Autotest: Add chromeos2 lab support to RPM Infrastructure.

Added support for devices in chromeos2 lab to the RPM Controller
codebase. It will determine if the device is behind a hydra device and
if so complete the proper login/logout procedures required.

So it turns out that theres a known pycurl/libcurl  issue that can occur
sometimes when used with multiple threads and cause the python thread to
crash. Therefore I replaced the geturl call to utilize urllib instead.

TEST=Expanded the functional tests and ensured the unittests still work.
Stress tested web calls in a while loop to ensure that no threads crash.

Change-Id: I646abe2f09cf00304892bad217e7f1a9561e1297
Reviewed-by: Scott Zawalski <>
Commit-Ready: Simran Basi <>
Tested-by: Simran Basi <>
diff --git a/site_utils/rpm_control_system/ b/site_utils/rpm_control_system/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f14aeaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site_utils/rpm_control_system/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import urllib
+import dli
+class Powerswitch(dli.powerswitch):
+    """
+    This class will utilize urllib instead of pycurl to get the web page info.
+    """
+    def geturl(self,url='index.htm') :
+        self.contents=''
+        path = 'http://%s:%s@%s:80/%s' % (self.userid,self.password,
+                                          self.hostname,url)
+        web_file = urllib.urlopen(path)
+        if web_file.getcode() != 200:
+            return None
+        self.contents =
+        return self.contents
diff --git a/site_utils/rpm_control_system/rpm_config.ini b/site_utils/rpm_control_system/rpm_config.ini
index c03c910..24a8dc2 100644
--- a/site_utils/rpm_control_system/rpm_config.ini
+++ b/site_utils/rpm_control_system/rpm_config.ini
@@ -32,3 +32,10 @@
 # Access information for Web Powered Devices.
 username: admin
 password: 1234
+hostname: chromeos-197-hydra1.mtv
+username: autotest
+password: s3rialsw
+admin_username: root
+admin_password: tslinux
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/site_utils/rpm_control_system/ b/site_utils/rpm_control_system/
index 736708f..87a7410 100644
--- a/site_utils/rpm_control_system/
+++ b/site_utils/rpm_control_system/
@@ -6,10 +6,12 @@
 import logging
 import pexpect
 import Queue
+import re
 import threading
 import time
-import dli
+from config import rpm_config
+import dli_urllib
 # Format Appears as: [Date] [Time] - [Msg Level] - [Message]
@@ -30,11 +32,16 @@
     It assumes that you know the RPM hostname and that the DUT is on
     the specified RPM.
+    This class also allows support for RPM devices that can be accessed
+    directly or through a hydra serial concentrator device.
     Implementation details:
     This is an abstract class, subclasses must implement the methods
     listed here. You must not instantiate this class but should
     instantiate one of those leaf subclasses.
+    @var behind_hydra: boolean value to represent whether or not this RPM is
+                        behind a hydra device.
     @var hostname: hostname for this rpm device.
     @var is_running_lock: lock used to control access to _running.
     @var request_queue: queue used to store requested outlet state changes.
@@ -44,18 +51,50 @@
-    def __init__(self, rpm_hostname):
+    SSH_LOGIN_CMD = 'ssh -l %s -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ' \
+                    '-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null %s'
+    USERNAME_PROMPT = 'Username:'
+    LOGOUT_CMD = 'logout'
+    CLI_CMD = 'CLI'
+    CLI_HELD = 'The administrator \[root\] has an active .* session.'
+    CLI_KILL_PREVIOUS = 'cancel'
+    CLI_PROMPT = 'cli>'
+    HYDRA_PROMPT = '#'
+    PORT_STATUS_CMD = 'portStatus'
+    QUIT_CMD = 'quit'
+    SESSION_KILL_CMD_FORMAT = 'administration sessions kill %s'
+    HYDRA_CONN_HELD_MSG_FORMAT = 'is being used'
+    # Global Variables that will likely be changed by subclasses.
+    DEVICE_PROMPT = '$'
+    PASSWORD_PROMPT = 'Password:'
+    # The state change command can be any string format but must accept 2 vars:
+    # state followed by DUT/Plug name.
+    STATE_CMD = '%s %s'
+    SUCCESS_MSG = None # Some RPM's may not return a success msg.
+    def __init__(self, rpm_hostname, hydra_name=None):
         RPMController Constructor.
         To be called by subclasses.
         @param rpm_hostname: hostname of rpm device to be controlled.
-        dns_zone = CONFIG.get('CROS', 'dns_zone')
-        self.hostname = '.'.join([rpm_hostname, dns_zone])
+        self._dns_zone = CONFIG.get('CROS', 'dns_zone')
+        self.hostname = rpm_hostname
         self.request_queue = Queue.Queue()
         self._running = False
         self.is_running_lock = threading.Lock()
+        self.behind_hydra = False
+        # If a hydra name is provided by the subclass then we know we are
+        # talking to an rpm behind a hydra device.
+        if hydra_name:
+            self.behind_hydra = True
+            self.hydra_name = hydra_name
+            self._hydra_hostname = CONFIG.get(hydra_name,'hostname')
     def _start_processing_requests(self):
@@ -137,10 +176,194 @@
         return result
+    def _kill_previous_connection(self):
+        """
+        In case the port to the RPM through the hydra serial concentrator is in
+        use, terminate the previous connection so we can log into the RPM.
+        It logs into the hydra serial concentrator over ssh, launches the CLI
+        command, gets the port number and then kills the current session.
+        """
+        ssh = self._authenticate_with_hydra(admin_override=True)
+        if not ssh:
+            return
+        ssh.expect(RPMController.PASSWORD_PROMPT, timeout=60)
+        ssh.sendline(CONFIG.get(self.hydra_name, 'admin_password'))
+        ssh.expect(RPMController.HYDRA_PROMPT)
+        ssh.sendline(RPMController.CLI_CMD)
+        cli_prompt_re = re.compile(RPMController.CLI_PROMPT)
+        cli_held_re = re.compile(RPMController.CLI_HELD)
+        response = ssh.expect_list([cli_prompt_re, cli_held_re], timeout=60)
+        if response == 1:
+            # Need to kill the previous adminstator's session.
+            logging.error("Need to disconnect previous administrator's CLI "
+                          "session to release the connection to RPM device %s.",
+                          self.hostname)
+            ssh.sendline(RPMController.CLI_KILL_PREVIOUS)
+            ssh.expect(RPMController.CLI_PROMPT)
+        ssh.sendline(RPMController.PORT_STATUS_CMD)
+        ssh.expect(': %s' % self.hostname)
+        ports_status = ssh.before
+        port_number = ports_status.split(' ')[-1]
+        ssh.expect(RPMController.CLI_PROMPT)
+        ssh.sendline(RPMController.SESSION_KILL_CMD_FORMAT % port_number)
+        ssh.expect(RPMController.CLI_PROMPT)
+        self._logout(ssh, admin_logout=True)
+    def _hydra_login(self, ssh):
+        """
+        Perform the extra steps required to log into a hydra serial
+        concentrator.
+        @param ssh: pexpect.spawn object used to communicate with the hydra
+                    serial concentrator.
+        @return: True if the login procedure is successful. False if an error
+                 occurred. The most common case would be if another user is
+                 logged into the device.
+        """
+        try:
+            ssh.expect(RPMController.PASSWORD_PROMPT, timeout=60)
+            ssh.sendline(CONFIG.get(self.hydra_name,'password'))
+            ssh.sendline('')
+            response = ssh.expect_list(
+                    [re.compile(RPMController.USERNAME_PROMPT),
+                     re.compile(RPMController.HYDRA_CONN_HELD_MSG_FORMAT)],
+                    timeout=60)
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            # Did not receive any of the expect responses, retry.
+            return False
+        except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+            logging.debug('Timeout occurred logging in to hydra.')
+            return False
+        # Send the username that the subclass will have set in its
+        # construction.
+        if response == 1:
+            logging.debug('SSH Terminal most likely serving another'
+                          ' connection, retrying.')
+            # Kill the connection for the next connection attempt.
+            try:
+                self._kill_previous_connection()
+            except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect:
+                logging.error('Failed to disconnect previous connection, '
+                              'retrying.')
+                raise
+            return False
+        logging.debug('Connected to rpm through hydra. Logging in.')
+        return True
+    def _authenticate_with_hydra(self, admin_override=False):
+        """
+        Some RPM's are behind a hydra serial concentrator and require their ssh
+        connection to be tunneled through this device. This can fail if another
+        user is logged in; therefore this will retry multiple times.
+        This function also allows us to authenticate directly to the
+        administrator interface of the hydra device.
+        @param admin_override: Set to True if we are trying to access the
+                               administrator interface rather than tunnel
+                               through to the RPM.
+        @return: The connected pexpect.spawn instance if the login procedure is
+                 successful. None if an error occurred. The most common case
+                 would be if another user is logged into the device.
+        """
+        if admin_override:
+            username = CONFIG.get(self.hydra_name, 'admin_username')
+        else:
+            username = '%s:%s' % (CONFIG.get(self.hydra_name,'username'),
+                                  self.hostname)
+        cmd = RPMController.SSH_LOGIN_CMD % (username, self._hydra_hostname)
+        num_attempts = 0
+        while num_attempts < RPMController.HYDRA_MAX_CONNECT_RETRIES:
+            try:
+                ssh = pexpect.spawn(cmd)
+            except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect:
+                return None
+            if admin_override:
+                return ssh
+            if self._hydra_login(ssh):
+                return ssh
+            # Authenticating with hydra failed. Sleep then retry.
+            time.sleep(RPMController.HYRDA_RETRY_SLEEP_SECS)
+            num_attempts += 1
+        logging.error('Failed to connect to the hydra serial concentrator after'
+                      ' %d attempts.', RPMController.HYDRA_MAX_CONNECT_RETRIES)
+        return None
+    def _login(self):
+        """
+        Log in into the RPM Device.
+        The login process should be able to connect to the device whether or not
+        it is behind a hydra serial concentrator.
+        @return: ssh - a pexpect.spawn instance if the connection was successful
+                 or None if it was not.
+        """
+        if self.behind_hydra:
+            # Tunnel the connection through the hydra.
+            ssh = self._authenticate_with_hydra()
+            if not ssh:
+                return None
+            ssh.sendline(self._username)
+        else:
+            # Connect directly to the RPM over SSH.
+            hostname = '%s.%s' % (self.hostname, self._dns_zone)
+            cmd = RPMController.SSH_LOGIN_CMD % (self._username, hostname)
+            try:
+                ssh = pexpect.spawn(cmd)
+            except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect:
+                return None
+        # Wait for the password prompt
+        try:
+            ssh.expect(self.PASSWORD_PROMPT, timeout=60)
+            ssh.sendline(self._password)
+            ssh.expect(self.DEVICE_PROMPT, timeout=60)
+        except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect:
+            return None
+        return ssh
+    def _logout(self, ssh, admin_logout=False):
+        """
+        Log out of the RPM device.
+        Send the device specific logout command and if the connection is through
+        a hydra serial concentrator, kill the ssh connection.
+        @param admin_logout: Set to True if we are trying to logout of the
+                             administrator interface of a hydra serial
+                             concentrator, rather than an RPM.
+        @param ssh: pexpect.spawn instance to use to send the logout command.
+        """
+        if admin_logout:
+            ssh.sendline(RPMController.QUIT_CMD)
+            ssh.expect(RPMController.HYDRA_PROMPT)
+        ssh.sendline(self.LOGOUT_CMD)
+        if self.behind_hydra and not admin_logout:
+            # Terminate the hydra session.
+            ssh.sendline('~.')
+            # Wait a bit so hydra disconnects completely. Launching another
+            # request immediately can cause a timeout.
+            time.sleep(5)
     def set_power_state(self, dut_hostname, new_state):
         Set the state of the dut's outlet on this RPM.
-        To be implemented by the subclasses.
+        For ssh based devices, this will create the connection either directly
+        or through a hydra tunnel and call the underlying _change_state function
+        to be implemented by the subclass device.
+        For non-ssh based devices, this method should be overloaded with the
+        proper connection and state change code. And the subclass will handle
+        accessing the RPM devices.
         @param dut_hostname: hostname of DUT whose outlet we want to change.
         @param new_state: ON/OFF/CYCLE - state or action we want to perform on
@@ -149,8 +372,51 @@
         @return: True if the attempt to change power state was successful,
                  False otherwise.
-        raise NotImplementedError('Abstract class. Subclasses should implement '
-                                  'set_power_state().')
+        if dut_hostname.startswith('chromeos2'):
+            # Because the devices behind in chromeos2 lab all have long
+            # hostnames, we can't store their full names in the rpm, therefore
+            # for these devices we drop the 'chromeos2' part of their name.
+            # For example: chromeos2-rack2-row1-host1 is just stored as
+            # rack2-row1-host1 inside the RPM.
+            dut_hostname = dut_hostname.split('-', 1)[1]
+        ssh = self._login()
+        if not ssh:
+            return False
+        # Try to change the state of the DUT's power outlet.
+        result = self._change_state(dut_hostname, new_state, ssh)
+        # Terminate hydra connection if necessary.
+        self._logout(ssh)
+        return result
+    def _change_state(self, dut_hostname, new_state, ssh):
+        """
+        Perform the actual state change operation.
+        Once we have established communication with the RPM this method is
+        responsible for changing the state of the RPM outlet.
+        @param dut_hostname: hostname of DUT whose outlet we want to change.
+        @param new_state: ON/OFF/CYCLE - state or action we want to perform on
+                          the outlet.
+        @param ssh: The ssh connection used to execute the state change commands
+                    on the RPM device.
+        @return: True if the attempt to change power state was successful,
+                 False otherwise.
+        """
+        ssh.sendline(self.SET_STATE_CMD % (new_state, dut_hostname))
+        if self.SUCCESS_MSG:
+            # If this RPM device returns a success message check for it before
+            # continuing.
+            try:
+                ssh.expect(self.SUCCESS_MSG, timeout=60)
+            except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect:
+                logging.error('Request to change outlet for DUT: %s to new '
+                              'state %s failed.', dut_hostname, new_state)
+                return False
+        logging.debug('Outlet for DUT: %s set to %s', dut_hostname, new_state)
+        return True
     def type(self):
@@ -175,50 +441,20 @@
     @var _username: username used to access device.
     @var _password: password used to access device.
-    @var _ssh_mock: mocked ssh interface used for testing.
     DEVICE_PROMPT = 'Switched CDU:'
-    SSH_LOGIN_CMD = 'ssh -l %s -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ' \
-                    '-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null %s'
-    PASSWORD_PROMPT = 'Password:'
     SET_STATE_CMD = '%s %s'
     SUCCESS_MSG = 'Command successful'
-    LOGOUT_CMD = 'logout'
-    def __init__(self, hostname, ssh_mock=None):
-        super(SentryRPMController, self).__init__(hostname)
+    def __init__(self, hostname, hydra_name=None):
+        if hostname.startswith('chromeos2'):
+            hydra_name = 'hydra1'
+        super(SentryRPMController, self).__init__(hostname, hydra_name)
         self._username = CONFIG.get('SENTRY', 'username')
         self._password = CONFIG.get('SENTRY', 'password')
-        self._ssh_mock = ssh_mock
-    def set_power_state(self, dut_hostname, new_state):
-        logging.debug("Setting outlet for DUT: %s to state: %s",
-                      dut_hostname, new_state)
-        result = True
-        cmd = SentryRPMController.SSH_LOGIN_CMD % (self._username,
-                                                   self.hostname)
-        if not self._ssh_mock: # For testing purposes.
-            ssh = pexpect.spawn(cmd)
-        else:
-            ssh = self._ssh_mock
-        ssh.expect(SentryRPMController.PASSWORD_PROMPT, timeout=60)
-        ssh.sendline(self._password)
-        ssh.expect(SentryRPMController.DEVICE_PROMPT, timeout=60)
-        ssh.sendline(SentryRPMController.SET_STATE_CMD % (new_state,
-                                                          dut_hostname))
-        try:
-            ssh.expect(SentryRPMController.SUCCESS_MSG, timeout=60)
-        except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
-            logging.error('Request to change outlet for DUT: %s to new '
-                          'state %s timed out.', dut_hostname, new_state)
-            result = False
-        finally:
-            ssh.sendline(SentryRPMController.LOGOUT_CMD)
-        return result
     def type(self):
@@ -230,7 +466,7 @@
     This class implements RPMController for the Web Powered units
     produced by Digital Loggers Inc.
-    @var _rpm: dli.powerswitch instance used to interact with RPM.
+    @var _rpm: dli_urllib.Powerswitch instance used to interact with RPM.
@@ -240,10 +476,15 @@
     def __init__(self, hostname, powerswitch=None):
         username = CONFIG.get('WEBPOWERED', 'username')
         password = CONFIG.get('WEBPOWERED', 'password')
+        # Call the constructor in RPMController. However since this is a web
+        # accessible device, there should not be a need to tunnel through a
+        # hydra serial concentrator.
         super(WebPoweredRPMController, self).__init__(hostname)
+        self.hostname = '%s.%s' % (self.hostname, self._dns_zone)
         if not powerswitch:
-            self._rpm = dli.powerswitch(hostname=self.hostname, userid=username,
-                                        password=password)
+            self._rpm = dli_urllib.Powerswitch(hostname=self.hostname,
+                                               userid=username,
+                                               password=password)
             # Should only be used in unit_testing
             self._rpm = powerswitch
@@ -265,6 +506,11 @@
     def set_power_state(self, dut_hostname, new_state):
+        """
+        Since this does not utilize SSH in any manner, this will overload the
+        set_power_state in RPMController and completes all steps of changing
+        the DUT's outlet state.
+        """
         outlet_and_state = self._get_outlet_value_and_state(dut_hostname)
         if not outlet_and_state:
             logging.error('DUT %s is not on rpm %s',
@@ -317,23 +563,27 @@
     """Simple integration testing."""
     rpm = WebPoweredRPMController('chromeos-rack8e-rpm1')
-                     args=('chromeos-rack8e-hostbs1', 'ON')).start()
+                     args=('chromeos-rack8e-hostbs1', 'OFF')).start()
                      args=('chromeos-rack8e-hostbs2', 'ON')).start()
 def test_parrallel_sshrequests():
     """Simple integration testing."""
-    rpm = SentryRPMController('chromeos-rack1-rpm1')
+    rpm = SentryRPMController('chromeos-rack8-rpm1')
+    rpm2 = SentryRPMController('chromeos2-row2-rack3-rpm1')
-                     args=('chromeos-rack1-hostbs1', 'OFF')).start()
+                     args=('chromeos-rack8-hostbs1', 'OFF')).start()
-                     args=('chromeos-rack1-hostbs2', 'ON')).start()
+                     args=('chromeos-rack8-hostbs2', 'OFF')).start()
+    threading.Thread(target=rpm2.queue_request,
+                     args=('chromeos2-row2-rack3-hostbs', 'ON')).start()
+    threading.Thread(target=rpm2.queue_request,
+                     args=('chromeos2-row2-rack3-hostbs2', 'ON')).start()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=LOGGING_FORMAT)
-    test_parrallel_sshrequests()
+    test_parrallel_sshrequests()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/site_utils/rpm_control_system/ b/site_utils/rpm_control_system/
index 4ab2b3b..56315c6 100644
--- a/site_utils/rpm_control_system/
+++ b/site_utils/rpm_control_system/
@@ -18,9 +18,10 @@
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestSentryRPMController, self).setUp()
-        self.ssh = self.mox.CreateMock(pexpect.spawn)
-        self.rpm = rpm_controller.SentryRPMController('chromeos-rack1-host8',
-                                                      self.ssh)
+        self.ssh = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+        rpm_controller.pexpect.spawn = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+        rpm_controller.pexpect.spawn(mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(self.ssh)
+        self.rpm = rpm_controller.SentryRPMController('chromeos-rack1-host8')
     def testSuccessfullyChangeOutlet(self):