Currently if one does not specify an initrd when initially creating a
new kernel entry in the bootloader you can never add one.  This patch
adds the mkinitrd parameter to add_kernel() method and optionally passes
the --initrd=%s only if the caller specifies one.  This also includes
the dummy arg work-around needed for Xen grub entries.

If someone knows how to [1]fix tools/boottool to deal with Xen grub
entries, I'll respin this patch without the dummy arg included.

From: Ryan Harper <>

git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
1 file changed
tree: 6e4702ee01f831228233e99ded80aed59e2c4636
  1. bin/
  2. deps/
  3. mirror/
  4. profilers/
  5. samples/
  6. tests/
  7. tko/
  8. tools/
  9. ui/
  10. DCO