Fix a bug in the parser when dealing with test labels. The final
reparse drops the existing test entries and replaces them with new
ones, so that leaves behind a bunch of orphaned labels in the
database and basically kills all the lables you've added. So instead
we add some code to move the existing labels over the new entries that
replace them (making a best effort to match up "new" and "old"

Add foreign keys to the test_labels_tests table. This also
requires compacting test_labels_tests into an unsigned int(10), since
that's what the tests.test_idx field is.

Risk: Low
Visibility: Fix up the parser's handling of test labels, and add
foreign keys that should've been there from the start (but were
dropped because of MyISAM vs InnoDB issues).

Signed-off-by: John Admanski <>

git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
4 files changed