autotest: Add a test to monitor memory usage

This test is NOT a pass/fail test. This test is here to record memory
usage across builds. The test will record:

1. general memory usage (total, used, free)
2. swap usage (total, used, free)
3. top 10 processes by resident memory
4. resident memory grouped by command line
5. resident memory grouped by service

The test uses `top` and ignores all `autotest` processes.


Change-Id: I685b9270f7d616d55387bef8602bd1e97111d216
Reviewed-by: Fang Deng <>
Commit-Queue: Nam Nguyen <>
Tested-by: Nam Nguyen <>
diff --git a/client/site_tests/platform_MemoryMonitor/control b/client/site_tests/platform_MemoryMonitor/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98f142f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/site_tests/platform_MemoryMonitor/control
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+NAME = 'platform_MemoryMonitor'
+PURPOSE = 'Monitor the memory usage over time. This is NOT a pass/fail test.'
+CRITERIA = 'This test always pass.'
+AUTHOR = 'namnguyen'
+TEST_CATEGORY = 'Functional'
+TEST_CLASS = 'platform'
+TEST_TYPE = 'client'
+SUITE = 'perf_v2'
+DOC = """
+This test is used to monitor the memory usage trend of each build.
+The resources being recorded are:
+General memory usage (total, use, free)
+General swap usage (total, used, free)
+Top 10 processes by resident memory consumption
+Resident memory grouped by command line
+Resident memory grouped by service
diff --git a/client/site_tests/platform_MemoryMonitor/ b/client/site_tests/platform_MemoryMonitor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb5d358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/site_tests/platform_MemoryMonitor/
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+__author__ = ''
+import collections
+import itertools
+import logging
+import operator
+import re
+from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils, test
+GeneralUsage = collections.namedtuple('GeneralUsage', 'total used free')
+ProcessUsage = collections.namedtuple('ProcessUsage', 'pid user virtual '
+    'resident shared command')  # command does NOT have arguments
+def parse_mem(s):
+    """Extracts a number out of a string such as 467m, 123k, 999g.
+    @param s: a string to parse
+    @return a float that s represents
+    """
+    multipliers = {'k': 1024, 'm': 1024**2, 'g': 1024**3}
+    multiplier = multipliers.get(s[-1], 1)
+    if multiplier != 1:
+        s = s[:-1]
+    return float(s) * multiplier
+def parse_general_usage(line):
+    """Extracts general memory usage from a line from top.
+    @param line: string a general memory consumption line from top
+    @return a GeneralUsage tuple
+    """
+    items =
+        r'\s+(\d+) total,\s+(\d+) used,\s+(\d+) free', line).groups()
+    return GeneralUsage(*[float(x) for x in items])
+def parse_process_usage(line, headers):
+    """Extracts memory usage numbers from a process line from top.
+    @param line: string a process line from `top`
+    @param headers: array of strings naming each field in the line
+    @return a ProcessUsage tuple
+    """
+    interested_fields = {
+        'pid': ('pid', int),
+        'user': ('user', str),
+        'virt': ('virtual', parse_mem),
+        'res': ('resident', parse_mem),
+        'shr': ('shared', parse_mem),
+        'command': ('command', str),
+    }
+    fields = line.split()
+    current_interest_idx = 0
+    record = {}
+    for i, field in enumerate(fields):
+        if headers[i] not in interested_fields:
+            continue
+        key, extractor = interested_fields[headers[i]]
+        record[key] = extractor(field)
+    return ProcessUsage(**record)
+def parse_processes(lines):
+    """Extracts information about processes from `top`.
+    @param lines: a list of lines from top, the header must be the first
+        entry in this list
+    @return a list of ProcessUsage
+    """
+    headers = [x.lower() for x in lines[0].split()]
+    processes = []
+    for line in lines[1:]:
+        process_usage = parse_process_usage(line, headers)
+        if process_usage.command.startswith('autotest'):
+            continue
+        processes.append(process_usage)
+        logging.debug('Process usage: %r', process_usage)
+    return processes
+def report_top_processes(processes, n=10):
+    """Returns a dictionary of top n processes.
+    For example:
+        {
+            'top_1': 4000,
+            'top_2': 3000,
+            'top_3': 2500,
+        }
+    @param processes: a list of ProcessUsage
+    @param n: maximum number of processes to return
+    @return dictionary whose key correlate to the ranking, and values are
+        amount of resident memory
+    """
+    get_resident = operator.attrgetter('resident')
+    top_users = sorted(processes, key=get_resident, reverse=True)
+'Top 10 memory users:')
+    perf_values = {}
+    for i, process in enumerate(top_users[:n]):
+'%r', process)
+        perf_values['top_%d' % (i + 1)] = process.resident
+    return perf_values
+def group_by_command(processes):
+    """Returns resident memory of processes with the same command.
+    For example:
+        {
+            'process_shill': 20971520,
+            'process_sshd': 4792,
+        }
+    @param processes: a list of ProcessUsage
+    @return dictionary whose keys correlate to the command line, and values
+        the sum of resident memory used by all processes with the same
+        command
+    """
+    get_command = operator.attrgetter('command')
+    sorted_by_command = sorted(processes, key=get_command)
+    grouped_by_command = itertools.groupby(sorted_by_command,
+                                           key=get_command)
+    top_by_command = []
+    for command, grouped_processes in grouped_by_command:
+        resident=sum(p.resident for p in grouped_processes)
+        top_by_command.append((resident, command))
+    top_by_command.sort(reverse=True)
+'Top processes by sum of memory consumption:')
+    perf_values = {}
+    for resident, command in top_by_command:
+        command = command.replace(':', '_').replace('/', '_')
+'Command: %s, Resident: %f', command, resident)
+        perf_values['process_%s' % command] = resident
+    return perf_values
+def group_by_service(processes):
+    """Returns a collection of startup services and their memory usage.
+    For example:
+        {
+            'service_chapsd': 6568,
+            'service_cras': 3788,
+            'service_ui': 329284024
+        }
+    @param processes: a list of ProcessUsage
+    @returns dictionary whose keys correlate to the service name, and
+        values are sum of resident memory used by that service
+    """
+    processes = dict((, p.resident) for p in processes)
+    top_by_service = []
+    initctl = utils.system_output('initctl list')
+    logging.debug('Service list:\n%s', initctl)
+    for line in initctl.split('\n'):
+        if 'process' not in line:
+            continue
+        fields = line.split()
+        service, main_process = fields[0], int(fields[3])
+        resident = 0
+        pstree = utils.system_output('pstree -p %d' % main_process)
+        logging.debug('Service %s:\n%s', service, pstree)
+        for pid in re.findall(r'\((\d+)\)', pstree, re.MULTILINE):
+            pid = int(pid)
+            logging.debug('Summing process %d', pid)
+            resident += processes.get(pid, 0)
+        top_by_service.append((resident, service))
+    top_by_service.sort(reverse=True)
+'Top services:')
+    perf_values = {}
+    for resident, service in top_by_service:
+'Service: %s, Resident: %f', service, resident)
+        perf_values['service_%s' % service] = resident
+    return perf_values
+class platform_MemoryMonitor(test.test):
+    """Monitor memory usage trend."""
+    version = 1
+    def run_once(self):
+        cmd = 'top -b -n 1'
+        output = utils.system_output(cmd)
+        logging.debug('Output from top:\n%s', output)
+        lines = output.split('\n')
+        # Ignore the first 3 lines, they're not relevant in this test.
+        lines = lines[3:]
+        mem_general = parse_general_usage(lines[0])
+'Total, used, and free memory (in KiB): %r, %r, %r',
+                     *mem_general)
+        swap_general = parse_general_usage(lines[1])
+'Total, used, and free swap (in KiB): %r, %r, %r',
+                     *swap_general)
+        perf_values = {
+            'mem_total': * 1024,
+            'mem_used': mem_general.used * 1024,
+            'mem_free': * 1024,
+            'swap_total': * 1024,
+            'swap_used': swap_general.used * 1024,
+            'swap_free': * 1024,
+        }
+        # Ignore general mem, swap and a blank line.
+        lines = lines[3:]
+        processes = parse_processes(lines)
+        perf_values.update(report_top_processes(processes))
+        perf_values.update(group_by_command(processes))
+        perf_values.update(group_by_service(processes))
+        for key, val in perf_values.items():
+            graph_name = key.split('_')[0]
+            self.output_perf_value(key, val, units="bytes",
+                higher_is_better=False, graph=graph_name)
+        self.write_perf_keyval(perf_values)
diff --git a/tko/perf_upload/perf_dashboard_config.json b/tko/perf_upload/perf_dashboard_config.json
index b7f215a..ff02e66 100644
--- a/tko/perf_upload/perf_dashboard_config.json
+++ b/tko/perf_upload/perf_dashboard_config.json
@@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
     "master_name": "ChromeOSTouchpad"
+    "autotest_name": "platform_MemoryMonitor",
+    "master_name": "ChromeOSPerf"
+  },
+  {
     "autotest_name": "power_Resume",
     "master_name": "ChromeOSPower"