Attached is the CLI code tarball. It is documented at


git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
diff --git a/cli/ b/cli/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b3ad8572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+"""This module contains the common behavior of some actions
+Operations on ACLs or labels are very similar, so are creations and
+deletions. The following classes provide the common handling.
+In these case, the class inheritance is, taking the command
+'atest label create' as an example:
+                  atest
+                 /     \
+                /       \
+               /         \
+         atest_create   label
+               \         /
+                \       /
+                 \     /
+               label_create
+For 'atest label add':
+                  atest
+                 /     \
+                /       \
+               /         \
+               |       label
+               |         |
+               |         |
+               |         |
+         atest_add   label_add_or_remove
+               \         /
+                \       /
+                 \     /
+               label_add
+import re, socket, types
+from autotest_lib.cli import topic_common
+# List action
+class atest_list(topic_common.atest):
+    """atest <topic> list"""
+    usage_action = 'list'
+    def _convert_wildcard(self, old_key, new_key,
+                          value, filters, check_results):
+        filters[new_key] = value.rstrip('*')
+        check_results[new_key] = None
+        del filters[old_key]
+        del check_results[old_key]
+    def _convert_name_wildcard(self, key, value, filters, check_results):
+        if value.endswith('*'):
+            # Could be __name, __login, __hostname
+            new_key = key + '__startswith'
+            self._convert_wildcard(key, new_key, value, filters, check_results)
+    def _convert_in_wildcard(self, key, value, filters, check_results):
+        if value.endswith('*'):
+            assert(key.endswith('__in'))
+            new_key = key.replace('__in', '__startswith', 1)
+            self._convert_wildcard(key, new_key, value, filters, check_results)
+    def check_for_wildcard(self, filters, check_results):
+        """Check if there is a wilcard (only * for the moment)
+        and replace the request appropriately"""
+        for (key, values) in filters.iteritems():
+            if isinstance(values, types.StringTypes):
+                self._convert_name_wildcard(key, values,
+                                            filters, check_results)
+                continue
+            if isinstance(values, types.ListType):
+                if len(values) == 1:
+                    self._convert_in_wildcard(key, values[0],
+                                              filters, check_results)
+                    continue
+                for value in values:
+                    if value.endswith('*'):
+                        # Can only be a wildcard if it is by itelf
+                        self.invalid_syntax('Cannot mix wilcards and items')
+    def execute(self, op, filters={}, check_results={}):
+        """Generic list execute:
+        If no filters where specified, list all the items.  If
+        some specific items where asked for, filter on those:
+        check_results has the same keys than filters.  If only
+        one filter is set, we use the key from check_result to
+        print the error"""
+        self.check_for_wildcard(filters, check_results)
+        socket.setdefaulttimeout(topic_common.LIST_SOCKET_TIMEOUT)
+        results = self.execute_rpc(op, **filters)
+        for dbkey in filters.keys():
+            if not check_results.get(dbkey, None):
+                # Don't want to check the results
+                # for this key
+                continue
+            if len(results) == len(filters[dbkey]):
+                continue
+            # Some bad items
+            field = check_results[dbkey]
+            # The filtering for the job is on the ID which is an int.
+            # Convert it as the jobids from the CLI args are strings.
+            good = set(str(result[field]) for result in results)
+            self.invalid_arg('Unknown %s(s): \n' % self.msg_topic,
+                             ', '.join(set(filters[dbkey]) - good))
+        return results
+    def output(self, results, keys, sublist_keys=[]):
+        self.print_table(results, keys, sublist_keys)
+# Creation & Deletion of a topic (ACL, label, user)
+class atest_create_or_delete(topic_common.atest):
+    """atest <topic> [create|delete]
+    To subclass this, you must define:
+                         Example          Comment
+    self.topic           'acl_group'
+    self.op_action       'delete'        Action to remove a 'topic'
+            {}              Additional args for the topic
+                                         creation/deletion
+    self.msg_topic:      'ACL'           The printable version of the topic.
+    self.msg_done:       'Deleted'       The printable version of the action.
+    """
+    display_ids = False
+    def execute(self):
+        handled = []
+        # Create or Delete the <topic> altogether
+        op = '%s_%s' % (self.op_action, self.topic)
+        for item in self.get_items():
+            try:
+      [self.data_item_key] = item
+                new_id = self.execute_rpc(op, item=item, **
+                if self.display_ids:
+                    # For job create
+                    handled.append('%s (id %s)' % (item, new_id))
+                else:
+                    handled.append(item)
+            except topic_common.CliError:
+                pass
+        return handled
+    def output(self, results):
+        if results:
+            self.print_wrapped ("%s %s" % (self.msg_done, self.msg_topic),
+                                results)
+class atest_create(atest_create_or_delete):
+    usage_action = 'create'
+    op_action = 'add'
+    msg_done = 'Created'
+class atest_delete(atest_create_or_delete):
+    data_item_key = 'id'
+    usage_action = op_action = 'delete'
+    msg_done = 'Deleted'
+# Adding or Removing users or hosts from a topic (ACL or label)
+class atest_add_or_remove(topic_common.atest):
+    """atest <topic> [add|remove]
+    To subclass this, you must define:
+                       Example          Comment
+    self.topic         'acl_group'
+    self.op_action     'remove'         Action for adding users/hosts
+    """
+    def _add_remove_uh_to_topic(self, item, what):
+        """Adds the 'what' (users or hosts) to the 'item'"""
+        uhs = getattr(self, what)
+        if len(uhs) == 0:
+            # To skip the try/else
+            raise AttributeError
+        op = '%s_%s_%s' % (self.topic, self.op_action, what)
+        self.execute_rpc(op=op,                                 # The opcode
+                         item='%s (%s)' %(item, ','.join(uhs)), # The error
+                         **{'id': item, what: uhs})             # The data
+    def execute(self):
+        """Adds or removes users or hosts from a topic, e.g.:
+        add hosts to labels:
+          self.topic = 'label'
+          self.op_action = 'add'
+          self.get_items() = the labels that the hosts
+                             should be added to"""
+        oks = {}
+        for item in self.get_items():
+            for what in ['users', 'hosts']:
+                try:
+                    self._add_remove_uh_to_topic(item, what)
+                except AttributeError:
+                    pass
+                except topic_common.CliError, err:
+                    # The error was already logged by
+                    # self.failure()
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    oks.setdefault(item, []).append(what)
+        users_ok = [item for (item, what) in oks.items() if 'users' in what]
+        hosts_ok = [item for (item, what) in oks.items() if 'hosts' in what]
+        return (users_ok, hosts_ok)
+    def output(self, results):
+        (users_ok, hosts_ok) = results
+        if users_ok:
+            self.print_wrapped("%s %s %s user" %
+                               (self.msg_done,
+                                self.msg_topic,
+                                ', '.join(users_ok)),
+                               self.users)
+        if hosts_ok:
+            self.print_wrapped("%s %s %s host" %
+                               (self.msg_done,
+                                self.msg_topic,
+                                ', '.join(hosts_ok)),
+                               self.hosts)
+class atest_add(atest_add_or_remove):
+    usage_action = op_action = 'add'
+    msg_done = 'Added to'
+    usage_words = ('Add', 'to')
+class atest_remove(atest_add_or_remove):
+    usage_action = op_action = 'remove'
+    msg_done = 'Removed from'
+    usage_words = ('Remove', 'from')