Add networking code

Signed-off-by: Martin J. Bligh <>

git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
diff --git a/client/bin/net/ b/client/bin/net/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..06cf8bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/bin/net/
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+"""Convenience methods for use to manipulate traffic control settings.
+see for details about traffic controls in linux.
+  import common
+  from import *
+  from import *
+  class mock_netif(object):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self._name = name
+    def get_name(self):
+        return self._name
+  netem_qdisc = netem()
+  netem_qdisc.add_param('loss 100%')
+  ack_filter = u32filter()
+  ack_filter.add_rule('match ip protocol 6 0xff')
+  ack_filter.add_rule('match u8 0x10 0x10 at nexthdr+13')
+  ack_filter.set_dest_qdisc(netem_qdisc)
+  root_qdisc = prio()
+  root_qdisc.get_class(2).set_leaf_qdisc(netem_qdisc)
+  root_qdisc.add_filter(ack_filter)
+  lo_if = mock_netif('lo')
+  root_qdisc.setup(lo_if)
+  # run test here ...
+  root_qdisc.restore(lo_if)
+import commands, os, re
+import common
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error, utils
+from autotest_lib.client.bin import autotest_utils
+from import net_utils
+# TODO (chavey) clean up those global here and new_handle()
+handle_counter = 0
+INCR = 100
+def new_handle():
+    global handle_counter
+    handle_counter += INCR
+    return handle_counter
+class tcclass(object):
+    def __init__(self, handle, minor, leaf_qdisc=None):
+        self._parent_class = None
+        self._children = []
+        self._leaf_qdisc = leaf_qdisc
+        self._handle = handle
+        self._minor = minor
+    def get_leaf_qdisc(self):
+        return self._leaf_qdisc
+    def set_leaf_qdisc(self, leaf_qdisc):
+        leaf_qdisc.set_parent_class(self)
+        self._leaf_qdisc = leaf_qdisc
+    def get_parent_class(self):
+        return self._parent_class
+    def set_parent_class(self, parent_class):
+        self._parent_class = parent_class
+    def get_minor(self):
+        return self._minor
+    def id(self):
+        return '%s:%s' % (self._handle, self._minor)
+    def add_child(self, child_class):
+        child_class.set_parent_class(self)
+        if child_class not in self._children:
+            self._child.append(child_class)
+    def setup(self, netif):
+        # setup leaf qdisc
+        if self._leaf_qdisc:
+            self._leaf_qdisc.setup(netif)
+        # setup child classes
+        for child in self._children:
+            child.setup()
+    def restore(self, netif):
+        # restore child classes
+        children_copy = list(self._children)
+        children_copy.reverse()
+        for child in children_copy:
+            child.restore()
+        # restore leaf qdisc
+        if self._leaf_qdisc:
+            self._leaf_qdisc.restore(netif)
+class tcfilter(object):
+    _tc_cmd = 'tc filter %(cmd)s dev %(dev)s parent %(parent)s protocol ' \
+               '%(protocol)s prio %(priority)s %(filtertype)s \\\n ' \
+               '%(rules)s \\\n  flowid %(flowid)s'
+    conf_device = 'dev'
+    conf_parent = 'parent'
+    conf_type = 'filtertype'
+    conf_protocol = 'protocol'
+    conf_priority = 'priority'
+    conf_flowid = 'flowid'
+    conf_command = 'cmd'
+    conf_rules = 'cmd'
+    conf_qdiscid = 'qdiscid'
+    conf_name = 'name'
+    conf_params = 'params'
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._parent_qdisc = None
+        self._dest_qdisc = None
+        self._protocol = 'ip'
+        self._priority = 1
+        self._handle = None
+        self._tc_conf = None
+    def get_parent_qdisc(self):
+        return self._parent_qdisc
+    def set_parent_qdisc(self, parent_qdisc):
+        self._parent_qdisc = parent_qdisc
+    def get_dest_qdisc(self):
+        return self._dest_qdisc
+    def set_dest_qdisc(self, dest_qdisc):
+        self._dest_qdisc = dest_qdisc
+    def get_protocol(self):
+        return self._protocol
+    def set_protocol(self, protocol):
+        self._protocol = protocol
+    def get_priority(self):
+        return self._priority
+    def set_priority(self, priority):
+        self._priority = priority
+    def get_handle(self):
+        return self._handle
+    def set_handle(self, handle):
+        self._handle = handle
+    def _get_tc_conf(self, netif):
+        if self._tc_conf:
+            return self._tc_conf
+        self._tc_conf = dict()
+        self._tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_device] = netif.get_name()
+        self._tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_parent] =
+        self._tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_type] = self.filtertype
+        self._tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_protocol] = self._protocol
+        self._tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_priotity] = self._priority
+        self._tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_flowid] = (
+            self._dest_qdisc.get_parent_class().id())
+        return self._tc_conf
+    def tc_cmd(self, tc_conf):
+        print self._tc_cmd % tc_conf
+    def setup(self, netif):
+        pass
+    def restore(self, netif):
+        pass
+class u32filter(tcfilter):
+    filtertype = 'u32'
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(u32filter, self).__init__()
+        self._rules = []
+    def _filter_rules(self):
+        return ' \\\n  '.join(self._rules)
+    def add_rule(self, rule):
+        self._rules.append(rule)
+    def setup(self, netif):
+        tc_conf = self._get_tc_conf(netif)
+        tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_cmd] = 'add'
+        tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_rules] = self._filter_rules()
+        self.tc_cmd(tc_conf)
+    def restore(self, netif):
+        tc_conf = self._get_tc_conf(netif)
+        tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_cmd] = 'del'
+        tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_rules] = self._filter_rules()
+        self.tc_cmd(tc_conf)
+#TODO (ncrao): generate some typical rules: ack, syn, synack,
+#              dport/sport, daddr/sddr, etc.
+class qdisc(object):
+    # tc command
+    _tc_cmd = 'tc qdisc %(cmd)s dev %(dev)s %(parent)s ' \
+              'handle %(qdiscid)s %(name)s %(params)s'
+    def __init__(self, handle):
+        self._handle = handle
+        self._parent_class = None
+        self._tc_conf = None
+    def get_handle(self):
+        return self._handle
+    def get_parent_class(self):
+        return self._parent_class
+    def set_parent_class(self, parent_class):
+        self._parent_class = parent_class
+    def _get_tc_conf(self, netif):
+        if self._tc_conf:
+            return self._tc_conf
+        self._tc_conf = dict()
+        self._tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_device] = netif.get_name()
+        if self._parent_class:
+            self._tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_parent] = ('parent %s' %
+        else:
+            self._tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_parent] = 'root'
+        self._tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_qdiscid] =
+        self._tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_name] =
+        self._tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_params] = ''
+        return self._tc_conf
+    def id(self):
+        return '%s:0' % self._handle
+    def tc_cmd(self, tc_conf):
+        print self._tc_cmd % tc_conf
+    def setup(self, netif):
+        tc_conf = self._get_tc_conf(netif)
+        tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_command] = 'add'
+        self.tc_cmd(tc_conf)
+    def restore(self, netif):
+        tc_conf = self._get_tc_conf(netif)
+        tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_command] = 'del'
+        self.tc_cmd(tc_conf)
+class classful_qdisc(qdisc):
+    classful = True
+    def __init__(self, handle):
+        super(classful_qdisc, self).__init__(handle)
+        self._classes = []
+        self._filters = []
+    def add_class(self, child_class):
+        self._classes.append(child_class)
+    def add_filter(self, filter):
+        filter.set_parent_qdisc(self)
+        self._filters.append(filter)
+    def setup(self, netif):
+        super(classful_qdisc, self).setup(netif)
+        # setup child classes
+        for child in self._classes:
+            child.setup(netif)
+        # setup filters
+        for filter in self._filters:
+            filter.setup(netif)
+    def restore(self, netif):
+        # restore filters
+        filters_copy = list(self._filters)
+        filters_copy.reverse()
+        for filter in filters_copy:
+            filter.restore(netif)
+        # restore child classes
+        classes_copy = list(self._classes)
+        classes_copy.reverse()
+        for child in classes_copy:
+            child.restore(netif)
+        super(classful_qdisc, self).restore(netif)
+class prio(classful_qdisc):
+    name = 'prio'
+    def __init__(self, handle=new_handle(), bands=3):
+        super(prio, self).__init__(handle)
+        self._bands = bands
+        for counter in range(bands):
+            self.add_class(tcclass(handle, counter + 1))
+    def setup(self, netif):
+        super(prio, self).setup(netif)
+    def get_class(self, band):
+        if band > self._bands:
+            raise error.TestError('error inserting %s at band %s' % \
+                                  (, band))
+        return self._classes[band]
+class classless_qdisc(qdisc):
+    classful = False
+    def __init__(self, handle):
+        super(classless_qdisc, self).__init__(handle)
+class pfifo(classless_qdisc):
+    name = 'pfifo'
+    def __init__(self, handle=new_handle()):
+        super(pfifo, self).__init__(handle)
+    def setup(self, netif):
+        super(pfifo, self).setup(netif)
+class netem(classless_qdisc):
+    name = 'netem'
+    def __init__(self, handle=new_handle()):
+        super(netem, self).__init__(handle)
+        self._params = list()
+    def add_param(self, param):
+        self._params.append(param)
+    def setup(self, netif):
+        super(netem, self).setup(netif)
+        tc_conf = self._get_tc_conf(netif)
+        tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_command] = 'change'
+        tc_conf[tcfilter.conf_params] = ' '.join(self._params)
+        self.tc_cmd(tc_conf)