drop kernel.logfile from job kernel object before pickling it.

Turns out revision 322 which added kernel.logfile has open fd's that
can't be pickled.  This patch drops logfile from the copy before we
pickle.  samples/test_job works on the latest after this patch.

Signed-off-by: Ryan Harper <ryanh@us.ibm.com>

git-svn-id: http://test.kernel.org/svn/autotest/trunk@336 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
1 file changed
tree: 83113851137d47680b3f780d72cedada7c5ea753
  1. bin/
  2. deps/
  3. mirror/
  4. profilers/
  5. samples/
  6. tests/
  7. tko/
  8. tools/
  9. ui/
  10. DCO