Add common verified boot tools and library.

This code is originally from the Brillo project but has been adapted for
use in all of Android. It consists of a tool - avbtool - for working
with images (e.g. boot.img, system.img). See the README file for how
it's integrated into the Android build system and how to enable it.

The main job of avbtool is to create vbmeta.img which is the
top-level object for verified boot. This image is designed to go into
the vbmeta partition (or, if using A/B, the slot in question
e.g. vbmeta_a or vbmeta_b) and be of minimal size (for out-of-band
updates). The vbmeta image is cryptographically signed and contains
verification data (e.g. cryptographic digests) for verifying boot.img,
system.img, and other partitions/images.

The vbmeta image can also contain references to other partitions where
verification data is stored as well as a public key indicating who
should sign the verification data. This indirection provides
delegation, that is, it allows a 3rd party to control content on a given
partition by including the public key said 3rd party is using to sign
the data with, in vbmeta.img. By design, this authority can be easily
revoked by simply updating vbmeta.img with new descriptors for the
partition in question.

Storing signed verification data on other images - for example
boot.img and system.img - is also done with avbtool.

In addition to avbtool, a library - libavb - is provided. This library
performs all verification on the device side e.g. it starts by loading
the vbmeta partition, checks the signature, and then goes on to load
the boot partition for verification.

The libavb library is intended to be used in both boot loaders and
inside Android. It has a simple abstraction for system dependencies
(see libavb/avb_sysdeps.h) as well as operations that the boot loader
or OS is expected to implement (see libavb/avb_ops.h).

In addition to handling verified boot, libavb will in the future be
extended to handle A/B selection in a way that can be used in the
device's fastboot implementation, its boot loader, and its
boot_control HAL implementation. This will be implemented in a future

TEST=Unit tests for avbtool and libavb + unit tests pass.

Change-Id: I69ee86878e21fa718faccfc56eb0b1f40707d847
diff --git a/libavb/avb_vbmeta_image.h b/libavb/avb_vbmeta_image.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad93d6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libavb/avb_vbmeta_image.h
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#if !defined(AVB_INSIDE_LIBAVB_H) && !defined(AVB_COMPILATION)
+#error "Never include this file directly, include libavb.h instead."
+#include "avb_sysdeps.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include "avb_crypto.h"
+#include "avb_descriptor.h"
+/* Size of the vbmeta image header. */
+/* Magic for the vbmeta image header. */
+#define AVB_MAGIC "AVB0"
+#define AVB_MAGIC_LEN 4
+/* The current MAJOR and MINOR versions used - keep in sync with avbtool. */
+/* Binary format for header of the vbmeta image.
+ *
+ * The vbmeta image consists of three blocks:
+ *
+ *  +-----------------------------------------+
+ *  | Header data - fixed size                |
+ *  +-----------------------------------------+
+ *  | Authentication data - variable size     |
+ *  +-----------------------------------------+
+ *  | Auxiliary data - variable size          |
+ *  +-----------------------------------------+
+ *
+ * The "Header data" block is described by this struct and is always
+ *
+ * The "Authentication data" block is |authentication_data_block_size|
+ * bytes long and contains the hash and signature used to authenticate
+ * the vbmeta image. The type of the hash and signature is defined by
+ * the |algorithm_type| field.
+ *
+ * The "Auxiliary data" is |auxiliary_data_block_size| bytes long and
+ * contains the auxiliary data including the public key used to make
+ * the signature and descriptors.
+ *
+ * The public key is at offset |public_key_offset| with size
+ * |public_key_size| in this block. The size of the public key data is
+ * defined by the |algorithm_type| field. The format of the public key
+ * data is described in the |AvbRSAPublicKeyHeader| struct.
+ *
+ * The descriptors starts at |descriptors_offset| from the beginning
+ * of the "Auxiliary Data" block and take up |descriptors_size|
+ * bytes. Each descriptor is stored as a |AvbDescriptor| with tag and
+ * number of bytes following. The number of descriptors can be
+ * determined by walking this data until |descriptors_size| is
+ * exhausted.
+ *
+ * The size of each of the "Authentication data" and "Auxiliary data"
+ * blocks must be divisible by 64. This is to ensure proper alignment.
+ *
+ * Descriptors are free-form blocks stored in a part of the vbmeta
+ * image subject to the same integrity checks as the rest of the
+ * image. See the documentation for |AvbDescriptor| for well-known
+ * descriptors. See avb_descriptor_foreach() for a convenience
+ * function to iterate over descriptors.
+ *
+ * This struct is versioned, see the |header_version_major| and
+ * |header_version_minor| fields. Compatibility is guaranteed only
+ * within the same major version.
+ *
+ * All fields are stored in network byte order when serialized. To
+ * generate a copy with fields swapped to native byte order, use the
+ * function avb_vbmeta_image_header_to_host_byte_order().
+ *
+ * Before reading and/or using any of this data, you MUST verify it
+ * using avb_vbmeta_image_verify() and reject it unless it's signed by
+ * a known good public key.
+ */
+typedef struct AvbVBMetaImageHeader {
+  /*   0: Four bytes equal to "AVB0" (AVB_MAGIC). */
+  uint8_t magic[AVB_MAGIC_LEN];
+  /*   4: The major version of the vbmeta image header. */
+  uint32_t header_version_major;
+  /*   8: The minor version of the vbmeta image header. */
+  uint32_t header_version_minor;
+  /*  12: The size of the signature block. */
+  uint64_t authentication_data_block_size;
+  /*  20: The size of the auxiliary data block. */
+  uint64_t auxiliary_data_block_size;
+  /*  28: The verification algorithm used, see |AvbAlgorithmType| enum. */
+  uint32_t algorithm_type;
+  /*  32: Offset into the "Authentication data" block of hash data. */
+  uint64_t hash_offset;
+  /*  40: Length of the hash data. */
+  uint64_t hash_size;
+  /*  48: Offset into the "Authentication data" block of signature data. */
+  uint64_t signature_offset;
+  /*  56: Length of the signature data. */
+  uint64_t signature_size;
+  /*  64: Offset into the "Auxiliary data" block of public key data. */
+  uint64_t public_key_offset;
+  /*  72: Length of the public key data. */
+  uint64_t public_key_size;
+  /*  80: Offset into the "Auxiliary data" block of descriptor data. */
+  uint64_t descriptors_offset;
+  /*  88: Length of descriptor data. */
+  uint64_t descriptors_size;
+  /*  96: The rollback index which can be used to prevent rollback to
+   *  older versions.
+   */
+  uint64_t rollback_index;
+  /* 104: Padding to ensure struct is size AVB_VBMETA_IMAGE_HEADER_SIZE
+   * bytes. This must be set to zeroes.
+   */
+  uint8_t reserved[152];
+} AVB_ATTR_PACKED AvbVBMetaImageHeader;
+/* Copies |src| to |dest|, byte-swapping fields in the process.
+ *
+ * Make sure you've verified |src| using avb_vbmeta_image_verify()
+ * before accessing the data and/or using this function.
+ */
+void avb_vbmeta_image_header_to_host_byte_order(const AvbVBMetaImageHeader* src,
+                                                AvbVBMetaImageHeader* dest);
+/* Return codes used in avb_vbmeta_image_verify().
+ *
+ * AVB_VBMETA_VERIFY_RESULT_OK is returned if the vbmeta image header
+ * is valid, the hash is correct and the signature is correct. Keep in
+ * mind that you still need to check that you know the public key used
+ * to sign the image, see avb_vbmeta_image_verify() for details.
+ *
+ * AVB_VBMETA_VERIFY_RESULT_OK_NOT_SIGNED is returned if the vbmeta
+ * image header is valid but there is no signature or hash.
+ *
+ * AVB_VERIFY_INVALID_VBMETA_HEADER is returned if the header of
+ * the vbmeta image is invalid, for example, invalid magic or
+ * inconsistent data.
+ *
+ * AVB_VERIFY_HASH_MISMATCH is returned if the hash stored in the
+ * "Authentication data" block does not match the calculated hash.
+ *
+ * AVB_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_MISMATCH is returned if the signature stored
+ * in the "Authentication data" block is invalid or doesn't match the
+ * public key stored in the vbmeta image.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+} AvbVBMetaVerifyResult;
+/* Checks that vbmeta image at |data| of size |length| is a valid
+ * vbmeta image. The complete contents of the vbmeta image must be
+ * passed in. It's fine if |length| is bigger than the actual image,
+ * typically callers of this function will load the entire contents of
+ * the 'vbmeta_a' or 'vbmeta_b' partition and pass in its length (for
+ * example, 1 MiB).
+ *
+ * See the |AvbVBMetaImageHeader| struct for information about the
+ * three blocks (header, authentication, auxiliary) that make up a
+ * vbmeta image.
+ *
+ * If the function returns |AVB_VBMETA_VERIFY_RESULT_OK| and
+ * |out_public_key_data| is non-NULL, it will be set to point inside
+ * |data| for where the serialized public key data is stored and
+ * |out_public_key_length|, if non-NULL, will be set to the length of
+ * the public key data.
+ *
+ * See the |AvbVBMetaVerifyResult| enum for possible return values.
+ *
+ *
+ *   1. Even if |AVB_VBMETA_VERIFY_RESULT_OK| is returned, you still
+ *      need to check that the public key embedded in the image
+ *      matches a known key! You can use 'avbtool extract_public_key'
+ *      to extract the key (at build time, then store it along your
+ *      code) and compare it to what is returned in
+ *      |out_public_key_data|.
+ *
+ *   2. You need to check the |rollback_index| field against a stored
+ *      value in NVRAM and reject the vbmeta image if the value in
+ *      NVRAM is bigger than |rollback_index|. You must also update
+ *      the value stored in NVRAM to the smallest value of
+ *      |rollback_index| field from boot images in all bootable and
+ *      authentic slots marked as GOOD.
+ *
+ * This is a low-level function to only verify the vbmeta data - you
+ * are likely looking for avb_slot_verify() instead for verifying
+ * integrity data for a whole set of partitions.
+ */
+AvbVBMetaVerifyResult avb_vbmeta_image_verify(
+    const uint8_t* data, size_t length, const uint8_t** out_public_key_data,
+    size_t* out_public_key_length) AVB_ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* AVB_VBMETA_IMAGE_H_ */