Use drone_installation_dir for all activities on drones, including results dirs and temp dirs.  Previously it would use the drone_installation_dir for executing drone_utility, but would use the scheduler results dir for everything else.

Added a whole bunch of extra unit tests to cover the relevant code paths in drone_manager.

Signed-off-by: Steve Howard <>

git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
diff --git a/scheduler/ b/scheduler/
index 31a6f4b..02d5fe3 100755
--- a/scheduler/
+++ b/scheduler/
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-import unittest
+import os, unittest
 import common
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.test_utils import mock
 from autotest_lib.scheduler import drone_manager, drones
 class MockDrone(drones._AbstractDrone):
@@ -10,11 +11,66 @@ = name
         self.active_processes = active_processes
         self.max_processes = max_processes
+        # maps method names list of tuples containing method arguments
+        self._recorded_calls = {'queue_call': [],
+                                'send_file_to': []}
+    def queue_call(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
+        self._recorded_calls['queue_call'].append((method, args, kwargs))
+    def send_file_to(self, drone, source_path, destination_path,
+                     can_fail=False):
+        self._recorded_calls['send_file_to'].append(
+                (drone, source_path, destination_path))
+    # method for use by tests
+    def _check_for_recorded_call(self, method_name, arguments):
+        recorded_arg_list = self._recorded_calls[method_name]
+        was_called = arguments in recorded_arg_list
+        if not was_called:
+            print 'Recorded args:', recorded_arg_list
+            print 'Expected:', arguments
+        return was_called
+    def was_call_queued(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self._check_for_recorded_call('queue_call',
+                                             (method, args, kwargs))
+    def was_file_sent(self, drone, source_path, destination_path):
+        return self._check_for_recorded_call('send_file_to',
+                                             (drone, source_path,
+                                              destination_path))
 class DroneManager(unittest.TestCase):
+    _DRONE_INSTALL_DIR = '/drone/install/dir'
+    _RESULTS_DIR = '/results/dir'
+    _SOURCE_PATH = 'source/path'
+    _DESTINATION_PATH = 'destination/path'
     def setUp(self):
+        self.god = mock.mock_god()
+        self.god.stub_with(drones, 'AUTOTEST_INSTALL_DIR',
+                           self._DRONE_INSTALL_DIR)
         self.manager = drone_manager.DroneManager()
+        self.god.stub_with(self.manager, '_results_dir', self._RESULTS_DIR)
+        # set up some dummy drones
+        self.mock_drone = MockDrone('mock_drone', 0, 10)
+        self.manager._drones[] = self.mock_drone
+        self.results_drone = MockDrone('results_drone', 0, 10)
+        self.manager._results_drone = self.results_drone
+        self.mock_drone_process = drone_manager.Process(, 0)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self.god.unstub_all()
     def _test_choose_drone_for_execution_helper(self, processes_info_list,
@@ -45,5 +101,66 @@
         self.assertEquals(, 1)
+    def test_execute_command(self):
+        self.manager._enqueue_drone(self.mock_drone)
+        working_directory = 'working/directory'
+        pidfile_name = 'my_pidfile'
+        log_file = 'log_file'
+        pidfile_id = self.manager.execute_command(
+                command=['test', drone_manager.WORKING_DIRECTORY],
+                working_directory=working_directory,
+                pidfile_name=pidfile_name,
+                log_file=log_file)
+        full_working_directory = os.path.join(self._DRONE_INSTALL_DIR,
+                                              working_directory)
+        self.assertEquals(pidfile_id.path,
+                          os.path.join(full_working_directory, pidfile_name))
+        self.assert_(self.mock_drone.was_call_queued(
+                'execute_command', ['test', full_working_directory],
+                full_working_directory,
+                os.path.join(self._DRONE_INSTALL_DIR, log_file), pidfile_name))
+    def test_copy_results_on_drone(self):
+        self.manager.copy_results_on_drone(self.mock_drone_process,
+                                           self._SOURCE_PATH,
+                                           self._DESTINATION_PATH)
+        self.assert_(self.mock_drone.was_call_queued(
+                'copy_file_or_directory',
+                os.path.join(self._DRONE_INSTALL_DIR, self._SOURCE_PATH),
+                os.path.join(self._DRONE_INSTALL_DIR, self._DESTINATION_PATH)))
+    def test_copy_to_results_repository(self):
+        self.manager.copy_to_results_repository(self.mock_drone_process,
+                                                self._SOURCE_PATH)
+        self.assert_(self.mock_drone.was_file_sent(
+                self.results_drone,
+                os.path.join(self._DRONE_INSTALL_DIR, self._SOURCE_PATH),
+                os.path.join(self._RESULTS_DIR, self._SOURCE_PATH)))
+    def test_write_lines_to_file(self):
+        file_path = 'file/path'
+        lines = ['line1', 'line2']
+        written_data = 'line1\nline2\n'
+        # write to results repository
+        self.manager.write_lines_to_file(file_path, lines)
+        self.assert_(self.results_drone.was_call_queued(
+                'write_to_file', os.path.join(self._RESULTS_DIR, file_path),
+                written_data))
+        # write to a drone
+        self.manager.write_lines_to_file(
+                file_path, lines, paired_with_process=self.mock_drone_process)
+        self.assert_(self.mock_drone.was_call_queued(
+                'write_to_file',
+                os.path.join(self._DRONE_INSTALL_DIR, file_path), written_data))
 if __name__ == '__main__':