Move USB probing logic and recovery image install to

TEST=Run manually

Change-Id: I2211b7a4b24fff122e3ff6357534a89b4ab0a3ff
Reviewed-by: Jon Salz <>
Tested-by: Jon Salz <>
Commit-Ready: Jon Salz <>
diff --git a/server/cros/ b/server/cros/
index 1b6d2a6..9919e5b 100644
--- a/server/cros/
+++ b/server/cros/
@@ -5,10 +5,9 @@
 # Expects to be run in an environment with sudo and no interactive password
 # prompt, such as within the Chromium OS development chroot.
-import logging
-import time
-import xmlrpclib
-import subprocess
+import logging, os, subprocess, time, xmlrpclib
+from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils as client_utils
+from autotest_lib.server import utils
 class Servo:
     """Manages control of a Servo board.
@@ -34,12 +33,16 @@
     # Delays to deal with computer transitions.
     SLEEP_DELAY = 6
     BOOT_DELAY = 10
     # Servo-specific delays.
+    # Time between an usb disk plugged-in and detected in the system.
     def __init__(self, servo_host=None, servo_port=None,
                  xml_config=['servo.xml'], servo_vid=None, servo_pid=None,
                  servo_serial=None, cold_reset=False):
@@ -283,6 +286,111 @@
         self._server.set(gpio_name, gpio_value)
+    # TODO(waihong) It may fail if multiple servo's are connected to the same
+    # host. Should look for a better way, like the USB serial name, to identify
+    # the USB device.
+    def probe_host_usb_dev(self):
+        """Probe the USB disk device plugged-in the servo from the host side.
+        It tries to switch the USB mux to make the host unable to see the
+        USB disk and compares the result difference.
+        This only works if the servo is attached to the local host.
+        Returns:
+          A string of USB disk path, like '/dev/sdb', or None if not existed.
+        """
+        cmd = 'ls /dev/sd[a-z]'
+        original_value = self.get('usb_mux_sel1')
+        # Make the host unable to see the USB disk.
+        if original_value != 'dut_sees_usbkey':
+            self.set('usb_mux_sel1', 'dut_sees_usbkey')
+            time.sleep(self.USB_DETECTION_DELAY)
+        no_usb_set = set(utils.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True).split())
+        # Make the host able to see the USB disk.
+        self.set('usb_mux_sel1', 'servo_sees_usbkey')
+        time.sleep(self.USB_DETECTION_DELAY)
+        has_usb_set = set(utils.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True).split())
+        # Back to its original value.
+        if original_value != 'servo_sees_usbkey':
+            self.set('usb_mux_sel1', original_value)
+            time.sleep(self.USB_DETECTION_DELAY)
+        diff_set = has_usb_set - no_usb_set
+        if len(diff_set) == 1:
+            return diff_set.pop()
+        else:
+            return None
+    def install_recovery_image(self, image_path=None, usb_mount_point=None,
+                               wait_for_completion=True):
+        """Install the recovery image specied by the path onto the DUT.
+        This method uses google recovery mode to install a recovery image
+        onto a DUT through the use of a USB stick that is mounted on a servo
+        board specified by the usb_mount_point.  If no image path is specified
+        we use the recovery image already on the usb image.
+        Args:
+            image_path: Path on the host to the recovery image.
+            usb_mount_point:  When servo_sees_usbkey is enabled, which dev
+                              e.g. /dev/sdb will the usb key show up as.
+            wait_for_completion: Whether to wait for completion of the
+                                 factory install and disable the USB hub
+                                 before returning.  Currently this is just
+                                 a hardcoded wait of RECOVERY_INSTALL_DELAY
+                                 (for the recovery process to complete).
+        """
+        # Set up Servo's usb mux.
+        self.set('prtctl4_pwren', 'on')
+        self.enable_usb_hub(host=True)
+        if image_path and usb_mount_point:
+'Installing recovery image onto usb stick.  '
+                       'This takes a while ...')
+          client_utils.poll_for_condition(
+              lambda: os.path.exists(usb_mount_point),
+              timeout=Servo.USB_DETECTION_DELAY,
+              desc="%s exists" % usb_mount_point)
+          utils.system(' '.join(
+                           ['sudo', 'dd', 'if=%s' % image_path,
+                            'of=%s' % usb_mount_point, 'bs=4M']))
+        # Turn the device off.
+        self.power_normal_press()
+        time.sleep(Servo.SLEEP_DELAY)
+        # Boot in recovery mode.
+        try:
+            self.set('usb_mux_sel1', 'dut_sees_usbkey')
+            self.enable_recovery_mode()
+            self.power_normal_press()
+            time.sleep(Servo.RECOVERY_BOOT_DELAY)
+            self.disable_recovery_mode()
+            if wait_for_completion:
+                # Enable recovery installation.
+      'Running the recovery process on the DUT. '
+                             'Waiting %d seconds for recovery to complete ...',
+                             Servo.RECOVERY_INSTALL_DELAY)
+                time.sleep(Servo.RECOVERY_INSTALL_DELAY)
+                # Go back into normal mode and reboot.
+                # Machine automatically reboots after the usb key is removed.
+      'Removing the usb key from the DUT.')
+                self.disable_usb_hub()
+                time.sleep(Servo.BOOT_DELAY)
+        except:
+            # In case anything went wrong we want to make sure to do a clean
+            # reset.
+            self.disable_recovery_mode()
+            self.warm_reset()
+            raise
     def _init_seq_cold_reset_devmode(self):
         """Cold reset, init device, and boot in dev-mode."""