clique, chaos: Add a common utility for both chaos & clique runners

Moving all the common utility functions into a single common module so
that these functions can be shared between both chaos & clique test

TEST=`test_that $host network_WiFi_CliqueConnectDisconnect.debug`
TEST=`test_that $host network_WiFi_ChaosLongConnect.debug`

Change-Id: Ib29b3f43b98567614e01946317b06e3f90c7190e
Reviewed-by: Kris Rambish <>
Commit-Queue: Roshan Pius <>
Tested-by: Roshan Pius <>
diff --git a/server/cros/network/ b/server/cros/network/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f63b566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/cros/network/
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import logging
+import os
+import time
+import re
+import common
+from import ap_constants
+from import iw_runner
+from autotest_lib.server import hosts
+from autotest_lib.server import frontend
+from autotest_lib.server import site_utils
+from autotest_lib.server.cros.ap_configurators import ap_configurator
+from autotest_lib.server.cros.ap_configurators import ap_cartridge
+from autotest_lib.server.cros.ap_configurators import ap_spec as ap_spec_module
+def allocate_packet_capturer(lock_manager, hostname):
+    """Allocates a machine to capture packets.
+    Locks the allocated machine if the machine was discovered via AFE
+    to prevent tests stomping on each other.
+    @param lock_manager HostLockManager object.
+    @param hostname string optional hostname of a packet capture machine.
+    @return: An SSHHost object representing a locked packet_capture machine.
+    """
+    if hostname is not None:
+        return hosts.SSHHost(hostname)
+    afe = frontend.AFE(server='cautotest', debug=True)
+    return hosts.SSHHost(site_utils.lock_host_with_labels(
+            afe, lock_manager, labels=['packet_capture']) + '.cros')
+def power_down_aps(aps, broken_pdus=[]):
+     """Powers down a list of aps.
+     @param aps: a list of APConfigurator objects.
+     @param broken_pdus: a list of broken PDUs identified.
+     """
+     cartridge = ap_cartridge.APCartridge()
+     for ap in aps:
+         ap.power_down_router()
+         cartridge.push_configurator(ap)
+     cartridge.run_configurators(broken_pdus)
+def configure_aps(aps, ap_spec, broken_pdus=[]):
+    """Configures a given list of APs.
+    @param aps: a list of APConfigurator objects.
+    @param ap_spec: APSpec object corresponding to the AP configuration.
+    @param broken_pdus: a list of broken PDUs identified.
+    """
+    cartridge = ap_cartridge.APCartridge()
+    for ap in aps:
+        ap.set_using_ap_spec(ap_spec)
+        cartridge.push_configurator(ap)
+    cartridge.run_configurators(broken_pdus)
+def is_dut_healthy(client, ap):
+    """Returns if iw scan is working properly.
+    Sometimes iw scan will die, especially on the Atheros chips.
+    This works around that bug.  See
+    @param client: a wifi_client for the DUT
+    @param ap: ap_configurator object
+    @returns True if the DUT is healthy (iw scan works); False otherwise.
+    """
+    # The SSID doesn't matter, all that needs to be verified is that iw
+    # works.
+    networks = client.iw_runner.wait_for_scan_result(
+            client.wifi_if, ssid=ap.ssid)
+    if networks == None:
+        return False
+    return True
+def is_conn_worker_healthy(conn_worker, ap, assoc_params, job):
+    """Returns if the connection worker is working properly.
+    From time to time the connection worker will fail to establish a
+    connection to the APs.
+    @param conn_worker: conn_worker object
+    @param ap: an ap_configurator object
+    @param assoc_params: the connection association parameters
+    @param job: the Autotest job object
+    @returns True if the worker is healthy; False otherwise
+    """
+    if conn_worker is None:
+        return True
+    conn_status = conn_worker.connect_work_client(assoc_params)
+    if not conn_status:
+        job.run_test('network_WiFi_ChaosConfigFailure', ap=ap,
+                     error_string=ap_constants.WORK_CLI_CONNECT_FAIL,
+                     tag=ap.ssid)
+        # Obtain the logs from the worker
+        log_dir_name = str('worker_client_logs_%s' % ap.ssid)
+        log_dir = os.path.join(job.resultdir, log_dir_name)
+                '/var/log', log_dir, ignore_errors=True)
+        return False
+    return True
+def release_ap(ap, batch_locker, broken_pdus=[]):
+    """Powers down and unlocks the given AP.
+    @param ap: the APConfigurator under test.
+    @param batch_locker: the batch locker object.
+    @param broken_pdus: a list of broken PDUs identified.
+    """
+    ap.power_down_router()
+    try:
+        ap.apply_settings()
+    except ap_configurator.PduNotResponding as e:
+        if ap.pdu not in broken_pdus:
+            broken_pdus.append(ap.pdu)
+    batch_locker.unlock_one_ap(ap.host_name)
+def filter_quarantined_and_config_failed_aps(aps, batch_locker, job,
+                                             broken_pdus=[]):
+    """Filter out all PDU quarantined and config failed APs.
+    @param aps: the list of ap_configurator objects to filter
+    @param batch_locker: the batch_locker object
+    @param job: an Autotest job object
+    @param broken_pdus: a list of broken PDUs identified.
+    @returns a list of ap_configuration objects.
+    """
+    aps_to_remove = list()
+    for ap in aps:
+        failed_ap = False
+        if ap.pdu in broken_pdus:
+            ap.configuration_success = ap_constants.PDU_FAIL
+        if (ap.configuration_success == ap_constants.PDU_FAIL):
+            failed_ap = True
+            error_string = ap_constants.AP_PDU_DOWN
+            tag = ap.host_name + '_PDU'
+        elif (ap.configuration_success == ap_constants.CONFIG_FAIL):
+            failed_ap = True
+            error_string = ap_constants.AP_CONFIG_FAIL
+            tag = ap.host_name
+        if failed_ap:
+            tag += '_' + str(int(round(time.time())))
+            job.run_test('network_WiFi_ChaosConfigFailure',
+                         ap=ap,
+                         error_string=error_string,
+                         tag=tag)
+            aps_to_remove.append(ap)
+            if error_string == ap_constants.AP_CONFIG_FAIL:
+                release_ap(ap, batch_locker, broken_pdus)
+            else:
+                # Cannot use _release_ap, since power_down will fail
+                batch_locker.unlock_one_ap(ap.host_name)
+    return list(set(aps) - set(aps_to_remove))
+def get_security_from_scan(ap, networks, job):
+    """Returns a list of securities determined from the scan result.
+    @param ap: the APConfigurator being testing against.
+    @param networks: List of matching networks returned from scan.
+    @param job: an Autotest job object
+    @returns a list of possible securities for the given network.
+    """
+    securities = list()
+    # Sanitize MIXED security setting for both Static and Dynamic
+    # configurators before doing the comparison.
+    security = networks[0].security
+    if (security == iw_runner.SECURITY_MIXED and
+        ap.configurator_type == ap_spec_module.CONFIGURATOR_STATIC):
+        securities = [iw_runner.SECURITY_WPA, iw_runner.SECURITY_WPA2]
+        # We have only seen WPA2 be backwards compatible, and we want
+        # to verify the configurator did the right thing. So we
+        # promote this to WPA2 only.
+    elif (security == iw_runner.SECURITY_MIXED and
+          ap.configurator_type == ap_spec_module.CONFIGURATOR_DYNAMIC):
+        securities = [iw_runner.SECURITY_WPA2]
+    else:
+        securities = [security]
+    return securities
+def scan_for_networks(ssid, capturer, ap_spec):
+    """Returns a list of matching networks after running iw scan.
+    @param ssid: the SSID string to look for in scan.
+    @param capturer: a packet capture device.
+    @param ap_spec: APSpec object corresponding to the AP configuration.
+    @returns a list of the matching networks; if no networks are found at
+             all, returns None.
+    """
+    # Setup a managed interface to perform scanning on the
+    # packet capture device.
+    freq = ap_spec_module.FREQUENCY_TABLE[]
+    wifi_if = capturer.get_wlanif(freq, 'managed')
+'%s link set %s up' % (capturer.cmd_ip, wifi_if))
+    # We have some APs that need a while to come on-line
+    networks = capturer.iw_runner.wait_for_scan_result(
+            wifi_if, ssid=ssid, timeout_seconds=300)
+    capturer.remove_interface(wifi_if)
+    return networks
+def return_available_networks(ap, capturer, job, ap_spec):
+    """Returns a list of networks configured as described by an APSpec.
+    @param ap: the APConfigurator being testing against.
+    @param capturer: a packet capture device
+    @param job: an Autotest job object.
+    @param ap_spec: APSpec object corresponding to the AP configuration.
+    @returns a list of networks returned from _scan_for_networks().
+    """
+    for i in range(2):
+        networks = scan_for_networks(ap.ssid, capturer, ap_spec)
+        if networks is None:
+            return None
+        if len(networks) == 0:
+            # The SSID wasn't even found, abort
+            logging.error('The ssid %s was not found in the scan', ap.ssid)
+            job.run_test('network_WiFi_ChaosConfigFailure', ap=ap,
+                         error_string=ap_constants.AP_SSID_NOTFOUND,
+                         tag=ap.ssid)
+            return list()
+        security = get_security_from_scan(ap, networks, job)
+        if in security:
+            return networks
+        if i == 0:
+            # The SSID exists but the security is wrong, give the AP time
+            # to possible update it.
+            time.sleep(60)
+    if not in security:
+        logging.error('%s was the expected security but got %s: %s',
+            ,
+                      str(security).strip('[]'),
+                      networks)
+        job.run_test('network_WiFi_ChaosConfigFailure',
+                     ap=ap,
+                     error_string=ap_constants.AP_SECURITY_MISMATCH,
+                     tag=ap.ssid)
+        networks = list()
+    return networks
+def sanitize_client(host):
+    """Clean up logs and reboot the DUT.
+    @param host: the cros host object to use for RPC calls.
+    """
+'rm -rf /var/log')
+    host.reboot()
+def get_firmware_ver(host):
+    """Get firmware version of DUT from /var/log/messages.
+    WiFi firmware version is matched against list of known firmware versions
+    from ToT.
+    @param host: the cros host object to use for RPC calls.
+    @returns the WiFi firmware version as a string, None if the version
+             cannot be found.
+    """
+    # Firmware versions manually aggregated by installing ToT on each device
+    known_firmware_ver = ['Atheros', 'mwifiex', 'loaded firmware version',
+                          'brcmf_c_preinit_dcmds']
+    # Find and return firmware version in logs
+    for firmware_ver in known_firmware_ver:
+        result_str =
+            'awk "/%s/ {print}" /var/log/messages' % firmware_ver).stdout
+        if not result_str:
+            continue
+        else:
+            if 'Atheros' in result_str:
+                pattern = '%s \w+ Rev:\d' % firmware_ver
+            elif 'mwifiex' in result_str:
+                pattern = '%s [\d.]+ \([\w.]+\)' % firmware_ver
+            elif 'loaded firmware version' in result_str:
+                pattern = '(\d+\.\d+\.\d+.\d)'
+            elif 'Firmware version' in result_str:
+                pattern = '\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \([\w.]+\)'
+            else:
+      '%s does not match known firmware versions.',
+                             result_str)
+                return None
+            result =, result_str)
+            if result:
+                return
+    return None