remove the nway stuff, was not meant to be in external tree

Signed-off-by: Martin J. Bligh <>

git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
diff --git a/client/bin/ b/client/bin/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8f8ad05..0000000
--- a/client/bin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-        client/bin/
-        Host-resident shared code for twoway and N-way container tests.
-        Exports  run_twoway_pair()  and run_twoway_matrix()
-           which are invoked from client-side control scripts
-           e.g.  client/tests/container_twoway/control
-        run_twoway_pair():
-        Runs a single pair of benchmarks, in equal-size containers.
-        Measure speeds when running two programs concurrently
-        on same host in separate half-machine containers.
-        run_twoway_matrix():
-        Runs many pairs of benchmarks, one pair at a time.
-        Repeat for all M*N combinations of chosen benchmark programs
-        and chosen antagonist second programs.
-        Then run each program by itself, in same half-machine container,
-        to establish baseline speed when it has no interference.
-        Chosen programs should have roughly-equal runtimes of
-        about 2-3 minutes.
-        """
-__author__ = """ (Duane Sand), Copyright Google 2008"""
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
-from autotest_lib.client.bin        import cpuset
-def _set_kernel_options(stale_page_age, kswapd_merge, 
-                        sched_idle_antag, sched_idle, vma_max):
-    # apply kernel options chosen for these runs, and build keyval summary
-    cpuset.set_stale_page_age(stale_page_age)
-    vma_max = cpuset.set_vma_max(vma_max)
-    numa_fake = cpuset.get_boot_numa()
-    return { 'stale_page_age'  : stale_page_age, 
-             'numa_fake'       : numa_fake,
-             'kswapd_merge'    : kswapd_merge,  
-             'sched_idle'      : sched_idle,
-             'sched_idle_antag': sched_idle_antag, 
-             'vma_max'         : vma_max, }
-def _half_machine(job):
-    # return half of all avail cpu cores and half of avail mem nodes
-    # cpuset.release_dead_containers() -- not working well yet
-    total_cpus = job.cpu_count()
-    total_nodes = len(cpuset.my_available_exclusive_mem_nodes())
-    print "avail cpus", total_cpus, ", avail nodes", total_nodes,
-    print ", mb/node", cpuset.mbytes_per_mem_node()
-    node_cnt = total_nodes // 2
-    cpus     = total_cpus  // 2
-    if cpus <= 0 or node_cnt <= 0:
-        raise error.JobError('Not enough cpus or mem for containers')
-    return (cpus, node_cnt)
-def _constrained_test(job, testname, all_args, node_cnt, cpu_list, 
-                      antagonist, koptions, pairtag):
-    # run an Autotest basic test in own custom temporary container
-    # antagonist is '' if testname is running solo
-    mbytes = int( node_cnt * cpuset.mbytes_per_mem_node() )
-    myargs = all_args.get(testname, {}).copy()
-    keyvals = koptions.copy()
-    keyvals['twoway'             ] = antagonist
-    keyvals['container_mem_nodes'] = node_cnt
-    keyvals['container_cores'    ] = len(cpu_list)
-    if not antagonist:
-        del keyvals['sched_idle_antag']
-    myargs['test_attributes'] = keyvals
-    # In TKO database, qualify each test name with '.twoway' to keep
-    #   these runs separate from all unconstrained serial runs
-    testtag = myargs.pop('tag', '')    # e.g. 'eth0'
-    if testtag:
-        testtag += '.'
-    testtag += 'twoway'
-    # In results-log directory names, further qualify test name with
-    #   '.[<pairedtestname>].[ant.]NN'
-    #   to separate the multiple runs' results within total job
-    subdir_tag = antagonist + '.' + pairtag
-    if koptions['sched_idle']:
-        cpuset.set_sched_idle()
-    job.new_container(mbytes=mbytes, cpus=cpu_list, 
-                      kswapd_merge=koptions['kswapd_merge'])
-    job.run_test(testname, tag=testtag, subdir_tag=subdir_tag, **myargs)
-    job.release_container()
-def _oneway_test(job, test, args, node_cnt, cpus, koptions, nth):
-    # run single test in single container, sized to subset of machine
-    tag = str(nth)
-    _constrained_test(job, test, args, 
-                      node_cnt, range(cpus), '', koptions, tag)
-def _twoway_test(job, test1, test2, args, node_cnt, cpus, koptions, nth):
-    # run 1 pair of tests concurrently, in separate equal-sized containers
-    # antagonist test2 may run at lesser priority.
-    koptions2 = koptions.copy()
-    koptions2['sched_idle'      ] = koptions['sched_idle_antag']
-    koptions2['sched_idle_antag'] = koptions['sched_idle'      ]
-    tag1 = str(nth)
-    tag2 = 'ant.' + tag1
-    tasks = []
-    tasks.append( [ _constrained_test, job, test1, args,
-                    node_cnt, range(cpus*0, cpus*1), test2, koptions,  tag1 ] )
-    tasks.append( [ _constrained_test, job, test2, args,
-                    node_cnt, range(cpus*1, cpus*2), test1, koptions2, tag2 ] )
-    job.parallel(*tasks)
-def run_twoway_pair(job, benchmark, antagonist, args, 
-                    stale_page_age=0, sched_idle_antag=False,
-                    sched_idle=False, kswapd_merge=False, 
-                    vma_max=25, repeats=1):
-    # Run a single two-way container test of some pair of benchmarks
-    # Called from client-side control scripts
-    koptions = _set_kernel_options(stale_page_age, kswapd_merge, 
-                                   sched_idle_antag, sched_idle, vma_max)
-    (cpus, node_cnt) = _half_machine(job)
-    for i in xrange(repeats):
-        _twoway_test(job, benchmark, antagonist, args, node_cnt, cpus, 
-                     koptions, i)
-def run_twoway_matrix(job, benchmarks, antagonists, args,
-                        stale_page_age=0, sched_idle_antag=False,
-                        sched_idle=False, kswapd_merge=False,
-                        vma_max=25,
-                        twoway_repeats=1, oneway_repeats=1):
-    # Run a series of two-way container tests of pairs of basic tests,
-    #   for each MxN pairing of tests from benchmarks & antagonists.
-    # Also collect baseline one-way container tests of same benchmarks.
-    # Called from client-side control scripts
-    koptions = _set_kernel_options(stale_page_age, kswapd_merge, 
-                                   sched_idle_antag, sched_idle, vma_max)
-    (cpus, node_cnt) = _half_machine(job)
-    # collect samples of all distinct twoway test combos
-    for test1 in benchmarks:
-        for test2 in antagonists:
-            # When running antagonists in a symmetric way,
-            # running pair (A, B) also gives speeds for (B, A)
-            # Skip one of (A, B) or (B, A) if both in MxN matrix
-            if (sched_idle_antag  or  test1 <= test2  or
-                    test1 not in antagonists  or  test2 not in benchmarks):
-                for i in xrange(twoway_repeats):
-                    _twoway_test(job, test1, test2, args, 
-                                 node_cnt, cpus, koptions, i)
-    # collect samples of corresponding single-test runs
-    for test1 in benchmarks:
-        for i in xrange(oneway_repeats):
-            _oneway_test(job, test1, args, node_cnt, cpus, koptions, i)
-def run_solo(job, benchmarks, args, stale_page_age=0, 
-             sched_idle=False, kswapd_merge=False, vma_max=25, repeats=1):
-   # run each benchmark alone without antagonist, in same
-   #   half-machine containers used by twoway_matrix.
-   run_twoway_matrix(job, benchmarks, antagonists=set(), args=args,
-                     stale_page_age=stale_page_age, sched_idle_antag=False,
-                     sched_idle=sched_idle, kswapd_merge=kswapd_merge,
-                     vma_max=vma_max,
-                     twoway_repeats=0, oneway_repeats=repeats)
diff --git a/client/bin/ b/client/bin/
deleted file mode 100644
index e732189..0000000
--- a/client/bin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-import unittest
-import common
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.test_utils import mock
-from autotest_lib.client.bin import nway, job, cpuset
-class TestNway(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.god = mock.mock_god()
-        self.job = self.god.create_mock_class(job.job, "job")
-        self.god.stub_function(cpuset, "my_available_exclusive_mem_nodes")
-        nway.node_size = 100
-    def tearDown(self):
-        self.god.unstub_all()
-    def test_run_twoway_pair(self):
-        # setup
-        total_cpus = 10
-        mem_nodes = ['node1', 'node2', 'node3']
-        total_nodes = len(mem_nodes)
-        cpus = total_cpus  // 2
-        node_cnt = total_nodes // 2
-        repeats = 1
-        test1 = "test1"
-        test2 = "test2"
-        tasks = []
-        tasks.append([nway._constrained_test, self.job, test1, [], node_cnt,
-                      range(cpus*0, cpus*1), test2, repeats])
-        tasks.append([nway._constrained_test, self.job, test2, [], node_cnt,
-                      range(cpus*1, cpus*2), test1, repeats])
-        # record
-        self.job.cpu_count.expect_call().and_return(total_cpus)
-        ret = cpuset.my_available_exclusive_mem_nodes.expect_call()
-        ret.and_return(mem_nodes)
-        self.job.parallel.expect_call(*tasks)
-        # run and check
-        nway.run_twoway_pair(self.job, test1, test2, [], repeats)
-        self.god.check_playback()
-    def test_run_twoway_matrix(self):
-        # setup
-        total_cpus = 10
-        mem_nodes = ['node1', 'node2', 'node3']
-        total_nodes = len(mem_nodes)
-        cpus = total_cpus  // 2
-        node_cnt = total_nodes // 2
-        mbytes = int( node_cnt * nway.node_size )
-        self.god.stub_function(nway, "_twoway_test")
-        self.god.stub_function(nway, "_oneway_test")
-        benchmarks = ['bench1', 'bench2']
-        antagonists = ['antag1', 'antag2']
-        # record
-        self.job.cpu_count.expect_call().and_return(total_cpus)
-        ret = cpuset.my_available_exclusive_mem_nodes.expect_call()
-        ret.and_return(mem_nodes)
-        for test1 in benchmarks:
-            for test2 in antagonists:
-                nway._twoway_test.expect_call(self.job, test1, test2, [],
-                                              node_cnt, cpus, 0)
-        for test1 in benchmarks:
-            nway._oneway_test.expect_call(self.job, test1, [], node_cnt,
-                                          cpus, 0)
-        # run and check
-        nway.run_twoway_matrix(self.job, benchmarks, antagonists, [])
-        self.god.check_playback()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()