Merge as much from autotest-tools in to autotest
as possible.

The following will be left in autotest-tools and will be eventually dropped:
borg, btfs, offloader, scripts, server_hosts, cloud_gestures

Migrated files:
etc_apache2 -> site_utils/admin/apache2.conf
etc_init.d -> site_utils/admin/autotest.init
global_config.ini ->merged and passwords removed. shadow_config.ini should be used on the server when deployed. And the passwords should be added from Valentine
Moved autotest/scripts under site_tuils/admin

   apache/conf moved everything but left the .crt file for now
   frontend/afe/site_rpc* left there for now.
   scheduler/ -> migrated to site_utils/admin
   utils/* moved to site_utils. There is mention of loas but nothing really confendential there so I copied it over. There is already some mention to loas on the web.


Change-Id: I89fcb108aec1557820041644d799687212e3bd73
Commit-Ready: Scott Zawalski <>
Reviewed-by: Scott Zawalski <>
Tested-by: Scott Zawalski <>
diff --git a/site_utils/ b/site_utils/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..eca520d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site_utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+"""Script to clear lock directories for latest builds; rescheduling tests.
+Running this script will remove all test locks for the latest builds of every
+board. Which will cause all tests whose locks were removed to be rescheduled the
+next time Test Scheduler runs. The latest build is determined by the contents of
+the LATEST file in each board directory.
+By default the script will process all boards under DEFAULT_IMAGES_PATH. To
+process only specific boards and/or a different images directory, use the -b
+and/or -i options.
+Expected images directory structure looks like:
+   <board_0>\LATEST
+   <board_0>\<build_0>\netbook_<test_0>
+   <board_0>\<build_0>\netbook_<test_1>
+   .
+   .
+   .
+   <board_0>\<build_0>\netbook_<test_n>
+   .
+   .
+   .
+   <board_n>\LATEST
+   <board_n>\<build_0>\netbook_<test_0>
+   <board_n>\<build_0>\netbook_<test_n>
+__author__ = ' (Dale Curtis)'
+import optparse
+import os
+# Path to Dev Server's images directory.
+DEFAULT_IMAGES_PATH = '/usr/local/google/images'
+def ParseOptions():
+  """Parse command line options. Returns options structure."""
+  parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage: %prog [options]')
+  parser.add_option('-b', '--boards', dest='boards',
+                    help='Comma separated list of boards to process. By default'
+                    ' all boards in the images directory will be processed.')
+  parser.add_option('-i', '--images', dest='images',
+                    help='Path to Dev Server images directory. Defaults to %s' %
+                    DEFAULT_IMAGES_PATH, default=DEFAULT_IMAGES_PATH)
+  options = parser.parse_args()[0]
+  if not os.path.exists(options.images):
+    parser.error('The specified images directory (%s) does not exist. Please '
+                 'specify another.' % options.images)
+  if options.boards:
+    options.boards = options.boards.split(',')
+  return options
+def main():
+  options = ParseOptions()
+  os.chdir(options.images)
+  # Build board listing.
+  if options.boards:
+    boards = options.boards
+  else:
+    boards = [board for board in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isdir(board)]
+  for board in boards:
+    latest_path = os.path.join(board, 'LATEST')
+    # Make sure directory contains a LATEST file.
+    if not os.path.exists(latest_path):
+      continue
+    build_path = os.path.join(board, open(latest_path, 'r').read().strip())
+    # Make sure LATEST file points to a valid build.
+    if not os.path.exists(build_path):
+      continue
+    # Remove test locks in latest build directory.
+    for test in os.listdir(build_path):
+      test_path = os.path.join(build_path, test)
+      # Only remove directories we know (well, pretty sure) are test locks.
+      if not os.path.isdir(test_path) or not test.startswith('netbook_'):
+        continue
+      print 'Removing lock %s' % test_path
+      os.rmdir(test_path)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()