[autotest] Bootstrapping mysql during server bringup.

This cl introduces a script that puppet can use to bootstrap a mysql
database server, a new client against an existing db server, or
a cluster of vms against a master db server. It also introduces
the concept of a global_db_port, required so shards running on a vm
know that they need to use a specific port to access the database on
the master vm.

Some things to note about the port redirection:
* Only the shadow configs on the shards will have this port setting.
  Therefore opening a tko connection from the host (the machine on which
  the vm cluster is running) still needs to explicitly specify the port.
* This setting won't even kick in for non test environments because
  their shadow_configs don't have the right settings.
* Afe tables are not accessed through the port, because there is no need
  for a shard to reach into the masters afe.

TEST=Ran a suite. Provisioned a cluster.

Change-Id: I2e90cdd4111e422eb7c8e1329e064653cf3d02f5
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/226898
Tested-by: Prashanth B <beeps@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Fang Deng <fdeng@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Prashanth B <beeps@chromium.org>
diff --git a/site_utils/mysql_bootstrap.py b/site_utils/mysql_bootstrap.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9383121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site_utils/mysql_bootstrap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Bootstrap mysql.
+The purpose of this module is to grant access to a new-user/host/password
+combination on a remote db server. For example, if we were bootstrapping
+a new autotest master A1 with a remote database server A2, the scheduler
+running on A1 needs to access the database on A2 with the credentials
+specified in the shadow_config of A1 (A1_user, A1_pass). To achieve this
+we ssh into A2 and execute the grant privileges command for (A1_user,
+A1_pass, A1_host). If OTOH the db server is running locally we only need
+to grant permissions for (A1_user, A1_pass, localhost).
+The operation to achieve this will look like:
+    ssh/become into A2
+    Execute mysql -u <default_user> -p<default_pass> -e
+        "GRANT privileges on <db> to 'A1_user'@A1 identified by 'A1_pass';"
+However this will only grant the right access permissions to A1, so we need
+to repeat for all subsequent db clients we add. This will happen through puppet.
+In the case of a vagrant cluster, a remote vm cannot ssh into the db server
+vm with plain old ssh. However, the entire vm cluster is provisioned at the
+same time, so we can grant access to all remote vm clients directly on the
+database server without knowing their ips by using the ip of the gateway.
+This works because the db server vm redirects its database port (3306) to
+a predefined port (defined in the vagrant file, defaults to 8002), and all
+other vms in the cluster can only access it through the vm host identified
+by the gateway.
+The operation to achieve this will look like:
+    Provision the vagrant db server
+    Execute mysql -u <default_user> -p<default_pass> -e
+        "GRANT privileges on <db> to 'A1_user'@(gateway address)
+         identified by 'A1_pass';"
+This will grant the right access permissions to all vms running on the
+host machine as long as they use the right port to access the database.
+import argparse
+import logging
+import socket
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import common
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
+from autotest_lib.site_utils.lib import infra
+class MySQLCommandError(Exception):
+    """Generic mysql command execution exception."""
+class MySQLCommandExecutor(object):
+    """Class to shell out to mysql.
+    USE THIS CLASS WITH CARE. It doesn't protect against SQL injection on
+    assumption that anyone with access to our servers can run the same
+    commands directly instead of through this module. Do not expose it
+    through a webserver, it is meant solely as a utility module to allow
+    easy database bootstrapping via puppet.
+    """
+    DEFAULT_USER = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
+            'AUTOTEST_WEB', 'default_db_user', default='root')
+    DEFAULT_PASS = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
+            'AUTOTEST_WEB', 'default_db_pass', default='autotest')
+    @classmethod
+    def mysql_cmd(cls, cmd, user=DEFAULT_USER, password=DEFAULT_PASS,
+                  host='localhost', port=3306):
+        """Wrap the given mysql command.
+        @param cmd: The mysql command to wrap with the --execute option.
+        @param host: The host against which to run the command.
+        @param user: The user to use in the given command.
+        @param password: The password for the user.
+        @param port: The port mysql server is listening on.
+        """
+        return ('mysql -u %s -p%s --host %s --port %s -e "%s"' %
+                (user, password, host, port, cmd))
+    @staticmethod
+    def execute(dest_server, full_cmd):
+        """Execute a mysql statement on a remote server by sshing into it.
+        @param dest_server: The hostname of the remote mysql server.
+        @param full_cmd: The full mysql command to execute.
+        @raises MySQLCommandError: If the full_cmd failed on dest_server.
+        """
+        try:
+            return infra.execute_command(dest_server, full_cmd)
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+            raise MySQLCommandError('Failed to execute %s against %s' %
+                                    (full_cmd, dest_server))
+    @classmethod
+    def ping(cls, db_server, user=DEFAULT_USER, password=DEFAULT_PASS,
+             use_ssh=False):
+        """Ping the given db server as 'user' using 'password'.
+        @param db_server: The host running the mysql server.
+        @param user: The user to use in the ping.
+        @param password: The password of the user.
+        @param use_ssh: If False, the command is executed on localhost
+            by supplying --host=db_server in the mysql command. Otherwise we
+            ssh/become into the db_server and execute the command with
+            --host=localhost.
+        @raises MySQLCommandError: If the ping command fails.
+        """
+        if use_ssh:
+            ssh_dest_server = db_server
+            mysql_cmd_host = 'localhost'
+        else:
+            ssh_dest_server = 'localhost'
+            mysql_cmd_host = db_server
+        ping = cls.mysql_cmd(
+                'SELECT version();', host=mysql_cmd_host, user=user,
+                password=password)
+        cls.execute(ssh_dest_server, ping)
+def bootstrap(user, password, source_host, dest_host):
+    """Bootstrap the given user against dest_host.
+    Allow a user from source_host to access the db server running on
+    dest_host.
+    @param user: The user to bootstrap.
+    @param password: The password for the user.
+    @param source_host: The host from which the new user will access the db.
+    @param dest_host: The hostname of the remote db server.
+    @raises MySQLCommandError: If we can't ping the db server using the default
+        user/password specified in the shadow_config under default_db_*, or
+        we can't ping it with the new credentials after bootstrapping.
+    """
+    # Confirm ssh/become access.
+    try:
+        infra.execute_command(dest_host, 'echo "hello"')
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+        logging.error("Cannot become/ssh into dest host. You need to bootstrap "
+                      "it using fab -H <hostname> bootstrap from the "
+                      "chromeos-admin repo.")
+        return
+    # Confirm the default user has at least database read privileges. Note if
+    # the default user has *only* read privileges everything else will still
+    # fail. This is a remote enough case given our current setup that we can
+    # avoid more complicated checking at this level.
+    MySQLCommandExecutor.ping(dest_host, use_ssh=True)
+    # Prepare and execute the grant statement for the new user.
+    creds = {
+        'new_user': user,
+        'new_pass': password,
+        'new_host': source_host,
+    }
+    # TODO(beeps): Restrict these permissions. For now we have a couple of
+    # databases which may/may-not exist on various roles that need refactoring.
+    grant_privileges = (
+        "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* to '%(new_user)s'@'%(new_host)s' "
+        "IDENTIFIED BY '%(new_pass)s'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;")
+    MySQLCommandExecutor.execute(
+            dest_host, MySQLCommandExecutor.mysql_cmd(grant_privileges % creds))
+    # Confirm the new user can ping the remote database server from localhost.
+    MySQLCommandExecutor.ping(
+            dest_host, user=user, password=password, use_ssh=False)
+def get_gateway():
+    """Return the address of the default gateway.
+    @raises: subprocess.CalledProcessError: If the address of the gateway
+        cannot be determined via netstat.
+    """
+    cmd = 'netstat -rn | grep "^ " | cut -d " " -f10 | head -1'
+    try:
+        return infra.execute_command('localhost', cmd).rstrip('\n')
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+        logging.error('Unable to get gateway: %s', e)
+        raise
+def _parse_args(args):
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A script to bootstrap mysql '
+                                     'with credentials from the shadow_config.')
+    parser.add_argument(
+            '--enable_gateway', action='store_true', dest='enable_gateway',
+            default=False, help='Enable gateway access for vagrant testing.')
+    return parser.parse_args(args)
+def main(argv):
+    """Main bootstrapper method.
+    Grants permissions to the appropriate user on localhost, then enables the
+    access through the gateway if --enable_gateway is specified.
+    """
+    args = _parse_args(argv)
+    dest_host = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
+            'AUTOTEST_WEB', 'host')
+    user = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
+            'AUTOTEST_WEB', 'user')
+    password = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
+            'AUTOTEST_WEB', 'password')
+    # For access via localhost, one needs to specify localhost as the hostname.
+    # Neither the ip or the actual hostname of localhost will suffice in
+    # mysql version 5.5, without complications.
+    local_hostname = ('localhost' if utils.is_localhost(dest_host)
+                      else socket.gethostname())
+    logging.info('Bootstrapping user %s on host %s against db server %s',
+                 user, local_hostname, dest_host)
+    bootstrap(user, password, local_hostname, dest_host)
+    if args.enable_gateway:
+        gateway = get_gateway()
+        logging.info('Enabling access through gateway %s', gateway)
+        bootstrap(user, password, gateway, dest_host)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/tko/db.py b/tko/db.py
index 35efbc1..2336490 100644
--- a/tko/db.py
+++ b/tko/db.py
@@ -81,6 +81,22 @@
         self.max_delay = get_value("AUTOTEST_WEB", "global_db_max_retry_delay",
                                    "max_retry_delay", type=int, default=60)
+        # TODO(beeps): Move this to django settings once we have routers.
+        # On test instances mysql connects through a different port. No point
+        # piping this through our entire infrastructure when it is only really
+        # used for testing; Ideally we would specify this through django
+        # settings and default it to the empty string so django will figure out
+        # the default based on the database backend (eg: mysql, 3306), but until
+        # we have database routers in place any django settings will apply to
+        # both tko and afe.
+        # The intended use of this port is to allow a testing shard vm to
+        # update the master vm's database with test results. Specifying
+        # and empty string will fallback to not even specifying the port
+        # to the backend in tko/db.py. Unfortunately this means retries
+        # won't work on the test cluster till we've migrated to routers.
+        self.port = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
+                "AUTOTEST_WEB", "global_db_port", type=str, default='')
     def _init_db(self):
         # make sure we clean up any existing connection
@@ -90,7 +106,7 @@
         # create the db connection and cursor
         self.con = self.connect(self.host, self.database,
-                                self.user, self.password)
+                                self.user, self.password, self.port)
         self.cur = self.con.cursor()
diff --git a/tko/db_mysql.py b/tko/db_mysql.py
index 02bf269..edd6863 100644
--- a/tko/db_mysql.py
+++ b/tko/db_mysql.py
@@ -3,6 +3,13 @@
 import db
 class db_mysql(db.db_sql):
-    def connect(self, host, database, user, password):
-        return driver.connect(host=host, user=user,
-                              passwd=password, db=database)
+    def connect(self, host, database, user, password, port):
+        connection_args = {
+            'host': host,
+            'user': user,
+            'db': database,
+            'passwd': password,
+        }
+        if port:
+            connection_args['port'] = int(port)
+        return driver.connect(**connection_args)