Make the hostname field bigger in TKO. The is unfortunately something
of a hack due to the fact that with multi-machine tests where the
results can't be associated with a single machine we work around the
issue by cramming all of the hostname(s) into the field.

We need a better strategy going forward (and obviously this won't
scale up eventually, either) but until we do that this is a quick
workaround to allow us to store more names in the field.

Risk: Low
Visibility: Larger hostname entries will not be truncated

Signed-off-by: John Admanski <>

git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
diff --git a/tko/migrations/ b/tko/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffb2418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tko/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+def migrate_up(mgr):
+    mgr.execute("alter table machines modify column hostname varchar(1000);")
+def migrate_down(mgr):
+    mgr.execute("alter table machines modify column hostname varchar(100);")