Remove faft_grpc code.

go/faft-grpc ( is being moved to Won't Fix.
This CL removes the code that was preparing us for gRPC.

TEST=firmware_FAFTSetup and firmware_FAFTRPC

Change-Id: I47413fc257d630b3a4c492fa14ca3bfcdbdf4928
Reviewed-by: Kevin Shelton <>
Commit-Queue: Greg Edelston <>
Tested-by: Greg Edelston <>
diff --git a/client/cros/faft/proto/rpc_functions.proto b/client/cros/faft/proto/rpc_functions.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index 63d8cc3..0000000
--- a/client/cros/faft/proto/rpc_functions.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1087 +0,0 @@
-syntax = "proto3";
-service Bios {
-  rpc IsAvailable
-    (BiosIsAvailableRequest)
-    returns (BiosIsAvailableResponse);
-  rpc Reload
-    (BiosReloadRequest)
-    returns (BiosReloadResponse);
-  rpc GetGbbFlags
-    (BiosGetGbbFlagsRequest)
-    returns (BiosGetGbbFlagsResponse);
-  rpc SetGbbFlags
-    (BiosSetGbbFlagsRequest)
-    returns (BiosSetGbbFlagsResponse);
-  rpc GetPreambleFlags
-    (BiosGetPreambleFlagsRequest)
-    returns (BiosGetPreambleFlagsResponse);
-  rpc SetPreambleFlags
-    (BiosSetPreambleFlagsRequest)
-    returns (BiosSetPreambleFlagsResponse);
-  rpc GetBodySha
-    (BiosGetBodyShaRequest)
-    returns (BiosGetBodyShaResponse);
-  rpc GetSigSha
-    (BiosGetSigShaRequest)
-    returns (BiosGetSigShaResponse);
-  rpc GetSectionFwid
-    (BiosGetSectionFwidRequest)
-    returns (BiosGetSectionFwidResponse);
-  rpc CorruptSig
-    (BiosCorruptSigRequest)
-    returns (BiosCorruptSigResponse);
-  rpc RestoreSig
-    (BiosRestoreSigRequest)
-    returns (BiosRestoreSigResponse);
-  rpc CorruptBody
-    (BiosCorruptBodyRequest)
-    returns (BiosCorruptBodyResponse);
-  rpc RestoreBody
-    (BiosRestoreBodyRequest)
-    returns (BiosRestoreBodyResponse);
-  rpc MoveVersionBackward
-    (BiosMoveVersionBackwardRequest)
-    returns (BiosMoveVersionBackwardResponse);
-  rpc MoveVersionForward
-    (BiosMoveVersionForwardRequest)
-    returns (BiosMoveVersionForwardResponse);
-  rpc GetVersion
-    (BiosGetVersionRequest)
-    returns (BiosGetVersionResponse);
-  rpc GetDatakeyVersion
-    (BiosGetDatakeyVersionRequest)
-    returns (BiosGetDatakeyVersionResponse);
-  rpc GetKernelSubkeyVersion
-    (BiosGetKernelSubkeyVersionRequest)
-    returns (BiosGetKernelSubkeyVersionResponse);
-  rpc DumpWhole
-    (BiosDumpWholeRequest)
-    returns (BiosDumpWholeResponse);
-  rpc WriteWhole
-    (BiosWriteWholeRequest)
-    returns (BiosWriteWholeResponse);
-  rpc StripModifiedFwids
-    (BiosStripModifiedFwidsRequest)
-    returns (BiosStripModifiedFwidsResponse);
-  rpc SetWriteProtectRegion
-    (BiosSetWriteProtectRegionRequest)
-    returns (BiosSetWriteProtectRegionResponse);
-  rpc SetWriteProtectRange
-      (BiosSetWriteProtectRangeRequest)
-      returns (BiosSetWriteProtectRangeResponse);
-  rpc GetWriteProtectStatus
-      (BiosGetWriteProtectStatusRequest)
-      returns (BiosGetWriteProtectStatusResponse);
-service Cgpt {
-  rpc GetAttributes
-    (CgptGetAttributesRequest)
-    returns (CgptGetAttributesResponse);
-  rpc SetAttributes
-    (CgptSetAttributesRequest)
-    returns (CgptSetAttributesResponse);
-service Ec {
-  rpc Reload
-    (EcReloadRequest)
-    returns (EcReloadResponse);
-  rpc GetVersion
-    (EcGetVersionRequest)
-    returns (EcGetVersionResponse);
-  rpc GetActiveHash
-    (EcGetActiveHashRequest)
-    returns (EcGetActiveHashResponse);
-  rpc DumpWhole
-    (EcDumpWholeRequest)
-    returns (EcDumpWholeResponse);
-  rpc WriteWhole
-    (EcWriteWholeRequest)
-    returns (EcWriteWholeResponse);
-  rpc CorruptBody
-    (EcCorruptBodyRequest)
-    returns (EcCorruptBodyResponse);
-  rpc DumpFirmware
-    (EcDumpFirmwareRequest)
-    returns (EcDumpFirmwareResponse);
-  rpc SetWriteProtect
-    (EcSetWriteProtectRequest)
-    returns (EcSetWriteProtectResponse);
-  rpc IsEfs
-    (EcIsEfsRequest)
-    returns (EcIsEfsResponse);
-  rpc CopyRw
-    (EcCopyRwRequest)
-    returns (EcCopyRwResponse);
-  rpc RebootToSwitchSlot
-    (EcRebootToSwitchSlotRequest)
-    returns (EcRebootToSwitchSlotResponse);
-  rpc StripModifiedFwids
-    (EcStripModifiedFwidsRequest)
-    returns (EcStripModifiedFwidsResponse);
-service Host {
-  rpc RunShellCommand
-    (HostRunShellCommandRequest)
-    returns (HostRunShellCommandResponse);
-  rpc RunShellCommandGetOutput
-    (HostRunShellCommandGetOutputRequest)
-    returns (HostRunShellCommandGetOutputResponse);
-service Kernel {
-  rpc CorruptSig
-    (KernelCorruptSigRequest)
-    returns (KernelCorruptSigResponse);
-  rpc RestoreSig
-    (KernelRestoreSigRequest)
-    returns (KernelRestoreSigResponse);
-  rpc ModifyVersion
-    (KernelModifyVersionRequest)
-    returns (KernelModifyVersionResponse);
-  rpc MoveVersionBackward
-    (KernelMoveVersionBackwardRequest)
-    returns (KernelMoveVersionBackwardResponse);
-  rpc MoveVersionForward
-    (KernelMoveVersionForwardRequest)
-    returns (KernelMoveVersionForwardResponse);
-  rpc GetVersion
-    (KernelGetVersionRequest)
-    returns (KernelGetVersionResponse);
-  rpc GetDatakeyVersion
-    (KernelGetDatakeyVersionRequest)
-    returns (KernelGetDatakeyVersionResponse);
-  rpc DiffAB
-    (KernelDiffABRequest)
-    returns (KernelDiffABResponse);
-  rpc ResignWithKeys
-    (KernelResignWithKeysRequest)
-    returns (KernelResignWithKeysResponse);
-  rpc Dump
-    (KernelDumpRequest)
-    returns (KernelDumpResponse);
-  rpc Write
-    (KernelWriteRequest)
-    returns (KernelWriteResponse);
-  rpc GetSha
-    (KernelGetShaRequest)
-    returns (KernelGetShaResponse);
-service Rootfs {
-  rpc VerifyRootfs
-    (RootfsVerifyRootfsRequest)
-    returns (RootfsVerifyRootfsResponse);
-service RpcSettings {
-  rpc DisableTestMode
-    (RpcSettingsDisableTestModeRequest)
-    returns (RpcSettingsDisableTestModeResponse);
-  rpc EnableTestMode
-    (RpcSettingsEnableTestModeRequest)
-    returns (RpcSettingsEnableTestModeResponse);
-service System {
-  rpc IsAvailable
-    (SystemIsAvailableRequest)
-    returns (SystemIsAvailableResponse);
-  rpc DumpLog
-    (SystemDumpLogRequest)
-    returns (SystemDumpLogResponse);
-  rpc RunShellCommand
-    (SystemRunShellCommandRequest)
-    returns (SystemRunShellCommandResponse);
-  rpc RunShellCommandCheckOutput
-    (SystemRunShellCommandCheckOutputRequest)
-    returns (SystemRunShellCommandCheckOutputResponse);
-  rpc RunShellCommandGetOutput
-    (SystemRunShellCommandGetOutputRequest)
-    returns (SystemRunShellCommandGetOutputResponse);
-  rpc RunShellCommandGetStatus
-    (SystemRunShellCommandGetStatusRequest)
-    returns (SystemRunShellCommandGetStatusResponse);
-  rpc GetPlatformName
-    (SystemGetPlatformNameRequest)
-    returns (SystemGetPlatformNameResponse);
-  rpc GetModelName
-    (SystemGetModelNameRequest)
-    returns (SystemGetModelNameResponse);
-  rpc DevTpmPresent
-    (SystemDevTpmPresentRequest)
-    returns (SystemDevTpmPresentResponse);
-  rpc GetCrossystemValue
-    (SystemGetCrossystemValueRequest)
-    returns (SystemGetCrossystemValueResponse);
-  rpc GetRootDev
-    (SystemGetRootDevRequest)
-    returns (SystemGetRootDevResponse);
-  rpc GetRootPart
-    (SystemGetRootPartRequest)
-    returns (SystemGetRootPartResponse);
-  rpc SetTryFwB
-    (SystemSetTryFwBRequest)
-    returns (SystemSetTryFwBResponse);
-  rpc SetFwTryNext
-    (SystemSetFwTryNextRequest)
-    returns (SystemSetFwTryNextResponse);
-  rpc GetFwVboot2
-    (SystemGetFwVboot2Request)
-    returns (SystemGetFwVboot2Response);
-  rpc RequestRecoveryBoot
-    (SystemRequestRecoveryBootRequest)
-    returns (SystemRequestRecoveryBootResponse);
-  rpc GetDevBoostUsb
-    (SystemGetDevBootUsbRequest)
-    returns (SystemGetDevBootUsbResponse);
-  rpc SetDevBootUsb
-    (SystemSetDevBootUsbRequest)
-    returns (SystemSetDevBootUsbResponse);
-  rpc IsRemovableDeviceBoot
-    (SystemIsRemovableDeviceBootRequest)
-    returns (SystemIsRemovableDeviceBootResponse);
-  rpc GetInternalDevice
-    (SystemGetInternalDeviceRequest)
-    returns (SystemGetInternalDeviceResponse);
-  rpc CreateTempDir
-    (SystemCreateTempDirRequest)
-    returns (SystemCreateTempDirResponse);
-  rpc RemoveFile
-    (SystemRemoveFileRequest)
-    returns (SystemRemoveFileResponse);
-  rpc RemoveDir
-    (SystemRemoveDirRequest)
-    returns (SystemRemoveDirResponse);
-  rpc CheckKeys
-    (SystemCheckKeysRequest)
-    returns (SystemCheckKeysResponse);
-service Tpm {
-  rpc GetFirmwareVersion
-    (TpmGetFirmwareVersionRequest)
-    returns (TpmGetFirmwareVersionResponse);
-  rpc GetFirmwareDatakeyVersion
-    (TpmGetFirmwareDatakeyVersionRequest)
-    returns (TpmGetFirmwareDatakeyVersionResponse);
-  rpc GetKernelVersion
-    (TpmGetKernelVersionRequest)
-    returns (TpmGetKernelVersionResponse);
-  rpc GetKernelDatakeyVersion
-    (TpmGetKernelDatakeyVersionRequest)
-    returns (TpmGetKernelDatakeyVersionResponse);
-  rpc GetTpmVersion
-    (TpmGetTpmVersionRequest)
-    returns (TpmGetTpmVersionResponse);
-  rpc StopDaemon
-    (TpmStopDaemonRequest)
-    returns (TpmStopDaemonResponse);
-  rpc RestartDaemon
-    (TpmRestartDaemonRequest)
-    returns (TpmRestartDaemonResponse);
-service Updater {
-  rpc Cleanup
-    (UpdaterCleanupRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterCleanupResponse);
-  rpc StopDaemon
-    (UpdaterStopDaemonRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterStopDaemonResponse);
-  rpc StartDaemon
-    (UpdaterStartDaemonRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterStartDaemonResponse);
-  rpc GetSectionFwid
-    (UpdaterGetSectionFwidRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterGetSectionFwidResponse);
-  rpc GetAllFwids
-    (UpdaterGetAllFwidsRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterGetAllFwidsResponse);
-  rpc ModifyFwids
-    (UpdaterModifyFwidsRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterModifyFwidsResponse);
-  rpc GetAllInstalledFwids
-    (UpdaterGetAllInstalledFwidsRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterGetAllInstalledFwidsResponse);
-  rpc ModifyEcidAndFlashToBios
-    (UpdaterModifyEcidAndFlashToBiosRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterModifyEcidAndFlashToBiosResponse);
-  rpc GetEcHash
-    (UpdaterGetEcHashRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterGetEcHashResponse);
-  rpc ResignFirmware
-    (UpdaterResignFirmwareRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterResignFirmwareResponse);
-  rpc ExtractShellball
-    (UpdaterExtractShellballRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterExtractShellballResponse);
-  rpc RepackShellball
-    (UpdaterRepackShellballRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterRepackShellballResponse);
-  rpc ResetShellball
-    (UpdaterResetShellballRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterResetShellballResponse);
-  rpc RunFirmwareupdate
-    (UpdaterRunFirmwareupdateRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterRunFirmwareupdateResponse);
-  rpc RunAutoupdate
-    (UpdaterRunAutoupdateRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterRunAutoupdateResponse);
-  rpc RunFactoryInstall
-    (UpdaterRunFactoryInstallRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterRunFactoryInstallResponse);
-  rpc RunBootok
-    (UpdaterRunBootokRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterRunBootokResponse);
-  rpc RunRecovery
-    (UpdaterRunRecoveryRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterRunRecoveryResponse);
-  rpc CbfsSetupWorkDir
-    (UpdaterCbfsSetupWorkDirRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterCbfsSetupWorkDirResponse);
-  rpc CbfsExtractChip
-    (UpdaterCbfsExtractChipRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterCbfsExtractChipResponse);
-  rpc CbfsGetChipHash
-    (UpdaterCbfsGetChipHashRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterCbfsGetChipHashResponse);
-  rpc CbfsReplaceChip
-    (UpdaterCbfsReplaceChipRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterCbfsReplaceChipResponse);
-  rpc CbfsSignAndFlash
-    (UpdaterCbfsSignAndFlashRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterCbfsSignAndFlashResponse);
-  rpc GetTempPath
-    (UpdaterGetTempPathRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterGetTempPathResponse);
-  rpc GetKeysPath
-    (UpdaterGetKeysPathRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterGetKeysPathResponse);
-  rpc GetWorkPath
-    (UpdaterGetWorkPathRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterGetWorkPathResponse);
-  rpc GetBiosRelativePath
-    (UpdaterGetBiosRelativePathRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterGetBiosRelativePathResponse);
-  rpc GetEcRelativePath
-    (UpdaterGetEcRelativePathRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterGetEcRelativePathResponse);
-  rpc CopyBios
-    (UpdaterCopyBiosRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterCopyBiosResponse);
-  rpc GetImageGbbFlags
-    (UpdaterGetImageGbbFlagsRequest)
-    returns (UpdaterGetImageGbbFlagsResponse);
-  rpc SetImageGbbFlags
-      (UpdaterSetImageGbbFlagsRequest)
-      returns (UpdaterSetImageGbbFlagsResponse);
-// Bios messages
-message BiosIsAvailableRequest {}
-message BiosIsAvailableResponse {
-  bool available = 1;
-message BiosReloadRequest {}
-message BiosReloadResponse {}
-message BiosGetGbbFlagsRequest {}
-message BiosGetGbbFlagsResponse {
-  int32 flags = 1;
-message BiosSetGbbFlagsRequest {
-  int32 flags = 1;
-message BiosSetGbbFlagsResponse {}
-message BiosGetPreambleFlagsRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message BiosGetPreambleFlagsResponse {
-  int32 flags = 1;
-message BiosSetPreambleFlagsRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-  int32 flags = 2;
-message BiosSetPreambleFlagsResponse {}
-message BiosGetBodyShaRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message BiosGetBodyShaResponse {
-  string hash = 1;
-message BiosGetSigShaRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message BiosGetSigShaResponse {
-  string hash = 1;
-message BiosGetSectionFwidRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message BiosGetSectionFwidResponse {
-  string fwid = 1;
-message BiosCorruptSigRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message BiosCorruptSigResponse {}
-message BiosRestoreSigRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message BiosRestoreSigResponse {}
-message BiosCorruptBodyRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-  bool corrupt_all = 3; // optional
-message BiosCorruptBodyResponse {}
-message BiosRestoreBodyRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message BiosRestoreBodyResponse {}
-message BiosMoveVersionBackwardRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message BiosMoveVersionBackwardResponse {}
-message BiosMoveVersionForwardRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message BiosMoveVersionForwardResponse {}
-message BiosGetVersionRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message BiosGetVersionResponse {
-  int32 version = 1;
-message BiosGetDatakeyVersionRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message BiosGetDatakeyVersionResponse {
-  int32 version = 1;
-message BiosGetKernelSubkeyVersionRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message BiosGetKernelSubkeyVersionResponse {
-  int32 version = 1;
-message BiosDumpWholeRequest {
-  string bios_path = 1;
-message BiosDumpWholeResponse {}
-message BiosWriteWholeRequest {
-  string bios_path = 1;
-message BiosWriteWholeResponse {}
-message BiosStripModifiedFwidsRequest {}
-message BiosStripModifiedFwidsResponse {
-  string ro = 1;
-  string a = 2;
-  string b = 3;
-  string rec = 4;
-  string ec_a = 5;
-  string ec_b = 6;
-message BiosSetWriteProtectRegionRequest {
-  string region = 1;
-  bool enabled = 2; // optional
-message BiosSetWriteProtectRegionResponse {}
-message BiosSetWriteProtectRangeRequest {
-  string start = 1;
-  string length = 2;
-  bool enabled = 3; // optional
-message BiosSetWriteProtectRangeResponse {}
-message BiosGetWriteProtectStatusRequest {}
-message BiosGetWriteProtectStatusResponse {
-  bool enabled = 1;
-  int32 start = 2;
-  int32 length = 3;
-  string error = 4;
-  string status = 5;
-// Cgpt messages
-message CgptSection {
-  string name = 1;
-  string UUID = 2;
-  int32 successful = 3;
-  int32 partition = 4;
-  int32 priority = 5;
-  int32 tries = 6;
-  string Type = 7;
-message CgptGetAttributesRequest {}
-message CgptGetAttributesResponse {
-  CgptSection A = 1;
-  CgptSection B = 1;
-message CgptSetAttributesRequest {
-  CgptSection A = 1;
-  CgptSection B = 1;
-message CgptSetAttributesResponse {}
-// Ec messages
-message EcReloadRequest {}
-message EcReloadResponse {}
-message EcGetVersionRequest {}
-message EcGetVersionResponse {
-  string version = 1;
-message EcGetActiveHashRequest {}
-message EcGetActiveHashResponse {
-  string hash = 1;
-message EcDumpWholeRequest {
-  string ec_path = 1;
-message EcDumpWholeResponse {}
-message EcWriteWholeRequest {
-  string ec_path = 1;
-message EcWriteWholeResponse {}
-message EcCorruptBodyRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message EcCorruptBodyResponse {}
-message EcDumpFirmwareRequest {
-  string ec_path = 1;
-message EcDumpFirmwareResponse {}
-message EcSetWriteProtectRequest {
-  bool enable = 1;
-message EcSetWriteProtectResponse {}
-message EcIsEfsRequest {}
-message EcIsEfsResponse {
-  bool response = 1;
-message EcCopyRwRequest {
-  string from_section = 1;
-  string to_section = 2;
-message EcCopyRwResponse {}
-message EcRebootToSwitchSlotRequest {}
-message EcRebootToSwitchSlotResponse {}
-message EcStripModifiedFwidsRequest {}
-message EcStripModifiedFwidsResponse {
-  string ro = 1;
-  string rw = 2;
-  string rw_b = 3;
-// Host messages
-message HostRunShellCommandRequest {
-  string command = 1;
-message HostRunShellCommandResponse {}
-message HostRunShellCommandGetOutputRequest {
-  string command = 1;
-message HostRunShellCommandGetOutputResponse {
-  repeated string output_lines = 1;
-// Kernel messages
-message KernelCorruptSigRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message KernelCorruptSigResponse {}
-message KernelRestoreSigRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message KernelRestoreSigResponse {}
-message KernelModifyVersionRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-  int32 delta = 2;
-message KernelModifyVersionResponse {}
-message KernelMoveVersionBackwardRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message KernelMoveVersionBackwardResponse {}
-message KernelMoveVersionForwardRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message KernelMoveVersionForwardResponse {}
-message KernelGetVersionRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message KernelGetVersionResponse {
-  int32 version = 1;
-message KernelGetDatakeyVersionRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message KernelGetDatakeyVersionResponse {
-  int32 version = 1;
-message KernelDiffABRequest {}
-message KernelDiffABResponse {
-  bool is_different = 1;
-message KernelResignWithKeysRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-  string key_path = 2; // optional
-message KernelResignWithKeysResponse {}
-message KernelDumpRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-  string kernel_path = 2;
-message KernelDumpResponse {}
-message KernelWriteRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-  string kernel_path = 2;
-message KernelWriteResponse {}
-message KernelGetShaRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message KernelGetShaResponse {
-  string hash = 1;
-// Rootfs messages
-message RootfsVerifyRootfsRequest {
-  string section = 1;
-message RootfsVerifyRootfsResponse {
-  bool verified = 1;
-// RpcSettings messages
-message RpcSettingsDisableTestModeRequest {}
-message RpcSettingsDisableTestModeResponse {}
-message RpcSettingsEnableTestModeRequest {}
-message RpcSettingsEnableTestModeResponse {}
-// System messages
-message SystemIsAvailableRequest {}
-message SystemIsAvailableResponse {
-  bool response = 1;
-message SystemDumpLogRequest {
-  bool remove_log = 1; // optional
-message SystemDumpLogResponse {
-  string log = 1;
-message SystemRunShellCommandRequest {
-  string command = 1;
-message SystemRunShellCommandResponse {}
-message SystemRunShellCommandCheckOutputRequest {
-  string command = 1;
-  string success_token = 2;
-message SystemRunShellCommandCheckOutputResponse {
-  bool response = 1;
-message SystemRunShellCommandGetOutputRequest {
-  string command = 1;
-  bool include_stderr = 2; // optional
-message SystemRunShellCommandGetOutputResponse {
-  repeated string output_lines = 1;
-message SystemRunShellCommandGetStatusRequest {
-  string command = 1;
-message SystemRunShellCommandGetStatusResponse {
-  int32 status = 1;
-message SystemGetPlatformNameRequest {}
-message SystemGetPlatformNameResponse {
-  string name = 1;
-message SystemGetModelNameRequest {}
-message SystemGetModelNameResponse {
-  string name = 1;
-message SystemDevTpmPresentRequest {}
-message SystemDevTpmPresentResponse {
-  bool response = 1;
-message SystemGetCrossystemValueRequest {
-  string key = 1;
-message SystemGetCrossystemValueResponse {
-  string value = 1;
-message SystemGetRootDevRequest {}
-message SystemGetRootDevResponse {
-  string name = 1;
-message SystemGetRootPartRequest {}
-message SystemGetRootPartResponse {
-  string name = 1;
-message SystemSetTryFwBRequest {
-  int32 count = 1; // optional
-message SystemSetTryFwBResponse {}
-message SystemSetFwTryNextRequest {
-  string next = 1;
-  int32 count = 2; // optional
-message SystemSetFwTryNextResponse {}
-message SystemGetFwVboot2Request {}
-message SystemGetFwVboot2Response {
-  bool response = 1;
-message SystemRequestRecoveryBootRequest {}
-message SystemRequestRecoveryBootResponse {}
-message SystemGetDevBootUsbRequest {}
-message SystemGetDevBootUsbResponse {
-  bool enabled = 1;
-message SystemSetDevBootUsbRequest {
-  bool value = 1;
-message SystemSetDevBootUsbResponse {}
-message SystemIsRemovableDeviceBootRequest {}
-message SystemIsRemovableDeviceBootResponse {
-  bool response = 1;
-message SystemGetInternalDeviceRequest {}
-message SystemGetInternalDeviceResponse {
-  string device = 1;
-message SystemCreateTempDirRequest {
-  string prefix = 1; // optional
-message SystemCreateTempDirResponse {
-  string path = 1;
-message SystemRemoveFileRequest {
-  string file_path = 1;
-message SystemRemoveFileResponse {
-  bool status = 1;
-message SystemRemoveDirRequest {
-  string dir_path = 1;
-message SystemRemoveDirResponse {
-  bool status = 1;
-message SystemCheckKeysRequest {
-  repeated int32 expected_keys = 1;
-message SystemCheckKeysResponse {
-  int32 response = 1;
-// Tpm messages
-message TpmGetFirmwareVersionRequest {}
-message TpmGetFirmwareVersionResponse {
-  int32 version = 1;
-message TpmGetFirmwareDatakeyVersionRequest {}
-message TpmGetFirmwareDatakeyVersionResponse {
-  int32 version = 1;
-message TpmGetKernelVersionRequest {}
-message TpmGetKernelVersionResponse {
-  int32 version = 1;
-message TpmGetKernelDatakeyVersionRequest {}
-message TpmGetKernelDatakeyVersionResponse {
-  int32 version = 1;
-message TpmGetTpmVersionRequest {}
-message TpmGetTpmVersionResponse {
-  string version = 1;
-message TpmStopDaemonRequest {}
-message TpmStopDaemonResponse {}
-message TpmRestartDaemonRequest {}
-message TpmRestartDaemonResponse {}
-// Updater messages
-message UpdaterCleanupRequest {}
-message UpdaterCleanupResponse {}
-message UpdaterStopDaemonRequest {}
-message UpdaterStopDaemonResponse {}
-message UpdaterStartDaemonRequest {}
-message UpdaterStartDaemonResponse {}
-message UpdaterGetSectionFwidRequest {
-  string target = 1; // optional
-  string section = 2; // optional
-message UpdaterGetSectionFwidResponse {
-  string fwid = 1;
-message UpdaterGetAllFwidsRequest {
-  string target = 1; // optional
-message UpdaterGetAllFwidsResponse {
-  string ro = 1;
-  string a = 2;
-  string b = 3;
-  string rec = 4;
-  string ec_a = 5;
-  string ec_b = 6;
-  string rw = 7;
-  string rw_b = 8;
-message UpdaterGetAllInstalledFwidsRequest {
-  string target = 1; // optional
-  string filename = 3; // optional
-message UpdaterGetAllInstalledFwidsResponse {
-  string ro = 1;
-  string a = 2;
-  string b = 3;
-  string rec = 4;
-  string ec_a = 5;
-  string ec_b = 6;
-  string rw = 7;
-  string rw_b = 8;
-message UpdaterModifyFwidsRequest {
-  string target = 1; // optional
-  repeated string sections = 2; // optional
-message UpdaterModifyFwidsResponse {
-  string ro = 1;
-  string a = 2;
-  string b = 3;
-  string rec = 4;
-  string ec_a = 5;
-  string ec_b = 6;
-  string rw = 7;
-  string rw_b = 8;
-message UpdaterModifyEcidAndFlashToBiosRequest {}
-message UpdaterModifyEcidAndFlashToBiosResponse {}
-message UpdaterGetEcHashRequest {}
-message UpdaterGetEcHashResponse {
-  string hash = 1;
-message UpdaterResignFirmwareRequest {
-  int32 version = 1;
-message UpdaterResignFirmwareResponse {}
-message UpdaterExtractShellballRequest {
-  string append = 1; // optional
-message UpdaterExtractShellballResponse {
-  string shellball_path = 1;
-message UpdaterRepackShellballRequest {
-  string append = 1; // optional
-message UpdaterRepackShellballResponse {
-  string shellball_path = 1;
-message UpdaterResetShellballRequest {}
-message UpdaterResetShellballResponse {}
-message UpdaterRunFirmwareupdateRequest {
-  string mode = 1;
-  string append = 2; // optional
-  repeated string options = 3; // optional
-message UpdaterRunFirmwareupdateResponse {
-  int32 return_code = 1;
-message UpdaterRunAutoupdateRequest {
-  string append = 1;
-message UpdaterRunAutoupdateResponse {}
-message UpdaterRunFactoryInstallRequest {}
-message UpdaterRunFactoryInstallResponse {}
-message UpdaterRunBootokRequest {
-  string append = 1;
-message UpdaterRunBootokResponse {}
-message UpdaterRunRecoveryRequest {}
-message UpdaterRunRecoveryResponse {}
-message UpdaterCbfsSetupWorkDirRequest {}
-message UpdaterCbfsSetupWorkDirResponse {
-  string path = 1;
-message UpdaterCbfsExtractChipRequest {
-  string fw_name = 1;
-message UpdaterCbfsExtractChipResponse {
-  bool success = 1;
-message UpdaterCbfsGetChipHashRequest {
-  string fw_name = 1;
-message UpdaterCbfsGetChipHashResponse {
-  string hash = 1;
-message UpdaterCbfsReplaceChipRequest {
-  string fw_name = 1;
-message UpdaterCbfsReplaceChipResponse {
-  bool success = 1;
-message UpdaterCbfsSignAndFlashRequest {}
-message UpdaterCbfsSignAndFlashResponse {
-  bool success = 1;
-message UpdaterGetTempPathRequest {}
-message UpdaterGetTempPathResponse {
-  string path = 1;
-message UpdaterGetKeysPathRequest {}
-message UpdaterGetKeysPathResponse {
-  string path = 1;
-message UpdaterGetWorkPathRequest {}
-message UpdaterGetWorkPathResponse {
-  string path = 1;
-message UpdaterGetBiosRelativePathRequest {}
-message UpdaterGetBiosRelativePathResponse {
-  string path = 1;
-message UpdaterGetEcRelativePathRequest {}
-message UpdaterGetEcRelativePathResponse {
-  string path = 1;
-message UpdaterCopyBiosRequest {
-  string filename = 1;
-message UpdaterCopyBiosResponse {
-  string full_path = 1;
-message UpdaterGetImageGbbFlagsRequest {
-  string filename = 1; // optional
-message UpdaterGetImageGbbFlagsResponse {
-  int32 flags = 1;
-message UpdaterSetImageGbbFlagsRequest {
-  int32 flags = 1;
-  string filename = 2; // optional
-message UpdaterSetImageGbbFlagsResponse {}
diff --git a/global_config.ini b/global_config.ini
index 5b43fbc..4e073cc 100644
--- a/global_config.ini
+++ b/global_config.ini
@@ -409,9 +409,6 @@
 # File for hwid key.
 HWID_KEY: no_hwid_labels
-# Flag to enable using gRPC for the FAFT RPC server.
-faft_grpc: False
 chromeos_image_archive: chromeos-image-archive/
diff --git a/server/cros/faft/ b/server/cros/faft/
index 7bfc55b..744b20a 100644
--- a/server/cros/faft/
+++ b/server/cros/faft/
@@ -3,13 +3,11 @@
 # found in the LICENSE file.
 import httplib
-import logging
 import socket
 import time
 import xmlrpclib
 from autotest_lib.client.cros.faft.config import Config as ClientConfig
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
 from autotest_lib.server import autotest
@@ -65,10 +63,6 @@
         self._client = host
         self._faft_client = None
-        # TODO (gredelston): Clean this up when deprecating XML-RPC
-        self.use_grpc = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
-                'CROS', 'faft_grpc', type=bool, default=False)
-        logging.debug('Using global config CROS:faft_grpc=%r', self.use_grpc)
     def __del__(self):
diff --git a/server/site_tests/firmware_FAFTRPC/ b/server/site_tests/firmware_FAFTRPC/
index daa7a58..71b4ba2 100644
--- a/server/site_tests/firmware_FAFTRPC/
+++ b/server/site_tests/firmware_FAFTRPC/
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 import operator
-import xmlrpclib
 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import chip_utils
@@ -747,7 +746,3 @@
-    xmlrpclib.Fault,
-    # grpc.RpcError, # TODO (gredelston): Un-comment when grpc is available
diff --git a/server/site_tests/firmware_FAFTRPC/ b/server/site_tests/firmware_FAFTRPC/
index cec2d26..72962e1 100644
--- a/server/site_tests/firmware_FAFTRPC/
+++ b/server/site_tests/firmware_FAFTRPC/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 import operator
 import re
 import sys
+import xmlrpclib
 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
 from autotest_lib.server.cros.faft.firmware_test import FirmwareTest
@@ -147,7 +148,7 @@
         rpc_name = ".".join([category, method])
             result = rpc_function(*params)
-        except config.RPC_ERRORS as e:
+        except xmlrpclib.Fault as e:
             if allow_error_msg is not None and \
           , str(e)):
                 success_msg = "raised an acceptable error during RPC handling"
@@ -192,7 +193,7 @@
         @param params: A tuple containing params to pass into the RPC function
         @raise error.TestFail: If the RPC raises no error, or if it raises any
-                               error other than xmlrpclib.Fault or grpc.RpcError
+                               error other than xmlrpclib.Fault
         @return: Not meaningful.
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@
         rpc_name = ".".join([category, method])
             result = rpc_function(*params)
-        except config.RPC_ERRORS as e:
+        except xmlrpclib.Fault as e:
             self._log_success(rpc_name, params, "raised RPC error")
             error_msg = "Unexpected misc error: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0]
diff --git a/server/site_tests/firmware_FAFTSetup/ b/server/site_tests/firmware_FAFTSetup/
index b96a357..9918279 100644
--- a/server/site_tests/firmware_FAFTSetup/
+++ b/server/site_tests/firmware_FAFTSetup/
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import common
 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
 from autotest_lib.server.cros.faft.firmware_test import FirmwareTest
@@ -72,24 +71,6 @@
         return self.base_keyboard_checker(keypress)
-    def _verify_grpc_imports(self):
-        """Try importing grpc packages, and throw warnings if unable."""
-        for package_name in ("grpc", "grpc_tools"):
-            try:
-                __import__(package_name)
-      "Successfully imported package <%s>",
-                             package_name)
-            except ImportError as e:
-                logging.warn("Failed to import package <%s>", package_name)
-                logging.warn("stderr: <%s>", e)
-        protoc_cmd = "python -m grpc_tools.protoc --help"
-        protoc_result =, ignore_status=True)
-        if protoc_result.exit_status:
-            logging.warn("Failed to run protoc command: <%s>", protoc_cmd)
-            logging.warn("stderr: <%s>", protoc_result.stderr.strip())
-        else:
-  "Successfully ran protoc command <%s>", protoc_cmd)
     def run_once(self):
         """Main test logic""""Check EC console is available and test warm reboot")
@@ -112,7 +93,3 @@
   "Skip keyboard simulation on an embedded device")
-        # TODO (gredelston): Remove this check once we have verified
-        # that the autotest drone can import grpc and grpc_tools.
-        self._verify_grpc_imports()