Move Autotest to /usr/local/autotest and fix hard-coded autodir paths in client tests.

Apologies for the wide distribution, but I wanted to make sure anyone whose test will be changing is notified. At the very least so everyone knows about self.autodir in the future :) Please look at your test and comment if you see something wrong. It's possible some of these tests are deprecated, but I've changed them all just in case.

Owners (from git blame):
  - tbroch: hardware_DeveloperRecovery
  - kmixter: logging_LogVolume, logging_UserCrash
  - jimhebert: platform_StackProtector, security_SuidBinaries
  - bleung: power_LoadTest/external_extensions.json
  - zhurunz: realtimecomm_GTalk*

Due to /home going no-exec plus mount, boot, and shell issues when using /mnt/stateful_partition/autotest pointing to /home/autotest... Autotest needs a new home. Since our test images already mount and unmount /usr/local properly, we've decided to settle there.

With our relocation, several tests were discovered to have hard-coded the autodir path. Where possible, I've changed the hard-coded paths to use self.autodir. For others, I've merely updated the hard-coded value.

  - hardware_DeveloperRecovery/src/ is not an Autotest test case, so it can't use self.autodir without a larger refactoring.
  - logging_LogVolume/stateful_whitelist.txt already includes /usr/local as an ignored path. Only change was to remove stale paths.
  - power_LoadTest/external_extensions.json is not a python class, so it can't use self.autodir without a larger refactoring.
  - security_SuidBinaries already ignores /usr/local. So I just removed the stale path.

Change-Id: Ia0fee59b82fa9a9b1cf4e237d38007281aa5992e

TEST=Will test in production. Will also run each test individually to make sure it passes (or at the least fails like it used to).

Review URL:
11 files changed