Add frontend and scheduler for Autotest

The attached tarball includes the new Autotest web frontend for creating 
and monitoring jobs and the new scheduler for executing jobs.  We've 
been working hard to get these complete and stabilized, and although 
they still have a long, long way to go in terms of features, we believe 
they are now stable and powerful enough to be useful.
The frontend consists of two parts, the server and the client.  The 
server is implemented in Python using the Django web framework, and is 
contained under frontend/ and frontend/afe.  The client is implemented 
using Google Web Toolkit and is contained under frontend/client.  We 
tried to use Dojo initially, as was generally agreed on, but it proved 
to be too young and poorly documented of a framework, and developing in 
it was just too inefficient.

The scheduler is contained entirely in the scheduler/monitor_db Python 
file.  It looks at the database used by the web frontend and spawns 
autoserv processes to run jobs, monitoring them and recording status.  
The scheduler was developed by Paul Turner, who will be sending out some 
detailed documentation of it soon.
I've also included the DB migrations code for which I recently submitted 
a patch to the mailing list.  I've included this code because it is 
necessary to create the frontend DB, but it will (hopefully) soon be 
part of the SVN repository.

Lastly, there is an apache directory containing configuration files for 
running the web server through Apache.
I've put instructions for installing a full Autotest server, including 
the web frontend, the scheduler, and the existing "tko" results backend, 
at  I've also 
created a brief guide to using the web frontend, with plenty of 
screenshots, at  
Please let me know if you find any problems with either of these pages.

Take a look, try it out, send me comments, complaints, and bugs, and I 
hope you find it useful!

Steve Howard, and the rest of the Google Autotest team

From: Steve Howard <>

git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
74 files changed