wifi codelab: Add codelab to teach 802.11 basics

This codelab uses the existing autotest network_WiFi_SimpleConnect
to teach the basics of 802.11 connection protocols.

./docs/wifi-basics-codelab.md` verify rendering. Use mdl to lint.
Completed the codelab successfully.

Change-Id: Ib13fdc782b6c537bcbaad749c8e44517bb1a8e35
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/third_party/autotest/+/1836573
Tested-by: Kevin Lund <kglund@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Kevin Lund <kglund@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Kirtika Ruchandani <kirtika@chromium.org>
diff --git a/docs/assets/wifi-state-machine.gif b/docs/assets/wifi-state-machine.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01ba444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/assets/wifi-state-machine.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/docs/wifi-basics-codelab-pcap-test.py b/docs/wifi-basics-codelab-pcap-test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7331c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/wifi-basics-codelab-pcap-test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+from os import path
+golden_sequences = [['0x04', '0x05', '0x0b', '0x00', '0x01', '0x0c'],
+                    ['0x04', '0x05', '0x0b', '0x01', '0x0c']]
+pcap_filepath = '/tmp/filtered_pcap'
+if not path.exists(pcap_filepath):
+    print('Could not find output file. Follow the steps in section 5 of ' +
+        'the codelab to generate a pcap output file.')
+    exit()
+pcap_file = open(pcap_filepath, 'r')
+for line in pcap_file:
+    packet_type = line[0:4]
+    if not packet_type.startswith('0x0'):
+        print('Failure: Non-connection packet of type ' + packet_type +
+            ' included in output.')
+        exit()
+    for sequence in golden_sequences:
+        if sequence[0] == packet_type:
+            sequence.pop(0)
+        if len(sequence) == 0:
+            print('Success: The full connection sequence was included in ' +
+                'your output!')
+            exit()
+print('Failure: Your output file did not include the full connection ' +
+    'sequence. You may need to add more packet types to your filter.')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/wifi-basics-codelab.md b/docs/wifi-basics-codelab.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d89614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/wifi-basics-codelab.md
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+# Codelab: Using wifi Autotests to learn 802.11 basics
+The Autotest infrastructure provides packet capture functionality which we can
+use to intercept and view WiFi packets that are sent between the
+Device-Under-Test (DUT) and router during a test. In this codelab we will
+analyze the packet sequence during the connection process to learn the basics
+of 802.11 connection protocols.
+## Setup
+### Prerequisites
+* Access to a wifi test setup (local or in test lab). Read the
+  [wificell documentation] for some background.
+* Understanding of Autotest and the [test_that] command.
+### Configuration Considerations
+This codelab can be completed from either a personal testing setup or a
+dedicated setup in our testing lab, but there are a few special considerations
+in each case. For instance, some of the commands in this lab will use the
+variable `${DUT-HOSTNAME}`, and the value of this variable is dependent on the
+testing setup that you use.
+#### Using the wifi testing labs
+Our testing lab setups are operated through the skylab infrastructure. If you
+don't have the skylab tool installed on your machine, follow the instrucions
+under *Advanced users: Manual installation* in the [skylab tools guide].
+Once you have the skylab tool, you'll need to run the login command and follow
+its instructions to get started.
+skylab login
+For this codelab, you will need to use a `wificell` test setup. Available DUTs
+can be found on the [skylab portal]. To find a wificell test setup, visit the
+portal and filter for *label-wificell = true* (the filter should already be
+set when you click the link). You'll need to find a setup who's current task
+is *idle* with dut_state *ready*, and then lock it while in use. To lock a DUT
+in the skylab use this command to lease it for the specified number of
+minutes: (**${DUT-NAME}** is the value of the field *dut_name* in skylab)
+skylab lease-dut -minutes ${NUM-MINUTES} ${DUT-NAME}
+One final consideration when selecting a DUT is that Autotest requires a
+working build of the board type being tested on, so it is best to pick a board
+for which you have already built an image on your machine.
+Your DUT's hostname is the name of the testbed, with '.cros' appended. E.g. if
+`${DUT-NAME}` = `chromeos15-row2-rack4-host6` then `${DUT-HOSTNAME}` =
+`chromeos15-row2-rack4-host6.cros`. Autotest will determine the hostnames of
+the router and packet capture device automatically.
+If you want to directly access the router or pcap device of your testing
+setup, say through ssh, you can use the hostnames **${DUT-NAME}-router.cros**
+and **${DUT-NAME}-pcap.cros** respectively. You can access each with ssh
+through the root user with password `test0000`.
+Lastly, Autotest may have issues with hosts that have the `chameleon` label.
+If you are having [chameleon issues], the current workaround is to set
+*enable_ssh_tunnel_for_chameleon: True* in
+#### Using a local testing setup
+For a local test setup, you'll need a flashed DUT and two flashed Google-made
+wifi routers that run Chrome OS, all running special test images. The
+Google-made routers can be either of the boards `whirlwind` or `gale`,
+and see [network_WiFi_UpdateRouter] for what images they should be running.
+In order for Autotest to determine the hostnames of your router and packet
+capture device, you'll have to designate their IP addresses within your chroot.
+Assign the IP address of your DUT to 'dut', and the IPs of your routers to
+'dut-router' and 'dut-pcap' by adding lines like these to `/etc/hosts`:
+xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx dut-router
+xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx dut-pcap
+xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx dut
+Now, you can use **${DUT-HOSTNAME}** = '*dut*' and Autotest will use your
+hosts file to find the other devices. The final consideration when using a
+local testing setup is that the designated testbeds are contained in shielding
+boxes which isolate them from other signals, while your local setup is
+probably held in open air. This means that your packet capture device will also
+pick up packets from any other devices broadcasting in your area. This will make
+the packet feed noisier, but you can still find all the packets involved in the
+connection process so its not a dealbreaker for this codelab.
+### Let's get started
+[network_WiFi_SimpleConnect] is a very simple test that connects and disconnects
+a DUT from a router, so its ideal for our purposes in this codelab. The test
+itself is held at `server/site_tests/network_WiFi_SimpleConnect/` in the
+Autotest repository. Briefly look through this file to get a sense for what it
+is doing.
+Before you make any changes to code, be sure to start a new branch within the
+Autotest repository.
+#### 1. Gather pcap data
+Our first goal is to initiate packet capture and record all of the frames that
+our pcap device sees throughout the test. Conveniently,
+[network_WiFi_SimpleConnect] already utilizes a pcap device, which is accessed
+at `self.context.capture_host`. Before the testing starts, the test begins
+capturing packets by calling `start_capture()` on the capture device, and after
+the test completes, `stop_capture()` completes the capturing process.
+`stop_capture()` returns a list of filepaths that hold the captured packets, so
+lets store the results of this function in a variable:
+capture_results = self.context.capture_host.stop_capture()
+The pcap file is accessible at `capture_results[0].local_pcap_path`, so lets
+print out a dump of our captured packets. Add these lines after the call to
+packets = open(capture_results[0].local_pcap_path, 'r')
+Now, lets run the test and see what we can learn:
+test_that --fast -b ${BOARD} ${DUT-HOSTNAME} network_WiFi_SimpleConnect.wifi_check5HT20
+Thats a lot of garbage. The packets aren't going to be much use to us in their
+current state. In the next section, we'll use Wireshark to translate the packets
+into a readable form that we can study.
+#### 2. Use Wireshark to analyze the packets
+Pyshark is a wrapper for Wireshark within Python, and we'll be using it in this
+codelab to interperet our captured packets. Learn more at the
+[Pyshark documentation] page.
+Delete the lines you just added and replace them with calls to Pyshark that will
+parse and translate the packets, then write the packets to a file:
+import pyshark
+capture = pyshark.FileCapture(
+    input_file=capture_results[0].local_pcap_path)
+packet_file = open('/tmp/pcap', 'w')
+for packet in capture:
+    packet_file.write(str(packet))
+Run the Autotest again and open `/tmp/pcap`. Look at that, tons of
+human-readable data! Maybe even a little too much? Right now we're getting the
+entirety of every packet, but we only need a few fields. As a final step, we're
+going to parse out the needed fields from each packet so we can digest some
+relevant information about the connection process. Add the following methods to
+the global scope of [network_WiFi_SimpleConnect]:
+def _fetch_frame_field_value(frame, field):
+    layer_object = frame
+    for layer in field.split('.'):
+        try:
+            layer_object = getattr(layer_object, layer)
+        except AttributeError:
+            return None
+    return layer_object
+Parses input frames and stores frames of type listed in filter_types.
+If filter_types is empty, stores all parsed frames.
+def parse_frames(capture_frames, filter_types):
+    frames = []
+    for frame in capture_frames:
+        frame_type = _fetch_frame_field_value(
+            frame, 'wlan.fc_type_subtype')
+        if filter_types and frame_type not in filter_types:
+            continue
+        frametime = frame.sniff_time
+        source_addr = _fetch_frame_field_value(
+            frame, 'wlan.sa')
+        dest_addr = _fetch_frame_field_value(
+            frame, 'wlan.da')
+        frames.append([frametime, source_addr, dest_addr, frame_type])
+    return frames
+Using these functions, you can retrieve a timestamp, the source address, the
+destination address, and the frame subtype for every packet that your pcap
+device captured over the course of the test. The keywords within
+`parse_frames()` ('wlan.sa', 'wlan.da', 'wlan.fc_type_subtype'), are special
+Wireshark filters that correspond to the relevant data we are looking for.
+There are over 242000 such filters which you can find in the [wireshark docs].
+Now we just need to call `parse_frames()` and upgrade our packet logging logic.
+Replace the file logging logic from above with the following code which parses
+the frames into a much more readable format:
+frameTypesToFilter = {}
+frames = parse_frames(capture, frameTypesToFilter)
+packet_file = open('/tmp/pcap', 'w')
+    'Timestamp', 'Source Address', 'Reciever Address', 'Type'))
+for packet in frames:
+    packet_file.write('{:^28s}|{:^19s}|{:^19s}|{:^6s}\n'.format(
+        str(packet[0]), packet[1], packet[2], packet[3]))
+This time when we run the test we can very concisely see every single packet
+that our pcap device captured, and we get only the data which is relevant to
+our purposes. Later on we'll populate `frameTypesToFilter` to single out the
+frames that are relevant to the connection/disconnection process, but first
+let's look deeper into the frames themselves.
+#### 3. Learn some 802.11 background
+Before we start analyzing the packets, we need some background on 802.11 frames.
+The state machine below represents the 802.11 connection/disconnection protocol.
+As you can see, a connection's state is determined by the authentication and
+association status between its devices. The types of packets that a device is
+able to send and receive are dependent on the state of its connections.
+![State Machine](assets/wifi-state-machine.gif)
+##### Class 1 frames
+Class 1 frames can be sent in any state, and they are used to support the basic
+operations of 802.11 connections. Class 1 frames are called *Management Frames*
+and they allow devices to find a network and authenticate to it. Beacons,
+association requests, and probe requests are examples of Class 1 frames.
+##### Class 2 frames
+Class 2 frames can only be sent from a successfully authenticated device, which
+means they can be sent in states 2 and 3. Class 2 frames are called
+*Control Frames*, and their purpose is to allow authenticated devices to
+negotiate the sending of data between them. Request to send (RTS), clear to send
+(CTS), and acknowledge (ACK) are all examples of class 2 frames.
+##### Class 3 frames
+Class 3 frames can only be sent from an authenticated and associated device,
+meaning they can only be sent while in state 3. Class 3 frames are
+*Data Frames* and they make up all of the actual bulk of wireless
+communication. All frames which are used to send non-meta data between devices
+are data frames.
+#### 4. Let's analyze some packets
+Now that we have a basic understanding of 802.11 frame classes, we can use our
+captured packets to study the 802.11 connection/disconection protocol in action.
+Near the bottom of this page is a set of [lookup tables] that outline every
+type of frame in the 802.11 protocol, which you can use to determine what kind
+of packets we picked up.
+[Solutions and hints] to the questions below can be found after the
+lookup tables at the bottom of this page, but please do your best to answer
+them yourself before referring to the solutions.
+Lets see if we can answer some basic questions about your configuration based
+on the context of the captured packets:
+1. What is the IP address of your DUT? (you probably already know this, but
+   try to infer from the context of the packets)
+1. What is the IP address of your router?
+1. What is the beacon interval (time between beacons) of your router?
+1. What does a receiver address of *ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff* indicate?
+Now, try to find the frames where the DUT and router negotiate their connection.
+Depending on how noisy your setup is this could be somewhat difficult, but you
+should be able to see the authentication/association process in action by
+looking for some key frame types. (Hint: look for a class 3 frame being sent
+from your DUT to your router, and work back to see the frames that got them
+there). Study the process and compare the flow to the frame class descriptions
+#### 5. Filter the frames and check your results
+We can populate `framesToFilter` with frame type codes (i.e. '0x04') to show
+only the frames that are a part of the connection process. Based on what
+you know about the 802.11 state machine, begin filtering for frames
+that you know are relevant. Do not include beacon frames (type 0x08) because
+while they are a part of the connection process, there are so many of them
+that they will clog up the output. After improving the filter, add the
+following code to the bottom of [network_WiFi_SimpleConnect] to produce another
+output file which only shows the frametypes so the testing script can parse
+output_file = open('/tmp/filtered_pcap', 'w')
+for packet in frames:
+    output_file.write(str(packet[3]) + '\n')
+Now, test your ouput file by running the testing python script:
+python wifi-basics-codelab-pcap-test.py
+This script will check your output to see if you've isolated the correct
+frames and that the entire connection sequence can be seen. If the script
+fails, keep adjusting your filter until it succeeds. After you have passed the
+test, review `/tmp/pcap` again to see the entire process in action. Finally,
+refer back to the questions in [section 4] one last time to see if you've
+gained any new insight into the 802.11 protocol.
+## Lookup Tables
+### Management Frames (Class 1)
+| Subtype Value | Hex Encoding | Subtype Name           |
+| 0000          | 0x00         | Association Request    |
+| 0001          | 0x01         | Association Response   |
+| 0010          | 0x02         | Reassociation Request  |
+| 0011          | 0x03         | Reassociation Response |
+| 0100          | 0x04         | Probe Request          |
+| 0101          | 0x05         | Probe Response         |
+| 1000          | 0x08         | Beacon                 |
+| 1001          | 0x09         | ATIM                   |
+| 1010          | 0x0a         | Dissossiation          |
+| 1011          | 0x0b         | Authentication         |
+| 1100          | 0x0c         | Deauthentication       |
+| 1101          | 0x0d         | Action                 |
+### Control Frames (Class 2)
+| Subtype Value | Hex Encoding | Subtype Name                 |
+| 1000          | 0x18         | Block Acknowedgement Request |
+| 1001          | 0x19         | Block Acknowledgement        |
+| 1010          | 0x1a         | Power Save (PS)-Poll         |
+| 1011          | 0x1b         | RTS                          |
+| 1100          | 0x1c         | CTS                          |
+| 1101          | 0x1d         | Acknowledgement (ACK)        |
+| 1110          | 0x1e         | Contention-Free (CF)-End     |
+| 1111          | 0x1f         | CF-End+CF-ACK                |
+### Data Frames (Class 3)
+| Subtype Value | Hex Encoding | Subtype Name                               |
+| 0000          | 0x20         | Data                                       |
+| 0001          | 0x21         | Data + CF-Ack                              |
+| 0010          | 0x22         | Data + CF-Poll                             |
+| 0011          | 0x23         | Data + CF-Ack+CF-Poll                      |
+| 0100          | 0x24         | Null Data (no data transmitted)            |
+| 0101          | 0x25         | CF-Ack (no data transmitted)               |
+| 0110          | 0x26         | CF-Poll (no data transmitted)              |
+| 0111          | 0x27         | CF-Ack + CF-Poll (no data transmitted)     |
+| 1000          | 0x28         | QoS Data                                   |
+| 1001          | 0x29         | Qos Data + CF-Ack                          |
+| 1010          | 0x2a         | QoS Data + CF-Poll                         |
+| 1011          | 0x2b         | QoS Data + CF-Ack + CF-Poll                |
+| 1100          | 0x2c         | QoS Null (no data transmitted)             |
+| 1101          | 0x2d         | Qos CF-Ack (no data transmitted)           |
+| 1110          | 0x2e         | QoS CF-Poll (no data transmitted)          |
+| 1111          | 0x2f         | QoS CF-Ack + CF-Poll (no data transmitted) |
+## Solutions and hints
+### Configuration questions
+1. Your router should be sending many beacon packets (type 0x08 frames), so
+   look for the source address of the frames of type 0x08.
+1. Your DUT can be recognized as the device which has a "conversation" with
+   your router. I.e. you should be able to see one IP which is the
+   sender/reciever of several different management frames (0x00, 0x01, etc.)
+   with your router.
+1. The beacon interval is the time a device waits between sending beacon
+   frames. You can determine this interval for a device by finding the time
+   that passes between two beacons being transmitted by the
+   device. The beacon interval for your router is most likely 100ms.
+1. A reciever address of *ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff* indicates that the frame is
+   being broadcasted to any reciever that can hear it. This is pattern is
+   used for beacon frames because these frames are intended as a sort of 'ping'
+   to all nearby devices.
+### Packet filter solution
+The testing script is looking for a particular packet sequence that
+shows the DUT and router connecting to each other. The golden connection
+sequence is as follows:
+1. Probe Request: 0x04
+1. Probe Response: 0x05
+1. Authentication: 0x0b
+1. Assoc Request: 0x00
+1. Assoc Response: 0x01
+1. Deauthenticatuion: 0x0c
+In practice, we have noticed that many of the recorded connection sequences do
+not include an Assoc Request packet, so the script is tolerant of that case.
+Finally, the script also verifies that no non-relevant frames were included,
+so any non class 1 frames in the output file will cause failure. (Although,
+only the frames in the sequence above above are strictly required.)
+[chameleon issues]: https://crbug.com/964549
+[lookup tables]: #lookup-tables
+[network_WiFi_UpdateRouter]: ../server/site_tests/network_WiFi_UpdateRouter/network_WiFi_UpdateRouter.py
+[network_WiFi_SimpleConnect]: ../server/site_tests/network_WiFi_SimpleConnect/network_WiFi_SimpleConnect.py
+[Pyshark documentation]: https://kiminewt.github.io/pyshark/
+[section 4]: #4_let_s-analyze-some-packets
+[skylab portal]: https://chromeos-swarming.appspot.com/botlist?c=id&c=task&c=dut_state&c=label-board&c=label-model&c=label-pool&c=os&c=provisionable-cros-version&c=status&d=asc&f=label-wificell%3ATrue&k=label-wificell&s=id
+[skylab tools guide]: http://doc/1eyvAE5wdI3w-gP0D0TT9Kn5yyqe75076dbU9P50pGYo#heading=h.kvcvpeai9t6z
+[solutions and hints]: #solutions-and-hints
+[test_that]: ./test-that.md
+[wificell documentation]: ./wificell.md
+[wireshark docs]: https://www.wireshark.org/docs/dfref/