Clean up the reporting backend, and add CLI functionality

I've pulled out the generic bits into There are way
too many things called "row" and "column" so I've changed the
matrix iterators to "x" and "y" to be less confusing

Removed all the old, specific query reports, in favour of the new, powerful
general one

Signed-off-by: Martin Bligh <>

git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
diff --git a/tko/ b/tko/
index 5f431f3..85f67ec 100755
--- a/tko/
+++ b/tko/
@@ -1,125 +1,97 @@
 import os, re, db, sys
-tko = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])))
+tko = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
+client_bin = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(tko, '../client/bin'))
+sys.path.insert(0, client_bin)
+import kernel_versions
 root_url_file = os.path.join(tko, '.root_url')
 if os.path.exists(root_url_file):
         html_root = open(root_url_file, 'r').readline().rstrip()
         html_root = '/results/'
-def select(db, field, value=None, distinct=False):
-	""" returns the relevant index values where the field value matches the
-	    input value to the function.
-	    If there is no value passed, then it returns the index values and the
-	    field values corresponsing to them. """
-	fields = { 'kernel': ['printable', 'kernel_idx', 'kernel_idx'],
-	 	   'machine_group': ['machine_group', 'machine_idx', 'machine_idx'],
-		   'hostname': ['hostname', 'machine_idx', 'machine_idx'],
-		   'label': ['label', 'job_idx', 'job_idx'],
-		   'tag': ['tag', 'job_idx', 'job_idx'],
-	           'job': ['job_idx', 'job_idx', 'job_idx'],
-		   'user': ['username', 'job_idx', 'job_idx'],
-		   'test': ['test', 'test', 'test'],
-		   'status': ['word', 'status_idx', 'status'],
-		   'reason': ['reason', 'test_idx', 'test_idx'] }
-	table = { 'kernel': 'kernels',
-		  'machine_group': 'machines',
-		  'hostname': 'machines',
-		  'label': 'jobs',
-		  'tag': 'jobs',
-	          'job': 'jobs',
-		  'user': 'jobs',
-		  'test': 'tests',
-		  'status': 'status',
-		  'reason': 'tests' }
-	lookup_field, idx_field, field_name_in_main_table = fields[field]
-	tablename = table[field]
-	# select all the index values that match the given field name.
-	sql = ""
-	if distinct:
-		sql += " distinct "
-	if not value:
-		sql += " %s , %s " % (lookup_field, idx_field)
-		where = " %s is not null " % lookup_field
-	else:
-		sql += "%s " % idx_field
-		if field == 'tag':
-			where = " %s LIKE %s " % (lookup_field, value)
-		else:
-			where = " %s = %s " % (lookup_field, value)
-	match =, tablename, where)
-	# returns the value and its field name
-	return match, field_name_in_main_table
+class status_cell:
+	# One cell in the matrix of status data.
+	def __init__(self):
+		# Count is a dictionary: status -> count of tests with status
+		self.status_count = {}
+		self.job_tag = None
+		self.job_tag_count = 0
-def get_axis_data(axis):
-	rows = , 'test_view', distinct = True)
-	# Need to do a magic sort here if axis == 'kernel_printable'
-	return sorted([row[0] for row in rows])
+	def add(self, status, count, job_tags):
+		assert not self.status_count.has_key(status)
+		assert count > 0
+		self.job_tag = job_tags
+		self.job_tag_count += count
+		if self.job_tag_count > 1:
+			self.job_tag = None
+		self.status_count[status] = count
+class status_data:
+	def __init__(self, sql_rows, x_field, y_field):
+		data = {}
+		y_values = set()
+		# Walk through the query, filing all results by x, y info
+		for (x, y, status, count, job_tags) in sql_rows:
+			if not data.has_key(x):
+				data[x] = {}
+			if not data[x].has_key(y):
+				y_values.add(y)
+				data[x][y] = status_cell()
+			data[x][y].add(status, count, job_tags)
+		# 2-d hash of data - [x-value][y-value]
+ = data
+		# List of possible columns (x-values)
+		self.x_values = smart_sort(data.keys(), x_field)
+		# List of rows columns (y-values)
+		self.y_values = smart_sort(list(y_values), y_field)
 def get_matrix_data(db, x_axis, y_axis, where = None):
-	# Return a 3-d hash of data - [x-value][y-value][status_word]
 	# Searches on the test_view table - x_axis and y_axis must both be
 	# column names in that table.
-	fields = ('%s, %s, status, COUNT(status_word), ' +
-	          'LEFT(GROUP_CONCAT(job_tag), 100)' # limit what's returned
-		 ) % (x_axis, y_axis)
-	group_by = '%s, %s, status' % (x_axis, y_axis)
+	x_field = test_view_field_dict[x_axis]
+	y_field = test_view_field_dict[y_axis]
+	fields = ('%s, %s, status, COUNT(status), ' +
+		  'LEFT(GROUP_CONCAT(job_tag), 100)' # limit what's returned
+		 ) % (x_field, y_field)
+	group_by = '%s, %s, status' % (x_field, y_field)
 	rows =, 'test_view', where=where, group_by=group_by)
-	data = {}
-	job_tags = {}
-	x_set = set()
-	y_set = set()
-	status_set = set()
-	for (x, y, status, count, job_tag) in rows:
-		if not data.has_key(x):
-			data[x] = {}
-			job_tags[x] = {}
-		if not data[x].has_key(y):
-			data[x][y] = {}
-		data[x][y][status] = count
-		if job_tags[x].has_key(y) or count != 1:
-			job_tags[x][y] = None
-		else:
-			job_tags[x][y] = job_tag
-		x_set.add(x)
-		y_set.add(y)
-		status_set.add(status)
-	return (data, list(x_set), list(y_set), list(status_set), job_tags)
+	return status_data(rows, x_field, y_field)
-class anygroup:
-	@classmethod
-	def selectunique(klass, db, field):
-		"""Return unique values for all possible groups within
-		 the table."""
-		rows, field_name_in_main_table = select(db, field, value=None, distinct=True)
-		groupnames = sorted([row for row in rows])
+# Dictionary used simply for fast lookups from short reference names for users
+# to fieldnames in test_view
+test_view_field_dict = {
+	'kernel'        : 'kernel_printable',
+	'hostname'      : 'machine_hostname',
+	'test'          : 'test',
+	'label'         : 'job_label',
+	'machine_group' : 'machine_group',
+	'reason'        : 'reason',
+	'tag'           : 'job_tag',
+	'user'          : 'job_username',
+	'status'        : 'status_word',
-		# collapse duplicates where records have the same name but
-		# multiple index values
-		headers = {}
-		for field_name, idx_value in groupnames:
-			if headers.has_key(field_name):
-				headers[field_name].append(idx_value)
-			else:
-				headers[field_name] = [idx_value]
-		headers = headers.items()
-		headers.sort()
-		return [klass(db, field_name_in_main_table, groupname) for groupname in headers]
-	def __init__(self, db, idx_name, name):
-		self.db = db
- = name[0]
-		self.idx_name = idx_name
-		self.idx_value = name[1]
+def smart_sort(list, field):
+	if field == 'kernel_printable':
+		def kernel_encode(kernel):
+		        return kernel_versions.version_encode(kernel) 
+		list.sort(key = kernel_encode, reverse = True)
+	else:
+		list.sort()
+	return list
 class group:
@@ -225,7 +197,6 @@
 			self.url = None
 	def iterations(self):
 		Caching function for iterations