Add job.enable_warnings and job.disable_warnings methods to the job
classes, to allow you to disable and enable specific types of console
warnings from being logged. Whenever these messages are called an
INFO line is written to the status log.

I added three categories to the patterns, based off of suggestions
from Martin: BUG, OOM, and LOCKDEP.

There are some limitations to this capability; it the warnings are
basically disabled globally, there's no easy way to disable them for
specific hosts or tests. It could probably be extended to host-specifc
controls if a need arises, but extending it to specific tests isn't
really possible, there's simply no way for the console monitoring to
determine what test the warning is actually associated with. Note that
this is only a problem for tests run in parallel; if you are just
running a series of tests obviously the warnings can be turned off at
the start of the test and then turned back on after it is finished.

Risk: Medium
Visbility: Adds categories to the console warning patterns, and a
mechanism for enabling+disabling specific categories of warnings.

Signed-off-by: John Admanski <>

git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
7 files changed