autotest: Delete

There are no autotest instance to run suites on.

Bug: 1033823
Change-Id: Icba925fbcdd9d3ca96b8a67d13bdcc9f0b99d7dc
Reviewed-by: Xixuan Wu <>
Tested-by: Allen Li <>
Commit-Queue: Allen Li <>
diff --git a/site_utils/ b/site_utils/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0e62563..0000000
--- a/site_utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2312 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Tool for running suites of tests and waiting for completion.
-The desired test suite will be scheduled with autotest. By default,
-this tool will block until the job is complete, printing a summary
-at the end.  Error conditions result in exceptions.
-This is intended for use only with Chrome OS test suits that leverage the
-dynamic suite infrastructure in server/cros/
-This script exits with one of the following codes:
-0 - OK: Suite finished successfully
-1 - ERROR: Test(s) failed, or hits its own timeout
-2 - WARNING: Test(s) raised a warning or passed on retry, none failed/timed out.
-3 - INFRA_FAILURE: Infrastructure related issues, e.g.
-    * Lab is down
-    * Too many duts (defined as a constant) in repair failed status
-    * Suite job issues, like bug in dynamic suite,
-      user aborted the suite, lose a drone/all devservers/rpc server,
-      0 tests ran, etc.
-    * provision failed
-      TODO(fdeng):, reexamine treating all provision
-                   failures as INFRA failures.
-4 - SUITE_TIMEOUT: Suite timed out, some tests ran,
-    none failed by the time the suite job was aborted. This will cover,
-    but not limited to, the following cases:
-    * A devserver failure that manifests as a timeout
-    * No DUTs available midway through a suite
-    * Provision/Reset/Cleanup took longer time than expected for new image
-    * A regression in scheduler tick time.
-5- BOARD_NOT_AVAILABLE: If there is no host for the requested board/pool.
-6- INVALID_OPTIONS: If options are not valid.
-import argparse
-import ast
-import collections
-from datetime import datetime
-from datetime import timedelta
-import functools
-import getpass
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import time
-import warnings
-import common
-from chromite.lib import buildbot_annotations as annotations
-from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
-from chromite.lib import gs
-from chromite.lib import osutils
-from django.core import exceptions as django_exceptions
-    from suite_scheduler import config_reader
-    from suite_scheduler import skylab
-except ImportError:
-    # For unittest
-    config_reader = None
-    skylab = None
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import control_data
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import priorities
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import time_utils
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import retry
-from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import rpc_client_lib
-from autotest_lib.frontend.afe.json_rpc import proxy
-from autotest_lib.server import site_utils
-from autotest_lib.server import utils
-from autotest_lib.server.cros import provision
-from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import constants
-from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import frontend_wrappers
-from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import reporting_utils
-from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import suite_common
-from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import tools
-    from autotest_lib.site_utils import diagnosis_utils
-except django_exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured as e:
-    if 'Error loading MySQLdb module: libmariadbclient' in str(e):
-        logging.error('Unable to import a necessary MySQLdb module. This is '
-                      'commonly caused by running a command inside[outside] '
-                      'of the chroot but having autotest utility packages '
-                      'that were build outside[inside] the chroot. '
-                      'Please re-run utils/ inside[outside] '
-                      'of the chroot accordingly.')
-    raise
-from autotest_lib.site_utils import paygen
-from autotest_lib.site_utils import run_suite_common
-CONFIG = global_config.global_config
-        'SERVER', 'hostname', type=str)
-_URL_PATTERN = CONFIG.get_config_value('CROS', 'log_url_pattern', type=str)
-        'CROS', 'enable_run_suite_trampoline', type=bool, default=False)
-_SKYLAB_TOOL = '/opt/infra-tools/skylab'
-_SKYLAB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT = '/creds/service_accounts/skylab_swarming.json'
-_MIGRATION_CONFIG_FILE = 'migration_config.ini'
-                                     _MIGRATION_CONFIG_FILE)
-# Minimum RPC timeout setting for calls expected to take long time, e.g.,
-# create_suite_job. If default socket time (socket.getdefaulttimeout()) is
-# None or greater than this value, the default will be used.
-# The value here is set to be the same as the timeout for the RetryingAFE object
-# so long running RPCs can wait long enough before being aborted.
-# Number of days back to search for existing job.
-_PROVISION_SUITE = 'provision'
-# Only special tasks can have a priority lower than 50.
-# Mandated by Swarming.
-class _ReturnResult(object):
-    """Represents overall result of run_suite operation.
-    _ReturnResult instances sort based on priority (the order in
-    Furthermore, _ReturnResult instances can be combined by bitwise or
-    ("union"), which returns the instance with the higher priority
-    between the two (the instance with higher priority is a "superset"
-    of the other).
-    Do not create new instances of this; use _RETURN_RESULTS instead.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, return_code, message):
-        self.return_code = return_code
-        self.message = message
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<{cls} {key}, {this.return_code}, {this.message}>'.format(
-            cls=type(self).__name__,
-            key=self._getkey(),
-            this=self)
-    def __gt__(self, other):
-        if isinstance(other, type(self)):
-            return self._getkey() > other._getkey()
-        else:
-            return NotImplemented
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        if isinstance(other, type(self)):
-            return (self.return_code == other.return_code
-                    and self.message == other.message)
-        else:
-            return NotImplemented
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return hash(self.return_code) ^ hash(self.message)
-    def __or__(self, other):
-        if isinstance(other, type(self)):
-            if self > other:
-                return self
-            else:
-                return other
-        else:
-            return NotImplemented
-    def _getkey(self):
-        """Return sort key."""
-        return _RETURN_RESULTS_LIST.index(self)
-    def suite_result(self, output_dict=None):
-        """Make a SuiteResult using this _ReturnResult.
-        @param output_dict: output_dict to merge into SuiteResult.
-        """
-        if output_dict is None:
-            output_dict = dict()
-        else:
-            output_dict = output_dict.copy()
-        if self.message:
-            output_dict['return_message'] = self.message
-        return run_suite_common.SuiteResult(self.return_code, output_dict)
-_RETURN_RESULTS = collections.OrderedDict([
-    ('ok', _ReturnResult(run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.OK, '')),
-    ('test_warning', _ReturnResult(
-        run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.WARNING, 'Test job raised warning.')),
-    ('suite_warning', _ReturnResult(
-        run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.WARNING, 'Suite job raised warning.')),
-    ('test_retry', _ReturnResult(
-        run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.WARNING, 'Tests were retried.')),
-    ('test_aborted_prestart', _ReturnResult(
-        run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.SUITE_TIMEOUT,
-        'Tests were aborted before running; suite must have timed out.')),
-    # This really indicates a user action or an infra failure. But, suite
-    # timeouts cause similar fauilres in the individual tests, so we must
-    # classify these lower than suite_timeout. In case of a suite_timeout, the
-    # result from the suite job will promote the result to suite_timeout.
-    ('test_aborted_mystery',
-     _ReturnResult(
-             run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.SUITE_TIMEOUT,
-             'Tests were aborted after running, but before timeout; '
-             'Test was manually aborted or parsing results failed: '
-             '')),
-    ('suite_timeout', _ReturnResult(
-        run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.SUITE_TIMEOUT, 'Suite job timed out.')),
-    ('test_views_missing', _ReturnResult(
-        run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.INFRA_FAILURE, 'No test views found.')),
-    ('suite_failed', _ReturnResult(
-        run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.INFRA_FAILURE, 'Suite job failed.')),
-    ('provision_failed', _ReturnResult(
-        run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.INFRA_FAILURE, 'Provisioning failed.')),
-    ('test_failure', _ReturnResult(
-        run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.ERROR, 'Tests failed.')),
-def bool_str(x):
-    """Boolean string type for option arguments.
-    @param x: string representation of boolean value.
-    """
-    if x == 'True':
-        return True
-    elif x == 'False':
-        return False
-    else:
-        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
-            '%s is not one of True or False' % (x,))
-def _get_priority_value(x):
-    """Convert a priority representation to its int value.
-    Priorities can be described either by an int value (possibly as a string)
-    or a name string.  This function coerces both forms to an int value.
-    This function is intended for casting command line arguments during
-    parsing.
-    @param x: priority value as an int, int string, or name string
-    @returns: int value of priority
-    """
-    try:
-        return int(x)
-    except ValueError:
-        try:
-            return priorities.Priority.get_value(x)
-        except AttributeError:
-            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
-                'Unknown priority level %s.  Try one of %s.'
-                % (x, ', '.join(priorities.Priority.names)))
-def skylab_priority_for(afe_priority):
-  """Convert AFE priority to Skylab priority.
-  Args:
-    afe_priority: An integer get from _get_priority_value().
-  Returns:
-    An integer representing Skylab priority.
-  """
-  skylab_priority = 260 - 3 * int(afe_priority)
-  skylab_priority = min(skylab_priority, _SKYLAB_PRIORITY_MAX)
-  skylab_priority = max(skylab_priority, _SKYLAB_PRIORITY_MIN)
-  return skylab_priority
-def make_parser():
-    """Make ArgumentParser instance for"""
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        usage="%(prog)s [options]")
-    parser.add_argument("-b", "--board", dest="board")
-    parser.add_argument(
-            "--model",
-            help="The device model to run tests against. For non-unified "
-                 "builds, model and board are synonymous, but board is more "
-                 "accurate in some cases. Only pass this option if your build "
-                 "is a unified build.",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument("-i", "--build", dest="build")
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "-w", "--web", dest="web", default=None,
-        help="Address of a webserver to receive suite requests.")
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--cheets_build', dest='cheets_build', default=None,
-        help='ChromeOS Android build to be installed on dut.')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--firmware_rw_build', dest='firmware_rw_build', default=None,
-        help='Firmware build to be installed in dut RW firmware.')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--firmware_ro_build', dest='firmware_ro_build', default=None,
-        help='Firmware build to be installed in dut RO firmware.')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--test_source_build', dest='test_source_build', default=None,
-        help=('Build that contains the test code, '
-              'e.g., it can be the value of `--build`, '
-              '`--firmware_rw_build` or `--firmware_ro_build` '
-              'arguments. Default is None, that is, use the test '
-              'code from `--build` (CrOS image)'))
-    #  This should just be a boolean flag, but the autotest "proxy" code
-    #  can't handle flags that don't take arguments.
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "-n", "--no_wait", dest="no_wait", default=False, type=bool_str,
-        help='Must pass "True" or "False" if used.')
-    # If you really want no pool, --pool="" will do it. USE WITH CARE.
-    parser.add_argument("-p", "--pool", dest="pool", default="suites")
-    parser.add_argument("-s", "--suite_name", dest="name")
-    parser.add_argument("-a", "--afe_timeout_mins", type=int,
-                        dest="afe_timeout_mins", default=30)
-    parser.add_argument("-t", "--timeout_mins", type=int,
-                        dest="timeout_mins", default=1440)
-    parser.add_argument("-x", "--max_runtime_mins", type=int,
-                        dest="max_runtime_mins", default=1440)
-    parser.add_argument("-d", "--delay_sec", type=int,
-                        dest="delay_sec", default=10)
-    parser.add_argument("-m", "--mock_job_id", dest="mock_job_id",
-                        help="Attach to existing job id for already running "
-                        "suite, and creates report.")
-    # NOTE: This looks similar to --no_wait, but behaves differently.
-    # --no_wait is passed in to the suite rpc itself and affects the suite,
-    # while this does not.
-    parser.add_argument("-c", "--create_and_return", dest="create_and_return",
-                        action="store_true",
-                        help="Create the suite and print the job id, then "
-                        "finish immediately.")
-    parser.add_argument("-u", "--num", dest="num", type=int, default=None,
-                        help="Deprecated, does nothing.")
-    #  Same boolean flag issue applies here.
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "-f", "--file_bugs", dest="file_bugs", default=False, type=bool_str,
-        help=('File bugs on test failures. Must pass "True" or '
-              '"False" if used.'))
-    parser.add_argument("-l", "--bypass_labstatus", dest="bypass_labstatus",
-                        action="store_true", help='Bypass lab status check.')
-    # We allow either a number or a string for the priority.  This way, if you
-    # know what you're doing, one can specify a custom priority level between
-    # other levels.
-    parser.add_argument("-r", "--priority", dest="priority",
-                        type=_get_priority_value,
-                        default=priorities.Priority.DEFAULT,
-                        action="store",
-                        help="Priority of suite. Either numerical value, or "
-                        "one of (" + ", ".join(priorities.Priority.names)
-                        + ").")
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--retry', dest='retry', default=False, type=bool_str, action='store',
-        help='Enable test retry.  Must pass "True" or "False" if used.')
-    parser.add_argument('--max_retries', dest='max_retries', default=None,
-                        type=int, action='store', help='Maximum retries'
-                        'allowed at suite level. No limit if not specified.')
-    parser.add_argument('--minimum_duts', dest='minimum_duts', type=int,
-                        default=0, action='store',
-                        help='Check that the pool has at least such many '
-                        'healthy machines, otherwise suite will not run. '
-                        'Default to 0.')
-    parser.add_argument('--suite_min_duts', dest='suite_min_duts', type=int,
-                        default=0, action='store',
-                        help='Preferred minimum number of machines. Scheduler '
-                        'will prioritize on getting such many machines for '
-                        'the suite when it is competing with another suite '
-                        'that has a higher priority but already got minimum '
-                        'machines it needs. Default to 0.')
-    parser.add_argument("--suite_args", dest="suite_args",
-                        type=ast.literal_eval,
-                        default=None, action="store",
-                        help="A dict of args passed to the suite control file.")
-    parser.add_argument("--suite_args_json", dest="suite_args_json",
-                        type=json.loads,
-                        default=None, action="store",
-                        help="A json-encoded string representation of args to "
-                             "passed to the suite control file. Overrides "
-                             "suite_args if specified.")
-    parser.add_argument('--offload_failures_only',
-                        dest='offload_failures_only', type=bool_str,
-                        action='store', default=False,
-                        help='Only enable gs_offloading for failed tests. '
-                        'Successful tests will be deleted. Must pass "True"'
-                        ' or "False" if used.')
-    parser.add_argument('--use_suite_attr', dest='use_suite_attr',
-                        action='store_true', default=False,
-                        help='Advanced. Run the suite based on ATTRIBUTES of '
-                        'control files, rather than SUITE.')
-    parser.add_argument('--json_dump', dest='json_dump', action='store_true',
-                        default=False,
-                        help='Dump the output of run_suite to stdout as json; '
-                             'silence other output.')
-    parser.add_argument('--json_dump_postfix', dest='json_dump_postfix',
-                        action='store_true',
-                        help='Dump the output of run_suite to stdout as json; '
-                             'do not silence other logging. Similar to '
-                             '--json_dump, the json payload will be wrapped in '
-                             'a tag to differentiate it from logging.')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--run_prod_code', dest='run_prod_code',
-        action='store_true', default=False,
-        help='Run the test code that lives in prod aka the test '
-        'code currently on the lab servers.')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--delay_minutes', type=int, default=0,
-        help=('Delay the creation of test jobs for a given '
-              'number of minutes. This argument can be used to '
-              'force provision jobs being delayed, which helps '
-              'to distribute loads across devservers.'))
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--skip_duts_check', dest='skip_duts_check', action='store_true',
-        default=False, help='If True, skip minimum available DUTs check')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--job_keyvals', dest='job_keyvals', type=ast.literal_eval,
-        action='store', default=None,
-        help='A dict of job keyvals to be inject to suite control file')
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--test_args', dest='test_args', type=ast.literal_eval,
-        action='store', default=None,
-        help=('A dict of args passed all the way to each individual test that '
-              'will be actually ran.'))
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--require_logfile', action='store_true',
-        help=('Stream logs of to a local file named '
-              'run_suite-<build name>.log.'))
-    # Used for monitoring purposes, to measure no-op swarming proxy latency.
-    parser.add_argument('--do_nothing', action='store_true',
-                        help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
-    # Used when lab/job status checking is needed. Currently its only user is
-    # suite scheduler v2.
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--pre_check', action='store_true',
-        help=('Check lab and job status before kicking off a suite. Used by '
-              'suite scheduler v2.'))
-    return parser
-def verify_and_clean_options(options):
-    """Verify the validity of options.
-    @param options: The parsed options to verify.
-    @returns: True if verification passes, False otherwise.
-    """
-    if options.mock_job_id and (
-            not or not or not options.board):
-        print ('When using -m, need to specify build, board and suite '
-               'name which you have used for creating the original job')
-        return False
-    else:
-        if not
-            print 'Need to specify which build to use'
-            return False
-        if not options.board:
-            print 'Need to specify board'
-            return False
-        if not
-            print 'Need to specify suite name'
-            return False
-    if options.num is not None:
-        warnings.warn('-u/--num option is deprecated; it does nothing.')
-    del options.num
-    if not options.retry and options.max_retries is not None:
-        print 'max_retries can only be used with --retry=True'
-        return False
-    if options.use_suite_attr and options.suite_args is not None:
-        print ('The new suite control file cannot parse the suite_args: %s.'
-               'Please not specify any suite_args here.' % options.suite_args)
-        return False
-    if options.no_wait and options.retry:
-        print 'Test retry is not available when using --no_wait=True'
-    if options.json_dump and options.json_dump_postfix:
-        print '--json_dump and --json_dump_postfix are mutually exclusive'
-        return False
-    # Default to use the test code in CrOS build.
-    if not options.test_source_build and
-        options.test_source_build =
-    options.child_dependencies = _make_child_dependencies(options)
-    base_dependencies = ('board:%s' % options.board,
-                         'pool:%s' % options.pool)
-    options.dependencies = base_dependencies + options.child_dependencies
-    return True
-def change_options_for_suite_attr(options):
-    """Change options to be prepared to run the suite_attr_wrapper.
-    If specify 'use_suite_attr' from the cmd line, it indicates to run the
-    new style suite control file, suite_attr_wrapper. Then, change the
- to 'suite_attr_wrapper', change the options.suite_args to
-    include the arguments needed by suite_attr_wrapper.
-    @param options: The verified options.
-    @returns: The changed options.
-    """
-    # Convert the suite_name to attribute boolean expression.
-    if type( is str:
-        attr_filter_val = 'suite:%s' %
-    else:
-        attr_filter_val = ' or '.join(['suite:%s' % x for x in])
-    # change the suite_args to be a dict of arguments for suite_attr_wrapper
-    # if suite_args is not None, store the values in 'other_args' of the dict
-    args_dict = {}
-    args_dict['attr_filter'] = attr_filter_val
-    options.suite_args = args_dict
- = 'suite_attr_wrapper'
-    return options
-class TestResult(object):
-    """Represents the result of a TestView."""
-    def __init__(self, test_view, retry_count=0):
-        """Initialize instance.
-        @param test_view: TestView instance.
-        @param retry_count: Retry count for test.  Optional.
-        """
- = test_view.get_testname()
-        self.status = test_view['status']
-        self.reason = test_view['reason']
-        self.retry_count = retry_count
-        'GOOD':    '[ PASSED ]',
-        'TEST_NA': '[  INFO  ]',
-    }
-    @property
-    def _pretty_status(self):
-        """Pretty status string."""
-        return self._PRETTY_STATUS_MAP.get(self.status, '[ FAILED ]')
-    def log_using(self, log_function, name_column_width):
-        """Log the test result using the given log function.
-        @param log_function: Log function to use.  Example:
-        @param name_column_width: Width of name column for formatting.
-        """
-        padded_name =
-        log_function('%s%s', padded_name, self._pretty_status)
-        if self.status != 'GOOD':
-            log_function('%s  %s: %s', padded_name, self.status, self.reason)
-        if self.retry_count > 0:
-            log_function('%s  retry_count: %s', padded_name, self.retry_count)
-def get_original_suite_name(suite_name, suite_args):
-    """Get the original suite name when running suite_attr_wrapper.
-    @param suite_name: the name of the suite launched in afe. When it is
-                       suite_attr_wrapper, the suite that actually running is
-                       specified in the suite_args.
-    @param suite_args: dict of suite args from argument parsing.
-    @returns: the original suite name.
-    """
-    if suite_name == 'suite_attr_wrapper':
-        attrs = suite_args.get('attr_filter', '')
-        suite_list = ([x[6:] for x in re.split('[() ]', attrs)
-                       if x and x.startswith('suite:')])
-        return suite_list[0] if suite_list else suite_name
-    return suite_name
-class LogLink(object):
-    """Information needed to record a link in the logs.
-    Depending on context and the information provided at
-    construction time, the link may point to either to log files for
-    a job, or to a bug filed for a failure in the job.
-    @var anchor  The link text.
-    @var url     The link url.
-    @var bug_id  Id of a bug to link to, or None.
-    """
-    # A list of tests that don't get retried so skip the dashboard.
-    _SKIP_RETRY_DASHBOARD = ['provision']
-    _BUG_LINK_PREFIX = 'Auto-Bug'
-    _LOG_LINK_PREFIX = 'Test-Logs'
-    def __init__(self, anchor, server, job_string, bug_info=None, reason=None,
-                 retry_count=0, testname=None, sponge_url=None):
-        """Initialize the LogLink by generating the log URL.
-        @param anchor      The link text.
-        @param server      The hostname of the server this suite ran on.
-        @param job_string  The job whose logs we'd like to link to.
-        @param bug_info    Info about the bug, if one was filed.
-        @param reason      A string representing the reason of failure if any.
-        @param retry_count How many times the test has been retried.
-        @param testname    Optional Arg that supplies the testname.
-        @param sponge_url  url to Sponge result.
-        """
-        self.anchor = anchor
-        self.url = _URL_PATTERN % (rpc_client_lib.add_protocol(server),
-                                   job_string)
-        self.reason = reason
-        self.retry_count = retry_count
-        self.testname = testname
-        self.sponge_url = sponge_url
-        if bug_info:
-            self.bug_id, self.bug_count = bug_info
-        else:
-            self.bug_id = None
-            self.bug_count = None
-    @property
-    def bug_url(self):
-        """URL of associated bug."""
-        if self.bug_id:
-            return reporting_utils.link_crbug(self.bug_id)
-        else:
-            return None
-    @property
-    def _bug_count_text(self):
-        """Return bug count as human friendly text."""
-        if self.bug_count is None:
-            bug_info = 'unknown number of reports'
-        elif self.bug_count == 1:
-            bug_info = 'new report'
-        else:
-            bug_info = '%s reports' % self.bug_count
-        return bug_info
-    def GenerateBuildbotLinks(self):
-        """Generate a link formatted to meet buildbot expectations.
-        If there is a bug associated with this link, report a link to the bug
-        and a link to the job logs; otherwise report a link to the job logs.
-        @return A generator of links formatted for the buildbot log annotator.
-        """
-        if self.bug_url:
-            yield self._get_link_to_bug()
-        yield self._get_link_to_job_logs()
-    def _get_link_to_bug(self):
-        """Return buildbot link to bug.
-        @return A link formatted for the buildbot log annotator.
-        """
-        info_strings = self._get_info_strings()
-        info_strings.append(self._bug_count_text)
-        anchor_text = self._format_anchor_text(self._BUG_LINK_PREFIX,
-                                               info_strings)
-        return annotations.StepLink(anchor_text, self.bug_url)
-    def _get_link_to_job_logs(self):
-        """Return buildbot link to job logs.
-        @return A link formatted for the buildbot log annotator.
-        """
-        anchor_text = self._format_anchor_text(self._LOG_LINK_PREFIX,
-                                               self._get_info_strings())
-        return annotations.StepLink(anchor_text, self.url)
-    def _get_info_strings(self):
-        """Return a list of info strings for _format_anchor_text()."""
-        info_strings = []
-        if self.retry_count > 0:
-            info_strings.append('retry_count: %d' % self.retry_count)
-        if self.reason:
-            info_strings.append(self.reason)
-        return info_strings
-    def _format_anchor_text(self, prefix, info_strings):
-        """Format anchor text given a prefix and info strings.
-        @param prefix        The prefix of the anchor text.
-        @param info_strings  Iterable of strings.
-        @return A anchor_text with the right prefix and info strings.
-        """
-        return '[{prefix}]: {anchor}: {info}'.format(
-            prefix=prefix,
-            anchor=self.anchor.strip(),
-            info=', '.join(info_strings))
-    @property
-    def text_link(self):
-        """Link to the job's logs, for consumption by a human.
-        @return A link formatted for human readability.
-        """
-        return '%s %s' % (self.anchor, self.url)
-    def GenerateRetryLink(self):
-        """Generate a link to the retry dashboard.
-        @return A link formatted for the buildbot log annotator.
-        """
-        if not self.testname or self.testname in self._SKIP_RETRY_DASHBOARD:
-            return None
-        # TODO(xixuan): Return the right flake dashboard later.
-        return None
-    def GenerateHistoryLink(self):
-        """Generate a link to the test history dashboard.
-        @return A link formatted for the buildbot log annotator.
-        """
-        if not self.testname or self.testname in self._SKIP_RETRY_DASHBOARD:
-            return None
-        return annotations.StepLink(
-            text='[Test-History]: %s' % self.testname,
-            url=reporting_utils.link_test_history(self.testname))
-class Timings(object):
-    """Timings for important events during a suite.
-    All timestamps are datetime.datetime objects.
-    @var suite_job_id: the afe job id of the suite job for which
-                       we are recording the timing for.
-    @var download_start_time: the time the devserver starts staging
-                              the build artifacts. Recorded in create_suite_job.
-    @var payload_end_time: the time when the artifacts only necessary to start
-                           installsing images onto DUT's are staged.
-                           Recorded in create_suite_job.
-    @var artifact_end_time: the remaining artifacts are downloaded after we kick
-                            off the reimaging job, at which point we record
-                            artifact_end_time. Recorded in
-    @var suite_start_time: the time the suite started.
-    @var tests_start_time: the time the first test started running.
-    @var tests_end_time: the time the last test finished running.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, suite_job_id):
-        self.suite_job_id = suite_job_id
-        # Timings related to staging artifacts on devserver.
-        self.download_start_time = None
-        self.payload_end_time = None
-        self.artifact_end_time = None
-        # The test_start_time, but taken off the view that corresponds to the
-        # suite instead of an individual test.
-        self.suite_start_time = None
-        # Earliest and Latest tests in the set of TestViews passed to us.
-        self.tests_start_time = None
-        self.tests_end_time = None
-    def RecordTiming(self, view):
-        """Given a test report view, extract and record pertinent time info.
-        get_detailed_test_views() returns a list of entries that provide
-        info about the various parts of a suite run.  This method can take
-        any one of these entries and look up timestamp info we might want
-        and record it.
-        If timestamps are unavailable, datetime.datetime.min/max will be used.
-        @param view: A TestView object.
-        """
-        start_candidate = datetime.min
-        end_candidate = datetime.max
-        if view['test_started_time']:
-            start_candidate = time_utils.time_string_to_datetime(
-                    view['test_started_time'])
-        if view['test_finished_time']:
-            end_candidate = time_utils.time_string_to_datetime(
-                    view['test_finished_time'])
-        if view.get_testname() == TestView.SUITE_JOB:
-            self.suite_start_time = start_candidate
-        else:
-            self._UpdateFirstTestStartTime(start_candidate)
-            self._UpdateLastTestEndTime(end_candidate)
-        if view['afe_job_id'] == self.suite_job_id and 'job_keyvals' in view:
-            keyvals = view['job_keyvals']
-            self.download_start_time = time_utils.time_string_to_datetime(
-                    keyvals.get(constants.DOWNLOAD_STARTED_TIME),
-                    handle_type_error=True)
-            self.payload_end_time = time_utils.time_string_to_datetime(
-                    keyvals.get(constants.PAYLOAD_FINISHED_TIME),
-                    handle_type_error=True)
-            self.artifact_end_time = time_utils.time_string_to_datetime(
-                    keyvals.get(constants.ARTIFACT_FINISHED_TIME),
-                    handle_type_error=True)
-    def _UpdateFirstTestStartTime(self, candidate):
-        """Update self.tests_start_time, iff candidate is an earlier time.
-        @param candidate: a datetime.datetime object.
-        """
-        if not self.tests_start_time or candidate < self.tests_start_time:
-            self.tests_start_time = candidate
-    def _UpdateLastTestEndTime(self, candidate):
-        """Update self.tests_end_time, iff candidate is a later time.
-        @param candidate: a datetime.datetime object.
-        """
-        if not self.tests_end_time or candidate > self.tests_end_time:
-            self.tests_end_time = candidate
-    def __str__(self):
-        return ('\n'
-                'Suite timings:\n'
-                'Downloads started at %s\n'
-                'Payload downloads ended at %s\n'
-                'Suite started at %s\n'
-                'Artifact downloads ended (at latest) at %s\n'
-                'Testing started at %s\n'
-                'Testing ended at %s\n' % (self.download_start_time,
-                                           self.payload_end_time,
-                                           self.suite_start_time,
-                                           self.artifact_end_time,
-                                           self.tests_start_time,
-                                           self.tests_end_time))
-def instance_for_pool(pool_name):
-    """
-    Return the hostname of the server that should be used to service a suite
-    for the specified pool.
-    @param pool_name: The pool (without 'pool:' to schedule the suite against.
-    @return: The correct host that should be used to service this suite run.
-    """
-    return CONFIG.get_config_value(
-            'POOL_INSTANCE_SHARDING', pool_name,
-            default=_DEFAULT_AUTOTEST_INSTANCE)
-class TestView(object):
-    """Represents a test view and provides a set of helper functions."""
-    SUITE_JOB = 'Suite job'
-    def __init__(self, view, afe_job, suite_name, build, user,
-                 solo_test_run=False):
-        """Init a TestView object representing a tko test view.
-        @param view: A dictionary representing a tko test view.
-        @param afe_job: An instance of frontend.afe.models.Job
-                        representing the job that kicked off the test.
-        @param suite_name: The name of the suite
-                           that the test belongs to.
-        @param build: The build for which the test is run.
-        @param user: The user for which the test is run.
-        @param solo_test_run: This is a solo test run not part of a suite.
-        """
-        self.view = view
-        self.afe_job = afe_job
-        self.suite_name = suite_name
- = build
-        self.is_suite_view = afe_job.parent_job is None and not solo_test_run
-        # This is the test name that will be shown in the output.
-        self.testname = None
-        self.user = user
-        # The case that a job was aborted before it got a chance to run
-        # usually indicates suite has timed out (unless aborted by user).
-        # In this case, the abort reason will be None.
-        # Update the reason with proper information.
-        if (self.is_relevant_suite_view() and
-                not self.get_testname() == self.SUITE_JOB and
-                self.view['status'] == 'ABORT' and
-                not self.view['reason']):
-            self.view['reason'] = 'Timed out, did not run.'
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        """Overload __getitem__ so that we can still use []
-        @param key: A key of the tko test view.
-        @returns: The value of an attribute in the view.
-        """
-        return self.view[key]
-    def __iter__(self):
-        """Overload __iter__ so that it supports 'in' operator."""
-        return iter(self.view)
-    def get_testname(self):
-        """Get test name that should be shown in the output.
-        Formalize the test_name we got from the test view.
-        Remove 'build/suite' prefix if any.
-        If one runs a test in control file via the following code,
-           job.runtest('my_Test', tag='tag')
-        for most of the cases, view['test_name'] would look like 'my_Test.tag'.
-        If this is the case, this method will just return the original
-        test name, i.e. 'my_Test.tag'.
-        There are four special cases.
-        1) A test view is for the suite job's SERVER_JOB.
-           In this case, this method will return 'Suite job'.
-        2) A test view is of a child job or a solo test run not part of a
-           suite, and for a SERVER_JOB or CLIENT_JOB.
-           In this case, we will take the job name, remove the build/suite
-           prefix from the job name, and append the rest to 'SERVER_JOB'
-           or 'CLIENT_JOB' as a prefix. So the names returned by this
-           method will look like:
-             'dummy_Pass_SERVER_JOB'
-             'dummy_Fail_SERVER_JOB'
-        3) A test view is of a suite job and its status is ABORT.
-           In this case, the view['test_name'] is the child job's name.
-           For instance,
-             'lumpy-release/R35-5712.0.0/dummy/dummy_Pass'
-             'lumpy-release/R35-5712.0.0/dummy/dummy_Fail'
-           The above names will be converted to the following:
-             'dummy_Pass'
-             'dummy_Fail'
-        4) A test view's status is of a suite job and its status is TEST_NA.
-           In this case, the view['test_name'] is the NAME field of the control
-           file. For instance,
-             'dummy_Pass'
-             'dummy_Fail'
-           This method will not modify these names.
-        @returns: Test name after normalization.
-        """
-        if self.testname is not None:
-            return self.testname
-        if (self.is_suite_view and
-                self.view['test_name'].startswith('SERVER_JOB')):
-            # Rename suite job's SERVER_JOB to 'Suite job'.
-            self.testname = self.SUITE_JOB
-            return self.testname
-        if (self.view['test_name'].startswith('SERVER_JOB') or
-                self.view['test_name'].startswith('CLIENT_JOB')):
-            # Append job name as a prefix for SERVER_JOB and CLIENT_JOB
-            testname= '%s_%s' % (self.view['job_name'], self.view['test_name'])
-        else:
-            testname = self.view['test_name']
-        # Remove the build and suite name from testname if any.
-        self.testname = tools.get_test_name(
-      , self.suite_name, testname)
-        return self.testname
-    def is_relevant_suite_view(self):
-        """Checks whether this is a suite view we should care about.
-        @returns: True if it is relevant. False otherwise.
-        """
-        return (self.get_testname() == self.SUITE_JOB or
-                (self.is_suite_view and
-                    not self.view['test_name'].startswith('CLIENT_JOB') and
-                    not self.view['subdir']))
-    def is_test(self):
-        """Return whether the view is for an actual test.
-        @returns True if the view is for an actual test.
-                 False if the view is for SERVER_JOB or CLIENT_JOB.
-        """
-        return not (self.view['test_name'].startswith('SERVER_JOB') or
-                self.view['test_name'].startswith('CLIENT_JOB'))
-    def is_retry(self):
-        """Check whether the view is for a retry.
-        @returns: True, if the view is for a retry; False otherwise.
-        """
-        return self.view['job_keyvals'].get('retry_original_job_id') is not None
-    def hit_timeout(self):
-        """Check whether the corresponding job has hit its own timeout.
-        Note this method should not be called for those test views
-        that belongs to a suite job and are determined as irrelevant
-        by is_relevant_suite_view.  This is because they are associated
-        to the suite job, whose job start/finished time make no sense
-        to an irrelevant test view.
-        @returns: True if the corresponding afe job has hit timeout.
-                  False otherwise.
-        """
-        if (self.is_relevant_suite_view() and
-                self.get_testname() != self.SUITE_JOB):
-            # Any relevant suite test view except SUITE_JOB
-            # did not hit its own timeout because it was not ever run.
-            return False
-        start = (datetime.strptime(
-                self.view['job_started_time'], time_utils.TIME_FMT)
-                if self.view['job_started_time'] else None)
-        end = (datetime.strptime(
-                self.view['job_finished_time'], time_utils.TIME_FMT)
-                if self.view['job_finished_time'] else None)
-        if not start or not end:
-            return False
-        else:
-            return ((end - start).total_seconds()/60.0
-                        > self.afe_job.max_runtime_mins)
-    def is_aborted(self):
-        """Check if the view was aborted.
-        For suite job and child job test views, we check job keyval
-        'aborted_by' and test status.
-        For relevant suite job test views, we only check test status
-        because the suite job keyval won't make sense to individual
-        test views.
-        @returns: True if the test was as aborted, False otherwise.
-        """
-        if (self.is_relevant_suite_view() and
-                self.get_testname() != self.SUITE_JOB):
-            return self.view['status'] == 'ABORT'
-        else:
-            return (bool(self.view['job_keyvals'].get('aborted_by')) and
-                    self.view['status'] in ['ABORT', 'RUNNING'])
-    def is_in_fail_status(self):
-        """Check if the given test's status corresponds to a failure.
-        @returns: True if the test's status is FAIL or ERROR. False otherwise.
-        """
-        # All the statuses tests can have when they fail.
-        return self.view['status'] in ['FAIL', 'ERROR', 'ABORT']
-    def is_provision(self):
-        """Check whether this is a provision test."""
-        return self.get_testname() == 'provision'
-    def get_buildbot_link_reason(self):
-        """Generate the buildbot link reason for the test.
-        @returns: A string representing the reason.
-        """
-        return ('%s: %s' % (self.view['status'], self.view['reason'])
-                if self.view['reason'] else self.view['status'])
-    def get_job_id_owner_str(self):
-        """Generate the job_id_owner string for a test.
-        @returns: A string which looks like 135036-username
-        """
-        # self.user is actually the user that is executing this run_suite
-        # call, which is not necessarily the same as the job-creating user.
-        # The job creating user is available as a keyval; but fall back to
-        # self.user in case that key is missing.
-        job_user = self.view['job_keyvals'].get('user') or self.user
-        return '%s-%s' % (self.view['afe_job_id'], job_user)
-    def get_bug_info(self, suite_job_keyvals):
-        """Get the bug info from suite_job_keyvals.
-        If a bug has been filed for the test, its bug info (bug id and counts)
-        will be stored in the suite job's keyvals. This method attempts to
-        retrieve bug info of the test from |suite_job_keyvals|. It will return
-        None if no bug info is found. No need to check bug info if the view is
-        SUITE_JOB.
-        @param suite_job_keyvals: The job keyval dictionary of the suite job.
-                All the bug info about child jobs are stored in
-                suite job's keyvals.
-        @returns: None if there is no bug info, or a pair with the
-                  id of the bug, and the count of the number of
-                  times the bug has been seen.
-        """
-        if self.get_testname() == self.SUITE_JOB:
-            return None
-        if (self.view['test_name'].startswith('SERVER_JOB') or
-                self.view['test_name'].startswith('CLIENT_JOB')):
-            # Append job name as a prefix for SERVER_JOB and CLIENT_JOB
-            testname= '%s_%s' % (self.view['job_name'], self.view['test_name'])
-        else:
-            testname = self.view['test_name']
-        return tools.get_test_failure_bug_info(
-                suite_job_keyvals, self.view['afe_job_id'],
-                testname)
-    def should_display_buildbot_link(self):
-        """Check whether a buildbot link should show for this view.
-        For suite job view, show buildbot link if it fails.
-        For normal test view,
-            show buildbot link if it is a retry
-            show buildbot link if it hits its own timeout.
-            show buildbot link if it fails. This doesn't
-            include the case where it was aborted but has
-            not hit its own timeout (most likely it was aborted because
-            suite has timed out).
-        @returns: True if we should show the buildbot link.
-                  False otherwise.
-        """
-        is_bad_status = (self.view['status'] != 'GOOD' and
-                         self.view['status'] != 'TEST_NA')
-        if self.get_testname() == self.SUITE_JOB:
-            return is_bad_status
-        else:
-            if self.is_retry():
-                return True
-            if is_bad_status:
-                return not self.is_aborted() or self.hit_timeout()
-    def get_control_file_attributes(self):
-        """Get the attributes from the control file of the test.
-        @returns: A list of test attribute or None.
-        """
-        control_file = self.afe_job.control_file
-        attributes = None
-        if control_file:
-            cd = control_data.parse_control_string(control_file)
-            attributes = list(cd.attributes)
-        return attributes
-    def override_afe_job_id(self, afe_job_id):
-        """Overrides the AFE job id for the test.
-        @param afe_job_id: The new AFE job id to use.
-        """
-        self.view['afe_job_id'] = afe_job_id
-def log_buildbot_links(log_func, links):
-    """Output buildbot links to log.
-    @param log_func: Logging function to use.
-    @param links: Iterable of LogLink instances.
-    """
-    for link in links:
-        for generated_link in link.GenerateBuildbotLinks():
-            log_func(generated_link)
-        retry_link = link.GenerateRetryLink()
-        if retry_link:
-            log_func(retry_link)
-        history_link = link.GenerateHistoryLink()
-        if history_link:
-            log_func(history_link)
-class _ReturnCodeComputer(object):
-    """This is responsible for returning the _ReturnResult for a suite."""
-    def __call__(self, test_views):
-        """Compute the exit code based on test results."""
-        result = _RETURN_RESULTS['ok']
-        for v in test_views:
-            if v.get_testname() == TestView.SUITE_JOB:
-                result |= self._get_suite_result(v)
-            else:
-                result |= self._get_test_result(v)
-        return result
-    def _get_suite_result(self, test_view):
-        """Return the _ReturnResult for the given suite job."""
-        # The order of checking each case is important.
-        if test_view.is_aborted() and test_view.hit_timeout():
-            return _RETURN_RESULTS['suite_timeout']
-        elif test_view.is_in_fail_status():
-            return _RETURN_RESULTS['suite_failed']
-        elif test_view['status'] == 'WARN':
-            return _RETURN_RESULTS['suite_warning']
-        else:
-            return _RETURN_RESULTS['ok']
-    def _get_test_result(self, test_view):
-        """Return the _ReturnResult for the given test job."""
-        # The order of checking each case is important.
-        if test_view.is_aborted() and test_view.is_relevant_suite_view():
-            # The test was aborted before started
-            # This gurantees that the suite has timed out.
-            return _RETURN_RESULTS['test_aborted_prestart']
-        elif test_view.is_aborted() and not test_view.hit_timeout():
-            # The test was aborted, but
-            # not due to a timeout. This is most likely
-            # because the suite has timed out, but may
-            # also because it was aborted by the user.
-            # Since suite timing out is determined by checking
-            # the suite job view, we simply ignore this view here.
-            return _RETURN_RESULTS['test_aborted_mystery']
-        elif test_view.is_in_fail_status():  # The test job failed
-            if test_view.is_provision():
-                return _RETURN_RESULTS['provision_failed']
-            else:
-                return _RETURN_RESULTS['test_failure']
-        elif test_view['status'] == 'WARN':
-            return _RETURN_RESULTS['test_warning']
-        elif test_view.is_retry():
-            # The test is a passing retry.
-            return _RETURN_RESULTS['test_retry']
-        else:
-            return _RETURN_RESULTS['ok']
-class _ProvisionReturnCodeComputer(_ReturnCodeComputer):
-    """This is used for returning the _ReturnResult for provision suites."""
-    def __init__(self, num_required):
-        """Initialize instance.
-        num_required is the number of passing provision jobs needed.
-        """
-        super(_ProvisionReturnCodeComputer, self).__init__()
-        self._num_required = num_required
-        self._num_successful = 0
-    def __call__(self, test_views):
-        result = super(_ProvisionReturnCodeComputer, self).__call__(test_views)
-        if self._num_successful >= self._num_required:
-  'Return result upgraded from %r'
-                         ' due to enough ok provisions',
-                         result)
-            return _RETURN_RESULTS['ok']
-        else:
-            return result
-    def _get_test_result(self, test_view):
-        result = (super(_ProvisionReturnCodeComputer, self)
-                  ._get_test_result(test_view))
-        if result in {_RETURN_RESULTS[s] for s in ('ok', 'test_retry')}:
-            self._num_successful += 1
-        return result
-class ResultCollector(object):
-    """Collect test results of a suite or a single test run.
-    Once a suite job has finished, use this class to collect test results.
-    `run` is the core method that is to be called first. Then the caller
-    could retrieve information like return code, return message, is_aborted,
-    and timings by accessing the collector's public attributes. And output
-    the test results and links by calling the 'output_*' methods.
-    Here is a overview of what `run` method does.
-    1) Collect the suite job's results from tko_test_view_2.
-    For the suite job, we only pull test views without a 'subdir'.
-    A NULL subdir indicates that the test was _not_ executed. This could be
-    that no child job was scheduled for this test or the child job got
-    aborted before starts running.
-    (Note 'SERVER_JOB'/'CLIENT_JOB' are handled specially)
-    2) Collect the child jobs' results from tko_test_view_2.
-    For child jobs, we pull all the test views associated with them.
-    (Note 'SERVER_JOB'/'CLIENT_JOB' are handled specially)
-    3) Generate web and buildbot links.
-    4) Compute timings of the suite run.
-    5) Compute the return code based on test results.
-    @var _instance_server: The hostname of the server that is used
-                           to service the suite.
-    @var _afe: The afe rpc client.
-    @var _tko: The tko rpc client.
-    @var _build: The build for which the suite is run,
-                 e.g. 'lumpy-release/R35-5712.0.0'
-    @var _suite_name: The suite name, e.g. 'bvt', 'dummy'.
-    @var _suite_job_id: The job id of the suite for which we are going to
-                        collect results.
-    @var _original_suite_name: The suite name we record timing would be
-                               different from _suite_name when running
-                               suite_attr_wrapper.
-    @var _return_code_function: Called to return what the overall result of
-                                the suite is.
-    @var _suite_views: A list of TestView objects, representing relevant
-                       test views of the suite job.
-    @var _child_views: A list of TestView objects, representing test views
-                       of the child jobs.
-    @var _test_views: A list of TestView objects, representing all test views
-                      from _suite_views and _child_views.
-    @var _web_links: A list of web links pointing to the results of jobs.
-    @var buildbot_links: A list of buildbot links for non-passing tests.
-    @var _solo_test_run: True if this is a single test run.
-    @var return_result: The _ReturnResult of the suite run.
-    @var is_aborted: Whether the suite was aborted or not.
-                     True, False or None (aborting status is unknown yet)
-    @var timings: A Timing object that records the suite's timings.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, instance_server, afe, tko, build,
-                 suite_name, suite_job_id, return_code_function,
-                 original_suite_name=None,
-                 user=None, solo_test_run=False):
-        self._instance_server = instance_server
-        self._afe = afe
-        self._tko = tko
-        self._build = build
-        self._suite_name = suite_name
-        self._suite_job_id = suite_job_id
-        self._original_suite_name = original_suite_name or suite_name
-        self._return_code_function = return_code_function
-        self._suite_views = []
-        self._child_views = []
-        self._test_views = []
-        self._retry_counts = {}
-        self._missing_results = {}
-        self._web_links = []
-        self.buildbot_links = []
-        self._num_child_jobs = 0
-        self.return_result = None
-        self.is_aborted = None
-        self.timings = None
-        self._user = user or getpass.getuser()
-        self._solo_test_run = solo_test_run
-    def _fetch_relevant_test_views_of_suite(self):
-        """Fetch relevant test views of the suite job.
-        For the suite job, there will be a test view for SERVER_JOB, and views
-        for results of its child jobs. For example, assume we've created
-        a suite job (afe_job_id: 40) that runs dummy_Pass, dummy_Fail,
-        dummy_Pass.bluetooth. Assume dummy_Pass was aborted before running while
-        dummy_Path.bluetooth got TEST_NA as no duts have bluetooth.
-        So the suite job's test views would look like
-        _____________________________________________________________________
-        test_idx| job_idx|test_name           |subdir      |afe_job_id|status
-        10      | 1000   |SERVER_JOB          |----        |40        |GOOD
-        11      | 1000   |dummy_Pass          |NULL        |40        |ABORT
-        12      | 1000   |dummy_Fail.Fail     |41-onwer/...|40        |FAIL
-        13      | 1000   |dummy_Fail.Error    |42-owner/...|40        |ERROR
-        14      | 1000   |dummy_Pass.bluetooth|NULL        |40        |TEST_NA
-        For a suite job, we only care about
-        a) The test view for the suite job's SERVER_JOB
-        b) The test views for real tests without a subdir. A NULL subdir
-           indicates that a test didn't get executed.
-        So, for the above example, we only keep test views whose test_idxs
-        are 10, 11, 14.
-        @returns: A list of TestView objects, representing relevant
-                  test views of the suite job.
-        """
-        suite_job = self._afe.get_jobs(id=self._suite_job_id)[0]
-        views ='get_detailed_test_views',
-                              afe_job_id=self._suite_job_id)
-        relevant_views = []
-        for v in views:
-            v = TestView(v, suite_job, self._suite_name, self._build, self._user,
-                         solo_test_run=self._solo_test_run)
-            if v.is_relevant_suite_view():
-                # If the test doesn't have results in TKO and is being
-                # displayed in the suite view instead of the child view,
-                # then afe_job_id is incorrect and from the suite.
-                # Override it based on the AFE job id which was missing
-                # results.
-                # TODO: This is likely inaccurate if a test has multiple
-                # tries which all fail TKO parse stage.
-                if v['test_name'] in self._missing_results:
-                    v.override_afe_job_id(
-                            self._missing_results[v['test_name']][0])
-                relevant_views.append(v)
-        return relevant_views
-    def _compute_retry_count(self, view):
-        """Return how many times the test has been retried.
-        @param view: A TestView instance.
-        @returns: An int value indicating the retry count.
-        """
-        old_job = view['job_keyvals'].get('retry_original_job_id')
-        count = 0
-        while old_job:
-            count += 1
-            views =
-                call='get_detailed_test_views', afe_job_id=old_job)
-            old_job = (views[0]['job_keyvals'].get('retry_original_job_id')
-                       if views else None)
-        return count
-    def _fetch_test_views_of_child_jobs(self, jobs=None):
-        """Fetch test views of child jobs.
-        @returns: A tuple (child_views, retry_counts, missing_results)
-                  child_views is list of TestView objects, representing
-                  all valid views.
-                  retry_counts is a dictionary that maps test_idx to retry
-                  counts. It only stores retry counts that are greater than 0.
-                  missing_results is a dictionary that maps test names to
-                  lists of job ids.
-        """
-        child_views = []
-        retry_counts = {}
-        missing_results = {}
-        child_jobs = jobs or self._afe.get_jobs(parent_job_id=self._suite_job_id)
-        if child_jobs:
-            self._num_child_jobs = len(child_jobs)
-        for job in child_jobs:
-            views = [TestView(v, job, self._suite_name, self._build, self._user)
-                     for v in
-                         call='get_detailed_test_views',,
-                         invalid=0)]
-            if len(views) == 0:
-                missing_results.setdefault(, []).append(
-            contains_test_failure = any(
-                    v.is_test() and v['status'] != 'GOOD' for v in views)
-            for v in views:
-                if (v.is_test() or
-                        v['status'] != 'GOOD' and not contains_test_failure):
-                    # For normal test view, just keep it.
-                    # For SERVER_JOB or CLIENT_JOB, only keep it
-                    # if it fails and no other test failure.
-                    child_views.append(v)
-                    retry_count = self._compute_retry_count(v)
-                    if retry_count > 0:
-                        retry_counts[v['test_idx']] = retry_count
-        return child_views, retry_counts, missing_results
-    def _generate_web_and_buildbot_links(self):
-        """Generate web links and buildbot links."""
-        # TODO(fdeng): If a job was aborted before it reaches Running
-        # state, we read the test view from the suite job
-        # and thus this method generates a link pointing to the
-        # suite job's page for the aborted job. Need a fix.
-        self._web_links = []
-        self.buildbot_links = []
-        # Bug info are stored in the suite job's keyvals.
-        if self._solo_test_run:
-            suite_job_keyvals = {}
-        elif not self._suite_views:
-            suite_job_keyvals = {}
-        else:
-            suite_job_keyvals = self._suite_views[0]['job_keyvals']
-        for v in self._test_views:
-            retry_count = self._retry_counts.get(v['test_idx'], 0)
-            bug_info = v.get_bug_info(suite_job_keyvals)
-            job_id_owner = v.get_job_id_owner_str()
-            link = LogLink(
-                    anchor=v.get_testname(),
-                    server=self._instance_server,
-                    job_string=job_id_owner,
-                    bug_info=bug_info, retry_count=retry_count,
-                    testname=v.get_testname(),
-                    sponge_url=suite_job_keyvals.get('sponge_url'))
-            self._web_links.append(link)
-            if v.should_display_buildbot_link():
-                link.reason = v.get_buildbot_link_reason()
-                self.buildbot_links.append(link)
-    def _record_timings(self):
-        """Record suite timings."""
-        self.timings = Timings(self._suite_job_id)
-        for v in self._test_views:
-            self.timings.RecordTiming(v)
-    def _compute_return_code(self):
-        """Compute the exit code based on test results."""
-        self.return_result = self._return_code_function(self._test_views)
-    def _make_test_results(self):
-        """Make TestResults for collected tests.
-        @returns: List of TestResult instances.
-        """
-        test_results = []
-        for test_view in self._test_views:
-            test_result = TestResult(
-                test_view=test_view,
-                retry_count=self._retry_counts.get(test_view['test_idx'], 0))
-            test_results.append(test_result)
-        return test_results
-    def output_results(self):
-        """Output test results, timings and web links."""
-        # Output test results
-        test_results = self._make_test_results()
-        if len(test_results) == 0:
-            max_name_length = 0
-        else:
-            max_name_length = max(len( for t in test_results)
-        for test_result in test_results:
-            test_result.log_using(, max_name_length + 3)
-        # Output suite timings
-        # Output links to test logs
-'\nLinks to test logs:')
-        for link in self._web_links:
-    def get_results_dict(self):
-        """Write test results, timings and web links into a dict.
-        @returns: A dict of results in the format like:
-                  {
-                  'tests': {
-                        'test_1': {'status': 'GOOD', 'attributes': [1,2], ...}
-                        'test_2': {'status': 'FAIL', 'attributes': [1],...}
-                  }
-                  'suite_timings': {
-                        'download_start': '1998-07-17 00:00:00',
-                        'payload_download_end': '1998-07-17 00:00:05',
-                        ...
-                  }
-                  }
-        """
-        output_dict = {}
-        tests_dict = output_dict.setdefault('tests', {})
-        for v in self._test_views:
-            test_name = v.get_testname()
-            test_info = tests_dict.setdefault(test_name, {})
-            test_info.update({
-                'status': v['status'],
-                'attributes': v.get_control_file_attributes() or list(),
-                'reason': v['reason'],
-                'retry_count': self._retry_counts.get(v['test_idx'], 0),
-                'job_id': v['afe_job_id'],
-                })
-            # For aborted test, the control file will not be parsed and thus
-            # fail to get the attributes info. Therefore, the subsystems the
-            # abort test testing will be missing. For this case, we will assume
-            # the aborted test will test all subsystems, set subsystem:default.
-            if (test_info['status'] == 'ABORT' and
-                not any('subsystem:' in a for a in test_info['attributes'])):
-                test_info['attributes'].append('subsystem:default')
-        # Write the links to test logs into the |tests_dict| of |output_dict|.
-        # For test whose status is not 'GOOD', the link is also buildbot_link.
-        for link in self._web_links:
-            test_name = link.anchor.strip()
-            test_info = tests_dict.get(test_name)
-            if test_info:
-                test_info['link_to_logs'] = link.url
-                test_info['sponge_url'] = link.sponge_url
-                # Write the retry dashboard link into the dict.
-                if link in self.buildbot_links and link.testname:
-                    test_info['retry_dashboard_link'] \
-                        = reporting_utils.link_retry_url(link.testname)
-                    # Always write the wmatrix link for compatibility.
-                    test_info['wmatrix_link'] \
-                        = reporting_utils.link_wmatrix_retry_url(link.testname)
-                # Write the bug url into the dict.
-                if link.bug_id:
-                    test_info['bug_url'] = link.bug_url
-        # Write the suite timings into |output_dict|
-        timings = self.timings
-        if timings is not None:
-            time_dict = output_dict.setdefault('suite_timings', {})
-            time_dict.update({
-                'download_start' : str(timings.download_start_time),
-                'payload_download_end' : str(timings.payload_end_time),
-                'suite_start' : str(timings.suite_start_time),
-                'artifact_download_end' : str(timings.artifact_end_time),
-                'tests_start' : str(timings.tests_start_time),
-                'tests_end' : str(timings.tests_end_time),
-                })
-        output_dict['suite_job_id'] = self._suite_job_id
-        return output_dict
-    def run(self):
-        """Collect test results.
-        This method goes through the following steps:
-            Fetch relevent test views of the suite job.
-            Fetch test views of child jobs
-            Check whether the suite was aborted.
-            Generate links.
-            Calculate suite timings.
-            Compute return code based on the test result.
-        """
-        if self._solo_test_run:
-            self._test_views, self._retry_counts, self._missing_results = (
-                  self._fetch_test_views_of_child_jobs(
-                          jobs=self._afe.get_jobs(id=self._suite_job_id)))
-        else:
-            self._child_views, self._retry_counts, self._missing_results = (
-                    self._fetch_test_views_of_child_jobs())
-            self._suite_views = self._fetch_relevant_test_views_of_suite()
-            self._test_views = self._suite_views + self._child_views
-        # For hostless job in Starting status, there is no test view associated.
-        # This can happen when a suite job in Starting status is aborted. When
-        # the scheduler hits some limit, e.g., max_hostless_jobs_per_drone,
-        # max_jobs_started_per_cycle, a suite job can stays in Starting status.
-        if not self._test_views:
-            self.return_result = _RETURN_RESULTS['test_views_missing']
-            return
-        self.is_aborted = any([view['job_keyvals'].get('aborted_by')
-                               for view in self._suite_views])
-        self._generate_web_and_buildbot_links()
-        self._record_timings()
-        self._compute_return_code()
-def _make_child_dependencies(options):
-    """Creates a list of extra dependencies for child jobs.
-    @param options: Parsed arguments to run_suite.
-    @returns: A list of label strings if any dependencies should be added. None
-            otherwise.
-    """
-    if not options.model:
-        return ()
-    return ('model:%s' % options.model,)
-@retry.retry(error.StageControlFileFailure, timeout_min=10)
-def create_suite(afe, options):
-    """Create a suite with retries.
-    @param afe: The afe object to insert the new suite job into.
-    @param options: The options to use in creating the suite.
-    @return: The afe_job_id of the new suite job.
-    """
-'%s Submitted create_suite_job rpc',
-                 diagnosis_utils.JobTimer.format_time(
-    return
-        'create_suite_job',
-        board=options.board,
-        builds=suite_common.make_builds_from_options(options),
-        test_source_build=options.test_source_build,
-        check_hosts=not options.no_wait,
-        pool=options.pool,
-        file_bugs=options.file_bugs,
-        priority=options.priority,
-        suite_args=options.suite_args,
-        wait_for_results=not options.no_wait,
-        timeout_mins=options.timeout_mins + options.delay_minutes,
-        max_runtime_mins=options.max_runtime_mins + options.delay_minutes,
-        job_retry=options.retry,
-        max_retries=options.max_retries,
-        suite_min_duts=options.suite_min_duts,
-        offload_failures_only=options.offload_failures_only,
-        run_prod_code=options.run_prod_code,
-        delay_minutes=options.delay_minutes,
-        job_keyvals=options.job_keyvals,
-        test_args=options.test_args,
-        child_dependencies=options.child_dependencies,
-    )
-def _run_suite(options):
-    """
-    run_suite script without exception handling.
-    @param options: The parsed options.
-    @returns: A tuple contains the return_code of run_suite and the dictionary
-              of the output.
-    """
-    # If indicate to use the new style suite control file, convert the args
-    if options.use_suite_attr:
-        options = change_options_for_suite_attr(options)
-    log_name = _get_log_name(options)
-    utils.setup_logging(logfile=log_name)
-    if not options.bypass_labstatus and not options.web:
-        utils.check_lab_status(
-    afe = _create_afe(options)
-    instance_server = afe.server
-    rpc_helper = diagnosis_utils.RPCHelper(afe)
-    is_real_time = True
-    if options.mock_job_id:
-        job_id = int(options.mock_job_id)
-        existing_job = afe.get_jobs(id=job_id, finished=True)
-        if existing_job:
-            is_real_time = False
-        else:
-            existing_job = afe.get_jobs(id=job_id)
-        if existing_job:
-            job_created_on = time_utils.date_string_to_epoch_time(
-                    existing_job[0].created_on)
-        else:
-            raise utils.TestLabException('Failed to retrieve job: %d' % job_id)
-    else:
-        try:
-            rpc_helper.check_dut_availability(options.dependencies,
-                                              options.minimum_duts,
-                                              options.skip_duts_check)
-            job_id = create_suite(afe, options)
-            job_created_on = time.time()
-        except (error.CrosDynamicSuiteException,
-                error.RPCException, proxy.JSONRPCException) as e:
-            logging.exception('Error Message: %s', e)
-            return run_suite_common.SuiteResult(
-                    run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.INFRA_FAILURE,
-                    {'return_message': str(e)})
-        except AttributeError as e:
-            logging.exception('Error Message: %s', e)
-            return run_suite_common.SuiteResult(
-                    run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.INVALID_OPTIONS)
-    job_timer = diagnosis_utils.JobTimer(
-            job_created_on, float(options.timeout_mins))
-    job_url = reporting_utils.link_job(job_id,
-                                       instance_server=instance_server)
-    _log_create_task(job_timer, job_url, job_id)
-    if options.create_and_return:
-        msg = '--create_and_return was specified, terminating now.'
-        return run_suite_common.SuiteResult(
-                run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.OK,
-                {'return_message': msg})
-    if options.no_wait:
-        return _handle_job_nowait(job_id, options, instance_server)
-    else:
-        return _handle_job_wait(afe, job_id, options, job_timer, is_real_time)
-def _get_log_name(options):
-    """Return local log file's name.
-    @param options:         Parsed options.
-    @return log_name, a string file name.
-    """
-    if options.require_logfile:
-        # is verified to exist in verify_options.
-        # convert build name from containing / to containing only _.
-        log_name = 'run_suite-%s.log' %'/', '_')
-        log_dir = os.path.join(common.autotest_dir, 'logs')
-        if os.path.exists(log_dir):
-            log_name = os.path.join(log_dir, log_name)
-        return log_name
-    else:
-        return None
-def _create_afe(options):
-    """Return an afe instance based on options.
-    @param options          Parsed options.
-    @return afe, an AFE instance.
-    """
-    instance_server = (options.web if options.web else
-                       instance_for_pool(options.pool))
-    afe = frontend_wrappers.RetryingAFE(server=instance_server,
-                                        timeout_min=options.afe_timeout_mins,
-                                        delay_sec=options.delay_sec)
-'Autotest instance created: %s', instance_server)
-    return afe
-def _handle_job_wait(afe, job_id, options, job_timer, is_real_time):
-    """Handle suite job synchronously.
-    @param afe              AFE instance.
-    @param job_id           Suite job id.
-    @param options          Parsed options.
-    @param job_timer        JobTimer for suite job.
-    @param is_real_time     Whether or not to handle job timeout.
-    @return SuiteResult of suite job.
-    """
-    rpc_helper = diagnosis_utils.RPCHelper(afe)
-    instance_server = afe.server
-    while not afe.get_jobs(id=job_id, finished=True):
-        _poke_buildbot_with_output(afe, job_id, job_timer)
-        if job_timer.debug_output_timer.poll():
-  'The suite job has another %s till timeout.',
-                         job_timer.timeout_hours - job_timer.elapsed_time())
-        time.sleep(10)
-'%s Suite job is finished.',
-                 diagnosis_utils.JobTimer.format_time(
-    # For most cases, ResultCollector should be able to determine whether
-    # a suite has timed out by checking information in the test view.
-    # However, occationally tko parser may fail on parsing the
-    # job_finished time from the job's keyval file. So we add another
-    # layer of timeout check in run_suite. We do the check right after
-    # the suite finishes to make it as accurate as possible.
-    # There is a minor race condition here where we might have aborted
-    # for some reason other than a timeout, and the job_timer thinks
-    # it's a timeout because of the jitter in waiting for results.
-    # The consequence would be that run_suite exits with code
-    # SUITE_TIMEOUT while it should  have returned INFRA_FAILURE
-    # instead, which should happen very rarely.
-    # Note the timeout will have no sense when using -m option.
-    is_suite_timeout = job_timer.is_suite_timeout()
-    # Extract the original suite name to record timing.
-    original_suite_name = get_original_suite_name(,
-                                                  options.suite_args)
-    # Start collecting test results.
-'%s Start collecting test results and dump them to json.',
-                 diagnosis_utils.JobTimer.format_time(
-    TKO = frontend_wrappers.RetryingTKO(server=instance_server,
-                                        timeout_min=options.afe_timeout_mins,
-                                        delay_sec=options.delay_sec)
-    # TODO( It needs to be possible for provision
-    # suite to pass if only a few tests fail.  Otherwise, a single
-    # failing test will be reported as failure even if the suite reports
-    # success.
-    if == _PROVISION_SUITE:
-        # TODO( Creating the suite job requires that
-        # suite_args contains num_required.
-        return_code_function = _ProvisionReturnCodeComputer(
-            num_required=options.suite_args['num_required'])
-    else:
-        return_code_function = _ReturnCodeComputer()
-    collector = ResultCollector(instance_server=instance_server,
-                                afe=afe, tko=TKO,,
-                      ,
-                                suite_job_id=job_id,
-                                return_code_function=return_code_function,
-                                original_suite_name=original_suite_name)
-    # Dump test outputs into json.
-    output_dict = collector.get_results_dict()
-    output_dict['autotest_instance'] = instance_server
-    if not (options.json_dump or options.json_dump_postfix):
-        collector.output_results()
-    result = collector.return_result
-    if is_real_time:
-        if collector.is_aborted == True and is_suite_timeout:
-            # There are two possible cases when a suite times out.
-            # 1. the suite job was aborted due to timing out
-            # 2. the suite job succeeded, but some child jobs
-            #    were already aborted before the suite job exited.
-            # The case 2 was handled by ResultCollector,
-            # here we handle case 1.
-            result |= _RETURN_RESULTS['suite_timeout']
-    # And output return message.
-    if result.message:
-'Reason: %s', result.message)
-'\n %s Output below this line is for buildbot consumption:',
-                 diagnosis_utils.JobTimer.format_time(
-    log_buildbot_links(, collector.buildbot_links)
-    return result.suite_result(output_dict)
-def _handle_job_nowait(job_id, options, instance_server):
-    """Handle suite job asynchronously.
-    @param job_id           Suite job id.
-    @param options          Parsed options.
-    @param instance_server  Autotest instance hostname.
-    @return SuiteResult of suite job.
-    """
-'Created suite job: %r', job_id)
-    link = LogLink(, instance_server,
-                   '%s-%s' % (job_id, getpass.getuser()))
-    for generate_link in link.GenerateBuildbotLinks():
-'--no_wait specified; Exiting.')
-    return run_suite_common.SuiteResult(
-            run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.OK,
-            {'return_message': '--no_wait specified; Exiting.'})
-def _should_run(options):
-    """Check whether the suite should be run based on lab/job status checking.
-    @param options          Parsed options.
-    """
-    try:
-        site_utils.check_lab_status(options.test_source_build)
-    except site_utils.TestLabException as ex:
-        logging.exception('Lab is closed or build is blocked. Skipping '
-                          'suite %s, board %s, build %s:  %s',
-                , options.board,
-                          options.test_source_build, str(ex))
-        return False
-    start_time = str( -
-                     timedelta(days=_SEARCH_JOB_MAX_DAYS))
-    afe = _create_afe(options)
-    afe_jobs = afe.get_jobs(
-            name__istartswith=options.test_source_build,
-            name__iendswith='control.',
-            created_on__gte=start_time,
-            min_rpc_timeout=_MIN_RPC_TIMEOUT)
-    if options.model:
-        model_tag = 'model:%s' % options.model
-        filtered_jobs = [j for j in afe_jobs if model_tag in j.control_file]
-    else:
-        filtered_jobs = afe_jobs
-    if filtered_jobs:
-'Found duplicate suite %s scheduled in past.',
-                     filtered_jobs)
-        return False
-    return True
-def _poke_buildbot_with_output(afe, job_id, job_timer):
-    """Poke buildbot so it doesn't timeout from silence.
-    @param afe              AFE instance.
-    @param job_id           Suite job id.
-    @param job_timer        JobTimer for suite job.
-    """
-    rpc_helper = diagnosis_utils.RPCHelper(afe)
-    # Note that this call logs output, preventing buildbot's
-    # 9000 second silent timeout from kicking in. Let there be no
-    # doubt, this is a hack. The timeout is from upstream buildbot and
-    # this is the easiest work around.
-    if job_timer.first_past_halftime():
-        rpc_helper.diagnose_job(job_id, afe.server)
-def _run_task(options):
-    """Perform this script's function minus setup.
-    Boilerplate like argument parsing, logging, output formatting happen
-    elsewhere.
-    Returns a SuiteResult instance.
-    TODO(ayatane): The try/except should be moved into _run_suite().
-    Good luck trying to figure out which function calls are supposed to
-    raise which of the exceptions.
-    """
-    try:
-        return _run_suite(options)
-    except diagnosis_utils.DUTsNotAvailableError as e:
-        result = run_suite_common.SuiteResult(
-            run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.BOARD_NOT_AVAILABLE,
-            {'return_message': 'Skipping testing: %s' % e.message})
-        return result
-    except utils.TestLabException as e:
-        result = run_suite_common.SuiteResult(
-            run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.INFRA_FAILURE,
-            {'return_message': 'TestLabException: %s' % e})
-        logging.exception(result.output_dict['return_message'])
-        return result
-class _ExceptionHandler(object):
-    """Global exception handler replacement."""
-    def __init__(self, dump_json):
-        """Initialize instance.
-        @param dump_json: Whether to print a JSON dump of the result dict to
-                          stdout.
-        """
-        self._should_dump_json = dump_json
-    def __call__(self, exc_type, value, traceback):
-        if self._should_dump_json:
-            run_suite_common.dump_json(
-                    {'return_message': ('Unhandled run_suite exception: %s'
-                                        % value)})
-        sys.exit(run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.INFRA_FAILURE)
-def _log_create_task(job_timer, job_url, job_id):
-    """Logging for task creation."""
-'%s Created suite job: %s',
-                 job_timer.format_time(job_timer.job_created_time),
-                 job_url)
-'Link to suite', url=job_url))
-    # For task id parsing of chromite HWTestStage.
-'Created task id: %s', job_id)
-def _if_run_in_skylab(options):
-    """Detect whether to run suite in skylab.
-    Returns:
-        A tuple of (bool, string, string) to indicate
-            (if_use_skylab, override_pool, override_qs_account)
-    """
-    # An autotest job id is a number of at least 9 digits, e.g. 296843118.
-    # A skylab task id is of 16 chars, e.g. 43cabbb4e118ea10.
-    if len(str(options.mock_job_id)) >= 16:
-        # No override info is needed if mock_job_id is specified.
-        return True, '', ''
-'trampoline to skylab is not enabled.')
-        return False, '', ''
-    task_info = 'suite:%s, board:%s, model:%s, pool:%s' % (
-  , options.board, options.model, options.pool)
-    ctx = gs.GSContext()
-    with osutils.TempDir(prefix='trampoline_') as tempdir:
-        temp_file = os.path.join(tempdir, _MIGRATION_CONFIG_FILE)
-        ctx.Copy(_TRAMPOLINE_CONFIG, temp_file)
-        _migration_config = config_reader.MigrationConfig(
-                config_reader.ConfigReader(temp_file))
-'Checking whether to run in skylab: Task(%s)', task_info)
-        if skylab.should_run_in_skylab(_migration_config,
-                                       options.board,
-                                       options.model,
-                             ,
-                                       options.pool):
-  'Task (%s) Should run in skylab', task_info)
-            override_pool, override_qs_account = skylab.get_override_info(
-                    _migration_config,
-                    options.board,
-                    options.model,
-          ,
-                    options.pool)
-            return True, override_pool, override_qs_account
-'Task (%s) Should run in autotest', task_info)
-    return False, '', ''
-def _get_skylab_suite_result(child_tasks):
-    """Parse skylab task result to get final result for the suite.
-    @param child_tasks: A list of json dict of task result object, whose format
-        is: {
-                'name': ...,
-                'state': ...,
-                'failure': ...
-            }.
-    """
-    _final_suite_states = run_suite_common.get_final_skylab_suite_states()
-    for ct in child_tasks:
-'Parsing test %r', ct)
-        state = run_suite_common.get_final_skylab_task_state(ct)
-        if (state not in run_suite_common.IGNORED_TEST_STATE and
-            state in _final_suite_states):
-            return _final_suite_states[state][1]
-    return run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.OK
-def _log_skylab_for_buildbot(stdout):
-    """Output skylab logs to buildbot.
-    @param stdout: A string.
-    """
-'\n %s Output below this line is for buildbot consumption:',
-                 diagnosis_utils.JobTimer.format_time(
-def _run_paygen_with_skylab(options, override_pool, override_qs_account):
-    """Run paygen suites with skylab."""
-    builds = suite_common.make_builds_from_options(options)
-    skylab_tool = os.environ.get('SKYLAB_TOOL') or _SKYLAB_TOOL
-    test_source_build = suite_common.get_test_source_build(builds)
-    pool = ('DUT_POOL_%s' % options.pool.upper()
-            if not override_pool else override_pool)
-    paygen_tests = paygen.get_paygen_tests(test_source_build,
-    for test in paygen_tests:
-        cmd = [skylab_tool, 'create-test']
-        cmd += paygen.paygen_skylab_args(
-                test,, test_source_build, pool, options.board,
-                options.model, options.timeout_mins,
-                override_qs_account, _SKYLAB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT)
-        job_created_on = time.time()
-        try:
-            res = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, capture_output=True)
-        except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
-            logging.error(str(e))
-            return run_suite_common.SuiteResult(
-                    run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.INFRA_FAILURE)
-        job_url = res.output.split()[-1]
-        job_id = job_url.split('id=')[-1]
-        job_timer = diagnosis_utils.JobTimer(
-                job_created_on, float(options.timeout_mins))
-        _log_create_task(job_timer, job_url, job_id)
-    return run_suite_common.SuiteResult(run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.OK)
-def _run_with_skylab(options, override_pool, override_qs_account):
-    """Run suite inside skylab."""
-    if paygen.is_paygen_suite(
-        return _run_paygen_with_skylab(options, override_pool,
-                                       override_qs_account)
-    builds = suite_common.make_builds_from_options(options)
-    skylab_tool = os.environ.get('SKYLAB_TOOL') or _SKYLAB_TOOL
-    pool = override_pool or options.pool
-    if options.mock_job_id:
-        taskID = options.mock_job_id
-        cmd = [skylab_tool, 'wait-task',
-               '-timeout-mins', str(options.timeout_mins),
-               '-service-account-json', _SKYLAB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT,
-               taskID]
-        try:
-            res = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, capture_output=True)
-        except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
-            logging.error(str(e))
-            return run_suite_common.SuiteResult(
-                    run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.INFRA_FAILURE)
-        output = json.loads(res.output)
-        child_tasks = output['child-results']
-        task_stdout = output['stdout']
-        return_code = _get_skylab_suite_result(child_tasks)
-        _log_skylab_for_buildbot(task_stdout)
-        return run_suite_common.SuiteResult(return_code)
-    else:
-        cmd = [skylab_tool, 'create-suite',
-               '-board', options.board,
-               '-image', builds[provision.CROS_VERSION_PREFIX],
-               '-pool', pool,
-               '-timeout-mins', str(options.timeout_mins),
-               '-priority', str(skylab_priority_for(options.priority)),
-               '-service-account-json', _SKYLAB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT]
-        if override_qs_account:
-            cmd.extend(['-qs-account', override_qs_account])
-        if options.max_retries is not None:
-            cmd.extend(['-max-retries', str(options.max_retries)])
-        if options.model is not None:
-            cmd.extend(['-model', options.model])
-        tags = ['skylab:run_suite_trampoline']
-        for t in tags:
-            cmd.extend(['-tag', t])
-        unsupported_skylab_keyvals = ['datastore_parent_key']
-        if options.job_keyvals is not None:
-            for k, v in options.job_keyvals.iteritems():
-                if k in unsupported_skylab_keyvals:
-                    continue
-                cmd.extend(['-keyval', '%s:%s' % (k, v)])
-        cmd.extend([])
-        job_created_on = time.time()
-        res = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, capture_output=True)
-        # TODO (xixuan): The parsing will change with
-        job_url = res.output.split()[-1]
-        job_id = job_url.split('id=')[-1]
-        job_timer = diagnosis_utils.JobTimer(
-                job_created_on, float(options.timeout_mins))
-        _log_create_task(job_timer, job_url, job_id)
-        return run_suite_common.SuiteResult(run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.OK)
-def _run_with_autotest(options):
-    """Run suite inside autotest."""
-    if options.pre_check and not _should_run(options):
-'Suite %s-%s is terminated: Lab is closed, OR build is '
-                     'blocked, OR this suite has already been kicked off '
-                     'once in past %d days.',
-                     options.test_source_build,,
-                     _SEARCH_JOB_MAX_DAYS)
-        result = run_suite_common.SuiteResult(
-            run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.ERROR,
-            {'return_message': ("Lab is closed OR other reason"
-                                " (see code, it's complicated)")})
-    else:
-        result = _run_task(options)
-    if options.json_dump or options.json_dump_postfix:
-        run_suite_common.dump_json(result.output_dict)
-    return result
-def main():
-    """Entry point."""
-    utils.verify_not_root_user()
-    parser = make_parser()
-    options = parser.parse_args()
-    if options.do_nothing:
-        return 0
-    if options.suite_args_json and options.suite_args:
-        raise ValueError("suite_args and suite_args_json may not both "
-                         "be specified.")
-    if options.suite_args_json:
-        options.suite_args = options.suite_args_json
-    sys.exceptionhandler = _ExceptionHandler(
-            dump_json=(options.json_dump or options.json_dump_postfix))
-    if options.json_dump:
-        # Not disabled in json_dump_postfix mode, intentionally.
-        logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL)
-    options_okay = verify_and_clean_options(options)
-    # Set StreamHandler first to capture error messages if suite is not run.
-    utils.setup_logging()
-    if not options_okay:
-        parser.print_help()
-        result = run_suite_common.SuiteResult(
-                run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.INVALID_OPTIONS)
-    else:
-        try:
-            is_skylab, ovrd_pool, ovrd_qs_account = _if_run_in_skylab(options)
-        except Exception as e:
-            logging.exception(str(e))
-  'fall back to Autotest due to trampoline errors')
-            is_skylab = False
-            ovrd_pool = ''
-            ovrd_qs_account = ''
-        if is_skylab:
-            result = _run_with_skylab(options, ovrd_pool, ovrd_qs_account)
-        else:
-            result = _run_with_autotest(options)
-'Will return from run_suite with status: %s',
-                  run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.get_string(result.return_code))
-    return result.return_code
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/site_utils/ b/site_utils/
deleted file mode 100644
index ce9f21d..0000000
--- a/site_utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Shared libs by &"""
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from __future__ import division
-from __future__ import print_function
-import collections
-import json
-import sys
-import time
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import enum
-# Return code that will be sent back to callers.
-# Note: Do not modify this enum; it is dependend upon by several clients.
-RETURN_CODES = enum.Enum(
-        'OK',
-        'ERROR',
-        'WARNING',
-        'INFRA_FAILURE',
-        'SUITE_TIMEOUT',
-# TODO (xixuan):  This is duplicated from in skylab.
-# Make skylab caller also use this func.
-# Test status in _IGNORED_TEST_STATE won't be reported as test failure.
-# Or test may be reported as failure as
-# it's probably caused by the DUT is not well-provisioned.
-# TODO: Stop ignoring TASK_NO_RESOURCE if we drop TEST_NA feature.
-# Blocking issues:
-#     - Not all DUT labels are in skylab yet (
-class SuiteResult(collections.namedtuple('SuiteResult',
-                                         ['return_code', 'output_dict'])):
-    """Result of running a suite to return."""
-    def __new__(cls, return_code, output_dict=None):
-        if output_dict is None:
-            output_dict = dict()
-        else:
-            output_dict = output_dict.copy()
-        output_dict['return_code'] = return_code
-        return super(SuiteResult, cls).__new__(cls, return_code, output_dict)
-    @property
-    def string_code(self):
-        """Return the enum string name of the numerical return_code."""
-        return RETURN_CODES.get_string(self.return_code)
-def dump_json(obj):
-    """Write obj JSON to stdout."""
-    output_json = json.dumps(obj, sort_keys=True)
-    # These sleeps and flushes are a hack around the fact that when running
-    # in the autotest proxy in --json_dump_postfix mode, co-mingles
-    # both stdout and stderr (which include both logging output and json output)
-    # to a single output stream. This can cause the json output to be corrupted
-    # by concurrent writes (which is particularly likely because this dump
-    # occurs at the end of run_suite's execution, along with other ending
-    # logging). Buffer time and forced stream flushes reduce the likelihood of
-    # concurrent writes.
-    sys.stderr.flush()
-    time.sleep(0.5)
-    sys.stdout.flush()
-    sys.stdout.write('\n#JSON_START#%s#JSON_END#\n' % output_json.strip())
-    sys.stdout.flush()
-    time.sleep(0.5)
-# TODO (xixuan): This is duplicated from in skylab.
-# Make skylab caller also use this func.
-def get_final_skylab_task_state(task_result):
-    """Get the final state of a swarming task.
-    @param task_result: A json dict of SwarmingRpcsTaskResult object.
-    """
-    state = task_result['state']
-    if state == TASK_COMPLETED:
-        state = (TASK_COMPLETED_FAILURE if task_result['failure'] else
-                 TASK_COMPLETED_SUCCESS)
-    return state
-def get_final_skylab_suite_states():
-    return {
-            (
-                    TASK_COMPLETED_FAILURE,
-                    RETURN_CODES.ERROR,
-            ),
-            # Task No_Resource means no available bots to accept the task.
-            # Deputy should check whether it's infra failure.
-            TASK_NO_RESOURCE:
-            (
-                    TASK_NO_RESOURCE,
-                    RETURN_CODES.INFRA_FAILURE,
-            ),
-            # Task expired means a task is not triggered, could be caused by
-            #   1. No healthy DUTs/bots to run it.
-            #   2. Expiration seconds are too low.
-            #   3. Suite run is too slow to finish.
-            # Deputy should check whether it's infra failure.
-            TASK_EXPIRED:
-            (
-                    TASK_EXPIRED,
-                    RETURN_CODES.INFRA_FAILURE,
-            ),
-            # Task canceled means a task is canceled intentionally. Deputy
-            # should check whether it's infra failure.
-            TASK_CANCELED:
-            (
-                    TASK_CANCELED,
-                    RETURN_CODES.INFRA_FAILURE,
-            ),
-            TASK_TIMEDOUT:
-            (
-                    TASK_TIMEDOUT,
-                    RETURN_CODES.SUITE_TIMEOUT,
-            ),
-            # Task pending means a task is still waiting for picking up, but
-            # the suite already hits deadline. So report it as suite TIMEOUT.
-            # It could also be an INFRA_FAILURE due to DUTs/bots shortage.
-            TASK_PENDING:
-            (
-                    TASK_TIMEDOUT,
-                    RETURN_CODES.SUITE_TIMEOUT,
-            ),
-    }
diff --git a/site_utils/ b/site_utils/
deleted file mode 100755
index 4268e5f..0000000
--- a/site_utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,660 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import collections
-import datetime as datetime_base
-from datetime import datetime
-import mock
-import time
-import unittest
-import common
-from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import constants
-from autotest_lib.site_utils import run_suite
-from autotest_lib.site_utils import run_suite_common
-from autotest_lib.site_utils import diagnosis_utils
-class ReturnResultUnittest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """_ReturnResult tests."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(ReturnResultUnittest, self).setUp()
-        patcher = mock.patch.object(run_suite, '_RETURN_RESULTS',
-                                    collections.OrderedDict())
-        self.results = results = patcher.start()
-        self.addCleanup(patcher.stop)
-        results['small'] = run_suite._ReturnResult(0, 'small')
-        results['big'] = run_suite._ReturnResult(1, 'big')
-        patcher = mock.patch.object(run_suite, '_RETURN_RESULTS_LIST',
-                                    list(results.values()))
-        patcher.start()
-        self.addCleanup(patcher.stop)
-    def test_equal(self):
-        """Test _ReturnResult equal."""
-        self.assertEqual(self.results['small'], self.results['small'])
-    def test_unequal(self):
-        """Test _ReturnResult unequal."""
-        self.assertNotEqual(self.results['big'], self.results['small'])
-    def test_greater_than(self):
-        """Test _ReturnResult greater than."""
-        self.assertGreater(self.results['big'], self.results['small'])
-    def test_bitwise_or(self):
-        """Test _ReturnResult bitwise or."""
-        self.assertEqual(self.results['big'],
-                         self.results['big'] | self.results['small'])
-class ResultCollectorUnittest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Runsuite unittest"""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Set up test."""
-        self.afe = mock.MagicMock()
-        self.tko = mock.MagicMock()
-    def _build_view(self, test_idx, test_name, subdir, status, afe_job_id,
-                    job_name='fake_job_name', reason='fake reason',
-                    job_keyvals=None, test_started_time=None,
-                    test_finished_time=None, invalidates_test_idx=None,
-                    job_started_time=None, job_finished_time=None):
-        """Build a test view using the given fields.
-        @param test_idx: An integer representing test_idx.
-        @param test_name: A string, e.g. 'dummy_Pass'
-        @param subdir: A string representing the subdir field of the test view.
-                       e.g. 'dummy_Pass'.
-        @param status: A string representing the test status.
-                       e.g. 'FAIL', 'PASS'
-        @param afe_job_id: An integer representing the afe job id.
-        @param job_name: A string representing the job name.
-        @param reason: A string representing the reason field of the test view.
-        @param job_keyvals: A dictionary stroing the job keyvals.
-        @param test_started_time: A string, e.g. '2014-04-12 12:35:33'
-        @param test_finished_time: A string, e.g. '2014-04-12 12:35:33'
-        @param invalidates_test_idx: An integer, representing the idx of the
-                                     test that has been retried.
-        @param job_started_time: A string, e.g. '2014-04-12 12:35:33'
-        @param job_finished_time: A string, e.g. '2014-04-12 12:35:33'
-        @reutrn: A dictionary representing a test view.
-        """
-        if job_keyvals is None:
-            job_keyvals = {}
-        return {'test_idx': test_idx, 'test_name': test_name, 'subdir':subdir,
-                'status': status, 'afe_job_id': afe_job_id,
-                'job_name': job_name, 'reason': reason,
-                'job_keyvals': job_keyvals,
-                'test_started_time': test_started_time,
-                'test_finished_time': test_finished_time,
-                'invalidates_test_idx': invalidates_test_idx,
-                'job_started_time': job_started_time,
-                'job_finished_time': job_finished_time}
-    def _mock_tko_get_detailed_test_views(self, test_views,
-                                          missing_results=[]):
-        """Mock tko method get_detailed_test_views call.
-        @param test_views: A list of test views that will be returned
-                           by get_detailed_test_views.
-        """
-        return_values = {}
-        for v in test_views:
-            views_of_job = return_values.setdefault(
-                    ('get_detailed_test_views', v['afe_job_id']), [])
-            views_of_job.append(v)
-        for job_id in missing_results:
-            views_of_job = return_values.setdefault(
-                    ('get_detailed_test_views', job_id), [])
-        def side_effect(*args, **kwargs):
-            """Maps args and kwargs to the mocked return values."""
-            key = (kwargs['call'], kwargs['afe_job_id'])
-            return return_values[key]
- = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=side_effect)
-    def _mock_afe_get_jobs(self, suite_job_id, child_job_ids):
-        """Mock afe get_jobs call.
-        @param suite_job_id: The afe job id of the suite job.
-        @param child_job_ids: A list of job ids of the child jobs.
-        """
-        suite_job = mock.MagicMock()
- = suite_job_id
-        suite_job.max_runtime_mins = 10
-        suite_job.parent_job = None
-        return_values = {suite_job_id: []}
-        for job_id in child_job_ids:
-            new_job = mock.MagicMock()
-   = job_id
-   = 'test.%d' % job_id
-            new_job.max_runtime_mins = self.JOB_MAX_RUNTIME_MINS
-            new_job.parent_job = suite_job
-            return_values[suite_job_id].append(new_job)
-        def side_effect(*args, **kwargs):
-            """Maps args and kwargs to the mocked return values."""
-            if kwargs.get('id') == suite_job_id:
-                return [suite_job]
-            return return_values[kwargs['parent_job_id']]
-        self.afe.get_jobs = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=side_effect)
-    def testFetchSuiteTestView(self):
-        """Test that it fetches the correct suite test views."""
-        suite_job_id = 100
-        suite_name = 'dummy'
-        build = 'R23-'
-        server_job_view = self._build_view(
-                10, 'SERVER_JOB', '----', 'GOOD', suite_job_id)
-        test_to_ignore = self._build_view(
-                11, 'dummy_Pass', '101-user/host/dummy_Pass',
-                'GOOD', suite_job_id)
-        test_to_include = self._build_view(
-                12, 'dummy_Pass.bluetooth', None, 'TEST_NA', suite_job_id)
-        test_missing = self._build_view(
-                13, 'dummy_Missing', None, 'ABORT', suite_job_id)
-        self._mock_afe_get_jobs(suite_job_id, [])
-        self._mock_tko_get_detailed_test_views(
-                [server_job_view, test_to_ignore, test_to_include,
-                 test_missing])
-        collector = run_suite.ResultCollector(
-                'fake_server', self.afe, self.tko,
-                build=build, suite_name=suite_name,
-                suite_job_id=suite_job_id,
-                return_code_function=run_suite._ReturnCodeComputer())
-        collector._missing_results = {
-                test_missing['test_name']: [14, 15],
-        }
-        suite_views = collector._fetch_relevant_test_views_of_suite()
-        suite_views = sorted(suite_views, key=lambda view: view['test_idx'])
-        # Verify that SERVER_JOB is renamed to 'Suite job'
-        self.assertEqual(suite_views[0].get_testname(),
-                         run_suite.TestView.SUITE_JOB)
-        # Verify that the test with a subidr is not included.
-        self.assertEqual(suite_views[0]['test_idx'], 10)
-        self.assertEqual(suite_views[1]['test_idx'], 12)
-        self.assertEqual(suite_views[1]['afe_job_id'], suite_job_id)
-        # Verify that the test with missing results had it's AFE job id
-        # replaced.
-        self.assertEqual(suite_views[2]['test_idx'], 13)
-        self.assertEqual(suite_views[2]['afe_job_id'], 14)
-    def testFetchTestViewOfChildJobs(self):
-        """Test that it fetches the correct child test views."""
-        build = 'lumpy-release/R36-5788.0.0'
-        board = 'lumpy'
-        suite_name = 'my_suite'
-        suite_job_id = 100
-        invalid_job_id = 101
-        invalid_job_name = '%s/%s/test_Pass' % (build, suite_name)
-        good_job_id = 102
-        good_job_name = '%s/%s/test_Pass' % (build, suite_name)
-        bad_job_id = 103
-        bad_job_name = '%s/%s/test_ServerJobFail' % (build, suite_name)
-        missing_job_id = 104
-        invalid_test = self._build_view(
-                19, 'test_Pass_Old', 'fake/subdir',
-                'FAIL', invalid_job_id, invalid_job_name)
-        good_job_server_job = self._build_view(
-                20, 'SERVER_JOB', '----', 'GOOD', good_job_id, good_job_name)
-        good_job_test = self._build_view(
-                21, 'test_Pass', 'fake/subdir', 'GOOD',
-                good_job_id, good_job_name,
-                job_keyvals={'retry_original_job_id': invalid_job_id})
-        bad_job_server_job = self._build_view(
-                22, 'SERVER_JOB', '----', 'FAIL', bad_job_id, bad_job_name)
-        bad_job_test = self._build_view(
-                23, 'test_ServerJobFail', 'fake/subdir', 'GOOD',
-                bad_job_id, bad_job_name)
-        self._mock_tko_get_detailed_test_views(
-                [good_job_server_job, good_job_test,
-                 bad_job_server_job, bad_job_test, invalid_test],
-                [missing_job_id])
-        self._mock_afe_get_jobs(suite_job_id,
-                                [good_job_id, bad_job_id, missing_job_id])
-        collector = run_suite.ResultCollector(
-                'fake_server', self.afe, self.tko,
-                build, suite_name, suite_job_id,
-                return_code_function=run_suite._ReturnCodeComputer())
-        child_views, retry_counts, missing_results = (
-                collector._fetch_test_views_of_child_jobs())
-        # child_views should contain tests 21, 22, 23
-        child_views = sorted(child_views, key=lambda view: view['test_idx'])
-        # Verify that the SERVER_JOB has been renamed properly
-        self.assertEqual(child_views[1].get_testname(),
-                         'test_ServerJobFail_SERVER_JOB')
-        self.assertEqual(missing_results, {'test.104': [104]})
-        # Verify that failed SERVER_JOB and actual invalid tests are included,
-        expected = [good_job_test['test_idx'], bad_job_server_job['test_idx'],
-                    bad_job_test['test_idx']]
-        child_view_ids = [v['test_idx'] for v in child_views]
-        self.assertEqual(child_view_ids, expected)
-        self.afe.get_jobs.assert_called_once_with(
-                parent_job_id=suite_job_id)
-        # Verify the retry_counts is calculated correctly
-        self.assertEqual(len(retry_counts), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(retry_counts[21], 1)
-    def testGenerateLinks(self):
-        """Test that it generates correct web and buildbot links."""
-        suite_job_id = 100
-        suite_name = 'my_suite'
-        build = 'lumpy-release/R36-5788.0.0'
-        board = 'lumpy'
-        fake_job = mock.MagicMock()
-        fake_job.parent = suite_job_id
-        test_sponge_url = 'http://test_url'
-        job_keyvals = {'sponge_url': test_sponge_url}
-        suite_job_view = run_suite.TestView(
-                self._build_view(
-                    20, 'Suite job', '----', 'GOOD', suite_job_id,
-                    job_keyvals=job_keyvals),
-                fake_job, suite_name, build, 'chromeos-test')
-        good_test = run_suite.TestView(
-                self._build_view(
-                    21, 'test_Pass', 'fake/subdir', 'GOOD', 101,
-                    job_keyvals=job_keyvals),
-                fake_job, suite_name, build, 'chromeos-test')
-        bad_test = run_suite.TestView(
-                self._build_view(
-                    23, 'test_Fail', 'fake/subdir', 'FAIL', 102,
-                    job_keyvals=job_keyvals),
-                fake_job, suite_name, build, 'chromeos-test')
-        collector = run_suite.ResultCollector(
-                'fake_server', self.afe, self.tko,
-                build, suite_name, suite_job_id, user='chromeos-test',
-                return_code_function=run_suite._ReturnCodeComputer())
-        collector._suite_views = [suite_job_view]
-        collector._test_views = [suite_job_view, good_test, bad_test]
-        collector._max_testname_width = max(
-                [len(v.get_testname()) for v in collector._test_views]) + 3
-        collector._generate_web_and_buildbot_links()
-        URL_PATTERN = run_suite._URL_PATTERN
-        # expected_web_links is list of (anchor, url) tuples we
-        # are expecting.
-        expected_web_links = [
-                 (v.get_testname(),
-                  URL_PATTERN % ('http://fake_server',
-                                 '%s-%s' % (v['afe_job_id'], 'chromeos-test')),
-                  test_sponge_url)
-                 for v in collector._test_views]
-        # Verify web links are generated correctly.
-        for i in range(len(collector._web_links)):
-            expect = expected_web_links[i]
-            self.assertEqual(collector._web_links[i].anchor, expect[0])
-            self.assertEqual(collector._web_links[i].url, expect[1])
-            self.assertEqual(collector._web_links[i].sponge_url, expect[2])
-        expected_buildbot_links = [
-                 (v.get_testname(),
-                  URL_PATTERN % ('http://fake_server',
-                                 '%s-%s' % (v['afe_job_id'], 'chromeos-test')))
-                 for v in collector._test_views if v['status'] != 'GOOD']
-        # Verify buildbot links are generated correctly.
-        for i in range(len(collector.buildbot_links)):
-            expect = expected_buildbot_links[i]
-            self.assertEqual(collector.buildbot_links[i].anchor, expect[0])
-            self.assertEqual(collector.buildbot_links[i].url, expect[1])
-            self.assertEqual(collector.buildbot_links[i].retry_count, 0)
-            # Assert that a retry dashboard link is created.
-            self.assertNotEqual(
-                    collector.buildbot_links[i].GenerateRetryLink(), '')
-            self.assertNotEqual(
-                    collector.buildbot_links[i].GenerateHistoryLink(), '')
-    def _end_to_end_test_helper(
-            self, include_bad_test=False, include_warn_test=False,
-            include_timeout_test=False,
-            include_self_aborted_test=False,
-            include_aborted_by_suite_test=False,
-            include_good_retry=False, include_bad_retry=False,
-            include_good_test=True,
-            suite_job_timed_out=False, suite_job_status='GOOD'):
-        """A helper method for testing ResultCollector end-to-end.
-        This method mocks the retrieving of required test views,
-        and call to collect the results.
-        @param include_bad_test:
-                If True, include a view of a test which has status 'FAIL'.
-        @param include_warn_test:
-                If True, include a view of a test which has status 'WARN'
-        @param include_timeout_test:
-                If True, include a view of a test which was aborted before
-                started.
-        @param include_self_aborted_test:
-                If True, include a view of test which was aborted after
-                started and hit hits own timeout.
-        @param include_self_aborted_by_suite_test:
-                If True, include a view of test which was aborted after
-                started but has not hit its own timeout.
-        @param include_good_retry:
-                If True, include a test that passed after retry.
-        @param include_bad_retry:
-                If True, include a test that failed after retry.
-        @param include_good_test:
-                If True, include a test that passed. If False, pretend no tests
-                (including the parent suite job) came back with any test
-                results.
-        @param suite_job_status: One of 'GOOD' 'FAIL' 'ABORT' 'RUNNING'
-        @returns: A ResultCollector instance.
-        """
-        suite_job_id = 100
-        good_job_id = 101
-        bad_job_id = 102
-        warn_job_id = 102
-        timeout_job_id = 100
-        self_aborted_job_id = 104
-        aborted_by_suite_job_id = 105
-        good_retry_job_id = 106
-        bad_retry_job_id = 107
-        invalid_job_id_1 = 90
-        invalid_job_id_2 = 91
-        suite_name = 'dummy'
-        build = 'lumpy-release/R27-3888.0.0'
-        suite_job_keyvals = {
-                constants.DOWNLOAD_STARTED_TIME: '2014-04-29 13:14:20',
-                constants.PAYLOAD_FINISHED_TIME: '2014-04-29 13:14:25',
-                constants.ARTIFACT_FINISHED_TIME: '2014-04-29 13:14:30'}
-        suite_job_started_time = '2014-04-29 13:14:37'
-        if suite_job_timed_out:
-            suite_job_keyvals['aborted_by'] = 'test_user'
-            suite_job_finished_time = '2014-04-29 13:25:37'
-            suite_job_status = 'ABORT'
-        else:
-            suite_job_finished_time = '2014-04-29 13:23:37'
-        server_job_view = self._build_view(
-                10, 'SERVER_JOB', '----', suite_job_status, suite_job_id,
-                'lumpy-release/R27-3888.0.0-test_suites/control.dummy',
-                '', suite_job_keyvals, '2014-04-29 13:14:37',
-                '2014-04-29 13:20:27', job_started_time=suite_job_started_time,
-                job_finished_time=suite_job_finished_time)
-        good_test = self._build_view(
-                11, 'dummy_Pass', '101-user/host/dummy_Pass', 'GOOD',
-                good_job_id, 'lumpy-release/R27-3888.0.0/dummy/dummy_Pass',
-                '', {}, '2014-04-29 13:15:35', '2014-04-29 13:15:36')
-        bad_test = self._build_view(
-                12, 'dummy_Fail.Fail', '102-user/host/dummy_Fail.Fail', 'FAIL',
-                bad_job_id, 'lumpy-release/R27-3888.0.0/dummy/dummy_Fail.Fail',
-                'always fail', {}, '2014-04-29 13:16:00',
-                '2014-04-29 13:16:02')
-        warn_test = self._build_view(
-                13, 'dummy_Fail.Warn', '102-user/host/dummy_Fail.Warn', 'WARN',
-                warn_job_id, 'lumpy-release/R27-3888.0.0/dummy/dummy_Fail.Warn',
-                'always warn', {}, '2014-04-29 13:16:00',
-                '2014-04-29 13:16:02')
-        timeout_test = self._build_view(
-                15, 'dummy_Timeout', '', 'ABORT',
-                timeout_job_id,
-                'lumpy-release/R27-3888.0.0/dummy/dummy_Timeout',
-                'child job did not run', {}, '2014-04-29 13:15:37',
-                '2014-04-29 13:15:38')
-        self_aborted_test = self._build_view(
-                16, 'dummy_Abort', '104-user/host/dummy_Abort', 'ABORT',
-                self_aborted_job_id,
-                'lumpy-release/R27-3888.0.0/dummy/dummy_Abort',
-                'child job aborted', {'aborted_by': 'test_user'},
-                '2014-04-29 13:15:39', '2014-04-29 13:15:40',
-                job_started_time='2014-04-29 13:15:39',
-                job_finished_time='2014-04-29 13:25:40')
-        aborted_by_suite = self._build_view(
-                17, 'dummy_AbortBySuite', '105-user/host/dummy_AbortBySuite',
-                'RUNNING', aborted_by_suite_job_id,
-                'lumpy-release/R27-3888.0.0/dummy/dummy_Abort',
-                'aborted by suite', {'aborted_by': 'test_user'},
-                '2014-04-29 13:15:39', '2014-04-29 13:15:40',
-                job_started_time='2014-04-29 13:15:39',
-                job_finished_time='2014-04-29 13:15:40')
-        good_retry = self._build_view(
-                18, 'dummy_RetryPass', '106-user/host/dummy_RetryPass', 'GOOD',
-                good_retry_job_id,
-                'lumpy-release/R27-3888.0.0/dummy/dummy_RetryPass',
-                '', {'retry_original_job_id': invalid_job_id_1},
-                '2014-04-29 13:15:37',
-                '2014-04-29 13:15:38', invalidates_test_idx=1)
-        bad_retry = self._build_view(
-                19, 'dummy_RetryFail', '107-user/host/dummy_RetryFail', 'FAIL',
-                bad_retry_job_id,
-                'lumpy-release/R27-3888.0.0/dummy/dummy_RetryFail',
-                'retry failed', {'retry_original_job_id': invalid_job_id_2},
-                '2014-04-29 13:15:39', '2014-04-29 13:15:40',
-                invalidates_test_idx=2)
-        invalid_test_1 = self._build_view(
-                1, 'dummy_RetryPass', '90-user/host/dummy_RetryPass', 'GOOD',
-                invalid_job_id_1,
-                'lumpy-release/R27-3888.0.0/dummy/dummy_RetryPass',
-                'original test failed', {}, '2014-04-29 13:10:00',
-                '2014-04-29 13:10:01')
-        invalid_test_2 = self._build_view(
-                2, 'dummy_RetryFail', '91-user/host/dummy_RetryFail', 'FAIL',
-                invalid_job_id_2,
-                'lumpy-release/R27-3888.0.0/dummy/dummy_RetryFail',
-                'original test failed', {},
-                '2014-04-29 13:10:03', '2014-04-29 13:10:04')
-        test_views = []
-        child_jobs = set()
-        missing_results = []
-        if include_good_test:
-            test_views.append(server_job_view)
-            test_views.append(good_test)
-            child_jobs.add(good_job_id)
-        # Emulate missing even the parent/suite job.
-        else:
-            missing_results.append(suite_job_id)
-        if include_bad_test:
-            test_views.append(bad_test)
-            child_jobs.add(bad_job_id)
-        if include_warn_test:
-            test_views.append(warn_test)
-            child_jobs.add(warn_job_id)
-        if include_timeout_test:
-            test_views.append(timeout_test)
-        if include_self_aborted_test:
-            test_views.append(self_aborted_test)
-            child_jobs.add(self_aborted_job_id)
-        if include_good_retry:
-            test_views.extend([good_retry, invalid_test_1])
-            child_jobs.add(good_retry_job_id)
-        if include_bad_retry:
-            test_views.extend([bad_retry, invalid_test_2])
-            child_jobs.add(bad_retry_job_id)
-        if include_aborted_by_suite_test:
-            test_views.append(aborted_by_suite)
-            child_jobs.add(aborted_by_suite_job_id)
-        self._mock_tko_get_detailed_test_views(test_views,
-               missing_results=missing_results)
-        self._mock_afe_get_jobs(suite_job_id, child_jobs)
-        collector = run_suite.ResultCollector(
-               'fake_server', self.afe, self.tko,
-               'lumpy-release/R36-5788.0.0', 'dummy', suite_job_id,
-               return_code_function=run_suite._ReturnCodeComputer())
-        collector.output_results()
-        return collector
-    def testEndToEndSuiteEmpty(self):
-        """Test it returns code INFRA_FAILURE when no tests report back."""
-        collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(include_good_test=False)
-        self.assertEqual(collector.return_result.return_code,
-                         run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.INFRA_FAILURE)
-    def testEndToEndSuitePass(self):
-        """Test it returns code OK when all test pass."""
-        collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper()
-        self.assertEqual(collector.return_result.return_code,
-                         run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.OK)
-    def testEndToEndSuiteWarn(self):
-        """Test it returns code WARNING when there is a test that warns."""
-        collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(include_warn_test=True)
-        self.assertEqual(collector.return_result.return_code,
-                         run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.WARNING)
-    def testEndToEndSuiteFail(self):
-        """Test it returns code ERROR when there is a test that fails."""
-        collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(include_bad_test=True)
-        self.assertEqual(collector.return_result.return_code,
-                         run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.ERROR)
-    def testEndToEndSuiteJobFail(self):
-        """Test it returns code SUITE_FAILURE when only the suite job failed."""
-        collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(suite_job_status='ABORT')
-        self.assertEqual(
-                collector.return_result.return_code,
-                run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.INFRA_FAILURE)
-        collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(suite_job_status='ERROR')
-        self.assertEqual(
-                collector.return_result.return_code,
-                run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.INFRA_FAILURE)
-    def testEndToEndRetry(self):
-        """Test it returns correct code when a test was retried."""
-        collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(include_good_retry=True)
-        self.assertEqual(
-                collector.return_result.return_code,
-                run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.WARNING)
-        collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(include_good_retry=True,
-                include_self_aborted_test=True)
-        self.assertEqual(
-                collector.return_result.return_code,
-                run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.ERROR)
-        collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(include_good_retry=True,
-                include_bad_test=True)
-        self.assertEqual(
-                collector.return_result.return_code,
-                run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.ERROR)
-        collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(include_bad_retry=True)
-        self.assertEqual(
-                collector.return_result.return_code,
-                run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.ERROR)
-    def testEndToEndSuiteTimeout(self):
-        """Test it returns correct code when a child job timed out."""
-        # a child job timed out before started, none failed.
-        collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(include_timeout_test=True)
-        self.assertEqual(
-                collector.return_result.return_code,
-                run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.SUITE_TIMEOUT)
-        # a child job timed out before started, and one test failed.
-        collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(
-                include_bad_test=True, include_timeout_test=True)
-        self.assertEqual(collector.return_result.return_code,
-                         run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.ERROR)
-        # a child job timed out before started, and one test warned.
-        collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(
-                include_warn_test=True, include_timeout_test=True)
-        self.assertEqual(collector.return_result.return_code,
-                         run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.SUITE_TIMEOUT)
-        # a child job timed out before started, and one test was retried.
-        collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(include_good_retry=True,
-                include_timeout_test=True)
-        self.assertEqual(
-                collector.return_result.return_code,
-                run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.SUITE_TIMEOUT)
-        # a child jot was aborted because suite timed out.
-        collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(
-                include_aborted_by_suite_test=True)
-        self.assertEqual(
-                collector.return_result.return_code,
-                run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.SUITE_TIMEOUT)
-        # suite job timed out.
-        collector = self._end_to_end_test_helper(suite_job_timed_out=True)
-        self.assertEqual(
-                collector.return_result.return_code,
-                run_suite_common.RETURN_CODES.SUITE_TIMEOUT)
-class LogLinkUnittests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Test the LogLink"""
-    def testGenerateBuildbotLinks(self):
-        """Test LogLink GenerateBuildbotLinks"""
-        log_link_a = run_suite.LogLink('mock_anchor', 'mock_server',
-                                      'mock_job_string',
-                                      bug_info=('mock_bug_id', 1),
-                                      reason='mock_reason',
-                                      retry_count=1,
-                                      testname='mock_testname')
-        # Generate a bug link and a log link when bug_info is present
-        self.assertTrue(len(list(log_link_a.GenerateBuildbotLinks())) == 2)
-        log_link_b = run_suite.LogLink('mock_anchor', 'mock_server',
-                                      'mock_job_string_b',
-                                      reason='mock_reason',
-                                      retry_count=1,
-                                      testname='mock_testname')
-        # Generate a log link when there is no bug_info
-        self.assertTrue(len(list(log_link_b.GenerateBuildbotLinks())) == 1)
-class SimpleTimerUnittests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Test the simple timer."""
-    def testPoll(self):
-        """Test polling the timer."""
-        interval_hours = 0.0001
-        t = diagnosis_utils.SimpleTimer(interval_hours=interval_hours)
-        deadline = t.deadline
-        self.assertTrue(deadline is not None and
-                        t.interval_hours == interval_hours)
-        min_deadline = ( +
-                        datetime_base.timedelta(hours=interval_hours))
-        time.sleep(interval_hours * 3600)
-        self.assertTrue(t.poll())
-        self.assertTrue(t.deadline >= min_deadline)
-    def testBadInterval(self):
-        """Test a bad interval."""
-        t = diagnosis_utils.SimpleTimer(interval_hours=-1)
-        self.assertTrue(t.deadline is None and t.poll() == False)
-        t._reset()
-        self.assertTrue(t.deadline is None and t.poll() == False)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()