New code for performing explicit joins with custom join conditions.
* added ExtendedManager.join_custom_field(), which uses the introspection magic from populate_relationships (now factored out) to infer the type of relationship between two models and construct the correct join.  join_custom_field() presents a much simpler, more Django-y interface for doing this sort of thing -- compare with add_join() above it.
* changed TKO custom fields code to use join_custom_field()
* added some cases to AFE rpc_interface_unittest to ensure populate_relationships() usage didn't break
* simplified _CustomQuery and got rid of _CustomSqlQ.  _CustomQuery can do the work itself and its cleaner this way.
* added add_where(), an alternative to extra(where=...) that fits more into Django's normal representation of WHERE clauses, and therefore supports & and | operators later

Signed-off-by: Steve Howard <>

git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
5 files changed