).__init__()
+        self._intended_ip = intended_ip
+        self._subnet_mask = subnet_mask
+        self._server_ip = server_ip
+        self._lease_time_seconds = lease_time_seconds
+    def handle(self, packet):
+        if (packet.message_type !=
+  "Packet type was not DISCOVERY.  Ignoring.")
+"Received valid DISCOVERY packet.  Processing.")
+        action = ACTION_POP_HANDLER
+        response = RESPONSE_RESPOND
+        if self.is_final_handler:
+            response = RESPONSE_RESPOND_SUCCESS
+        return (response, action)
+    def respond(self, packet):
+        if (packet.message_type !=
+            self.logger.error("Server erroneously asked for a response to an "
+                               "invalid packet.")
+            return None
+"Responding to DISCOVERY packet.")
+        packet = dhcp_packet.DhcpPacket.create_offer_packet(
+                packet.transaction_id,
+                packet.client_hw_address,
+                self._intended_ip,
+                self._subnet_mask,
+                self._server_ip,
+                self._lease_time_seconds)
+        return packet
diff --git a/client/cros/ b/client/cros/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd2826d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/cros/
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+Tools for serializing and deserializing DHCP packets.
+DhcpPacket is a class that represents a single DHCP packet and contains some
+logic to create and parse binary strings containing on the wire DHCP packets.
+While you could call the constructor explicitly, most users should use the
+static factories to construct packets with reasonable default values in most of
+the fields, even if those values are zeros.
+For example:
+packet = dhcp_packet.create_offer_packet(transaction_id,
+                                         hwmac_addr,
+                                         offer_ip,
+                                         offer_mask,
+                                         server_ip,
+                                         lease_time_seconds)
+socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+# I believe that sending to the broadcast address needs special permissions.
+              ("", 68))
+Note that if you make changes, make sure that the tests in the bottom of this
+file still pass.
+import logging
+import random
+import socket
+import struct
+class Option(object):
+    """
+    Represents an option in a DHCP packet.  Options may or may not be present
+    and are not parsed into any particular format.  This means that the value of
+    options is always in the form of a byte string.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name, number, size):
+        super(Option, self).__init__()
+        self._name = name
+        self._number = number
+        self._size = size
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        return self._name
+    @property
+    def number(self):
+        """
+        Every DHCP option has a number that goes into the packet to indicate
+        which particular option is being encoded in the next few bytes.  This
+        property returns that number for each option.
+        """
+        return self._number
+    @property
+    def size(self):
+        """
+        The size property is a hint for what kind of size we might expect the
+        option to be.  For instance, options with a size of 1 are expected to
+        always be 1 byte long.  Negative sizes are variable length fields that
+        are expected to be at least abs(size) bytes long.
+        However, the size property is just a hint, and is not enforced or
+        checked in any way.
+        """
+        return self._size
+class Field(object):
+    """
+    Represents a required field in a DHCP packet.  Unlike options, we sometimes
+    parse fields into more meaningful data types.  For instance, the hardware
+    type field in an IPv4 packet is parsed into an int rather than being left as
+    a raw byte string of length 1.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name, wire_format, offset, size):
+        super(Field, self).__init__()
+        self._name = name
+        self._wire_format = wire_format
+        self._offset = offset
+        self._size = size
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        return self._name
+    @property
+    def wire_format(self):
+        """
+        The wire format for a field defines how it will be parsed out of a DHCP
+        packet.
+        """
+        return self._wire_format
+    @property
+    def offset(self):
+        """
+        The |offset| for a field defines the starting byte of the field in the
+        binary packet string.  |offset| is using during parsing, along with
+        |size| to extract the byte string of a field.
+        """
+        return self._offset
+    @property
+    def size(self):
+        """
+        Fields in DHCP packets have a fixed size that must be respected.  This
+        size property is used in parsing to indicate that |self._size| number of
+        bytes make up this field.
+        """
+        return self._size
+# This is per RFC 2131.  The wording doesn't seem to say that the packets must
+# be this big, but that has been the historic assumption in implementations.
+# These are required in every DHCP packet.  Without these fields, the
+# packet will not even pass DhcpPacket.is_valid
+FIELD_OP = Field("op", "!B", 0, 1)
+FIELD_HWTYPE = Field("htype", "!B", 1, 1)
+FIELD_HWADDR_LEN = Field("hlen", "!B", 2, 1)
+FIELD_RELAY_HOPS = Field("hops", "!B", 3, 1)
+FIELD_TRANSACTION_ID = Field("xid", "!I", 4, 4)
+FIELD_TIME_SINCE_START = Field("secs", "!H", 8, 2)
+FIELD_FLAGS = Field("flags", "!H", 10, 2)
+FIELD_CLIENT_IP = Field("ciaddr", "!4s", 12, 4)
+FIELD_YOUR_IP = Field("yiaddr", "!4s", 16, 4)
+FIELD_SERVER_IP = Field("siaddr", "!4s", 20, 4)
+FIELD_GATEWAY_IP = Field("giaddr", "!4s", 24, 4)
+FIELD_CLIENT_HWADDR = Field("chaddr", "!16s", 28, 16)
+# For legacy BOOTP reasons, there are 192 octets of 0's that
+# come after the chaddr.
+FIELD_MAGIC_COOKIE = Field("magic_cookie", "!I", 236, 4)
+OPTION_TIME_OFFSET = Option("time_offset", 2, 4)
+OPTION_ROUTERS = Option("routers", 3, -4)
+OPTION_SUBNET_MASK = Option("subnet_mask", 1, 4)
+# These *_servers (and router) options are actually lists of IPv4
+# addressesexpected to be multiples of 4 octets.
+OPTION_TIME_SERVERS = Option("time_servers", 4, -4)
+OPTION_NAME_SERVERS = Option("name_servers", 5, -4)
+OPTION_DNS_SERVERS = Option("dns_servers", 6, -4)
+OPTION_LOG_SERVERS = Option("log_servers", 7, -4)
+OPTION_COOKIE_SERVERS = Option("cookie_servers", 8, -4)
+OPTION_LPR_SERVERS = Option("lpr_servers", 9, -4)
+OPTION_IMPRESS_SERVERS = Option("impress_servers", 10, -4)
+OPTION_RESOURCE_LOC_SERVERS = Option("resource_loc_servers", 11, -4)
+OPTION_HOST_NAME = Option("host_name", 12, -1)
+OPTION_BOOT_FILE_SIZE = Option("boot_file_size", 13, 2)
+OPTION_MERIT_DUMP_FILE = Option("merit_dump_file", 14, -1)
+OPTION_SWAP_SERVER = Option("domain_name", 15, -1)
+OPTION_DOMAIN_NAME = Option("swap_server", 16, 4)
+OPTION_ROOT_PATH = Option("root_path", 17, -1)
+OPTION_EXTENSIONS = Option("extensions", 18, -1)
+# DHCP options.
+OPTION_REQUESTED_IP = Option("requested_ip", 50, 4)
+OPTION_IP_LEASE_TIME = Option("ip_lease_time", 51, 4)
+OPTION_OPTION_OVERLOAD = Option("option_overload", 52, 1)
+OPTION_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE = Option("dhcp_message_type", 53, 1)
+OPTION_SERVER_ID = Option("server_id", 54, 4)
+OPTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST = Option("parameter_request_list", 55, -1)
+OPTION_MESSAGE = Option("message", 56, -1)
+OPTION_MAX_DHCP_MESSAGE_SIZE = Option("max_dhcp_message_size", 57, 2)
+OPTION_RENEWAL_T1_TIME_VALUE = Option("renewal_t1_time_value", 58, 4)
+OPTION_REBINDING_T2_TIME_VALUE = Option("rebinding_t2_time_value", 59, 4)
+OPTION_VENDOR_ID = Option("vendor_id", 60, -1)
+OPTION_CLIENT_ID = Option("client_id", 61, -2)
+OPTION_TFTP_SERVER_NAME = Option("tftp_server_name", 66, -1)
+OPTION_BOOTFILE_NAME = Option("bootfile_name", 67, -1)
+# Unlike every other option, which are tuples like:
+# <number, length in bytes, data>, the pad and end options are just
+# single bytes "\x00" and "\xff" (without length or data fields).
+# All fields are required.
+        FIELD_OP,
+        FIELD_HWTYPE,
+        FIELD_FLAGS,
+        FIELD_YOUR_IP,
+        ]
+# The op field in an ipv4 packet is either 1 or 2 depending on
+# whether the packet is from a server or from a client.
+# 1 == 10mb ethernet hardware address type (aka MAC).
+# MAC addresses are still 6 bytes long.
+# From RFC2132, the valid DHCP message types are:
+# These are possible options that may not be in every packet.
+# Frequently, the client can include a bunch of options that indicate
+# that it would like to receive information about time servers, routers,
+# lpr servers, and much more, but the DHCP server can usually ignore
+# those requests.
+# Eventually, each option is encoded as:
+#     <option.number, option.size, [array of option.size bytes]>
+# Unlike fields, which make up a fixed packet format, options can be in
+# any order, except where they cannot.  For instance, option 1 must
+# follow option 3 if both are supplied.  For this reason, potential
+# options are in this list, and added to the packet in this order every
+# time.
+# size < 0 indicates that this is variable length field of at least
+# abs(length) bytes in size.
+        # These *_servers (and router) options are actually lists of
+        # IPv4 addresses expected to be multiples of 4 octets.
+        # DHCP options.
+        ]
+def get_dhcp_option_by_number(number):
+    for option in DHCP_PACKET_OPTIONS:
+        if option.number == number:
+            return option
+    return None
+class DhcpPacket(object):
+    @staticmethod
+    def create_discovery_packet(hwmac_addr):
+        """
+        Create a discovery packet.
+        Fill in fields of a DHCP packet as if it were being sent from
+        |hwmac_addr|.  Requests subnet masks, broadcast addresses, router
+        addresses, dns addresses, domain search lists, client host name, and NTP
+        server addresses.  Note that the offer packet received in response to
+        this packet will probably not contain all of that information.
+        """
+        # MAC addresses are actually only 6 bytes long, however, for whatever
+        # reason, DHCP allocated 12 bytes to this field.  Ease the burden on
+        # developers and hide this detail.
+        while len(hwmac_addr) < 12:
+            hwmac_addr += chr(OPTION_PAD)
+        packet = DhcpPacket()
+        packet.set_field(, FIELD_VALUE_OP_CLIENT_REQUEST)
+        packet.set_field(, FIELD_VALUE_HWTYPE_10MB_ETH)
+        packet.set_field(, FIELD_VALUE_HWADDR_LEN_10MB_ETH)
+        packet.set_field(, 0)
+        packet.set_field(, random.getrandbits(32))
+        packet.set_field(, 0)
+        packet.set_field(, 0)
+        packet.set_field(, "\x00\x00\x00\x00")
+        packet.set_field(, "\x00\x00\x00\x00")
+        packet.set_field(, "\x00\x00\x00\x00")
+        packet.set_field(, "\x00\x00\x00\x00")
+        packet.set_field(, hwmac_addr)
+        packet.set_field(, FIELD_VALUE_MAGIC_COOKIE)
+        packet.set_option(,
+        # We're requesting (in order) the subnet mask, broadcast addr, router
+        # addr, dns addr, domain search list, client host name, and ntp server
+        # addr.
+        packet.set_option(,
+                          "\x01\x1c\x03\x06w\x0c*")
+        return packet
+    @staticmethod
+    def create_offer_packet(transaction_id,
+                            hwmac_addr,
+                            offer_ip,
+                            offer_subnet_mask,
+                            server_ip,
+                            lease_time_seconds):
+        """
+        Create an offer packet, given some fields that tie the packet to a
+        particular offer.
+        """
+        packet = DhcpPacket()
+        packet.set_field(, FIELD_VALUE_OP_SERVER_RESPONSE)
+        packet.set_field(, FIELD_VALUE_HWTYPE_10MB_ETH)
+        packet.set_field(, FIELD_VALUE_HWADDR_LEN_10MB_ETH)
+        # This has something to do with relay agents
+        packet.set_field(, 0)
+        packet.set_field(, transaction_id)
+        packet.set_field(, 0)
+        packet.set_field(, 0)
+        packet.set_field(, "\x00\x00\x00\x00")
+        packet.set_field(, socket.inet_aton(offer_ip))
+        packet.set_field(, socket.inet_aton(server_ip))
+        packet.set_field(, "\x00\x00\x00\x00")
+        packet.set_field(, hwmac_addr)
+        packet.set_field(, FIELD_VALUE_MAGIC_COOKIE)
+        packet.set_option(,
+                          OPTION_VALUE_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE_OFFER)
+        packet.set_option(,
+                          socket.inet_aton(offer_subnet_mask))
+        packet.set_option(,
+                          struct.pack("!I", int(lease_time_seconds)))
+        return packet
+    def __init__(self, byte_str=None):
+        """
+        Create a DhcpPacket, filling in fields from a byte string if given.
+        Assumes that the packet starts at offset 0 in the binary string.  This
+        includes the fields and options.  Fields are different from options in
+        that we bother to decode these into more usable data types like
+        integers rather than keeping them as raw byte strings.  Fields are also
+        required to exist, unlike options which may not.
+        Each option is encoded as a tuple <option number, length, data> where
+        option number is a byte indicating the type of option, length indicates
+        the number of bytes in the data for option, and data is a length array
+        of bytes.  The only exceptions to this rule are the 0 and 255 options,
+        which have 0 data length, and no length byte.  These tuples are then
+        simply appended to each other.  This encoding is the same as the BOOTP
+        vendor extention field encoding.
+        """
+        super(DhcpPacket, self).__init__()
+        self._options = {}
+        self._fields = {}
+        self._logger = logging.getLogger("dhcp.packet")
+        if byte_str is None:
+            return
+        if len(byte_str) < OPTIONS_START_OFFSET + 1:
+            self._logger.error("Invalid byte string for packet.")
+            return
+        for field in DHCP_PACKET_FIELDS:
+            self._fields[] = struct.unpack(field.wire_format,
+                                                     byte_str[field.offset :
+                                                              field.offset +
+                                                              field.size])[0]
+        offset = OPTIONS_START_OFFSET
+        while offset < len(byte_str) and ord(byte_str[offset]) != OPTION_END:
+            data_type = ord(byte_str[offset])
+            offset += 1
+            if data_type == OPTION_PAD:
+                continue
+            data_length = ord(byte_str[offset])
+            offset += 1
+            data = byte_str[offset: offset + data_length]
+            offset += data_length
+            option_bunch = get_dhcp_option_by_number(data_type)
+            if option_bunch is None:
+                # Unsupported data type, of which we have many.
+                continue
+            self._options[] = data
+    @property
+    def client_hw_address(self):
+        return self._fields["chaddr"]
+    @property
+    def is_valid(self):
+        for field in DHCP_PACKET_FIELDS:
+            if (not in self._fields or
+                self._fields[] is None):
+      "Missing field %s in packet." %
+                return False
+        if (self._fields[] !=
+            return False
+        return True
+    @property
+    def message_type(self):
+        if not "dhcp_message_type" in self._options:
+            return -1
+        return self._options["dhcp_message_type"]
+    @property
+    def transaction_id(self):
+        return self._fields["xid"]
+    def get_field(self, field_name):
+        if field_name in self._fields:
+            return self._fields[field_name]
+        return None
+    def get_option(self, option_name):
+        if option_name in self._options:
+            return self._options[option_name]
+        return None
+    def set_field(self, field_name, field_value):
+        self._fields[field_name] = field_value
+    def set_option(self, option_name, option_value):
+        self._options[option_name] = option_value
+    def to_binary_string(self):
+        if not self.is_valid:
+            return None
+        # A list of byte strings to be joined into a single string at the end.
+        data = []
+        offset = 0
+        for field in DHCP_PACKET_FIELDS:
+            field_data = struct.pack(field.wire_format,
+                                     self._fields[])
+            while offset < field.offset:
+                data.append("\x00")
+                offset += 1
+            data.append(field_data)
+            offset += field.size
+        # Last field processed is the magic cookie, so we're ready for options.
+        # Have to process options
+        for option in DHCP_PACKET_OPTIONS:
+            if not in self._options:
+                continue
+            data.append(struct.pack("BB",
+                                    option.number,
+                                    len(self._options[])))
+            offset += 2
+            data.append(self._options[])
+            offset += len(self._options[])
+        data.append(chr(OPTION_END))
+        offset += 1
+        while offset < DHCP_MIN_PACKET_SIZE:
+            data.append(chr(OPTION_PAD))
+            offset += 1
+        return "".join(data)
diff --git a/client/cros/dhcp_test_data/README b/client/cros/dhcp_test_data/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa4f8a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/cros/dhcp_test_data/README
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+These are dhcp packets as sent by dhclient and dhcpd v3.1.3.  They make up a
+conversation where the client asks for an address on and the server
+grants such an address.
+We use these logs as part of sanity checking that DhcpPacket parsing works.
diff --git a/client/cros/dhcp_test_data/dhcp_discovery.log b/client/cros/dhcp_test_data/dhcp_discovery.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..713371b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/cros/dhcp_test_data/dhcp_discovery.log
Binary files differ
diff --git a/client/cros/dhcp_test_data/dhcp_offer.log b/client/cros/dhcp_test_data/dhcp_offer.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8105e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/cros/dhcp_test_data/dhcp_offer.log
Binary files differ
diff --git a/client/cros/dhcp_test_data/dhcp_reply.log b/client/cros/dhcp_test_data/dhcp_reply.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ccdc12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/cros/dhcp_test_data/dhcp_reply.log
Binary files differ
diff --git a/client/cros/dhcp_test_data/dhcp_request.log b/client/cros/dhcp_test_data/dhcp_request.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d189b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/cros/dhcp_test_data/dhcp_request.log
Binary files differ
diff --git a/client/cros/ b/client/cros/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..975ba57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/cros/
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+Programmable testing DHCP server.
+Simple DHCP server you can program with expectations of future packets and
+responses to those packets.  The server is basically a thin wrapper around a
+server socket with some utility logic to make setting up tests easier.  To write
+a test, you start a server, construct a sequence of handling rules.
+Handling rules let you set up expectations of future packets of certain types.
+Handling rules are processed in order, and only the first remaining handler
+handles a given packet.  In theory you could write the entire test into a single
+handling rule and keep an internal state machine for how far that handler has
+gotten through the test.  This would be poor style however.  Correct style is to
+write (or reuse) a handler for each packet the server should see, leading us to
+a happy land where any conceivable packet handler has already been written for
+Example usage:
+# Start up the DHCP server, which will ignore packets until a test is started
+server = DhcpTestServer(interface="veth_master")
+# Given a list of handling rules, start a test with a 30 sec timeout.
+handling_rules = []
+                                                          intended_subnet_mask,
+                                                          dhcp_server_ip,
+                                                          lease_time_seconds)
+server.start_test(handling_rules, 30.0)
+# Trigger DHCP clients to do various test related actions
+# Get results
+if (server.last_test_passed):
+    ...
+    ...
+Note that if you make changes, make sure that the tests in
+still pass.
+import logging
+import socket
+import threading
+import time
+import traceback
+from autotest_lib.client.cros import dhcp_packet
+from autotest_lib.client.cros import dhcp_handling_rule
+# From socket.h
+class DhcpTestServer(threading.Thread):
+    def __init__(self,
+                 interface=None,
+                 ingress_address="<broadcast>",
+                 ingress_port=67,
+                 broadcast_address="",
+                 broadcast_port=68):
+        super(DhcpTestServer, self).__init__()
+        self._mutex = threading.Lock()
+        self._ingress_address = ingress_address
+        self._ingress_port = ingress_port
+        self._broadcast_port = broadcast_port
+        self._broadcast_address = broadcast_address
+        self._socket = None
+        self._interface = interface
+        self._stopped = False
+        self._test_in_progress = False
+        self._last_test_passed = False
+        self._test_timeout = 0
+        self._handling_rules = []
+        self._logger = logging.getLogger("dhcp.test_server")
+        self.daemon = False
+    @property
+    def stopped(self):
+        with self._mutex:
+            return self._stopped
+    @property
+    def is_healthy(self):
+        with self._mutex:
+            return self._socket is not None
+    @property
+    def test_in_progress(self):
+        with self._mutex:
+            return self._test_in_progress
+    @property
+    def last_test_passed(self):
+        with self._mutex:
+            return self._last_test_passed
+    def start(self):
+        """
+        Start the DHCP server.  Only call this once.
+        """
+        if self.is_alive():
+            return False
+"DhcpTestServer started; opening sockets.")
+        try:
+            self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+  "Opening socket on '%s' port %d." %
+                              (self._ingress_address, self._ingress_port))
+            self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
+            self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
+            if self._interface is not None:
+      "Binding to %s" % self._interface)
+                self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET,
+                                        SO_BINDTODEVICE,
+                                        self._interface)
+            self._socket.bind((self._ingress_address, self._ingress_port))
+            # Wait 100 ms for a packet, then return, thus keeping the thread
+            # active but mostly idle.
+            self._socket.settimeout(0.1)
+        except socket.error, socket_error:
+            self._logger.error("Socket error: %s." % str(socket_error))
+            self._logger.error(traceback.format_exc())
+            if not self._socket is None:
+                self._socket.close()
+            self._socket = None
+            self._logger.error("Failed to open server socket.  Aborting.")
+            return
+        super(DhcpTestServer, self).start()
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        Stop the DHCP server and free its socket.
+        """
+        with self._mutex:
+            self._stopped = True
+    def start_test(self, handling_rules, test_timeout_seconds):
+        """
+        Start a new test using |handling_rules|.  The server will call the
+        test successfull if it receives a RESPONSE_IGNORE_SUCCESS (or
+        RESPONSE_RESPOND_SUCCESS) from a handling_rule before
+        |test_timeout_seconds| passes.  If the timeout passes without that
+        message, the server runs out of handling rules, or a handling rule
+        return RESPONSE_FAIL, the test is ended and marked as not passed.
+        All packets received before start_test() is called are received and
+        ignored.
+        """
+        with self._mutex:
+            self._test_timeout = time.time() + test_timeout_seconds
+            self._handling_rules = handling_rules
+            self._test_in_progress = True
+            self._last_test_passed = False
+    def wait_for_test_to_finish(self):
+        """
+        Block on the test finishing in a CPU friendly way.  Timeouts, successes,
+        and failures count as finishes.
+        """
+        while self.test_in_progress:
+            time.sleep(0.1)
+    def abort_test(self):
+        """
+        Abort a test prematurely, counting the test as a failure.
+        """
+        with self._mutex:
+  "Manually aborting test.")
+            self._end_test_unsafe(False)
+    def _teardown(self):
+        with self._mutex:
+            self._socket.close()
+            self._socket = None
+    def _end_test_unsafe(self, passed):
+        if not self._test_in_progress:
+            return
+        if passed:
+  "DHCP server says test passed.")
+        else:
+  "DHCP server says test failed.")
+        self._test_in_progress = False
+        self._last_test_passed = passed
+    def _send_response_unsafe(self, packet):
+        if packet is None:
+            self._logger.error("Handling rule failed to return a packet.")
+            return False
+        self._logger.debug("Sending response with options: %s" %
+                           str(packet._options))
+        self._logger.debug("Sending response with fields: %s" %
+                           str(packet._fields))
+        binary_string = packet.to_binary_string()
+        if binary_string is None or len(binary_string) < 1:
+            self._logger.error("Packet failed to serialize to binary string.")
+            return False
+        self._socket.sendto(binary_string,
+                            (self._broadcast_address, self._broadcast_port))
+        return True
+    def _loop_body(self):
+        with self._mutex:
+            if self._test_in_progress and self._test_timeout < time.time():
+                # The test has timed out, so we abort it.  However, we should
+                # continue to accept packets, so we fall through.
+                self._end_test_unsafe(False)
+            try:
+                data, _ = self._socket.recvfrom(1024)
+      "Server received packet of length %d." %
+                                   len(data))
+            except socket.timeout:
+                # No packets available, lets return and see if the server has
+                # been shut down in the meantime.
+                return
+            # Receive packets when no test is in progress, just don't process
+            # them.
+            if not self._test_in_progress:
+                return
+            packet = dhcp_packet.DhcpPacket(byte_str=data)
+            if not packet.is_valid:
+                self._logger.warning("Server received an invalid packet over a "
+                                     "DHCP port?")
+                return
+            if len(self._handling_rules) < 1:
+      "No handling rule for packet: %s." %
+                                  str(packet))
+                self._end_test_unsafe(False)
+                return
+            handling_rule = self._handling_rules[0]
+            (handling_code, action) = handling_rule.handle(packet)
+            if action == dhcp_handling_rule.ACTION_POP_HANDLER:
+                self._handling_rules.pop(0)
+            if handling_code == dhcp_handling_rule.RESPONSE_IGNORE:
+                pass
+            elif handling_code == dhcp_handling_rule.RESPONSE_IGNORE_SUCCESS:
+                self._end_test_unsafe(True)
+            elif handling_code == dhcp_handling_rule.RESPONSE_RESPOND:
+                if not self._send_response_unsafe(
+                        handling_rule.respond(packet)):
+                    self._end_test_unsafe(False)
+            elif handling_code == dhcp_handling_rule.RESPONSE_RESPOND_SUCCESS:
+                response = handling_rule.respond(packet)
+                self._end_test_unsafe(self._send_response_unsafe(response))
+            elif handling_code == dhcp_handling_rule.RESPONSE_FAIL:
+      "Handling rule %s rejected packet %s." %
+                                  (handling_rule, packet))
+                self._end_test_unsafe(False)
+            else:
+      "Unknown code %d "
+                                  "returned from handling rule %s." %
+                                  (handling_code, handling_rule))
+                self._end_test_unsafe(False)
+    def run(self):
+        """
+        Main method of the thread.  Never call this directly, since it assumes
+        some setup done in start().
+        """
+        with self._mutex:
+            if self._socket is None:
+                self._logger.error("Failed to create server socket, exiting.")
+                return
+"DhcpTestServer entering handling loop.")
+        while not self.stopped:
+            self._loop_body()
+            # Python does not have waiting queues on Lock objects.  Give other
+            # threads a change to hold the mutex by forcibly releasing the GIL
+            # while we sleep.
+            time.sleep(0.01)
+        with self._mutex:
+            self._end_test_unsafe(False)
+"DhcpTestServer closing sockets.")
+        self._teardown()
+"DhcpTestServer exiting.")
diff --git a/client/cros/ b/client/cros/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0c0b863
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/cros/
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import logging
+import socket
+import sys
+import time
+from autotest_lib.client.cros import dhcp_handling_rule
+from autotest_lib.client.cros import dhcp_packet
+from autotest_lib.client.cros import dhcp_test_server
+TEST_DATA_PATH_PREFIX = "client/cros/dhcp_test_data/"
+def bin2hex(byte_str, justification=20):
+    """
+    Turn big hex strings into prettier strings of hex bytes.  Group those hex
+    bytes into lines justification bytes long.
+    """
+    chars = ["x" + (hex(ord(c))[2:].zfill(2)) for c in byte_str]
+    groups = []
+    for i in xrange(0, len(chars), justification):
+        groups.append("".join(chars[i:i+justification]))
+    return "\n".join(groups)
+def test_packet_serialization():
+    log_file = open(TEST_DATA_PATH_PREFIX + "dhcp_discovery.log", "rb")
+    binary_discovery_packet =
+    log_file.close()
+    discovery_packet = dhcp_packet.DhcpPacket(byte_str=binary_discovery_packet)
+    if not discovery_packet.is_valid:
+        return False
+    generated_string = discovery_packet.to_binary_string()
+    if generated_string is None:
+        print "Failed to generate string from packet object."
+        return False
+    if generated_string != binary_discovery_packet:
+        print "Packets didn't match: "
+        print "Generated: \n%s" % bin2hex(generated_string)
+        print "Expected: \n%s" % bin2hex(binary_discovery_packet)
+        return False
+    print "test_packet_serialization PASSED"
+    return True
+def test_simple_server_exchange(server):
+    intended_ip = ""
+    intended_subnet_mask = ""
+    server_ip = ""
+    lease_time_seconds = 60
+    test_timeout = 3.0
+    handling_rule = dhcp_handling_rule.DhcpHandlingRule_RespondToDiscovery(
+            intended_ip,
+            intended_subnet_mask,
+            server_ip,
+            lease_time_seconds)
+    handling_rule.is_final_handler = True
+    server.start_test([handling_rule], test_timeout)
+    discovery_message = dhcp_packet.DhcpPacket.create_discovery_packet(
+            "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06")
+    # Put these ports at 8067/8068 to avoid requiring root permissions.
+    client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+    client_socket.bind(("", 8068))
+    client_socket.settimeout(0.1)
+    client_socket.sendto(discovery_message.to_binary_string(),
+                         ("", 8067))
+    data = None
+    start_time = time.time()
+    while data is None and start_time + test_timeout > time.time():
+        try:
+            data, _ = client_socket.recvfrom(1024)
+        except socket.timeout:
+            pass # We expect many timeouts.
+    if data is None:
+        print "Timed out before we received a response from the server."
+        return False
+    print "Client received a packet of length %d from the server." % len(data)
+    response_packet = dhcp_packet.DhcpPacket(byte_str=data)
+    if not response_packet.is_valid:
+        print "Received an invalid response from DHCP server."
+        return False
+    if (response_packet.message_type !=
+            dhcp_packet.OPTION_VALUE_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE_OFFER):
+        print "Type of DHCP response is not offer."
+        return False
+    if (response_packet.get_field("yiaddr") !=
+            socket.inet_aton(intended_ip)):
+        print "Server didn't offer the IP we expected."
+        return False
+    print "Packet looks good to the client, waiting for server to finish."
+    server.wait_for_test_to_finish()
+    print "Server agrees that the test is over."
+    if not server.last_test_passed:
+        print "Server is unhappy with the test result."
+        return False
+    print "test_simple_server_exchange PASSED"
+    return True
+def test_server_dialogue():
+    server = dhcp_test_server.DhcpTestServer(ingress_address="",
+                                             ingress_port=8067,
+                                             broadcast_address="",
+                                             broadcast_port=8068)
+    server.start()
+    ret = False
+    if server.is_healthy:
+        ret = test_simple_server_exchange(server)
+    else:
+        print "Server isn't healthy, aborting."
+    print "Sending server stop() signal."
+    server.stop()
+    print "Stop signal sent."
+    return ret
+def run_tests():
+    logger = logging.getLogger("dhcp")
+    logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+    stream_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    logger.addHandler(stream_handler)
+    retval = test_packet_serialization()
+    retval &= test_server_dialogue()
+    if retval:
+        print "All tests PASSED."
+        return 0
+    else:
+        print "Some tests FAILED"
+        return -1
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    sys.exit(run_tests())