[autotest] Scheduler refactor.

Break scheduler into simpler modules.
This change also modifies run_pylint to check for undefined variables.

TEST=Ran smoke suite against multiple duts.
     Triggered agents like repair, verify etc. Pylint, Unittests.

Change-Id: Ibd685a27b5b50abd26cdf2976ac4189c3e9acc0a
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/174080
Commit-Queue: Prashanth B <beeps@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Prashanth B <beeps@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Alex Miller <milleral@chromium.org>
diff --git a/scheduler/pidfile_monitor.py b/scheduler/pidfile_monitor.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72d4c79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduler/pidfile_monitor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+#pylint: disable-msg=C0111
+Pidfile monitor.
+import time, traceback
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
+from autotest_lib.scheduler import drone_manager, email_manager
+from autotest_lib.scheduler import scheduler_config
+_drone_manager = drone_manager.instance()
+def _get_pidfile_timeout_secs():
+    """@returns How long to wait for autoserv to write pidfile."""
+    pidfile_timeout_mins = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
+            scheduler_config.CONFIG_SECTION, 'pidfile_timeout_mins', type=int)
+    return pidfile_timeout_mins * 60
+class PidfileRunMonitor(object):
+    """
+    Client must call either run() to start a new process or
+    attach_to_existing_process().
+    """
+    class _PidfileException(Exception):
+        """
+        Raised when there's some unexpected behavior with the pid file, but only
+        used internally (never allowed to escape this class).
+        """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.lost_process = False
+        self._start_time = None
+        self.pidfile_id = None
+        self._state = drone_manager.PidfileContents()
+    def _add_nice_command(self, command, nice_level):
+        if not nice_level:
+            return command
+        return ['nice', '-n', str(nice_level)] + command
+    def _set_start_time(self):
+        self._start_time = time.time()
+    def run(self, command, working_directory, num_processes, nice_level=None,
+            log_file=None, pidfile_name=None, paired_with_pidfile=None,
+            username=None, drone_hostnames_allowed=None):
+        assert command is not None
+        if nice_level is not None:
+            command = ['nice', '-n', str(nice_level)] + command
+        self._set_start_time()
+        self.pidfile_id = _drone_manager.execute_command(
+            command, working_directory, pidfile_name=pidfile_name,
+            num_processes=num_processes, log_file=log_file,
+            paired_with_pidfile=paired_with_pidfile, username=username,
+            drone_hostnames_allowed=drone_hostnames_allowed)
+    def attach_to_existing_process(self, execution_path,
+                                   pidfile_name=drone_manager.AUTOSERV_PID_FILE,
+                                   num_processes=None):
+        self._set_start_time()
+        self.pidfile_id = _drone_manager.get_pidfile_id_from(
+            execution_path, pidfile_name=pidfile_name)
+        if num_processes is not None:
+            _drone_manager.declare_process_count(self.pidfile_id, num_processes)
+    def kill(self):
+        if self.has_process():
+            _drone_manager.kill_process(self.get_process())
+    def has_process(self):
+        self._get_pidfile_info()
+        return self._state.process is not None
+    def get_process(self):
+        self._get_pidfile_info()
+        assert self._state.process is not None
+        return self._state.process
+    def _read_pidfile(self, use_second_read=False):
+        assert self.pidfile_id is not None, (
+            'You must call run() or attach_to_existing_process()')
+        contents = _drone_manager.get_pidfile_contents(
+            self.pidfile_id, use_second_read=use_second_read)
+        if contents.is_invalid():
+            self._state = drone_manager.PidfileContents()
+            raise self._PidfileException(contents)
+        self._state = contents
+    def _handle_pidfile_error(self, error, message=''):
+        message = error + '\nProcess: %s\nPidfile: %s\n%s' % (
+            self._state.process, self.pidfile_id, message)
+        email_manager.manager.enqueue_notify_email(error, message)
+        self.on_lost_process(self._state.process)
+    def _get_pidfile_info_helper(self):
+        if self.lost_process:
+            return
+        self._read_pidfile()
+        if self._state.process is None:
+            self._handle_no_process()
+            return
+        if self._state.exit_status is None:
+            # double check whether or not autoserv is running
+            if _drone_manager.is_process_running(self._state.process):
+                return
+            # pid but no running process - maybe process *just* exited
+            self._read_pidfile(use_second_read=True)
+            if self._state.exit_status is None:
+                # autoserv exited without writing an exit code
+                # to the pidfile
+                self._handle_pidfile_error(
+                    'autoserv died without writing exit code')
+    def _get_pidfile_info(self):
+        """\
+        After completion, self._state will contain:
+         pid=None, exit_status=None if autoserv has not yet run
+         pid!=None, exit_status=None if autoserv is running
+         pid!=None, exit_status!=None if autoserv has completed
+        """
+        try:
+            self._get_pidfile_info_helper()
+        except self._PidfileException, exc:
+            self._handle_pidfile_error('Pidfile error', traceback.format_exc())
+    def _handle_no_process(self):
+        """\
+        Called when no pidfile is found or no pid is in the pidfile.
+        """
+        message = 'No pid found at %s' % self.pidfile_id
+        if time.time() - self._start_time > _get_pidfile_timeout_secs():
+            email_manager.manager.enqueue_notify_email(
+                'Process has failed to write pidfile', message)
+            self.on_lost_process()
+    def on_lost_process(self, process=None):
+        """\
+        Called when autoserv has exited without writing an exit status,
+        or we've timed out waiting for autoserv to write a pid to the
+        pidfile.  In either case, we just return failure and the caller
+        should signal some kind of warning.
+        process is unimportant here, as it shouldn't be used by anyone.
+        """
+        self.lost_process = True
+        self._state.process = process
+        self._state.exit_status = 1
+        self._state.num_tests_failed = 0
+    def exit_code(self):
+        self._get_pidfile_info()
+        return self._state.exit_status
+    def num_tests_failed(self):
+        """@returns The number of tests that failed or -1 if unknown."""
+        self._get_pidfile_info()
+        if self._state.num_tests_failed is None:
+            return -1
+        return self._state.num_tests_failed
+    def try_copy_results_on_drone(self, **kwargs):
+        if self.has_process():
+            # copy results logs into the normal place for job results
+            _drone_manager.copy_results_on_drone(self.get_process(), **kwargs)
+    def try_copy_to_results_repository(self, source, **kwargs):
+        if self.has_process():
+            _drone_manager.copy_to_results_repository(self.get_process(),
+                                                      source, **kwargs)