Add a manual noise test mode to the Touch FW tests

Elan wants to reproduce our robotic noise test using their robot.  After
some brainstorming with them on the best way to do this, we devided that
actually making a mode that does the noise test "manually" would
probably be easiest.  Then they can program their robot to simply touch
the pad for a few seconds, raise up, wait a few more seconds, and then
hit the spacebar.  It should work just fine I think and is a lot easier
than rewriting the robot wrapper classes to support their robot.

This CL adds a new flag "-f" that allows you to indicate to the test
suite that you do, in fact have a function generator attached even
though the robot may not be connected.  So to run the extended noise
test manually you would run:

DISPLAY=:0 python -m NOISE -f

The test will controll the function generator automatically for you, and
then you are manually required to perform the gesture.

TEST=manual testing.  The new mode works and the regular modes that
existed before seem to still work as expect as well

Change-Id: I12110ca30422f0d3f7455654253675834fc19d9c
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <>
5 files changed