Attached is the CLI code tarball. It is documented at


git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
diff --git a/cli/ b/cli/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e7bd058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+import threading, Queue
+class ThreadPool:
+    """ A generic threading class for use in the CLI
+    ThreadPool class takes the function to be executed as an argument and
+    optionally number of threads.  It then creates multiple threads for
+    faster execution. """
+    def __init__(self, function, numthreads=40):
+        assert(numthreads > 0)
+        self.threads = Queue.Queue(0)
+        self.function = function
+        self.numthreads = 0
+        self.queue = Queue.Queue(0)
+        self._start_threads(numthreads)
+    def wait(self):
+        """ Checks to see if any threads are still working and
+            blocks until worker threads all complete. """
+        for x in xrange(self.numthreads):
+            self.queue.put('die')
+        # As only spawned threads are allowed to add new ones,
+        # we can safely wait for the thread queue to be empty
+        # (if we're at the last thread and it creates a new one,
+        # it will get queued before it finishes).
+        dead = 0
+        while True:
+            try:
+                thread = self.threads.get(block=True, timeout=1)
+                if thread.isAlive():
+                    thread.join()
+                dead += 1
+            except Queue.Empty:
+                assert(dead == self.numthreads)
+                return
+    def queue_work(self, data):
+        """ Takes a list of items and appends them to the
+            work queue. """
+        [self.queue.put(item) for item in data]
+    def add_one_thread_post_wait(self):
+        # Only a spawned thread (not the main one)
+        # should call this (see wait() for details)
+        self._start_threads(1)
+        self.queue.put('die')
+    def _start_threads(self, nthreads):
+        """ Start up threads to spawn workers. """
+        self.numthreads += nthreads
+        for i in range(nthreads):
+            thread = threading.Thread(target=self._new_worker)
+            thread.setDaemon(True)
+            self.threads.put(thread)
+            thread.start()
+    def _new_worker(self):
+        """ Spawned worker threads. These threads loop until queue is empty."""
+        while True:
+            # Blocking call
+            data = self.queue.get()
+            if data == 'die':
+                return
+            self.function(data)