beginnings of a new scheduler functional test.  this aims to test the entire file holistically, made possible by the fact that is already isolated from all direct system access through drone_manager (this was a necessary separation for distributed scheduling).  by mocking out the entire drone_manager, as well as other major dependencies (email manager, global config), and filling a test database, we can allow the dispatcher to execute normally and allow it to interact with all the other code in monitor_db.  at the end, we can check the state of the database and the drone_manager, and (probably most importantly, given the usual failure mode of the scheduler) we can ensure no exceptions get raised from monitor_db.

right now, the test is very minimal.  it's able to walk through the process of executing a normal, default job with nothing unusual arising.  it checks very little, other than ensuring that the scheduler doesn't die from any exceptions.  over time it can be extended to test many more cases and check many more things.  this is just a start.

as a side note, i added a "django" backend to which just uses the Django connection wrapper.  this is preferable because Django has lots of nice translations already in place.  for example, SQLite returns datetime columns as strings, but Django's wrapper automatically translates them into real datetime objects.  we could probably just use this in lots of places, such as the frontend and scheduler unit tests.  but it was necessary here.

Signed-off-by: Steve Howard <>

git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
diff --git a/scheduler/ b/scheduler/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1aa6df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduler/
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+import logging, unittest
+import common
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
+from autotest_lib.database import database_connection
+from autotest_lib.frontend import setup_django_environment
+from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import frontend_test_utils
+from autotest_lib.scheduler import drone_manager, email_manager, monitor_db
+# translations necessary for scheduler queries to work with SQLite
+_re_translator = database_connection.TranslatingDatabase.make_regexp_translator
+        _re_translator(r'NOW\(\)', 'time("now")'),
+        # older SQLite doesn't support group_concat, so just don't bother until
+        # it arises in an important query
+        _re_translator(r'GROUP_CONCAT\((.*?)\)', r'\1'),
+class NullMethodObject(object):
+    _NULL_METHODS = ()
+    def __init__(self):
+        def null_method(*args, **kwargs):
+            pass
+        for method_name in self._NULL_METHODS:
+            setattr(self, method_name, null_method)
+class MockGlobalConfig(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._config_info = {}
+    def set_config_value(self, section, key, value):
+        self._config_info[(section, key)] = value
+    def get_config_value(self, section, key, type=str,
+                         default=None, allow_blank=False):
+        identifier = (section, key)
+        if identifier not in self._config_info:
+            raise RuntimeError('Unset global config value: %s' % (identifier,))
+        return self._config_info[identifier]
+class MockDroneManager(NullMethodObject):
+    _NULL_METHODS = ('refresh', 'reinitialize_drones',
+                     'copy_to_results_repository')
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(MockDroneManager, self).__init__()
+        # maps result_dir to set of tuples (file_path, file_contents)
+        self._attached_files = {}
+        # maps pidfile IDs to PidfileContents
+        self._pidfiles = {}
+        # pidfile IDs that haven't been created yet
+        self._future_pidfiles = []
+        # the most recently created pidfile ID
+        self._last_pidfile_id = None
+        # maps (working_directory, pidfile_name) to pidfile IDs
+        self._pidfile_index = {}
+    # utility APIs for use by the test
+    def set_last_pidfile_exit_status(self, exit_status):
+        assert self._last_pidfile_id is not None
+        self._set_pidfile_exit_status(self._last_pidfile_id, exit_status)
+    def set_pidfile_exit_status(self, working_directory, pidfile_name,
+                                exit_status):
+        key = (working_directory, pidfile_name)
+        self._set_pidfile_exit_status(self._pidfile_index[key], exit_status)
+    def _set_pidfile_exit_status(self, pidfile_id, exit_status):
+        contents = self._pidfiles[pidfile_id]
+        contents.exit_status = exit_status
+        contents.num_tests_failed = 0
+    # DroneManager emulation APIs for use by monitor_db
+    def get_orphaned_autoserv_processes(self):
+        return set()
+    def total_running_processes(self):
+        return 0
+    def max_runnable_processes(self):
+        return 100
+    def execute_actions(self):
+        # executing an "execute_command" causes a pidfile to be created
+        for pidfile_id in self._future_pidfiles:
+            # Process objects are opaque to monitor_db
+            self._pidfiles[pidfile_id].process = object()
+        self._future_pidfiles = []
+    def attach_file_to_execution(self, result_dir, file_contents,
+                                 file_path=None):
+        self._attached_files.setdefault(result_dir, set()).add((file_path,
+                                                                file_contents))
+        return 'attach_path'
+    def execute_command(self, command, working_directory, pidfile_name,
+                        log_file=None, paired_with_pidfile=None):
+        # TODO: record this
+        pidfile_id = object() # PidfileIds are opaque to monitor_db
+        self._future_pidfiles.append(pidfile_id)
+        self._pidfiles[pidfile_id] = drone_manager.PidfileContents()
+        self._pidfile_index[(working_directory, pidfile_name)] = pidfile_id
+        self._last_pidfile_id = pidfile_id
+        return pidfile_id
+    def get_pidfile_contents(self, pidfile_id, use_second_read=False):
+        return self._pidfiles.get(pidfile_id,
+                                           drone_manager.PidfileContents())
+    def is_process_running(self, process):
+        return True
+    def register_pidfile(self, pidfile_id):
+        # TODO
+        pass
+    def absolute_path(self, path):
+        return 'absolute/' + path
+    def write_lines_to_file(self, file_path, lines, paired_with_process=None):
+        # TODO: record this
+        pass
+    def get_pidfile_id_from(self, execution_tag, pidfile_name):
+        return self._pidfile_index.get((execution_tag, pidfile_name), object())
+class MockEmailManager(NullMethodObject):
+    _NULL_METHODS = ('send_queued_emails', 'send_email')
+class SchedulerFunctionalTest(unittest.TestCase,
+                              frontend_test_utils.FrontendTestMixin):
+    # some number of ticks after which the scheduler is presumed to have
+    # stabilized, given no external changes
+    _A_LOT_OF_TICKS = 10
+    def setUp(self):
+        self._frontend_common_setup()
+        self._set_stubs()
+        self._set_global_config_values()
+        self.dispatcher = monitor_db.Dispatcher()
+        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self._frontend_common_teardown()
+    def _set_stubs(self):
+        self.mock_config = MockGlobalConfig()
+        self.god.stub_with(global_config, 'global_config', self.mock_config)
+        self.mock_drone_manager = MockDroneManager()
+        self.god.stub_with(monitor_db, '_drone_manager',
+                           self.mock_drone_manager)
+        self.mock_email_manager = MockEmailManager()
+        self.god.stub_with(email_manager, 'manager', self.mock_email_manager)
+        self._database = (
+            database_connection.TranslatingDatabase.get_test_database(
+                file_path=self._test_db_file,
+                translators=_DB_TRANSLATORS))
+        self._database.connect(db_type='django')
+        self.god.stub_with(monitor_db, '_db', self._database)
+    def _set_global_config_values(self):
+        self.mock_config.set_config_value('SCHEDULER', 'pidfile_timeout_mins',
+                                          1)
+    def _initialize_test(self):
+        self.dispatcher.initialize()
+    def _run_dispatcher(self):
+        for _ in xrange(self._A_LOT_OF_TICKS):
+            self.dispatcher.tick()
+    def test_idle(self):
+        self._initialize_test()
+        self._run_dispatcher()
+    def test_simple_job(self):
+        self._initialize_test()
+        self._create_job(hosts=[1])
+        self._run_dispatcher() # launches verify
+        self.mock_drone_manager.set_last_pidfile_exit_status(0)
+        self._run_dispatcher() # launches job
+        self.mock_drone_manager.set_last_pidfile_exit_status(0)
+        self._run_dispatcher() # launches parsing + cleanup
+        self.mock_drone_manager.set_pidfile_exit_status(
+                'hosts/host1/2-cleanup', monitor_db._AUTOSERV_PID_FILE, 0)
+        self.mock_drone_manager.set_pidfile_exit_status(
+                '1-my_user/host1', monitor_db._PARSER_PID_FILE, 0)
+        self._run_dispatcher()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()