Support graceful failover/aggregation for autotest devserver pool.

This change implements the graceful failover/aggregation designed in This required a large re-work of how other modules
interact with the dev_server module. Instead of always relying on being
able to pass in the "build" to any dev_server RPC, a caller must start
by using the static resolve method that resolves a build to an ip addr
and creating a DevServer instance from that hostname.


ds = Devserver.create()

turns into

ds = ImageServer.resolve('build')

In order to guarantee the re-use of the same hostname throughout the life-cycle
of a suite run, we keep the hostname as part of the suitespec and also parse
the package_url based on the image_url -- not the build.

As noted, I've also separated the imaging / crash components into their
own DevServer subclasses to  simplify the interaction and modified

TEST=Unittests so far + local autotest setup with running bvt suite on one
host in the lab + ran suite_enumerator with/without -l

Change-Id: I4760e4033bb347259e3bb30f2fac31f321654c6f
Commit-Ready: Chris Sosa <>
Reviewed-by: Chris Sosa <>
Tested-by: Chris Sosa <>
17 files changed