Add in the rest of the per build test suites.

Rename suite control files to reflect their Autotest names and in most cases
update the NAME variable in the control file.

Added to regression suite:
Add tests to regression suite and remove

*Indicates that the suite wrapper that uses gtest was added to the suite.
At some point we should investigate gtest and see how it is written and
understand why it is necessary to wrap a client side job in a server side job
to emit the proper status.

Add the folloiwng in to suite_scheduler.ini:
security suite.


Change-Id: I616e0c0d7067745e8846ca3f7a2a151a4a1f0f82
Tested-by: Scott Zawalski <>
Reviewed-by: Chris Sosa <>
Reviewed-by: Scott Zawalski <>
Commit-Ready: Scott Zawalski <>
9 files changed